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The Texas-Mexico border region Is one of the most rapidly developing areas in the state. Unprecedented economic and demographic growth Is placing stress on a system already overburdened with air, water, waste, and public health problems. This paper reports the results of an initial survey of the past and present ambient air levels of arsenic along the Texas side of the border. Ambient air arsenic levels have increased over time, exhibit seasonal variations, and are higher In specific areas when compared to the rest of the state. Five of the 20 areas in Texas having the highest 24-hour levels of arsenic are found along the border. In areas where emissions have been significantly reduced at the source, arsenic levels remained high In the environment for over two years. This provides a potential continuum for human exposure. The results of this study emphasize the need for bi-national development and implementation of air quality control programs along the Texas-Mexico border.  相似文献   

Several factors have recently caused visibility impairment at Big Bend National Park, TX, to be of interest. Analyses of historical data collected there have shown that visibility is poorer and fine particle concentrations are higher at Big Bend than at other monitored Class I areas in the western United States. In addition, air masses frequently arrive there after crossing Mexico, where emissions are not well known. During September and October 1996, a field study was undertaken to begin examining the aerosol, visibility, and meteorology on both sides of the border. Results indicate that, during the study, the largest fractions of fine mass and light extinction at Big Bend were due to sulfates and the trace elements most closely associated with sulfate particles were Na and Se. Based on back trajectory modeling and the spatial, temporal, and inter-species relationships in the fine particle concentrations measured during the study, sulfates arrived at the park from both Mexico and the United States. Se was higher in Texas than in Northern Mexico, while V, Pb, Zn, Ni, and Mn were on average much higher in Mexico.  相似文献   


This study investigated the relationships between meteorological data, pollution sources, and receptors over northern Taiwan. During the intensive sampling period in summer 1992, the weather was controlled predominantly by a Pacific subtropical high and by Typhoon Mark. During the other intensive sampling period in winter 1993, while a cold frontal system approached Taiwan, the northeasterly winds prevailed most of the time. The local circulation such as land-sea breeze only developed under weak synoptic environment. Particle concentrations and element composition in winter were higher than in summer. This can be attributed to the high convection of air mass, which leads to the vertical dispersion of pollutants in summer. In addition to the subtropical high pressure, typhoons are frequently accompanied with high-wind speeds and unstable weather conditions that also dilute and eliminate the pollutants. In winter, the prevailing northeasterlies might carry pollutants from Midland China. Furthermore, the anticyclone system develops a stagnant condition that easily leads to pollutant accumulation. In this case, the wind direction affected the source contribution of the receptor and the PM10 displays a higher correlation with coarse and fine particulate than meteorological parameters in summer. In addition, the mixing height shows a high correlation with PM10 in winter.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development and application of the Visibility and Haze in the Western Atmosphere (VISHWA) model to understand the source-receptor relationships that govern chemical species relevant to visibility degradation in the western United States. The model was developed as part of a project referred to as Visibility Assessment for Regional Emission Distributions (VARED), the objective of which is to estimate the contributions of various geographical regions, compounds, and emission

sources to light scattering and absorption by particles on the Colorado Plateau.

The VISHWA model is a modified version of a comprehensive Eulerian model, known as the Acid Deposition and Oxidant Model.1 The modifications were designed to obtain the computational efficiency required to simulate a one-year period at about 1/25th of real time, and at the same time incorporate mechanistic features relevant to realistic modeling of the fate and transport of visibility degrading species. The modifications included use of a condensed chemical mechanism; incorporation of reactions to simulate the formation of secondary organic particles; and use of a semi-Lagrangian advection scheme to preserve concentration peaks during advection.

The model was evaluated with 1992 air quality data from Project MOHAVE (Measurements of Haze and Visual Effects) intensive experiments. An important conclusion of this evaluation is that aqueous-phase oxidation of SO2 to sulfate in nonprecipitating clouds makes a significant contribution to observed sulfate levels during winter as well as summer. Model estimates of ambient sulfate

for the winter intensive were within a factor of 2 of the observations for 75% of the values. The corresponding statistic for the summer intensive was 90%. Model estimates of carbon were within a factor of 2 of the limited set of observations.  相似文献   

Company self-auditing has become an increasingly attractive option for both government and industry in achieving compliance with environmental laws. For government, it can diminish the need for continual compliance inspections, and, for industry, it can prevent substantial liability. However, auditing can be conducted in a number of ways, and it is important for company management to be aware of its options before selecting a particular approach. This is particularly true of companies with relatively limited resources for such a project. The following article describes some of the more basic options to be considered In identifying an optimal auditing strategy. It also discusses factors which may make one strategy preferable to another. The article concludes with the interesting observation that, in some cases, a formal audit may be neither necessary nor desirable.  相似文献   


