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Eric S. Edgerton Benjamin E. Hartsell Rick D. Saylor John J. Jansen D. Alan Hansen George M. Hidy 《Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (1995)》2013,63(9):1325-1341
Abstract Deployment of continuous analyzers in the Southeastern Aerosol Research and Characterization Study (SEARCH) network began in 1998 and continues today as new technologies are developed. Measurement of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) mass is performed using a dried, 30 °C tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM). TEOM measurements are complemented by observations of light scattering by nephelometry. Measurements of major constituents include: (1) SO4 2? via reduction to SO2; (2) NH4 + and NO3 ? via respective catalytic oxidation and reduction to NO, (3) black carbon (BC) by optical absorption, (4) total carbon by combustion to CO2, and (5) organic carbon by difference between the latter two measurements. Several illustrative examples of continuous data from the SEARCH network are presented. A distinctive composite annual average diurnal pattern is observed for PM2.5 mass, nitrate, and BC, likely indicating the influence of traffic-related emissions, growth, and break up of the boundary layer and formation of ammonium nitrate. Examination of PM2.5 components indicates the need to better understand the continuous composition of the unmeasured “other” category, because it contributes a significant fraction to total mass during periods of high PM2.5 loading. Selected episodes are presented to illustrate applications of SEARCH data. An SO2 conversion rate of 0.2%/hr is derived from an observation of a plume from a coal-fired power plant during early spring, and the importance of local, rural sources of NH3 to the formation of ammonium nitrate in particulate matter (PM) is demonstrated. 相似文献
Edgerton ES Hartsell BE Saylor RD Jansen JJ Hansen DA Hidy GM 《Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (1995)》2005,55(10):1527-1542
The Southeastern Aerosol Research and Characterization Study (SEARCH) was implemented in 1998-1999 to provide data and analyses for the investigation of the sources, chemical speciation, and long-term trends of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and coarse particulate matter (PM10-2.5) in the Southeastern United States. This work is an initial analysis of 5 years (1999-2003) of filter-based PM2.5 and PM10-2.5 data from SEARCH. We find that annual PM2.5 design values were consistently above the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) 15 microg/m3 annual standard only at monitoring sites in the two largest urban areas (Atlanta, GA, and North Birmingham, AL). Other sites in the network had annual design values below the standard, and no site had daily design values above the NAAQS 65 microg/m3 daily standard. Using a particle composition monitor designed specifically for SEARCH, we found that volatilization losses of nitrate, ammonium, and organic carbon must be accounted for to accurately characterize atmospheric particulate matter. In particular, the federal reference method for PM2.5 underestimates mass by 3-7% as a result of these volatilization losses. Organic matter (OM) and sulfate account for approximately 60% of PM2.5 mass at SEARCH sites, whereas major metal oxides (MMO) and unidentified components ("other") account for > or = 80% of PM10-2.5 mass. Limited data suggest that much of the unidentified mass in PM10-2.5 may be OM. For paired comparisons of urban-rural sites, differences in PM2.5 mass are explained, in large part, by higher OM and black carbon at the urban site. For PM10, higher urban concentrations are explained by higher MMO and "other." Annual means for PM2.5 and PM10-2.5 mass and major components demonstrate substantial declines at all of the SEARCH sites over the 1999-2003 period (10-20% in the case of PM2.5, dominated by 14-20% declines in sulfate and 11-26% declines in OM, and 14-25% in the case of PM10-2.5, dominated by 17-30% declines in MMO and 14-31% declines in "other"). Although declining national emissions of sulfur dioxide and anthropogenic carbon may account for a portion of the observed declines, additional investigation will be necessary to establish a quantitative assessment, especially regarding trends in local and regional emissions, primary carbon emissions, and meteorology. 相似文献
Hansen DA Edgerton ES Hartsell BE Jansen JJ Kandasamy N Hidy GM Blanchard CL 《Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (1995)》2003,53(12):1460-1471
