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In the summers of 1960 and 1961, groups from the Canada Department of Agriculture, the Meteorological Service of Canada, and the Canada Department of National Health and Welfare conducted a joint study in a tobacco-growing area along the north shore of Lake Erie. The purpose of the study was to determine the causal agent for weather fleck damage to tobacco crops. A number of air pollutants were monitored and the results correlated with extensive observations of meteorological phenomena and effects on rate of growth and fleck damage to leaves of tobacco plants in experimental plots. Ozone concentrations followed a diurnal cycle, rising a few hours after sunrise, peaking in early afternoon at about 5 pphm, and dropping to a minimum of less than 1 pphm during the night. Other measurements indicated the presence of NO2 in the order of 1 pphm, aldehydes about 0.2 pphm or lower, and negligible concentrations of SO2. Cracking of stretched rubber strips followed the ozone values although, in general, the cracking index was greater than could be attributed to ozone (by oxidized KI) alone. The maximum ozone value recorded during the two growing seasons was IS pphm. A dosage of 20 pphm-hr was found sufficient to cause weather fleck or ozone damage to susceptible tobacco leaves. In addition meteorological data could be used to predict weather fleck attacks one to four days in advance.  相似文献   

A field test was conducted to determine if ozone pollution adversely affected the chlorophyll content and seed yield of soybean. Eight soybean cultivars were grown to maturity in test plots in central New Jersey; one-half of the plots was treated with an antioxidant (ethylenediurea) to protect the plants from the effects of ambient ozone and one-half was left untreated. Periodic chlorophyll measurements revealed no significant difference between EDU-treated and untreated plots during the major part of plant growth. The absence of a yield effect predicated on the normal chlorophyll content was corroborated by actual total seed measurement. Our results did not support predictive models that forecast a significant yield reduction from a 7-h seasonal mean of 0.058 ppm 03, but agreed with results obtained previously in Maryland and Georgia.  相似文献   

水中有机成分及其对饮用水质的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
微量有机污染物和氯化消毒副产物对饮用水构成直接威胁,是饮用水中要重点控制的;天然大分子有机物对水质构成间接影响,导致胶体稳定性提高、增加药耗;藻类和代谢产物影响常规处理工艺效果,对水质产生不良影响。  相似文献   


An improved ion chromatographic (IC) method has been developed for the separation of nitrate in filter extracts in the presence of high concentrations of nitrite. This analytical method was successfully used for an indirect measurement of ozone (O3) in outdoor and indoor air, following its collection using a nitrite-impregnated passive sampler. The limit of detection and the limit of quantification, using the modified IC method, were 6 μg l-1 (3σ) and 20 μg l-1 (10σ), respectively. Improved detection limits and low baseline noise were obtained with the use of eluent generator and high-capacity ion exchange column. The optimized method was used for assessing O3 concentration in both indoor and outdoor environments of 28 child care centers (CCCs) located in different parts of Singapore. The O3 concentrations ranged from 0.1 to 11.95 parts per billion (ppb) in indoor and from 3.2 to 21.7 ppb in outdoor environments during the study period. It was found that, among the CCCs investigated in this study, air-conditioned CCCs and those located in close proximity to traffic emissions had significantly lower O3 concentrations indoors.  相似文献   

The 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments require states with O3 nonattainment areas to adopt regulations to enforce reasonable available control technologies (RACT) for NOX stationary sources by November 1992. However, if the states can demonstrate that such measures will have an adverse effect on air quality, NOX requirements may be waived. To assist the states in making this decision, the U.S. EPA is attempting to develop guidelines for the states to use in deciding whether NOX reductions will have a positive or negative impact on O3 air quality. Although NOX is a precursor of O3, at low VOC/NOX ratios, the reduction of NOX can result in increased peak O3. EPA is examining existing information on VOC/NOX ratios to develop “rules of thumb” to guide the states in their decision-making process. An examination of 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. VOC/NOX ratios at a number of sites in the eastern U.S. indicates that the ratio is highly variable from day-to-day and there is no apparent relationship between ratios measured at different sites within the same area. In addition, statistical analysis failed to identify significant relationships between the 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. VOC/NOX ratio and the maximum 1-hr. O3 within a given area. Since we know from smog chamber and modeling studies that such a relationship exists, this further invalidates the assumption that a ratio measured at a single site is representative of the ratio for the entire region. Based on this Information, we conclude that having the 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. ambient VOC/NOX ratio for a given area is insufficient information, by itself, to decide whether a VOC-alone, a NOx-alone, or a combined VOC-NOX reduction strategy is a viable or optimum O3-reduction strategy.  相似文献   

