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More than 10 years after a chromosomal anomaly screening programme was set up in France for pregnant women of advanced age, amniocentesis is still a controversial issue. The reasons why eligible women did not utilize the test and whether or not the existence of social welfare coverage determined women's access to prenatal diagnosis were studied. A group of 291 women aged ⩾35 years who recently gave birth to normal liveborns was interviewed by telephone. Among those aged 38 years and over, who automatically qualified for social security coverage, 75 per cent had undergone amniocentesis as opposed to 23 per cent in the 35 to 37-year-old non-covered age group who did not qualify for social security coverage. In both groups, access to amniocentesis was found to depend on the physicians', women's and male partners' attitudes towards prenatal diagnosis and abortion. Among the younger group, the uptake depended mainly on socio-economic factors. Institutional policies should ensure greater equality of access while allowing for individual preferences.  相似文献   

The article presents the results of a 4-month-period survey by questionnaire among all women attending the Marseille Centre for Prenatal Diagnosis for amniocentesis. Socio-cultural status of women getting access to amniocentesis is significantly higher than in the general population of pregnant women in the same geographic area of south-eastern France. Sociocultural status is also higher among women who have to cover costs of procedure to get access to amniocentesis than among those who benefit from it free-of-charge according to French Social Security regulations. In contrast, risk perception and attitudes toward termination of pregnancy are similar in these two groups. A total of 24·4 per cent of respondents declared that they got access to amniocentesis ‘on their own initiative’, the remaining 75·6 per cent declaring that they ‘were following medical advice’. Multidimensional analysis shows that the women who do not benefit from free-of-charge amniocentesis, and who have a high level of education and no antecedents of fetal and perinatal deaths, are more likely to perceive themselves as ‘self-referring’. The study indicates that institutional coverage may be effective in reducing socio-cultural inequities in access to prenatal diagnosis. But such a policy may conflict with the respect of women' s individual autonomy in the amniocentesis decision.  相似文献   

This study examined rates of karyotype abnormalities in fetuses diagnosed by ultrasound as abnormal before 20 weeks' gestational age and which prompted a follow-up amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling. Those diagnosed before 20 weeks were compared with those diagnosed at or after 20 weeks. A retrospective study identified ultrasonographically abnormal fetuses in whom karyotyping had been undertaken, 306 fetuses before 20 weeks' gestational age and 241 after. Isolated malformations before 20 weeks had, on average, an 18 per cent risk of karyotype abnormality, compared with 20 per cent later. Specific rates were calculated; for example, heart abnormality was associated with karyotype abnormality in 7 per cent of cases before 20 weeks and in 14 per cent later. Multiple malformations and karyotype abnormalities were found together in 28 per cent of fetuses prior to 20 weeks and in 33 per cent of the older fetuses. Specific associations included nuchal oedema and trisomy 21 in 21 per cent of fetuses before 20 weeks. No karyotype abnormalities were found in fetuses diagnosed with choroid plexus cysts. An overview of trisomies in Victoria, in 1991, showed that 50 per cent of trisomy 18, 42 per cent of trisomy 13, and 9·5 per cent of trisomy 21 cases were identified by ultrasound in women less than 37 years of age. Another 28·6 per cent of trisomy 21 fetuses were detected in women of advanced maternal age who underwent amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling, making a total of 38·1 per cent of trisomy 21 that were detected prenatally. The importance of early karyotyping specifically relates to the ongoing management of the pregnancy if the chromosomes are normal, and facilitates decision-making regarding termination of pregnancy if the chromosomes are abnormal.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to describe the opinion of pregnant women who had accepted or declined an alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) test, not only on AFP screening in general, but also on whether every pregnant woman should be offered amniocentesis (AC)/chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and an ultrasound scan for fetal malformations. An additional aim was to describe pregnant women's attitudes concerning continued research in the prenatal field. The study was performed as a questionnaire study in two regions over a 1-year period from 1 October 1988 to 30 September 1989. Results are based on answers from 3331 women who had taken an AFP test and 336 women who had declined the offer of a test. A total of 79 per cent of the women thought that an AFP test, 70 per cent that an ultrasound scan for fetal malformations, and 26 per cent that AC or CVS should be offered to all pregnant women. Fifty-nine per cent of the women were positive towards continued research in the prenatal field. Women who had had an AFP test were generally much more positive towards screening and research than women who had declined, who were generally against. Women who had left school without a high school degree were on average more positive towards the screening issues than women who had this degree. In conclusion, the results obtained in this study strongly suggest that women's attitudes are very dependent on how the prenatal screening programme is already organized in their local area.  相似文献   