Air quality model simulations constitute an effective approach to developing source-receptor relationships (so-called transfer coefficients in the risk analysis framework) because a significant fraction of particulate matter (particularly PM2.5) is secondary (i.e., formed in the atmosphere) and, therefore, depends on the atmospheric chemistry of the airshed. In this study, we have used a comprehensive three-dimensional air quality model for PM2 5 (SAQM-AERO) to compare three approaches to generating episodic transfer coefficients for several source regions in the Los Angeles Basin. First, transfer coefficients were developed by conducting PM2.5 SAQM-AERO simulations with reduced emissions of one of four precursors (i.e., primary PM, sulfur dioxide (SO2), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), and volatile organic compounds) from each source region. Next, we calculated transfer coefficients using two other methods: (1) a simplified chemistry for PM2.5 formation, and (2) simplifying assumptions on transport using information limited to basin-wide emission reductions. Transfer coefficients obtained with the simplified chemistry were similar to those obtained with the comprehensive model for VOC emission changes but differed for NO and SO emission changes. The differences were due to the parameterization of the rates of secondary PM formation in the simplified chemistry. In 90% of the cases, transfer coefficients estimated using only basin-wide information were within a factor of two of those obtained with the explicit source-receptor simulations conducted with the comprehensive model. The best agreement was obtained for VOC emission changes; poor agreement was obtained for primary PM2.5.  相似文献   

Pollutant emissions in the Texas-Mexico border were investigated using an emission database that covers 25 Texas counties and the states of Coahuila, Chihuahua, Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas in Mexico. Major emissions are from energy generation, mainly from two coal-fired facilities in Coahuila, which also generate most of carbon dioxide. Texas exhibits a larger concentration of sources; around Laredo and the Lower Rio Grande Valley and a sugarcane mill is a significant contributor to particles emissions. In Mexico the minerals and metals industries are the second major contributors to emissions, especially particles. Fossil fuel production is the main source of VOCs.  相似文献   

A reconnaissance study was undertaken to determine potential contaminant exposures to children through soil from elementary school playgrounds. Soil samples were collected from areas along the Texas-Mexico border, inland areas (soils from elementary school yards in cities/towns within the state of Texas), and three National Parks (one on the border, one in Tennessee, and one in Washington). The present study focused on organochlorine (OC) pesticides as the potential contaminants of concern because of their historical (and possibly current) use, and their importance as persistent organic pollutants (POPs). DDE and heptachlor were the most frequently detected OCs (69 and 63%, respectively), although heptachlor concentrations in soil never exceeded 5 ppb. Relatively higher concentrations of DDE were observed in agricultural areas along the border (50-60 ppb in soils from McAllen, Palmview, and San Benito) than in other soils. However, a school yard in Lubbock, TX had the highest OC concentration observed (70 ppb dieldrin). These results may be due to historical agriculture activity prior to the banning of OC pesticides such as DDT in the early 1970s, as well as the more recent use of DDT in Central and South America for malaria control.  相似文献   

从ISO14000环境管理体系与清洁生产两者产生的背景及涵义出发,讨论了两者的同一性和差异性,提出了在21世纪的新形势下,把清洁生产与ISO14000两者有机的结合,是实现可持续发展的重要手段。  相似文献   

The history of incineration in Los Angeles from 1943 to the present is reviewed as representative of all southern California areas.  相似文献   

This paper describes, compares and evaluates selected Oxidant Prediction Relationships {OPRs) in terms of projections of hydrocarbon emission reductions required for attainment of the former 0.08 ppm standard and the new 0.12 ppm standard in the San Francisco Bay Area in 1985. The OPRs analyzed are the LIRAQ physicochemical model, EPA’s Empirical Kinetic Modeling Approach (EKMA), linear and Appendix J rollback, and an empirical OPR based on local observations.

LIRAQ simulations indicated that to achieve the 0.12 ppm ozone standard, 1985 hydrocarbon emissions must be reduced by 27% from projected levels. The equivalent reductions derived from simple linear rollback, linear rollback with 0.04 ppm background, and the local empirical OPR were 32%, 45% and 37%, respectively. The LIRAQ simulations also showed that reduction of both hydrocarbon and NOx emissions is less effective than reduction of hydrocarbons only. The attempt to apply EKMA failed because the Bay Area’s low hydrocarbon/NOx ratios and observed ozone levels are not consistent with the standard EKMA isopleth curves.

For planning, proper OPR selection is important because the wide range in the projections of various OPRs translates into a correspondingly wide range in control costs. Physicochemical OPRs are preferred because they are verifiable; they account for complex topography, meteorology, and source distributions; and because they can treat a variety of control strategies. In the future, the uncertainties associated with the projections can be resolved by assessing trends in air quality on a regular basis and by upgrading and reapplying the prediction methodologies as new information becomes available.  相似文献   

Initial implementation plans provided for particulate reduction largely through the imposition of emission limitations on industrial processes, large steam generators, and solid waste disposal, requiring, in turn, application of control equipment for compliance. In many urban areas, this approach is not adequate to achieve the secondary air quality standards so that a more general strategy must be employed. Such strategy may include restrictions on fuel burning, combustion equipment, maintenance programs, utility steam distribution, etc. The potential abatement achievable through such strategies is described using Boston as a case study. Cost and technical factors associated with each strategy are discussed.  相似文献   

