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We report a case of prenatal ultrasound diagnosis of frontonasal dysplasia. This represents a very rare disorder involving the face (hypertelorism, median cleft lip, absence of the nasal tip) and often the central nervous system (CNS) (cranium bifidum occultum, ethmoidal cephalocele, agenesis of the corpus callosum). Although several of the typical anomalies are diagnosable by ultrasound in utero (hypertelorism, median cleft lip, anterior cephalocele), very few cases have been reported prenatally, the present being only the third. In the present case, hemimegalencephaly is first reported among the anomalies possibly associated with frontonasal dysplasia. The diagnosis was made at 22 weeks' gestation and was confirmed by necropsy following termination of pregnancy. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Toriello–Carey syndrome is a rare malformative complex, described for the first time in 1988, characterized by agenesis of the corpus callosum, facial anomalies, cardiac defects and hypotonia. Relatively few neonatal cases have been reported. We describe here the first prenatal ultrasound diagnosis of the syndrome based on the detection of agenesis of the corpus callosum and spongious cardiomyopathy in a 22-week-old fetus of a couple with positive family history. The first sib of the couple was diagnosed with Toriello–Carey syndrome at 1 year of age, and had, in addition to the typical facial anomalies not detectable by ultrasound, agenesis of the corpus callosum and the same heart lesion (spongious cardiomyopathy). This report demonstrates that prenatal diagnosis of Toriello–Carey syndrome is feasible in the second trimester of pregnancy. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Apert syndrome was diagnosed in a newborn with typical facial and digital features whose only detected prenatal abnormality had been agenesis of the corpus callosum. This prompted a review of the central nervous system findings in all cases of Apert syndrome treated at the Craniofacial Center Boston Children's Hospital between 1978 and 2004. Two of 30 patients with Apert syndrome had prenatal identification of mild dilatation of the lateral cerebral ventricles and complete agenesis of the corpus callosum (ACC) documented with both ultrasound and MRI. Both had the common S252W mutation of FGFR2. Though cranial and orbital malformations typical of Apert were eventually seen in these fetuses in the third-trimester, even in retrospect, these were not detectable at mid second-trimester, ultrasound screening for congenital malformations. Hand malformations also went undetected in the second-trimester despite extensive imaging by experienced radiologists. We conclude that prenatal ultrasonographic identification of mild ventriculomegaly or ACC should stimulate a careful search for features of Apert syndrome and prompt follow-up imaging to look for bony abnormalities that have later onset. Prenatal molecular testing for Apert mutations should be considered in cases of mild ventriculomegaly and ACC. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A case of del(15)(q11q13) was detected in amniotic fluid cell cultures and confirmed by cordocentesis in a 27-year-old woman with a low maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein level. The fetus was shown to have a short femoral length on ultrasonography. This structural chromosome abnormality associated with the prenatal ultrasonographic findings and the morphological characteristics visualized after termination of pregnancy strongly suggest Prader-Willi syndrome.  相似文献   

Ultrasound examination of a 31-year-old woman at 27 weeks' gestation revealed fetal growth retardation, a bilateral cleft lip and palate, and the absence of median cerebral structures. Chromosome analysis after cordocentesis showed an abnormal karyotype with a structural abnormality of the long arm of chromosome 7: 46,XX,—7,+der(7), t(7;18) (q34;q21.3)mat. The pregnancy was terminated at week 29. The ultrasound findings were confirmed by post-mortem examination, which also revealed a semilobar holoprosencephaly.  相似文献   

A 17-year-old woman was referred for amniocentesis due to a low maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) concentration in a voluntary screening test. The fetal karyotype was 48,XXYY, and the pregnancy was terminated. Autopsy of the fetus disclosed agenesis of the corpus callosum and unusual facial features.  相似文献   

