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The Southeastern Aerosol Research and Characterization Study (SEARCH) was implemented in 1998–1999 to provide data and analyses for the investigation of the sources, chemical speciation, and long-term trends of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and coarse particulate matter (PM10–2.5) in the Southeastern United States. This work is an initial analysis of 5 years (1999–2003) of filter-based PM2.5 and PM10–2.5 data from SEARCH. We find that annual PM2.5 design values were consistently above the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) 15 µg/m3 annual standard only at monitoring sites in the two largest urban areas (Atlanta, GA, and North Birmingham, AL). Other sites in the network had annual design values below the standard, and no site had daily design values above the NAAQS 65 µg/m3 daily standard. Using a particle composition monitor designed specifically for SEARCH, we found that volatilization losses of nitrate, ammonium, and organic carbon must be accounted for to accurately characterize atmospheric particulate matter. In particular, the federal reference method for PM2.5 underestimates mass by 3–7% as a result of these volatilization losses. Organic matter (OM) and sulfate account for ≥60% of PM2.5 mass at SEARCH sites, whereas major metal oxides (MMO) and unidentified components (“other”) account for ≥80% of PM10–2.5 mass. Limited data suggest that much of the unidentified mass in PM10–2.5 may be OM. For paired comparisons of urban-rural sites, differences in PM2.5 mass are explained, in large part, by higher OM and black carbon at the urban site. For PM10, higher urban concentrations are explained by higher MMO and “other.” Annual means for PM2.5 and PM10–2.5 mass and major components demonstrate substantial declines at all of the SEARCH sites over the 1999–2003 period (10–20% in the case of PM2.5, dominated by 14–20% declines in sulfate and 11–26% declines in OM, and 14–25% in the case of PM10–2.5, dominated by 17–30% declines in MMO and 14–31% declines in “ other”). Although declining national emissions of sulfur dioxide and anthropogenic carbon may account for a portion of the observed declines, additional investigation will be necessary to establish a quantitative assessment, especially regarding trends in local and regional emissions, primary carbon emissions, and meteorology.  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview of a major, long-term program for tropospheric gas and aerosol research in the southeastern United States. Building on three existing ozone (O3)-focused research sites begun in mid-1992, the Southeastern Aerosol Research and Characterization Study (SEARCH) was initiated in mid-1998 as a 7-year observation and research program with a broader focus including aerosols and an expanded geographical coverage in the Southeast. The monitoring network comprises four urban-rural (or urban-suburban) site pairs at locations along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico and inland, including two moderately sized and two major urban areas (Pensacola, FL; Gulfport, MS; Atlanta, GA; and Birmingham, AL). The sites are equipped with an extensive suite of instruments for measuring particulate matter (PM), gases relevant to secondary O3 and the production of secondary aerosol particles, and surface meteorology. The measurements taken to date have added substantially to the knowledge about the temporal behavior and geographic variability of tropospheric aerosols in the Southeast. Details are presented in four papers to follow.  相似文献   


Particulate matter (PM) less than 2.5 μm in size (PM2.5)source apportionment by chemical mass balance receptor modeling was performed to enhance regional characterization of source impacts in the southeastern United States. Secondary particles, such as NH4HSO4, (NH4)2SO4,NH4NO3, and secondary organic carbon (OC) (SOC), formed by atmospheric photochemical reactions, contribute the majority (<50%) of ambient PM2.5 with strong seasonality. Source apportionment results indicate that motor vehicle and biomass burning are the two main primary sources in the southeast, showing relatively more motor vehicle source impacts rather than biomass burning source impacts in populated urban areas and vice versa in less urbanized areas. Spatial distributions of primary source impacts show that each primary source has distinctively different spatial source impacts. Results also find impacts from shipping activities along the coast. Spatiotemporal correlations indicate that secondary particles are more regionally distributed, as are biomass burning and dust, whereas impacts of other primary sources are more local.  相似文献   

