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Range gas consumption in households tends to follow an annual cycle resembling a sinusoid, with peak consumption during the winter. When outdoor NO2 concentrations have a constant or small impact, the resulting indoor NO2 concentrations also tend to resemble an annual sinusoid. Optimal monitoring strategies can be designed to take advantage of this knowledge to obtain a better estimate of the true annual average gas consumption or indoor NO2 concentration. Gas consumption data, together with measured outdoor concentrations, house volumes, sampled emission rates, air exchange rates, and NO2 decay rates, are used to model weekly indoor NO2 concentrations throughout the year. Based on the modeling results, various monitoring strategies are evaluated for their accuracy in estimating the annual mean. Analysis of the results indicates that greater accuracy is attained using samples equally spaced throughout the year. In addition, the expected error for various monitoring strategies and various numbers of equally spaced samples is quantified, and their ability to classify homes into correct concentration categories is assessed.  相似文献   

In order to predict indoor radiation levels due to radon daughters at low building ventilation and air leakage rates, differential equations governing the decay and venting of radon (Rn-222) and its daughters were used. A computer program based on the equations was written to predict radon and daughter concentrations, total potential alpha energy concentration and equilibrium factor. The program can account for time dependence of ventilation and emanation rates and is readily used by building designers.

Sample calculations using the program showed that potential alpha energy levels in tightened buildings can commonly reach about 0.01 working level (WL), a level more than twice as high as concentrations currently found in most houses.  相似文献   

This paper describes a laboratory project to assess the accuracy of emission and indoor air quality models to be used in predicting formaldehyde (HCHO) concentrations in residences due to pressed-wood products made with urea-formaldehyde bonding resins. The products tested were partlcleboard underlayment, hardwood- plywood paneling and medium-density fiberboard (mdf). The products were initially characterized in chambers by measuring their formaldehyde surface emission rates over a range of formaldehyde concentrations, air exchange rates and two combinations of temperature and relative humidity (23° C and 5 0% RH; 26°C and 60% RH). They were then installed in a two-room prototype house in three different combinations (underlayment flooring only; underlayment flooring and paneling; and underlayment flooring, paneling, and mdf). The equilibrium formaldehyde concentrations were monitored as a function of air exchange rate. Particleboard underlayment and mdf, but not paneling, behaved as the emission model predicted over a large concentration range, under both sets of temperature and relative humidity. Good agreement was also obtained between measured formaldehyde concentrations and those predicted by a mass-balance indoor air quality model.  相似文献   


This paper presents the analysis of ambient air concentrations of 10 carbonyl compounds (aldehydes and ketones) measured in the yards of 87 residences in the city of Elizabeth, NJ, throughout 1999–2001. Most of these residences were measured twice in different seasons; the sampling duration was 48 hr each time. The authors observed higher concentrations for most of the measured carbonyl compounds on warmer days, reflecting larger contributions of photochemical reactions on warmer days. The estimated contributions of photochemical production varied substantially across the measured carbonyl compounds and could be as high as 60%. Photochemical activity, however, resulted in a net loss for formaldehyde. The authors used stepwise multiple linear regression models to evaluate the impact of traffic sources and meteorological conditions on carbonyl concentrations using the data collected on colder days (with lower photochemical activities). They found that the concentrations of formal-dehyde, acetaldehyde, acrolein, propionaldehyde, crotonaldehyde, benzaldehyde, glyoxal, and methylglyoxal significantly decreased with increasing distance between a measured residence and one or more major roadways. They also found significant negative associations between concentrations for most of the measured carbonyl compounds and each of the following meteorological parameters: mixing height, wind speed, and precipitation.  相似文献   


