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Open sources are those stationary sources of air pollution too great in extent to be controlled through enclosure or ducting. Open sources of atmospheric particles include: wind erosion, tilling, and prescribed burning of agricultural cropland; surface mining and wind erosion of tailings piles; vehicular travel on both paved and unpaved roads; construction site activity; and forest fires. It is estimated that in 1976 the total open source emissions of particles in the U.S. amounted to over 580 × 106 ton. These estimates indicate that emissions from the two largest open source classes, travel on unpaved roads and agricultural wind erosion, accounted for 86% of this total. The open source emissions in ten states (AZ, CA, KS, MN, MT, NM, ND, OH, SD, TX) contributed 6 2% of the national emissions for 1976.  相似文献   


Styrene is a designated hazardous air pollutant, per the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. It is also a tropospheric ozone precursor. Fiber-reinforced plastics (FRP) fabrication is the primary source of anthropogenic styrene emissions in the United States. This paper describes an empirical model designed to predict styrene emission factors for selected FRP fabrication processes. The model highlights 10 relevant parameters impacting styrene emission factors for FRP processes, and helps identify future areas of FRP pollution prevention (P2) research. In most cases, the number of these parameters with greatest impact on styrene emission factors can be limited to four or five. Seven different emission studies were evaluated and used as model inputs.  相似文献   

Described are the results from studies done to provide test methods for state and local air pollution control agencies to measure accurately the lead emissions from stationary source stacks as required in the National Ambient Air Quality Standard for Lead. Separate test methods were developed for measuring inorganic lead and alkyl lead compounds. Inorganic lead is collected in a standard particulate sampling train, digested with 50% (V/V) nitric acid and 3% hydrogen peroxide and analyzed by atomic absorption spectrometry. Alkyl lead compounds are collected in iodine monochloride and analyzed by atomic absorption spectrometry without prior solvent extraction. Standard solutions of inorganic lead in dilute nitric acid are used to calibrate the spectrophotometer in both methods. The inorganic lead test method was evaluated using baghouse dust samples from a primary copper and a primary lead smelter and stack samples from a lead recovery furnace, a primary battery manufacturing plant, a gray iron foundry and a secondary lead smelter. The alkyl lead method was evaluated using alkyl lead motor mix fluids and samples from an alkyl lead manufacturing plant vent stack.  相似文献   


This study characterized the emissions of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) from the stack flue gases of 17 industrial sources, which were classified into 10 categories. The results show that the mean PCDD/PCDF concentration of secondary zinc smelter (Zn-S) and secondary copper smelter (Cu-S) is 2.44 ng international toxic equivalent (I-TEQ)/Nm3 (N represents normal conditions at 0 °C, 760 mmHg), which was found to be significantly greater than that of industrial waste incinerators (mean concentration = 0.15 ng I-TEQ/Nm3). These results imply that the controlling of secondary metallurgical melting processes is more important than industrial waste incineration for the reduction of PCDD/PCDF emissions. The mean emission factors of cement production, Zn-S and Cu-S, are 0.052, 1.99, and 1.73 μg I-TEQ/t product, respectively. For industrial waste incineration, the mean emission factors of waste rubber, waste liquor, waste sludge, industrial waste solid (IWI)-1, IWI-2, IWI-3, and IWI-4 are 0.752, 0.435, 0.760, 6.64, 1.67, 2.38, and 0.094 μg I-TEQ/t feed, respectively. Most of the PCDD/PCDF emission factors established in this study are less than those reported in previous studies, which could be because of the more stringent regulations for PCDD/PCDF emissions in recent years.  相似文献   

The problem of an investigation of the need for a regulation on organic compound emissions in the San Francisco Bay Area can be divided into two major areas: 1. Is there a need for a regulation on organic compound emissions? What is the extent of photochemical smog effects? How much control is necessary to achieve the desired effects?

2. (2) If the need exists for an organic compound regulation, can a performance type regulation be written for all types of organic compound emissions? Must the regulation be directed toward specific industries or types of emissions? Can the regulation be adequately enforced—both practically and legally?

