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Pulse-jet fabric filters (PJFFs) are widely used in U.S. industrial applications, and in both utility and industrial boilers abroad. Their smaller size and reduced cost relative to more conventional baghouses make PJFFs an attractive particulate control option for utility boilers. This article which is the third in a three-part series, compares the cost of PJFFs with electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) and reverse-gas baghouses (RGBs).

This article presents the capital, operating and maintenance (O&M), and level-ized costs for ESPs, RGBs and PJFFs. The particulate control equipment design and pricing are supplied by manufacturers of the control equipment. A comparison of costs for a base case 250-MW boiler indicates that the PJFF capital cost is 22 percent lower than the cost of an ESP with 400 SCA and 12-inch plate spacing; in addition the PJFF is 35 percent lower than the cost of an RGB. The levelized cost for a PJFF is about equal to the cost of the ESP but 14 percent lower than the cost of the RGB. Overall, the attractiveness of a PJFF versus an ESP depends on the coal type and the outlet emissions limit required. PJFF is favored when low-sulfur coal is fired due to the high-resistivity fly ash. Also, PJFF is favored as more stringent outlet emission rates are required.  相似文献   

Electric utilities have made significant progress in recent years in designing and operating baghouses for collection of coal fly ash. As a result, early concerns with high operating and maintenance requirements and short bag lives are no longer an issue. With increasingly stringent air emissions regulations and imminent revision of the Clean Air Act, baghouses have become an attractive particulate collection option for utilities.

In order to keep its member utilities apprised of the latest design and operation and maintenance experience with baghouses, the Electric Power Research Institute has been conducting surveys of utility baghouse user experience. This paper presents results from the latest survey, conducted in 1989. A previous survey was conducted in 1985. The 1989 survey was conducted using questionnaires mailed to the utilities, telephone inquiries, and plant visits. This paper discusses the general trends observed in baghouse design, performance, operation and maintenance.  相似文献   

While the new source emission offset provision contained in recent acid rain proposals would result in increasing utility costs over time, the demand for emission offsets from new powerplant units should be satisfied even under conditions of high future growth in electrical generating capacity. This is because the amount of emissions from new generating units will be small relative to the quantity of offsets that could be made available in the emission “allowance” market.

Under the President’s July 1989 proposal, most utilities would be able to reduce their emissions well below their allowance levels via fuel switching, the installation of control technology, or the use of other emission reduction techniques, in order to create more “headroom” for the construction of new generating units. Retirements and decreasing utilization of existing power plants over time would liberate other emission allowances for use by new units. Industrial sources could “opt in” to the acid rain program and provide allowances for new generating units as well. A number of provisions in the recently passed Senate and House bills would make still further sources of allowances available to offset emissions from new generating capacity.

Hoarding of allowances by utilities is unlikely to be a problem since allowances would be distributed to at least 88 utilities in 34 states, and many of these utilities would have the ability to cost-effectively free up more allowances through “overcontrol” than they would need to cover their own future growth. Even a relatively small number of utilities in a limited number of states would have the ability to supply all of the allowances needed to cover new capacity growth from those entities that could not otherwise provide their own offsets. At projected prices of up to $800/ton, the incentives for utilities to sell allowances would be considerable. Moreover, if hoarding did begin to occur, the price of allowances would respond by rising to higher levels and the incentives for utilities to sell allowances would become even more compelling, as greater opportunities would develop for reducing costs (and electricity rates).  相似文献   

Stringent particulate emissions limits and increasing awareness of stack opacity is leading the utility industry to use high efficiency particulate control systems. In response to this trend, the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) is conducting several research programs aimed at improving the operation, maintenance and performance of particulate control systems. One of these programs, RP-1401, “Reliability Assessment of Particulate Control Systems,” is developing operation, maintenance and design data bases for both electrostatic precipitators and fabric filters. This paper discusses some of the intermediate findings of the work done on fabric filters.  相似文献   

Pulse-jet fabric filters (PJFFs) are widely used in U.S. industrial boiler applications and in utility and industrial boilers abroad. Their small size and reduced cost relative to more conventional reverse-gas baghouses makes the use of PJFFs appear to be an attractive particulate control option for utility boilers. This paper (Part 2 of a three-part series) summarizes the results of pilot PJFF studies sponsored by the Electric Power Research Institute at different utility sites in the United States. The purpose of these tests is to evaluate PJFF performance for U.S. fossil-fuel-fired applications. These data are also used to corroborate the results of a recent worldwide survey of PJFF user experience, as described in Part 1 of this series. Part 3 will provide a cost comparison of PJFFs to other particulate control options such as electrostatic precipitators and reverse-gas baghouses.  相似文献   

The high intensity ionizer (HII) has reached a level of development where projections can be made of its potential for enhancing electrostatic precipitator (ESP) performance within the electric utility industry. Future ESP performance requirements are forecast based on a scenario of possible changes in regulations for mass emissions, fine particulate, and opacity. An assessment is made of the alternative means of upgrading ESP performance over the next 15 years. It is concluded that of 570 ESP estimated to require upgrading by 1995 to meet possibly more stringent regulations, approximately 20%—or 117 units—may employ HII.  相似文献   


