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The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Quality Assurance (QA) Guidance Document 2.12: Monitoring PM2.5 in Ambient Air Using Designated Reference or Class I Equivalent Methods1 (Document 2.12) requires conditioning of PM2.5 filters at 20-23 °C and 30-40% relative humidity (RH) for 24 hr prior to gravimetric analysis. Variability of temperature and humidity may not exceed ±2 °C and ±5% RH during the conditioning period. The quality assurance team at EPA Region 2’s regional laboratory designed a PM2.5 weighing facility that operates well within these strict performance requirements.

The traditional approach to meeting the performance requirements of Document 2.12 for PM2.5 filter analysis is to build a walk-in room, with costs typically exceeding $100,000. The initial one-time capital cost for the laboratory at EPA’s Edison, NJ, facility was approximately $24,000. Annual costs [e.g., National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) recertifications and nitrogen replacement cylinders used for humidity control] are approximately $500. The average 24-hr variabilities in temperature and RH in the Region 2 weighing chamber are small, ±0.2 °C and ±0.8% RH, respectively. The mass detection limit for the PM2.5 weighing system of 47-mm stretched Teflon (lab blank) filters is 6.3 μg. This facility demonstrates an effective and economical example for states and other organizations planning PM2.5 weighing facilities.  相似文献   


Many large metropolitan areas experience elevated concentrations of ground-level ozone pollution during the summertime “smog season”. Local environmental or health agencies often need to make daily air pollution forecasts for public advisories and for input into decisions regarding abatement measures and air quality management. Such forecasts are usually based on statistical relationships between weather conditions and ambient air pollution concentrations. Multivariate linear regression models have been widely used for this purpose, and well-specified regressions can provide reasonable results. However, pollution-weather relationships are typically complex and nonlinear—especially for ozone—properties that might be better captured by neural networks. This study investigates the potential for using neural networks to forecast ozone pollution, as compared to traditional regression models. Multiple regression models and neural networks are examined for a range of cities under different climate and ozone regimes, enabling a comparative study of the two approaches. Model comparison statistics indicate that neural network techniques are somewhat (but not dramatically) better than regression models for daily ozone prediction, and that all types of models are sensitive to different weather-ozone regimes and the role of persistence in aiding predictions.  相似文献   


Many studies have shown strong associations between particulate matter (PM) levels and a variety of health outcomes, leading to changes in air quality standards in many regions, especially the United States and Europe. Kuwait, a desert country located on the Persian Gulf, has a large petroleum industry with associated industrial and urban land uses. It was marked by environmental destruction from the 1990 Iraqi invasion and subsequent oil fires. A detailed particle characterization study was conducted over 12 months in 2004–2005 at three sites simultaneously with an additional 6 months at one of the sites. Two sites were in urban areas (central and southern) and one in a remote desert location (northern). This paper reports the concentrations of particles less than 10 µm in diameter (PM10) and fine PM (PM2.5), as well as fine particle nitrate, sulfate, elemental carbon (EC), organic carbon (OC), and elements measured at the three sites. Mean annual concentrations for PM10 ranged from 66 to 93 µg/m3 across the three sites, exceeding the World Health Organization (WHO) air quality guidelines for PM10 of 20 µg/m3. The arithmetic mean PM2.5 concentrations varied from 38 and 37 µg/m3 at the central and southern sites, respectively, to 31 µg/m3 at the northern site. All sites had mean PM2.5 concentrations more than double the U.S. National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for PM2.5. Coarse particles comprised 50–60% of PM10. The high levels of PM10 and large fraction of coarse particles comprising PM10 are partially explained by the resuspension of dust and soil from the desert crust. However, EC, OC, and most of the elements were significantly higher at the urbanized sites, compared with the more remote northern site, indicating significant pollutant contributions from local mobile and stationary sources. The particulate levels in this study are high enough to generate substantial health impacts and present opportunities for improving public health by reducing airborne PM.  相似文献   


The size, composition, and concentration of particulate matter (PM) vary with location and time. Several monitoring/sampling programs are operated in California to characterize PM less than 2.5 and 10 µm in aerodynamic diameter (PM2.5 and PM10). This paper presents a broad summary of the spatial and temporal variations observed in ambient PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations in California. Many areas that have high PM10 concentrations also have relatively high PM2.5 concentrations, and data indicate that a significant portion of the PM10 air quality problem is caused by PM2.5. To develop effective plans for attaining the ambient PM standards, improved understanding of these unique problems is needed. Since 1989, pollution control efforts—whether specifically targeted for particulate matter or indirectly via controls on gaseous emissions—have caused annual average PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations to decline at most sites in California.  相似文献   


