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A carbon monoxide analyzer has been developed which is capable of continuous measurement of the carbon monoxide concentration in the atmosphere. The operating principle of the instrument is the reaction of carbon monoxide with hot mercuric oxide followed by the photometric determination of the mercury vapor produced. Oxygenated hydrocarbons and olefins are quantitatively detected. Those normally present are in the ambient atmosphere in low concentrations relative to CO. Hydrogen and methane in the atmosphere do not interfere with the CO analysis. Measurements of atmospheric CO concentrations in California, Greenland, and Oregon seem to indicate that CO content is an air mass characteristic. North Pacific marine air mass concentrations may be as low as about 0.040 parts per million (ppm) CO, while the air mass over continental California seems to be characterized by CO levels of 0.5-1.0 ppm or greater.  相似文献   

Because of the common source, lead and CO values in the atmosphere tend to behave in a similar manner. Thus, diurnal variations in these two pollutants show a pattern related to motor vehicle traffic flow. Also, the exposure to both vary by orders of magnitude with the highest being on the road (in the car) thus setting up special dosage situations. Community sources seem to affect background level at least based on fall-off with distance. There may be a relatively wider exposure of the general population to lead and CO. While the lead levels may not be increasing in the downtown portion of the central city proper, typical central city levels of several years ago may be more diffuse and spread out, thus occurring over increasingly large portions of the community. Similarly, there may be a wider exposure of the population to CO as the levels become more nearly uniformly high over a larger area. In addition, there may be problems of a shorter term exposure to high levels of CO in commuter traffic. This may be of consequence to selected types of drivers or passengers. Finally, it should also be noted that during air pollution episodes, CO levels appear to rise with no data currently available on changes in concomitant ambient lead levels.  相似文献   

Formaldehyde concentrations in ambient air and in rain water were measured at the University of Mexico, Mexico City. Air samples were taken twice a day, from 9:00 to 13:00 h and from 13:00 to 16:00 h local time from July to December 1985. Rain water was collected on daily bases from July to October, i.e. during the rainy season. The ambient air mean value was 24.4 x 10(-3) ppmv for morning hours, while the afternoon mean value was 18.5 x 10(-3) ppmv. The formaldehyde concentration in wet precipitation ranged from 0.10 to 0.80 mg liter(-1) (3.3 to 26.6 micromoles liter(-1)) 0.41 mg liter(-1) (13.7 microoles liter(-1)). A comparison of the results of this study with some measurements made at remote maritime sites, rural and urban areas, indicated that the formaldehyde levels in the atmosphere and rain water of Mexico City are among the highest reported in the literature, including the data reported by Grosjean (1982) for Los Angeles, California, during severe photochemical pollution conditions.  相似文献   

A method employing the timed fill of Mylar bags was used to obtain average carbon monoxide concentration values for ten locations in the Fairbanks, Alaska, area. The method is shown to be accurate, reliable, and inexpensive. The correlation coefficient between the bag sampling method and a continuous carbon monoxide analyzer was 0.945; correlation of carbon monoxide data from several locations to a reference in downtown Fairbanks showed a general decrease with distance from the reference analyzer. Analysis of data from Fairbanks shows that carbon monoxide concentrations during the winter months may have to be reduced 50-75% to achieve the State and National Ambient Air Quality Standards; the high levels of carbon monoxide are the result of emissions from automobile traffic during periods of severe inversion in the Fairbanks basin.  相似文献   