This paper will describe the studies undertaken by the District Staff to answer the first set of questions. Work covering the second group of questions is now under investigation.  相似文献   


Sensory and pulmonary irritation are physiological responses to chemical exposure which result in characteristic, measurable changes in respiratory activity in mice. A standard method has been applied to the estimation of sensory irritation associated with a specific chemical exposure. This method has been correlated with human responses to these chemicals. Symptoms associated with chemical irritants are consistent with complaints due to problems with indoor air quality, which may include eye and upper respiratory tract irritation, headaches, and nausea. A stepwise strategy for assessing the contribution of indoor products to sensory and pulmonary irritation is discussed in the current paper. The strategy includes product emissions testing using dynamic environmental chambers, the selection of suspected irritants for respiratory irritation testing, respiratory irritation testing of individual compounds and representative mixtures using synthesized atmospheres, and the evaluation of test data to determine those compounds which may contribute to sensory and pulmonary irritation in humans. The current strategy is being applied to evaluate carpet system materials and their constituent chemicals.  相似文献   


Aerial ammonia concentrations (C g) are measured using acid scrubbers, filter packs, denuders, or optical methods. Using C g and wind speed or airflow rate, ammonia emission rate or flux can be directly estimated using enclosures or micrometeorological methods. Using nitrogen (N) recovery is not recommended, mainly because the different gaseous N components cannot be separated. Although low cost and replicable, chambers modify environmental conditions and are suitable only for comparing treatments. Wind tunnels do not modify environmental conditions as much as chambers, but they may not be appropriate for determining ammonia fluxes; however, they can be used to compare emissions and test models. Larger wind tunnels that also simulate natural wind profiles may be more useful for comparing treatments than micrometeorological methods because the latter require larger plots and are, thus, difficult to replicate. For determining absolute ammonia flux, the micrometeorological methods are the most suitable because they are nonintrusive. For use with micrometeorological methods, both the passive denuders and optical methods give comparable accuracies, although the latter give real-time C g but at a higher cost. The passive denuder is wind weighted and also costs less than forced-air C g measurement methods, but it requires calibration. When ammonia contamination during sample preparation and handling is a concern and separating the gas-phase ammonia and aerosol ammonium is not required, the scrubber is preferred over the passive denuder. The photothermal interferometer, because of its low detection limit and robustness, may hold potential for use in agriculture, but it requires evaluation. With its simpler theoretical basis and fewer restrictions, the integrated horizontal flux (IHF) method is preferable over other micrometeorological methods, particularly for lagoons, where berms and land-lagoon boundaries modify wind flow and flux gradients. With uniform wind flow, the ZINST method requiring measurement at one predetermined height may perform comparably to the IHF method but at a lower cost.  相似文献   

The two primary factors influencing ambient air pollutant concentrations are emission rate and dispersion rate. Gaussian dispersion modeling studies for odors, and often other air pollutants, vary dispersion rates using hourly meteorological data. However, emission rates are typically held constant, based on one measured value. Using constant emission rates can be especially inaccurate for open liquid area sources, like wastewater treatment plant units, which have greater emissions during warmer weather, when volatilization and biological activity increase. If emission rates for a wastewater odor study are measured on a cooler day and input directly into a dispersion model as constant values, odor impact will likely be underestimated. Unfortunately, because of project schedules, not all emissions sampling from open liquid area sources can be conducted under worst-case summertime conditions. To address this problem, this paper presents a method of varying emission rates based on temperature and time of the day to predict worst-case emissions. Emissions are varied as a linear function of temperature, according to Henry's law, and a tenth order polynomial function of time. Equation coefficients are developed for a specific area source using concentration and temperature measurements, captured over a multiday period using a data-logging monitor. As a test case, time/temperature concentration correlation coefficients were estimated from field measurements of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) at the Rowlett Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant in Garland, TX. The correlations were then used to scale a flux chamber emission rate measurement according to hourly readings of time and temperature, to create an hourly emission rate file for input to the dispersion model ISCST3. ISCST3 was then used to predict hourly atmospheric concentrations of H2S. With emission rates varying hourly, ISCST3 predicted 384 acres of odor impact, compared with 103 acres for constant emissions. Because field sampling had been conducted on relatively cool days (85-90 degrees F), the constant emission rate underestimated odor impact significantly (by 73%).  相似文献   


