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Multiple sulphatase deficiency was diagnosed in the first trimester of pregnancy by demonstrating markedly reduced activities of arylsulphatases and heparin sulphamidase by direct assays on chorionic villi (CV). The diagnosis was confirmed by assays on cell cultures of villi and fetal skin fibroblasts. Two further pregnancies of this mother were monitored similarly and predicted to be unaffected; one produced a normal healthy infant, the other miscarried shortly after CV sampling.  相似文献   

In 19 pregnancies at risk for 21-hydroxylase deficiency (21OHD) in 18 families with at lea one affected child, prenatal diagnosis was performed by RFLP analysis using the enzymi Taq I and EcoRI and the DNA probes specific for the 21 OH genes, the closely linke complement C4 genes and the highly polymorphic HLA class II genes DRB, DQB, and DPI For fetal DNA analysis either chorionic villi or cultivated amniotic cells were used. In all 1 cases, a clear prenatal diagnosis was possible either with the 21OH probe alone or in mo cases, by combining the results of the different closely linked loci.  相似文献   

The concentration of 17OH-progesterone was measured in second trimester amniotic fluid samples from 12 mothers who previously had had an infant with congenital adrenal hyper-plasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency. In 4 affected pregnancies, the concentrations were more than 2 S.D. higher than those determined in 44 samples from normal pregnancies (mean ± S.D., 8·1 ± 2·4 nmol/1). The remaining 8 pregnancies were predicted to be unaffected based on the results of amniotic fluid concentrations within the normal range. In each instance, the infant was normal. The results indicate that measurement of amniotic fluid 17OH-progester-one concentrations during the second trimester is an accurate prenatal test for 21-hydroxylase deficiency. The results should be supplemented with determination of fetal sex by karyotype analysis on the amniotic fluid cells.  相似文献   

Consanguineous partners had a boy with campomelic dysplasia who died of increasing respiratory distress soon after birth. The next pregnancy was monitored frequently by ultrasonography and a healthy male infant was born at term. During a further pregnancy, ultrasonography suggested campomelic dysplasia in the 16th week of gestation. This was confirmed in the 18th week. The pregnancy was terminated and the fetus showed the typical radiological, anatomical and histological findings.  相似文献   

The close genetic linkage between HLA-B and congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency permits prenatal diagnosis of an affected fetus by HLA typing of amniotic fluid cells in pregnancies at risk. Some families at risk, especially those with an affected girl with ambiguous genitalia, will only plan another pregnancy if a prenatal diagnosis is possible. After HLA typing of the index case, parents and eventually grandparents, the family were informed of the possibility of a prenatal diagnosis. Fibroblast cell lines were initiated from skin biopsies of the index cases and parents and were used as controls in the tests. HLA typing of the fetus was done on amniotic fluid cells grown in vitro using first, a microcytotoxicity test and second quantitative microabsorption test. Ten prenatal diagnoses are reported. In two cases the HLA genotype indicated an affected fetus, examination of the aborted fetuses was in agreement with the diagnosis. In one case an affected male fetus was diagnosed, the pregnancy is in progress. In seven cases an unaffected infant was predicted (four carriers and three homozygous normal infants).  相似文献   

We have performed prenatal diagnosis for glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase (GDH) deficiency in 16 pregnancies at risk by measuring the enzyme activity in chorionic villus samples. In most cases, GDH activity was measured both in uncultured chorionic villus samples and in cultured chorionic cells. In 4 of the 16 cases, an affected fetus was predicted, while the remaining cases were found to be normal. In three of the four affected cases, GDH activity was measured in both uncultured and cultured chorionic cells and the correct diagnosis established by both measurements. In the fourth case, only cultured cells were investigated because the chorionic villus sample was too small for the direct assay. All four pregnancies predicted to be affected were interrupted and the diagnoses confirmed on the aborted material in three of the cases. In the fourth case, no material was available for investigation. Of the 12 pregnancies predicted to be unaffected, ten cases resulted in the birth of healthy unaffected babies while two pregnancies are still in progress.  相似文献   

Reverse phase HPLC of radioactive globin chains has been compared to classical carboxy methyl cellulose chromatography for the prenatal diagnosis of β thalassaemia. The two methods correlated highly (r = 0.97 p < 0.0005) and provided an identical diagnosis for 40 fetal blood samples of fetuses homozygous or heterozygous for β thalassaemia. The HPLC procedure was much faster and required fewer biochemical steps (no globin preparation). It was at least as accurate and more sensitive than the classical chromatography. A single column can be used for 150 analyses and is always ready to be used. Last but not least it is much less expensive than CMC chromatography.  相似文献   

This paper presents a sonographic diagnosis of exencephaly made during the last trimester of gestation. The sonogram showed the absence of bones in the cranial vault together with the presence of a disorganized cerebral mass, with loss of its normal anatomy. Post-partum examination of the newborn confirmed the findings of the sonogram. We briefly review the characteristics of exencephaly, its aetiology, and its relationship to anencephaly.  相似文献   

