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The emission inventory of the city of Santiago, Chile, related to mobile sources was built up using constant emission factors extracted from international literature. To improve the estimate of mobile source emissions, an experimental program was designed, consisting of transient tests on a chassis dynamometer over a sample of about 166 vehicles, applying 9 local driving cycles with average speeds of 3-80 km/hr, and experimentally determined in previous research carried out by the authors. An analysis of the influence of fuel inlet technology, and a year time-length model over emissions, was undertaken. We proposed emission factors as a function of average speed and of CO, THC, and NOx for catalytic and noncatalytic light-duty gasoline vehicles, disaggregated on commercial and private cars. A comparative analysis with emission factors obtained for the application of the COPERT II and AP-42 models was also presented. Our current analysis gives solid evidence indicating that to obtain a reasonable accuracy on emission estimates and calculations, local emission factors must be used.  相似文献   

The problems associated with the design and operation of appropriate air pollution control equipment for particulate emissions from dryer-drum hot asphalt plants are discussed by outlining the basic process involved, the quantities of particulate matter being emitted, and possible methods of control. The most difficult problem seems to be the emission of a fine aerosol of unburned hydrocarbons generated as a result of the simultaneous heating and mixing of the asphaltic material. From the information presented, it was concluded that in most circumstances the venturi scrubber would be the most viable alternative to meet the 0.04 gr/dscf limitation imposed by the New Source Performance Standards promulgated by the EPA.  相似文献   

Tailpipe and evaporative emissions from three pre-1985 passenger motor vehicles operating on an oxygenated blend fuel and on a nonoxygenated base fuel were characterized. Emission data were collected for vehicles operating over the Federal Test Procedure at 40,75, and 90°F to simulate ambient driving conditions. The two fuels tested were a commercial summer grade regular gasoline (the nonoxygenated base fuel) and an oxygenated fuel containing 9.5 percent methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE), more olefins, and fewer aromatics than the base fuel. The emissions measured were total hydrocarbons (THCs), speciated hydrocarbons, speciated aldehydes, carbon monoxide (CO), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), benzene, and 1,3-butadiene.

This study showed no pattern of tailpipe regulated emission reduction when oxygenated fuel was used. Tailpipe emissions from the 1984 Buick Century without a catalyst and the 1977 Mustang with catalyst decreased with the MTBE fuel. However, emissions from the 1984 Buick Century and the 1980 Chevrolet Citation, both fitted with catalysts increased. The vehicles emitted more 1,3- butadiene and, in general, more NOx when operated with the base fuel.

THC, CO, benzene, and 1,3-butadiene emissions from both fuels and all vehicles, in general, decreased with increasing test temperature, whereas NOx emissions, in general, increased with increasing test temperature. Formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and total aldehydes also showed a decrease in emissions as test temperature increased. More formaldehyde was emitted when the MTBE fuel was used.

Evaporative, diurnal, and hot soak emissions from the base fuel were greater than those from the MTBE fuel. The evaporated emissions from both fuels increased with increasing test temperatures. Diurnal data indicate that canister conditioning (bringing the evaporative charcoal canister to equilibrium) is required before testing.  相似文献   

Alternative vehicular fuels are proposed as a strategy to reduce urban air pollution. In this paper, we analyze the emission Impacts of electric vehicles In California for two target years, 1995 and 2010. We consider a range of assumptions regarding electricity consumption of electric vehicles, emission control technologies for power plants, and the mix of primary energy sources for electricity generation. We find that, relative to continued use of gasoline-powered vehicles, the use of electric vehicles would dramatically and unequivocally reduce carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons. Under most conditions, nitrogen oxide emissions would decrease moderately. Sulfur oxide and particulate emissions would Increase or slightly decrease. Because other areas of the United States tend to use more coal in electricity generation and have less stringent emission controls on power plants, electric vehicles may have less emission reduction benefits outside California.  相似文献   


