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Researchers from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory recently conducted a pilot-scale study at McClellan Air Force Base (AFB) in Sacramento, CA. The objective of the test was to determine the effectiveness of an ambient-temperature, solar-powered photocatalytic oxidation treatment unit for destroying emissions of chlorinated organic compounds from an air stripper. This paper reports test results and discusses applications and limitations of the technology.

A 10-standard-cubic-foot-per-minute (SCFM) (28.3 L/min) slip stream of air from an air stripper at Operative Unit 29-31 at McClellan AFB was passed through a reactor that contained a lightweight, perforated, inert support coated with photoactive titanium dioxide. The reactor faced south and was tilted at a 45° angle from vertical so that the light-activated catalyst received most of the available sunlight. An online portable gas chro-matograph with two identical columns simultaneously analyzed the volatile organic compounds contained in the reactor inlet and outlet air streams. Summa canister grab samples of the inlet and outlet were also collected and sent to a certified laboratory for U.S. Environmental

Protection Agency Method TO-14 analysis and verification of our field analyses. Three weeks of testing demonstrated that the treatment system's destruction and removal efficiencies (DREs) are greater than 95% at 10 SCFM with UV intensities at or greater than 1.5 milliwatts/square centimeter (mW/cm2). DREs greater than 95% at 20 SCFM were obtained under conditions where UV irradiation measured at or greater than 2 mW/cm2. In Sacramento, this provided 6 hours of operation per clear or nearly clear day in April. A solar tracking system could extend operating time. The air stream also contained trace amounts of benzene. We observed no loss of system performance during testing.  相似文献   

A pilot-scale soil washing process, patented by BioTrol, Inc., was demonstrated on soil contaminated by wood treating waste, primarily pentachlorophenol (PCP) and creosote-derived polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Although soil washing was the main object of this demonstration, the treatment train that was evaluated included two other BioTrol technologies for treatment of waste streams from the soil washer. The three technologies were: ? The BioTrol Soil Washer (BSW)—a volume reduction process, which uses water to separate contaminated soil fractions from the bulk of the soil.

? The BioTrol Aqueous Treatment System (BATS)—a biological water treatment process.

? The Slurry Bioreactor (SBR)—a BioTrol biological slurry treatment process conducted in an EIMCO BIOLIFTtm reactor.

The sandy soil at the site, consisting of less than 10 percent of fines, was well suited for treatment by soil washing. The soil washer was evaluated in two tests on soil samples containing 130 ppm and 680 ppm of PCP, respectively.

The BSW successfully separated the feed soil (dry weight basis) into 83 percent of washed soil, 10 percent of woody residues, and 7 percent of fines. The washed soil retained about 10 percent of the feed soil contamination while 90 percent of the feed soil contamination was contained within the woody residues, fines, and process water.

The soil washer achieved up to 89 percent removal of PCP and 88 percent of total PAHs, based on the difference between their levels in the as-is (wet) feed soil and the washed soil. PCP concentrations of 14 ppm and 87ppm in the washed soil were achieved from PCP concentrations of 130 ppm and 680ppm in the feed soil. Concentrations of total PAHs were reduced from 247 ppm to 42 ppm and 404 ppm to 48 ppm, respectively, in the two tests.

The BATS degraded up to 94 percent of PCP in the process water from soil washing. PAH removal could not be determined due to low influent concentrations.

The SBR achieved over 90 percent removals of PCP and 70 to 90 percent removals of PAHs from the slurry of contaminated fines from soil washing. However, steady state operation was not achieved during the single test and the results were variable.

Cost of a commercial-scale soil washing, assuming use of all three technologies, was estimated to be $168 per ton of soil treated. Incineration of woody material accounts for 76 percent of the cost.  相似文献   

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) hazardous waste incinerator performance standards specify a minimum destruction and removal efficiency (DRE) for principal organic hazardous constituents (POHCs) designated in the incinerator waste feed. In the past, selection of appropriate POHCs for incinerator trial burns has been based largely on their heats of combustion. Attempting to improve upon this approach, the University of Dayton Research Institute (UDRI), under contract to the EPA Risk Reduction Engineering Laboratory, has developed a thermal stability-based ranking of compound "incinerability". The subject study was conducted to evaluate the laboratory-developed ranking system in a pilot-scale incinerator.