This paper presents information concerning the response to the availability of control program grants under Sect. 4 of the Clean Air Act, P.L. 88-206. Statistics concerning awards are presented together with a discussion of the nature of the projects supported and the impact of this support on air pollution control efforts throughout the country.  相似文献   


A badge-type passive monitor was used to evaluate the effectiveness of four ozone trapping reagents for measuring O3 concentrations in the air. These were sodium nitrite (NaNO2), 3-methyl-2-benzothiazolinone acetone azine (MBTH), p-acetamidophenol (p-ATP), and indigo carmine. Experiments in an exposure chamber showed that only NaNO2 and MBTH monitors gave sensitive and linear responses over realistic ranges of O3 concentrations. When tested in ambient air, NaNO2 and MBTH monitors with a single-layer diffusion barrier overestimated O3 concentrations by a significant amount. This was largely canceled out in the NaNO2 monitor by using a multi-layered diffusion barrier to combat wind turbulence effects. However it had almost no effect on the MBTH monitor, and it was found that NO2 was a source of serious interference. We concluded that using the NaNO2 monitor with an effective diffusion barrier can measure O3 in ambient air with an accuracy of ±16%.  相似文献   


Ozone prediction has become an important activity in many U.S. ozone nonattainment areas. In this study, we describe the ozone prediction program in the Atlanta metropolitan area and analyze the performance of this program during the 1999 ozone-forecasting season. From May to September, a team of 10 air quality regulators, meteorologists, and atmospheric scientists made a daily prediction of the next-day maximum 8-hr average ozone concentration. The daily forecast was made aided by two linear regression models, a 3-dimensional air quality model, and the no-skill ozone persistence model. The team's performance is compared with the numerical models using several numerical indicators. Our analysis indicated that (1) the team correctly predicted next-day peak ozone concentrations 84% of the time, (2) the two linear regression models had a better performance than a 3-dimensional air quality model, (3) persistence was a strong predictor of ozone concentrations with a performance of 78%, and (4) about half of the team's wrong predictions could be prevented with improved meteorological predictions.  相似文献   

Volatilization may represent a major dissipation pathway for pesticides applied to soils or crops. A field experiment (September, 2002), consisted in volatilization fluxes measurements during 6 days, covering the periods before and after soil incorporation carried out 24 h after trifluralin spraying on bare soil. Evolution of concentration in soil was measured during 101 days, together with soil physical and meteorological variables. Volatilization fluxes were very high immediately after application (1900 ng m(-2) s(-1)), decreased down to 100 ng m(-2) s(-1) in the following 24 h. Soil incorporation strongly abated trifluralin concentration in the air. 99% of the total volatilization losses recorded over the 6 days following application occurred before incorporation. Volatilization fluxes evidenced a diurnal cycle driven by environmental conditions. Soil trifluralin residues could still be quantified 101 days after application. Our results highlight the caution required when using soil degradation half-life values in the field for volatile compounds.  相似文献   


Ozone dry deposition fluxes and velocities were measured in 1994 in a semi–arid steppe of central Spain and in a forest in southern France during the period of photochemical activity using the gradient method. Downward fluxes were systematically obtained in both sites, with lower values at nighttime and maximum values during the central period of the day, which showed the important role of stomata in ozone uptake. The range of deposition velocities was –0.005 to 1.160 in the forested site and 0.001 to 1.430 cm s–1 in the semi–arid steppe. The nocturnal deposition velocities observed in the semi–arid steppe were considerably higher than in the forest, with values up to 0.35 cm s–1.

A single layer canopy model was applied and validated at both sites. The model fitted the daily patterns well but underestimated the observed values by 34% in the forest and by 10% in the semi–arid steppe. To improve the accuracy of the model, both soil and internal stomatal resistances, Rsoil and Ri, were estimated using a least square technique. The interdependence of both parameters and the relative humidity, rH, was evaluated through a statistical analysis of the residual between the observed deposition velocity and the aerodynamic, sub–layer, and stomatal resistances. The comparison between the parameter estimates under wet and dry conditions in both sites showed (1) the influence of rH on stomatal parameter and soil resistance, (2) the large contribution of stomatal conductance to ozone uptake during the daytime, and (3) the importance of soil as an additional pathway for ozone exchange, especially in the steppe. Taking into account the parameter estimates, the underestimate of the modeled results was 3% in the forest and 5% in the semi–arid steppe.  相似文献   

Eastern white pine (Pinus strobus L.) forests were severely damaged by atmospheric sulfur dioxide up to distances of 25 miles northeast of large smelters located in the Sudbury mining district of Ontario. Damage to white pine was measured in terms of foliage, bark, and biological injuries, radial and volume growth decrement, and tree mortality. The foliar symptoms of sulfur dioxide injury on white pine trees sometimes resembles those caused by a physiogenic disease, semimature-tissue needle blight (abbreviated to SNB). Studies on the nature and etiology of SNB were conducted in white pine forests in the Upper Ottawa Valley, which are remote from smelter operations which might pollute the atmosphere. These studies included the determination of the role that naturallyoccurring atmospheric ozone plays in the occurrence of SNB. Differences between the symptoms of sulfur dioxide injury, SNB, and ozone damage are outlined.  相似文献   

