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Systematic management for industrial waste in Japan has been carried out based on the Waste Disposal and Public Cleansing Law which was enacted in 1970. The law and its ordinances designate 19 kinds of waste materials discharged from business activities as industrial waste and prescribe the generator's responsibility, requirements for treatment contractors, standards for consignment, specific personnel, etc. from the view of proper management. And they also, prescribe disposal standards, structure, and maintenance standards for treatment facilities, including final disposal sites, from the view of proper treatment and disposal. The Standard for Verification provides criteria to categorize as hazardous or nonhazardous industrial waste which is subjected to treatment and disposal in conformity with each standard. The fundamental policies to cope with industrial waste focus on reduction of generation, promotion of recycling, establishment of a comprehensive information management system and participation of the public which can contribute well to prevent environmental pollution caused by inappropriate management of industrial waste.  相似文献   

A detailed study of the air quality permitting process for 65 different forest products industry projects requiring preconstruction permit approvals from EPA, state, and local air pollution control agencies was conducted. The projects included a wide array of sources including kraft recovery furnaces, lime kilns, fossil fuel and wood residue fired boilers, solid wood products manufacturing facilities, paper coaters, and printing presses. Information concerning the time involved in the permitting process, costs associated with obtaining the permits, use of air quality models and ambient monitoring data, emission control technology determinations, problem areas encountered during the permitting process, perceived benefits and drawbacks of the permitting process, and the effect of permitting requirements on project planning was obtained.

The results indicate that certain permitting requirements such as Best Available Control Technology (BACT) determinations, dispersion modeling results, and use of ambient air quality monitoring data seldom influence the emission limitations ultimately imposed in the final approved permit, with 87% of the final emission limits equivalent to the applicable New Source Performance Standard (NSPS). The 65 permitting case histories also show that obtaining permits for projects subject to Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) requirements takes approximately twice as long and costs twice as much as obtaining permits for projects not subject to PSD requirements.  相似文献   

A number of policies adopted by the federal government and the states have been designed to promote waste reduction or influence the choice of waste disposal technologies employed by generators of hazardous waste. Graphic analysis of smoothed time series data for hazardous wastes manifested in New York State for the period between June 1982 and February 1987 suggests that some of these policies have had the intended effects.

Significant shifts in manifested waste volumes are evident that coincide with the following policy interventions: (1) increased state waste-end tax rates; (2) state and federal landfill bans; (3) federal restrictions on burning hazardous wastes and waste oils for energy recovery; and (4) changes in the federal regulatory definition of hazardous waste. Other changes in waste generation and management appear to be attributable to such factors as state and regional economic conditions and changes in instate treatment and disposal facility capacity. Analysis of the management of specific waste types supports evidence from the graphic analysis that waste generators changed from land disposal to “higher” waste handling technologies in response to several policy interventions.  相似文献   

Hazardous wastes in the environment represent one of our most serious problems. Ever increasing quantities of toxic wastes have contaminated our land, air, and water. Lack of adequate hazardous waste disposal facilities is a critical problem. Landfilling toxic wastes is no longer considered safe. The tragedy of the Love Canal has demonstrated the need for proper hazardous waste disposal facilities. The best organic chemical waste disposal method is process incineration. Cement kilns have been used for burning toxic chemical industrial wastes in Canada, Michigan, New York, Sweden, etc. Existing cement kilns, when properly operated, can destroy most organic chemical wastes. Even the most complex chlorinated hydrocarbons, including PCB can be completely destroyed during normal cement kiln operations, with minimal emissions to the environment. Burning toxic chemical wastes in cement kilns, and other mineral industries, is mutually beneficial to both industry, who generates such wastes, and to society and government, who want to dispose properly of such wastes in a safe, environmentally acceptable manner. The added benefit of energy conservation is important, since large quantities of valuable fuel can be saved in the manufacture of cement when such techniques are employed.  相似文献   

The current requirements and status of air quality modeling of hazardous pollutants are reviewed. Many applications require the ability to predict the local impacts from industrial sources or large roadways as needed for community health characterization and evaluating environmental justice concerns. Such local-scale modeling assessments can be performed by using Gaussian dispersion models. However, these models have a limited ability to handle chemical transformations. A new generation of Eulerian grid-based models is now capable of comprehensively treating transport and chemical transformations of air toxics. However, they typically have coarse spatial resolution, and their computational requirements increase dramatically with finer spatial resolution. The authors present and discuss possible advanced approaches that can combine the grid-based models with local-scale information.  相似文献   