Mobile sources are among the largest contributors of four hazardous air pollutants—benzene, 1,3-butadiene, acetal-dehyde, and formaldehyde—in urban areas. At the same time, federal and state governments are promoting the use of alternative fuel vehicles as a means to curb local air pollution. As yet, the impact of this movement toward alternative fuels with respect to toxic emissions has not been well studied. The purpose of this paper is to compare toxic emissions from vehicles operating on a variety of fuels, including reformulated gasoline (RFG), natural gas, ethanol, methanol, liquid petroleum gas (LPG), and electricity. This study uses a version of Argonne National Laboratory's Greenhouse Gas, Regulated Emissions, and Energy Use in Transportation (GREET) model, appropriately modified to estimate toxic emissions. The GREET model conducts a total fuel-cycle analysis that calculates emissions from both downstream (e.g., operation of the vehicle) and upstream (e.g., fuel production and distribution) stages of the fuel cycle. We find that almost all of the fuels studied reduce 1,3-buta-diene emissions compared with conventional gasoline (CG). However, the use of ethanol in E85 (fuel made with 85% ethanol) or RFG leads to increased acetaldehyde emissions, and the use of methanol, ethanol, and compressed natural gas (CNG) may result in increased formaldehyde emissions. When the modeling results for the four air toxics are considered together with their cancer risk factors, all the fuels and vehicle technologies show air toxic emission reduction benefits.  相似文献   

Field tests were conducted on 82 fuel-burning installations ranging from 50 to 500 hp, fired with residual fuel oils. A flame pyrometer was used to measure peak flame temperatures. Coarse particulates were measured by impingement on adhesive paper strips inserted at right angles to the gas flow and fine particulates by filtration of the gas sample through filter paper. Both were evaluated using a standard Bacharach Scale. The tests clearly established that both coarse and fine particulate matter invariably occurred with low flame temperatures but decreased appreciably when peak flame temperatures reached approximately 2650°F; Minimum values were observed at temperatures somewhere between 2750 and 2850°F. This research was conducted as a result of the problem of acid smut and carbonaceous (ceno-sphere) fallout which appears to have increased with the advent of modern high-efficiency low-temperature heating installations and taller, cooler operating chimneys; sudden deluges of particles from the chimney serving large oil-burning plants soil clothing, pit car finishes, and damage nylon stockings and other materials.  相似文献   

Correlation of crude oils, or refined products, in the environment with suspected sources is typically undertaken through the use of GC and GCMS and in certain cases bulk carbon isotope compositions. However, with crude condensates, or refined products in particular, the absence, or low concentration, of biomarkers precludes their successful use for making unique correlations. An alternative and, sometimes, complimentary technique for correlation of such products is evolving through the use of combined gas chromatography-isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GCIRMS). This approach permits determination of the carbon and hydrogen isotopic composition of individual compounds in the crude oil or refined product to produce isotopic fingerprints for use in correlation studies. In this paper, it is proposed to review applications of GCIRMS to the correlation of various spilled products with their suspected sources in different environments. Whilst not proposing that this technique will replace GC or GCMS; it is proposed that GCIRMS is a very powerful tool to be used in conjunction with GC and GCMS to make such correlations. Although isotopic fractionation has been observed in some of the lighter components such as benzene and toluene, higher carbon numbered compounds, say above C 10 , do not appear to undergo any significant isotopic fractionation as a result of weathering. Furthermore with refined products, isotopic fractionation of the lighter components has the potential to demonstrate the onset of natural attenuation of refined products in the environment.  相似文献   

《Environmental Forensics》2002,3(3-4):341-348
Correlation of crude oils, or refined products, in the environment with suspected sources is typically undertaken through the use of GC and GCMS and in certain cases bulk carbon isotope compositions. However, with crude condensates, or refined products in particular, the absence, or low concentration, of biomarkers precludes their successful use for making unique correlations. An alternative and, sometimes, complimentary technique for correlation of such products is evolving through the use of combined gas chromatography–isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GCIRMS). This approach permits determination of the carbon and hydrogen isotopic composition of individual compounds in the crude oil or refined product to produce isotopic fingerprints for use in correlation studies. In this paper, it is proposed to review applications of GCIRMS to the correlation of various spilled products with their suspected sources in different environments. Whilst not proposing that this technique will replace GC or GCMS; it is proposed that GCIRMS is a very powerful tool to be used in conjunction with GC and GCMS to make such correlations. Although isotopic fractionation has been observed in some of the lighter components such as benzene and toluene, higher carbon numbered compounds, say above C10, do not appear to undergo any significant isotopic fractionation as a result of weathering. Furthermore with refined products, isotopic fractionation of the lighter components has the potential to demonstrate the onset of natural attenuation of refined products in the environment.  相似文献   