Based on 2890 prenatal diagnoses from 12 European countries the risk for a chromosomally abnormal fetus at amniocentesis after the birth of a child with a chromosome abnormality has been estimated to be 1.3 per cent when the mother's age is 34 years or less at amniocentesis and 1.8 per cent if the mother is older. This risk does not depend on paternal age, and it is independent of the type of the chromosome abnormality of the index child. Some geographical heterogeneities were detected. Therefore, the overall risk has to be considered as a rough estimate. The chromosome constitution of the abnormal fetus differed from that of the index patient in 21 of 41 cases. Several explanations for the higher risk have been discussed. If the index child had trisomy 18, 13 or a sex chromosome abnormality, the fetus tended to be a female. If the index child was a trisomy 21, the fetal sex ratio was normal.  相似文献   

Counselling in connection with prenatal diagnosis (PND) is a common task for the obstetrician and the midwife. However, the decision making processes of pregnant women are not completely known, for instance, the questions of women's autonomy, the decision on how to act in the case of an abnormal test, and the partner's participation in the decision. A questionnaire and interview study was carried out among 211 women undergoing PND by amniocentesis or chorionic villus biopsy. Most women in the sample indicated that PND was completely voluntary. However, at the same time almost every woman reported that it was difficult to decline from PND when offered. Even before the visit to register at the antenatal clinic, most of the women (83 per cent) had made up their minds to have PND. At the time of the test, many of the participants (62 per cent) had decided in favour of a legal abortion if the test indicated an abnormality in the fetus. At the same time, however, the data indicate a need for reflection and ambivalence, which the medical staff have to accept. In the questionnaire most of the women stated that they and their partners had similar attitudes towards PND, but when interviewed 38 per cent of the women admitted some differences between their own attitudes and their partners'. Although some women reported considerable deliberation and ambivalence, most of them said that they would undergo PND in another pregnancy.  相似文献   

A prospective study of maternal serum human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) measurement for the selection of pregnancies with an increased risk of fetal trisomy 21 was undertaken in 24 000 pregnancies from 1 January 1989 to 31 December 1990. Maternal serum was sampled at 15-18 weeks of gestation. hCG was measured in one laboratory, with one technique. This ‘hCG high level’ technique was developed for this screening. Amniocentesis was offered to each woman with a maternal serum hCG level above the cut-off. The follow-up of the pregnancies is known in 92 per cent of cases. The combination of hCG values and maternal age gave a detection efficiency of 63 per cent for trisomy 21 with rates of amniocentesis of 30 per cent for patients aged 37 years, 20 per cent for patients aged 35 or 36 years, and 5 per cent for patients under 35 years of age. Based on this prospective study, an individual risk was calculated combining the serum hCG value and maternal age. Seventy-four per cent of trisomy 13, trisomy 18, triploidy, and 5p- deletion were detected either in the same selected group of women or in combination with ultrasonography performed when hCG values were very low. The follow-up study showed that women who had high or low hCG values represented a group at high risk for fetal or perinatal death.  相似文献   

The effectiveness and costs of prenatal screening programmes for Down's syndrome using maternal serum markers will vary significantly depending on the biological cut-off values chosen in order to select women, at each maternal age, who will be sent for amniocentesis. On the basis of the first French prospective study of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) measurement in maternal serum, this paper shows that the screening protocol currently used in France, where hCG cut-off values are defined in order to offer amniocentesis to women of all ages with a 1 percent fetal risk of Down's syndrome, would detect 64·06 per cent of all cases of trisomy 21 at birth and would be highly profitable for the French social security system. On the basis of a representative sample of 100 000 pregnant women, the total costs of screening would reach $8 302 000 but would generate net potential savings of $32 186 000 in terms of life-long costs of care for trisomic 21 children which would be ‘avoided’ by termination of pregnancy following a positive diagnosis of Down's syndrome. Economic assessment shows that cost-benefit analysis would justify lower hCG cut-off values and a higher detection rate of fetal Down's syndrome (74·45 per cent) than the current French protocol. This paper concludes that it is ethical and value-laden issues, such as the consequences for women and couples of false positives and false negatives of screening, rather than economic and financial arguments that may set limits to the utilization of screening for Down's syndrome using maternal serum markers like hCG.  相似文献   