Limitations of the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) for simulating pollutant leaching from wastes disposed of in full-scale landfills are well understood in the waste management profession; the TCLP solution has a lower pH and greater organic acid content than typical landfill leachate. The TCLP serves its intended regulatory objective, however, as long as a conservative estimate of leaching is provided. Here, we examine TCLP’s ability to represent worst-case leaching conditions for monofilled municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) ash. A critical examination of TCLP’s applicability to MSWI ash is especially relevant, as ash management at MSWI facilities often centers on passing TCLP, regardless of environmental risk posed by the ash or its recyclability. Multiple batch leaching tests were conducted on different MSWI ash streams: mixed ash, fly ash, and different size fractions of bottom ash. Batch-test results were compared with leachate simulating MSWI ash monofills. The TCLP did not consistently provide the most conservative estimate of leaching, supporting the need to consider alternative methodologies in future regulatory development.

Implications: This paper analyzes the existing hazardous waste regulatory testing requirement for municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI) ash management to evaluate whether the TCLP serves its intended purpose in providing the most conservative estimate of landfilled MSWI ash. The results will serve as guidance and motivation for policy makers and the regulatory community to reevaluate the TCLP’s application for characterizing MSWI ash leaching in certain disposal scenarios and could promote consideration of alternative testing procedures based upon results of this study. This study serves to promote representative and accurate quantification of leaching risk from MSWI ash.  相似文献   

In response to a growing societal mandate, land disposal of hazardous wastes is gradually being replaced by treatment technologies. This shift to "alternative technologies" is the result of the impacts of past land disposal practices on other environmental media (groundwater, surface water, and air). A prime motivation for adopting alternatives to land disposal is to eliminate these cross-media impacts. Alternative technologies, however, can themselves have cross-media environmental impacts which must be recognized and addressed before such technologies are extensively applied. This paper discusses hazardous waste constituents, common disposal practices, alternative technologies currently being applied, possible cross-media environmental impacts of the alternative technologies, and proposed methods of mitigating these environmental impacts. Case studies from uncontrolled hazardous waste sites and industrial operations are used to illustrate the application of alternative technologies. Case studies include the application of waste treatment technologies as well as the adoption of waste minimization techniques.  相似文献   


The University of Houston is located just south of downtown Houston, TX. Many different chemical substances are used in scientific research and teaching activities throughout the campus. These activities generate a significant amount of waste materials that must be discarded as regulated hazardous waste per U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rules. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) is the state regulatory agency that has enforcement authority for EPA hazardous waste rules in Texas. Currently, the University is classified as a large quantity generator and generates >1000 kg per month of hazardous waste. In addition, the University has experienced a major surge in research activities during the past several years, and overall the quantity of the hazardous waste generated has increased. The TCEQ requires large quantity generators to prepare a 5-yr Pollution Prevention (P2) Plan, which describes efforts to eliminate or minimize the amount of hazardous waste generated. This paper addresses the design and development of a low-cost P2 plan with minimal implementation obstacles and strong payoff potentials for the University. The projects identified can be implemented with existing University staff resources. This benefits the University by enhancing its environmental compliance efforts, and the disposal cost savings can be used for other purposes. Other educational institutions may benefit by undertaking a similar process.  相似文献   

A number of policies adopted by the federal government and the state have been designed to promote waste reduction or influence the choice of waste disposal technologies employed by generators of hazardous waste. Graphic analysis of smoothed time series data for hazardous wastes manifested in New York State for the period between June 1982 and February 1987 suggests that some of these policies have had the intended effects. Significant shifts in manifested waste volumes are evident that coincide with the following policy interventions: (1) increased state waste-end tax rates; (2) state and federal landfill bans; (3) federal restrictions on burning hazardous wastes and waste oils for energy recovery; and (4) changes in the federal regulatory definition of hazardous waste. Other changes in waste generation and management appear to be attributable to such factors as state and regional economic conditions and changes in instate treatment and disposal facility capacity. Analysis of the management of specific waste types supports evidence from the graphic analysis that waste generators changed from land disposal to "higher" waste handling technologies in response to several policy interventions.  相似文献   

This paper is directed to environmental scientists concerned with assessing toxic air pollution downwind of hazardous waste landfills to determine whether potential health threats or exceedances of air quality standards exist. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the performance of four air quality screening models.

