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The deterministic modeling of ambient O3 concentrations is difficult because of the complexity of the atmospheric system in terms of the number of chemical species; the availability of accurate, time-resolved emissions data; and the required rate constants. However, other complex systems have been successfully approximated using artificial neural networks (ANNs). In this paper, ANNs are used to model and predict ambient O3 concentrations based on a limited number of measured hydrocarbon species, NOx compounds, temperature, and radiant energy. In order to examine the utility of these approaches, data from the Coastal Oxidant Assessment for Southeast Texas (COAST) program in Houston, TX, have been used. In this study, 53 hydrocarbon compounds, along with O3, nitrogen oxides, and meteorological data were continuously measured during summer 1993. Steady-state ANN models were developed to examine the ability of these models to predict current O3 concentrations from measured VOC and NOx concentrations. To predict the future concentrations of O3, dynamic models were also explored and were used for extraction of chemical information such as reactivity estimations for the VOC species. The steady-state model produced an approximation of O3 data and demonstrated the functional relationship between O3 and VOC-NOx concentrations. The dynamic models were able to the adequately predict the O3 concentration and behavior of VOC-NOx-O3 system a number of hourly intervals into the future. For 3 hr into the future, O3 concentration could be predicted with a root-mean squared error (RMSE) of 8.21 ppb. Extending the models further in time led to an RMSE of 11.46 ppb for 5-hr-ahead values. This prediction capability could be useful in determining when control actions are needed to maintain measured concentrations within acceptable value ranges.  相似文献   

Air quality impacts of volatile organic compound (VOC) and nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions from major sources over the northwestern United States are simulated. The comprehensive nested modeling system comprises three models: Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ), Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF), and Sparse Matrix Operator Kernel Emissions (SMOKE). In addition, the decoupled direct method in three dimensions (DDM-3D) is used to determine the sensitivities of pollutant concentrations to changes in precursor emissions during a severe smog episode in July of 2006. The average simulated 8-hr daily maximum O3 concentration is 48.9 ppb, with 1-hr O3 maxima up to 106 ppb (40 km southeast of Seattle). The average simulated PM2.5 (particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter <2.5 μm) concentration at the measurement sites is 9.06 μg m?3, which is in good agreement with the observed concentration (8.06 μg m?3). In urban areas (i.e., Seattle, Vancouver, etc.), the model predicts that, on average, a reduction of NOx emissions is simulated to lead to an increase in average 8-hr daily maximum O3 concentrations, and will be most prominent in Seattle (where the greatest sensitivity is??0.2 ppb per % change of mobile sources). On the other hand, decreasing NOx emissions is simulated to decrease the 8-hr maximum O3 concentrations in remote and forested areas. Decreased NOx emissions are simulated to slightly increase PM2.5 in major urban areas. In urban areas, a decrease in VOC emissions will result in a decrease of 8-hr maximum O3 concentrations. The impact of decreased VOC emissions from biogenic, mobile, nonroad, and area sources on average 8-hr daily maximum O3 concentrations is up to 0.05 ppb decrease per % of emission change, each. Decreased emissions of VOCs decrease average PM2.5 concentrations in the entire modeling domain. In major cities, PM2.5 concentrations are more sensitive to emissions of VOCs from biogenic sources than other sources of VOCs. These results can be used to interpret the effectiveness of VOC or NOx controls over pollutant concentrations, especially for localities that may exceed National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS).