We report the results of screening for Down's syndrome (DS) in older women using published rate schedules based on maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (MSAFP) and age. Five hundred and seventeen patients aged 35 years and older, who were referred for a mid-trimester genetic amniocentesis, were first tested for MSAFP and then underwent an amniocentesis. Individual risks for DS, combining MSAFP and age, were derived using three different published rate schedules. Theoretical selection for amniocentesis was made using the cut-off level of the average collective risk for a 35-year-old woman (1:380 at live birth or 1:270 at amniocentesis). Six affected pregnancies (five with DS and one with trisomy 18), which were diagnosed prenatally, were all found to be at a higher risk than the specified cut-off. These cases would have been diagnosed in any event, using any of the published rate schedules. According to these rate schedules, between 39 and 45 per cent of the patients would be in the lower risk group and therefore would have been counselled not to undergo amniocentesis. Further studies should be conducted in order to reach conclusive screening policies for DS in older women.  相似文献   

A survey was conducted of the results of mid-trimester diagnostic amniocenteses in the Oxford Region from 1974 to 1981. The survey used data relating to all 4357 singleton pregnancies in which an amniocentesis was performed during this period. Follow-up information on outcome was obtained in respect of 4284 (98 per cent) pregnancies. A cell culture to determine karyotype and an alpha-fetoprotein determination was carried out in all cases. From 1974 to 1981 amniocenteses became increasingly common, rising from 2 to 32 per 1000 births. The most common indication for amniocentesis was a high risk of a chromosome abnormality–56 per cent of all amniocenteses. Within this group advanced maternal age was responsible for 89 per cent of the cases. The next most common indication was a high risk of a neural tube defect (37 per cent of all amniocenteses)–in 1974 a raised maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein level accounted for only 4 per cent of these; by 1981 this had risen to 67 per cent. There were seven false-positive and 132 true-positive diagnoses of neural tube defect; since 1981, with the introduction of amniotic fluid acetylocholinesterase determination as a secondary diagnostic test for neural tube defects, there have been no further false-positive diagnoses. In 1981 76 per cent of women aged 35 years or more did not have an amniocentesis. It is not known to what extent this was due to not offering women in this age group amniocentesis or to women not accepting such an offer.  相似文献   

This article discusses the results of a study of the stand and attitudes of physicians from the Picardie, Nord-Pas-de-Calais region in France and the province of Quebec (Canada) regarding abortion following the diagnosis of a fetal anomaly by ultrasound, amniocentesis, or chorionic villus sampling. The study examined the degree of acceptability of abortion for several specific conditions as well as the physicians' perceptions of their role in the women's decision to abort. The study shows a consensus (over 75 per cent of the physicians surveyed) for aborting a fetus with trisomy 21. There is a similar consensus, except among Francophones in Quebec, for muscular dystrophy, cystic fibrosis, and Huntington disease. Conversely, there is no consensus (below 60 per cent) for several anomalies. In these cases, Quebec Anglophone physicians find abortion more acceptable than Quebec Francophone or French physicians. Concerning the role of the practitioners in the decision to abort, physicians in France tend to be much more directive than their overseas colleagues. Several hypotheses are suggested to explain the difference between the three groups surveyed.  相似文献   

Two prenatal centres in New England, routinely using a screening protocol for fetal Down syndrome that included maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), unconjugated oestriol (uE3), and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) measurements in combination with maternal age, adopted a separate screening protocol for trisomy 18. That protocol identified a pregnancy as being at high risk when AFP, uE3, and hCG measurements all fell at or below specified cut-offs (0.75, 0.60, and 0.55 multiples of the median, respectively), regardless of maternal age. Among the first 19 491 women screened, 98 (0.5 per cent) were found to have values which placed them in the high-risk category. Four of these women were subsequently found not to be pregnant. In two others, samples from non-pregnant individuals were found to have been incorrectly submitted for analysis in place of the samples from the pregnant women. All of the remaining 92 women were counselled and offered amniocentesis and fetal karyotyping. Eighty-eight (96 per cent) accepted. Karyotypes or birth outcomes were available on all 92 pregnancies. Six cases of trisomy 18 and one case of Turner syndrome were identified by karyotype. One case of trisomy 18 was identified for every 14 unaffected pregnancies offered amniocentesis. In the present prospective study, an estimated 85 per cent of the cases of trisomy 18 were identified. However, given the small number ofcases (six), the 95 per cent confidence interval for the detection rate is broad (40–95 per cent).  相似文献   

