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This study aimed to develop a biofilter packed only with fern chips for the removal of airborne propylene glycol monomethyl ether acetate (PGMEA). Fern chips could avoid the shortcomings of traditional media, such as compaction, drying, and breakdown, which lead to the performance failure of the biofilters. In addition, the fern chip medium has the following merits: (1) simplicity in composition; (2) low pressure drop for gas ?ow (<20 mmH2O?m-1); (3) simple in humidification, nutrient addition, pH control, and metabolite removal; (4) economical (US$174–385?m-3), and (5) low weight (wet basis around 290 kg?m-3). A two-stage down?ow biofilter (2.18 m in height and 0.4×0.4 m in cross-sectional area) was constructed for the performance test. Both stages were packed with fern chips of 0.30 m in height and 0.40×0.40 m in cross-section. Results indicate that with operation conditions of media moisture content controlled in the range of 50–74%, media pH of 6.5–8.3, empty bed retention time (EBRT) of 0.27–0.4 min, in?uent PGMEA concentrations of 100–750 mg?m-3, volu-metric organic loading of <170 ?m-3 ?hr-1, and nutrition rates of Urea-nitrogen 66 g?m-3 ?day-3, potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KH2PO4)-phosphorus 13.3 g ?m-3 ?day-3, and milk powder 1.00 g?m-3?day-1, the fern-chip-packed biofilter could achieve an overall PGMEA removal efficacy of around 94%. Instant milk powder or liquid milk was essential to the good and stable performance of the biofilter for PGMEA removal.  相似文献   


A pilot-scale plug-flow reactor was built to investigate its performance in treating airborne 1,3-butadiene (BD) via ozonation (O3) and ultraviolet (UV)/O3 technologies. Governing factors, such as the initial molar ratio of ozone to BD, UV volumetric electric input power, and moisture content in the influent airstream, were investigated. Experiments were conducted at an influent BD concentration of ~50 ppm, an ambient temperature of 26 °C, and a gas retention time of 85 sec. Results show that an initial molar ratio of ozone to BD of 3.5 and 2 sufficed to obtain BD decompositions of >90% for ozonation and UV/O3, respectively. The UV irradiance did not directly promote the decomposition of BD, rather, it played a role in promoting the production of secondary oxidants, such as hydroxyl radicals. Kinetic analyses indicate that both types of BD decomposition are peudo–first-order with respect to BD concentrations. Moisture content (relative humidity = 40–99%) and UV volumetric electric input power (0.147 and 0.294 W/L) are both factors that weakly affect the rate of BD decomposition. Economic evaluation factors, including both energy of ozone production and UV electric input power, were also estimated.  相似文献   

One of the main challenges that face successful biofiltration is the erratic loading pattern and long starvation periods. However, such patterns are common in practical applications. In order to provide long-term stable operation of a biofilter under these conditions, a cyclic adsorption/desorption beds system with flow switching was installed prior to a biofilter. Different square waves of a mixture containing n-hexane and benzene at a 2:1 ratio were applied to the cyclic adsorption/desorption beds and then fed to a biofilter. The performance of this integrated system was compared to a biofilter unit receiving the same feed of both VOCs. The cyclic adsorption/desorption beds unit successfully achieved its goal of stabilizing erratic loading even with very sharp peaks at the influent concentration equalizing influent concentrations ranging from 10-470 ppmv for n-hexane to 30-1410 ppmv for benzene. The study included different peak concentrations with durations ranging from 6 to 20 min. The cyclic beds buffered the fluctuating influent load and the followed biofilter had all the time a continuous stable flow. Another advantage achieved by the cyclic adsorption/desorption beds was the uninterrupted feed to the biofilter even during the starvation where there was no influent in the feed. The results of the integrated system with regard to removal efficiency and kinetics are comparable to published results with continuous feed studies at the same loading rates. The removal efficiency for benzene had a minimum of 85% while for n-hexane ranged from 50% to 77% according to the loading rate. The control unit showed very erratic performance highlighting the benefit of the utilization of the cyclic adsorption/desorption beds. The biofilter was more adaptable to concentration changes in benzene than n-hexane.  相似文献   


