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Prader–Willi syndrome (PWS) results from either paternal deletion of 15q11–q13, or maternal uniparental disomy (UPD) of chromosome 15 or imprinting center mutation. Prenatal diagnosis of PWS is currently indicated for chromosomal parental translocation involving chromosome 15 and for decreased fetal movements during the third trimester of gestation. Here we present the prenatal diagnosis of PWS during the first trimester of gestation and autopsy findings. Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) was performed for advanced maternal age at 13 weeks' gestation. CVS showed mosaicism including cells with a normal karyotype and cells with trisomy 15. Amniocentesis showed cells with a normal karyotype. Molecular analysis demonstrated that the fetus had a typical PWS abnormal methylation profile and maternal disomy for chromosome 15. Fetal ultrasound examination showed slightly enlarged lateral ventricles and hypoplasic male external genitalia without intra-uterine growth retardation. The autopsy showed a eutrophic male fetus with facial dysmorphy, hypoplasic genitalia, abnormal position of both feet and posterior hypoplasia of the corpus callosum. This report points out that in a karyotypically normal fetus with ambiguous male external genitalia and cerebral anomalies, extensive cytogenetic and molecular biology studies are strongly recommended because of risk of PWS. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The efficacy and risks of simultaneous transabdominal chorionic villus biopsy (placentacentesis) and amniocentesis in the second and third trimesters were evaluated in 250 singleton pregnancies. The major indications were advanced maternal age (36·0 per cent), abnormal ultrasound findings (23·2 per cent), and low maternal AFP value (17·6 per cent). Nine abnormal karyotypes were found in placental tissue (3·6 per cent). The karyotypes of placental and amniotic cells were different in three cases, including two cases of false-positive mosaicism (08 per cent) and one case of a false-negative result (0·4 per cent) obtained by placental karyotyping. The problem of discrepant karyotypes in embryonic and extra-embryonic tissue does not seem to be restricted to the first trimester. The post-procedure fetal loss rate was estimated as approximately 1·8 per cent. We conclude that the procedure presented here combines the advantages of rapid karyotyping (placentacentesis) and high diagnostic reliability (amniocentesis). It does not seem to be necessary to restrict its use to late presentations and suspicious ultrasound findings.  相似文献   

Nine patients with oligohydramnios and amnio-chorionic separation were identified out of 7000 women who underwent a vaginal ultrasound examination at 15–16 weeks' gestation. Oligohydramnios was defined as a reduced amount of amniotic fluid, a distance of more than 1 cm between the chorion and amnion, and a good turgor of the amnion without floating membranes or intrauterine sheets. Fetal malformations were observed in all nine cases. In four of six fetuses where chromosomal analysis was available, an abnormal karyotype was found. It is concluded that oligohydramnios in the early second trimester is associated with fetal abnormality.  相似文献   

Transabdominal chorionic villus sampling (TA-CVS) was performed in 210 pregnancies from 13 to 38 weeks using a double-needle technique. The sampling success was comparable to first-trimester TA-CVS and the diagnostic success rate was 98.2 per cent for the short-term technique and 99.3 per cent for cultured villi. Two fetuses could not be karyotyped. We found the chromosome quality to be similar to that in the first trimester, comparing the number of G-bands and other chromosome attributes. There were no unintended losses in a group (n = 142) with no sonographic abnormality, except for one death in utero at 38 weeks, 20 weeks after sampling. Chromosomal aberrations were seen in 19 per cent of cases with abnormal sonograms (n = 58). One case of a discordant karyotype was found (false-negative prediction of Down's syndrome by the short-term preparation). There were no cases of fetal demise due to feto-maternal bleeding. It is suggested that double-needle TA-CVS in advanced pregnancies combines the advantages of rapid karyotyping of chromosomes of good quality and low risk for the fetus, and seems to be easier to practise and is probably safer than cordocentesis.  相似文献   

The relationship between first-trimester maternal serum Schwangerschafts protein 1 (SP1) and the karyotype of the pregnancy was examined in 692 women who underwent chorionic villus biopsy at 6–12 weeks. There were 30 pregnancies with abnormal karyotypes, consisting of 14 Down's syndrome (DS), eight trisomy 18, and eight other anomalies, two of which were mosaics. The normal ranges and medians for gestation were defined from the 662 cases in which the karyotype was normal. The median SP1 (0·5 MOM) of the abnormal group was significantly lower than that of the normal group (10 MOM). This relationship was maintained for the DS pregnancies (0·4 MOM) and for anomalies other than trisomy 18 (0·43 MOM) but not trisomy 18 (1·1 MOM). It is possible that the use of SP1 as a screening test for chromosome anomalies in the first trimester could have a 43 per cent detection rate for a 5 per cent false-positive rate.  相似文献   