This paper presents an overview of a major, long-term program for tropospheric gas and aerosol research in the southeastern United States. Building on three existing ozone (O3)-focused research sites begun in mid-1992, the Southeastern Aerosol Research and Characterization Study (SEARCH) was initiated in mid-1998 as a 7-year observation and research program with a broader focus including aerosols and an expanded geographical coverage in the Southeast. The monitoring network comprises four urban-rural (or urban-suburban) site pairs at locations along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico and inland, including two moderately sized and two major urban areas (Pensacola, FL; Gulfport, MS; Atlanta, GA; and Birmingham, AL). The sites are equipped with an extensive suite of instruments for measuring particulate matter (PM), gases relevant to secondary O3 and the production of secondary aerosol particles, and surface meteorology. The measurements taken to date have added substantially to the knowledge about the temporal behavior and geographic variability of tropospheric aerosols in the Southeast. Details are presented in four papers to follow. 相似文献
Sergio A. Guerra Dennis D. Lane Glen A. Marotz Ray E. Carter Carrie M. Hohl Richard W. Baldauf 《Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (1995)》2013,63(11):1525-1531
Abstract Field data for coarse particulate matter ([PM] PM10) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) were collected at selected sites in Southeast Kansas from March 1999 to October 2000, using portable MiniVol particulate samplers. The purpose was to assess the influence on air quality of four industrial facilities that burn hazardous waste in the area located in the communities of Chanute, Independence, Fredonia, and Coffeyville. Both spatial and temporal variation were observed in the data. Variation because of sampling site was found to be statistically significant for PM10 but not for PM2.5. PM10 concentrations were typically slightly higher at sites located within the four study communities than at background sites. Sampling sites were located north and south of the four targeted sources to provide upwind and downwind monitoring pairs. No statistically significant differences were found between upwind and downwind samples for either PM10 or PM2.5, indicating that the targeted sources did not contribute significantly to PM concentrations. Wind direction can frequently contribute to temporal variation in air pollutant concentrations and was investigated in this study. Sampling days were divided into four classifications: predominantly south winds, predominantly north winds, calm/variable winds, and winds from other directions. The effect of wind direction was found to be statistically significant for both PM10 and PM2.5. For both size ranges, PM concentrations were typically highest on days with predominantly south winds; days with calm/variable winds generally produced higher concentrations than did those with predominantly north winds or those with winds from “other” directions. The significant effect of wind direction suggests that regional sources may exert a large influence on PM concentrations in the area. 相似文献
Luis A. Cifuentes Jeanette Vega Katherine Köpfer Lester B. Lave 《Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (1995)》2013,63(8):1287-1298
ABSTRACT Daily counts of non-accidental deaths in Santiago, Chile, from 1988 to 1996 were regressed on six air pollutants— fine particles (PM2.5), coarse particles (PM10–2.5), CO, SO2, NO2, and O3. Controlling for seasonal and meteorological conditions was done using three different models— a generalized linear model, a generalized additive model, and a generalized additive model on previously filtered data. Single- and two-pollutant models were tested for lags of 1-5 days and the average of the previous 2-5 days. The increase in mortality associated with the mean levels of air pollution varied from 4 to 11%, depending on the pollutants and the way season of the year was considered. The results were not sensitive to the modeling approaches, but different effects for warmer and colder months were found. Fine particles were more important than coarse particles in the whole year and in winter, but not in summer. NO2 and CO were also significantly associated with daily mortality, as was O3 in the warmer months. No consistent effect was observed for SO2. Given particle composition in Santiago, these results suggest that combustion-generated pollutants, especially from motor vehicles, may be associated with increased mortality. Temperature was closely associated with mortality. High temperatures led to deaths on the same day, while low temperatures lead to deaths from 1 to 4 days later. 相似文献
John D. Spengler George D. Thurston 《Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (1995)》2013,63(12):1162-1171