A 0.75-m3 pilot-scale biotrickling filter was run for over 1 yr in a Spanish furniture company to evaluate its performance in the removal of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) contained in the emission of two different paint spray booths. The first one was an open front booth used to manually paint furniture, and the second focus was an automatically operated closed booth operated to paint pieces of furniture. In both cases, the VOC emissions were very irregular, with rapid and extreme fluctuations. The pilot plant was operated at an empty bed residence time (EBRT) ranging from 10 to 40 sec, and good removal efficiencies of VOCs were usually obtained. When a buffering activated carbon prefllter was installed, the system performance was improved considerably, so a much better compliance with legal constraints was reached. After different shutdowns in the factory, the period to recover the previous performance of the biotrickling reactor was minimal. A weekend dehydration strategy was developed and implemented to control the pressure drop associated with excessive biomass accumulation.  相似文献   

矿化垃圾生物反应床处理奶牛场废水的工艺参数   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
试验考察了矿化垃圾生物反应床工艺处理奶牛场废水出水水质与配水负荷的关系。试验研究表明,出水CODcr、NH4-N浓度分别与配水负荷呈线性和指数相关;TN的去除率仅为60%左右,是选择最佳配水负荷的限制性因素;综合考虑废水处理能力和NO3-N的反硝化,配水速率可以保守选择0.09~0.11cm/h。  相似文献   


The removal efficiency of granular filters packed with lava rock and sand was studied for collection of airborne particles 0.05–2.5 μm in diameter. The effects of filter depth, packing wetness, grain size, and flow rate on collection efficiency were investigated. Two packing grain sizes (0.3 and 0.15 cm) were tested for flow rates of 1.2, 2.4, and 3.6 L/min, corresponding to empty bed residence times (equal to the bulk volume of the packing divided by the airflow rate) in the granular media of 60, 30, and 20 sec, respectively. The results showed that at 1.2 L/min, dry packing with grains 0.15 cm in diameter removed more than 80% (by number) of the particles. Particle collection efficiency decreased with increasing flow rate. Diffusion was identified as the predominant collection mechanism for ultrafine particles, while the larger particles in the accumulation mode of 0.7–2.5 μm were removed primarily by gravitational settling. For all packing depths and airflow rates, particle removal efficiency was generally higher on dry packing than on wet packing for particles smaller than 0.25 μm. The results suggest that development of biological filters for fine particles is possible.  相似文献   


The 1990 Amendments to the Clean Air Act have stimulated strong interest in the use of biofiltration for the economical, engineered control of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in effluent air streams. Trickle bed air biofilters (TBABs) are especially applicable for treating VOCs at high loadings. For long-term, stable operation of highly loaded TBABs, removal of excess accumulated bio-mass is essential. Our previous research demonstrated that suitable biomass control for TBABs was achievable by periodic backwashing of the biofilter medium. Backwashing was performed by fluidizing the pelletized biological attachment medium with warm water to about a 40% bed expansion. This paper presents an evaluation of the impact of backwashing on the performance of four such TBABs highly loaded with toluene. The inlet VOC concentrations studied were 250 and 500 ppmv toluene, and the loadings were 4.1 and 6.2 kg COD/m3 day (55 and 83 g toluene/m3 hr). Loading is defined as kg of chemical oxygen demand per cubic meter of medium per day. Performance deterioration at the higher loading was apparently due to a reduction of the specific surface of the attached biofilm resulting from the accumulation of excess biomass. For a toluene loading of 4.1 kg COD/m3 day, it was demonstrated that the long-term performance of biofilters with either inlet concentration could be maintained at over 99.9% VOC removal by employing a backwashing strategy consisting of a frequency of every other day and a duration of 1 hr.  相似文献   

针对生化性较好、COD和SS等污染物浓度极高、含有抗菌素的井冈霉素废水,在场地受限的情况下,采用过滤/厌氧/膜生物反应器工艺处理该废水.结果表明,该工艺流程简洁,操作简单、运行稳定;在进水COD、BOD5和SS分别为34 100、11 900、9 190mg/L的条件下.去除率均在99%以上.出水水质达到<污水综合排放标准>(GB 8978-1996)中的一级标准.  相似文献   

D型滤池在成都沙河污水处理厂深度处理中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
成都沙河污水处理厂二沉池出水进行深度处理的过滤单元采用德安公司研制开发的D型滤池.其核心技术是采用DA863彗星式纤维滤料作为内部填料,该填料具有过滤精度高、滤速快、自适应等特点,可进行直接过滤.对D型滤池内部结构、功能和运行工艺参数等作了较为详细的介绍.通过实际运行,D型滤池的出水SS小于10 mg/L,达到了设计要求.  相似文献   