Six cases of cystic hygromas detected during second trimester ultrasound examination are reported: 4 fetuses (67 per cent) had a 45, X karyotype, 1 fetus had trisomy 18, 1 fetus had a normal karyotype (46,XX) and at autopsy multiple anomalies were observed. In the latter case the family history suggested an autosomal recessive pattern of inheritance. In order to reach a definite diagnosis and give proper genetic counselling when a fetus is found to have cystic hygroma, a fetal karyotype as well as a family and reproductive history should be obtained.  相似文献   

Direct chromosome preparations were performed on placental villi obtained by ultrasoundguided needle aspiration between 18 and 37 weeks of pregnancy in 53 patients. The sampling yielded a sufficient amount of tissue with a maximum of two, and in most cases one, insertions. Placental biopsy is easily performed in cases of severe oligohydrammnios, where fetal blood sampling is usually more difficult. Direct karyotyping of placental villi is faster than chromosome analysis from fetal blood or application of the pipette method on amniotic fluid cells, and currently represents the most rapid approach to prenatal diagnosis of chromosomal abnormalities from the first to the third trimester of pregnancy.  相似文献   

A case of confined placental mosaicism (CPM) and maternal uniparental isodisomy 14 identified after placental karyotype revealed trisomy 14 in a newborn with intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) and minor dysmorphic features is reported. During the second trimester of the pregnancy, multiple marker screening revealed an increased risk for Down syndrome of >1 in 10. The maternal serum human chorionic gonadotrophin (MShCG) was markedly elevated at 4.19 MoM. Amniocentesis revealed a normal 46,XX karyotype. Fetal growth restriction has been associated with elevated MShCG and placental aneuploidy with CPM for chromosomes 2, 7, 9 and 16. The present case of CPM for chromosome 14 was also associated with fetal growth restriction and elevated second trimester MShCG, suggesting a common link. Further studies need to be done to determine if indeed elevation of second trimester MShCG is associated with increased risk of CPM. The present case again demonstrates the need to perform placental karyotype in unexplained fetal growth restriction. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two infants with ventriculomegaly diagnosed by ultrasound during the third trimester of pregnancy were noted to have lethal short-limbed dwarfing syndromes at birth. In one instance, a clinical suspicion of hydramnios and in the other follow-up scan for placental localization revealed ventriculomegaly as an unexpected finding. These observations suggest that when ventriculomegaly is detected during prenatal ultrasound evaluation, limb measurements should be included to exclude a dwarfing syndrome as part of the differential diagnosis.  相似文献   

A 37-year-old gravida was referred for CVS because of advanced maternal age. A trisomy 21 was present in all cells after short-term incubation (direct processing (DP)) and long-term culture. According to our policy, a retap was offered for confirmation of the result during the legally required 3-day waiting period between communication of the result and termination of pregnancy. Unexpectedly all cells after DP showed a normal male chromosome complement. Further investigations revealed mosaicism in trophoblast tissue and a normal karyotype in amniotic fluid cells and fetal blood (50 mitoses each). The parents elected to continue the pregnancy after extensive ultrasound examinations did not show suspicious findings. After the birth of a healthy child, cell cultures from ten different placental sites confirmed mosaicism. Four out of 100 mitoses from a lymphocyte culture showed an additional chromosome 21. The child had no dysmorphic features and the development was normal at the age of 10 weeks. This case demonstrates the restricted validity of prenatal cytogenetic analysis in the presence of true fetal mosaicism. It also stresses the benefit of our policy to offer a retap in cases with abnormal cytogenetic results prior to termination of pregnancy which is considered unnecessary by many cytogeneticists.  相似文献   