Loss of filtration efficiency in a fabric filter baghouse is typically caused by bag failure, in one form or another. The degree of such failure can be as minor as a pinhole leak or as major as a fully involved baghouse fire. In some cases, local air pollution regulations or federal hazardous waste laws may require estimation of the total quantity of particulate matter released to the environment as a result of such failures. In this paper, a technique is presented for computing the dust loading in the baghouse exhaust when one or more bags have failed. The algorithm developed is shown to be an improvement over a previously published result, which requires empirical knowledge of the variation in baghouse pressure differential with bag failures. An example calculation is presented for a bag-house equipped with 200 bags. The prediction shows that a small percentage of failed bags can cause a relatively large proportion of the gas flow to bypass the active bags, which, in turn, leads to high outlet dust loading and low overall collection efficiency from the baghouse.  相似文献   

This expert opinion study examined the current status of the intertidal zone in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) and ranked and discussed future management approaches. Information was gathered from scientists, practitioners, and managers active in the WIO region through a questionnaire and a workshop. The experts stated that the productive intertidal environment is highly valuable for reasons such as recreation, erosion protection, and provision of edible invertebrates and fish. Several anthropogenic pressures were identified, including pollution, harbor activities, overexploitation, and climate change. The experts considered the WIO intertidal zone as generally understudied, undermanaged, and with poor or no monitoring. The most important management strategies according to the expert opinions are to develop and involve local people in integrated coastal zone management (ICZM), to increase knowledge on species–environment relationships, and to develop awareness campaigns and education programs. To improve coastal environmental management and conservation, we argue that the intertidal zone should be treated as one organizational management unit within the larger framework of ICZM.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s13280-013-0465-8) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   


The separation of Cr(III) from collagen in chromium-tanned leather (wet-blue) is achieved by a combination of the protein (collagen) stabilization (protective cross-linking) and a subsequent labilization of the Cr(III) species bound to the protein. During the separation collagen retains the tertiary triple helical and higher (fibril) structures. The model proposed for the protective cross-linking involves inter- rather than intramolecular bridging, that is, a supramolecular bridging. The process of chromium removal takes place in a restricted aqueous environment, and it can be characterized as semihomogeneous or semiheterogeneous.  相似文献   

Stormwater runoff is now a major contributor to the pollution of coastal waters in the United States. Public agencies are responding by requiring stormwater monitoring to satisfy the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System stormwater permit. However, studies to understand the utility of the current programs or to improve their usefulness have not yet been performed. In this paper, we evaluate the land-use-based program, the industrial stormwater permit program, and beach water-quality monitoring in the County of Los Angeles, California, to determine if the results will be helpful to planners and regulators in abating stormwater pollution. The utility of the program has been assessed based on the programs' ability to accurately estimate the emissions for different classes of land use. The land-use program appears successful, while the industrial monitoring program does not. Beach water-quality monitoring suffers from a lack of real-time monitoring techniques. We also provide suggested improvements, such as sampling method and time, and parameter selection.  相似文献   


In this paper, the deterioration of catalysts in small, four-stroke, spark-ignition engines is described. The laboratory testing performed followed a proven test method that mimics the lifetime of a small air-cooled utility engine operating under normal field conditions. The engines used were single-cylinder, 6.5-hp, side-valve engines. These engines have a nominal 125-hr lifetime. The effectiveness of the catalysts was determined by testing exhaust emissions before and after the catalyst to determine the catalyst’s efficiency. This was done several times during the lifetime of the engines to determine the deterioration in the performance of the catalysts at lowering pollutant emissions. Additional testing was performed on the catalysts to determine wear patterns, contamination, and recoverable activity. The results indicate that considerable catalyst deterioration is occurring over the lifetime of the engine. The results reveal that soot buildup, poisons, and active surface loss appear to be the contributing factors to the deterioration. These results were determined after analyzing the exhaust emissions data, scanning electron microscope results analysis, and the impact of regeneration attempts. An ANOVA statistical analysis was performed, and it was determined that the emissions are also impacted, to some degree, by time and the engine itself.  相似文献   

Assessments of radiological impacts on humans and other biota from potential releases to the biosphere from a deep geologic repository for spent nuclear fuel are associated with several challenges. Releases, if any, will likely occur in a far future and to an environment that will have experienced substantial transformations. Such releases would occur over very long periods during which environmental conditions will vary continuously due to climate change and ecosystem succession. Assessments of radiological impacts must therefore be based on simulations using models that can describe the transport and accumulation of radionuclides for a large variety of environmental conditions. In this paper we describe such a model and show examples of its application in a safety assessment, taking into account results from sensitivity and uncertainty analyses of the model predictions.  相似文献   

废水厌氧反应器工艺的未来发展方向   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
结合厌氧生物处理的特点及工艺运行要求,分析了废水厌氧生物处理工艺设计和运行的技术关键,介绍了两相和多级(SMPA)工艺的特点及其优越性,提出了今后的研究发展方向。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Global warming is one of the major challenges facing humanity. The increase in the Earth’s temperature and thawing of ancient ice release viable...  相似文献   

Various techniques of determining total reduced sulphur (TRS) gases that are emitted in the manufacture of pulp and paper, particularly in the kraft pulping process, are reviewed. Particular emphasis is placed on two types of popular TRS analyzers used in Canada, viz. coulometers and gas chromatographs, with a discussion on the automation of the latter.  相似文献   

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