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Four hundred and thirty early amniocenteses (EAC) from 10 to 14 weeks' gestation were compared with 300 routine amniocenteses (RAC) from 15 weeks' gestation (control A) and 733 routine amniocenteses from 16 to 18 weeks' gestation (control B) with regard to success rates, various growth parameters, and cytogenetic results. Using both in situ and trypsiniz-ation techniques, the success rate was 99·8 per cent for EAC versus 100 per cent for RAC. The average turn-around time for establishing a diagnosis was 8·4 days in EAC versus 8·3 days in 15 weeks' specimens (n.s.) and 7·7 days in 16 to 18 weeks' specimens (p ≦ 0·0001) for the last 200 samples. The banding quality of early specimens compared favourably with that of controls (both 500–550 bphs) and was much better than that in long-term cultured chorionic villus sampling (CVS) (350–400 bphs). For level I and level II mosaicism, no statistically significant differences were noted between EAC and control group A. Comparing EAC with control group B, a significant increase in the number of numerical and structural single cell aberrations was observed (p ≦ 0·025 and p ≦ 0·001, respectively), whereas for multiple cell aberrations only the increase in numerical aberrations was statistically significant (p ≦ 0·001) (x2-test). Clinical problems arising from the detection of mosaicism were solved in all cases by investigating parallel cultures. It is concluded that early amniocentesis is a reliable procedure which permits prenatal diagnosis of numerical and structural chromosome aberrations to a high standard.  相似文献   

We report the results of 23 prenatal diagnoses performed at the 11th or 12th week of gestation by the simultaneous analysis of chorionic villi (for direct or indirect enzymatic analysis) and cell-free amniotic fluid (for search of accumulated catabolites). For six cases of citrullinaemia, four cases of argininosuccinic aciduria, seven cases of propionic acidaemia, and six cases of methylrnalonic acidaemia, three discrepancies were observed between the two methods used. The amniotic fluid analysis for accumulated catabolites seems to be a safe method and should always be used in conjunction with the enzymatic assays performed for the prenatal diagnosis of these diseases.  相似文献   

We report our cytogenetic experience of 1554 early amniocenteses between weeks 11 and 14 of gestation, of which 44 per cent were performed prior to week 14. The mean culture time was 14·5 days. Karyotyping was successful in 99·7 per cent of cases. In 9·9 per cent of cases, there was pseudomosaicism with a high rate of loss of an X-chromosome and structural aberration of chromosome 1, which may be due to the Chang medium. The mosaic rate was 0·5 per cent. The overall aberration rate was 2·8 per cent. Our data confirm the reliability of early amniocentesis, which is a serious alternative to standard amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling (CVS).  相似文献   

Prior to a prospective application of amniotic fluid (AF) cell filtration to early amniocentesis, we tested the technique on a surplus from mid-trimester samples. By using the same sample size of 5 ml in experiments with a filter and in routine diagnostic procedures (control), we evaluated an optimal filter system. The prolonged culture time of filtered cells and the reduced number of clones are most probably due to mechanical stress (filtration pressure), whereas loss of the cells by adhesion to the filter system, and an AF-free culture medium (growth factors) are suggested to be less important. The AF cells are very sensitive to mechanical stress. Slow filtration (⩽3 ml AF/min) through filters with a high porosity and the largest possible pore size should be preferred. A mixed cellulose ester filter membrane with a pore size of 5·0 μm proved to be the most efficient, allowing harvest of the filtered cells after only a slight prolongation of the culture time (+2·4 days) compared with unfiltered aliquots. A filter set with a bypass connected by three-way taps allows cell filtration during either aspiration or reinjection of the AF. Cell filtration after amniocentesis and consecutive reverse flushing of the membrane with the appropriate amount of culture medium proved to be the best with regard to easy handling and reducing the risk of bacterial contamination.  相似文献   

Data were tabulated and compared for cases involving prenatal diagnostic procedures performed in the 8 years between January 1985 and December 1992. Of a total of 2781 pregnancies, 2546 cases (91·5 per cent) were diagnosed by amniocentesis, and 235 (8·5 per cent) by chorionic villus sampling (CVS). These findings reflect the fact that amniocentesis has taken deep root as the prenatal diagnostic procedure widely acknowledged by society, whereas even the existence of CVS has yet to be generally recognized. Analysis of our clinical and laboratory results and complication rates, however, suggests that CVS is a safe and accurate alternative to amniocentesis which should and can be positively presented to all patients who are candidates for prenatal diagnosis.  相似文献   