We present a pregnant woman with a fetus prenatally diagnosed as 46, XY,der(4) t(4;12) (q35.1; q21.2). This defect resulted from the unbalanced segregation of a paternal balanced translocation, t(4;12) (q35.1; q21.2). Prenatal ultrasound revealed borderline ventriculomegaly, a thick nuchal fold, pericardial effusion, arthrogryposis, a single umbilical artery, and micropenis. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with whole chromosome painting probe and microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization analysis further confirmed chromosomal gain of terminal 12q. The woman had her pregnancy terminated at 20 weeks of gestational age. When compared with previously reported cases, the proband had characteristics common to the phenotypes of partial trisomy 12q, including an abnormal facial appearance and multiple anomalies. Additionally, this case had previously unreported phenotypes, such as arthrogryposis, a single umbilical artery, and a micropenis. Regarding the outcome of partial trisomy 12q, the fetuses carrying trisomies distal to 12q24 have a good chance of extended postnatal survival. In contrast, the cases with trisomies involving a larger amount of 12q likely die prenatally or within a few days after birth. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A prenatal diagnosis of partial monosomy 18p(18p11.2→pter) and trisomy 21q(21q22.3→qter) in a fetus with alobar holoprosencephaly (HPE) and premaxillary agenesis (PMA) but without the classical Down syndrome phenotype is reported. A 27-year-old primigravida woman was referred for genetic counselling at 21 weeks' gestation due to sonographic findings of craniofacial abnormalities. Level II ultrasonograms manifested alobar HPE and median orofacial cleft. Cytogenetic analysis and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) on cells obtained from amniocentesis revealed partial monosomy 18p and a cryptic duplication of 21q,46,XY,der(18)t(18;21)(p11.2;q22.3), resulting from a maternal t(18;21) reciprocal translocation. The breakpoints were ascertained by molecular genetic analysis. The pregnancy was terminated. Autopsy showed alobar HPE with PMA, pituitary dysplasia, clinodactyly and classical 18p deletion phenotype but without the presence of major typical phenotypic features of Down syndrome. The phenotype of this antenatally diagnosed case is compared with those observed in six previously reported cases with monosomy 18p due to 18;21 translocation. The present study is the first report of concomitant deletion of HPE critical region of chromosome 18p11.3 and cryptic duplication of a small segment of distal chromosome 21q22.3 outside Down syndrome critical region. The present study shows that cytogenetic analyses are important in detecting chromosomal aberrations in pregnancies with prenatally detected craniofacial abnormalities, and adjunctive molecular investigations are useful in elucidating the genetic pathogenesis of dysmorphism. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present the case of a pregnant woman with low free β-HCG in maternal serum Down syndrome screening that led to prenatal diagnosis of a fetus with 46,XY,der(4)t(4;11)(p14; q25). This chromosomal aneuploidy resulted from unbalanced segregation of a paternal balanced translocation, t(4;11)(p14;q25). Prenatal ultrasound revealed intrauterine growth restriction, cleft lip and palate, a thick nuchal fold, a single umbilical artery, and pyelectasis. Array-based comparative genomic hybridization and short tandem repeat markers further located the exact breakpoint of translocation. The woman had her pregnancy terminated at 23 weeks of gestational age. The proband had general appearance of Wolf–Hirschhorn syndrome and some unique findings, including single umbilical artery, severe immunoglobulin deficiency, scalp defect, and underlying bony defect. Our case underscores the importance of fetal karyotyping when low maternal serum free β-HCG is found. It also adds information on the fetal presentations of monosomy 4p14→pter and trisomy 11q25→qter. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Asplenia associated with situs ambiguus, symmetric liver, bilateral trilobulated lungs, and a complex heart defect was diagnosed on autopsy in a 14-day-old infant. Furthermore, examination of the brain displayed agenesis of the corpus callosum (ACC) with pachygyria and hydrocephalus. The characteristic association of asplenia with visceroatrial heterotaxia is traditionally named after the Swedish pediatrician, Ivemark. Although exceptional, association of Ivemark syndrome with callosal agenesis has been reported recently. The concept of ‘developmental fields’ describes morphogenetically reactive units of the embryo determining and controlling the development of complex structures in a hierarchical manner. Lateralization defects such as situs inversus, asplenia or polysplenia due to defective left–right axis development, as well as decussation defects such as ACC, are considered as defects of the primary developmental field. Therefore, additional callosal agenesis in Ivemark syndrome may be a coherent and synchronic defect in the primary developmental field rather than a causally independent malformation. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Prenatal counselling for fetal agenesis of the corpus callosum is difficult as the prognosis until now has been so uncertain. We have reviewed the current world English literature to provide the best probabilistic information for prospective parents. In total, there are 70 cases where the diagnosis was made prenatally. The diagnosis of apparently isolated agenesis of the corpus callosum (in the absence of other sonographically detectable anomalies) appears to carry an excellent prognosis, with an 85 per cent chance of a normal developmental outcome and a 15 per cent risk of handicap. Fetal karyotyping is recommended as there is a 1 in 10 risk of aneuploidy. If other anomalies are detected prenatally, the outcome is very poor. Termination of pregnancy is advised in these circumstances.  相似文献   