Inhalable particulate matter (IP) samples have been collected in six U.S. cities in conjunction with an air pollution health study. The IP were collected using dichotomous virtual impactors in two size ranges: fine particles (FP) having aerodynamic diameter (da) <2.5 μm, and coarse particles (CP) with 2.5 μm < da < 15 μm. The mass measurements were determined by beta-gauge attenuation. The elemental composition of the FP and CP were determined by X-ray fluorescence. The means and distributions for FP and CP and selected elemental data highlight the similarities and differences that exist among these cities in the health study. Examining the temporal variations gives additional information on the meteorology and sources influencing the FP and CP fractions of Inhalable particle mass. Differences in the concentration (and ratios) of selected elements have indicated the varying presence of crustal, steel industry, automotive, oceanic and fuel combustion sources in these cities. The noted variation in the concentrations and character of ambient aerosols in these cities are pertinent to interpreting differences in population exposures. 相似文献
Gary F. Evans Ross V. Highsmith Linda S. Sheldon Jack C. Suggs Ronald W. Williams Roy B. Zweidinger 《Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (1995)》2013,63(11):1887-1896
ABSTRACT Two collaborative studies have been conducted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL) and National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory to determine personal exposures and physiological responses to par-ticulate matter (PM) of elderly persons living in a retirement facility in Fresno, CA. Measurements of PM and other criteria air pollutants were made inside selected individual residences within the retirement facility and at a central outdoor site on the premises. In addition, personal PM exposure monitoring was conducted for a subset of the participants, and ambient PM monitoring data were available for comparison from the NERL PM research monitoring platform in central Fresno. Both a winter (February 1-28, 1999) and a spring (April 19-May 16, 1999) study were completed so that seasonal effects could be 相似文献
Edgerton ES Hartsell BE Saylor RD Jansen JJ Hansen DA Hidy GM 《Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (1995)》2006,56(9):1325-1341
Deployment of continuous analyzers in the Southeastern Aerosol Research and Characterization Study (SEARCH) network began in 1998 and continues today as new technologies are developed. Measurement of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) mass is performed using a dried, 30 degrees C tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM). TEOM measurements are complemented by observations of light scattering by nephelometry. Measurements of major constituents include: (1) SO4(2-) via reduction to SO2; (2) NH4+ and NO3- via respective catalytic oxidation and reduction to NO, (3) black carbon (BC) by optical absorption, (4) total carbon by combustion to CO2, and (5) organic carbon by difference between the latter two measurements. Several illustrative examples of continuous data from the SEARCH network are presented. A distinctive composite annual average diurnal pattern is observed for PM2.5 mass, nitrate, and BC, likely indicating the influence of traffic-related emissions, growth, and break up of the boundary layer and formation of ammonium nitrate. Examination of PM2.5 components indicates the need to better understand the continuous composition of the unmeasured "other" category, because it contributes a significant fraction to total mass during periods of high PM2.5 loading. Selected episodes are presented to illustrate applications of SEARCH data. An SO2 conversion rate of 0.2%/hr is derived from an observation of a plume from a coal-fired power plant during early spring, and the importance of local, rural sources of NH3 to the formation of ammonium nitrate in particulate matter (PM) is demonstrated. 相似文献
Yang Zhang Betty Pun Shiang-Yuh Wu Krish Vijayaraghavan Christian Seigneur 《Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (1995)》2013,63(12):1478-1493
Abstract The Models-3 Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) Modeling System and the Particulate Matter Comprehensive Air Quality Model with extensions (PMCAMx) were applied to simulate the period June 29–July 10, 1999, of the Southern Oxidants Study episode with two nested horizontal grid sizes: a coarse resolution of 32 km and a fine resolution of 8 km. The predicted spatial variations of ozone (O3), particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to 2.5 μm (PM2.5), and particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to 10 μm (PM10) by both models are similar in rural areas but differ from one another significantly over some urban/suburban areas in the eastern and southern United States, where PMCAMx tends to predict higher values of O3 and PM than CMAQ. Both models tend to predict O3 values that are higher than those observed. For observed O3 values above 60 ppb, O3 performance meets