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Laboratory tests with generated aerosols were conducted to test the efficacy of two recent design modifications to the well-established tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM) continuous particulate matter (PM) mass monitor. The two systems tested were the sample equilibration system-equipped TEOM monitor operating at 30 °C, which uses a Nafion dryer as part of the sample inlet, and the differential TEOM monitor, which adds a switched electrostatic precipitator and uses a self-referencing algorithm to determine “true PM mass.” Test aerosols included ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, sodium chloride, copper (II) sulfate, and mixed aerosols. Aerosols were generated with an atomizer or a vibrating orifice generator and were equilibrated in a 450-L slow flow chamber before being sampled. Relative humidity in the chamber was varied between 10 and 90%, and step changes in humidity were executed while generating aerosol to test the response of the instruments. The sample equilibration system-equipped TEOM monitor does reduce, but not totally eliminate, the sensitivity of the TEOM mass monitor to changes in humidity. The differential TEOM monitor gives every indication of being a very robust technique for the continuous real-time measurement of ambient aerosol mass, even in the presence of semi-volatile particles and condensable gases.  相似文献   


We determined the usefulness of tapered element oscillating microbalances (TEOMs) for researchers and engineers involved with measuring diesel particulate mass. Two different test facilities were used for generating diesel particulates and comparing the TEOM to the commonly used U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) manual filter method. The EPA method is very labor-intensive and requires long periods of time to complete. The TEOM is an attractive approach because it has the potential to reduce the amount of time and labor required in diesel testing, as well as to provide real-time particulate-mass data that are not obtainable with the EPA method. It was found that the TEOM was a precise and easy-to-operate instrument that could measure the mass concentration (MC) of diesel particulate emissions in real time. Although the TEOM diesel particulate MC measurements were highly correlated with the manual filter measurements, the two techniques were not equivalent because the TEOM consistently reported MC results that were 20–25% lower than those obtained using the manual filter technique. In conclusion, the TEOM can be used to increase test-cell throughput and to measure transient values of diesel par-ticulate emissions at sites performing diesel-engine testing. However, unless EPA is able to certify the TEOM as an equivalent method, it cannot replace the manual filter method for diesel certification work.  相似文献   

High ozone concentrations, often in excess of the national ambient air quality standard for photochemical oxidants, have been measured simultaneously in urban and rural areas of New York State. Average daily rural ozone concentrations were found to correlate well with daily maximum urban ozone concentrations suggesting a common source. Estimations of the quantity of ozone advectively transported into New York State are more than an order of magnitude greater than estimations of the potential photochemical generation of ozone from hydrocarbon emissions within New York State. It is suggested thai the high rural ozone levels are not primarily due to the transport of ozone and ozone precursors from olher urban areas, but are rather due to natural phenomena such as photochemical generation from naturally occurring precursors or transport of ozone from the stratosphere to the troposphere. The effectiveness of a hydrocarbon control strategy for New York State to meet the ambient air quality standard for photochemical oxidants when background levels themselves may be above the standard is questioned.  相似文献   

The European Economic Community Council Directive 80/779/EEC1 describes air quality limit values and guide values for sulfur dioxide and suspended particulates. However, article 10, paragraph 1 does not define well enough the reference method required, amongst others, for the gravimetric measurement of suspended particulates. It is explicity stated in article 10, paragraph 5 of the directive, that “the commission shall, in selected locations in the member states and in cooperation with the latter, carry out studies on the sampling…of suspended particulates. These studies shall be designed in particular to promote the harmonization of methods of sampling and analysis of these pollutants.” Therefore, in a joint research program the Umweltbundesamt (grant #104 02263), the commission of European Communities (grant #84-B-6642-11-017-11-N) and the U.S. EPA (grant #2-43211-3580) funded the development of a reference dust sampler by the Fraunhofer-lnstitute of Toxicology and Aerosol Research (FhITA, in Hannover, Federal Republic of Germany) in order: ? to study the particle size distribution of ambient air aerosol at a number of selected sites;

? to compare the results obtained with the reference dust sampler with those of particle samplers operated in Europe and the United States;

? to verify the applicability of wind tunnel results to sampling behaviour in the free atmosphere.


A cost estimating methodology has been applied to an emission point inventory to estimate the capital and operating costs of stack gas cleaning in the manufacturing sector of New York State. The study represents the first major attempt to estimate control costs on a source by source basis for a large region. The various control cost components are presented for each of the twenty manufacturing industry groups and the usefulness of the estimates for an abatement planning model is outlined.