The experiences with 1500 midtrimester prenatal diagnoses are reported. Abnormal findings of amniotic fluid investigations led to 43 therapeutic abortions. In ± 30 percent of the chromosome anomalies diagnosed, the significance of the effect on fetal development was inconclusive. The outcomes of all pregnancies except one are known. Fetal loss and perinatal mortality involved 69 cases, 23 (33 percent) of which occurred within three weeks after amniocentesis. In these 23 cases there appeared to be a relationship between the degree of experience of the gynaecologist and fetal loss: 3·7 percent when this experience was limited to a maximum of 10 punctures diminishing to 0·3 percent with an experience of more than 50 punctures. It is concluded that the risk of an abortion due to amniocentesis decreases as the gynaecologist becomes more experienced with the puncture technique.  相似文献   

Genetic amniocentesis performed at 7–14 weeks of gestation was studied in a series of 138 patients of whom 50 wanted termination of pregnancy (⩽ 12 weeks). The material for analysis consisted of 132 samples due to two sampling failures and four samples being handled incorrectly. Forty-eight samples (36 per cent) were taken at 7–12 weeks of gestation, mainly transvaginally (36/48:75 per cent). The success rate of culture and karyotyping increased with the duration of pregnancy, but was only satisfactory from week 11 onwards. The time until harvest was then 14–15 days. The transvaginal approach is easy to perform and was accepted by the women, but we experienced bacterial or fungal overgrowth in 17 per cent of these samples, whereas no infection occurred in the samples taken transabdominally (n = 96). We conclude that genetic amniocentesis is feasible from week 11, but further studies concerning side effects, especially focusing on the procedure-related abortion risk, should be carried out before early amniocentesis is routinely applied.  相似文献   

From the public health point of view, several formal attempts have been made to measure the impact of prenatal diagnosis (PND) on the incidence of Down's Syndrome (DS), but the results have varied widely. The impact of PND (reduction in the birth rate of chromosomally abnormal neonates) is related to utilization rates but quantitative estimates of this have not been established. In a three-year (1981–1983) total population study from Queensland, Australia, we present results to measure the impact of a voluntary PND programme on the birth incidence of DS, and also other chromosomally abnormal births. Utilization rates for the PND service were 15·5 per cent in that population of mothers 35 years and over. Numbers and rates of all cases of chromosomal abnormalities are presented, subclassified by type of diagnosis–-either by PND or by clinical diagnosis after birth. For the total population, 7·3 per cent of cases of DS were detected prenatally, and 15·4 per cent of all chromosome abnormalities. (A method for measuring the impact of PND is described.) Using this in conjunction with our demographic data, we estimate that with a 15 per cent utilization rate of PND by older mothers, 14 per cent of DS births can be prevented in this age group, or a 5 per cent overall reduction can be achieved if mothers of all ages are considered. One index–-the ratio of the percentage of DS births which are preventable compared with the population utilization rates of PND–-has potential for widespread use. Queensland data for this ratio is 0·34, a figure consistent with that from other studies. Thus a 3·5 per cent drop in the overall DS birth rate may be expected for each 10 per cent increase in the utilization rates of PND for mothers of 35 years and over. A diagram is presented which may serve as a model for improved data collection and better impact estimates in the future.  相似文献   

Chorion biopsy was performed in 165 cases at 6–12 weeks of pregnancy, following an ultrasonic or embryo-fetoscopic chorion frondosum localization. One hundred patients had their biopsies taken immediately before induced abortion. In 39 cases abortion was carried out 5–10 days after biopsy. In 26 pregnant patients biopsy was performed for genetic reasons. Fetal sex was determined in ‘native’ smears from biopsy specimens for cytological investigation, using X- and Y-chromatin assays. Fetal sex diagnosis proved correct in all the cases. In 40 observations, the origin of the biopsy specimen was histologically checked. In 16 biopsy specimens, a number of enzymes were simultaneously assayed: β-D-ghcosidase, β-D-galacto-sidase, β-D-hexosaminidase, β-D-glucuronidase, α-L-fucosidase, β-D-mannosidase, sphingo-myelinase and arylsulphatase A. The levels of the above enzymes were compared to those observed in tissue cultures of amniotic cells obtained through amniocentesis at 16–18 weeks of pregnancy. The amniotic sac remained intact in all cases of chorion biopsy. If the pregnancy was maintained after the biopsy, no spontaneous abortions were recorded, and pregnancies resulted in the timely delivery of full-term healthy infants. Therefore, the method described is a valuable means of diagnosing inherited disorders, with promising applications in prenatal medicine.  相似文献   

Ten-ml samples of amniotic fluid were taken from pregnancies being terminated at 8–14 weeks' gestation. DNA was extracted from the amniotic cells by sequential centrifugation and analysed using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Fifteen samples were analysed for evidence of maternal contamination using Mfd5 oligo-nucleotide primers for repeat polymorphisms. Ten amniotic fluid samples were tested for the Delta-F508 deletion characteristic of cystic fibrosis to demonstrate a diagnostic application for the technique. In each case, DNA extracted from fetal tissue from the same pregnancy was included in the controls. In 14 of the 15 cases tested with the Mfd5 primers, both the amniotic fluid DNA and the fetal DNA showed no evidence of contaminating DNA. In one case, neither the amniotic fluid cells nor the fetal cells yielded results. In nine of the ten cases tested with the Delta-F508 primers, the amniotic fluid cell DNA provided accurate information about the genetic status of the fetus; in the tenth, the fetal DNA failed to amplify. The results indicate that adequate DNA can be extracted from amniotic fluid from 8 weeks' gestation onward and these samples are suitable for prenatal diagnosis using PCR.  相似文献   

