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The legal basis for the control of air pollution has progressed from nuisance law to the statutory regulation of specific substances as the sophistication of the sciences involved has progressed. But, the control of air pollution by pursuing air pollutants one by one as evidence accumulates against them seems clearly inadequate to a technology producing new pollutants at an almost geometric rate and inappropriate to the gathering body of evidence relating air pollution to health effects. To understand the need for changed control concepts it is necessary to understand the biological problem and the evidence that has been accumulated.  相似文献   

Air quality was comprehensively evaluated by means of sampling at 21 locations over metropolitan Birmingham during a period of one year. Thousands of integrated samples of three common atmospheric gaseous pollutants and two common particulate pollutants were collected and analyzed. Following the year of sampling in 1964, a random household survey was completed by conducting personal interviews at more than 7200 households over metropolitan Birmingham. Statistical reduction of household survey results by census tract and by neighborhood area provided domestic fuel and waste burning emission data as well as public (resident) opinion on specific air pollution effects. The relationship between ambient air quality and neighborhood opinion of air pollution effects on health and property are evaluated statistically. Ambient standards are suggested which are based upon those air pollution levels shown to have adverse effects on approximately one-third of the people.  相似文献   

In the industrial city of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, we recently carried out an epidemiological study of the effect of environmental factors on respiratory health in 3500 elementary, schoolchildren. The level and size distribution of suspended particles in ambient air was measured from 24-h samples taken at 6-day intervals from a network of 29 hivol TSP samplers, and nine Andersen 2000 4-stage cascade impactors. Exposure was computed by generating a 3-dimensional response surface (in TSP and in easting and northing geographical coordinates) using a linear regression model of the form: TSP = (1 + E + N)2, based on monthly geometrical mean data for all sites. From the response surface generated for a given month, TSP levels were predicted by the model for all schools by specifying their geographical coordinates. The yearly exposure for a given child was determined from the arithmetic mean of the predicted values for 12 monthly TSP levels. A similar procedure was employed for calculation of the exposure to the "fine" (≤3.3 μm) and "coarse" (>3.3 μm) size fraction, as well as the aerodynamic mass median diameter of particles from the network of cascade impactors. Results of the measurements showed that gradients for TSP up to approximately 10 μg/m3/km exist over the city covering distances from 5 to 10 km. The range of 1 yr mean exposure values calculated for each child was from 30.5 μg/m3 to 74.5 μg/m3. Comparable figures for particle size were up to 0.3 μm AMMD (aerodynamic mass median diameter)/km and annual mean particle size exposure from 2.69 to 3.53 μm AMMD.  相似文献   

The Clean Air Act of 1970 requires each state to submit plans for implementation, maintenance, and enforcement of national ambient air quality standards subsequent to promulgation. Such plans have been geared to meet annual averages and maximum values. Based on experience in implementing the abatement plan it was found that air quality standards for averaging times shorter than one year are needed to shorten the time required to show contravention and to provide a basis for early corrective measures to regulate specific sources. This paper reports on the need and procedures used by New York State to develop such standards for suspended particulates. Daily suspended particulate data were analyzed by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov method goodness of fit technique to determine that the form of the distribution was log normal. A method developed by Larsen for predicting short term maximum concentrations for log normally distributed data was used to determine numerical values for one, two, and three month standards. Monthly, bi-monthly, and tri-monthly suspended particulate standards of 130, 110, and 100 µg/m3, respectively are proposed for the most extensively developed areas of New York State and correspondingly lower values for other areas. The methods used in this development are generally applicable to other air contaminants.  相似文献   