Pinto bean (Phaseolus vulgaris, L.) and Bel W3 tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum, L.) were grown and exposed to 40 pphm ozone for 1 hr under a range of light intensities, temperatures, and relative humidities. Foliar injury to the more sensitive plant leaves was determined on the third day after exposure. Each atmospheric factor was independently assessed. Two significant three-way interactions were found: exposure light intensity by growth light intensity by species, and growth temperature by exposure temperature by species. Three significant two-way interactions were found for humidity: growth humidity by exposure humidity, growth humidity by species, and exposure humidity by species. The sensitivity of each species to ozone changed with changes in each environmental condition.  相似文献   

Seepage water of toxic waste landfills is polluted with high concentrations of toxic organic compounds. The concentrations in the seepage water we applied for chlorinated phenols are between 2 μg/1 and 1 mg/l, for PCB between 800 pg/l and 250 ng/l, for PAH between 200 ng/l and 12 μg/l and for PCDD and PCDF between 20 pg/l and 1 ng/l. Usual purification methods produce highly contaminated residues, which have to be treated by pyrolysis or are deposited again at a landfill. A better way is to destruct these contaminants by UV/ozone treatment. The treatment of seepage water by UV-irradiation, ozone and UV/ozone is compared. Results show no significant effect during all treatments for PCB and PCDD/PCDF. The chlorinated phenols and PAH were mostly destroyed by UV/ozone treatment more than 90 %. The pH value has no influence on the UV/ozone treatment of seepage water.  相似文献   


Twenty-four to forty-eight-hour ozone air quality forecasts are increasingly being used in metropolitan areas to inform the public about potentially harmful air quality conditions. The forecasts are also behind “ozone action day” programs in which the public and private sectors are encouraged or mandated to alter activities that contribute to the formation of ground-level ozone. Presented here is a low-cost application of the Urban Airshed Model (UAM), an Eulerian 3-dimensional photochemical-transport grid model for generating next-day peak ozone concentration forecasts. During the summer of 1997, next-day peak ozone concentrations in Atlanta, GA, were predicted both by a team of eight forecasters and by the Urban Airshed Model in Forecast Mode (UAM-FM). Results are presented that compare the accuracy of the team and the UAM-FM. The results for the summer of 1997 indicate that the UAM-FM may be a better predictor of peak ozone concentrations when concentrations are high (> 0.095 ppmv), and the team may be a better predictor of ozone concentrations when concentrations are low (< 0.095 ppmv). The UAM-FM is also discussed in the context of other forecasting tools, primarily linear regression models and a no-skill, persistence-based technique.  相似文献   

Recent research has demonstrated that nitrogen oxides are transformed to nitrogen acids in indoor environments, and that significant concentrations of nitrous acid are present in indoor air. The purpose of the study reported in this paper has been to investigate the sources, chemical transformations and lifetimes of nitrogen oxides and nitrogen acids under the conditions existing in buildings. An unoccupied single family residence was instrumented for monitoring of NO, NO2, NOy, MONO, HNO3, CO, temperature, relative humidity, and air exchange rate. For some experiments, NO2 and HONO were injected into the house to determine their removal rates and lifetimes. Other experiments investigated the emissions and transformations of nitrogen species from unvented natural gas appliances. We determined that HONO is formed by both direct emissions from combustion processes and reaction of NO2 with surfaces present indoors. Equilibrium considerations influence the relative contributions of these two sources to the indoor burden of HONO. We determined that the lifetimes of trace nitrogen species varied in the order NO ~ HONO > NO2 >HNO3. The lifetimes with respect to reactive processes are on the order of hours for NO and HONO, about an hour for NO2, and 30 minutes or less for HNO3. The rapid removal of NO2 and long lifetime of HONO suggest that HONO may represent a significant fraction of the oxidized nitrogen burden in indoor air.  相似文献   