Implications: The effect of NOx and VOC controls on ozone and PM2.5 concentrations in the northwestern United States is examined using the decoupled direct method in three dimensions (DDM-3D) in a state-of-the-art three-dimensional chemical transport model (CMAQ). NOx controls are predicted to increase PM2.5 and ozone in major urban areas and decrease ozone in more remote and forested areas. VOC reductions are helpful in reducing ozone and PM2.5 concentrations in urban areas. Biogenic VOC sources have the largest impact on O3 and PM2.5 concentrations.  相似文献   

Numerous papers analyze ground-level ozone (O3) trends since the 1980s, but few have linked O3 trends with observed changes in nitrogen oxide (NOx) and volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions and ambient concentrations. This analysis of emissions and ambient measurements examines this linkage across the United States on multiple spatial scales from continental to urban. O3 concentrations follow the general decreases in both NOx and VOC emissions and ambient concentrations of precursors (nitrogen dioxide, NO2; nonmethane organic compounds, NMOCs). Annual fourth-highest daily peak 8-hr average ozone and annual average or 98th percentile daily maximum hourly NO2 concentrations show a statistically significant (p < 0.05) linear fit whose slope is less than 1:1 and intercept is in the 30 to >50 ppbv range. This empirical relationship is consistent with current understanding of O3 photochemistry. The linear O3–NO2 relationships found from our multispatial scale analysis can be used to extrapolate the rate of change of O3 with projected NOx emission reductions, which suggests that future declines in annual fourth-highest daily average 8-hr maximum O3 concentrations are unlikely to reach 65 ppbv or lower everywhere in the next decade. Measurements do not indicate increased annual reduction rates in (high) O3 concentrations beyond the multidecadal precursor proportionality, since aggressive measures for NOx and VOC reduction are in place and have not produced an accelerated O3 reduction rate beyond that prior to the mid-2000s. Empirically estimated changes in O3 with emissions suggest that O3 is less sensitive to precursor reductions than is found by the CAMx (v. 6.1) photochemical model. Options for increasing the rate of O3 change are limited by photochemical factors, including the increase in NOx sensitivity with time (NMOC/NOx ratio increase), increase in O3 production efficiency at lower NOx concentrations (higher O3/NOy ratio), and the presence of natural NOx and NMOC precursors and background O3.

Implications:?This analysis demonstrates empirical relations between O3 and precursors based on long term trends in U.S. locations. The results indicate that ground-level O3 concentrations have responded predictably to reductions in VOC and NOx since the 1980s. The analysis reveals linear relations between the highest O3 and NO2 concentrations. Extrapolation of the historic trends to the future with expected continued precursor reductions suggest that achieving the 2014 proposed reduction in the U.S. National Ambient Air Quality Standard to a level between 65 and 70 ppbv is unlikely within the next decade. Comparison of measurements with national results from a regulatory photochemical model, CAMx, v. 6.1, suggests that model predictions are more sensitive to emissions changes than the observations would support.  相似文献   

This study compares speciated model-predicted concentrations (i.e., mixing ratios) of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) with measurements from the Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations (PAMS) network at sites within the northeastern US during June–August of 2006. Measurements of total non-methane organic compounds (NMOC), ozone (O3), oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and reactive nitrogen species (NOy) are used for supporting analysis. The measured VOC species were grouped into the surrogate classes used by the Carbon Bond IV (CB4) chemical mechanism. It was found that the model typically over-predicted all the CB4 VOC species, except isoprene, which might be linked to overestimated emissions. Even with over-predictions in the CB4 VOC species, model performance for daily maximum O3 was typically within ±15%. Analysis at an urban site in NY, where both NMOC and NOx data were available, suggested that the reasonable ozone performance may be possibly due to compensating overestimated NOx concentrations, thus modulating the NMOC/NOx ratio to be in similar ranges as that of observations.  相似文献   

Ozone Transport     
Elevated concentrations of ozone, often above the national ambient air quality standard for photochemical oxidants, have been measured in both urban and rural areas of Connecticut. One such episode took place on June 10, 1974. Ozone levels, after stabilizing at values slightly above the standard (i.e., 80 to 110 ppb; Connecticut generated ozone concentrations), rose sharply late in the afternoon reaching concentrations as high as 310 ppb (almost 4 times the standard) in Hartford. The trajectory of the air mass, which arrived in Hartford at the time of maximum O3 occurence, had its origin in the metropolitan New York area during the early morning rush hour on the episode day. This illustrates that the advective transport of O3 and O3 precursors into Connecticut from New York are probably responsible for a significant portion (approximately two-thirds) of the elevated O3 concentrations measured throughout Connecticut on days when winds are from the south-southwest direction. The fact that peak O3 levels occur late in the afternoon, several hours after maximum sunlight intensity, reinforces the conclusion that excessive O3 concentrations developed as O3 and ozone precursors were generated in the vicinity of New York City and then drifted inland into Connecticut on the afternoon sea breeze.

