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The Grand Canyon Visibility Transport Commission (GCVTC) was established by the U.S. Congress to assess the potential impacts of projected growth on atmospheric visibility at Grand Canyon National Park and to make recommendations to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on what measures could be taken to avoid such adverse impacts. A critical input to the assessment tool used by the commission was three-dimensional model-derived wind fields used to transport the emissions. This paper describes the evaluation of the wind fields used at various stages in the assessment. Wind fields evaluated included those obtained from the Colorado State University Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS), the National Meteorological Center's Nested Grid Model (NGM), and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion (ATAD) trajectory model. The model-derived wind fields were evaluated at multiple vertical levels at several locations in the southwestern United States by determining differences between model predicted winds and winds that were measured using radiosonde and radar wind profiler data. Model-derived winds were also evaluated by determining the percent of time that they were within acceptable differences from measured winds. All models had difficulties, generally meeting the acceptable criteria for less than 50% of the predictions. The RAMS model had a persistent bias toward southwesterly winds at the expense of other directions, especially failing to represent channeling by north-south mountain ranges in the lower levels. The NGM model exhibited a substantial bias in the summer months by extending northwesterly winds in the eastern Pacific Ocean well inland, in contrast to the observed southwesterlies at inland locations. The simpler ATAD trajectory model performed somewhat better than the other models, probably because of its use of more upper air sites. The results of the evaluation indicated that these wind fields could not be used to reliably predict source-receptor impacts on a particular day; thus, seasonally averaged impacts were used in the GCVTC assessment.  相似文献   

Air trajectory and particle scattering data (bsp) for the period 1984-1989 are used to determine the relationship between atmospheric transport and visual air quality at the Grand Canyon National Park. Using cluster analysis, 72-hour back-trajectories arriving four times per day were grouped into distinct transport patterns. Northwesterly and southerly/southwesterly flow dominate in the winter and summer seasons, respectively. Comparisons of bsp values accompanying different transport patterns showed a clear relationship between air flow pathway and light scattering due to small particles during the non-summer months only. An index is defined which describes the percentage of annual trajectories belonging to specific transport routes delivering predominantly clear air to the GCNP.  相似文献   

Using a backward version of the Monte Carlo radiative transfer model, radiance values in the Grand Canyon were simulated to within the precision of 10%. The contiguous spectral contrast was introduced to distinguish between adjacent areas of the same target and compared to the apparent spectral contrast. The contiguous spectral contrast is a valuable tool in evaluating visibility because in some cases, the target became more distinguishable when viewed against the sky while the target features became less distinguishable. Average equilibrium radiance values were calculated and incorporated into the Koschmieder estimate; the Koschmieder estimate was deemed to be of limited value in the Grand Canyon because of the violation of the assumptions used to derive the estimate.It was shown that apparent spectral contrasts determined from first order scattering results were within 10% of these contrasts determined from multiple order scattering results. However, higher order scattering must be considered when radiance values are calculated for the Grand Canyon scene.  相似文献   

The relationship between airborne particulate matter and atmospheric light extinction was examined using the multivariate techniques of principal component analysis and multiple linear regression on data gathered at the Grand Canyon, Arizona, from December 1979 to November 1981. Results showed that, on the average, fine sulfates were most strongly associated with light attenuation in the atmosphere. Other fine mass (nitrates, organics, soot and carbonaceous material) and coarse mass (primarily windblown dust) were much less associated with atmospheric extinction. Fine sulfate mass at the Grand Canyon was responsible for 63% of atmospheric light extinction while other fine mass and coarse mass were responsible for 17 and 20% of atmospheric extinction, respectively.  相似文献   

Conventional perceptions of the interactions between people and their environment are rapidly transforming. Old paradigms that view humans as separate from nature, natural resources as inexhaustible or endlessly substitutable, and the world as stable, predictable, and in balance are no longer tenable. New conceptual frameworks are rapidly emerging based on an adaptive approach that focuses on learning and flexible management in a dynamic social-ecological landscape. Using two iconic World Heritage Areas as case studies (the Great Barrier Reef and the Grand Canyon) we outline how an improved integration of the scientific and social aspects of natural resource management can guide the evolution of multiscale systems of governance that confront and cope with uncertainty, risk, and change in an increasingly human-dominated world.  相似文献   