The main objective of this study was to monitor the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the stack gas released from organic chemical industrial plants to determine emission factors. Samples from 52 stacks, with or without air pollution control devices (APCDs), from seven industrial processes were taken and VOCs measured using U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Method 18. These 7 processes, including 26 plants, were the manufacturers of acrylonitrile–butadiene–styrene (ABS), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polystyrene (PS), acrylic resin (ACR), vinyl chloride (VC), para–terephthalic acid (PTA), and synthetic fiber (SYF). The results clearly indicate significant variations of emission factors among the various industrial processes, particularly emission factors for those without APCDs. As expected, those with APCDs yield much less emission factors. Regardless of those with or without APCDs, the order of manufacturing processes with regard to VOC emission factors is SYF > ABS > PS > ACR > PTA > PVC > VC. The emission factors for some processes also differ from those in EPA–42 data file. The VOC profiles further indicate that some VOCs are not listed in the U.S. VOC/Particulate Matter Speciation Data System (SPECIATE). The potential O3 formation is determined from the total amount of VOC emitted for each of seven processes. The resultant O3 yield varied from 0.22 (ACR) to 2.33 g O3 g–1 VOC (PTA). The significance of this O3 yield is discussed.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the annual average radon concentrations in California residences, to determine the approximate fraction of the California population regularly exposed to radon concentrations of 4 pCi/l or greater, and to the extent possible, to identify regions of differing risk for high radon concentrations within the state. Annual average indoor radon concentrations were measured with passive (alpha track) samplers sent by mail and deployed by home occupants, who also completed questionnaires on building and occupant characteristics. For the 310 residences surveyed, concentrations ranged from 0.10 to 16 pCi/l, with a geometric mean of whole-house (bedroom and living room) average concentrations of 0.85 pCi/l and a geometric standard deviation of 1.91. A total of 88,000 California residences (0.8 percent) were estimated to have radon concentrations exceeding 4 pCi/l. When the state was divided into six zones based on geology, significant differences in geometric mean radon concentrations were found between several of the zones. Zones with high geometric means were the Sierra Nevada mountains, the valleys east of the Sierra Nevada, the central valley (especially the southern portion), and Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties. Zones with low geometric means included most coastal counties and the portion of the state from Los Angeles and San Bernardino Counties south.  相似文献   


The city of Missoula is located in a high mountain valley (elevation 3200 ft) in western Montana and contains one of the largest populations in the entire Rocky Mountain Region completely enclosed by mountains. During the 2000/2001 Missoula Valley Sampling Program, ambient levels of 61 semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs) and 54 volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were originally quantified before refining the analytical program to 28 of the most prominent SVOCs and VOCs found in the Missoula Valley airshed. These compounds were measured over 24-hr periods at two locations throughout an entire year. This study provides the first, comprehensive appraisal of the levels of SVOCs and VOCs measured simultaneously throughout all four seasons at two locations in the Missoula Valley, including those levels measured during the 2000 Montana wildfire season. Generally, SVOC levels were comparable between both sides of the Missoula Valley. However, there were nearly double the amount of VOCs measured at the more urban Boyd Park site compared with the rural Frenchtown sampling site, a result of the greater number of automobiles on the eastern side of the Valley. SVOCs and VOCs were measured at their highest levels of the sampling program during the winter. Forest fire smoke samples collected during the summer of 2000 showed significant increases in SVOC phenolic compounds, including phenol, 2-methylphenol, 4-methylphenol, and 2,4-dimethylphenol. Although there were modest increases in some of the other SVOCs and VOCs measured during the fire season, none of the increases were as dramatic as the phenolics.  相似文献   


In urban and suburban settings, indoor ozone exposures can represent a significant fraction of an individual's total exposure. The decay rate, one of the factors determining indoor ozone concentrations, is inadequately understood in residences. Decay rates were calculated by introducing outdoor air containing 80-160 parts per billion ozone into 43 residences and monitoring the reduction in indoor concentration as a function of time. The mean decay rate measured in the living rooms of 43 Southern California homes was 2.80 + 1.30 hr-1, with an average ozone deposition velocity of 0.049 + 0.017 cm/sec. The experimental protocol was evaluated for precision by repeating measurements in one residence on five different days, collecting 44 same-day replicate measurements, and by simultaneous measurements at two locations in six homes. Measured decay rates were significantly correlated with house type and the number of bedrooms. The observed decay rates were higher in multiple-family homes and homes with fewer than three bedrooms. Homes with higher surface-area-to-volume ratios had higher decay rates. The ratio of indoor-to-outdoor ozone concentrations in homes not using air conditioning and open windows was 68 + 18%, while the ratio of indoor-to-outdoor ozone was less than 10% for the homes with air conditioning in use.  相似文献   

Concentrations of 15 atmospheric aerosol trace elements in Livermore, California, were measured by neutron activation analysis in 2–hour filter samples for 58 hours during 3 typical summer days. All elements showed cyclic patterns with concentration variations of factors of 3 to 10. Three basic patterns were seen: (1) Na and Cl in phase with each other and nearly perfectly out of phase with the others, with a late night maximum for both; (2) All other elements except Br, showing a midafternoon maximum; and (3) Br, which had morning and evening peaks suggestive of automotive sources. Details of the patterns suggest a diurnal circulation model for the Livermore Valley involving alternation between fresh and aged marine air. Comparison of the trace element patterns with those of CO, NO2, and “oxidant” was not definitive.  相似文献   