Mixtures of POHCs, spanning the ranking scale from most- to least-difficult to destroy (Class 1 to Class 7, respectively), were prepared and combined with a clay-based sorbent matrix. These mixtures were then fed into the rotary kiln incineration system at the U.S. EPA Incineration Research Facility (IRF). In a series of five tests, the following conditions were evaluated: baseline/ typical operation; thermal failure (quenching); mixing failure (overcharging); matrix failure (low feed H/CI ratio); and a worst-case combination of the three failure modes.

Under baseline conditions, mixing failure, and matrix failure, kiln-exit DREs for each compound were comparable from test to test. Operating conditions in these 3 modes appeared to be sufficient to effect considerable destruction (greater than 99.99 percent DRE) of all compounds. As a result, separation of the highest-ranked POHCs from the lowest-ranked POHCs according to observed DRE was not possible; a correlation between POHC ranking and DRE could not be confirmed.

A correlation between predicted and observed incinerability was more evident for the thermal failure and worst-case conditions. Kiln-exit DREs for the four POHCs predicted to be most stable (those in Classes 1 and 2) ranged from 99% to 99.99% under these conditions, and were generally lower than DREs for the POHCs predicted to be more easily destroyed. Statistically significant correlations above the 99 percent and 93 percent confidence intervals were identified for the thermal-failure and worst-case tests, respectively.  相似文献   

This paper describes and discusses key design features of the retrofit of EPA’s Limestone Injection Multistage Burner (LIMB) system to an operating, wall-fired utility boiler at Ohio Edison’s Edgewater Station, based on the preliminary engineering design. It further describes results of pertinent projects in EPA's LIMB program and shows how these results were used as the basis for the design of the system. The full-scale demonstration is expected to prove the effectiveness and cost of the LIMB concept for use on large-scale utility boilers. To date, a preliminary engineering design for the Edgewater unit has been prepared incorporating the technology developed in smaller-scale studies. The schedule calls for system start-up by March 1987. EPA is engaged in a multiyear program to develop an improved control technology for emission of sulfur and nitrogen oxides from the combustion of fossil fuels. The technology involves staged-flow coal burners and injection of a reactive sorbeht into the furnace to reduce emissions. The program includes fundamental studies of reaction chemistry and kinetics, bench and pilot scale experimental studies, a full-scale demonstration, and economic and applicability studies. It is structured to establish a basis for future public sector commercialization, as well as help in understanding the technology’s controlling factors.  相似文献   


Experiments were performed on a 73 kW rotary kiln incinerator simulator equipped with a 73 kW secondary combustion chamber (SCC) to examine emissions of products of incomplete combustion (PICs) resulting from incineration of carbon tetrachloride (CC14) and dichloromethane (CH2C12). Species were measured using an on-line gas chromatograph (GC) system capable of measuring concentrations of eight species of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in a near-realtime fashion. Samples were taken at several points within the SCC, to generate species profiles with respect to system residence time. For the experiments, the afterburner on the SCC was operated at conditions ranging from fuel-rich to fuellean, while the kiln was operated at a constant set of conditions. Results indicate that combustion of CH2C12 produces higher levels of measured PICs than combustion of CC14, particularly 1, 2 dichlorobenzene, and to a lesser extent, monochlorobenzene. Benzene emissions were predominantly affected by the afterburner air/fuel ratio regardless of whether or not a surrogate waste was being fed.  相似文献   


Recent awareness of suspected adverse health effects from ambient particulate matter (PM) emission has prompted publication of new standards for fine PM with aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5 μm (PM2.5). However, scientific data on fine PM emissions from various point sources and their characteristics are very limited. Source apportionment methods are applied to identify contributions of individual regional sources to tropospheric particulate concentrations. The existing industrial database developed using traditional source measurement techniques provides total emission rates only, with no details on chemical nature or size characteristics of particulates. This database is inadequate, in current form, to address source-receptor relationships.