The Los Angeles County Air Pollution Control District has enacted a solvent law termed Rule 66. It places limitations on both solvent emissions and formulations used within its jurisdiction. Two types of analytical procedures were developed in conjunction with the rule. For emissions, a total combustion method is used whereby organic source vapors are catalytically converted to CO2 and reported in terms of carbon content. For liquid formulations, a column chromatographic screening analysis is first performed to measure categories of compounds: oxygenates, aromatics, olefins, and paraffins. This helps to select the starting conditions for the lengthier GC procedure which provides the ultimate analysis of individual compounds.  相似文献   

Grand Canyon National Park (GCNP) is a mandatory Class I federal area that is afforded visibility protection under the Federal Clean Air Act. In this paper, we have examined the effects on visibility and particulate sulfur (Sp) at GCNP as a result of reducing sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions by 90% from the Navajo Generating Station (NGS). Scrubbers were retrofitted to each of the three units at NGS during 1997, 1998, and 1999. The Inter-agency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments aerosol network database affords us an opportunity to examine trends in Sp and extinction both prescrubber and postscrubber. The NGS impacts GCNP primarily during the winter (December to February). During winter, at times, there are fogs, stratus, and high-relative humidity in the Grand Canyon. When the NGS plume interacts with these fogs and stratus, rapid conversion of SO2 to Sp can occur. A variety of analytical techniques were used, including cumulative frequency plots of Sp and extinction, and chemical mass balance and tracer source apportionment analysis. We also deployed P value statistical analysis of "extreme" Sp values. Before scrubbers were installed, values of Sp approaching 2 microg/m3 were occasionally observed. Because scrubbers have been installed, high levels of Sp have been markedly reduced. Statistical P value analysis suggests that these reductions were significant. Furthermore, we have also observed that Sp has been reduced throughout the cumulative frequency curve during winter by approximately 33% since scrubbers were installed. By contrast, during summer when the NGS impact on the Canyon is minimal, there has been only a relatively small decrease in Sp.  相似文献   

Receptor-based chemical mass balance (CMB) analysis techniques are designed to apportion species that are conserved during pollutant transport using conserved source profiles. The techniques will fail if non-conservative species (or profiles) are not properly accounted for in the CMB model. The straightforward application of the CMB model developed for Project MOHAVE using regional profiles resulted in a significant under-prediction of total sulfate oxides (SOx, SO2 plus fine particulate sulfate) for many samples at Meadview, AZ. In addition, for these samples the concentration of the inert tracer emitted from the MOHAVE Power Project (MPP), ocPDCH, was also under-predicted. A second-generation model has been developed which assumes that separation of particles and SO2 can occur in the MPP plume during nighttime stable plume conditions. This second-generation CMB model accounts for all SOx present at the various receptor sites. In addition, the concentrations of ocPDCH and the presence of other inert tracers of emission from regional sources are accurately predicted. The major source of SOx at Meadview was the MPP, but the major source of sulfate at this site was the Las Vegas urban area. At Hopi Point in the Grand Canyon, the Baja California region (Imperial Valley and northwestern Mexico) was the major source of both SOx and sulfate.  相似文献   


Receptor-based chemical mass balance (CMB) analysis techniques are designed to apportion species that are conserved during pollutant transport using conserved source profiles. The techniques will fail if non-conservative species (or profiles) are not properly accounted for in the CMB model. The straightforward application of the CMB model developed for Project MOHAVE using regional profiles resulted in a significant under-prediction of total sulfate oxides (SOx, SO2 plus fine particulate sulfate) for many samples at Meadview, AZ. In addition, for these samples the concentration of the inert tracer emitted from the MOHAVE Power Project (MPP), ocPDCH, was also under-predicted. A second-generation model has been developed which assumes that separation of particles and SO2 can occur in the MPP plume during nighttime stable plume conditions. This second-generation CMB model accounts for all SOx present at the various receptor sites. In addition, the concentrations of ocPDCH and the presence of other inert tracers of emission from regional sources are accurately predicted. The major source of SOx at Meadview was the MPP, but the major source of sulfate at this site was the Las Vegas urban area. At Hopi Point in the Grand Canyon, the Baja California region (Imperial Valley and northwestern Mexico) was the major source of both SOx and sulfate.  相似文献   