Statistical models have been developed that relate the rate of emissions of a pollutant to the rate of fuel consumption. These relations may be used to estimate emissions in other regions, or at other times, if fuel consumption data are available. This approach has been used to estimate global emissions of nitrogen and sulfur oxides in fossil fuel combustion at ten year intervals from 1860 to 1980. Emissions from each of the populated continents, i.e., North America, South America, Asia, Europe, Africa and Oceania from 1930 to 1980 are also presented. When averaged globally over the 1860 to 1980 period, sulfur emissions increased at the rate of 2.9 percent per year and the nitrogen emissions at the rate of 3.4 percent per year. The ratio of global sulfur emissions to nitrogen emissions has declined steadily; it was nearly 5 in the 19th century and became 3 by 1980. After the second world war, the most rapid increases in emissions have been registered in Asia, South America, and Africa.  相似文献   

This report presents the results of a two-year study which included laboratory investigations as well as a comprehensive literature review on methods of reducing the rate of emissions of volatile chemicals from surface impoundments and landfills. It presents information on the following in-situ methods which may be employed to reduce emission rates: air supported structures, floating solid objects, shape modification, aerodynamic modification, floating oil and/or surfactant covers and synthetic membranes over landfills.

Conclusions are drawn with respect to the suitability of each of the methods under various circumstances and the degree of control which might be expected.

The full report was submitted in fulfillment of Cooperative Agreement No. 810856-01-1 by the University of Arkansas under the sponsorship of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. This report covers a period from October 1, 1983 to September 30, 1985. The full report is under CR710856.

This project summary was developed by EPA’s Hazardous Waste Engineering Research Laboratory, Cincinnati, OH, to announce key findings of the research project that is fully documented in a separate report of the same title (see project report ordering information in box).  相似文献   


Stationary diesel engines, especially diesel generators, are increasingly being used in both developing countries and developed countries because of increased power demand. Emissions from such engines can have adverse effects on the environment and public health. In this study, particulate emissions from a domestic stationary diesel generator running on ultra-low-sulfur diesel (ULSD) and biodiesel derived from waste cooking oil were characterized for different load conditions. Results indicated a reduction in particulate matter (PM) mass and number emissions while switching diesel to biodiesel. With increase in engine load, it was observed that particle mass increased, although total particle counts decreased for all the fuels. The reduction in total number concentration at higher loads was, however, dependent on percentage of biodiesel in the diesel-biodiesel blend. For pure biodiesel (B100), the reduction in PM emissions for full load compared to idle mode was around 9%, whereas for ULSD the reduction was 26%. A large fraction of ultrafine particles (UFPs) was found in the emissions from biodiesel compared to ULSD. Nearly 90% of total particle concentration in biodiesel emissions comprised ultrafine particles. Particle peak diameter shifted from a smaller to a lower diameter with increase in biodiesel percentage in the fuel mixture.

IMPLICATIONS There has been an increased usage of stationary diesel engines, especially backup power generators to meet the growing energy demand. Biodiesel derived from waste cooking oil has received increasing attention as an alternative fuel. However, data are only sparsely available in the literature on particulate emissions from stationary engines, fueled with blends of diesel and biodiesel. This study provides insights into the influence of waste-cooking-oil-derived biodiesel on engine performance and the particulate emissions from a stationary engine. The results of the study form a scientific basis to evaluate the impact of biodiesel emissions on the environment and human health.  相似文献   