Deployment of continuous analyzers in the Southeastern Aerosol Research and Characterization Study (SEARCH) network began in 1998 and continues today as new technologies are developed. Measurement of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) mass is performed using a dried, 30 degrees C tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM). TEOM measurements are complemented by observations of light scattering by nephelometry. Measurements of major constituents include: (1) SO4(2-) via reduction to SO2; (2) NH4+ and NO3- via respective catalytic oxidation and reduction to NO, (3) black carbon (BC) by optical absorption, (4) total carbon by combustion to CO2, and (5) organic carbon by difference between the latter two measurements. Several illustrative examples of continuous data from the SEARCH network are presented. A distinctive composite annual average diurnal pattern is observed for PM2.5 mass, nitrate, and BC, likely indicating the influence of traffic-related emissions, growth, and break up of the boundary layer and formation of ammonium nitrate. Examination of PM2.5 components indicates the need to better understand the continuous composition of the unmeasured "other" category, because it contributes a significant fraction to total mass during periods of high PM2.5 loading. Selected episodes are presented to illustrate applications of SEARCH data. An SO2 conversion rate of 0.2%/hr is derived from an observation of a plume from a coal-fired power plant during early spring, and the importance of local, rural sources of NH3 to the formation of ammonium nitrate in particulate matter (PM) is demonstrated.  相似文献   


Two collaborative studies have been conducted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL) and National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory to determine personal exposures and physiological responses to par-ticulate matter (PM) of elderly persons living in a retirement facility in Fresno, CA. Measurements of PM and other criteria air pollutants were made inside selected individual residences within the retirement facility and at a central outdoor site on the premises. In addition, personal PM exposure monitoring was conducted for a subset of the participants, and ambient PM monitoring data were available for comparison from the NERL PM research monitoring platform in central Fresno. Both a winter (February 1-28, 1999) and a spring (April 19-May 16, 1999) study were completed so that seasonal effects could be  相似文献   

The Southeastern Aerosol Research and Characterization Study (SEARCH) was implemented in 1998-1999 to provide data and analyses for the investigation of the sources, chemical speciation, and long-term trends of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and coarse particulate matter (PM10-2.5) in the Southeastern United States. This work is an initial analysis of 5 years (1999-2003) of filter-based PM2.5 and PM10-2.5 data from SEARCH. We find that annual PM2.5 design values were consistently above the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) 15 microg/m3 annual standard only at monitoring sites in the two largest urban areas (Atlanta, GA, and North Birmingham, AL). Other sites in the network had annual design values below the standard, and no site had daily design values above the NAAQS 65 microg/m3 daily standard. Using a particle composition monitor designed specifically for SEARCH, we found that volatilization losses of nitrate, ammonium, and organic carbon must be accounted for to accurately characterize atmospheric particulate matter. In particular, the federal reference method for PM2.5 underestimates mass by 3-7% as a result of these volatilization losses. Organic matter (OM) and sulfate account for approximately 60% of PM2.5 mass at SEARCH sites, whereas major metal oxides (MMO) and unidentified components ("other") account for > or = 80% of PM10-2.5 mass. Limited data suggest that much of the unidentified mass in PM10-2.5 may be OM. For paired comparisons of urban-rural sites, differences in PM2.5 mass are explained, in large part, by higher OM and black carbon at the urban site. For PM10, higher urban concentrations are explained by higher MMO and "other." Annual means for PM2.5 and PM10-2.5 mass and major components demonstrate substantial declines at all of the SEARCH sites over the 1999-2003 period (10-20% in the case of PM2.5, dominated by 14-20% declines in sulfate and 11-26% declines in OM, and 14-25% in the case of PM10-2.5, dominated by 17-30% declines in MMO and 14-31% declines in "other"). Although declining national emissions of sulfur dioxide and anthropogenic carbon may account for a portion of the observed declines, additional investigation will be necessary to establish a quantitative assessment, especially regarding trends in local and regional emissions, primary carbon emissions, and meteorology.  相似文献   


This paper presents measurements of daily sampling of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and its major chemical components at three urban and one rural locations in North Carolina during 2002. At both urban and rural sites, the major insoluble component of PM2.5 is organic matter, and the major soluble components are sulfate (SO4 2?), ammonium (NH4 +), and nitrate (NO3 ?). NH4 + is neutralized mainly by SO4 2? rather than by NO3 ?, except in winter when SO4 2? concentration is relatively low, whereas NO3 ? concentration is high. The equivalent ratio of NH4 + to the sum of SO4 2? and NO3 ? is <1, suggesting that SO4 2?and NO3 ?are not completely neutralized by NH4 +. At both rural and urban sites, SO4 2?concentration displays a maximum in summer and a minimum in winter, whereas NO3 ?displays an opposite seasonal trend. Mass ratio of NO3 ? to SO4 2?is consistently <1 at all sites, suggesting that stationary source emissions may play an important role in PM2.5 formation in those areas. Organic carbon and elemental carbon are well correlated at three urban sites although they are poorly correlated at the agriculture site. Other than the daily samples, hourly samples were measured at one urban site. PM2.5 mass concen trations display a peak in early morning, and a second peak in late afternoon. Back trajectory analysis shows that air masses with lower PM2.5 mass content mainly originate from the marine environment or from a continental environment but with a strong subsidence from the upper troposphere. Air masses with high PM2.5 mass concentrations are largely from continental sources. Our study of fine particulate matter and its chemical composition in North Carolina provides crucial information that may be used to determine the efficacy of the new National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for PM fine. Moreover, the gas-to-particle conversion processes provide improved prediction of long-range transport of pollutants and air quality.  相似文献   