Linear regression of high volume air sampler data and various meteorological parameters was used to determine a suspended particulate air pollution climatology for Albany, NY. A new method for exhibiting associations between wind direction and pollutant levels using correlation coefficients is presented. Correlations between wind direction distribution frequency and other meteorological parameters is employed to help explain differences in correlations for direction with suspended particulate levels. Results show that high particulate concentrations correlate well with southerly wind flow throughout the study area, regardless of relative location of receptor to local sources. This suggests that ambient background concentrations inherent in different air masses more consistently affected suspended particulate levels than did the diffusion from local sources during the study period. Maximum particulate advection occurs under conditions of good mixing of the boundary layer and moderate wind speeds and is enhanced further in the absence of removal processes such as rainout and washout. Trajectory analysis of selected days indicates a definite relationship between path and origin of the wind flow and regional average particulate concentration.  相似文献   

依据国家相关标准对某退役后辐照装置周围的辐射水平进行监测与评价,通过数据评价得出该单位辐照装置退役场所未受到放射性污染,其退役后对环境的辐射影响可以忽略。  相似文献   


Guidance for the performance evaluation of three-dimensional air quality modeling systems for particulate matter and visibility is presented. Four levels are considered: operational, diagnostic, mechanistic, and probabilistic evaluations. First, a comprehensive model evaluation should be conducted in at least two distinct geographical locations and for several meteorological episodes. Next, streamlined evaluations can be conducted for other similar applications if the comprehensive evaluation is deemed satisfactory. In all cases, the operational evaluation alone is insufficient, and some diagnostic evaluation must always be carried out. Recommendations are provided for designing field measurement programs that can provide the data needed for such model performance evaluations.  相似文献   

The body of information presented in this paper is directed to those individuals concerned with methods for the sampling and measurement of fluorides contained in stack gases produced during the manufacture of phosphate fertilizer or aluminum. An air stream containing gaseous hydrogen fluoride (HF), at concentrations of from 87 to 1700 µg F m-3, was generated and passed through 193 to 198 cm lengths of Pyrex glass, type 316 stainless steel, TFE Teflon, and methyl methacrylate-coated aluminum probes at flow rates of 28 I min-1. HF passing through the probes was collected in deionized water contained in a Greenburg-Smith impinger. The Teflon probe exhibited no loss of HF and no trend toward increased passage of HF with time. Significant amounts of fluoride were lost in 18 out of 20 tests with the methacrylate probe and in 4 out of 20 tests with the Pyrex and stainless steel probes. Trends toward increased passage of HF with time occurred with the latter three probe materials. The selective ion electrode and semiautomated methods gave equivalent results when samples were made alkaline to avoid sorption of fluoride by Tygon tubing used in the semiautomated method. These results demonstrated that a Teflon probe gave the most representative sample of gaseous HF. However, additional tests are needed before a final recommendation is made for a probe to sample fluorides in stack gases.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of light duty diesels on California visibility in the early 1990s. It is found that, without increased dieselization, there will be little change in statewide visibility levels from the late 1970s to the early 1990s. Visibility impacts from diesels are calculated for various scenarios of diesel use and particulate control. The likely dieselization (20%), do nothing particulate control (0.4 g/ml) scenario will change projected statewide emissions slightly for HC ( –2 % ) , NO x (+1%), SO x (+5%), and TSP (+1%) but will increase statewide emissions of elemental carbon (soot) by about 80%. Simplistic haze budget calculations indicate that this increase In soot emissions should reduce visibility about 10 to 25% in California. More precise and geographically detailed visibility calculations are performed by applying a lead tracer model to data for 86 California locations. The lead tracer model indicates that the likely dieselization, do nothing control scenario will reduce visibility by about 10 to 35%, with the greatest impacts occurring in and near urban areas. Actual visibility decreases for this scenario may even be much greater, 20 to 50%, because the analysis does not address two other significant factors: (1) increased SO4 –2 levels due to catalytic SO2 oxidation by soot and to higher SO2 emissions, and (2) increased soot emissions due to dieselization of the medium and heavy duty fleets.  相似文献   

Methacoal fuel is a mechanically stabilized suspension of coal in methanol which is produced by adjusting the weight ratio of carbon-hydrocarbon particles to alcohol to about 67% solids. The introduction of low intensity shear forces causes the fluid to exhibit pseudoplastic properties. This study establishes that there is a growing need for alternate fuel supplies, describes available coal gasification—methanol production technology and compares the pipelining of Methacoal to two fuel transportation technologies. While preliminary evaluation reveals that Methacoal may be economical as a mode of fuel transportation, further research into the rheological behavior and demonstration of large scale production of Methacoal will be necessary before the ultimate economics can be borne out. Cost estimates are in 1977 dollars  相似文献   