Postpartum women ≧ 33 years were interviewed about their attitudes to and knowledge and use of prenatal diagnosis. Overall, 68 per cent had heard of prenatal diagnosis; nevertheless, only 30 per cent of those ≧ 35 had actually been tested. The only significant difference between eligible women who were tested and those who were not was maternal age. Of those tested, half requested it for themselves; conversely, only two-thirds of women requesting the procedure actually received it. Among women not tested, 82 per cent were never offered the procedure by the physician. Expressed attitudes to prenatal diagnosis were strongly positive among all women, with 75 per cent continuing to want testing after learning both their age-specific risk of having an affected child and the possible risks of amniocentesis. The data document a potential demand for amniocentesis far in excess of current use and present service facilities. They suggest, moreover, that underuse may reflect professional hesitation and underreferral more than consumer lack of demand or reluctance to be tested.  相似文献   

Over a 2-year period from January 1991 to December 1992, second-trimester maternal serum screening for Down's syndrome using alpha-fetoprotein (aFP), human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG), and unconjugated oestriol (uE3) was made available to five health districts in East Anglia, with a total population of 1·2 million. Amniocentesis was offered when the risk of Down's syndrome at term was 1:200 or greater. 25359 singleton pregnancies were screened, representing an uptake of 77 per cent. The recall rate for the 24 per cent of women who had not had a dating scan prior to the test was 9·4 per cent compared with 3·9 per cent for those who had been scanned (P<0·0005). Seventy-five per cent (36/48) of Down's syndrome pregnancies were detected for a false-positive rate of 4·0 per cent. Twenty-five out of 36 of detected Down's syndrome pregnancies were dated by scan prior to sampling, and in the 11 remaining cases, the dates were confirmed by scan after a high-risk result was obtained. The exclusion of uE3 from the screening protocol would have reduced the detection rate to 52 per cent (25/48) for the same false-positive rate. Eighty-five per cent of women identified at high risk accepted the offer of an amniocentesis. Other fetal abnormalities detected were trisomy 18 (3), trisomy 13 (2), 45,X (6), 69,XXX (5), other chromosome abnormalities (9), open neural tube defects (26), hydrocephalus (7), abdominal wall defects (4), and steroid sulphatase deficiency (6).  相似文献   

The management of isolated fetal choroid plexus cysts remains controversial. We have prospectively studied 15 565 pregnancies at two large obstetric units for the presence of choroid plexus cysts. In all cases where cysts were present at 19 weeks' gestation or greater, and were multiple, bilateral or solitary and greater than 5 mm maximum diameter, women were offered amniocentesis or placental biopsy, irrespective of the presence or absence of other abnormalities. Choroid plexus cysts were present in 152 (0·98 per cent) of cases. Four cases (2·6 per cent) of autosomal trisomy (three of trisomy 18, one of trisomy 21) were detected on prenatal karyotyping. In all cases, choroid plexus cysts were the only detectable prenatal anomaly. This study and a review of other large studies do not support the view that isolated choroid plexus cysts are a benign variant, the risk of trisomy being 1 in 82. Until further evidence is available, we recommend that cases of isolated fetal choroid plexus cysts at 19 weeks' gestation or greater should be offered prenatal karyotyping.  相似文献   

The uptake of amniocentesis in Wessex for the period 1986–1988 was 36 per cent (2873 of 8004 births), a proportion that has not altered significantly since 1984. There is a large difference in uptake between women in the lower risk age group, 35–36 years, and those in the higher risk group, 37 + years, and very considerable differences in uptake among different districts. The prenatal detection over the 3-year study period for women aged 35 or more, after correction for spontaneous loss of Down's syndrome fetuses between prenatal detection and birth, is 53 per cent, a figure that must be inflated due to our failure to ascertain all liveborn Down's syndrome patients.  相似文献   