The current status of the mathematical modeling of atmospheric particulate matter (PM) is reviewed in this paper. Simulating PM requires treating various processes, including the formation of condensable species, the gas/ particle partitioning of condensable compounds, and in some cases, the evolution of the particle size distribution. The algorithms available to simulate these processes are reviewed and discussed. Eleven 3-dimensional (3-D) Eulerian air quality models for PM are reviewed in terms of their formulation and past applications. Results of past performance evaluations of 3-D Eulerian PM models are presented. Currently, 24-hr average PM2.5 concentrations appear to be predicted within 50% for urban-scale domains. However, there are compensating errors among individual particulate species. The lowest errors tend to be associated with SO4 2-, while NO3 -, black carbon (BC), and organic carbon (OC) typically show larger errors due to uncertainties in emissions inventories and the prediction of the secondary OC fraction. Further improvements and performance evaluations are recommended.  相似文献   

This article provides a concise review of published literature pertaining to sampling and analytical methodologies, aerometric studies, source identification techniques and modeling activities for the elements arsenic, cadmium, nickel, lead, vanadium, zinc, cobalt, chromium, copper, iron, mercury, manganese, selenium and antimony, and their compounds, associated with airborne particulate matter. Sampling techniques discussed include filtration and inertial separation. Analytical methodologies such as atomic absorption and atomic emission spectrometry, neutron activation analysis, and X-ray fluorescence spectrometry are summarized. Data on atmospheric levels of 14 trace elements are presented in summary form from numerous studies in remote, rural and urban areas, and generally indicate that concentrations measured at rural locations are several orders of magnitude lower than those measured for urban areas. Source identification methodologies are discussed in terms of advantages and disadvantages, and various applications are cited for the following categories: size differentiation, enrichment factors, chemical mass balance, and multivariate models. Provided that reliable trace element data are available for both the source and the receptor, chemical mass balance and multivariate methods can account for up to 80 percent of all sources contributing to the observed ambient air concentration. Wet and dry deposition processes are reviewed and environmental measurement data are provided for each element for remote, rural and urban locations. Both wet and dry deposition fluxes need to be considered for trace elements when estimating the total annual amounts of various trace elements deposited at a particular locale. Global cycles and trace element budgets are introduced in the context of the types of models currently in use. Limitations include inadequate global scale surveys of heavy metal concentrations and the lack of knowledge of sources and/or sinks.  相似文献   


An improved version of the constant volume sampling (CVS) methodology that overcomes a number of obstacles that exist with the current CVS dilution tunnel system used in most diesel and gasoline vehicle emissions test facilities is presented. The key feature of the new sampling system is the introduction of dilution air immediately at the vehicle tailpipe. In the present implementation, this is done concentrically through a cylindrical air filter. Elimination of the transfer hose conventionally used to connect the tailpipe to the dilution tunnel significantly reduces the hydrocarbon and particulate matter (PM) storage release artifacts that can lead to wildly incorrect particle number counts and to erroneous filter-collected PM mass. It provides accurate representations of particle size distributions for diesel vehicles by avoiding the particle coagulation that occurs in the transfer hose. Furthermore, it removes the variable delay time that otherwise exists between the time that emissions exit the tailpipe and when they are detected in the dilution tunnel. The performance of the improved CVS system is examined with respect to diesel, gasoline, and compressed natural gas vehicles.  相似文献   


Recent epidemiological studies have consistently shown that the acute mortality effects of high concentrations of ambient particulate matter (PM), documented in historic air pollution episodes, may also be occurring at the low to moderate concentrations of ambient PM found in modern urban areas. In London in December 1952, the unexpected deaths due to PM exposure could be identified and counted as integers by the coroners. In modern times, the PM-related deaths cannot be as readily identified, and they can only be inferred as fractional average daily increases in mortality rates using sophisticated statistical filtering and analyses of the air quality and mortality data. The causality of the relationship between exposure to ambient PM and acute mortality at these lower modern PM concentrations has been questioned because of a perception that there is little significant correlation in time between the ambient PM concentrations and measured personal exposure to PM from all sources (ambient PM plus indoor-generated PM).