It appears to be unrealistic to develop a hydrocarbon control strategy for Connecticut in order to meet the photochemical oxidant ambient air quality standard when O3 and/or ozone precursors ad-vectively transported into the State cause oxidant levels to exceed the standard. The complete cessation of all anthropogenic hydrocarbon emissions in Connecticut would not necessarily assure that the standard would be attained here. The implication is that a regional (i.e., the eastern part of the United States) hydrocarbon control strategy is needed to reduce adequately ozone formation and transport so as to allow Connecticut to meet the current oxidant standard.  相似文献   

The 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments require states with O3 nonattainment areas to adopt regulations to enforce reasonable available control technologies (RACT) for NOX stationary sources by November 1992. However, if the states can demonstrate that such measures will have an adverse effect on air quality, NOX requirements may be waived. To assist the states in making this decision, the U.S. EPA is attempting to develop guidelines for the states to use in deciding whether NOX reductions will have a positive or negative impact on O3 air quality. Although NOX is a precursor of O3, at low VOC/NOX ratios, the reduction of NOX can result in increased peak O3. EPA is examining existing information on VOC/NOX ratios to develop “rules of thumb” to guide the states in their decision-making process. An examination of 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. VOC/NOX ratios at a number of sites in the eastern U.S. indicates that the ratio is highly variable from day-to-day and there is no apparent relationship between ratios measured at different sites within the same area. In addition, statistical analysis failed to identify significant relationships between the 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. VOC/NOX ratio and the maximum 1-hr. O3 within a given area. Since we know from smog chamber and modeling studies that such a relationship exists, this further invalidates the assumption that a ratio measured at a single site is representative of the ratio for the entire region. Based on this Information, we conclude that having the 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. ambient VOC/NOX ratio for a given area is insufficient information, by itself, to decide whether a VOC-alone, a NOx-alone, or a combined VOC-NOX reduction strategy is a viable or optimum O3-reduction strategy.  相似文献   

In this study, air pollutants, including ozone (O3), nitrogen oxides (NOx = NO + NO2), carbon monoxides (CO), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) measured in the Yangtze River Delta (YRD) region during several air flights between September/30 and October/11 are analyzed. This measurement provides horizontal and vertical distributions of air pollutants in the YRD region. The analysis of the result shows that the measured O3 concentrations range from 20 to 60 ppbv. These values are generally below the US national standard (84 ppbv), suggesting that at the present, the O3 pollutions are modest in this region. The NOx concentrations have strong spatial and temporal variations, ranging from 3 to 40 ppbv. The SO2 concentrations also have large spatial and temporal variations, ranging from 1 to 35 ppbv. The high concentrations of CO are measured with small variations, ranging from 3 to 7 ppmv. The concentrations of VOCs are relatively low, with the total VOC concentrations of less than 6 ppbv. The relative small VOC concentrations and the relative large NOx concentrations suggest that the O3 chemical formation is under a strong VOC-limited regime in the YRD region. The measured O3 and NOx concentrations are strongly anti-correlated, indicating that enhancement in NOx concentrations leads to decrease in O3 concentrations. Moreover, the O3 concentrations are more sensitive to NOx concentrations in the rural region than in the city region. The ratios of Δ[O3]/Δ[NOx] are ?2.3 and ?0.25 in the rural and in the city region, respectively. In addition, the measured NOx and SO2 concentrations are strongly correlated, highlighting that the NOx and SO2 are probably originated from same emission sources. Because SO2 emissions are significantly originated from coal burnings, the strong correlation between SO2 and NOx concentrations suggests that the NOx emission sources are mostly from coal burned sources. As a result, the future automobile increases could lead to rapid enhancements in O3 concentrations in the YRD region.  相似文献   