The objectives of this study were: (1) to quantify the errors associated with saturation air quality monitoring in estimating the long-term (i.e., annual and 5 yr) mean at a given site from four 2-week measurements, once per season; and (2) to develop a sampling strategy to guide the deployment of mobile air quality facilities for characterizing intraurban gradients of air pollutants, that is, to determine how often a given location should be visited to obtain relatively accurate estimates of the mean air pollutant concentrations. Computer simulations were conducted by randomly sampling ambient monitoring data collected in six Canadian cities at a variety of settings (e.g., population-based sites, near-roadway sites). The 5-yr (1998–2002) dataset consisted of hourly measurements of nitric oxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), sulfur dioxide (SO2), coarse particulate matter (PM10), fine particulate matter (PM2.5), and CO. The strategy of randomly selecting one 2-week measurement per season to determine the annual or long-term average concentration yields estimates within 30% of the true value 95% of the time for NO2, PM10 and NOx. Larger errors, up to 50%, are expected for NO, SO2, PM2.5, and CO. Combining concentrations from 85 random 1-hr visits per season provides annual and 5-yr average estimates within 30% of the true value with good confidence. Overall, the magnitude of error in the estimates was strongly correlated with the variability of the pollutant. A better estimation can be expected for pollutants known to be less temporally variable and/or over geographic areas where concentrations are less variable. By using multiple sites located in different settings, the relationships determined for estimation error versus number of measurement periods used to determine long-term average are expected to realistically portray the true distribution. Thus, the results should be a good indication of the potential errors one could expect in a variety of different cities, particularly in more northern latitudes.  相似文献   


Since the early 1970s, researchers and data analysts have reported differences between weekday and weekend ozone concentrations, with higher ozone concentrations occurring on Sundays in some locations. At that time, the phenomenon was referred to as the “Sunday effect.” In the late 1980s, additional papers focused on weekday/weekend differences in air quality in the South Coast (Los Angeles) Air Basin.

Analyses of ozone concentrations measured at a number of locations in northern California reveal that average ozone concentrations are frequently higher on weekends than on weekdays. Violations of the California 0.09 ppm 1-hour air quality standard for ozone also occur in disproportionately greater frequency on weekends. We hypothesize that this phenomenon is based largely on the differences between weekday and weekend emission patterns. We believe that the observed differences may provide information regarding which pollutant reduction strategy, NOx or ROG control, may be more effective in reducing ambient ozone concentrations. For the northern California region, the presence of higher weekend ozone concentrations suggests the need for ROG control is greater than for NOx control. If both NOx and ROG are to be controlled, it is important to understand the interdependence of the two pollutants in forming ozone. With the current uncertainty and debate regarding official vehicular emission inventories, this phenomenon emphasizes the importance of using observation-based data to examine ambient pollution and emission relationships. This natural experiment of varying emissions provides an interesting test case for sophisticated air pollution model performance and evaluation.

Using a Bay Area emission inventory and an estimate of its change from weekday to weekend, combined with a generic Empirical Kinetic Modeling Approach (EKMA) diagram, we demonstrate the weekend effect. In addition, changes in the Bay Area emission inventory from 1980 to 1990, when combined with the EKMA diagram, also show why the weekend effect is more evident in the 1990s.

It is our hypothesis that the presence of the weekend effect, positive or negative, combined with changes in emission changes, provides a simple clue to whether an area is NOxor ROG limited with respect to ozone formation.  相似文献   

It is common practice to use the second highest value both in determining compliance with the once-per-year air quality standards (AQS) and as a measure of air quality in pollutant trend studies and rollback calculations. A study of the variation in the second highest 8 hr carbon monoxide concentration observed at the CAMP stations 1962-72 is presented. It is shown that, for a given annual average, the second highest value can differ by a factor of 2 due to random variation. The annual average is linearly related to the observed average of the second highest value and is shown to be a good predictor of the percent of time the carbon monoxide AQS is exceeded. It is concluded that the annual average, which is less variable and not as greatly influenced by erroneous measurements, is the preferred measure of air quality for trend studies and air quality projections.  相似文献   