江苏省南部地区历史遗留化工污染地块同时存在巨厚含水层(厚度>30 m)和DNAPL类污染物,故导致再开发利用时调查和治理深度难以确定。利用UTChem 模型构建地块二维地下水DNAPLs迁移模型,对巨厚含水层底板上典型DNAPLs(氯仿、1,2-二氯乙烷、四氯化碳、四氯乙烯)随时间推移的迁移扩散情况进行了模拟,并对影响其扩散范围的因素进行了探讨,基于模拟研究结果对此类地块安全利用深度进行了分析。模拟研究表明,不存在抽水井的情况下,经过70 a,含水层底板上4种典型DNAPLs(氯仿、1,2-二氯乙烷、四氯化碳、四氯乙烯)污染羽迁移范围有限,其自底板垂直向上最大迁移距离分别为16.70、16.90、15.20、7.90 m,向下游迁移距离分别为332.12、337.77、322.10、243.40 m。在存在抽水井的情况下,抽水井会显著影响DNAPLs污染羽的迁移范围。影响DNAPLs污染物迁移扩散范围的主要因素为污染物溶解度、密度、黏度、弥散度及渗透系数。本研究结果可为典型化工类型退役地块的风险管控和安全利用提供参考。  相似文献   


The aim of this paper is to show that a photochemical box model could describe the air pollution diurnal profiles within a typical street canyon in the city of Athens. As sophisticated three-dimensional dispersion models are computationally expensive and they cannot serve to simulate pollution levels in the scale of an urban street canyon, a suitably modified three-layer photochemical box model was applied. A street canyon of Athens with heavy traffic was chosen to apply the aforementioned model. The model was used to calculate pollutant concentrations during two days with meteorological conditions favoring pollutant accumulation. Road traffic emissions were calculated based on existing traffic load measurements. Meteorological data, as well as various pollutant concentrations, in order to compare with the model results, were provided by available measurements. The calculated concentrations were found to be in good agreement with measured concentration levels and show that, when traffic load and traffic composition data are available, this model can be used to predict pollution episodes. It is noteworthy that high concentrations persisted, even after additional traffic restriction measures were taken on the second day because of the high pollution levels.  相似文献   

The long distance transport of air pollutants and summer visibility in London is related to sulphate concentration and wind direction. The results suggest that a non-linear, approximately inverse relationship exists between visibility and aerosol sulphate concentration. The worst mean visibility (6.4km) and the highest daily mean sulphate concentration (16.0 μg m−3) both occur in airflows between east and south. The most likely source of the sulphate on these occasions would be emissions on the continental mainland.  相似文献   

This study includes an application of the first two phases of a new three-phased decision-making structure that was developed to overcome the problems related to ecological safety and social justice in site selection applications. It was conducted on a current site selection problem related to the municipal solid waste disposal facilities in Kocaeli, the most industrialized region of Turkey. In order to assess the deficiencies of the legal site selection procedures related to ecological safety, two different decision tree modes were applied separately. The first mode (“Legislation”) concerns the current buffer zone applications given in the regulations, while the second one (“Proposed”) includes the applications of the new decision-making structure proposed in this study. Since it was assumed that the subjective tendencies of the decision makers on the weightings would have a significant effect on the final decision, these two modes were assessed by employing two different weighting models. The results were obtained from all of the scenarios related to selection of suitable sites with three different area requirements (15, 250, and 500 acres) for the solid wastes generated in the Kocaeli region. The results showed that the possible changes in the decision structure could cause significant differences in the final decision related to selection of the most suitable sites. The most highest and lowest differences were at the “Legislation” mode for 15 acres and 500 acres, respectively. Furthermore, the results obtained in the study showed that the possible differentiations in the criteria weightings could also cause significant differences in the suitability ranking. Therefore, to get a reliable final decision, a statistical assessment of these differentiations should be made.

Implications: The results showed that the possible changes in the decision structure could cause significant differences in the final decision related to selection of the most suitable sites. Furthermore, the results obtained in the study showed that the possible differentiations in the criteria weightings could also cause significant differences in the suitability ranking. Therefore, to get a reliable final decision, a statistical assessment of these differentiations should be made.  相似文献   

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