A source dilution system was developed for sampling and characterization of total PM, PM2.5, and PM10 (i.e., PM with aerodynamic diameter less than 10 μm) from residual oil and coal combustion. This new system has automatic control capabilities for key parameters, such as relative humidity (RH), temperature, and sample dilution. During optimization of the prototype equipment, three North American coal blends were burned using a 0.7-megawatt thermal (MWt) pulverized coal-fired, pilot-scale boiler. Characteristic emission profiles, including PM2.5 and total PM soluble acids, and elemental and carbon concentrations for three coal blends are presented.  相似文献   


A 0.75-m3 pilot-scale biotrickling filter was run for over 1 yr in a Spanish furniture company to evaluate its performance in the removal of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) contained in the emission of two different paint spray booths. The first one was an open front booth used to manually paint furniture, and the second focus was an automatically operated closed booth operated to paint pieces of furniture. In both cases, the VOC emissions were very irregular, with rapid and extreme fluctuations. The pilot plant was operated at an empty bed residence time (EBRT) ranging from 10 to 40 sec, and good removal efficiencies of VOCs were usually obtained. When a buffering activated carbon prefllter was installed, the system performance was improved considerably, so a much better compliance with legal constraints was reached. After different shutdowns in the factory, the period to recover the previous performance of the biotrickling reactor was minimal. A weekend dehydration strategy was developed and implemented to control the pressure drop associated with excessive biomass accumulation.  相似文献   


Used tires were pyrolyzed in a pilot-scale quasi-inert rotary kiln. Influences of variables, such as time, temperature, and agent flow, on the activation of obtained char were subsequently investigated in a laboratory-scale fixed bed. Meso-porous pores are found to be dominant in the pore structures of raw char. Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surfaces of activated chars increased linearly with carbon burnoff. The carbon burnoff of tire char achieved by carbon dioxide (CO2) under otherwise identical conditions was on average 75% of that achieved by steam, but their BET surfaces are almost the same. The proper activation greatly improved the aqueous adsorption of raw char, especially for small molecular adsorbates, for example, phenol from 6 to 51 mg/g. With increasing burnoff, phenol adsorption exhibited a first-stage linear increase followed by a rapid drop after 30% burnoff. Similarly, iodine adsorption first increased linearly, but it held as the burnoff exceeded 40%, which implied that the reduction of iodine adsorption due to decreasing micro-pores was partially made up by increasing mesopores. Both raw chars and activated chars showed appreciable adsorption capacity of methylene-blue comparable with that of commercial carbons. Thus, tire-derived activated carbons can be used as an excellent mesoporous adsorbent for larger molecular species.  相似文献   


Biofiltration is an economical air pollution control (APC) technology, particularly suitable for the treatment of air-streams having high flow rates and low concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). This technology utilizes enzymatic catalysis at ambient conditions to mineralize such pollutants to CO2, H2O, and salts. A pilot-scale study conducted for more than 4 years investigated the development of a new biofiltration technology employing trickle bed air biofilters (TBABs). Following the completion of this experimental study, additional data analysis was performed to develop a simple lumped-parameter biofilter model, assuming first-order kinetics. This model related the observed biofilter performance to the principle independent physical, thermodynamic, and biochemical parameters. The initial model has subsequently been expanded to incorporate Monod kinetics. In this paper, the development and use of the final explicit lumped-parameter biofilter model and design equation, incorporating Monod kinetics, are presented. To facilitate the application of this model, practical procedures are also presented for the determination of VOC solubility, VOC biokinetic Monod parameters, and the maximum practical biofilter inlet VOC concentration.  相似文献   