Within recent years, increasing attention has been directed to the determination of contaminant levels in urban and industrial areas involving particulate matter (dustfall, suspended matter and smoke), sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, fluorides, ozone or oxidant, oxides of nitrogen and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. However, with regard to criteria and evaluation of effects, none of these pollutants has been studied as thoroughly as sulfur dioxide. Presently, three provinces in Canada have adopted acts or regulations dealing with the control of air pollution. The Ontario Act, passed in 1958 and amended in 1963 and 1964, is the most comprehensive in scope. The Damage by Fumes Arbitration Act of Ontario provides for the awarding of compensation where crops, trees or other vegetation is damaged by sulfur fumes arising from the smelting or roasting of nickel-copper ore or iron ore or from the treatment of sulfides for the production of sulfur of sulfuric acid for commercial purposes. Regulations have also been enacted in Manitoba and Alberta. A provincial act is under consideration in Saskatchewan.  相似文献   

Air quality standards have existed in California for almost six years. They have become an important part of the State’s air pollution control program.

The two principal uses of the standards have been to establish the goals for controlling motor vehicle emissions and to provide a basis for evaluating air quality throughout the State. The standards have also proved to be valuable as a means of communicating on air pollution problems with legislators, administrators, the press, the public, and dischargers of pollutants.

Lack of adequate data on the effects of varying concentrations of contaminants of concern in air pollution is a serious limitation in any effort to establish air quality standards.It is important that this data be obtained.

The concept of employing air quality standards as administrative goals is not unique to the air pollution field but is part of a broad trend to utilize standards for insuring a satisfactory environment. Those engaged in the air pollution field can expect to see increasing emphasis on such standards.

Air quality standards do not provide a magic formula for eliminating air pollution; they are but one element in a comprehensive program. They have limitations and are no better than the data upon which they are based. The standards, however, can play an important role in preserving satisfactory air quality and protecting man’s health.

In using air quality standards, one should keep in mind the comments of H. W. Streeter5 on water quality standards—“Let us devise them, try them, revise them, and apply them, but also remember that they are but ’feeble instruments of the human will’ and like all other such tools are made to be discarded for better ones when they become worn out.“  相似文献   


During the 1950s and 1960s, hundreds of thousands of underground storage tanks (and above-ground storage tanks) containing petroleum products and hazardous chemicals were installed. Many of these tanks either have been abandoned or have exceeded their useful lives and are leaking, thereby posing a serious threat to the nation’s surface and groundwater supplies, as well as to public health. Cleaning up releases of petroleum hydrocarbons or other organic chemicals in the subsurface environment is a real-world problem,

Biological treatment of hydrocarbon-contaminated soil is considered to be a relatively low-cost and safe technology; however, its potential for effectively treating recalcitrant wastes has not been fully explored. For millions of years, microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, actinomycete, protozoa, and others have performed the function of recycling organic matter from which new plant life can grow.

This paper examines the biological treatment technology for cleaning up petroleum product-contaminated soils, with special emphasis on microbial enzyme systems for enhancing the rate of biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons. Classifications and functions of enzymes, as well as the microbes, in degrading the organic contaminants are discussed. In addition, the weathering effect on biodegradation, types of hydrocarbon degraders, advantages associated with enzyme use, methods of enzyme extraction, and future research needs for development and evaluation of enzyme-assisted bioremediation are examined.  相似文献   

The Clean Air Amendments of 1970 impose a stringent set of uniform air quality standards and a rigid timetable for achieving them. Such an approach is open to serious question, since it fails to take account of variations in relevant local conditions. This paper sketches a proposal for a more realistic approach to air quality. It suggests a program of management standards that would reflect the needs and circumstances of particular regions. An institutional framework is outlined that would consider the technical, economic, and social constraints that determine how quickly and how much any area can improve its air quality. The framework would provide the needed flexibility, and would employ a feedback approach that avoids the need to resolve all uncertainties before any progress can be made. At the same time, it would impose a timetable and planning process to assure that all feasible progress in air quality improvement is realized nationwide.  相似文献   