The emission rate of vinyl chloride from the BKK co-disposal landfill in West Covina, California is estimated. Ambient vinyl chloride concentrations are estimated using a ground level point source model, two virtual point source models, arid the simple box model with meteorological and landfill input data representative of periods when ambient monitoring was conducted. The two virtual point source models are most precise and accurate in estimating 24-hour vinyl chloride concentrations. However, the results could include compensating errors in the emission rate and dispersion calculations because the emission rate estimate could not be independently evaluated.  相似文献   

To effectively reduce the environmental compliance costs associated with meeting hazardous air pollutant emission requirements, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Data Quality Objective (DQO) process has been proposed as a suitable framework for establishing a defensible monitoring program. Through the use of a hazardous materials pilot study, the variability in the composite vapor pressure for regulated handwipe cleaning solvents was established. These results served as inputs to the DQO process, which identified that for facility decision-makers to claim with a 99% confidence level that the facility is in compliance with the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP), a minimum of 12 handwipe cleaning solvent compliance samples (taken at random every 6 months) must have a composite vapor pressure equal to or below the regulatory limit of 45 mmHg at 20 degrees C. Implementation of the DQO-based compliance-sampling plan eliminates the need for an affected facility to sample all regulated handwipe cleaning solvents while still maintaining a reasonably high level of confidence in the compliance status of its regulated sources. The approach described for designing a defensible compliance sampling plan can be extended to other aspects of the aerospace NESHAP rule, including compliance sampling for surface coating, chemical depainting, and hazardous waste disposal.  相似文献   

The regulatory agencies and the industries have the responsibility for assessing the environmental impact from the release of air pollutants, and for protecting environment and public health. The simple exemption formula is often used as a criterion for the purpose of screening air pollutants. That is, the exemption formula is used for air quality review and to determine whether a facility applying for and described in a new, modified, or revised air quality plan is exempted from further air quality review. The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s (BOEM) air quality regulations are used to regulate air emissions and air pollutants released from the oil and gas facilities in the Gulf of Mexico. If a facility is not exempt after completing the air quality review, a refined air quality modeling will be required to regulate the air pollutants. However, at present, the scientific basis for BOEM’s exemption formula is not available to the author. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to provide the theoretical framework and justification for the use of BOEM’s exemption formula. In this paper, several exemption formulas have been derived from the Gaussian and non-Gaussian dispersion models; the Gaussian dispersion model is a special case of non-Gaussian dispersion model. The dispersion parameters obtained from the tracer experiments in the Gulf of Mexico are used in the dispersion models. In this paper, the dispersion parameters used in the dispersion models are also derived from the Monin-Obukhov similarity theory. In particular, it has been shown that the total amount of emissions from the facility for each air pollutant calculated using BOEM’s exemption formula is conservative.

Implications:?The operation of offshore oil and gas facilities under BOEM’s jurisdiction is required to comply with the BOEM’s regulations. BOEM’s air quality regulations are used to regulate air emissions and air pollutants released from the oil and gas facilities in the Gulf of Mexico. The exemption formulas have been used by BOEM and other regulatory agencies as a screening tool to regulate air emissions emitted from the oil and gas and other industries. Because of the BOEM’s regulatory responsibility, it is important to establish the scientific basis and provide the justification for the exemption formulas. The methodology developed here could also be adopted and used by other regulatory agencies.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the Chemical Manufacturers Association's 1984 survey of the chemical industry's hazardous waste management practices. The survey data include a breakdown of how the industry's hazardous wastes are managed, detailing generation, treatment and disposal, and cover 725 plants in 81 companies. The 1984 survey is the third CM A hazardous waste survey, and the paper discusses resultant waste treatment trends from 1981- 1984, the period covered by previous surveys. A total of 278.5 million tons of hazardous waste was treated and disposed by survey respondents. Of this, 276.8 million tons was hazardous wastewater and 1.7 million tons was solid hazardous waste. The survey solid hazardous waste total was projected to the entire industry (Standard Industrial Code 2800) and is estimated at 6.9 million tons. The survey showed continued decreasing trends in hazardous waste generation in the chemical industry. It demonstrated changes in hazardous waste management practices, with decreased use of landfills and increased incineration of the solid wastes that are generated.  相似文献   

沈阳市固体废物处置中心对工业危险废物采用了安全土地填埋技术 ,它的主要特点是安全、工艺简单、可操作性强。能够杜绝危险废物渗析液下渗污染地下水 ,同时又避免了危险废物污染环境卫生。本文主要以沈阳工业危险废物处置填埋场为例 ,介绍安全土地填埋的技术要求、设计要点等  相似文献   

Separation of materials from municipal waste streams is not recycling. Successful recycling is demand-pulled rather than supply-driven; it depends on local markets that reuse separated materials. For this reason EPA's Office of Solid Waste has opposed national mandates for materials separation which do not address associated markets. But a recent Air Act decision could reverse that stance, potentially mandating high levels of materials separation for every new waste-to-energy (WTE) facility.

