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The ring oven technique was first introduced as a means for conducting separations and concentrations on filter paper for final spot test analysis. By means of the technique, a complete qualitative scheme of separation and analysis can be made on a single drop of unknown. Recently, the effectiveness of the ring oven as a tool for quantitative analysis has been recognized. The method is particularly attractive for studies of airborne particulates. Samples of airborne particulates can be collected by high volume samplers, tape samplers, electrostatic precipitators, or by other appropriate means. The samples may be put into solution and an aliquot added to filter paper on a ring oven and washed to the ring zone for final identification and estimation. Any necessary separations can normally be carried out during the ring oven operations. A convenient approach for most studies is to collect the samples on tapes and carry out the necessary dissolution, separation, identification, and estimation steps directly on the tape itself. The ring oven methods are usually selective or even specific. The method applies to the microgram to nanogram range and the accuracies are comparable with those obtained by emission spectroscopy, polarography, fluorimetry, and spectrophotometry.  相似文献   


Consumer products can emit significant quantities of terpenes, which can react with ozone (O3). Resulting byproducts include compounds with low vapor pressures that contribute to the growth of secondary organic aerosols (SOAs). The focus of this study was to evaluate the potential for SOA growth, in the presence of O3, following the use of a lime-scented liquid air freshener, a pine-scented solid air freshener, a lemon-scented general-purpose cleaner, a wood floor cleaner, and a perfume. Two chamber experiments were performed for each of these five terpene-containing agents, one at an elevated O3 concentration and the other at a lower O3 concentration. Particle number and mass concentrations increased and O3 concentrations decreased during each experiment. Experiments with terpene-based air fresheners produced the highest increases in particle number and mass concentrations. The results of this study clearly demonstrate that homogeneous reactions between O3 and terpenes from various consumer products can lead to increases in fine particle mass concentrations when these products are used indoors. Particle increases can occur during periods of elevated outdoor O3 concentrations or indoor O3 generation, coupled with elevated terpene releases. Human exposure to fine particles can be reduced by minimizing indoor terpene concentrations or O3 concentrations.  相似文献   

Liquid laundry and hand dish washing detergents contain volatile organic compounds, Including ethanol, that may be liberated during use and contribute to photochemical air pollution. In this study, the release of ethanol to the atmosphere during simulated household use of liquid detergents was measured. Three replicate experiments, plus a blank, were conducted In a 20-m3 environmental chamber for each of four conditions: “typical” dish washing (DT), “high-release” dish washing (DH), “typical” laundry (LT), and “high-release” laundry (LH). Average amounts of ethanol transferred to the atmosphere per use (and the fraction of ethanol used so liberated) were 32 mg (0.038) for DT, 100 mg (0.049) for DH, 18 mg (0.002) for LT, and 110 mg (0.011) for LH. Thus, a large fraction of the ethanol added to wash solutions with liquid detergents is discharged to the sewer rather than transferred to the atmosphere during use.  相似文献   

文中通过对酚二磺酸分光光度法测定水中硝酸盐氮的各个环节的分析探讨,得出影响地表水中硝酸盐氮测定原因,为实验室分析人员提供一些参考。  相似文献   

The water footprint by the Water Footprint Network (WF) is an ambitious tool for measuring human appropriation and promoting sustainable use of fresh water. Using recent case studies and examples from water-abundant Fennoscandia, we consider whether it is an appropriate tool for evaluating the water use of forestry and forest-based products. We show that aggregating catchment level water consumption over a product life cycle does not consider fresh water as a renewable resource and is inconsistent with the principles of the hydrologic cycle. Currently, the WF assumes that all evapotranspiration (ET) from forests is a human appropriation of water although ET from managed forests in Fennoscandia is indistinguishable from that of unmanaged forests. We suggest that ET should not be included in the water footprint of rain-fed forestry and forest-based products. Tools for sustainable water management should always contextualize water use and water impacts with local water availability and environmental sensitivity.  相似文献   

采用聚二甲基硅氧烷膜厚100μm的纤维萃取设备,阐述了测定水中HHCB的固相微萃取-气质联机的检测方法。研究发现,对于水中的HHCB来说,温度控制在35℃,萃取时间为40 min,pH值为7.0,可实现HHCB的有效萃取,水中的离子对萃取效率的干扰较小。使用该方法测得上海龙华污水厂原水中HHCB浓度为286 ng/L,虹口区泗塘河水中HHCB浓度低于检测下限。  相似文献   