Facts that must be taken into consideration in developing fluoride standards for vegetation effects include: (1) Fluoride is an accumulative toxicant and injury is usually associated with long-term exposure; (2) gaseous and particulate fluorides differ in their phytotoxicity; (3) plant species and varieties differ greatly in susceptibility to fluoride; (4) extremely low concentrations can cause damage to sensitive species. Three possible approaches to standards are discussed: Atmospheric fluoride concentration, vegetation fluoride concentration, and the presence of leaf necrosis or chlorosis. Atmospheric fluoride concentration has the advantage that it fits the conventional concept of standards and that it is objective. Accurately measuring low fluoride concentrations, separating gaseous from particulate fluorides in the air sample, and establishing a safe concentration present technical problems, however. Vegetation analysis may more closely represent fluorides available to affect the plant. The presence of significant amounts of fluoride-induced leaf necrosis (e.g., 3% of the leaf area) may be the most practical approach to standards for fluoride vegetation effects. Advantages are that the combined effects of the forms of fluoride, species and varieties, and concentration-time relationships are all manifest in the factor that is measured. Relatively little time is required to examine the vegetation in a large area and only 2 or 3 surveys a year are required.  相似文献   

In 1997, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency revised the National Ambient Air Quality Standard governing ozone (O3), adding an 8-hr standard of 0.08 ppm and phasing out the 1-hr requirement of 0.12 ppm. The 8-hr standard is intended to provide greater protection for human health. This research examines spatial and temporal patterns of exceedances of the standards using monitoring data and modeled estimates. The Penn State/National Center for Atmospheric Research Mesoscale Model and Models-3 framework were used to estimate hourly O3 concentrations for 4-km resolution in the Maryland/Virginia/Delaware/Washington, DC, and northern Georgia domains. Results reveal that the spatial and temporal nature of compliance is considerably different under the 8-hr standard. In the modeling simulations, the 8-hr standard was exceeded 2-5.2 times more often and in a 1.8-16.2 times larger area than the 1-hr standard. The 8-hr standard was exceeded in areas that generally comply with the 1-hr standard and are not well covered by the monitoring network. These results imply that a larger population resides in areas with unhealthy O3 levels than noncompliance with the original 1-hr standard suggests. For the MD/VA/DE/DC domains, 80 and 98% of the total population live in areas with 8-hr National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) exceedances for the 1990 and 1995 episodes, respectively.  相似文献   

Present evidence suggests that ozone is the most damaging of all air pollutants affecting vegetation. It is the principal oxidant in the photochemical smog complex. Concentrations of ozone have exceeded 0.5 part per million (ppm) in the Los Angeles area. One-tenth of this level for 8 hours is known to injure very sensitive tobacco varieties. Many plant species are visibly affected after a few hours exposure at concentrations much lower than 0.5 ppm. There is also some evidence that ozone reduces plant growth. Many factors must be taken into account when considering standards to protect vegetation from ozone damage. These include ozone concentration and methods of measurement, time of exposure, possible additive effects of other pollutants, sensitivity of plant species, their economic value, and the extent of injury which can be tolerated. The response of a species to the pollutant is conditioned by genetic factors and environmental conditions. Lack of specific routine methods for measuring ozone in ambient air is a handicap. California and Colorado established standards for oxidants at 0.15 and 0.10 ppm, respectively, for 1 hour. How these standards relate to the ozone dosage causing acute and chronic injury to various plant species is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with uncertainties involved in projecting ambient air quality. Ambient air quality was projected by assuming a linear dependence on estimated future emissions. Future automotive emissions were estimated by a method recommended by EPA. Projections were made for the locations reported to have the highest ambient air concentrations of each pollutant; Chicago for carbon monoxide and the California South Coast Air Basin for hydrocarbon and oxidant. The sensitivity of the projections to several input parameters was determined.