Ground level ozone represents a significant air quality concern in Toronto, Canada, where the national 65 ppb 8-h standard is repeatedly exceeded during the summer. Here we present an analysis of nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ozone (O3), and volatile organic compound (VOC) data from federal and provincial governmental monitoring sites from 2000 to 2007. We show that summertime VOC reactivity and ambient concentrations of NO2 have decreased over this period of time by up to 40% across Toronto and the surrounding region. This has not resulted in significant summertime ozone reductions, and in some urban areas, it appears to be increasing. We discuss the competing effects of decreased ozone titration leading to an increase in O3, and decreased local ozone production, both caused by significant decreases in NOx concentrations. In addition, by using local meteorological data, we show that annual variability in summer ozone correlates strongly with maximum daily temperatures, and we explore the effect of atmospheric transport from the southwest which has a significant influence on early morning levels before local production begins. A mathematical model of instantaneous ozone production is presented which suggests that, given the observed decreases in NOx and VOC reactivity, we would not expect a significant change in local ozone production under photochemically relevant conditions. These results are discussed in the context of Toronto's recent commitment to cutting local smog-causing pollutants by 20% by 2012.  相似文献   

In Houston, some of the highest measured 8-hr ozone (O3) peaks are characterized by sudden increases in observed concentrations of at least 40 ppb in 1 hr, or 60 ppb in 2 hr. Measurements show that these large hourly changes appear at only a few monitors and span a narrow geographic area, suggesting a spatially heterogeneous field of O3 concentrations. This study assessed whether a regulatory air quality model (AQM) can simulate this observed behavior. The AQM did not reproduce the magnitude or location of some of the highest observed hourly O3 changes, and it also failed to capture the limited spatial extent. On days with measured large hourly changes in O3 concentrations, the AQM predicted high O3 over large regions of Houston, resulting in overpredictions at several monitors. This analysis shows that the model can make high O3, but on these days the predicted spatial field suggests that the model had a different cause. Some observed large hourly changes in O3 concentrations have been linked to random releases of industrial volatile organic compounds (VOCs). In the AQM emission inventory, there are several emission events when an industrial point source increases VOC emissions in excess of 10,000 mol/hr. One instance increased predicted downwind O3 concentrations up to 25 ppb. These results show that the modeling system is responsive to a large VOC release, but the timing and location of the release, and meteorological conditions, are critical requirements. Attainment of the O3 standard requires the use of observational data and AQM predictions. If the large observed hourly changes are indicative of a separate cause of high O3, then the model may not include that cause, which might result in regulators enacting control strategies that could be ineffective.

Implications To show the attainment of the O3 standard, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires the use of observations and model predictions under the assumption that simulations are capable of reproducing observed phenomena. The regulatory model is unable to reproduce observed behavior measured in the observational database. If the large observed hourly changes were indicative of a separate cause of high O3, then the model would not include that cause. Inaccurate model predictions may prompt air quality regulators to enact control strategies that are effective in the modeling system, but prove ineffective in the real world.  相似文献   


A modeling system consisting of MM5, Calmet, and Calgrid was used to investigate the sensitivity of anthropogenic volatile organic compound (VOC) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) reductions on ozone formation within the Cascadia airshed of the Pacific Northwest. An ozone episode that occurred on July 11-14, 1996, was evaluated. During this event, high ozone levels were recorded at monitors downwind of Seattle, WA, and Portland, OR, with one monitor exceeding the 1 hr/120 ppb National Ambient Air Quality Standard (at 148 ppb), and six monitors above the proposed 8 hr/80 ppb standard (at 82-130 ppb). For this particular case, significant emissions reductions, between 25 and 75%, would be required to decrease peak ozone concentrations to desired levels. Reductions in VOC emissions alone, or a combination of reduced VOC and NOx emissions, were generally found to be most effective; reducing NOx emissions alone resulted in increased ozone in the Seattle area. When only VOC emissions were curtailed, ozone reductions occurred in the immediate vicinity of densely populated areas, while NOx reductions resulted in more widespread ozone reductions.  相似文献   


