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Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) is now currently offered for first trimester prenatal diagnosis of genetic disorders. Chromosome analysis of CVS in direct and culture preparations is possible using modifications of standard banding techniques. We summarize our experience in applying QFQ, GTG, RBG, CBG, DA/DAPI, NOR, and SC differentiation protocols to direct preparations. Characteristic chromosome regions are properly labelled by these techniques, and analysis of 300 band stage karyotypes is consistently achievable on GTG banded direct preparations. However, banding of CVS direct chromosomes has proved to be difficult, and the analysis needs to be backed up by culture preparations.  相似文献   

The possibility of preserving intact chorionic villi in culture medium for up to 7 days before establishing long-term cultures for prenatal chromosome analysis is demonstrated. The preserving itself had no negative effect on the growth capacity of the mesenchymal cells.  相似文献   

In order to increase the speed of analysis of metaphases from chorionic villi direct preparations, we have investigated the use of two automatic scanning devices, the Magiscan II and a version of Metafip (the research laboratory precursor of Cytoscan). The speed, efficiency, and ranking system have been compared to manual scanning. Results show that both machines detect approximately 80 per cent of the total analysable metaphases detected by a trained cytogeneticist. There appears to be reasonable agreement in ranking between methods.  相似文献   

Trisomy 18 in direct chorionic villus preparations needs further investigation since the chromosome abnormality may be confined to the placenta and may not represent the actual fetal karyotype. We performed, retrospectively, fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) with the chromosome 18 centromere probe (L1.84) on interphase nuclei of destained slides of all cases of full trisomy 18 (n=22) and mosaic trisomy 18 (n=8) detected among 7600 first-trimester chorionic villus samples during an 8-year period (1985–1992). More nuclei displaying three signals were encountered in cases of full and mosaic trisomy 18 confirmed in fetal tissue than in non-confirmed cases. FISH can be useful for the verification of trisomy 18 in direct chorionic villus preparations.  相似文献   

The trophoblast was dissociated from the underlying mesenchymal layer either with acetic acid after short-term prefixation or with mechanical power after fixation twice. The colcemid treatment time was shorted to 16 min and trypsin solution of low pH (6.2) was used for banding. By these steps, the quality of chromosome banding was greatly improved and complete standard chromosome diagnoses were made in 24 of 24 cases. With the modified technique, high resolution banding chromosomes were consistently obtained after short-term incubation.  相似文献   

First-trimester chorionic villus sampling has not reached the popularity of second-trimester amniocentesis in prenatal cytogenetic diagnosis, in contrast to initial expectations. We investigated whether a difference inthe diagnostic performances of cytogenetic investigation in amniotic fluid (AF) cells and chorionic villi in favour of AF-cells might justify this. Diagnostic performance was measured as laboratory failure rate, karyotype quality (G-band score, rate of follow-up samples, rate of wrong diagnoses), and karyotype representativity (rate of follow-up samples, rate of wrong diagnoses). From 1993–1999, 11 883 AF-samples were investigated (AF-cells). In chorionic villi, short term culture preparations solely were karyotyped from 1993–1996 (n=3499) (STC-villi), short and long-term culture preparations simultaneously provided a sufficient amount of tissue being available from 1997 onwards (n=1829) ((STC+LTC)-villi). Laboratory failure rates were the same after amniocentesis (0.40%) and chorionic villus sampling (0.50%). G-band scores (mean±SD) were equal in AF-cells (373±38.1) and LTC-villi (364±32.6) but significantly lower in STC-villi (311±34.6) (p=0.001). Follow-up sampling rates because of quality reasons were the same in AF-cells (0.14%), STC- villi (0.13%) and (STC+LTC)-villi (0.11%). Two wrong diagnoses turned up among AF-cells. Follow-up sampling rates because of representativity reasons differed significantly between AF-cells (0.10%), (STC+LTC)-villi (1.31%), and STC-villi (1.99%) (p<0.001). However, the ratios of the total numbers of follow-up samples and uncertain or abnormal cytogenetic results in STC, and (STC+LTC)-villi at cytogenetic risks ⩾3% (0.132 and 0.160, respectively) were equal to that in AF-cells at risks <3% (0.155). Two wrong diagnoses were made in STC-villi. Diagnostic performance improved in the rank order of STC-villi, (STC+LTC)-villi and AF-cells. At cytogenetic risks ⩾3%, (STC+LTC)-villi showed a diagnostic performance equal to that in AF-cells. This might justify a selective use of chorionic villus sampling. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In order to obtain a large set of normal control values, the activities of three cytosolic enzymes of purine metabolism and seven lysosomal enzymes were determined in homogenates of chorionic villi derived from induced abortions of normal pregnancies (7th–12th week) in about 100 individual cases. Possible reasons for the rather wide ranges of normal distributions of enzyme activities are discussed. The values are compared: (1) with available data in the literature; (2) with activities determined in decidual homogenates prepared from the same samples; (3) with activities of cells of cultures established and grown from villi in the same samples; and (4) with enzyme activities measured in chorionic biopsies using the same methods. Implications for the prenatal diagnosis of the associated metabolic diseases are considered.  相似文献   

