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Pulse-jet fabric filters (PJFFs) are widely used in U.S. industrial applications, and in both utility and industrial boilers abroad. Their smaller size and reduced cost relative to more conventional baghouses make PJFFs an attractive particulate control option for utility boilers. This article which is the third in a three-part series, compares the cost of PJFFs with electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) and reverse-gas baghouses (RGBs).

This article presents the capital, operating and maintenance (O&M), and level-ized costs for ESPs, RGBs and PJFFs. The particulate control equipment design and pricing are supplied by manufacturers of the control equipment. A comparison of costs for a base case 250-MW boiler indicates that the PJFF capital cost is 22 percent lower than the cost of an ESP with 400 SCA and 12-inch plate spacing; in addition the PJFF is 35 percent lower than the cost of an RGB. The levelized cost for a PJFF is about equal to the cost of the ESP but 14 percent lower than the cost of the RGB. Overall, the attractiveness of a PJFF versus an ESP depends on the coal type and the outlet emissions limit required. PJFF is favored when low-sulfur coal is fired due to the high-resistivity fly ash. Also, PJFF is favored as more stringent outlet emission rates are required.  相似文献   

This is the fifth in a series of papers discussing the experience of electric utilities in applying baghouse technology for the collection of particulate matter at coal-fired electric power generating plants. The series presents new data obtained in research sponsored by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) on reverse-gas and shake/deflate cleaned baghouses, and specifically addresses a number of unresolved issues in the design and operation of these units. This paper describes research to improve reverse-gas cleaning technology, and to characterize reverse-gas sonic assisted and shake/deflate cleaning.  相似文献   

This is the sixth and last part in a series of papers discussing the experience of electric utilities in applying baghouse technology for the collection of particulate matter at coal-fired electric power generating plants. The series presents new data obtained in research sponsored by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) on reverse-gas and shake/deflate cleaned baghouses, and specifically addresses a number of unresolved issues in the design and operation of these units. This paper discusses research, development and demonstration activities now underway or planned to further understand baghouse technology to ensure efficient, economic and reliable service in utility applications. In addition, it summarizes the major findings reported in Parts I through V.  相似文献   

This is the third in a series of papers discussing the experience of electric utilities in applying baghouse technology for the collection of particulate matter at coal-fired electric power generating plants. The series presents new data obtained in research sponsored by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) on reverse-gas and shake/deflate cleaned baghouses, and specifically addresses a number of unresolved issues in the design and operation of these units. This paper provides an overview of the design and operating characteristics of baghouses now in place in the utility industry. In addition, it discusses three key issues in design and operation: the relationships among dust cake weight and chemical composition, air-to-cloth ratio, and pressure drop; fabric selection; and bag life.  相似文献   

Pulse-jet filter cleaning is ineffective to the extent that collected dust redeposits rather than falls to the hopper. Dust tracer techniques were used to measure the amount of redeposition in a pilot scale pulse-jet filter. A mathematical model based on experimental results was developed to describe dust transfer from bag to bag, redeposition on the pulsed bag itself, and migration to the dust hopper. Dust redeposition upon the pulsed bag increased markedly with increasing filtration velocity, whereas migration and redeposition on bags adjacent to the pulsed bag decreased. For high velocity pulse-jet filters to operate at lowest possible pressure drop, filter cake redeposition must be minimized.  相似文献   

The fly ash collection characteristics of a pulse-jet fabric filter have been studied. Fly ash penetration was found to decrease as the dust deposit increased from 0 to 60 micrometers in thickness, to increase as face velocity through the bags increased from 5 to 15 cm/s, and to remain relatively constant for particles from 0.3 to 4.0 µm in diameter. Experiments employing chemically tagged fly ash were performed to investigate three dust penetration mechanisms. On resumption of filtering after cleaning, penetration by straight through dust loss declined rapidly from its maximum, reached a minimum, and then increased. Seepage of dust through the fabric was found to be constant throughout the filtration cycle. Dust lost as pinhole plugs increased after cleaning, passed through a maximum, and then declined. The pinholes appeared to open the way for further penetration by the straight through mechanism.  相似文献   