The exhaust emissions of 17 polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) were investigated in two spark-ignition light-duty vehicles, one gasohol-fueled and a flexible-fuel one fueled with hydrated ethanol. Gasohol is a mixture of gasoline and 22% ethanol. The influence of fuel type and quality, lubricant oil type, and use of fuel additives on the formation of these compounds was tested using standardized U.S. Federal Test Procedure (FTP)-75 cycle tests. The sampling of the PCDD/Fs followed the recommendations of a modified U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Method 23 (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/emc/promgate/m-23.pdf) and the analysis basically followed the U.S. EPA Method 8290 (http://www.epa.gov/osw/hazard/testmethods/sw846/pdfs/8290a.pdf). Results showed that emission factors of PCDD/Fs for the gasohol vehicle varied from undetected to 0.068 pg international toxic equivalency (I-TEQ) km?1 (average of 0.0294 pg I-TEQ km?1), whereas in the ethanol vehicle they varied from 0.004 to 0.157 pg (I-TEQ) km?1 (average of 0.031 pg I-TEQ km?1). In the gasohol-powered vehicle, the use of fuel additive diminished the emission of Octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (OCDD) significantly, whereas in the ethanol vehicle no significant associations were observed between the investigated variables and the emissions.

IMPLICATIONS The objective of this work was to analyze differences in emissions from a traditional fossil fuel (gasoline) and an alternative renewable fuel (ethanol from sugarcane), and the influence of fuel additives and lubricant oils on the formation of chlorinated dioxins and furans in spark-ignition light-duty gasohol and ethanol vehicles. Renewable fuels are very important in terms of climate change but the risk to the population's health must not increase. Thus the results of this work could help in the development of environmental impact studies as well as orienting policy-makers in formulating strategies for air pollution control.  相似文献   

The NO, NO2, and CO emissions from residential gas combustion appliances contribute to indoor air pollution. The work described investigated the impact of various unvented gas appliances designs and/or operational factors on pollutant emission rates. All experiments were performed in a 1150 ft3 (32.56 m3) all aluminum chamber under controlled conditions. Results are presented for the effect of the following factors on emission rates: 1) appliance type and/or design, 2) primary aeration level, 3) firing rate (fuel input rate), 4) chamber humidity, and 5) time dependence of emission rates. It is concluded that primary aeration level has the largest impact on pollutant emission rates of range-top burners, followed in turn by firing rate, appliance type, chamber humidity, and time dependence of emission rate.  相似文献   


China’s national government and Beijing city authorities have adopted additional control measures to reduce the negative impact of vehicle emissions on Beijing’s air quality. An evaluation of the effectiveness of these measures may provide guidance for future vehicle emission control strategy development. In-use emissions from light-duty gasoline vehicles (LDGVs) were investigated at five sites in Beijing with remote sensing instrumentation. Distance-based mass emission factors were derived with fuel consumption modeled on real world data. The results show that the recently implemented aggressive control strategies are significantly reducing the emissions of on-road vehicles. Older vehicles are contributing substantially to the total fleet emissions. An earlier program to retrofit pre-Euro cars with three-way catalysts produced little emission reduction. The impact of model year and driving conditions on the average mass emission factors indicates that the durability of vehicles emission controls may be inadequate in Beijing.  相似文献   


Particle size distribution measurements in 16 nonlinear intervals covering the 0.1–7.5 μm range and concurrent sulfate concentrations were continuously recorded in September 1996 over the period of two weeks in a Mediterranean forest. Sulfate size distribution was derived from a linear correlation fit between the concentrations and the number of particles recorded at each particle size interval. The results revealed two modal diameters for sulfates, with typical diameters at 0.3 and 0.675 μm. These results were associated with two different dominant chemical mechanisms governing sulfate formation.