The 49,XXXXY syndrome is a rare sex chromosome anomaly with an approximate incidence of 1 in 85 000 male live births. The diagnosis is usually ascertained postnatally by the association of mental retardation, variable growth deficiency, Down syndrome-like facial dysmorphy, hypogenitalism and other malformations, especially involving the heart and skeleton. Prenatal diagnosis of the pentasomy 49,XXXXY is generally fortuitous and sonographic features have rarely been described in the literature. We report here on two cases of 49,XXXXY syndrome diagnosed prenatally because of sonographic abnormalities. In the first, amniocentesis was performed at 26 weeks' gestation for polyhydramnios, unilateral clubfoot and micropenis. In the second, a karyotype was carried out on chorionic villi at 13 weeks' gestation for cystic hygroma. These observations and the six previously reported cases demonstrate that cystic hygroma in first or second trimester of pregnancy may be associated with sex chromosome aneuploidy other than Turner syndrome. Moreover, they emphasize the importance of detailed sonographic examination in the second trimester, as small penis and abnormal posturing of the lower extremities are very suggestive of the 49,XXXXY syndrome. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study examined rates of karyotype abnormalities in fetuses diagnosed by ultrasound as abnormal before 20 weeks' gestational age and which prompted a follow-up amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling. Those diagnosed before 20 weeks were compared with those diagnosed at or after 20 weeks. A retrospective study identified ultrasonographically abnormal fetuses in whom karyotyping had been undertaken, 306 fetuses before 20 weeks' gestational age and 241 after. Isolated malformations before 20 weeks had, on average, an 18 per cent risk of karyotype abnormality, compared with 20 per cent later. Specific rates were calculated; for example, heart abnormality was associated with karyotype abnormality in 7 per cent of cases before 20 weeks and in 14 per cent later. Multiple malformations and karyotype abnormalities were found together in 28 per cent of fetuses prior to 20 weeks and in 33 per cent of the older fetuses. Specific associations included nuchal oedema and trisomy 21 in 21 per cent of fetuses before 20 weeks. No karyotype abnormalities were found in fetuses diagnosed with choroid plexus cysts. An overview of trisomies in Victoria, in 1991, showed that 50 per cent of trisomy 18, 42 per cent of trisomy 13, and 9·5 per cent of trisomy 21 cases were identified by ultrasound in women less than 37 years of age. Another 28·6 per cent of trisomy 21 fetuses were detected in women of advanced maternal age who underwent amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling, making a total of 38·1 per cent of trisomy 21 that were detected prenatally. The importance of early karyotyping specifically relates to the ongoing management of the pregnancy if the chromosomes are normal, and facilitates decision-making regarding termination of pregnancy if the chromosomes are abnormal.  相似文献   

From 1.3.73 to 30.9.80 5580 women had an amniocentesis performed here or elsewhere; fetal chromosome analyses were carried out in this laboratory. We found 112 abnormal karyotypes (2 per cent) out of 5591 chromosome analyses. In 40 women (0.7 per cent) no cytogenetic diagnosis was obtained. Follow-up was successful in 99.5 per cent. Nine cases are reported in detail: Three cases had discrepancy between the karyotype in amniotic fluid and peripheral blood after delivery, two of these cases turned out to be 46,XX (male) while the third was prenatally determined as trisomy 21, but had a 46,XX karyotype at birth. Six cases had discrepancy between the karyotype in amniotic fluid and the phenotypic outcome at birth/abortion. One case was a prenatally undetected 45,X/46,XY mosaicism; one case was an unexplained 45,X male fetus; two cases were prenatally determined as trisomy 21, but at abortion a normal karyotype was determined and in two cases maternal cells were probably examined. The incidence of cytogeneric errors in this study was very low.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic data are presented from a total of 1306 consecutive pregnancies with successful diagnosis obtained from both chorionic villi after short-time culture (CVS-SC) and amniotic fluid cell cultures (AC); samples had been taken simultaneously at combined placentacentesis (placental biopsy) and amniocentesis during the second (92·8 per cent) and third (7·2 per cent) trimesters. Concordant results were obtained in 1218 pregnancies with a normal karyotype and in 62 pregnancies with an aberrant fetal karyotype. Discrepant, i. e. false-positive and false-negative, results were found in 26 cases (2 per cent). From these data the accuracy of CVS-SC, defined as the proportion of all correct diagnoses, is calculated to be 98 per cent. Three non-mosaic and 14 mosaic false-positive results obtained after CVS-SC could not be confirmed by AC. Related to 1235 true normal fetal karyotypes, the specificity of CVS-SC, i.e. the proportion of normal karyotypes correctly diagnosed, amounts to 98·6 per cent. In nine pregnancies, an aberrant fetal karyotype detected after AC was missed by CVS-SC. The sensitivity of CVS-SC, i.e. the proportion of abnormal fetuses correctly diagnosed (62 out of 71), amounts to 87·3 per cent in our study group.  相似文献   