Air quality data collected in the California Regional PM10/PM2.5 Air Quality Study (CRPAQS) are analyzed to qualitatively assess the processes affecting secondary aerosol formation in the San Joaquin Valley (SJV). This region experiences some of the highest fine particulate matter (PM2.5) mass concentrations in California (≤188 μg/m3 24-hr average), and secondary aerosol components (as a group) frequently constitute over half of the fine aerosol mass in winter. The analyses are based on 15 days of high-frequency filter and canister measurements and several months of wintertime continuous gas and aerosol measurements. The phase-partitioning of nitrogen oxide (NOx)-related nitrogen species and carbonaceous species shows that concentrations of gaseous precursor species are far more abundant than measured secondary aerosol nitrate or estimated secondary organic aerosols. Comparisons of ammonia and nitric acid concentrations indicate that ammonium nitrate formation is limited by the availability of nitric acid rather than ammonia. Time-resolved aerosol nitrate data collected at the surface and on a 90-m tower suggest that both the daytime and nighttime nitric acid formation pathways are active, and entrainment of aerosol nitrate formed aloft at night may explain the spatial homogeneity of nitrate in the SJV. NOx and volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions plus background O3 levels are expected to determine NOx oxidation and nitric acid production rates, which currently control the ammonium nitrate levels in the SJV. Secondary organic aerosol formation is significant in winter, especially in the Fresno urban area. Formation of secondary organic aerosol is more likely limited by the rate of VOC oxidation than the availability of VOC precursors in winter.  相似文献   

The city of Santiago, Chile experiences frequent high pollution episodes and as a consequence very high ozone concentrations, which are associated with health problems including increasing daily mortality and hospital admissions for respiratory illnesses. The development of ozone abatement strategies requires the determination of the potential of each pollutant to produce ozone, taking into account known mechanisms and chemical kinetics in addition to ambient atmospheric conditions. In this study, the photochemical formation of ozone during a summer campaign carried out from March 8–20, 2005 has been investigated using an urban photochemical box model based on the Master Chemical Mechanism (MCMv3.1). The MCM box model has been constrained with 10 min averages of simultaneous measurements of HONO, HCHO, CO, NO, j(O1D), j(NO2), 31 volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and meteorological parameters. The O3–NOx–VOC sensitivities have been determined by simulating ozone formation at different VOC and NOx concentrations. Ozone sensitivity analyses showed that photochemical ozone formation is VOC-limited under average summertime conditions in Santiago. The results of the model simulations have been compared with a set of potential empirical indicator relationships including H2O2/HNO3, HCHO/NOy and O3/NOz. The ozone forming potential of each measured VOC has been determined using the MCM box model. The impacts of the above study on possible summertime ozone control strategies in Santiago are discussed.  相似文献   

The synoptic climatology of ozone (O3) for S Ontario has shown that, over the 1976–1981 period, average summer O3 concentrations follow a relationship similar to that reported for event analysis during periods of high O3 concentration. Highest average concentrations, 36 parts per billion (ppb), occur with ‘back of the high’ situations while lowest average concentrations (20 ppb) occur with ‘front of the high’ situations.With similar weather events in the winter, the pattern is reversed with highest average O3 concentrations on the ‘front of the high’ (19 ppb) and lowest average concentrations on the ‘back of the high’ (13 ppb). Concentration of O3 in the ‘front of the high’ sector is due in part to the intrusion of O3 in the vicinity of storms from the stratosphere. The seasonal variation of average concentrations in these situations is low, ranging from 14 to 26 ppb.The very low average concentration during the winter and fall for the ‘back of the high’ situation may be the result of scavenging by NOx from the urban/industrial areas around the Great Lakes. During the spring and summer, solar energy and warm temperatures cause the photochemical production of O3 from NOx and HCs precursors. In the fall and winter, photochemical production of O3 is either very low or absent, and the NOx consume O3 rather than produce it. Thus, average O3 concentrations for winter ‘back of the high’ situations are one-third of those in the summer months.The synoptic climatology of events during the months from May to September with maximum O3 concentrations in excess of 80 ppb indicates that 78 % of these events occur under synoptic weather classes generally indicative of back or centre of the high situations.  相似文献   