This study addresses the issues related to decontamination of marine beach sand accidentally contaminated by petroleum products. Sorption and desorption of BTEX (i.e., benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene) onto the sand from Uran Beach, located near the city of Mumbai, India, were studied, and isotherms were determined using the bottle point method to estimate sorption coefficients. Alternatively, QSARs (i.e., quantitative structure activity relationships) were developed and used to estimate the sorption coefficients. Experiments for kinetics of volatilization as well as for kinetics of sorption and desorption in the presence of volatilization were conducted in a fabricated laboratory batch reactor. A mathematical model describing the fate of volatile hydrophobic organic pollutants like BTEX (via sorption and desorption in presence of volatilization) in a batch sediment-washing reactor was proposed. The experimental kinetic data were compared with the values predicted using the proposed models for sorption and desorption, and the optimum values of overall mass transfer coefficients for sorption (K(s)a(s)) and desorption (K(d)a(d)) were estimated. This was achieved by minimization of errors while using the sorption coefficients (Kp) obtained from either laboratory isotherm studies or the QSARs developed in the present study. Independent experimental data were also collected and used for calibration of the model for volatilization, and the values of the overall mass transfer coefficient for volatilization (K(g)a(g)) were estimated for BTEX. In these exercises of minimization of errors, comparable cumulative errors were obtained from the use of Kp values derived from experimental isotherms and QSARs.  相似文献   

表面活性剂对多环芳烃的淋洗修复   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤是人类赖以生存和发展的物质基础和环境条件。但目前无论在发展中国家还是在发达国家土壤污染问题都很严重。土壤淋洗修复技术是一种行之有效的污染土壤治理技术,适合于快速修复受高浓度重金属和有机物污染土壤与沉积物。研究了Triton X-100、SDS、TW80对多环芳烃的增溶作用,以及不同比例的Triton X-100/SDS复合表面活性剂对多环芳烃的增溶作用效果。以沈阳炼焦煤气厂搬迁区为实例,研究了土壤与淋洗剂的固液比、淋洗剂的浓度和淋洗的振荡时间对土壤淋洗修复效果的影响。  相似文献   


This study addresses the issues related to decontamination of marine beach sand accidentally contaminated by petroleum products. Sorption and desorption of BTEX (i.e., benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene) onto the sand from Uran Beach, located near the city of Mumbai, India, were studied, and isotherms were determined using the bottle point method to estimate sorption coefficients. Alternatively, QSARs (i.e., quantitative structure activity relationships) were developed and used to estimate the sorption coefficients. Experiments for kinetics of volatilization as well as for kinetics of sorption and desorption in the presence of volatilization were conducted in a fabricated laboratory batch reactor. A mathematical model describing the fate of volatile hydrophobic organic pollutants like BTEX (via sorption and desorption in presence of volatilization) in a batch sediment-washing reactor was proposed. The experimental kinetic data were compared with the values predicted using the proposed models for sorption and desorption, and the optimum values of overall mass transfer coefficients for sorption (Ksas) and desorption (Kdad) were estimated.This was achieved by minimization of errors while using the sorption coefficients (Kp) obtained from either laboratory isotherm studies or the QSARs developed in the present study. Independent experimental data were also collected and used for calibration of the model for volatilization,and the values of the overall mass transfer coefficient for volatilization (Kgag) were estimated for BTEX. In these exercises of minimization of errors, comparable cumulative errors were obtained from the use of Kp values derived from experimental isotherms and QSARs.  相似文献   

Pilot-scale tests were conducted to develop a combined nitrogen oxide (NOx) reduction technology using both selective catalytic reduction (SCR) and selective noncatalytic reduction (SNCR). A commercially available vanadium- and titanium-based composite honeycomb catalyst and enhanced urea (NH2CONH2) were used with a natural-gas-fired furnace at a NOx concentration of 110 ppm. Changes in SNCR chemical injection temperature and stoichiometry led to varying levels of post-furnace ammonia (NH3), which acts as the reductant feed to the downstream SCR catalyst. The urea-based chemical could routinely achieve SNCR plus SCR total NOx reductions of 85 percent with less than 3 ppm NH3 slip at reductant/NOx stoichiometries ranging from about 1.5 to 2.5 and SCR space velocities of 18,000 to 32,000 h?1. This pilot-scale research has shown that SNCR and SCR can be integrated to achieve high NOx removal. SNCR provides high temperature reduction of NOx followed by further removal of NOx and minimization of NH3 slip by a significantly downsized (high-space velocity) SCR.  相似文献   