Combustion experiments were carried out on four different residual fuel oils in a 732-kW boiler. PM emission samples were separated aerodynamically by a cyclone into fractions that were nominally less than and greater than 2.5 |j.m in diameter. However, examination of several of the samples by computer-controlled scanning electron microscopy (CCSEM) revealed that part of the PM2.5 fraction consists of carbonaceous cenospheres and vesicular particles that range up to 10 |j.m in diameter. X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectroscopy data were obtained at the S, V, Ni, Fe, Cu, Zn, and As K-edges and at the Pb L-edge. Deconvolution of the X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) region of the S spectra established that the dominant molecular forms of S present were sulfate (26-84% of total S) and thiophene (13-39% of total S). Sulfate was greater in the PM2.5 samples than in the PM25+ samples. Inorganic sulfides and elemental sulfur were present in lower percentages. The Ni XANES spectra from all of the samples agreed fairly well with that of NiSO4, while most of the V spectra closely resembled that of vanadyl sulfate (VO?SO4?xH2O). The other metals investigated (i.e., Fe, Cu, Zn, and Pb) also were present predominantly as sulfates. Arsenic was present as an arsen-ate (As+5). X-ray diffraction patterns of the PM2.5 fraction exhibit sharp lines due to sulfate compounds (Zn, V, Ni, Ca, etc.) superimposed on broad peaks due to amorphous carbons. All of the samples contain a significant organic component, with the loss on ignition (LOI) ranging from 64 to 87% for the PM2.5 fraction and from 88 to 97% for the PM2.5+ fraction. Based on 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analysis, the carbon is predominantly condensed in graphitic structures. Aliphatic structure was detected in only one of seven samples examined.  相似文献   


An improved version of the constant volume sampling (CVS) methodology that overcomes a number of obstacles that exist with the current CVS dilution tunnel system used in most diesel and gasoline vehicle emissions test facilities is presented. The key feature of the new sampling system is the introduction of dilution air immediately at the vehicle tailpipe. In the present implementation, this is done concentrically through a cylindrical air filter. Elimination of the transfer hose conventionally used to connect the tailpipe to the dilution tunnel significantly reduces the hydrocarbon and particulate matter (PM) storage release artifacts that can lead to wildly incorrect particle number counts and to erroneous filter-collected PM mass. It provides accurate representations of particle size distributions for diesel vehicles by avoiding the particle coagulation that occurs in the transfer hose. Furthermore, it removes the variable delay time that otherwise exists between the time that emissions exit the tailpipe and when they are detected in the dilution tunnel. The performance of the improved CVS system is examined with respect to diesel, gasoline, and compressed natural gas vehicles.  相似文献   


The concentration of fine particulate nitrate, sulfate, and carbonaceous material was measured for 12-hr day-night samples using diffusion denuder samplers during the Project Measurement of Haze and Visibility Effects (MOHAVE) July to August 1992 Summer Intensive study at Meadview, AZ, just west of Grand Canyon National Park. Organic material was measured by several techniques. Only the diffusion denuder method measured the semivolatile organic material. Fine particulate sulfate and nitrate (using denuder technology) determined by various groups agreed. Based on the various collocated measurements obtained during the Project MOHAVE study, the precision of the major fine particulate species was ±0.6 μg/m3 organic material, ±0.3 μg/m3 ammonium sulfate, and ±0.07 μg/m3 ammonium nitrate. Data were also available on fine particulate crustal material, fine and coarse particulate mass from the Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments sampling system, and relative humidity (RH), light absorption, particle scattering, and light extinction measurements from Project MOHAVE. An extinction budget was obtained using mass scattering coefficients estimated from particle size distribution data. Literature data were used to estimate the change in the mass scattering coefficients for the measured species as a function of RH and for the absorption of light by elemental carbon. Fine particulate organic material was the principal particulate contributor to light extinction during the study period, with fine particulate sulfate as the second most important contributor. During periods of highest light extinction, contributions from fine particulate organic material, sulfate, and light-absorbing carbon dominated the extinction of light by particles. Particle light extinction was dominated by sulfate and organic material during periods of lowest light extinction. Combination of the extinction data and chemical mass balance analysis of sulfur oxides sources in the region indicate that the major anthropogenic contributors to light extinction were from the Los Angeles, CA, and Las Vegas, NV, urban areas. Mohave Power Project associated secondary sulfate was a negligible contributor to light extinction.  相似文献   