In recent years a number of heroic efforts have been made to estimate the cost of air pollution abatement on a national or regional basis. Unfortunately, these studies have relied almost entirely upon emission factors, cost engineering functions, pilot plant operations, and average or ideal firms, because of the paucity of primary data.1-6

In the estimates of capital and operating costs presented below, an attempt has been made to improve on previous research by making extensive use of primary data. The data were taken from an emission inventory of over 20,000 sources of air contamination in New York State. A cost estimating methodology was applied to engineering parameters of existing control operations on a source by source basis. The results have been aggregated to the two-digit SIC level.  相似文献   

Air parcel trajectories originating from three locations in New York State are calculated for a three year period using the ARL-ATAD long-range transport model. Model output consisting of a trajectory segment's end point longitude and latitude position are analyzed to describe the long-range transport climatology by computing the frequency of occurrence of segment end points terminating over 33 receptor areas comprising east-central North America and a portion of the Atlantic Ocean. Results of the frequency of occurrence data show how often air pollutants emitted at or near the origin may be expected to drift over a specific downwind region. For the New York City airshed, it was found that 26.2% of the trajectories remain over New York State for transport times of 3 h and the frequency decreases to 5.2% after 24 h of transport. Approximately 40% of all trajectories are found to be over the Atlantic Ocean after 3 h of transport. When allowances are made for losses of data over the Atlantic Ocean, up to 64% of all trajectories are over the Atlantic Ocean after 24 h of transport. This frequency of trajectories over the Atlantic Ocean was found to be in agreement with wet and dry deposition modeling results conducted for power plants in New York City.  相似文献   

The air in the city of Schenectady, NY was sampled daily and analyzed for the presence of low molecular weight aldehydes during the months of June–August 1983. The diurnal variation of the aldehyde concentrations was also determined over a two day period during August. The dominant aldehyde was formaldehyde and its concentration varied from about 1–31 ppb. There was also observed a significant daily variation that appeared to correlate with traffic conditions. The technique was also used to monitor the aldehyde levels on the summit of Whiteface Mountain in Wilmington, NY at the SUNYA Atmospheric Sciences Research Center. The monitoring was done on a daily basis during the week of 14–20 August and, during that week, every 3 h for a 3-day period. The two dominant aldehydes were formaldehyde and acetaldehyde and they varied in concentration from about 0.8–2.6 and 0.2–0.8 ppb, respectively.  相似文献   

CDFs and CDDs were detected in Niagara Falls air samples with total concentrations ranging from 0.07 to 53 pg/m3. The highest concentrations were found on days when the wind direction was from a nearby point source. Average CDF/CDD background concentrations were calculated.  相似文献   

The histories of the wind speed and location of sampled air have been computed using a diagnostic trajectory model for the July of 1975 and 1976. These two parameters were compared with the resultant sulfate concentrations measured at three sites in New York State. Results indicate that sulfate concentrations are not correlated with the inverse of wind speed at the sampling time. However, a significant correlation exists between resultant SO4 and the inverse of estimated wind speeds for times at least 24 h prior to sampling. Analysis of the trajectory path indicates that it is less important from which direction the air arrives at the sampler than it is from which area the sampled air originated. The highest concentrations in New York State were associated with winds originating in the upper Ohio River valley.  相似文献   

We review the current state of knowledge about urban ecosystem services in New York City (NYC) and how these services are regulated, planned for, and managed. Focusing on ecosystem services that have presented challenges in NYC—including stormwater quality enhancement and flood control, drinking water quality, food provisioning and recreation—we find that mismatches between the scale of production and scale of management occur where service provision is insufficient. Adequate production of locally produced services and services which are more accessible when produced locally is challenging in the context of dense urban development that is characteristic of NYC. Management approaches are needed to address scale mismatches in the production and consumption of ecosystem services. By coordinating along multiple scales of management and promoting best management practices, urban leaders have an opportunity to ensure that nature and ecosystem processes are protected in cities to support the delivery of fundamental urban ecosystem services.  相似文献   

Acidic deposition is comprised of sulfuric and nitric acids and ammonium derived from atmospheric emissions of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and ammonia, respectively. Acidic deposition has altered soil through depletion of labile pools of nutrient cations (i.e. calcium, magnesium), accumulation of sulfur and nitrogen, and the mobilization of elevated concentrations of inorganic monomeric aluminum to soil solutions in acid-sensitive areas. Acidic deposition leaches essential calcium from needles of red spruce, making this species more susceptible to freezing injury. Mortality among sugar maples appears to result from deficiencies of nutrient cations, coupled with other stresses such as insect defoliation or drought. Acidic deposition has impaired surface water quality in the Adirondack and Catskill regions of New York by lowering pH levels, decreasing acid-neutralizing capacity, and increasing aluminum concentrations. Acidification has reduced the diversity and abundance of aquatic species in lakes and streams. There are also linkages between acidic deposition and fish mercury contamination and eutrophication of estuaries.  相似文献   

A modeling system that includes a global chemical transport model (CTM) and a nested continental CTM (TEAM) was used to simulate the atmospheric transport, transformations and deposition of mercury (Hg). Three scenarios were used: (1) a nominal scenario, (2) a scenario conducive to local deposition and (3) a scenario conducive to long-range transport. Deposition fluxes of Hg were analyzed at three receptor locations in New York State. For the nominal scenario, the anthropogenic emission sources (including re-emission of deposited Hg) in New York State, the rest of the contiguous United States, Asia, Europe, and Canada contributed 11-1, 25-9, 13-19, 5-7, and 2-5%, respectively to total Hg deposition at these three receptors. Natural sources contributed 16-4%. The results from the local deposition and long-range transport scenarios varied only slightly from these results. However, there are still uncertainties in our understanding of the atmospheric chemistry of Hg that are likely to affect these estimates of local, regional and global contributions. Comparison of model simulation results with data from the Mercury Deposition Network suggests that local and regional contributions may currently be overestimated.  相似文献   

A number of policies adopted by the federal government and the states have been designed to promote waste reduction or influence the choice of waste disposal technologies employed by generators of hazardous waste. Graphic analysis of smoothed time series data for hazardous wastes manifested in New York State for the period between June 1982 and February 1987 suggests that some of these policies have had the intended effects.