环境监测实验室常使用不同方法进行重复检测作为检测结果质量保证的手段之一。据此对测定水中总铁的两种方法 -邻菲啰啉分光光度法和火焰原子吸收法在校准曲线和检出限、方法精密度和准确度等进行了全面比较,得出两者校准曲线相关性均较好,检出限均为0.03 mg/L,精密度RSD均小于5%,加标回收率均在90%~105%。两者的测定结果无显著性差异。  相似文献   

在测定水中总硬度时,影响分析结果的因素很多,如水样pH值、溶液的温度、滴定的时间等以及缓冲溶液的配制,操作不当均会给分析结果带来影响。因此文中针对上述问题提出了解决的办法。  相似文献   


Consumer products are potentially significant sources of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are precursors to the formation of ozone in photochemical smog. To address the problem of ozone formation in ambient air, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been involved in the development of test methods for measuring the VOC content of consumer products. This paper describes results of an interlaboratory study to estimate the repeatability (precision of analyses performed by a single laboratory) and reproducibility (precision of analyses performed by different laboratories) of the consumer products’ VOC measurement method based on EPA Method 24 (for VOCs in surface coatings).

The mean method repeatability was 2.7 wt % VOC, and the mean method reproducibility was 4.8 wt % VOC. Method repeatability ranged from 0.2 to 4.4 wt % VOC, and reproducibility ranged from 0.6 to 11.9 weight percent VOC. The precision of the VOC method for consumer

products is similar to the precision of EPA Method 24 for surface coatings.  相似文献   

地表水中浮游植物叶绿素a的测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
比较了研磨法和超声法测定浮游植物叶绿素a结果表明,丙酮一超声法对浮游植物叶绿素a的萃取效率优于研磨法,人为误差小、精密度较高、且简便安全。  相似文献   

蔡立根 《污染防治技术》2007,20(6):88-89,123
使用F2000型红外光度测油仪,测定水质中的石油类,方法是采用一次定量萃取代替两次萃取定容,用直接流出比色代替无水硫酸钠过滤吸水后的比色,而不采用盐析的方法来快速测定饮用水中的石油类。方法的精密度和准确度均达到国家标准要求,减轻了工作强度,节省了时间和药品,适应快速测定的要求。  相似文献   

水质铜测定的不确定度评定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据火焰原子吸收分光光度法测定水中铜的含量,分析了测量不确定度的主要来源,即标准曲线不确定度、标准溶液不确定度、测量重复性不确定度。计算得到水中铜的测定结果的合成不确定度为0.098mg/L,扩展不确定度为0.196mg/L。  相似文献   

影响硫酸盐测定的因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用铬酸钡间接原子吸收法测定水中的硫酸盐,发现稀释倍数、盐度、酸度等对其影响特别大,通过试验比较,总结出应对措施,解决了测定结果的稳定度和可靠性。  相似文献   

影响悬浮物测定的因素主要有:样品采集、取样量及测定条件。悬浮物样品采集要注意采样位置和采样深度应合理设定;应单独定容采样,并全部用于分析测试,测定悬浮物的取样量最佳含量为10-100mg;选择适合的滤料与过滤洗涤,以及烘干温度与时间、称量。  相似文献   

流动注射法测定水中氨氮的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过实验,研究了流动注射法测定水中氨氮的优越性,对方法的检出限、精密度和准确度进行了测定,并与纳氏试剂光度法进行了比对,取得了满意的结果。  相似文献   

测定地表水及饮用水中硫酸盐的两种方法探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过比较两种监测分析方法,分析了测定硫酸盐分光光度法的影响因素、存在问题,以及火焰原子吸收法的优点,提出对不同浓度范围的硫酸盐,宜采用合适的分析方法,以减小测定的误差,提高测定结果的准确性和科学性。  相似文献   

饮用水源水、出厂水有机污染物GC/MS分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
于1998年对成都市饮用水源水、出厂水的有机污染物进行了GC/MS分析,该市饮用水和出厂水均存在有机物污染,且含有优先控制污染物;污染来源主要为生活污水。枯水期有机物检出率高于丰水期。  相似文献   

利用微生物膜法快速测定水中的BOD,用质控样和标液进行方法准确度和精密度的考察,标准偏差在0.9%~5.2%之间,相对误差≤4.0%,加标回收率为95.5%~103%.与接种稀释法进行对比实验,相对误差在1.5%~10.3%范围内,两种方法测定结果基本一致.  相似文献   

重氮偶合分光光度法测定水中苯胺类的改进   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了一种经改进的苯胺标准液配制方法,即增加配制苯胺标准中间液.长期的分析证明,该标准液配制方法提高了标准液配制精度,减少了试剂消耗量.  相似文献   

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