Sensitivity of ozone (O3) concentrations in the Mexico City area to diurnal variations of surface air pollutant emissions is investigated using the WRF/Chem model. Our analysis shows that diurnal variations of nitrogen oxides (NOx = NO + NO2) and volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions play an important role in controlling the O3 concentrations in the Mexico City area. The contributions of NOx and VOC emissions to daytime O3 concentrations are very sensitive to the morning emissions of NOx and VOCs. Increase in morning NOx emissions leads to decrease in daytime O3 concentrations as well as the afternoon O3 maximum, while increase in morning VOC emissions tends to increase in O3 concentrations in late morning and early afternoon, indicating that O3 production in Mexico City is under VOC-limited regime. It is also found that the nighttime O3 is independent of VOCs, but is sensitive to NOx. The emissions of VOCs during other periods (early morning, evening, and night) have only small impacts on O3 concentrations, while the emissions of NOx have important impacts on O3 concentrations in the evening and the early morning.This study suggests that shifting emission pattern, while keeping the total emissions unchanged, has important impacts on air quality. For example, delaying the morning emission peak from 8 am to 10 am significantly reduced the morning peaks of NOx and VOCs, as well as the afternoon O3 maxima. It suggests that without reduction of total emission, the daytime O3 concentrations can be significantly reduced by changing the diurnal variations of the emissions of O3 precursors.  相似文献   

Shanghai Meteorological Administration has established a volatile organic compounds (VOCs) laboratory and an observational network for VOCs and ozone (O3) measurements in the city of Shanghai. In this study, the measured VOCs and O3 concentrations from 15 November (15-Nov) to 26 November (26-Nov) of 2005 in Shanghai show that there are strong day-to-day and diurnal variations. The measured O3 and VOCs concentrations have very different characterizations between the two periods. During 15-Nov to 21-Nov (defined as the first period), VOCs and O3 concentrations are lower than the values during 22-Nov to 28-Nov (defined as the second period). There is a strong diurnal variation of O3 during the second period with maximum concentrations of 40–80 ppbv at noontime, and minimum concentrations at nighttime. By contrast, during the first period, the diurnal variation of O3 is in an irregular pattern with maximum concentrations of only 20–30 ppbv. The VOC concentrations change rapidly from 30–50 ppbv during the first period to 80–100 ppbv during the second period. Two chemical models are applied to interpret the measurements. One model is a regional chemical/dynamical model (WRF-Chem) and another is a detailed chemical mechanism model (NCAR MM). Model analysis shows that the meteorological conditions are very different between the two periods, and are mainly responsible for the different chemical characterizations of O3 and VOCs between the two periods. During the first period, meteorological conditions are characterized by cloudy sky and high-surface winds in Shanghai, resulting in a higher nighttime planetary boundary layer (PBL) and faster transport of air pollutants. By contrast, during the second period, the meteorological conditions are characterized by clear sky and weak surface winds, resulting in a lower nighttime PBL and slower transport of air pollutants. The chemical mechanism model calculation shows that different VOC species has very different contributions to the high-ozone concentrations during the second period. Alkane (40 ppbv) and aromatic (30 ppbv) are among the highest VOC concentrations observed in Shanghai. The analysis suggests that the aromatic is a main contributor for the O3 chemical production in Shanghai, with approximately 79% of the O3 being produced by aromatic. This analysis implies that future increase in VOC (especially aromatic) emissions could lead to significant increase in O3 concentrations in Shanghai.  相似文献   