In a retrospective collaborative study involving 21 U.K. laboratories and 11775 CVS prenatal diagnostic procedures, a total of 73 cases of confined placental mosaicism (CPM) were identified among the 8004 first-trimester referrals because of advanced maternal age, a previous child with a numerical chromosome abnormality, or a family history of the same. Data were collected on subsequent cytogenetic follow-up and pregnancy outcome for each case and a referral matched control. Comparison with the control population failed to demonstrate a marked increase in adverse pregnancy outcome in the CPM group, but a significant increase in both low and high birth weight infants was recorded. In a parallel study, 7 out of 108 cases, referred for prenatal diagnosis because of ultrasound detection of isolated intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) in the second or third trimester, were shown to have a chromosome abnormality restricted to the extraembryonic tissues. These included cases of CPM involving trisomy 9 and del(13)(q13), neither of which has previously been reported in association with IUGR.  相似文献   

Discrepant chromosome findings in placenta and fetus (false negative and false positive) after chorionic villus sampling (CVS) are mainly due to confined mosaicism. Non-mosaic normal or abnormal chromosome counts after direct preparation and culture nearly always correctly reflect the fetal chromosome constitution. False-negative results have almost exclusively been restricted to cytotrophoblast cells not representing a fetal chromosome abnormality. Diagnosis of placental mosaicism definitely requires an adequate follow-up by amniocentesis, fetal blood sampling, or sonography before a pregnancy is terminated. When direct preparations and cultured cells are used for cytogenetic diagnoses and placental mosaicism is not taken as proof for a chromosomal abnormality in the fetus, CVS is an accurate diagnostic tool.  相似文献   

We report a case of paternal uniparental disomy for chromosome 11 that presented as severe intrauterine growth retardation. Autopsy following intrauterine death also revealed aberrant intestinal rotation and hypospadias. Chromosome analysis of direct preparations from placental biopsy showed an abnormal 47,XY,+11 karyotype. Analysis of long-term cultures from the placenta revealed 46,XY/47,XY,+11 mosaicism. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) studies on interphase nuclei confirmed trisomy 11 in multiple placental sites but detected only disomic cells in fetal skin. Investigation using microsatellite polymorphisms demonstrated paternal isodisomy at loci D11S909, D11S956, and D11S488, and paternal heterodisomy at locus D11S928.  相似文献   

We report on the prenatal diagnosis of ring chromosome 15 in a fetus with increased nuchal fold and intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). A 27-year-old woman gravida 2, para 1 had normal maternal serum screen tests in the early second trimester of the index pregnancy. Fetal nuchal fold thickening up to 8 mm was incidentally found during the routine obstetric ultrasound scan at 20 weeks' gestation. Amniocentesis was undertaken and the fetal karyotype was found to be 46,XY,r(15) on cytogenetic study. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) using a telomeric probe of chromosome 15 demonstrated a terminal deletion on the q arm of the ring-shaped chromosome 15. This is the first report of a prenatally diagnosed case of ring chromosome 15. Moreover, nuchal fold thickness in the second trimester may have a role in its prenatal diagnosis. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Over a 65½ year period, in 288 pregnancies a variety of fetal malformations were detected by ultrasound. Two hundred and ten fetuses (73 per cent) were karyotyped. Gestational age at detection ranged from 11 to 38 weeks. The incidence of an abnormal karyotype in the total series was 14 per cent and 14.7 per cent in the 210 pregnancies in which a karyotype was performed. Single structural anomalies were found in 149 cytogenetically investigated fetuses, of which 25 had a chromosomal abnormality (17 per cent). Multiple structural malformations were present in 61 fetuses, of which 16 had an abnormal karyotype (26 per cent). Trisomy 18 was the most frequent finding. The most constant ultrasound finding in cases of an abnormal karyotype was polyhydramnios and severe IUGR in combination with structural defects. There is a need for extensive detailed ultrasound examination in high-risk pregnancies.  相似文献   

Nowadays, improved ultrasound techniques enable the detection of more subtle congenital abnormalities at an earlier stage of fetal development. Current cytogenetic techniques can characterize a chromosomal abnormality in greater detail. These advancements in both diagnostic possibilities have helped to answer many questions but have also created new issues and dilemmas in counselling. This is illustrated by this case report of a 35-year-old woman, who presented at the end of the second trimester of her first pregnancy. Sonographic examination indicated an abnormal external genital in a male fetus. A differential diagnosis of hypospadia was made. During follow-up, an amniocentesis was performed, and this showed a 45,X/46,X,idic(Y)(qter-p11.32::p11.32-qter) karyotype as the cause of the sonographic findings. Cytogenetic characterization of the isodicentric Y chromosome and pre- and post-natal findings in the child are reported. Cases with a similar karyotype reported in the literature are reviewed. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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