The land cover change of Uruguayan Forestal Plan provoked biogeochemical changes on horizon Au(1) of Argiudols; in native prairies which were replaced by monoculture Eucalyptus sp. plantation with 20 year rotations as trees. Five fields forested and six natural prairies were compared. The results not only show a statistical significant soil acidification, diminution of soil organic carbon, increase of aliphaticity degree of humic substances, and increase of affinity and capacity of hydrolytic activity from soil microbial communities for forested sites with Eucalyptus sp. but also, a tendency of podzolization and/or mineralization by this kind of land cover changes, with a net soil organic lost of 16.6 tons ha(-1) in the horizon Au(1) of soil under Eucalyptus sp. plantation compared with prairie. Besides, these results point out the necessity of correction of the methodology used by assigned Uruguayan commission to assess the national net emission of greenhouse gases, since the mineralization and/or podzolization process detected in forested soil imply a overestimation of soil organic carbon. The biochemical parameters show a statistical significant correlation between the soil organic carbon status and these parameters which were presented as essential for the correct evaluation of Uruguayan soil carbon sink.  相似文献   

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is actively investigating the technical feasibility of permanent disposal of high-level nuclear waste in a repository to be situated in the unsaturated zone (UZ) at Yucca Mountain (YM), Nevada. In this study we investigate, by means of numerical simulation, the transport of radioactive colloids under ambient conditions from the potential repository horizon to the water table. The site hydrology and the effects of the spatial distribution of hydraulic and transport properties in the Yucca Mountain subsurface are considered. The study of migration and retardation of colloids accounts for the complex processes in the unsaturated zone of Yucca Mountain, and includes advection, diffusion, hydrodynamic dispersion, kinetic colloid filtration, colloid straining, and radioactive decay. The results of the study indicate that the most important factors affecting colloid transport are the subsurface geology and site hydrology, i.e., the presence of faults (they dominate and control transport), fractures (the main migration pathways), and the relative distribution of zeolitic and vitric tuffs. The transport of colloids is strongly influenced by their size (as it affects diffusion into the matrix, straining at hydrogeologic unit interfaces, and transport velocity) and by the parameters of the kinetic-filtration model used for the simulations. Arrival times at the water table decrease with an increasing colloid size because of smaller diffusion, increased straining, and higher transport velocities. The importance of diffusion as a retardation mechanism increases with a decreasing colloid size, but appears to be minimal in large colloids.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research -  相似文献   

A previous study has shown a simultaneous increase of vitamin A and PCBs in grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) milk at late lactation (Debier et al., 2004). Here we sought to understand this unexpected relationship by comparing the dynamics of vitamin A and PCBs in the different tissue compartments of transfer. Lactating grey seals and their pups were sampled longitudinally in Scotland during the 2006 breeding season. As blubber reserves decreased, concentrations of vitamin A and PCBs increased during lactation in the inner layer of maternal blubber. A concomitant rise was observed in milk and consequently in the serum of suckling pups. The similar dynamics of vitamin A and PCBs in milk and inner blubber suggest a common mechanism of mobilisation from maternal body stores and transfer into the milk. A panel data analysis highlighted a negative impact of PCBs in milk and pup serum on vitamin A status in pup serum.  相似文献   

Three separate mathematical models were combined to calculate the changes in carbon monoxide (CO) concentrations that might result from traffic engineering changes. The three models used were: (1) The Dynamic Highway Transportation model (DHTM) which relates traffic flow patterns to physical parameters and traffic signal characteristics of a network; (2) an emission model that predicts CO emissions from traffic flow parameters such as number of stops, idling time, etc; and (3) the APRAC-1A urban diffusion model which calculates CO concentrations from source distributions and meteorological factors. The composite model was applied to traffic in downtown Chicago for a specific set of meteorological conditions. Results are compared for two traffic signal control schemes. In those blocks where concentrations were highest, the model indicates a 20% reduction is possible through improved traffic signal controls. The model should be useful for testing other traffic control measures.  相似文献   

This report reviews the interpretation and measurement of visibility. The selection of 1) variables that appropriately characterize visibility and 2) instruments that measure these variables must be integrated with our understanding of what happens when a person views distant scenes. The process by which we see distant objects is based on characteristics of the object, its surrounding, the air quality and the illumination of the sight path, and the eye and the brain. Additionally, visibility is an integrative parameter in that the ability to “see” depends on all types of aerosol in the atmosphere as well as on all aerosol contained in the sight path. When establishing a standard, some consideration should be given to choosing a variable which is representative of that quality of the environment that requires protection as well as a variable which can be monitored directly. Classically, visibility has usually been interpreted as visual range, which, roughly speaking, is the distance an observer would have to back away from a target before it disappears. Visual range cannot be measured directly nor is it necessarily representative of what an observer “sees.” A documentation of target contrast (either with the sky or another object) or color and color change may be a better way to characterize visibility. Contrast and color change can be monitored directly and both depend on integrative long-path measurements.  相似文献   

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