Research over the past ten years has created a more detailed and coherent view of the relation between O3 and its major anthropogenic precursors, volatile organic compounds (VOC) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx). This article presents a review of insights derived from photochemical models and field measurements. The ozone–precursor relationship can be understood in terms of a fundamental split into a NOx-senstive and VOC-sensitive (or NOx-saturated) chemical regimes. These regimes are associated with the chemistry of odd hydrogen radicals and appear in different forms in studies of urbanized regions, power plant plumes and the remote troposphere. Factors that affect the split into NOx-sensitive and VOC-sensitive chemistry include: VOC/NOx ratios, VOC reactivity, biogenic hydrocarbons, photochemical aging, and rates of meteorological dispersion. Analyses of ozone–NOx–VOC sensitivity from 3D photochemical models show a consistent pattern, but predictions for the impact of reduced NOx and VOC in indivdual locations are often very uncertain. This uncertainty can be identified by comparing predictions from different model scenarios that reflect uncertainties in meteorology, anthropogenic and biogenic emissions. Several observation-based approaches have been proposed that seek to evaluate ozone–NOx–VOC sensitivity directly from ambient measurements (including ambient VOC, reactive nitrogen, and peroxides). Observation-based approaches have also been used to evaluate emission rates, ozone production efficiency, and removal rates of chemically active species. Use of these methods in combination with models can significantly reduce the uncertainty associated with model predictions.  相似文献   


The ozone (O3) sensitivity to nitrogen oxides (NOx, or nitric oxide [NO] + nitrogen dioxide [NO2]) versus volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the Mexico City metropolitan area (MCMA) is a current issue of scientific controversy. To shed light on this issue, we compared measurements of the indicator species O3/NOy (where NOy represents the sum of NO + NO2 + nitric acid [HNO3] + peroxyacetyl nitrate [PAN] + others), NOy, and the semiempirically derived O3/NOz surrogate (where NOz surrogate is the derived surrogate NOz, and NOz represents NOx reaction products, or NOy – NOx) with results of numerical predictions reproducing the transition regimes between NOx and VOC sensitivities. Ambient air concentrations of O3, NOx, and NOy were measured from April 14 to 25, 2004 in one downwind receptor site of photo-chemically aged air masses within Mexico City. MCMA-derived transition values for an episode day occurring during the same monitoring period were obtained through a series of photochemical simulations using the Multiscale Climate and Chemistry Model (MCCM). The comparison between the measured indicator species and the simulated spatial distribution of the indicators O3/NOy, O3/NOz surrogate, and NOy in MCMA suggest that O3 in this megacity is likely VOC-sensitive. This is in opposition to past studies that, on the basis of the observed morning VOC/NOx ratios, have concluded that O3 in Mexico City is NOx-sensitive. Simulated MCMA-derived sensitive transition values for O3/NOy, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)/HNO3, and NOy were found to be in agreement with threshold criteria proposed for other regions in North America and Europe, although the transition crossover for O3/NOz and O3/HNO3 was not consistent with values reported elsewhere. An additional empirical evaluation of weekend/weekday differences in average maximum O3 concentrations and 6:00- to 9:00-a.m. NOx and NO levels registered at the same site in April 2004 indirectly confirmed the above results. A preliminary conclusion is that additional reductions in NOx emissions in MCMA might cause an increase in presently high O3 levels.  相似文献   

A chemical mechanism has been developed to predict O3 formation in mixtures of isoprene, α-pinene and NOx in air. The mechanism was tested against 17 outdoor smog chamber data sets from the University of North Carolina chamber and was shown to predict maximum O3 concentrations within ±20%. Reasonably good agreement was found between the predicted and measured time-concentration profiles of other species such as NO2, peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) and aldehydes. Due to the greater availability of kinetic and mechanistic data for isoprene and to the more extensive comparison of this mechanism to experimental data, the mechanism is considered more reliable for isoprene than α-pinene.  相似文献   