Biofiltration has been increasingly used for cleaning waste gases, mostly containing low concentrations of odorous compounds. To expand the application area of this technology, the biofiltration of higher pollutant loading rates has to be investigated. This article focuses on the biodegradation of isobutanal (IBAL) in a compost biofilter (BF) at mass loading rates between 211 and 4123 g/m3/day (30– 590 ppmv). At mass loading rates up to 785 g/m3/day, near 100% removal efficiencies could be obtained. However, after increasing the loading rate to 1500–1900 g/m3/day, the degradation efficiency decreased to 62–98%. In addition, a pH decrease and production of isobutanol (IBOL) and isobutyric acid (IBAC) were observed. This is the first report showing that an aldehyde can act as electron donor as well as acceptor in a BF. To study the effects of pH, compost moisture content, and electron acceptor availability on the biofiltration of IBAL, IBOL, and IBAC, additional batch and continuous experiments were performed. A pH of 5.2 reduced the IBAL degradation rate and inhibited the IBOL degradation, although adaptation of the microorganisms to low pH was observed in the BFs. IBAC was not degraded in the batch experiments. High moisture content (51%) initially had no effect on the IBOL production, although it negatively affected the IBAL elimination increasingly during a 21–day time–course experiment. In batch experiments, the reduction of IBAL to IBOL did not decrease when the amount of available electron acceptors (oxygen or nitrate) was increased. The IBAL removal efficiency at higher loading rates was limited by a combination of nutrient limitation, pH decrease, and dehydration, and the importance of each limiting factor depended on the influent concentration.  相似文献   


Biofiltration is an economical air pollution control (APC) technology, particularly suitable for the treatment of air-streams having high flow rates and low concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). This technology utilizes enzymatic catalysis at ambient conditions to mineralize such pollutants to CO2, H2O, and salts. A pilot-scale study conducted for more than 4 years investigated the development of a new biofiltration technology employing trickle bed air biofilters (TBABs). Following the completion of this experimental study, additional data analysis was performed to develop a simple lumped-parameter biofilter model, assuming first-order kinetics. This model related the observed biofilter performance to the principle independent physical, thermodynamic, and biochemical parameters. The initial model has subsequently been expanded to incorporate Monod kinetics. In this paper, the development and use of the final explicit lumped-parameter biofilter model and design equation, incorporating Monod kinetics, are presented. To facilitate the application of this model, practical procedures are also presented for the determination of VOC solubility, VOC biokinetic Monod parameters, and the maximum practical biofilter inlet VOC concentration.  相似文献   

This paper deals with packed beds in discussion of separation of entrained particles and fumes from an air stream. Packed beds develop between the gas and liquid a maximum of contact in order to get maximum mass transfer from a gas to a liquid phase, and they are considered to be one of the better methods of scrubbing contaminants from a gas stream.  相似文献   

曝气生物滤池处理印染废水二级出水试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
考察了曝气生物滤池(BAF)对经水解、接触氧化二级处理的印染废水进行深度处理的效果,结果表明,针对达到二级标准的生化处理出水,BAF水力负荷为0.9—1.6m/h,气水比(2~3):1时,COD去除率稳定在50%左右,出水可达到一级排放标准(COD≤100mg/L)。  相似文献   


Trickle-bed air biofilters (TBABs) are suitable for treatment of hydrophilic volatile organic compounds, but they pose a challenge for hydrophobic compounds. Three laboratory-scale TBABs were used for the treatment of an airstream contaminated with different ratios of n-hexane and benzene mixtures. The ratios studied were 1:1, 2:1, and 1:3 n-hexane:benzene by volume. Each TBAB was operated at a pH of 4 and a temperature of 20 °C. The use of acidic-buffered nutrient solution was targeted for changing the microorganism consortium to fungi as the main biodegradation element. The experimental plan was designed to investigate the long-term performance of the TBABs with an emphasis on different mixture loading rates, removal efficiency with TBAB depth, volatile suspended solids, and carbon mass balance closure. n-Hexane loading rate was kept constant in the TBABs for comparison reasons and ranged from 4 to 22 g/(m3.hr). Corresponding benzene loadings ranged from 4 to 43 g/(m3.hr). Generally, benzene behavior in the TBAB was superior to that of n-hexane because of its higher solubility. n-Hexane showed improved performance in the 2:1 mixing ratio as compared with the other two ratios.