Significant shifts in manifested waste volumes are evident that coincide with the following policy interventions: (1) increased state waste-end tax rates; (2) state and federal landfill bans; (3) federal restrictions on burning hazardous wastes and waste oils for energy recovery; and (4) changes in the federal regulatory definition of hazardous waste. Other changes in waste generation and management appear to be attributable to such factors as state and regional economic conditions and changes in instate treatment and disposal facility capacity. Analysis of the management of specific waste types supports evidence from the graphic analysis that waste generators changed from land disposal to “higher” waste handling technologies in response to several policy interventions.  相似文献   

A number of policies adopted by the federal government and the state have been designed to promote waste reduction or influence the choice of waste disposal technologies employed by generators of hazardous waste. Graphic analysis of smoothed time series data for hazardous wastes manifested in New York State for the period between June 1982 and February 1987 suggests that some of these policies have had the intended effects. Significant shifts in manifested waste volumes are evident that coincide with the following policy interventions: (1) increased state waste-end tax rates; (2) state and federal landfill bans; (3) federal restrictions on burning hazardous wastes and waste oils for energy recovery; and (4) changes in the federal regulatory definition of hazardous waste. Other changes in waste generation and management appear to be attributable to such factors as state and regional economic conditions and changes in instate treatment and disposal facility capacity. Analysis of the management of specific waste types supports evidence from the graphic analysis that waste generators changed from land disposal to "higher" waste handling technologies in response to several policy interventions.  相似文献   

Combined heat and power (CHP) is the simultaneous production of electrical or mechanical power and thermal energy from in a single process. Because thermal output from the generation of electricity is captured and utilized onsite, CHP systems can achieve efficiencies from 60% to as high as 90%. In contrast generation of electric power at sites remote from the loads served often results in efficiencies of 33% or less due to losses in generation and transmission and distribution of the power to ultimate end users. A well designed CHP system is the essence of energy efficiency. It may also provide significant environmental benefits. However, the full promise of CHP for improving the efficiency and productivity of businesses and the quality of the environment is unlikely to be realized given the current market structure and regulatory environment in which CHP projects are forced to compete. This paper examines the market structure and regulatory obstacles that hinder the development of more robust markets for CHP in New York State.  相似文献   

Ambient gaseous phase mercury concentrations (TGM) were measured at three locations in NY State including Potsdam, Stockton, and Sterling from May 2000 to March 2005. Using these data, three hybrid receptor models incorporating backward trajectories were used to identify source areas for TGM. The models used were potential source contribution function (PSCF), residence time weighted concentration (RTWC), and simplified quantitative transport bias analysis (SQTBA). Each model was applied using multi-site measurements to resolve the locations of important mercury sources for New York State.PSCF results showed that southeastern New York, Ohio, Indiana, Tennessee, Louisiana, and Virginia were important TGM source areas for these sites. RTWC identified Canadian sources including the metal production facilities in Ontario and Quebec, but US regional sources including the Ohio River Valley were also resolved. Sources in southeastern NY, Massachusetts, western Pennsylvania, Indiana, and northern Illinois were identified to be significant by SQTBA. The three modeling results were combined to locate the most important probable source locations, and those are Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin. The Atlantic Ocean was suggested to be a possible source as well.  相似文献   

Since 1990s, a systematic program to measure air toxics has been active in New York State with monitors located both in urban and rural areas. In this study we examined the spatial and temporal characteristics of benzene, a known human carcinogen that is emitted by many source categories. The analysis indicates that ambient concentration levels of benzene have decreased by as much as 60% over this period not only in the ozone non-attainment area of New York City that had the reformulated gas (RFG) requirements, but also over the rest of the state as well. Although the rate of decrease appears to have flattened out in recent years, the annual average concentration levels are found to be above the health risk threshold even at the remote location, Whiteface Mountain, suggesting the need for further reductions in benzene emissions.  相似文献   

To reduce atmospheric deposition, in 1990 Congress passed amendments to the Clean Air Act requiring electric utility power plants to decrease emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, with Phase I beginning in 1995. We analyzed precipitation volume, wet deposition, and concentration of the sum of base cations measured at 12 National Atmospheric Deposition Program sites in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, and Vermont. We compared five-year means prior to and following passage of the amendments and for five years after the implementation of Phase I. Whereas only one of the monitoring stations recorded a decline in base cation deposition, three sites out of the 12 showed a decline in base cation concentration. None of the sites exhibited a significant change in precipitation volume. Continued deposition of base cations may help to reduce the detrimental effects of acidic deposition.  相似文献   

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