Background, Aim and Scope Air quality is an field of major concern in large cities. This problem has led administrations to introduce plans and regulations to reduce pollutant emissions. The analysis of variations in the concentration of pollutants is useful when evaluating the effectiveness of these plans. However, such an analysis cannot be undertaken using standard statistical techniques, due to the fact that concentrations of atmospheric pollutants often exhibit a lack of normality and are autocorrelated. On the other hand, if long-term trends of any pollutant’s emissions are to be detected, meteorological effects must be removed from the time series analysed, due to their strong masking effects. Materials and Methods The application of statistical methods to analyse temporal variations is illustrated using monthly carbon monoxide (CO) concentrations observed at an urban site. The sampling site is located at a street intersection in central Valencia (Spain) with a high traffic density. Valencia is the third largest city in Spain. It is a typical Mediterranean city in terms of its urban structure and climatology. The sampling site started operation in January 1994 and monitored CO ground level concentrations until February 2002. Its geographic coordinates are W0°22′52″ N39°28′05″ and its altitude is 11 m. Two nonparametric trend tests are applied. One of these is robust against serial correlation with regards to the false rejection rate, when observations have a strong persistence or when the sample size per month is small. A nonparametric analysis of the homogeneity of trends between seasons is also discussed. A multiple linear regression model is used with the transformed data, including the effect of meteorological variables. The method of generalized least squares is applied to estimate the model parameters to take into account the serial dependence of the residuals of this model. This study also assesses temporal changes using the Kolmogorov-Zurbenko (KZ) filter. The KZ filter has been shown to be an effective way to remove the influence of meteorological conditions on O3 and PM to examine underlying trends. Results The nonparametric tests indicate a decreasing, significant trend in the sampled site. The application of the linear model yields a significant decrease every twelve months of 15.8% for the average monthly CO concentration. The 95% confidence interval for the trend ranges from 13.9% to 17.7%. The seasonal cycle also provides significant results. There are no differences in trends throughout the months. The percentage of CO variance explained by the linear model is 90.3%. The KZ filter separates out long, short-term and seasonal variations in the CO series. The estimated, significant, long-term trend every year results in 10.3% with this method. The 95% confidence interval ranges from 8.8% to 11.9%. This approach explains 89.9% of the CO temporal variations. Discussion The differences between the linear model and KZ filter trend estimations are due to the fact that the KZ filter performs the analysis on the smoothed data rather than the original data. In the KZ filter trend estimation, the effect of meteorological conditions has been removed. The CO short-term componentis attributable to weather and short-term fluctuations in emissions. There is a significant seasonal cycle. This component is a result of changes in the traffic, the yearly meteorological cycle and the interactions between these two factors. There are peaks during the autumn and winter months, which have more traffic density in the sampled site. There is a minimum during the month of August, reflecting the very low level of vehicle emissions which is a direct consequence of the holiday period. Conclusions The significant, decreasing trend implies to a certain extent that the urban environment in the area is improving. This trend results from changes in overall emissions, pollutant transport, climate, policy and economics. It is also due to the effect of introducing reformulated gasoline. The additives enable vehicles to burn fuel with a higher air/fuel ratio, thereby lowering the emission of CO. The KZ filter has been the most effective method to separate the CO series components and to obtain an estimate of the long-term trend due to changes in emissions, removing the effect of meteorological conditions. Recommendations and Perspectives Air quality managers and policy-makers must understand the link between climate and pollutants to select optimal pollutant reduction strategies and avoid exceeding emission directives. This paper analyses eight years of ambient CO data at a site with a high traffic density, and provides results that are useful for decision-making. The assessment of long-term changes in air pollutants to evaluate reduction strategies has to be done while taking into account meteorological variability  相似文献   


Nylon filters are a popular medium to collect atmospheric fine particles in different aerosol monitoring networks, including those operated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments (IMPROVE) program. Extraction of the filters by deionized water or by a basic aqueous solution (typically a mixture of sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate) is often performed to permit measurement of the inorganic ion content of the collected particles. Whereas previous studies have demonstrated the importance of using a basic solution to efficiently extract gaseous nitric acid collected using nylon filters, there has been a recent movement to the use of deionized water for extraction of particles collected on nylon filters to eliminate interference from sodium ion (Na+) during ion chromatographic analysis of inorganic aerosol cations. Results are reported here from a study designed to investigate the efficiency of deionized water extraction of aerosol nitrate (NO3 ?) and sulfate from nylon filters. Data were obtained through the conduct of five field experiments at selected IMPROVE sites. Results indicate that the nylon filters provide superior retention of collected fine particle NO3 ?, relative to Teflon filters, and that deionized water extraction (with ultrasonication) of collected NO3 ? and sulfate is as efficient, for the situations studied, as extraction using a basic solution of 1.7 mM sodium bicarbonate and 1.8 mM sodium carbonate.  相似文献   