The GRIMM model 1.107 monitor is designed to measure particle size distribution and particulate mass based on a light scattering measurement of individual particles in the sampled air. The design and operation of the instrument are described. Protocols used to convert the measured size number distribution to a mass concentration consistent with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency protocols for measuring particulate matter (PM) less than 10 μm (PM10) and less than 2.5 μm (PM2.5) in aerodynamic diameter are described. The performance of the resulting continuous monitor has been evaluated by comparing GRIMM monitor PM2.5 measurements with results obtained by the Rupprecht and Patashnick Co. (R&P) filter dynamic measurement system (FDMS). Data were obtained during month-long studies in Rubidoux, CA, in July 2003 and in Fresno, CA, in December 2003. The results indicate that the GRIMM monitor does respond to total PM2.5 mass, including the semi-volatile components, giving results comparable to the FDMS. The data also indicate that the monitor can be used to estimate water content of the fine particles. However, if the inlet to the monitor is heated, then the instrument measures only the nonvolatile material, more comparable to results obtained with a conventional heated filter tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM) monitor. A recent modification of the model 180, with a Nafion dryer at the inlet, measures total PM2.5 including the nonvolatile and semi-volatile components, but excluding fine particulate water. Model 180 was in agreement with FDMS data obtained in Lindon, UT, during January through February 2007  相似文献   


A study using two stack-sampling methodologies for collecting particulate matter (PM) emissions was conducted using a hot filter followed by a cold impinger sampling train and a dilution sampler. Samples were collected from ferrous iron metal casting processes that included pouring molten iron into a sand mold containing an organic binder, metal cooling, removal of the sand from the cooled casting (shakeout), and postshakeout cooling. The shakeout process contributed more to PM emissions than the metal pouring and cooling processes. Particulate matter less than 2.5 μm in aerodynamic diameter (PM2.5) mass emissions for the entire casting cycle ranged from 3.4 to 4.7 lb/t of metal for the hot filter/impinger method and from 0.8 to 1.8 lb/t of metal for the dilution method. Most of the difference was due to PM captured by the impingers, much of which was probably dissolved gases rather than condensable vapors. Of the PM fraction captured by the impingers, 96–98% was organic in nature. The impinger PM fraction contributed 32–38% to the total suspended particle mass and caused a factor of 2–4 positive bias for PM2.5 emissions. For the pouring and cooling processes only, the factor increased to over seven times.  相似文献   


Daily counts of non-accidental deaths in Santiago, Chile, from 1988 to 1996 were regressed on six air pollutants— fine particles (PM2.5), coarse particles (PM10–2.5), CO, SO2, NO2, and O3. Controlling for seasonal and meteorological conditions was done using three different models— a generalized linear model, a generalized additive model, and a generalized additive model on previously filtered data. Single- and two-pollutant models were tested for lags of 1-5 days and the average of the previous 2-5 days.

The increase in mortality associated with the mean levels of air pollution varied from 4 to 11%, depending on the pollutants and the way season of the year was considered. The results were not sensitive to the modeling approaches, but different effects for warmer and colder months were found. Fine particles were more important than coarse particles in the whole year and in winter, but not in summer. NO2 and CO were also significantly associated with daily mortality, as was O3 in the warmer months. No consistent effect was observed for SO2. Given particle composition in Santiago, these results suggest that combustion-generated pollutants, especially from motor vehicles, may be associated with increased mortality. Temperature was closely associated with mortality. High temperatures led to deaths on the same day, while low temperatures lead to deaths from 1 to 4 days later.  相似文献   