This article shows that the critical factor supporting the plausibility of a linear PM mortality relationship is the expected high correlation in time of people's exposure to PM of ambient origin with measured ambient PM concentrations, as used in the epidemiological time series studies. The presence of indoor and personal sources of PM masks this underlying relationship, leading to confusion in the scientific literature about the strong underlying temporal relationship between personal exposure to PM of ambient origin and ambient PM concentration. The authors show that the sources of PM of non-ambient origin operate independently of the ambient PM concentrations, so that the mortality effect of non-ambient PM, if any, must be independent of the effects of the ambient PM exposures.  相似文献   


A microanalytical method suitable for the quantitative determination of the sugar anhydride levoglucosan in low-volume samples of atmospheric fine particulate matter (PM) has been developed and validated. The method incorporates two sugar anhydrides as quality control standards. The recovery standard sedoheptulosan (2,7-anhydro-β-D-altro-heptulopyranose) in 20 μL solvent is added onto samples of the atmospheric fine PM and aged for 1 hr before ultrasonic extraction with ethylacetate/ triethylamine. The extract is reduced in volume, an internal standard is added (1,5-anhydro-D-mannitol), and a portion of the extract is derivatized with 10% by volume N-trimethylsilylimidazole. The derivatized extract is analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The recovery of levoglucosan using this procedure was 69 ± 6% from five filters amended with 2 μg levoglu-cosan, and the reproducibility of the assay is 9%. The limit of detection is ~0.1 μg/mL, which is equivalent to ~3.5 ng/m3 for a 10 L/min sampler or ~8.7 ng/m3 for a 4 L/min personal sampler (assuming 24-hr integrated samples). We demonstrated that levoglucosan concentrations in collocated samples (expressed as ng/m3) were identical irrespective of whether samples were collected by PM with aerodynamic diameter ≤2.5 μm or PM with aerodynamic diameter ≤10 μm impactors. It was also demonstrated that X-ray fluorescence analysis of samples of atmospheric PM, before levoglucosan determinations, did not alter the levels of levoglucosan.  相似文献   

Particulate mass concentration measurements have been made on environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) for the purpose of assessing the relative accuracy of several measurement procedures. ETS over a range of concentrations was generated in an environmental chamber by three methods. Mass concentration was measured by a gravimetric/spectrophotometric collection procedure, piezoelectric particle mass monitors, two nephelometry-based mass monitors, and a particle counting and sizing system. Two-hour average mass concentrations were determined by each method for concentrations ranging from very low levels up to those achieved by smoking one entire cigarette in the chamber. Statistical comparisons were made among procedures employing the gravimetric filter measurement as the basis for comparison. One nephelometry-based procedure gave significantly higher and the other significantly lower values than the filter determination. In one case, a correction for the difference between the particle mass density of the calibrating aerosol and that of ETS brought the nephelometry-based procedure into reasonable agreement with the filter measurement, while for the other, the correction did not resolve the discrepancy between methods. Statistically significant differences between the responses of two supposedly identical piezoelectric mass monitors were found, as was some slight dependence of the nephelometry- based procedures on method of ETS generation. In summary, the results indicate that significant errors can be expected if the instruments studied are used “off the shelf,” even for ETS generated under controlled laboratory conditions. Caution should be employed in field measurements where numerous sources and types of particulate matter can be encountered.  相似文献   

The so-called “Six Month Study” of the air toxics problem in the United States was initiated in November 1983 by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The study focused on the magnitude, nature, and distribution of the problem—three major issues that were felt to be most useful to policy makers as they attempted to define the scope and direction of a national program for controlling toxic air pollutants. The following paper is based on a draft staff report on the study released for review in September 1984. The report has not been formally released by the U.S. EPA; a final report is due by late spring of 1985.  相似文献   

Solid particulate matter, mainly carbon, emitted into the air from the combustion of fossil fuels contains a variety of organic species adsorbed on it. In our examination of these particulates from the combustion of kerosene type fuels in a gas turbine engine, attention was focused on polynuclear aromatic compounds, phenols, nitrosamines, and total organics. Polynuclears were determined by HPLC, GC/MS, and NMR examination. Phenols and nitrosamines were isolated and then measured by gas chromatography using a flame ionization detector and nitrogen detector. Total organics were determined by a backflush chromatographic procedure. The particulates were collected using a high capacity pumping system and 293 mm diameter teflon filters through which was passed up to 43 m3 of exhaust gas. Extraction of the organic matter was done in a Soxhlet extractor using hexane usually. The engine was operated at idle, approach, climb, and takeoff power settings with low sulfur and high sulfur (0.25%) fuels. Most of the PAH were small 3 and 4 fused ring compounds with very few, at low concentrations, of 5 and 6 fused ring species. No nitrosamines were found and except in a few cases, at low levels, no phenols. PNA and total organic levels decreased with increase in a power setting and were higher in the exhaust from low sulfur fuels. Less than 1% of the organic matter emitted by the engine was absorbed on the particulate matter. The body of information presented in the paper is directed to individuals concerned with the nature of emissions from gas turbine engines. The work was supported by a contract with the Environmental Protection Agency.  相似文献   