This paper documents operation of reverse air fabric filters on Baltimore Gas and Electric’s C. P. Crane Units 1 and 2 cyclone boilers. Beginning immediately after startup, tubesheet pressure drop increased to high levels. Following stabilization with sonic horns and spare reverse air fans, an investigation was mounted. Diagnostic tools included both laboratory and slipstream pilot baghouses to determine cause and evaluate candidate methods of reducing pressure drop. Fundamental ash properties determined through laboratory pilot testing were in conformance with predictions. Alternate fabrics and coatings did not eliminate the problem. The root cause of the problem was that the amount of variable cake, i.e. that ash removed during cleaning, plays an important role in the dynamics of bag cleaning. These dynamics were absent in the C. P. Crane filters. Confirmation was obtained in the full scale baghouse through modification of the variable cake weight using ash reinfection. Finally, offsetting pressure drop and power consumption reductions have been obtained to achieve satisfactory operation of the baghouses.  相似文献   

Performance data for fabric filters using either woven or felt bags can be better understood when fault processes such as pinhole bypass and seepage are considered. Penetration straight through the dust cake and fabric may not be important by comparison. Observed trends of increased penetration with increased filtration velocity, constant or slightly increased penetration with increasing particle diameter, and constant penetration with additional dust loading can be explained by fault processes. The pulse-jet experimental work described here, done over many filtration and cleaning cycles, shows that penetration increases substantially with increasing filtration velocity and that this increase is due entirely to seepage.  相似文献   

In September 1973, PEDCo-Environmental Specialists was awarded a study by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency to evaluate the cost of controlling sulfur dioxide and particulate emissions from selected utility boilers. Since that time, PEDCo has conducted additional studies for the U. S. EPA, state and local control agencies, and private industry on the costs of control technology and the reliability of sulfur dioxide control systems. Current work includes determining the feasibility and environmental impact of converting selected utility boilers to coal-firing to conserve the nation’s gas and oil supplies. This paper presents an overview of the status and costs of flue gas desulfurization (FGD) systems, and the factors relating to the variability in costs. It is based in part upon work performed in developing detailed FGD cost estimating manuals for EPA.  相似文献   

More than 325 representatives of utilities, research organizations, vendors, engineering service firms, universities and regulatory agencies attended the EPRI workshop on NOx Controls for Utility Boilers in Cambridge, Massachusetts, July 7–9, 1992. The workshop featured more than 30 presentations on regulatory developments, low-NOx burner (LNB) retrofits for coal?, oil? and gas-fired units, overfire air and reburning retrofits, postcombustion NOx controls and LNB procurement issues.  相似文献   


An improved portable odor sampling system (OSS) of the wind tunnel type was designed to determine odor emissions from areal sources. The aerodynamics of the odor emission hood was observed using a number of smoke tests and dry ice tests. The velocity profiles were also measured horizontally and vertically in the hood by an anemometer. Modifications in the form of an extension inlet duct, flat vanes, and a baffle were necessary to achieve repeatable, uniform, and steady velocity profiles inside the hood. The optimum velocity for use of the OSS was found to be 0.33 m/s, based upon the aerodynamic performance of the OSS and the sensitivity of the anemometer at a lower velocity.  相似文献   

In order to verify whether pollution is increasing or decreasing, in 25 locations uniformly distributed in the central part of the Lagoon of Venice, a transitional environment suffering from man's urban and industrial activities, the same sampling scheme was repeated three times (in 1987, 1993 and 1998) over a 12-year period during which the lagoonal environment underwent substantial changes. Superficial sediments were sampled and analysed for heavy metals and total organic carbon contents, grain size and density. In general heavy metal contents were found to be correlated, with concentrations above the background level, e.g., for Hg, a concentration factor of 24 was observed in 1987. A temporal decrease in concentrations was observed for most of the metals. Detailed analysis on a smaller spatial scale showed that contamination significantly decreases from the inner border of the lagoon seawards, as highlighted in contour maps. The role of the Porto Marghera industrial zone as a source of pollutants at the border of the Lagoon was confirmed. The decrease in contamination could not be attributed only to a decrease in the intensity of sources, but also to erosion processes, worsened by intensive harvesting of clams with hydraulic dredges.  相似文献   