the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's criteria for CMAQ with both grids and for PMCAMx with the fine grid only. It becomes unsatisfactory for PMCAMx and marginally satisfactory for CMAQ for observed O3 values above 40 ppb. Both models predict similar amounts of sulfate (SO4 2?) and organic matter, and both predict SO4 2? to be the largest contributor to PM2.5. PMCAMx generally predicts higher amounts of ammonium (NH4 +), nitrate (NO3 ?), and black carbon (BC) than does CMAQ. PM performance for CMAQ is generally consistent with that of other PM models, whereas PMCAMx predicts higher concentrations of NO3 ?,NH4 +, and BC than observed, which degrades its performance. For PM10 and PM2.5 predictions over the southeastern U.S. domain, the ranges of mean normalized gross errors (MNGEs) and mean normalized bias are 37–43% and –33–4% for CMAQ and 50–59% and 7–30% for PMCAMx. Both models predict the largest MNGEs for NO3 ? (98–104% for CMAQ, 138–338% for PMCAMx). The inaccurate NO3 ? predictions by both models may be caused by the inaccuracies in the ammonia emission inventory and the uncertainties in the gas/particle partitioning under some conditions. In addition to these uncertainties, the significant PM overpredictions by PMCAMx may be attributed to the lack of wet removal for PM and a likely underprediction in the vertical mixing during the daytime. 相似文献
Michael Van Loy Tina Bahadori Ron Wyzga Ben Hartsell Eric Edgerton 《Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (1995)》2013,63(8):1446-1458
ABSTRACT The Aerosol Research and Inhalation Epidemiology Study (ARIES) was designed to provide high-quality measurements of PM25, its components, and co-varying pollutants for an air pollution epidemiology study in Atlanta, GA. Air pollution epidemiology studies have typically relied on available data on particle mass often collected using filter-based methods. Filter-based PM2.5 sampling is susceptible to both positive and negative errors in the measurement of aerosol mass and particle-phase component concentrations in the undisturbed atmosphere. These biases are introduced by collection of gas-phase aerosol components on the filter media or by volatilization of particle phase components from collected particles. As part of the ARIES, we collected daily 24-hr PM2.5 mass and speciation samples and continuous PM2.5 data at a mixed residential-light industrial site in Atlanta. These data facilitate analysis of the effects of a wide variety of factors on sampler performance. We assess the relative importance of PM2.5 components and consider associations and potential mechanistic linkages of PM2.5 mass concentrations with several PM2.5 components. For the 12 months of validated data collected to date (August 1, 1998-July 31, 1999), the monthly average Federal Reference Method (FRM) PM2 5 mass always exceeded the proposed annual average standard (12-month average = 20.3 ± 9.5 ug/m3). The particulate SO4 2- fraction (as (NH4)2SO4) was largest in the summer and exceeded 50% of the FRM mass. The contribution of (NH4)2SO4 to FRM PM2.5 mass dropped to less than 30% in winter. Particu-late NO3 - collected on a denuded nylon filter averaged 1.1 ± 0.9 ug/m3. Particle-phase organic compounds (as organic carbon × 1.4) measured on a denuded quartz filter sampler averaged 6.4 ± 3.1 ug/m3 (32% of FRM PM2 5 mass) with less seasonal variability than SO4 2-. 相似文献
《Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (1995)》2013,63(8):907-918
Abstract In many locations in Eastern Canada, ambient levels of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and surface ozone (O3) depend on airflow direction and synoptic scale meteorological conditions. In this study, a cluster analysis was performed on 10 yr (1994 –2003) of back-trajectory data for 11 locations in Eastern Canada, resulting in the identification of 10 unique back-trajectory clusters (or airflows) for each location. The airflows were then used to characterize and identify spatial and temporal trends in the daily maximum 8-hr average O3 (dmax 8-hr O3) and the daily average PM2.5 levels. Results showed that airflows from the southwest passing over Michigan and Southern Ontario were associated, on average, with the highest O3 levels at most locations in Eastern Canada.For PM2.5, the highest levels occurred with airflows from the Eastern Ohio River Valley. At major urban locations in Ontario and Quebec, the warm season mean (May to September) dmax 8-hr O3 and the annual mean PM2.5 were, on average, 12 parts per billion and 7.6 μg/m3 higher, respectively, than airflows from the north. Elevated levels of O3 and PM2.5 also occurred under light airflows, and, on average, the levels under light airflows were higher than their nonlight counterparts. At several locations in Canada, including Toronto, Montreal, Quebec City, and Kejimkujik, the annual warm season mean dmax 8-hr O3 experienced a statistically significant (95% confidence) increasing trend over the 10-yr period. When airflow direction was considered, a number of locations experienced statistically significant upward trends in O3 for airflow from the north and northwest. Several locations also showed significant upward trends associated with airflow from the southwest passing over Michigan and Southwestern Ontario. Although there are no statistically significant downward trends, airflows from the southwest have shown a reduction in O3 levels in Southwestern Ontario in more recent years. 相似文献
《Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (1995)》2013,63(1):101-107
Abstract The GRIMM model 1.107 monitor is designed to measure particle size distribution and particulate mass based on a light scattering measurement of individual particles in the sampled air. The design and operation of the instrument are described. Protocols used to convert the measured size number distribution to a mass concentration consistent with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency protocols for measuring particulate matter (PM) less than 10 μm (PM10) and less than 2.5 μm (PM2.5) in aerodynamic diameter are described. The performance of the resulting continuous monitor has been evaluated by comparing GRIMM monitor PM2.5 measurements with results obtained by the Rupprecht and Patashnick Co. (R&P) filter dynamic measurement system (FDMS). Data were obtained during month-long studies in Rubidoux, CA, in July 2003 and in Fresno, CA, in December 2003. The results indicate that the GRIMM monitor does respond to total PM2.5 mass, including the semi-volatile components, giving results comparable to the FDMS. The data also indicate that the monitor can be used to estimate water content of the fine particles. However, if the inlet to the monitor is heated, then the instrument measures only the nonvolatile material, more comparable to results obtained with a conventional heated filter tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM) monitor. A recent modification of the model 180, with a Nafion dryer at the inlet, measures total PM2.5 including the nonvolatile and semi-volatile components, but excluding fine particulate water. Model 180 was in agreement with FDMS data obtained in Lindon, UT, during January through February 2007 相似文献
Steven G. Brown Nicole P. Hyslop Paul T. Roberts Michael C. McCarthy Frederick W. Lurmann 《Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (1995)》2013,63(9):1267-1277
Abstract Air quality monitoring was conducted at a rural site with a tower in the middle of California’s San Joaquin Valley (SJV) and at elevated sites in the foothills and mountains surrounding the SJV for the California Regional PM10/M2.5 Air Quality Study. Measurements at the surface and on a tower at 90 m were collected in Angiola, CA, from ecember 2000 through February 2001 and included hourly black carbon (BC), particle counts from optical particle counters, nitric oxide, ozone, temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, and direction. Boundary site measurements were made primarily using 24-hr integrated particulate matter (PM) samples. These measurements were used to understand the vertical variations of PM and PM precursors, the effect of stratification in the winter on concentrations and chemistry aloft and at the surface, and the impact of aloft-versus-surface transport on PM concentrations. Vertical variations of concentrations differed among individual species. The stratification may be important to atmospheric chemistry processes, particularly nighttime nitrate formation aloft, because NO2 appeared to be oxidized by ozone in the stratified aloft layer. Additionally, increases in accumulation-mode particle concentrations in the aloft layer during a fine PM (PM2.5) episode corresponded with increases in aloft nitrate, demonstrating the likelihood of an aloft nighttime nitrate formation mechanism. Evidence of local transport at the surface and regional transport aloft was found; transport processes also varied among the species. The distribution of BC appeared to be regional, and BC was often uniformly mixed vertically. Overall, the combination of time-resolved tower and surface measurements provided important insight into PM stratification, formation, and transport. 相似文献
David T. Mage 《Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (1995)》2013,63(9):737-739
Abstract This article develops an empirical relationship between the British Smoke (BS) measurement, coefficient of haze (CoH), and Total Suspended Particulate Matter (TSP) for London winter periods of the early 1950s and 1960s. A bounded nonlinear model of form BS = TSP3 / (TSP2 + [200 μg/m3]2 ) fits the available BS/TSP data and meets the urban boundary conditions that BS→0 as TSP→ 0, and BS→ TSP as TSP→∞. A derivation is presented for the form of the equation from basic principles. Equations of a similar form may be useful on a site- and season-specific basis for developing relations between other fractions of PM. 相似文献
《Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (1995)》2013,63(10):1251-1267
Abstract Gaseous and particulate pollutant concentrations associated with five samples per day collected during a July 2001 summer intensive study at the Pittsburgh Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) Supersite were used to apportion fine particulate matter (PM2.5) into primary and secondary contributions using PMF2. Input to the PMF2 analysis included the concentrations of PM2.5 nonvolatile and semivolatile organic material, elemental carbon (EC), ammonium sulfate, trace element components, gas-phase organic material, and NOx, NO2, and O3 concentrations. A total of 10 factors were identified. These factors are associated with emissions from various sources and facilities including crustal material, gasoline combustion, diesel combustion, and three nearby sources high in trace metals. In addition, four secondary sources were identified, three of which were associated with secondary products of local emissions and were dominated by organic material and one of which was dominated by secondary ammonium sulfate transported to the CMU site from the west and southwest. The three largest contributors to PM2.5 were sec ondary transported material (dominated by ammonium sulfate) from the west and southwest (49%), secondary material formed during midday photochemical processes (24%), and gasoline combustion emissions (11%). The other seven sources accounted for the remaining 16% of the PM2.5. Results obtained at the CMU site were comparable to results previously reported at the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), located approximately 18 km south of downtown Pittsburgh. The major contributor at both sites was material transported from the west and southwest. Some difference in nearby sources could be attributed to meteorology as evaluated by HYSPLIT model back-trajectory calculations. These findings are consistent with the majority of the secondary ammonium sulfate in the Pittsburgh area being the result of contributions from distant transport, and thus decoupled from local activity involving organic pollutants in the metropolitan area. In contrast, the major local secondary sources were dominated by organic material. 相似文献
Anne W. Rea Maria J. Zufall Ron W. Williams Linda Sheldon Cynthia Howard-Reed 《Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (1995)》2013,63(9):1271-1279
ABSTRACT Particulate matter (PM) exposure data from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-sponsored 1998 Baltimore and 1999 Fresno PM exposure studies were analyzed to identify important microenvironments and activities that may lead to increased particle exposure for select elderly (>65 years old) subjects. Integrated 24-hr filter-based PM2.5 or PM10 mass measurements [using Personal Environmental Monitors(PEMs)] included personal measurements, indoor and outdoor residential measurements, and measurements at a central indoor site and a community monitoring site. A subset of the participants in each study wore passive nephelometers that continuously measured (1-min averaging time) particles ranging in size from 0.1 to ~10 um. Significant activities and locations were identified by a statistical mixed model (p < 0.01) for each study population based on the measured PM2.5 or PM10 mass and time activity data. Elevated PM concentrations were associated with traveling (car or bus), commercial locations (store, office, mall, etc.), restaurants, and working. The modeled results were compared to continuous PM concentrations determined by the nephelometers while participants were in these locations. Overall, the nephelometer data agreed within 6% of the modeled PM2.5 results for the Baltimore participants and within ~20% for the Fresno participants (variability was due to zero drift associated with the nephelometer). The nephelom-eter did not agree as well with the PM10 mass measurements, most likely because the nephelometer optimally responds to fine particles (0.3–2 um). Approximately one-half (54 ± 31%; mean ± standard deviation from both studies) of the average daily PM2.5 exposure occurred inside residences, where the participants spent an average of 83 ± 10% of their time. These data also showed that a significant portion of PM2.5 exposure occurred in locations where participants spent only 4–13% of their time. 相似文献
Boylan JW Odman MT Wilkinson JG Russell AG 《Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (1995)》2006,56(1):12-22