In order to describe the dominant chemical mechanism, the growth law approach was applied. Growth rates were determined using the parameter estimates of the fitted particle size distribution function. By matching these data with sulfate concentrations, the dominant chemical reactions were identified. The results have shown that sulfate formation is governed by both homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions and that the latter process was dominant. Condensation reactions prevailed in the early morning and late afternoon, and volume reactions at night, particularly in high-moisture conditions. From the observational data, the gas-to-particle conversion rate for sulfur dioxide (SO2) at nighttime was also derived, yielding a 2.18%/hr-1.  相似文献   


Neural networks have shown tremendous promise in modeling complex problems. This work describes the development and validation of a neural network for the purpose of estimating point source emission rates of hazardous gases. This neural network approach has been developed and tested using experimental data obtained for two specific air pollutants of concern in West Texas, hydrogen sulfide and ammonia. The prediction of the network is within 20% of the measured emission rates for these two gases at distances of less than 50 m. The emission rate estimations for ground level releases were derived as a function of seven variables: downwind distance, crosswind distance, wind speed, downwind concentration, atmospheric stability, ambient temperature, and relative humidity. A backpropagation algorithm was used to develop the neural network and is also discussed here. The experimental data were collected at the Wind Engineering Research Field Site located at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas. Based on the results of this study, the use of neural networks provides an attractive and highly effective tool to model atmospheric dispersion, in which a large number of variables interact in a nonlinear manner.  相似文献   


A study of particulate matter (PM) emissions from in-use, light-duty vehicles was conducted during the summer of 1996 and the winter of 1997 in the Denver, CO, region. Vehicles were tested as received on chassis dynamometers on the Federal Test Procedure Urban Dynamometer Driving Schedule (UDDS) and the IM240 driving schedule. Both PM10 and regulated emissions were measured for each phase of the UDDS. For the summer portion of the study, 92 gasoline vehicles, 10 diesel vehicles, and 9 gasoline vehicles with visible smoke emissions were tested once. For the winter, 56 gasoline vehicles, 12 diesel vehicles, and 15 gasoline vehicles with visible smoke were tested twice, once indoors at 60 °F and once outdoors at the prevailing temperature. Vehicle model year ranged from 1966 to 1996. Impactor particle size distributions were obtained on a subset of vehicles. Continuous estimates of the particle number emissions were obtained with an electrical aerosol analyzer. This data set is being provided to the Northern Front Range Air Quality Study program and to the State of Colorado and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for use in updating emissions inventories.  相似文献   


An improved portable odor sampling system (OSS) of the wind tunnel type was designed to determine odor emissions from areal sources. The aerodynamics of the odor emission hood was observed using a number of smoke tests and dry ice tests. The velocity profiles were also measured horizontally and vertically in the hood by an anemometer. Modifications in the form of an extension inlet duct, flat vanes, and a baffle were necessary to achieve repeatable, uniform, and steady velocity profiles inside the hood. The optimum velocity for use of the OSS was found to be 0.33 m/s, based upon the aerodynamic performance of the OSS and the sensitivity of the anemometer at a lower velocity.  相似文献   

Epidemiological assessments of population exposures to airborne particles are often hampered by the scarcity of available fine particle mass measurements. In an attempt to overcome this serious problem, we analyze In this paper methods for predicting fine particle (M 1) and Inhalable particle (IP) mass concentrations using relative humidity corrected light extinction coefficient (b ext) estimated from airport visual range (V r) observations. The analyses presented are based on theoretical determinations as well as statistical investigations utilizing EPA's NASN and Inhalable Particle Monitoring Network (IPMN) data bases and routine airport visual range observations In twelve large U.S. cities. Our results Indicate that, after controlling for certain limitations of airport visual range data, most of the regression models developed in this paper can be applied satisfactorily to predict M t and IP. Furthermore, our findings Indicate that a more representative formula than the commonly used meteorological range formula to predict atmospheric b ext values in urban areas may be b ext = (1.8 ± 0.04)/V r. Because of known local or regional influences, however, we do suggest calibration of any predictive model which utilizes airport visibility data against site-specific aerometric data on particle mass concentrations or scattering coefficient measurements.  相似文献   