Citrullinaemia was presumed to be excluded in a fetus at risk by the direct assay of argininosuccinate synthetase in chorionic villi. The diagnosis was confirmed after amniocentesis by normal argininosuccinate synthetase activity in the cultured amniotic fluid cells and by a normal citrulline concentration in the amniotic fluid. The prediction of a normal fetus was confirmed at term by the birth of a non-citrullinaemic boy.  相似文献   

A discrepancy is reported between the karyotype of both direct and cultured chorionic villus cells (46,XX) and a fetal skin biopsy (47,XX,+18). The significance of this result is discussed and compared with similar discordant findings reported in the literature.  相似文献   

Maternal cell contamination of chorionic villi (CV) samples used for first trimester prenatal diagnosis can cause obvious and/or unrecognized diagnostic dilemmas. The purpose of this investigation is to assess the frequency of maternal cell contamination (MCC) in chorionic villus samples and to evaluate selected parameters which might predict where contamination is more likely to have occurred. Maternal lymphocytes, chorionic villi from ultrasonically directed transcervical catheter aspiration, and fetal tissue were obtained at 8–11 weeks gestation from 45 patients undergoing elective termination. Quinacrine (Q) banded metaphases were compared from duplicate direct preparations of chorionic villi; cultured chorionic villi, fetal fibroblast tissue cultures, and maternal lymphocyte cultures. Q-polymorphisms in metaphase chromosomes were 100 per cent concordant between fetal tissue and direct CV preparation. However, evidence for maternal cell contamination occurred in 13.1 per cent of cultured chorionic villi preparations where polymorphisms were found to be identical between maternal and cultured CV and both distinct from fetal tissue preparations. Where MCC was identified, it was noted that CV cell cultivation interval was prolonged (24.2±6.8 days) compared with non-contaminated cultures (14.1±4.4 days) (p <0.05). We conclude that maternal cell contamination is a significant problem with chorionic villus sampling. Where direct preparations are not employed or when cultures are ‘slow growing’, MCC may be a significant and unrecognized complication re: fetal diagnosis. Direct preparations, multiple cultures, quinacrine banding, and maternal Q-polymorphism comparisons can minimize diagnostic dilemmas secondary to maternal cell contamination. Q-polymorphism comparisons between maternal and fetal chromosomes should be included in all instances where cultured chorionic villi are utilized for fetal diagnosis and where direct preparations are not available.  相似文献   

We studied 201 pregnancies that were established by in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (IVF–ET) and compared the frequency of cytogenetic abnormalities with that found in a large control population matched for indication group (advanced maternal age) and time of sampling. A total of 252 IVF–ET fetuses were cytogenetically analysed by either chorionic villus sampling (CVS; n = 80) or amniocentesis (n = 172). Eleven chromosome abnormalities were found in the CVS group (13·8 per cent); among them, a 45, X/46, X, dic(q11)/46, X, del(Y)(q11) mosaic that was found in an IVF pregnancy established by intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), four cases of trisomy 21, and three cases of trisomy 7 confined to the placenta. The results indicate a statistically significant three-to five-fold increase in both confined placental abnormalities (P<0·008) and true fetal chromosome anomalies (P<0·04). In the amniocentesis group, identical rates (1·7 per cent) of chromosome abnormalities were found in the IVF–ET and control groups. It is concluded that late first trimester, but not early second trimester, IVF–ET pregnancies are characterized by an increased frequency of cytogenetic abnormalities found at prenatal diagnosis.  相似文献   