This study builds on earlier work investigating statistical relationships between sociodemographic characteristics of populations and their residential proximity to industrial sources of air pollution. The analysis uses demographic data from the 1990 U.S. Census and industrial site data from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)'s 1990 Toxics Release Inventory (TRI). The focus is on examining interactions among race (African Americans and Whites), poverty (above and below household poverty threshold), and age (children from birth to 5 years of age and elderly people 65 years old or older). Results from three different study areas (Kanawha Valley in West Virginia, the Baton Rouge-New Orleans Corridor in Louisiana, and the greater Baltimore metropolitan area in Maryland) suggest there are important interactions among race, poverty, and age that are likely to have consequential ramifications for efforts aimed at investigating issues related to environmental justice. Our results indicate that a substantial proportion of all demographic groups studied live within a mile of the nearest facility, with values ranging from 22% of Whites above poverty in the Baton Rouge-New Orleans Corridor to 60% of African Americans below poverty in Baltimore. Likewise, a substantial proportion of all demographic groups also live within 2 miles of four or more industrial facilities, with values ranging from 16% for Whites above poverty in the Corridor to 70% for African Americans below poverty in Baltimore. In all three study areas, African Americans were more likely than Whites to (1) live in households with incomes below the household poverty line, (2) have children 5 years of age or younger, (3) live closer to the nearest industrial emissions source, and (4) live within 2 miles of multiple industrial emission sources. Findings indicate that, compared with White children, a substantially higher proportion of African-American children 5 years of age or younger lived in poor households that were located in relatively close proximity to one or more industrial sources of air pollution.  相似文献   

Foliar injury and shoot fresh weight responses of soybeans (Glycine max L.) ‘Lee 68’ and ‘Dare’ exposed to mixtures of ozone (O3) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) were greater than additive (synergistic), less than additive (antagonistic), or additive. The result depended on the concentrations of O3 and SO2, the exposure duration, and the amount of injury caused by each gas singly. Synergism usually occurred when injury from O3 or SO2 singly was slight to moderate. Antagonism usually occurred when injury from either gas singly was severe. In many cases of antagonism, the injury and fresh weight effects of the mixture were less than those from SO2 alone, suggesting that O3 can sometimes protect soybeans from SO2.  相似文献   

This study builds on earlier work investigating statistical relationships between sociodemographic characteristics of populations and their residential proximity to industrial sources of air pollution. The analysis uses demographic data from the 1990 U.S. Census and industrial site data from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)'s 1990 Toxics Release Inventory (TRI). The focus is on examining interactions among race (African Americans and Whites), poverty (above and below household poverty threshold), and age (children from birth to 5 years of age and elderly people 65 years old or older). Results from three different study areas (Kanawha Valley in West Virginia, the Baton Rouge-New Orleans Corridor in Louisiana, and the greater Baltimore metropolitan area in Maryland) suggest there are important interactions among race, poverty, and age that are likely to have consequential ramifications for efforts aimed at investigating issues related to environmental justice. Our results indicate that a substantial proportion of all demographic groups studied live within a mile of the nearest facility, with values ranging from 22% of Whites above poverty in the Baton Rouge-New Orleans Corridor to 60% of African Americans below poverty in Baltimore. Likewise, a substantial proportion of all demographic groups also live within 2 miles of four or more industrial facilities, with values ranging from 16% for Whites above poverty in the Corridor to 70% for African Americans below poverty in Baltimore. In all three study areas, African Americans were more likely than Whites to (1) live in households with incomes below the household poverty line, (2) have children 5 years of age or younger, (3) live closer to the nearest industrial emissions source, and (4) live within 2 miles of multiple industrial emission sources. Findings indicate that, compared with White children, a substantially higher proportion of African-American children 5 years of age or younger lived in poor households that were located in relatively close proximity to one or more industrial sources of air pollution.  相似文献   


The organic fraction of aerosol emitted from a vegetable oil processing plant was studied to investigate the contribution of emissions to ambient particles in the surrounding area. Solvent-soluble particulate organic compounds emitted from the plant accounted for 10% of total suspended particles. This percentage was lower in the receptor sites (less than 6% of total aerosol mass). Nonpolar, moderate polar, polar, and acidic compounds were detected in both emitted and ambient aerosol samples. The processing and combustion of olive pits yielded a source with strong biogenic characteristics, such as the high values of the carbon preference index (CPI) for all compound classes. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) detected in emissions were associated with both olive pits and diesel combustion. The chromatographic profile of dimethyl-phenanthrenes (DMPs) was characteristic of olive pit combustion. Organic aerosols collected in two receptor sites provided a different pattern.

The significant contribution of vehicular emissions was identified by CPI values (~1) of n-alkanes and the presence of the unresolved complex mixture (UCM). In addition, PAH concentration diagnostic ratios indicated that emissions from catalyst and noncatalyst automobiles and heavy trucks were significant. The strong even-to-odd predominance of n-alkanols, n-alkanoic acids, and their salts indicated the contribution of a source with biogenic characteristics. However, the profile of DMPs at receptor sites was similar to that observed for diesel particulates. These differences indicated that the contribution of vegetable oil processing emissions to the atmosphere was negligible.  相似文献   

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