It always has been assumed that only a small amount of CO will be produced by a gas stove when mixture of air and gas are well adjusted and that that small amount will be dissipated by the home’s ventilation and by a combination of a fan and hood over the stove. However, preparation of meals may substantially increase CO. The immediate air supply may be progressively diminished when more than one burner is used and air supply may be partially cut off by vessels placed over the gas flame. The purpose of this investigation was to determine the amount of CO that may be expected to be produced during normal cooking. The experiment measured CO levels, using multiple burners with and without cooking vessels, and the rate of dissipation of the accumulated gas under various conditions of ventilation.  相似文献   

Emissions from residential wood burning stoves are of Increasing concern in many areas. This concern is due to the magnitude of the emissions and the toxic and chemical characteristics of the pollutants. Recent testing of standard and new technology woodstoves has provided data for developing a family of particulate and carbon monoxide emission factor curves. This testing has also provided data illustrating the acidity of woodstove emissions. The particulate and carbon monoxide curves relate the actual stove emissions to the stove size and operating parameters of burn rate, fuel loading, and fuel moisture. Curves relating stove types to the acidity of emissions have also been constructed.

Test data show actual emissions vary from 3 to 50 grams per kilogram for particles and from 50 to 300 grams per kilogram for carbon monoxide. Since woodstove emissions are the largest single category of particulate emissions in many areas, it Is essential that these emissions be quantified specifically for geographic regions, allowing meaningful impact analysis modeling to be accomplished. Emission factors for particles and carbon monoxide are presented from several stove sizes and burn rates.

The acidic nature of woodstove emissions has been clearly demonstrated. Tests indicate woodstove flue gas condensate solutions to be predominantly in the 2.8 to 4.2 pH range. Condensate solutions from conventional woodstoves exhibited the characteristic buffering capacity of carboxylic acids when titrations were performed with a strong base. The environmental impact of buffered acidic woodstove emissions is not currently well understood; however, it is possible with the data presented here to make semi-quantitative estimates of acid emissions from particulate and carbon monoxide emission factors and wood use inventories.  相似文献   


The role of ambient levels of carbon monoxide (CO) in the exacerbation of heart problems in individuals with both cardiac and other diseases was examined by comparing daily variations in CO levels and daily fluctuations in nonaccidental mortality in metropolitan Toronto for the 15-year period 1980–1994. After adjusting the mortality time series for day-of-the-week effects, nonparametic smoothed functions of day of study and weather variables, statistically significant positive associations were observed between daily fluctuations in mortality and ambient levels of carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, coefficient of haze, total suspended particulate matter, sulfates, and estimated PM2.5 and PM10. However, the effects of this complex mixture of air pollutants could be almost completely explained by the levels of CO and total suspended particulates (TSP). Of the 40 daily nonaccidental deaths in metropolitan Toronto, 4.7% (95% confidence interval of 3.4%–6.1%) could be attributable to CO while TSP contributed an additional 1.0% (95% confidence interval of 0.2–1.9%), based on changes in CO and TSP equivalent to their average concentrations. Statistically significant positive associations were observed between CO and mortality in all seasons, age, and disease groupings examined. Carbon monoxide should be considered as a potential public health risk to urban populations at current ambient exposure levels.  相似文献   

Carbon monoxide, the most abundant air pollutant found in the atmosphere generally exceeds that of all other pollutants combined (excluding C02). An estimated tonnage of >87 X 106 of CO was emitted in the United States from major technological sources alone during 1966. More than 90% of the total CO emitted from fossil fuels is derived from gasoline powered motor vehicles. Other sources of CO include emissions from coal and fuel oil burning, aircraft and open burning. Some CO is also formed by certain vegetation and marine invertebrates (siphonophores). Chemical reactions of CO in the upper and lower atmosphere are discussed. Chemical oxidation of CO in the lower atmosphere by molecular oxygen is very slow. The exact duration of CO in the lower atmosphere is not known with certainty; however, the mean residence time has been variously estimated to be between 0.3 and 5.0 years. In the absence of scavenging processes the estimated world-wide CO emission would be sufficient to raise the’atmospheric level by 0.03 ppm per year, yet the background levels of CO in clean air do not appear to be increasing. Several potential sinks are discussed. Knowledge of the mechanism of process of removal of CO from the lower atmosphere is unsatisfactory; the process, at the present time, cannot be identified with certainty.  相似文献   


The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) is conducting research to investigate mercury removal in utility flue gas using sorbents. Bench-scale and pilot-scale tests have been conducted to determine the abilities of different sor-bents to remove mercury in simulated and actual flue gas streams. Bench-scale tests have investigated the effects of various sorbent and flue gas parameters on sorbent performance. These data are being used to develop a theoretical model for predicting mercury removal by sorbents at different conditions. This paper describes the results of parametric bench-scale tests investigating the removal of mercuric chloride and elemental mercury by activated carbon.