Distributed power generation—electricity generation that is produced by many small stationary power generators distributed throughout an urban air basin—has the potential to supply a significant portion of electricity in future years. As a result, distributed generation may lead to increased pollutant emissions within an urban air basin, which could adversely affect air quality. However, the use of combined heating and power with distributed generation may reduce the energy consumption for space heating and air conditioning, resulting in a net decrease of pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions. This work used a systematic approach based on land-use geographical information system data to determine the spatial and temporal distribution of distributed generation emissions in the San Joaquin Valley Air Basin of California and simulated the potential air quality impacts using state-of-the-art three-dimensional computer models. The evaluation of the potential market penetration of distributed generation focuses on the year 2023. In general, the air quality impacts of distributed generation were found to be small due to the restrictive 2007 California Air Resources Board air emission standards applied to all distributed generation units and due to the use of combined heating and power. Results suggest that if distributed generation units were allowed to emit at the current Best Available Control Technology standards (which are less restrictive than the 2007 California Air Resources Board standards), air quality impacts of distributed generation could compromise compliance with the federal 8-hr average ozone standard in the region.

IMPLICATIONS The San Joaquin Valley is a fast growing region that demands increasing power generation to sustain the economic development, and at the same time it is one of the worst polluted areas in the United States. Hence, the region demands alternatives that minimize the air quality impacts of power generation. This paper addresses the air quality impacts of distributed generation of power, an alternative to central power generation that can potentially reduce greenhouse gas and pollutant emissions throughout the United States.  相似文献   


Reliable estimates of heavy-truck volumes in the United States are important in a number of transportation applications including pavement design and management, traffic safety, and traffic operations. Additionally, because heavy vehicles emit pollutants at much higher rates than passenger vehicles, reliable volume estimates are critical to computing accurate inventories of on-road emissions. Accurate baseline inventories are also necessary to forecast future scenarios. The research presented in this paper evaluated three different methods commonly used by transportation agencies to estimate annual average daily traffic (AADT), which is used to determine vehicle miles traveled (VMT). Traffic data from continuous count stations provided by the Iowa Department of Transportation were used to estimate AADT for single-unit and multiunit trucks for rural freeways and rural primary highways using the three methods. The first method developed general expansion factors, which apply to all vehicles. AADT, representing all vehicles, was estimated for short-term counts and was multiplied by statewide average truck volumes for the corresponding roadway type to obtain AADT for each truck category. The second method also developed general expansion factors and AADT estimates. Truck AADT for the second method was calculated by multiplying the general AADT by truck volumes from the short-term counts. The third method developed expansion factors specific to each truck group. AADT estimates for each truck group were estimated from short-term counts using corresponding expansion factors. Accuracy of the three methods was determined by comparing actual AADT from count station data to estimates from the three methods. Accuracy of the three methods was compared using n-fold cross-validation. Mean squared error of prediction was used to estimate the difference between estimated and actual AADT. Prediction error was lowest for the method that developed separate expansion factors for trucks. Implications for emissions estimation using the different methods are also discussed.  相似文献   

A comprehensive study is conducted of visibility in California using prevailing visibility measurements at 67 weather stations in conjunction with data on particulate concentrations and meteorology. The weather station visibility data, when handled with special techniques that account for the nature of visibility reporting practices, prove to be of very good quality for the purposes of most of the analyses that are attempted. It is found that the most important meteorological parameters with respect to visibility are relative humidity, temperature, and special weather events (especially fog). A detailed isopleth map of visibility within California, when compared with earlier work on nationwide visibility, reveals that California experiences far more severe and complex spatial gradients in visibility than those observed anywhere else in the U.S. Two major pockets of heavy man-made visibility impact in California are the Los Angeles basin and the San Joaquin Valley. The spatial, seasonal, and diurnal patterns of visibility are found to be readily explainable in terms of corresponding patterns in emissions, air quality, and meteorology. Regression analyses relating visibility to relative humidity and aerosol concentrations produce high levels of correlation and physically reasonable regression coefficients; these analyses indicate that secondary aerosols are major contributors to visibility reduction in California. An analysis of long-term visibility trends from 1949 to 1976 reveals several interesting features in historical visibility changes for California.  相似文献   

Radon control systems were Installed and evaluated In fourteen homes In the Spokane River Valley/Rathdrum Prairie and In one home In Vancouver, Washington. Because of local soil conditions, subsurface ventilation (SSV) by pressurlzatlon was always more effective In these houses than SSV by depressurlzatlon In reducing Indoor radon levels to below guidelines. Basement overpressurlzatlon was successfully applied In five houses with airtight basements where practical-sized fans could develop an overpressure of 1 to 3 Pascals. Crawlspace ventilation was more effective than crawlspace Isolation in reducing radon entry from the crawlspace, but had to be used In conjunction with other mitigation techniques, since the houses also had basements. Indoor radon concentrations In two houses with alr-toalr heat exchangers (AAHX) were reduced to levels Inversely dependent on the new total ventilation rates and were lowered even further In one house where the air distribution system was modified. Sealing penetrations In the below-grade surfaces of substructures was relatively Ineffective In controlling radon. Operation of the radon control systems (except for the AAHX’s) made no measureable change in ventilation rates or Indoor concentrations of other measured pollutants. Installation costs by treated floor area ranged from approximately $4/m2 for sealing to $28/m2 for the AAHX’s. Based on the low electric rates for the region, annual operating costs for the active systems were estimated to be approximately $60 to $170.  相似文献   


