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The objectives of this study were: (1) to quantify the errors associated with saturation air quality monitoring in estimating the long-term (i.e., annual and 5 yr) mean at a given site from four 2-week measurements, once per season; and (2) to develop a sampling strategy to guide the deployment of mobile air quality facilities for characterizing intraurban gradients of air pollutants, that is, to determine how often a given location should be visited to obtain relatively accurate estimates of the mean air pollutant concentrations. Computer simulations were conducted by randomly sampling ambient monitoring data collected in six Canadian cities at a variety of settings (e.g., population-based sites, near-roadway sites). The 5-yr (1998–2002) dataset consisted of hourly measurements of nitric oxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), sulfur dioxide (SO2), coarse particulate matter (PM10), fine particulate matter (PM2.5), and CO. The strategy of randomly selecting one 2-week measurement per season to determine the annual or long-term average concentration yields estimates within 30% of the true value 95% of the time for NO2, PM10 and NOx. Larger errors, up to 50%, are expected for NO, SO2, PM2.5, and CO. Combining concentrations from 85 random 1-hr visits per season provides annual and 5-yr average estimates within 30% of the true value with good confidence. Overall, the magnitude of error in the estimates was strongly correlated with the variability of the pollutant. A better estimation can be expected for pollutants known to be less temporally variable and/or over geographic areas where concentrations are less variable. By using multiple sites located in different settings, the relationships determined for estimation error versus number of measurement periods used to determine long-term average are expected to realistically portray the true distribution. Thus, the results should be a good indication of the potential errors one could expect in a variety of different cities, particularly in more northern latitudes.  相似文献   

Theoretical estimates of errors in calculated concentrations of particulate matter, sampled with aspirated nozzles under conditions of anisokinetic flow, were based on computed trajectories of particles in fluid streams. In the trajectory determinations gravitational effects on the particles were neglected and the fluid flow patterns approximated by those of a frictionless ideal fluid. The equations of motion were derived considering inertia as the predominant mechanism in the collection of the particulate matter by an aspirated nozzle. The particles were assumed to be spherical in shape, monodisperse, and experiencing drag force as in a real fluid. The equations of motion were solved by a procedure combining an analog and a digital computer. The theoretical error estimates for anisokinetic sampling were compared with experimental data available on investigations with spherical test dust.  相似文献   


To facilitate routine health risk assessments, we develop the concept of an inhalation transfer factor (ITF). The ITF is defined as the pollutant mass inhaled by an exposed individual per unit pollutant mass emitted from an air pollution source. A cumulative population inhalation transfer factor (PITF) is also defined to describe the total fraction of an emitted pollutant inhaled by all members of the exposed population. In this paper, ITFs and PITFs are calculated for outdoor releases from area, point, and line sources, indoor releases in single zone and multizone indoor environments, and releases within motor vehicles. Typical PITFs for an urban area from emissions outdoors are ~10-6–10-3. PITFs associated with emissions in buildings or in moving vehicles are typically much higher, ~10-3–10-1.  相似文献   

Hypodermic needles are useful as convenient low-cost critical orifices to control the flow rate in air sampling. Variations in flow rate were less than five per cent for 41 needle gauge-length combinations. To provide maximum accuracy, a simple calibration procedure is described. Needles may be reused more than six times, if protected. Types of protectors are described. Resistances of protector, collector, and prefilter combinations affect criticality at nine liters/min. Simple sampling devices using needles as orifices are described.  相似文献   

随着垃圾焚烧的广泛应用,由此产生的二次污染问题也日益显现出来,特别是二嗯英污染已引起世界的关注。这也是垃圾焚烧设施在环评阶段遭到周围公众反对的原因之一。文中介绍了二嗯英的危害、垃圾焚烧烟气中的二嗯英来源以及二嗯英的相关标准。以某垃圾焚烧发电厂为例,对垃圾焚烧烟气中的二嗯英类物质对人体健康的风险进行了评价,并提出了如何最大限度地减少垃圾焚烧处理过程中的二唔英排放量。  相似文献   


Air quality is degraded by many factors, among which the emissions from on‐road vehicles play a significant role. Timely and accurate estimate of such emissions becomes very important for policy‐making and effective control measures. However, lack of traffic data and outdated emission software make this task difficult. This research has demonstrated a new method that facilitates the vehicular emission inventories at the local level by using shorter-time Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) traffic data along with the latest U.S. Environment Protection Agency (EPA) emission modeling software, MOBILE6. The conversion methodology was developed for converting readily available HPMS traffic volume data into EPA MOBILE-based traffic classifications, and a corresponding software program was written for automating the process. EPA MOBILE6 model was used to obtain emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx), volatile organic compound (VOC), and cabon monoxide (CO) emitted by the parent traffic and subsampled traffic data, and these emissions were additionally compared. The case study has shown that the difference of the magnitude between the emission estimates produced by certain subsampled and parent traffic data are minor, indicating that subsampled HPMS data can be used for reporting parent traffic emissions. It was also observed that traffic emissions follow a Weibull distribution, and NOx emissions were more sensitive to the traffic data composition than VOC and CO. Lastly, use of average emission values of 20 or 30 consecutive minutes appears to be valid for representing hourly emissions.  相似文献   

介绍了环境风险评价的基本概念、评价基本步骤、内容和方法,举例说明环境风险评价在环境管理中预防突发事故的应用,并对目前存在的问题和未来的发展趋势作了预测.  相似文献   