The presence of two independent translocations in one person is rare. Herein, we report the prenatal diagnosis of two sibling fetuses with holoprosencephaly, whose father is a carrier of double translocations. The karyotype of the father is 46,XY, t(1;7) (q32;q32), t(14,15) (q32.1;q26.3). The two fetuses had variable facial dysmorphisms and identical cytogenetic abnormality—a derivative (7) t(1;7) (q32;q32) inherited from the father. The proband 1 showed a small mouth, a single median eye and a proboscis above the eye, while the proband 2 showed hypotelorism, a flat nose, cleft lip and cleft palate. Both fetuses also had alobar holoprosencephaly. Haploinsufficiency of the sonic hedgehog gene at 7q36 does account for the occurrence of holoprosencephaly in the two fetuses with a deletion of distal 7q (7q32 → qter). Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Many authors have suggested that individuals affected by a terminal 1q deletion display a phenotypically definable and recognizable syndrome. In all of the 27 cases reported to date, the breakpoints were at band q42 or distally to it. To our knowledge, we report the first case of a terminal 1q41 deletion. Diagnosis was made prenatally by amniocentesis, following ultrasonographic diagnosis of omphalocele, cerebral ventriculomegaly, and increased nuchal fold thickness in a 19-week female fetus. Multiple facial and extremity features were consistent with the proposed distal 1q deletion syndrome; omphalocele, however, has not been reported previously. The absence of liver herniation into the omphalocele sac in this case supports the previously reported association of this finding with chromosomal anomalies.  相似文献   

We present a case of prenatal diagnosis of a de novo (7;19)(q11.2;q13.3) translocation associated with ultrasound features, including enlarged cisterna magna, normal vermis, thick corpus callosum, micrognathia, small and low-set ears and right hyperechogenic kidney. Karyotyping was performed at 24 weeks of gestation. Termination of pregnancy was accepted at the parents' request. Postmortem examination confirmed the prenatal findings, but revealed bilateral Wilms tumors of the kidneys. Parental karyotype was normal. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We diagnosed a pure partial trisomy of the long arm of chromosome 1 in a fetus with multiple malformations detected prenatally. The father was a carrier of a balanced rearrangement involving 46,XY,inv(1)(qter→p36::q32→qter::p36→q32). The fetus had preaxial polydactyly, low-set ears, macrocephaly, a prominent forehead, a broad and flat nasal bridge, a small mouth, an arched palate, micrognathia and unilateral renal agenesis. The couple had previously an infant with the same phenotypic abnormalities. The aberration was initially detected on amniocentesis with GTG banding and was confirmed by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Our case and other published pure trisomy 1q32-44 cases showed similarities, which allowed the further delineation of the trisomy 1q syndrome. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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