A laboratory study was conducted of the heterogeneous catalysis of sulfur dioxide at ppm concentrations in air by insoluble particles of CaCO2, V2O5, Fe203, flyash from a coal-burning power plant, MnCO2, activated carbon, and suspended particulate matter from urban air. The investigalion was performed by utilizing a new technique for aerosol stabilization which consists of depositing the aerosol on Teflon beads in a fluidized bed. The Teflon beads with deposited aerosol particles were then packed into a flow reactor. Progress of the chemical reaction of SO2 with deposited particles was continuously monitored by determining the SO2 concentrations in the reactor effluent with a microcoulometer.

In this investigation, CaCOg, V2O5, and flyash were essentially inert to SO2 at room temperature. Fe2O3, activated carbon, MnO2, and suspended particulate matter from urban air sorbed SO2 from air streams with up to 14.4 ppm SO2 in air. Evidence is presented which suggests that a substantial part of the sorbed SO2 was physically adsorbed.

Bioassay procedures which utilize pulmonary flow resistance changes in guinea pigs to monitor response to inhaled SO2-aerosol mixtures in air have indicated the weak or non-potentiating capacity of insoluble aerosols as contrasted to soluble aerosols. Potentiating response of an aerosol appears to be strongly associated with reaction of SO2 in a water droplet containing aerosol ions and not with physically adsorbed SO2 on an insoluble aerosol.  相似文献   


Ambient air monitoring for organic acids in PM25 was conducted at several locations in California. During the study, it was found that oxalic acid (ethanedioc acid) was the most abundant organic acid found in the PM2 5 fraction. Samples from Azuza (in southern California), San Jose (in the San Francisco Bay area), and Fresno (in central California), a PM2.5 Super Site, were collected in 1999 and analyzed. The results for oxalic acid concentrations during this monitoring effort are presented.  相似文献   


The results from a study carried out in the urban area of Genoa, Italy, where a large steel smelter recently shut down are presented. We had the opportunity to sample particulate matter (PM) before and after plant closure and, therefore, to measure the changes in concentration and composition of PM10 (atmospheric PM with aerodynamic diameter <10 µm). Elemental concentrations of Na to Pb were obtained through energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (ED-XRF), and the contributions of specific sources of PM10 were calculated by positive matrix factorization (PMF). The PM10 average concentration turned out to be surprisingly similar before and after closing of the smelter. Nevertheless, the comparison among data collected in the two periods (plant operating and closed), even with the limited information provided by ED-XRF, allowed us to single out two sources of PM related to the smelter activities, to extract their emission profile, and to quantify the impact of the plant on PM10 levels.  相似文献   


This study investigated the emissions of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), carcinogenic potential of PAH and particulate matter (PM), brake-specific fuel consumption (BSFC), and power from diesel engines under transient cycle testing of six test fuels: premium diesel fuel (PDF), B100 (100% palm biodiesel), B20 (20% palm biodiesel + 80% PDF), BP9505 (95% paraffinic fuel + 5% palm biodiesel), BP8020 (80% paraffinic fuel + 20% palm biodiesel), and BP100 (100% paraffinic fuel; Table 1). Experimental results indicated that B100, BP9505, BP8020, and BP100 were much safer when stored than PDF. However, we must use additives so that B100 and BP100 will not gel as quickly in a cold zone. Using B100, BP9505, and BP8020 instead of PDF reduced PM, THC, and CO emissions dramatically but increased CO2 slightly because of more complete combustion. The CO2-increased fraction of BP9505 was the lowest among test blends. Furthermore, using B100, B20, BP9505, and BP8020 as alternative fuels reduced total PAHs and total benzo[a]pyrene equivalent concentration (total BaPeq) emissions significantly. BP9505 had the lowest decreased fractions of power and torque and increased fraction of BSFC. These experimental results implied that BP9505 is feasible for traveling diesel vehicles. Moreover, paraffinic fuel will likely be a new alternative fuel in the future. Using BP9505 instead of PDF decreased PM (22.8%), THC (13.4%), CO (25.3%), total PAHs (88.9%), and total BaPeq (88.1%) emissions significantly.  相似文献   

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