多元组合系统净化富营养化水体的示范工程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杭州西湖上游龙泓涧受到周边茶园面源污染,水体出现严重的富营养化,为解决此问题,基于生物净化技术与工程措施相结合的思想,开展景观水体的净化处理示范工程研究。该工程根据河道特点,将生态廊道,生物沸石和生态浮床3种技术组合,对水体进行多重净化作用,水质得到了明显的改善。多级生态廊道可相对延长水流的流程,尽量减少死水区和短流。生物沸石本身具有物理截留和吸附作用,表面形成的生物膜对富营养化水体中的污染物能保持长效和稳定的去除作用。以陶粒为载体,悬挂立体弹性填料的多层次立体生态浮床通过植物和微生物的共同作用对水体进行生态修复。结果表明,该工程净化效果良好,对水体中的COD、TP、TN、NH4+-N、NO3--N的平均去除率分别为24%、46.24%、31%、24.43%、13.42%,达到示范工程的预期目标,并且夏季的处理效果高于冬季,该技术具有一定的应用前景。  相似文献   

A permanent solution in order to remediate a heavily contaminated soil is washing it utilizing the appropriate reagents. The study presented in this paper deals with the washing of a soil highly polluted by mining and metallurgical activities. Pollution consists of slags, sulphur compound waste and various low grade lead condensates, all rich in heavy metals and metalloids (Pb, As, Cu, Zn, Mn and Fe). Soil was washed with deionized water, 6, 3, 2 and 1 M HCl, 6 M H(2)SO(4), 6 M HNO(3) and 0.1 M Na(2)EDTA. High extraction efficiency was achieved with respect to hydrochloric acid even at the lowest concentration; the solubility of pollutants in nitric acid was low, while sulphuric acid was proven to be problematic with respect to lead. Mobilization of metals and metalloids under DI water effect was minimal indicating that the elements fraction that is weakly bound to soil particles is insignificant. Furthermore, a kinetic study was undertaken, utilizing 1 M HCl and 0.1 M Na(2)EDTA. Results illustrated that 1 M HCl was more effective for intermediate mixing times (up to 4 h) while 0.1 M Na(2)EDTA was better applicable to short mixing times (<1 h) and low pH values (pH < 7.1). 1 M HCl was proven to be very effective for the removal of pollutants from contaminated soil but the high metal content of the resulting solution necessitates further treatment for the retention of metals.  相似文献   

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in cooperation with E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Company, Inc. (DuPont) and the Oberlin Filter Company (Oberlin), undertook a field demonstration project to evaluate microfiltration technology for removal of zinc and suspended solids from wastewater. The microfiltration system utilized DuPont's Tyvek T-980 membrane filter media in conjunction with the Oberlin automatic pressure filter. The project was undertaken at the Palmerton Zinc Superfund site in April 1990 to verify the ability of the technology to remove dissolved zinc from the site's shallow groundwater. Pretreatment of the groundwater with lime for pH adjustment to precipitate dissolved zinc and other metals was included as part of the technology demonstration program. Analysis of the treated filtrate indicated that the system removed precipitated zinc and other suspended solids at an efficiency greater than 99.9 percent. The filter cake produced during the study passed both the Extraction Procedure (EP) Toxicity and the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) tests.  相似文献   

Under the Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) Program, a technology developed by AWD Technologies, Inc. was demonstrated in September 1990. This paper presents the major results of the SITE demonstration of AWD Technologies’ AquaDetox®ISVE treatment system designed for simultaneous on-site treatment of contaminated groundwater and soil-gas. The groundwater and soil at the demonstration site were contaminated with trichloroethylene (TCE) and tetrachloroethylene (PCE). The AWD technology was evaluated on the basis of the removal efficiencies of TCE and PCE from the contaminated groundwater and soil-gas. The conclusions drawn from these evaluations are: (1) the system achieved removal efficiencies as high as 99.99percent for groundwater and 99.9 percent for soil-gas; (2) the effluent groundwater was in compliance with the regulatory discharge requirements of 5 fig/L each for TCE and PCE for all test runs; (3) the demonstrated 1,000 gpm system has an estimated capital cost of $4.3 million and annual operating and maintenance cost of approximately $820,000.  相似文献   