As part of the Southern Appalachian Mountains Initiative, a comprehensive air quality modeling system was developed to evaluate potential emission control strategies to reduce atmospheric pollutant levels at the Class I areas located in the Southern Appalachian Mountains. Six multiday episodes between 1991 and 1995 were simulated, and the skill of the modeling system was evaluated. Two papers comprise various parts of this study. Part I details the ozone model performance and the methodology that was used to scale discrete episodic pollutant levels to seasonal and annual averages. This paper (part II) addresses issues involved with modeling particulate matter (PM) and its relationship to visibility. For most of the episodes, the fractional error was approximately 50% or less for the major constituents of the fine PM (i.e., sulfate [SO4] and organics) in the region. The mean normalized errors and fractional errors are generally larger for the NO3 and soil components, but these components are relatively small. Variations in modeling bias with pollutant levels were also examined. The model showed a systematic overestimation for low levels and an underestimation for high levels for most PM species. For ammonium, the model showed better performance at lower SO4 concentrations when the measured SO4 was assumed to be completely neutralized (ammonium sulfate) and better performance at higher SO4 concentrations when the partially neutralized (ammonium bisulfate) assumption was made. The contributions of various components of PM to reductions in visibility were also calculated; SO4 was found to be the major contributor. 相似文献
Roger Roussel Michel Allaire R. Serge Friar 《Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (1995)》2013,63(12):1609-1613
Abstract This paper summarizes the sampling and analytical methods developed to identify and measure polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and related aromatic compounds near a Horizontal Stud Soderberg plant at Jonquiere, Quebec, Canada. The primary source of PAH is the coal tar pitch used as a binder in Soderberg anodes. Twice a week at a number of sampling sites, airborne particulate matter was collected on glass-fiber filters using a Hi-Vol sampler for a twenty-four hour period. Organics on the filter were Soxhlet extracted with benzene. Identification was done by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The vast majority of compounds present were PAH, but small amounts of alkyl PAH and polycyclic aromatic compounds with heteroatoms such as nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur were also identified. Based on the GC-MS identification, a group of 14 PAH was selected for monitoring. Frequent PAH determinations revealed that the ratio of Benzo(a- )Pyrene to total PAH on the Hi-Vol filters is relatively constant in ambient air from one sampling station to another. 相似文献
Van Loy M Bahadori T Wyzga R Hartsell B Edgerton E 《Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (1995)》2000,50(8):1446-1458
The Aerosol Research and Inhalation Epidemiology Study (ARIES) was designed to provide high-quality measurements of PM2.5, its components, and co-varying pollutants for an air pollution epidemiology study in Atlanta, GA. Air pollution epidemiology studies have typically relied on available data on particle mass often collected using filter-based methods. Filter-based PM2.5 sampling is susceptible to both positive and negative errors in the measurement of aerosol mass and particle-phase component concentrations in the undisturbed atmosphere. These biases are introduced by collection of gas-phase aerosol components on the filter media or by volatilization of particle phase components from collected particles. As part of the ARIES, we collected daily 24-hr PM2.5 mass and speciation samples and continuous PM2.5 data at a mixed residential-light industrial site in Atlanta. These data facilitate analysis of the effects of a wide variety of factors on sampler performance. We assess the relative importance of PM2.5 components and consider associations and potential mechanistic linkages of PM2.5 mass concentrations with several PM2.5 components. For the 12 months of validated data collected to date (August 1, 1998-July 31, 1999), the monthly average Federal Reference Method (FRM) PM2.5 mass always exceeded the proposed annual average standard (12-month average = 20.3 +/- 9.5 micrograms/m3). The particulate SO4(2-) fraction (as (NH4)2SO4) was largest in the summer and exceeded 50% of the FRM mass. The contribution of (NH4)2SO4 to FRM PM2.5 mass dropped to less than 30% in winter. Particulate NO3- collected on a denuded nylon filter averaged 1.1 +/- 0.9 micrograms/m3. Particle-phase organic compounds (as organic carbon x 1.4) measured on a denuded quartz filter sampler averaged 6.4 +/- 3.1 micrograms/m3 (32% of FRM PM2.5 mass) with less seasonal variability than SO4(2-). 相似文献