The history of amniocentesis utilization in the seventh largest state of the United States is documented from its inception in 1972 through the first half of 1984. Amniocentesis utilization ratios for Ohio residents aged ⩾35 have increased from 0.21 per cent (19/9091) in 1972 to 23.4 per cent (1655/7531) in 1983, representing an average annual growth rate of 43.1 per cent. Of the amniocenteses performed from January 1, 1978–July 1, 1984, 71 per cent were referred for advanced maternal age (⩾35), 15 per cent for maternal anxiety (30–34), 10 per cent for family history or previous child with a genetic defect, and 4 per cent for other reasons. Between 1978-1983 utilization by women 45 years of age was only 20 per cent higher than women 35 even though their risk of giving birth to a Down syndrome child was about one order of magnitude higher. In addition, various factors were tested as to whether they affected utilization of amniocentesis by women ⩾35 during 1978 1983. A strong correlation of +0.89 existed between county population size and utilization ratios. No difference in utilization was found between whites and nonwhites, regardless of county population size. When utilization ratios were compared separately between Protestants, Catholics and other religions in Ohio's most populated county, no statistical differences were found. From 1978–July 1, 1984, the frequency of all cytogenetically abnormal chromosome results observed in Ohio amniocenteses to women ⩾35 was 2.48 per cent (187/7536). Of these, 2.15 per cent (162/7536) had unbalanced karyotypes. Future maximum amniocentesis utilization for women ⩾35 is estimated at 60–70 per cent.  相似文献   

In Sweden, about 20 per cent of women undergoing prenatal diagnosis (PND) have the test for‘psychological reasons’, which means that they strongly fear giving birth to a disabled child, but have not reached the age limit. Women undergoing amniocentesis or chorionic villus biopsy for these reasons (n = 38) were studied by questionnaires with regard to distress during test procedures. They were compared to women examined because of a known or strongly suspected high risk of giving birth to a congenitally disabled child (n = 27) and to women examined because of an age more than 37 years (n = 144). The most distressed were women who had a high genetic risk. The women who had the test because of their age reported less distress. Women examined for psychological reasons, were moderately distressed, but reported the highest frequency of influence by the distress on their daily living. Women in all groups, however, felt a similar support by the normal test result and reported the whole procedure as rather easy. Different psychological determinants of anxiety of giving birth to a disabled child are discussed. The‘psychological indication’ for PND means that the women' s private interpretation of her risk, and not only the statistical limit, motivates PND.  相似文献   

Risks appropriate for mid-trimester prenatal screening for autosomal trisomies have been estimated from a combination of maternal age and maternal serum (MS) alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) levels at 16–20 weeks gestation. Published data on the frequency of Down's syndrome births relative to maternal age were modified to include the additional age-related frequency of trisomy 18 and trisomy 13 cases to provide an overall risk for an autosomal trisomy at midtrimester. MSAFP results from a retrospective study of 142 affected (114 trisomy 21, 19 trisomy 18, and 9 trisomy 13)and 113 000 unaffected pregnancies were converted to multiples of the appropriate gestational median (MOM). The AFP levels in the autosomal trisomy pregnancies were found to be significantly reduced at 0.72 MOM of the unaffected pregnancies. Risks (likelihood ratios) were derived from the overlapping log Gaussian distributions for affected and unaffected pregnancies and combined with maternal age risks to give the overall odds of an affected pregnancy. A mid-trimester cut-off risk of 1:280 gave an estimated 37 per cent detection rate for autosomal trisomies in the west of Scotland population for a follow-up (false-positive) rate of 6.6 per cent. These figures compare with a 30 per cent detection and 6.7 per cent false-positive rate if age 35 years and over is used as the sole criterion for selection of at-risk pregnancies.  相似文献   

Nine centres collaborated to examine the feasibility of a screening method for trisomy 18 that was based on assigning individual risk, using a combination of maternal age and measurements of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), unconjugated oestriol (uE3), and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Second-trimester measurements of these analytes were obtained from 94 trisomy 18 pregnancies. In the 89 pregnancies without an associated open defect, the median levels for AFP, uE3, and hCG were 0.65, 0.43 and 0.36 multiples of the unaffected population median, respectively. The strongest individual predictor of risk for trisomy 18 was uE3, followed by hCG, AFP, and maternal age, in that order. Using a method of individual risk estimation that is based on the three markers and maternal age, 60 per cent of pregnancies associated with trisomy 18 would be detected at a risk cut-off level of 1:100, with a false-positive rate of about 0.2 per cent. One in nine pregnancies identified as being at increased risk for trisomy 18 would be expected to have an affected pregnancy. This risk-based screening method is more efficient than an existing method that is based on fixed analyte cut-off levels. Even though the birth prevalence of trisomy 18 is low, prenatal screening can be justified when performed in conjunction with Down syndrome screening and when a high proportion of women offered amniocentesis have an affected fetus.  相似文献   

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