Transabdominal chorionic villus sampling (TA-CVS) was performed in 210 pregnancies from 13 to 38 weeks using a double-needle technique. The sampling success was comparable to first-trimester TA-CVS and the diagnostic success rate was 98.2 per cent for the short-term technique and 99.3 per cent for cultured villi. Two fetuses could not be karyotyped. We found the chromosome quality to be similar to that in the first trimester, comparing the number of G-bands and other chromosome attributes. There were no unintended losses in a group (n = 142) with no sonographic abnormality, except for one death in utero at 38 weeks, 20 weeks after sampling. Chromosomal aberrations were seen in 19 per cent of cases with abnormal sonograms (n = 58). One case of a discordant karyotype was found (false-negative prediction of Down's syndrome by the short-term preparation). There were no cases of fetal demise due to feto-maternal bleeding. It is suggested that double-needle TA-CVS in advanced pregnancies combines the advantages of rapid karyotyping of chromosomes of good quality and low risk for the fetus, and seems to be easier to practise and is probably safer than cordocentesis.  相似文献   

In vitro characteristics of human fetal cells have been investigated after chorionic villus sampling at the first trimester and amniocentesis at the second trimester of pregnancy. Light microscopy revealed heterogeneous morphology of cell types in both the chorionic villus culture and the amniotic fluid cultures. Based on the experiments performed, chorionic villus cells are more sensitive to pronase, trypsin, and versene during subculture and have a higher DNA content per single cell and release more [125I]-Beta-human chorionic gonadotropin into culture medium than those found in amniotic fluid cells. The practical applications of this study are discussed.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic analysis was performed in 4860 chorionic villus samples by means of both direct preparation and long-term culture. The results of the analysis were compared with a classification including all theoretical types of combinations between the chromosomal constitution of the cytotrophoblast, extraembryonal mesoderm, and fetus, with the aim of evaluating the cytogenetic variability along the trophoblast—embryo axis. Eighteen of 29 possible combinations were found demonstrating a considerable heterogeneity. A mosaic conceptus was found in 1·5 per cent of cases, with generalized mosaicisms and confined mosaicisms in 0·2 and 1·3 per cent, respectively. Cytogenetic variability along the trophoblast—embryo axis was found in 1·42 per cent of cases. Results possibly leading to diagnostic errors (false-positive and false-negative results) were found in only 1·38 per cent. False-positive results of direct preparation were the most commonly observed discrepancy (0·8 per cent), while the incidence of false-positive results of the culture method and of both methods was 0·31 and 0·16 per cent respectively. The incidence of false-negative results was 0·1 per cent, with false-negative results of direct preparation 0·08 per cent and false-negative results of both methods 0·02 per cent. False-negative results of the culture method were not found. Our data confirm the high diagnostic accuracy of chorionic villus sampling and the utility of the combined use of the two methods in minimizing diagnostic errors and in reducing the need for follow-up amniocentesis.  相似文献   

以稻草为主要营养基质对平菇进行深层培养,研究了不同浓度(100、200、400、600、800 mg·L-1)直接湖蓝5B对平菇菌丝体产量的影响,以及平菇对不同浓度(100、150、200、250、300、400 mg·L-1)直接湖蓝5B的脱色率.此外,还研究了平菇分别与3种酵母菌(酿酒酵母、产朊假丝酵母和热带假丝酵母)混菌培养及用不同浓度(50、100、200、300、400 mg·L-1)直接湖蓝5B预适应培养的平菇菌种对木质素降解酶活性和直接湖蓝5B脱色率的影响.结果表明:100~400 mg·L-1的直接湖蓝5B均可显著提高了平菇菌丝体产量,而800 mg·L-1的染料对菌丝体的生长有显著抑制作用;染料浓度越高,平菇对其的脱色率越低,发酵时间越长,脱色效果越好.与平菇单菌发酵相比,平菇分别与酿酒酵母和产朊假丝酵母混菌培养可显著提高发酵体系漆酶的活性,平菇分别与所试3种酵母菌混菌培养时锰过氧化物酶活性均有显著增加,与产朊假丝酵母混菌培养时两种酶活性的增加量最大;用50、100、200 mg·L-1直接湖蓝5B预适应培养的菌种接种可显著提高平菇分泌的漆酶的活性,而50mg·L-1和100 mg·L-1的则显著提高锰过氧化物酶的活性.平菇分别与所试3种酵母混菌培养,以及用50 mg·L-1和100 mg·L-1直接湖蓝5B预培养的平菇菌种接种,发酵体系对直接湖蓝5B的脱色效果有显著促进作用,其中,平菇与产朊假丝酵母混菌培养时脱色率最高,达96.3%.通过比较直接湖蓝5B脱色率与漆酶、锰过氧化物酶活性之间的关系可以看出,漆酶、锰过氧化物酶活性与脱色率间基本呈正相关关系.  相似文献   

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