Controlled bench-scale laboratory experiments were conducted to evaluate the recovery of ammonia (NH3) and hydrogen sulflde (H2S) from dynamic isolation flux chambers. H2S (80–4000 ppb) and NH3 (5000–40,000 ppb) samples were diffused through the flux chamber to simulate ground level area source emissions while measuring the inlet and outlet flux chamber concentrations simultaneously. Results showed that the recovery of H2S during a 30-min sampling time was almost complete for concentrations >2000 ppb. At the lowest concentration of 80 ppb, 92.55% of the H2S could be recovered during the given sampling period. NH3 emissions exhibited similar behavior between concentrations of 5000–40,000 ppb. Within the 30-min sampling period, 92.62% of the 5000-ppb NH3 sample could be recovered. Complete recovery was achieved for concentrations >40,000 ppb. Predictive equations were developed for gas adsorption. From these equations, the maximum difference between chamber inlet and outlet concentrations of NH3 or H2S was predicted to be 7.5% at the lowest concentration used for either gas. In the calculation of emission factors for NH3 and H2S, no adsorption correction factor is recommended for concentrations >37,500 ppb and 2100 ppb for NH3 and H2S, respectively. The reported differences in outlet and inlet concentration above these ranges are outside the full-scale sensitivity of the gas sensing equipment. The use of 46–90 m of Teflon tubing with the flux chambers has apparently no effect on gas adsorption, because recovery was completed almost instantaneously at the beginning of the tests.  相似文献   

The use of post-consumer carpet as a potential fuel substitute in cement kilns and other high-temperature processes is being considered to address the problem of huge volumes of carpet waste and the opportunity of waste-to-energy recovery. Carpet represents a high volume waste stream, provides high energy value, and contains other recoverable materials for the production of cement. This research studied the emission characteristics of burning 0.46-kg charges of chopped nylon carpet squares, pulverized coal, and particle-board pellets in a pilot-scale natural gas-fired rotary kiln. Carpet was tested with different amounts of water added. Emissions of oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitric oxide (NO), sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO), and total hydrocarbons and temperatures were continuously monitored. It was found that carpet burned faster and more completely than coal and particle board, with a rapid volatile release that resulted in large and variable transient emission peaks. NO emissions from carpet combustion ranged from 0.06 to 0.15 g/MJ and were inversely related to CO emissions. Carpet combustion yielded higher NO emissions than coal and particle-board combustion, consistent with its higher nitrogen content. SO2 emissions were highest for coal combustion, consistent with its higher sulfur content than carpet or particle board. Adding water to carpet slowed its burn time and reduced variability in the emission transients, reducing the CO peak but increasing NO emissions. Results of this study indicate that carpet waste can be used as an effective alternative fuel, with the caveats that it might be necessary to wet carpet or chop it finely to avoid excessive transient puff emissions due to its high volatility compared with other solid fuels, and that controlled mixing of combustion air might be used to control NO emissions from nylon carpet.  相似文献   

In total, 24 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in both gas and particle phases and 35 nitro-PAHs in particle phase were analyzed in the exhaust from heavy-duty diesel vehicles equipped with after-treatment for particulate matter (PM) and NOX control. The test vehicles were carried out using a chassis dynamometer under highway cruise, transient Urban Dynamometer Driving Schedule (UDDS), and idle operation. The after-treatment efficiently abated more than 90% of the total PAHs. Indeed, the particle-bound PAHs were reduced by >99%, and the gaseous PAHs were removed at various extents depending on the type of after-treatment and the test cycles. The PAHs in gas phase dominated the total PAH (gas + particle phases) emissions for all the test vehicles and for all cycles; that is, 99% of the two-ring and 98% of the three-ring and 97% of the four-ring and 95% of the carcinogenic PAHs were in the gas-phase after a diesel particle filter (DPF) and not bound to the very small amount of particulate matter left after a DPF. Consequently, an evaluation of the toxicity of DPF exhaust must include this volatile fraction and cannot be based on the particle fraction only. The selective catalytic reduction (SCR) did not appear to promote nitration of the PAHs in general, although there might be some selective nitration of phenanthrene. Importantly the after-treatmtent reduced the equivalent B[a]P (B[a]Peq) emissions by >95%, suggesting a substantial health benefit.

Implications: This study demonstrated that after-treatments, including diesel particulate filters (DPF), diesel oxidation catalysts (DOC), and selective catalytic reduction (SCR), significantly reduce the emissions of PAHs from heavy-duty diesel engines. The gas-phase PAHs dominate the total PAH (gas + particle phases) emissions from heavy-duty diesel vehicles retrofitted with various DPFs and not bound to the very small amount of particulate matter left after a DPF. Consequently, an evaluation of the toxicity of DPF exhaust must also include this volatile fraction and cannot be based on the particle fraction only.

Supplemental Materials: Supplemental materials are available for this paper. Go to the publisher's online edition of the Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association.  相似文献   

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