The decision holds that Best Available Control Technology (BACT) requires PSD permit applicants to consider separating "feasible" levels, of each "readily-ascertainable" waste component that contributes to air emissions when incinerated, despite their installation of advanced emissions controls or the lack of any evidence that emission concentrations would be further reduced by such "fuel cleaning." Because total emissions of any facility may always be reduced by requiring it to consume less fuel—or burn gas rather than oil, or use conservation rather than combust at all—the decision could radicalize New Source Review, transforming preconstruction permits from a process meant to assure specific emissions controls to one in which air agencies deny the existence of emitting sources. The decision could also delay preconstruction permits; force downsizing of disposal facilities EPA concedes to be necessary; accelerate landfill closures; inject air permit writers into solid waste management determinations; and make local waste infrastructure more difficult to finance. It demonstrates the slippery slopes created by attempts to convert single-medium statutes into multi-media programs under the banner of "pollution prevention."  相似文献   

The University of Houston is located just south of downtown Houston, TX. Many different chemical substances are used in scientific research and teaching activities throughout the campus. These activities generate a significant amount of waste materials that must be discarded as regulated hazardous waste per U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rules. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) is the state regulatory agency that has enforcement authority for EPA hazardous waste rules in Texas. Currently, the University is classified as a large quantity generator and generates >1000 kg per month of hazardous waste. In addition, the University has experienced a major surge in research activities during the past several years, and overall the quantity of the hazardous waste generated has increased. The TCEQ requires large quantity generators to prepare a 5-yr Pollution Prevention (P2) Plan, which describes efforts to eliminate or minimize the amount of hazardous waste generated. This paper addresses the design and development of a low-cost P2 plan with minimal implementation obstacles and strong payoff potentials for the University. The projects identified can be implemented with existing University staff resources. This benefits the University by enhancing its environmental compliance efforts, and the disposal cost savings can be used for other purposes. Other educational institutions may benefit by undertaking a similar process.  相似文献   

Hazardous wastes and economic risk reduction: case study, Poland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A concise summary balance of industrial and hazardous waste is given, reflecting the situation in Poland. Nearly 130 million tonnes of waste were generated annually in the past in more than 1300 larger industrial plants. Approximately 1800 million tonnes of industrial waste is already stockpiled. The amount of hazardous waste generated per year was 0.3 and 1.0 million tonnes of the first and second class of toxicity, respectively. Seventeen existing on-site incinerators cannot treat the whole amount of solid and hazardous waste generated. Therefore, landfilling is still the most widely used method of waste disposal. Decontamination of the abandoned areas left by the Soviet Army, and reclamation of some hundreds of storage sites filled with outdated pesticides are now added to the national plan of waste management. Its implementation, including introduction of the best available and best managed technologies of hazardous waste treatment and disposal, will take at least 20 to 30 years.  相似文献   


Chromium-containing solid wastes have been generated by chemical and leather/tanning industries, and the management and proper disposal of the same wastes have been challenging tasks. A significant fraction of these wastes contains chromium compounds with chromium present in the hexavalent (Cr+6) form, which is hazardous to human beings, animals, and ecosystems. Since these wastes are discarded largely without proper treatments, soil and groundwater get contaminated and they can cause several health issues to human beings. Conventional methods developed to convert hazardous Cr6+ to Cr3+/Cr metal either generate secondary toxic wastes and unwanted by-products and/or are time-consuming processes. In this work, a plasma-assisted aluminothermic process is developed to convert the toxic waste into non-toxic products. The waste was mixed with aluminium powder and subjected to transferred arc plasma treatment in a controlled air atmosphere. Chemical analysis and Cr leachability studies of the waste material prior to plasma treatment have shown that it is highly toxic. Analysis of the products obtained from the plasma treatment showed that Cr and Fe present in the waste could be recovered as a metallic mixture as well as oxide slag, which were found to be non-toxic. Easy separation of the metallic fraction and the slag from the treated product is one of the merits of this process. Besides converting chromium-containing toxic waste to non-toxic materials, the process is rapid and recovers the metals from the waste completely.


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