Results obtained to date indicate that the adsorption capacity of a given sorbent is dependent on many factors, including the type of mercury being adsorbed, flue gas composition, and adsorption temperature. These data provide insight into potential mercury adsorption mechanisms and suggest that the removal of mercury involves both physical and chemical mechanisms. Understanding these effects is important since the performance of a given sorbent could vary significantly from site to site depending on the coal- or gas-matrix composition.  相似文献   


Gas phase concentrations of individual polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were measured in real time in combustion products from a co-flow diffusion flame using laser photoionization (LP) time-of-flight mass spectrometry (TOF/MS). In particular, a naphthalene detection sensitivity of 4 parts per billion (ppb) was demonstrated. The use of calibration mixtures with argon indicated the feasibility of naphthalene detection at about 45 parts per trillion (ppt) at a signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio of 20. This suggests the possibility of low-ppt level detection at a S/N of 1. The novelty of the system is the use of a heated sampling probe and a continuously purged, heated-pulse valve that was positioned close to the ionization zone, thereby allowing the generation of photoions in the high-density region of the sample jet, where concentrations of PAH are high. Because the system developed allows for the real time detection of select species, it represents a useful tool in continuous emissions monitoring (CEM) for environmental compliance as well as direct process control.  相似文献   


Diesel particulate matter (PM) is a significant contributor to ambient air PM10 and PM2.5 particulate levels. In addition, recent literature argues that submicron diesel PM is a pulmonary health hazard. There is difficulty in attributing PM emissions to specific operating modes of a diesel engine, although it is acknowledged that PM production rises dramatically with load and that high PM emissions occur during rapid load increases on turbocharged engines. Snap-acceleration tests generally identify PM associated with rapid transient operating conditions, but not with high load. To quantify the origin of PM during transient engine operation, continuous opacity measurements have been made using a Wager 650CP full flow exhaust opacity meter. Opacity measurements were taken while the vehicles were operated over transient driving cycles on a chassis dynamometer using the West Virginia University (WVU) Transportable Heavy Duty Vehicle Emissions Testing Laboratories. Data were gathered from Detroit Diesel, Cummins, Caterpillar, and Navistar heavy-duty (HD) diesel engines. Driving cycles used were the Central Business District (CBD) cycle, the WVU 5-Peak Truck cycle, the WVU 5-Mile route, and the New York City Bus (NYCB) cycle. Continuous opacity measurements, integrated over the entire driving cycle, were compared to total integrated PM mass. In addition, the truck was subjected to repeat snap-acceleration tests, and PM was collected for a composite of these snap-acceleration tests. Additional data were obtained from a fleet of 1996 New Flyer buses in Flint, MI, equipped with electronically controlled Detroit Diesel Series 50 engines. Again, continuous opacity, regulated gaseous emissions, and PM were measured. The relationship between continuous carbon monoxide (CO) emissions and continuous opacity was noted. In identifying the level of PM emissions in transient diesel engine operation, it is suggested that CO emissions may prove to be a useful indicator and may be used to apportion total PM on a continuous basis over a transient cycle. The projected continuous PM data will prove valuable in future mobile source inventory prediction.  相似文献   