This paper presents a methodological approach for assessing total exposures to volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in residences using contaminated water supplies. This approach is founded on assessment of ingestion, inhalation, and dermal exposures; both long-term (i.e., 12 to 24 hr) lowlevel exposures and short-term (i.e., =10 min) high-level exposures are considered.

The methodology is based on the collection of water samples to establish the identity of the contaminants, maximum source terms, and possible dermal and ingestion exposures; integrated whole-air samples are collected to assess long- and short-term inhalation exposures; whole-air grab samples are used to confirm peak and typical inhalation exposures; and alveolar breath samples are used to confirm exposures and to estimate contaminant concentrations in the blood of the test subjects. While we do not suggest that this methodology should supersede any current investigative approach, this material is primarily offered as a consolidated reference to the many people or organizations who might contemplate a study of this type. Application of this investigative protocol should provide detailed exposure assessment information, while it supplies critical real world data for risk assessment specialists, toxicologists, and modeling experts. Data from a recent field study assessing exposures to trichloroethylene are presented to illustrate the utility and some of the limitations of this strategy.  相似文献   

An air asbestos survey was conducted between late 1974 and early 1977 to define the magnitude of the health hazard posed by airborne asbestos fibers in Connecticut prior to the promulgation of the State's proposed asbestos air quality standard (i.e., 30 ?g/m3 or 30,000 total asbestos fibers/m3, 30-day average). A newly developed low volume particulate sampler, which operates continuously for 30 days at an air sampling flow rate of 4 cfm, equipped with special membrane filters was used to collect ambient TSP samples for subsequent chrysotile asbestos electron microscopic determination by the Bat-telle-Columbus Laboratories and Walter C. McCrone Associates.

Approximately 40 monitoring sites were selected; ambient locations included "typical" urban sites removed from known stationary sources of asbestos emissions, rural-background sites, stations contiguous to 4 industrial users of asbestos (i.e., manufacturers of friction products, insulated wire and cable, ammunition and molding compounds), 3 toll plazas situated at various points along Interstate 95 and indoors at a swimming pool at the University of Connecticut (the ceiling over the pool was sprayed with an asbestos-containing insulating material). Ambient chrysotile asbestos levels removed from asbestos emission sources in both urban and rural locations were below 10 ?g/m3. However, asbestos concentrations above 30 ?g/m3 were measured near each of the industrial users of asbestos. Furthermore, asbestos levels adjacent to the toll plazas were also elevated (in the 10 ?g/m3 to 25 ?g/m3 range), implicating asbestos emissions from vehicle braking lining decomposition as a significant source of airborne asbestos fibers. Indoor air asbestos levels were below 1 ?g/m3 suggesting that the risk to public health associated with the deterioration of asbestos surface coatings applied indoors may not be as severe as previously thought.  相似文献   

Mobile homes utilize a class of prefabricate construction techniques which rely greatly upon the use of particle board and hardwood plywood paneling for structural components. This has resulted In household sources which may emit formaldehyde into the home, since urea-formaldehyde resins are used as the bonding agent in most pressed wood stocks. A series of 137 mobile home households was investigated to determine indoor formaldehyde exposure concentrations. Homes were selected based on the estimated age of the construction components. Homes were studied serially for a nine-month period, with formaldehyde samples obtained on a monthly basis using a modified NIOSH chromotropic acid procedure. Formaldehyde concentrations were found to range from less than 0.10 ppm to 2.84 ppm. The median exposure concentration was 0.39 ppm. Analysis of variance was performed on each home to discern visit and room measurement effects. Eighty-nine percent of the homes exhibited no measurement placement effects, while only 10 percent failed to demonstrate between-visit variance effects. Regression models were constructed to predict household formaldehyde concentrations. Concentrations exhibited an inverse relationship with the age of the construction materials. A weighted least squares regression model of log of home age predicting temperature-corrected log formaldehyde explained 82 percent of the formaldehyde variation.  相似文献   

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