Now that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has promulgated new National Ambient Air Quality Standards for PM2.5, work will begin on generating the data required to determine the sources of ambient PM2.5 and the magnitude of their contributions to air pollution. This paper summarizes the results of an Environmental Research Consortium program, carried out under the auspices of the U.S. Council for Automotive Research. The program focused on particulate matter (PM) emissions from representative, current-technology, light-duty gasoline vehicles produced by DaimlerChrysler Corp., Ford Motor Co., and General Motors Corp. The vehicles, for the most part taken from the manufacturer's certification and durability fleets, were dynamometer-tested using the three-phase Federal Test Procedure in the companies' laboratories. The test fleet was made up of a mixture of both low-mileage (2K-35K miles) and high-mileage (60K-150K miles) cars, vans, sport utility vehicles, and light trucks. For each vehicle tested, PM emissions were accumulated over 4 cold-start tests, which were run on successive days. PM emission rates from the entire fleet (22 vehicles total) averaged less than 2 mg/mile. All 18 vehicles tested using California Phase 2 reformulated gasoline had PM emission rates less than 2 mg/mile at both low and high mileages.  相似文献   

The study considers a range of possible effects on the transportation industry, satellite industries, the labor market, and the economy which may be anticipated in the event mass production of unconventional low emission automotive propulsion systems should occur, whether as a consequence of federal intervention, or not. A postulated 1 976 Otto Cycle Internal Combustion Engine equipped with a dual catalyst manifold reactor and other “conventional” emission control devices was compared in detail with a Regenerative Free Turbine Engine and a Rankine Cycle Engine, as specified by the contracting agency. Manufacturing costs, operating and ownership costs, consumer demand, inter-industry effects, employment, resource requirements, and international trade implications were analyzed in depth under a number of plausible sets of policy constraints and parametric variations. Principal conclusions are that conversion over a 10 year period is feasible, that manufacturing cost differentials are less critical than fuel consumption and cost differentials, that industry/employment impacts are minor, and that resource/trade effects are dominated by petroleum imports. Implications for federal policy are discussed.  相似文献   


An improved design for an odor emission hood was examined in the laboratory using ammonia emission from a water surface. The experimental ammonia convective mass transfer coefficients from a diluted ammonia solution were determined at velocities of 0.3 m/s to 0.8 m/s using the odor emission hood. The theoretical ammonia convective mass transfer coefficients were also predicted by boundary layer theory under laminar flow conditions. It was found that experimental data were only 10% below theoretical predictions at an air velocity of 0.3 m/s to 0.6 m/s. The maximum velocity was limited to 0.6 m/s by the geometric size, shape and aerodynamic stability of the hood. At 0.33 m/s, the smallest variation of mass transfer coefficients was measured. The odor emission rate was found to be a function of air velocity to the power 0.5 in accordance with boundary layer theory. An odor sampling system based upon the odor emission hood provides a way to quantify the potential odor emission strength in sewage treatment plants, for odor dispersion modeling and odor control.  相似文献   

The “Teepee” type wood residue incinerator, similar to many other sources, requires sampling at the point where the emissions enter the atmosphere. Because the location of the emission point is hazardous and unpleasant for the operation of a sampling probe, a portable, tilt-up column was developed which permitted installation, operation, and retrieval of the sampling train from ground level. The sampling train developed permitted determination of the size distribution and weight of the particulate emitted by this highly variable source.  相似文献   


In August 1995, measurements of CO, NOx, speciated nonmethane hydrocarbons (NMHC), and CO2 were made in Vancouver's Cassiar Connector, a 730-m-long level-grade highway traffic tunnel. Two characteristics of the Vancouver setting are the presence of many propane vehicles and a mandatory inspection and maintenance (I/M) program. Although the driving conditions and vehicle fleets are otherwise outwardly similar to those of recent Tuscarora-tunnel studies, CO/NO ratios at the Cassiar Connector are significantly lower than those measured at Tuscarora. The Cassiar measurements are consistent with the MOBILE5A mobile emissions model predictions. The Canadian version of MOBILE5A—known as MOBILE5C—gives nearly identical results, indicating that differences in Canadian and U.S. emission standards cannot explain differences between Cassiar and U.S. tunnels. Considering the modeling results as well as measured ethene/acetylene ratios indicative of noncatalyst vehicles, it appears that vehicle deterioration remains the major issue in in-use vehicle emissions—even in Vancouver, where there is a mandatory loaded-mode I/M program.  相似文献   

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