Many large metropolitan areas experience elevated concentrations of ground-level ozone pollution during the summertime “smog season”. Local environmental or health agencies often need to make daily air pollution forecasts for public advisories and for input into decisions regarding abatement measures and air quality management. Such forecasts are usually based on statistical relationships between weather conditions and ambient air pollution concentrations. Multivariate linear regression models have been widely used for this purpose, and well-specified regressions can provide reasonable results. However, pollution-weather relationships are typically complex and nonlinear—especially for ozone—properties that might be better captured by neural networks. This study investigates the potential for using neural networks to forecast ozone pollution, as compared to traditional regression models. Multiple regression models and neural networks are examined for a range of cities under different climate and ozone regimes, enabling a comparative study of the two approaches. Model comparison statistics indicate that neural network techniques are somewhat (but not dramatically) better than regression models for daily ozone prediction, and that all types of models are sensitive to different weather-ozone regimes and the role of persistence in aiding predictions.  相似文献   


Statistical analyses of time-series or spatial data have been widely used to investigate the behavior of ambient air pollutants. Because air pollution data are generally collected in a wide area of interest over a relatively long period, such analyses should take into account both spatial and temporal characteristics. The objective of this study is 2-fold: (1) to identify an efficient way to characterize the spatial variations of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) concentrations based solely upon their temporal patterns, and (2) to analyze the temporal and seasonal patterns of PM2.5 concentrations in spatially homogenous regions. This study used 24-hr average PM2.5 concentrations measured every third day during a period between 2001 and 2005 at 522 monitoring sites in the continental United States. A k-means clustering algorithm using the correlation distance was used to investigate the similarity in patterns between temporal profiles observed at the monitoring sites. A k-means clustering analysis produced six clusters of sites with distinct temporal patterns that were able to identify and characterize spatially homogeneous regions of the United States. The study also presents a rotated principal component analysis (RPCA) that has been used for characterizing spatial patterns of air pollution and discusses the difference between the clustering algorithm and RPCA.  相似文献   


Diesel particulate matter (PM) is a significant contributor to ambient air PM10 and PM2.5 particulate levels. In addition, recent literature argues that submicron diesel PM is a pulmonary health hazard. There is difficulty in attributing PM emissions to specific operating modes of a diesel engine, although it is acknowledged that PM production rises dramatically with load and that high PM emissions occur during rapid load increases on turbocharged engines. Snap-acceleration tests generally identify PM associated with rapid transient operating conditions, but not with high load. To quantify the origin of PM during transient engine operation, continuous opacity measurements have been made using a Wager 650CP full flow exhaust opacity meter. Opacity measurements were taken while the vehicles were operated over transient driving cycles on a chassis dynamometer using the West Virginia University (WVU) Transportable Heavy Duty Vehicle Emissions Testing Laboratories. Data were gathered from Detroit Diesel, Cummins, Caterpillar, and Navistar heavy-duty (HD) diesel engines. Driving cycles used were the Central Business District (CBD) cycle, the WVU 5-Peak Truck cycle, the WVU 5-Mile route, and the New York City Bus (NYCB) cycle. Continuous opacity measurements, integrated over the entire driving cycle, were compared to total integrated PM mass. In addition, the truck was subjected to repeat snap-acceleration tests, and PM was collected for a composite of these snap-acceleration tests. Additional data were obtained from a fleet of 1996 New Flyer buses in Flint, MI, equipped with electronically controlled Detroit Diesel Series 50 engines. Again, continuous opacity, regulated gaseous emissions, and PM were measured. The relationship between continuous carbon monoxide (CO) emissions and continuous opacity was noted. In identifying the level of PM emissions in transient diesel engine operation, it is suggested that CO emissions may prove to be a useful indicator and may be used to apportion total PM on a continuous basis over a transient cycle. The projected continuous PM data will prove valuable in future mobile source inventory prediction.  相似文献   