Measuring greenhouse gas (GHG) source emissions provides data for validation of GHG inventories, which provide the foundation for climate change mitigation. Two Toyota RAV4 electric vehicles were outfitted with high-precision instrumentation to determine spatial and temporal resolution of GHGs (e.g., nitrous oxide, methane [CH4], and carbon dioxide [CO2]), and other gaseous species and particulate metrics found near emission sources. Mobile measurement platform (MMP) analytical performance was determined over relevant measurement time scales. Pollutant residence times through the sampling configuration were measured, ranging from 3 to 11 sec, enabling proper time alignment for spatial measurement of each respective analyte. Linear response range for GHG analytes was assessed across expected mixing ratio ranges, showing minimal regression and standard error differences between 5, 10, 30, and 60 sec sampling intervals and negligible differences between the two MMPs. GHG instrument drift shows deviation of less than 0.8% over a 24-hr measurement period. These MMPs were utilized in tracer-dilution experiments at a California landfill and natural gas compressor station (NGCS) to quantify CH4 emissions. Replicate landfill measurements during October 2009 yielded annual CH4 emissions estimates of 0.10 ± 0.01, 0.11 ± 0.01, and 0.12 ± 0.02 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent (MTCO2E). These values compare favorably to California GHG Emissions Inventory figures for 2007, 2008, and 2009 of 0.123, 0.125, and 0.126 MTCO2E/yr, respectively, for this facility. Measurements to quantify NGCS boosting facility-wide emissions, during June 2010 yielded an equivalent of 5400 ± 100 TCO2E/yr under steady-state operation. However, measurements during condensate transfer without operational vapor recovery yield an instantaneous emission rate of 2–4 times greater, but was estimated to only add 12 TCO2E/yr overall. This work displays the utility for mobile GHG measurements to validate existing measurement and modeling approaches, so emission inventory values can be confirmed and associated uncertainties reduced.

Implications:?Measuring greenhouse gas (GHG) source emissions provides data and validation for GHG inventories, the foundation for climate change mitigation. Mobile measurement platforms with robust analytical instrumentation completed tracer-dilution experiments in California at a landfill and natural gas compressor station (NGCS) to quantify CH4 emissions. Data collected for landfill CH4 agree with the current California emissions inventory, while NGCS data show the possible variability from this type of facility. This work displays the utility of mobile GHG measurements to validate existing measurement and modeling approaches, such that emission inventory values can be confirmed, associated uncertainties reduced, and mitigation efforts quantified.  相似文献   


In recent years, scientific discussion has included the influence of thermodynamic conditions (e.g., temperature, relative humidity, and filter face velocity) on PM retention efficiency of filter-based samplers and monitors. Method-associated thermodynamic conditions can, in some instances, dramatically influence the presence of particle-bound water and other light-molecular-weight chemical components such as particulate nitrates and certain organic compounds. The measurement of fine particle mass presents a new challenge for all PM measurement methods, since a relatively greater fraction of the mass is semi-volatile.

The tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM) continuous PM monitor is a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) PM10 equivalent method (EQPM-1090-079). Several hundred of these monitors are deployed throughout the United States. The TEOM monitor has the unique characteristic of providing direct PM mass measurement without the calibration uncertainty inherent in mass surrogate methods. In addition, it provides high-precision, near-real-time continuous data automatically. Much attention has been given to semi-volatile species retention of the TEOM method.

While using this monitor, it is desirable to maintain as low an operating temperature as practical and to remove unwanted particle-bound water. A new sample equilibration system (SES) has been developed to allow conditioning of the PM sample stream to a lower humidity and temperature level. The SES incorporates a special low-particle-loss Nafion dryer. This paper discusses the configuration and theory of the SES. Performance results include high time-resolved PM2.5 data comparison between a 30 °C sample stream TEOM monitor with SES and a standard 50 °C TEOM monitor. In addition, 24-hr integrated data are compared with data collected using an EPA PM2.5 Federal Reference Method (FRM)-type sampler. The SES is a significant development because it can be applied easily to existing TEOM monitors.  相似文献   

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