The uncertainty in projection of air quality due to the use of a maximum, once-per-year concentration is large. For example, the reduction in total CO emissions in Chicago in 1975, necessary to meet the air quality standard, was as high as 68% or as low as 26%, depending on whether the historic high, 8 hr average concentration of 44 ppm or the 1970 maximum of 21 ppm was used. The effects of uncertainties in growth rates and fraction of emissions attributed to the automobile were also sizeable. Differences in automotive growth rate had a large near-term effect on projected concentrations, while differences in nonautomotive growth rate or fraction of emissions attributed to the automobile had a large long-term effect. The effect of 1975 interim automotive emission standards on projected air quality was negligible when compared with projected air quality based on the previous Federal automotive emission standards for 1975.  相似文献   

With the promulgation of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS or standard) for 8-hr ozone (O3), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued modeling guidance that advocated the use of results from photochemical air quality models in a relative sense. In doing so, the EPA provided guidance on how to calculate relative response factors (RRFs) that can project current design value (DV) mixing ratios into the future for the purpose of determining the attainment status with respect to the O3 standard. The RRFs recommended by the EPA represent the average response of the photochemical model over a broad range of O3 mixing ratios above a specified cutoff threshold. However, it is known that O3 response to emission reductions of limiting precursors (i.e., NOx and/or VOC) is greater on days with higher O3 mixing ratios compared to days with lower mixing ratios. In this study, we present a segmented RRF concept termed band-RRF, which takes into account the different model responses at different O3 mixing ratios. The new band-RRF concept is demonstrated in the San Joaquin Valley (SJV) region of California for the 1-hr and 8-hr O3 standards. The 1-hr O3 analysis is relevant to work done in support of the SJV O3 State Implementation Plan (SIP) submitted to the EPA in 2013. The 8-hr example for the future year of 2019 is presented for illustrative purposes only. Further work will be conducted with attainment deadline of 2032 as part of upcoming SIPs for the 0.075 parts per million (ppm) 8-hr O3 standard. The applicability of the band-RRF concept to the particulate matter (PM2.5) standards is also discussed.
Implications:Results of photochemical models are used in regulatory applications in a relative sense using relative response factors (RRFs), which represent the impacts of emissions reductions over a wide range of ozone (O3) values. It is possible to extend the concept of RRFs to account for the fact that higher O3 mixing ratios (both 1-hr and 8-hr) respond more to emissions controls of limiting precursors than do lower O3 mixing ratios. We demonstrate this extended concept, termed band-RRF, for the 1-hr and 8-hr O3 National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS or standard) in the San Joaquin Valley of California. This extension can also be made applicable to the 24-hr PM2.5 and annual PM2.5 standards.  相似文献   


The ambient air quality standards (AAQS) of twenty-one nations for eight commonly regulated substances are presented. Many countries are adding a receptor-based component to their air quality management, which traditionally have been emission oriented. Automation of air quality monitoring stations has meant that local air quality evaluation can now be more easily achieved. However, a majority of countries have no active air quality standards (emission or receptor-based) or ambient air quality monitoring. One possible monitoring procedure is outlined and the variation in international standards is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper describes a diffusion model designed to permit calculation of seasonal average concentrations of an air pollutant, in particular, sulfur dioxide. The calculations can encompass multiple sources and multiple receptors. For each receptor location the model sums the effect of all sources over a wide range of meteorological conditions. Input data include source pollutant emissions, source configuration and location, receptor location, and meteorological data expressed as a joint frequency distribution of wind direction, wind speed, stability. To determine the model’s accuracy, concentration estimates for St. Louis, Mo., are compared with measured SO2 concentrations. The overall correlation with observed data is satisfactory. A computer program to handle the numerous calculations was written in Fortran IV language for use on an IBM 1130 computer.  相似文献   

The advantages and disadvantages of establishingworldwide air quality standards are reviewed. Inter-national standards would represent the best and mostadvanced procedures and might lead to improvementin standards in some countries where air quality isfar from adequate. International standards alsowould permit accurate comparisons of air pollutionamong countries and would provide a sound basis forcombatting pollution.  相似文献   

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