A tiered process was used to evaluate the risks of pure azadirachtin (AZA) and two neem-based insecticides (Neemix? and Bioneem?) on six aquatic animals [crayfish (Procambarus clarkii), white shrimp (Penaeus setiferus), grass shrimp (Palaemonetes pugio), blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus), water fleas (Daphnia pulex), and mosquito larvae (Culex quinquefasciatus)] through short term acute toxicity tests. The risk was calculated using the level of concern endpoints (Q values) and relative hazard index (RHI) for acute and chronic exposure scenarios. The Q values of Neemix?, Bioneem?, and pure AZA derived from acute exposure tests indicated that D. pulex is the only sensitive species to the test pesticides. Furthermore, the RHI values of Neemix? and Bioneem? for D. pulex were above the critical limit of 10 indicating that these pesticides may pose a moderate hazard to this species and related crustaceans in acute exposure scenarios. The RHI values of the two pesticides and pure AZA were all below the critical limit of 10 for P. clarkii, P. setiferus, P. pugio, C. sapidus, and C. quinquefasciatus. The aquatic risk assessment process showed that the risk values of tested pesticides did not exceed the criteria, and therefore, no ecological hazard is likely to result from their use.  相似文献   


In this analysis, human health risk due to exposure to municipal waste incinerator emissions is assessed as an example of the application of probabilistic techniques (e.g., Monte Carlo or Latin Hypercube simulations). Incinerator risk assessments are characterized by the dominance of indirect exposure, thus this analysis focuses on exposure via the ingestion of locally grown foods. In addition, since exposure to 2, 3, 7, 8-TCDD drives most incinerator risk assessments, this compound is the subject of the illustrative calculations. An important part of probabilistic risk assessment is determining the relative influence of the input parameters on the magnitude of the variance in the output distribution. This constitutes an important step toward prioritizing data needs for additional research. However, under various possible model forms reflecting incompletely understood aspects of contaminant transport, differences may be observed in estimates of risk, variance in risk, and the relative contributions of individual uncertain and variable inputs to the variance. In this analysis, a sequential structural decomposition of the relationships between the input variables is used to partition the variance in the output (i.e., risk) to identify the most influential contributors to overall variance among them. For comparison, the partitioning of variance is repeated, using techniques of multivariate regression. In summary, this study considers the degree to which results of a probabilistic assessment are contingent on critical model assumptions about the representation of deposition velocity. Specifically, this analysis assesses the impact on the results of uncertainty about the best model of the vapor/particle partitioning behavior of semi-volatile airborne pollutants.  相似文献   

焦化行业的环境风险评价方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
蒋乐平 《污染防治技术》2006,19(4):34-36,41
结合具体实例,对焦化行业环境风险评价中,环境风险污染源的识别、影响预测及环境风险的减缓措施和应急预案的制定等评价方法进行了分析。  相似文献   


A pollution source may release residuals to any of several environmental media, depending on the process design and control strategies. These residuals then are subject to transfer, transport, and transformation within the interconnected compartments of the environmental system. The exposure and susceptibility of people and other receptors to pollutants are different in these various media, and so the risks imposed will vary according to the fate of the pollutants in the system. Because of interactions between compartments in the system, a single-medium approach to environmental management that mitigates problems in one environmental medium at a time independently of risks through other media may not minimize the aggregate risk a receptor receives from all pathways. Alternatively, a multimedia approach advocates focusing on the full environmental system providing pathways for exposure and selecting risk management strategies based on minimization of the aggregate and cumulative risk from all pathways and all compounds. This study combines multimedia risk analysis and an optimization framework to examine a methodology for selecting waste treatment/disposal and pollution control measures, applies the methodology to a sludge management decision problem, and considers the implications for continued use of single-medium analyses.  相似文献   

提出了农药企业生态风险评价由4个部分构成:受体评价、危害评价、暴露评价和风险表征。评价以生态资料、环境资料、化学资料、毒理学资料为基础,通过工程分析、源强分析,确定目标污染物,鉴别其危害性,计算风险发生的概率、程度、范围等,选择评价终点,利用评价模型预测目标污染物的暴露浓度,分析风险源对受体的危害程度,进行风险表征。  相似文献   

张华英  徐鹏 《污染防治技术》2003,16(4):62-63,73
阐述了工业项目环境风险评价的发展、概念和重要性以及评价的基本程序。  相似文献   

This study analyzed the seasonal distribution and the possible sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the atmospheric environment of Tamil Nadu, India. Passive air sampling was performed at 32 locations during the period from April 2009 to January 2010, and PAHs were quantified using a gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer. Analysis showed that the concentrations of PAHs were in the range of 5–47.5 ng/m3 with uniform distribution in urban areas in all seasons. Pre-monsoon season showed the highest cumulative concentration of PAHs in both agricultural and coastal areas. Among PAHs, phenanthrene, fluoranthene, and pyrene levels were found to be predominant in all the samples, contributing up to 36%, 35.5%, and 24.5% of total PAHs, respectively. The signature of the PAHs obtained through diagnostic ratio and principal component analysis revealed that diesel emissions was the probable source of PAHs in all locations. Based on Word Health Organization guidelines, the human lung cancer risk due to observed level of PAH concentration (i.e., PAHs exposure) is meager. However, the risk is predicted to be more in the coastal area during summer (18 individuals among 0.1 million people). To the knowledge of these authors, this report is the first on the seasonal analysis of PAHs using passive air sampling in India.  相似文献   

Agricultural wastes (AW) are often characterized by varying pH and substantial contamination potential, which are mainly related to their high organic load, thus affecting—when improperly disposed of—soils, living organisms, and water bodies. Composting of AW is the most commonly used management option and results in the production of soil improver that enhances crop growth and contributes to agricultural sustainability. This study aims to present the framework for assessing human and ecosystem risk when compost produced from AW is applied on soil. In order to develop this framework, issues such as origin, composition and pre-treatment of AW, application rates on soils, bioavailability and mobility of contaminants present in compost, exposure routes and rates as well as determination of the fate of contaminants in soil, air, and water, should be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

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