Non-methane organic carbon (NMOC) measurements made in Atlanta, Georgia from 1999–2007 are used with nitrogen oxide (NOx or NOy) and ozone (O3) data to investigate relationships between O3 precursors and peak 8-hour O3 concentrations in the city. Data from a WNW-to-ENE transect of sites illustrate that the mean urban peak 8-hour O3 excess constitutes about 20% of the peak 8-hour O3 measured at the area-wide maximum O3 site when air-mass movement is from the northwest quadrant; local influence is potentially greater on days with more stagnation or recirculation. The peak 8-hour O3 concentrations in Atlanta increase as (1) surface temperature (T), ambient NMOC and NOy concentrations, and previous-day peak O3 concentrations increase, and as (2) relative humidity, surface wind speeds, and ratios of NMOC-to-NOy decrease. An observation-based statistical model is introduced to relate area-wide peak 8-hour O3 concentrations to ambient NMOC and NOy concentrations, while accounting for the non-linear dependences of peak 8-hour O3 concentrations on meteorological factors. On the majority of days when the area-wide peak 8-hour O3 exceeds 75 ppbv, meteorologically-adjusted peak 8-hour O3 concentrations increase as ambient NMOC concentrations increase (NMOC sensitive) and ambient NOy concentrations decrease. This result contrasts with regional conditions in which O3 formation appears to be NOx-sensitive in character. The results offer observationally-based information of relevance to O3 management strategies in the Atlanta area, potentially contributing to “weight-of-evidence” assessments.  相似文献   

For 41 days between 25 May 1996 and 27 March 1997, peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) and peroxypropionyl nitrate (PPN) have been measured by electron capture gas chromatography at Santa Rita near Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil, where light-duty vehicles used either ethanol or a gasoline–MTBE blend. Daily maximum concentrations ranged from 0.19 to 6.67 ppb for PAN and 0.06 to 0.72 ppb for PPN. Linear regression of maximum PPN vs. maximum PAN yielded a slope of 0.105±0.004 (R2=0.974). Diurnal variations of ambient PAN often followed those of ozone with respect to time of day but not with respect to amplitude. This was reflected in the large relative standard deviations associated with the study-averaged PAN/ozone concentration ratio, 0.037±0.105 (ppb/ppb, n=789) and the maximum PAN/maximum ozone concentration ratio, 0.028±0.015 (ppb/ppb, range 0.005–0.078, n=41). On several days PAN accounted for large fractions of the total ambient NOx in the late morning and afternoon hours, e.g., PAN/NOx⩽0.58 and PAN/(NOx–NO) ⩽0.76 on 27 March 1997. The amount of PAN lost by thermal decomposition (TPAN) was comparable in magnitude to that present in ambient air. The ratios TPAN/(PAN+TPAN) were up to 0.53, 0.67 and 0.64 during the warm afternoons of 25, 26 and 27 March 1997, respectively. The highest calculated value of TPAN was 5.6 ppb on 27 March 1997. On that day the 24 h-averaged value of TPAN (1.01 ppb) was nearly the same as that of PAN (1.09 ppb). Using computer kinetic modeling (SAPRC 97 chemical mechanism) and sensitivity analysis of VOC incremental reactivity, we ranked VOC present in Porto Alegre ambient air for their importance as precursors to PAN and to PPN. Using as input data the averages of VOC concentrations measured in downtown Porto Alegre during the ca. 1 yr period March 1996–April 1997, we calculated that the most important precursors to PAN and PPN were the SAPRC 97 model species ARO2 (which includes the aromatics xylenes, trimethylbenzenes, ethyltoluenes, etc.), which accounted for ca. 17% of the total PAN and total PPN formation potentials. Overall, the results indicate a major role for aromatics and alkenes and a minor role for acetaldehyde and ethanol as precursors to peroxyacyl nitrates in the Porto Alegre urban area.  相似文献   

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