IMPLICATIONS The use of biofilters is a cheap and attractive option; however, their application is limited because of several challenges. One of them is the reluctance of hydrophobic compounds for biodegradation and the coexistence of other compounds in air emissions. This paper evaluated the impact of different mixing ratios of two hydrophobic compounds and the effect of increasing influent concentration. Finally, a comparison is provided on the best performance attained for these hydrophobic compounds as single solutes. The results of this study will aid in the design and operation of full-scale biofilters.  相似文献   

应用曝气生物滤池深度处理垃圾渗沥液   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北京市某垃圾填埋场渗沥液经二级处理后,其出水中COD、NH4^+-N、SS和色度等主要污染物质仍不能达标排放。采用升流式曝气生物滤池(UBAF)对垃圾渗沥液进行深度处理后,COD、NH4^+-N、SS和色度的去除率可分别达到70%、85%、87%~94%和80%,其出水水质可达标排放。  相似文献   

探讨了对于难处理的化学药剂废水曝气生物滤池处理的可行性,分析了影响曝气生物滤池处理效果的若干因素,试验结果表明,废水的温度、pH值、气水比及水力停留时间等是影响滤池处理效果的重要因素,控制废水水温在15℃以是,pH在7.3.8.3之间,气水比10:1,水力停留时间大于10h,可以取得较为理想的处理效果,出水CODcr,和BOD5的去除率可分别达到58%和90%以上。  相似文献   


Two biofilters were operated to treat a waste gas stream intended to simulate off-gases generated during the manufacture of reformulated paint. The model waste gas stream consisted of a five-component solvent mixture containing acetone (450 ppmv), methyl ethyl ketone (12 ppmv), toluene (29 ppmv), ethylbenzene (10 ppmv), and p-xylene (10 ppmv). The two biofilters, identical in construction and packed with a polyurethane foam support medium, were inoculated with an enrichment culture derived from compost and then subjected to different loading conditions during the startup phase of operation. One biofilter was subjected to intermittent loading conditions with contaminants supplied only 8 hr/day to simulate loading conditions expected at facilities where manufacturing operations are discontinuous. The other biofilter was subjected to continuous contaminant loading during the initial start period, and then was switched to intermittent loading conditions. Experimental results demonstrate that both startup strategies can ultimately achieve high contaminant removal efficiency (>99%) at a target contaminant mass loading rate of 80.3 g m?3 hr?1 and an empty bed residence time of 59 sec. The biofilter subjected to intermittent loading conditions at startup, however, took considerably longer to reach high performance. In both biofilters, ketone components (acetone and methyl ethyl ketone) were more rapidly degraded than aromatic hydrocarbons (toluene, ethylbenzene, and p-xylene). Scanning electron microscopy and plate count data revealed that fungi, as well as bacteria, populated the biofilters.  相似文献   

Strikingly sharp vertical boundaries occasionally develop between marine air polluted with photochemical smog and clean, dry air. Records of a particular incident which occurred in Riverside, Calif., shed some light on the role of wind and temperature structure in creating this unusual condition.  相似文献   


Simultaneous removal of NH3 and H2S was investigated using two types of biofilters—one packed with wood chips and the other with granular activated carbon (GAC). Experimental tests and measurements included analyses of removal efficiency (RE), metabolic products, and results of long-term operation (around 240 days). The REs for NH3 and H2S were 92 and 99.9%, respectively, before deactivation. After deactivation, the RE for NH3 and H2S were decreased to 30–50% and 75%, respectively. The activity of nitrifying bacteria was inhibited by high concentrations of H2S (over 200 ppm) but recovered gradually after H2S addition was ceased. However, the Thiobacillus thioparus as sulfur oxidizing bacteria did not show inhibition at the NH3 concentration under 150-ppm conditions. The deactivation of the biofilter was caused by metabolic products [elemental sulfur and (NH4)2SO4] ac-cumulating on the packing materials during the extended operation. The removal capacities for NH3 and H2S were 6.0–8.0 and 45–75 mg N, S/L/hr, respectively.  相似文献   


The design and the construction of an actual 8.7-m3 pilot/ full-scale biotrickling filter for waste air treatment is described and compared with a previous conceptual scale-up of a laboratory reactor. The reactor construction costs are detailed and show that about one-half of the total reactor costs ($97,000 out of $178,000) was for personnel and engineering time, whereas ~20% was for monitoring and control equipment. A detailed treatment cost analysis demonstrated that, for an empty bed contact time of 90 sec, the overall treatment costs (including capital charges) were as low as $8.7/1000 m3 air in the case where a nonchlorinated volatile organic compound (VOC) was treated, and $14/ 1000 m3 air for chlorinated compounds such as CH2Cl2. Comparison of these costs with conventional air pollution control techniques demonstrates excellent perspectives for more field applications of biotrickling filters. As the specific costs of building and operating biotrickling filter reactors decrease with increasing size of the reactor, the cost benefit of biotrickling filtration is expected to increase for full technical-scale bioreactors.  相似文献   

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