In a well-documented PIBIDS family, two investigations of DNA excision repair showed a severe defect in lymphocytes from the index case (residual repair activities were 10.6–12.1 per cent). The values for the mother, father, and sister were within the normal range when compared with a healthy control. In the pregnant mother, a prenatal diagnosis of PIBIDS was made by measuring UV-induced unscheduled DNA synthesis in cultivated amniotic fluid cells. Results ranged between 12.5 and 26.1 per cent depending on the UV doses applied and were consistent with an affected fetus. The parents opted for a termination of pregnancy. Following a therapeutic abortion, fetal skin fibroblasts were tested and showed a severe DNA excision-repair defect of 9.2–13.5 per cent of residual activity.  相似文献   

We describe the prenatal diagnosis of isolated bilateral fetal microphthalmia in a woman at increased risk of having a fetus with microphthalmia. Ultrasound examinations at 161 and 19-5 weeks' gestation demonstrated bilateral fetal microphthalmia with no other associated structural defects. The patient elected to terminate her pregnancy at 19.5 weeks. Pathological evaluation of the products of conception obtained by dilation and evacuation confirmed the prenatal diagnosis of isolated bilateral fetal microphthalmia.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a detailed study of the genetic prenatal diagnostic services available in Canada in 1990. All 22 genetic centres offering prenatal diagnostic services as well as the 64 laboratories processing samples were surveyed. Data were collected from each to determine what testing was being done, how many women were being tested, for what conditions, and with what outcomes. Also, data on the 35 formal outreach sites were collected. The statistics presented are for the 1990 calendar year. This survey was conducted for the Canadian Royal Commission on New Reproductive Technologies.  相似文献   

Mucolipidosis IV (ML 1V) is a lysosomal storage disease presenting in infancy with cloudy cornea and psychomotor retardation. Our experience with 12 pregnancies at risk for ML IV, monitored by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) studies of cultured amniotic fluid cells, is presented. The prenatal diagnoses were confirmed in the 3 affected and the 8 un- affected pregnancies. In the one pregnancy where no definite diagnosis was reached the pregnancy was terminated. TEM examination of fetal tissues from this pregnancy showed no abnormal lysosomal storage bodies and a review of the cultured amniotic fluid cell sections revealed that the diagnosis of a normal fetus could have been made.  相似文献   

Prenatal diagnosis of a fetus at risk for hypochondroplasia, a short limb dwarfism condition similar to achondroplasia, was performed by ultrasound at 22 weeks' gestation. The limb bones were measured and shown to be decreased in length. The pregnancy was terminated. Post abortion X-ray did not show caudal narrowing in the lumbar spine but the pelvis had the features of hypochondroplasia.  相似文献   

Prenatal paternity testing was evaluated by DNA analysis in chorionic villus biopsies obtained during the 7th-22nd weeks of gestation. Using highly polymorphic variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) probes, we analysed four cases consisting of mother/child/alleged father trios. In all cases, we were able to detect maternal and paternal alleles and could establish or exclude paternity. The application of DNA analysis represents a new important diagnostic aid for all cases that require a prenatal identification of paternity.  相似文献   

A 30-year-old woman had serial ultrasound scans from 28 weeks' gestation which revealed the presence of a cystic area in the fetal pelvis. The ‘cyst’ remained unchanged until delivery at 41 weeks. Fetal growth and amniotic fluid volume were normal throughout. A pelvic kidney was confirmed at birth. The differential diagnosis and antenatal management of this ‘cyst’ are discussed.  相似文献   

True microcephaly can be diagnosed at an early stage of gestation by serial measurements of fetal head growth as demonstrated by this case report in which the diagnosis of genetic microcephaly was made but termination refused. True microcephaly was evident at birth.  相似文献   

The frequency of mosaicism and pseudomosaicism in the prenatal diagnosis of cytogenetic disorders is reported, based on 3000 pregnancies studied in our laboratory. Diagnosis of true mosaicism was only made when an abnomality was detected in two or more independent cultures established from an amniotic fluid sample. On this basis, 0.37 per cent of all cases were diagnosed as true mosaics. 1.07 per cent of all cases had pseudomosaicism involving more than one cell from the same culture with an identical abnormality. 4.13 per cent of cases had a single abnormal cell with an extra chromosome, loss of a sex chromosome (or part of a sex chromosome), or translocation. Details of the outcome and follow-up of cases is given. Particularly problematical were cases where multiple cells from one culture contained an abnormality which could have been clinically significant. A crude estimate of the extent to which true mosaicism might currently be misinterpreted as pseudomosaicism or entirely missed has been made, based on data from the U.S. survey (Hsu and Perlis, in press). It was concluded that even when two, and if necessary a third culture is extensively analysed with an average of 24 cells per culture counted, at least 4.5 per cent of cases of true mosaicism may be completely missed and at least 7 per cent could be misdiagnosed as pseudomosaicism. There is an urgent need for improved laboratory techniques which allow growth of a greater number of cell colonies and therefore a more broadly based analysis. Detailed long term follow-up of prenatally diagnosed mosaics is also essential for assessing the clinical significance of the laboratory findings.  相似文献   

Amniocentesis and prenatal diagnosis were done for late maternal age and an abnormality consistent with Tetrasomy 21 (47,XX,+t(21;21)) was found in every cell examined of the initial amniotic fluid. Clinical examination revealed a fetus with many of the signs of Down Syndrome and pathological examination revealed gross abnormalities of the internal structures. Follow-up tissues showed mosaic Tetrasomy 21.  相似文献   

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