The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration recently sponsored the New England Forecasting Pilot Program to serve as a “test bed” for chemical forecasting by providing all of the elements of a National Air Quality Forecasting System, including the development and implementation of an evaluation protocol. This Pilot Program enlisted three regional-scale air quality models, serving as prototypes, to forecast ozone (O3) concentrations across the northeastern United States during the summer of 2002. A suite of statistical metrics was identified as part of the protocol that facilitated evaluation of both discrete forecasts (observed versus modeled concentrations) and categorical forecasts (observed versus modeled exceedances/nonexceedances) for both the maximum 1-hr (125 ppb) and 8-hr (85 ppb) forecasts produced by each of the models. Implementation of the evaluation protocol took place during a 25-day period (August 5–29), utilizing hourly O3 concentration data obtained from over 450 monitors from the U.S. Environment Protection Agency’s Air Quality System network.  相似文献   

The potential of passive air sampling devices (polyurethane foam disks) to assess the influence of local sources on the quality of the surrounding environment was investigated. DEZA Valasske Mezirici, a coal tar and mixed tar oils processing plant, and Spolana Neratovice, a chemical factory with the history of high production of organochlorinated pesticides (OCPs), were selected as the point sources of PAHs, and OCPs, respectively. Levels of PCBs, OCPs and PAHs were determined for all sampling sites and sampling periods. The study brought useful data about the air concentrations of POPs in the investigated regions. More important, it provided information on the transport and fate of POPs in the vicinity of local sources of contamination useful for the estimation of their influence. Very good capability of passive samplers to reflect temporal and spatial fluctuation in concentrations of persistent organic pollutants in the ambient air was confirmed which makes them applicable for monitoring on the local scale.  相似文献   

Baghouse performance at utility coal-fired power plants is determined by baghouse design, operating procedures, and the characteristics of the ash that is collected as a dustcake on the fabric filter. The Electric Power Research Institute has conducted laboratory research to identify the fundamental variables that influence baghouse performance. A database was assembled including measured characteristics of coal and dustcake ash, and data describing operating parameters and performance of full-scale and pilotscale baghouses. Predictions of performance can be based on physical characteristics of the ash to be filtered (discussed in Part I of this article), as well as chemical characterizations of the ash, or empirical correlations with the alkali content of the source coal The effects of design and operational variables can be included in these predictions. Baghouse performance can be optimized by exercising proper operating practices and by selecting a filtering fabric and cleaning method matched to the cohesivity of the ash to be collected.  相似文献   


Background, aim and scope  

Toxicity testing has become a suitable tool for wastewater evaluation included in several reference documents on best available techniques of the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) Directive. The IPPC Directive requires that for direct dischargers as well as for indirect dischargers, the same best available techniques should be applied. Within the study, the whole effluent assessment approach of OSPAR has been applied for determining persistent toxicity of indirectly discharged wastewater from the metal surface treatment industry.  相似文献   

This review consists of two parts. Part 1 provides an overview of 52 indoor emission source models. Part 2--this paper-focuses on parameter estimation, a topic that is critical to modelers but has never been systematically discussed. A perfectly valid model may not be a useful one if some of its parameters are difficult to estimate in the absence of experimental data. This is true for both statistical and mass transfer models. Forty-eight methods are compiled and reviewed in this paper. Overall, developing methods for parameter estimation has fallen behind the development of models. Such imbalance is the main reason that many models have been left on the shelf since they were published.  相似文献   

The capability of passive air sampling to be employed in the evaluation of direct genotoxicity of ambient air samples was assessed. Genotoxic effects of the total extracts from the polyurethane foam filters exposed for 28 days during a regional passive air sampling campaign were investigated. Twenty sampling sites were selected in Brno city on the area of approximately 20x20 km in October and November 2004. Brno is the second largest city of the Czech Republic, highly industrialized with approximately 370,000 of permanent inhabitants. The levels of PAHs, PCBs, and chlorinated pesticides were determined in all samples. Fraction of each extract was also assayed in the bacterial genotoxicity test using Escherichia coli sulA::lacZ. Complete dose-response relationships of the air extracts were determined. The statistical analysis showed significant correlation between observed biological effects and PAHs concentrations in samples.  相似文献   

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