Particulate mass concentration measurements have been made on environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) for the purpose of assessing the relative accuracy of several measurement procedures. ETS over a range of concentrations was generated in an environmental chamber by three methods. Mass concentration was measured by a gravimetric/spectrophotometric collection procedure, piezoelectric particle mass monitors, two nephelometry-based mass monitors, and a particle counting and sizing system. Two-hour average mass concentrations were determined by each method for concentrations ranging from very low levels up to those achieved by smoking one entire cigarette in the chamber. Statistical comparisons were made among procedures employing the gravimetric filter measurement as the basis for comparison. One nephelometry-based procedure gave significantly higher and the other significantly lower values than the filter determination. In one case, a correction for the difference between the particle mass density of the calibrating aerosol and that of ETS brought the nephelometry-based procedure into reasonable agreement with the filter measurement, while for the other, the correction did not resolve the discrepancy between methods. Statistically significant differences between the responses of two supposedly identical piezoelectric mass monitors were found, as was some slight dependence of the nephelometry- based procedures on method of ETS generation. In summary, the results indicate that significant errors can be expected if the instruments studied are used “off the shelf,” even for ETS generated under controlled laboratory conditions. Caution should be employed in field measurements where numerous sources and types of particulate matter can be encountered.  相似文献   


The time-series correlation between ambient levels, indoor levels, and personal exposure to PM2.5 was assessed in panels of elderly subjects with cardiovascular disease in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and Helsinki, Finland. Subjects were followed for 6 months with biweekly clinical visits. Each subject's indoor and personal exposure to PM2.5 was measured biweekly, during the 24-hr period preceding the clinical visits. Outdoor PM2.5 concentrations were measured at fixed sites. The absorption coefficients of all PM2.5 filters were measured as a marker for elemental carbon (EC). Regression analyses were conducted for each subject separately, and the distribution of the individual regression and correlation coefficients was investigated. Personal, indoor, and ambient concentrations were highly correlated within subjects over time. Median Pearson's R between personal and outdoor PM2.5 was 0.79 in Amsterdam and 0.76 in Helsinki. For absorption, these values were 0.93 and 0.81 for Amsterdam and Helsinki, respectively. The findings of this study provide further support for using fixed-site measurements as a measure of exposure to PM2.5 in epidemiological time-series studies.  相似文献   


The Aerosol Research and Inhalation Epidemiology Study (ARIES) was designed to provide high-quality measurements of PM25, its components, and co-varying pollutants for an air pollution epidemiology study in Atlanta, GA.

Air pollution epidemiology studies have typically relied on available data on particle mass often collected using filter-based methods. Filter-based PM2.5 sampling is susceptible to both positive and negative errors in the measurement of aerosol mass and particle-phase component concentrations in the undisturbed atmosphere. These biases are introduced by collection of gas-phase aerosol components on the filter media or by volatilization of particle phase components from collected particles. As part of the ARIES, we collected daily 24-hr PM2.5 mass and speciation samples and continuous PM2.5 data at a mixed residential-light industrial site in Atlanta. These data facilitate analysis of the effects of a wide variety of factors on sampler performance. We assess the relative importance of PM2.5 components and consider associations and potential mechanistic linkages of PM2.5 mass concentrations with several PM2.5 components.

For the 12 months of validated data collected to date (August 1, 1998-July 31, 1999), the monthly average Federal Reference Method (FRM) PM2 5 mass always exceeded the proposed annual average standard (12-month average = 20.3 ± 9.5 ug/m3). The particulate SO4 2- fraction (as (NH4)2SO4) was largest in the summer and exceeded 50% of the FRM mass. The contribution of (NH4)2SO4 to FRM PM2.5 mass dropped to less than 30% in winter. Particu-late NO3 - collected on a denuded nylon filter averaged 1.1 ± 0.9 ug/m3. Particle-phase organic compounds (as organic carbon × 1.4) measured on a denuded quartz filter sampler averaged 6.4 ± 3.1 ug/m3 (32% of FRM PM2 5 mass) with less seasonal variability than SO4 2-.  相似文献   


Measurements of pollutant gases, airborne particulate matter mass and composition, and meteorology have been made at a core site near downtown Atlanta, GA, since August 1998 in support of the Aerosol Research and Inhalation Epidemiology Study (ARIES). This site is one of eight in the Southeastern Aerosol Research and Characterization network. The measurement objective is to provide a long-term, multivariate dataset suitable for investigating statistical associations of respiratory and cardiovascular disease with airborne particulate matter composition, meteorology, and copollutant gases through epidemiologic modeling. Measurements are expected to continue through 2010. Ancillary multiyear measurements at additional sites in the Atlanta metropolitan area and in short-term exposure assessments have been used to estimate the exposure/measurement error associated with using data from a central site to approximate human exposures for the entire area. To date, 13-, 25-, and 53-month air quality datasets have been used in epidemiologic analyses.  相似文献   

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