PM2.5 and PM10 were collected during 24-h sampling intervals from March 1st to 31st, 2006 during the MILAGRO campaign carried out in Mexico City's northern region, in order to determine their chemical composition, oxidative activity and the estimation of the source contributions during the sampling period by means of the chemical mass balance (CMB) receptor model. PM2.5 concentrations ranged from 32 to 70 μg m−3 while that of PM10 did so from 51 to 132 μg m−3. The most abundant chemical species for both PM fractions were: OC, EC, SO42−, NO3, NH4+, Si, Fe and Ca. The majority of the PM mass was comprised of carbon, up to about 52% and 30% of the PM2.5 and PM10, respectively. PM2.5 constituted more than 50% of PM10. The redox activity, assessed by the dithiothreitol (DTT) assay, was greater for PM2.5 than for PM10, and did not display significant differences during the sampling period. The PM2.5 source reconciliation showed that in average, vehicle exhaust emissions were its most important source in an urban site with a 42% contribution, followed by re-suspended dust with 26%, secondary inorganic aerosols with 11%, and industrial emissions and food cooking with 10% each. These results had a good agreement with the Emission Inventory. In average, the greater mass concentration occurred during O3S that corresponds to a wind shift initially with transport to the South but moving back to the North. Taken together these results show that PM chemical composition, oxidative potential, and source contribution is influenced by the meteorological conditions.  相似文献   

In performing carbon monoxide (CO) studies, the question is invariably raised as to whether available monitoring data are truly representative of the highest ambient 8-hr average CO levels experienced in major cities. The most practical means for such a determinate is to inventory the critical characteristics of monitor siting. The authors catalogued such data for the worst station in eight of the 12 counties measuring the highest number of CO violations in the nation.  相似文献   

The original goals of this project1 were to establish the shape of a smoke curve for fine suspended particulates in New York City comparable to the International Smoke Curve used in British and other European practice, and to relate two commonly used reporting units of surface concentration, μg/m3 (European practice) and Coh/1000 lineal feet (United States practice), to each other. While not directly a goal of the project, it was essential in the course of work to study the relationship between particulate density readings taken for one hour and two hour sampling periods. Progress toward achievement of these goals is presented in the following pages.  相似文献   

Carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons were sampled at operator’s nose height inside vehicles moving in moderate to heavy traffic in six cities. The samples were integrated over 20-30 minutes by collection in Mylar bags. Carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons were analyzed by infrared and flame ionization, respectively, with instruments at the Continuous Air Monitoring Program (CAMP) station in each city. Detector tubes for carbon monoxide were also used to determine 5-min concentrations at suspected high points in the field. Estimates of traffic density were made. Three types of traffic arteries were considered: (7) heavily traveled, wide expressways, (2) main city streets with moderately rapid vehicular traffic, and (3) center city streets with slow-moving traffic. Integrated half-hour CO concentrations obtained within the vehicles while in traffic were generally considerably higher than the concurrent concentrations measured at the CAMP sites. In-traffic CO values in all cities sampled exceeded 30 ppm in at least 10% of the integrated samples. The range of city averages was 21–39 ppm carbon monoxide and the range of individual integrated samples was 7–77 ppm of carbon monoxide.  相似文献   


Reformulated gasoline (RFG) contains oxygen additives such as methyl tertiary butyl ether or ethanol. The additives enable vehicles to burn fuel with a higher air/fuel ratio, thereby lowering the emission of carbon monoxide (CO) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Because VOCs react with sunlight to form ozone (O3), the Clean Air Act requires severe O3 nonattainment areas such as southeastern Wisconsin to use RFG. On July 17, 2001, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) granted Milwaukee, WI, and Chicago, IL, a waiver from the VOC reduction requirement of Phase II RFG. The VOC reduction requirement was lowered from 27.4% of the 1990 baseline fuel to 25.4%. The assumption was that ethanol-blended RFG would lower summertime CO concentrations sufficiently to offset the increased VOC emissions. The waiver is estimated to increase VOC emissions by ~0.8%, or 0.4 t of VOC on a hot summer weekday. This study evaluates whether RFG has been effective in lowering southeastern Wisconsin ambient CO concentrations. Three years of ambient CO data before RFG was introduced were compared with the first three years of ambient CO data after RFG was introduced. This paper also evaluates how the meteorology, vehicle inspection/maintenance program, vehicle miles traveled, and stationary source emissions influence CO concentrations. The winter decrease in ambient CO concentrations was found to be statistically significant, while the summer data showed no statistically significant change, indicating that RFG is most effective lowering ambient CO concentrations in cold weather.  相似文献   

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