Between May 1987 and November 1988, 505 early amniocentesis within the 15th week of gestation were performed at the First Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,‘L. Mangiagalli’ of the University of Milan and at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of ‘Gaslini’ hospital in Genoa. A total number often abnormal fetal karyotypes were diagnosed. In addition, one case of pseudomosaicism (not confirmed on fetal blood) and one case of osteogenesis imperfecta type II (observed at ultrasound examination) were also detected. Eleven pregnancies were therefore terminated because of an abnormal fetus. Out of 494 pregnancies (excluding terminated pregnancies) there were 16 fetal losses within the 28th week; ten of these occurred in the 2 weeks following the procedure. There were 475 live-births, of which 447 were term deliveries and the other 28 deliveries occurred before the 37th week of gestation.  相似文献   

Previously published reports have indicated that idiopathic polyhydramnios may be associated with trisomies 18 and 21 and that chromosomal analysis is indicated. Furthermore, the natural history and fetal outcome of polyhydramnios diagnosed in early gestation have not been well delineated. We identified 138 pregnancies with polyhydramnios prior to 26 weeks' gestation. Of 131 complete cases, 21 were diagnosed as severe, 18 as moderate, and 92 as mild polyhydramnios. Congenital abnormalities were noted in 18 of 21 severe cases (86 per cent). Two of the remaining three cases were twin-to-twin transfusion. Thirteen of 18 cases with moderate polyhydramnios (72 per cent) were associated with anomalies; six of the remaining cases were twin-to-twin transfusion. Sixteen of 92 cases of mild polyhydramnios (17 per cent) were associated with congenital abnormalities. In 69 of 76 cases of mild hydramnios not associated with anomalies (91 per cent), the hydramnios resolved prior to delivery. Only 2 of 16 (13 per cent) associated with anomalies resolved. In 4 of 5 cases (80 per cent) with moderate hydramnios and no anomalies, the amniotic fluid volume was normal on subsequent ultrasound. No case of moderate polyhydramnios associated with anomalies or maternal conditions nor any case of severe polyhydramnios resolved. There were seven cases of chromosomal abnormalities in this series; all were associated with sonographic findings in addition to the presence of polyhydramnios. On the basis of these data, we doubt the benefit of amniocentesis following the early diagnosis of idiopathic polyhydramnios in the absence of other ultrasound findings.  相似文献   

Early amniocentesis from 9 to 14 weeks' gestation provides a safe and accurate method of prenatal diagnosis of cytogenetic and biochemical disorders. There was a 100 per cent success rate in culturing the amniotic cells from 222 samples obtained between 9 and 14 weeks' gestation. Follow-up of the patients to delivery revealed an abortion rate of 1·4 per cent. Among the 207 live- and stillborn infants, only one had a congenital abnormality (bilateral talipes equino-varus) and no infant had respiratory distress syndrome or pneumonia. Eleven pregnancies were terminated following the detection of a chromosomal, biochemical, or congenital abnormality (5·0 per cent). However, before the procedure of early amniocentesis becomes routine clinical practice, it requires appraisal by a randomized clinical trial.  相似文献   

Amniocentesis performed at the 12th week and later gives reliable results. The procedure can be performed using regimens developed for mid-trimester amniotic fluid (AF) cells. Extension to the 10th–11th week is, in principle, feasible. However, the high cytogenetic failure rate is a difficulty and despite a high clone count, the culture time is prolonged. The problem of the relatively high loss of AF could be overcome by cell filtration techniques and replacement of the fluid. Because of the short turnover rate of the AF, this may be unnecessary or replacement with an isotonic solution may be sufficient. (Pseudo)mosaicism appears to occur more frequently in early than in late amniocentesis. As yet, data are too sparse to allow a comparison with chorionic villus sampling. There are no reliable follow-up data from which to estimate the abortion rate and the number of embryonic malformations.  相似文献   

We present six cases of 47,+i(5p)/46 mosaicism diagnosed at chorionic villus sampling (CVS), this being the first prospective series to be reported. The clinical indication in each was advanced maternal age. Further prenatal studies in four (amniocentesis, plus fetal blood sampling in one) did not show the isochromosome. In one case, subsequent amniocentesis showed 1/48 in situ colonies with the isochromosome, but fetal blood was karyotypically normal. These five pregnancies resulted in phenotypically normal livebirths; further normal follow-up reports (from age 4 months through 4 years) are noted in four of these. Analysis of placental tissue in one case confirmed the presence of the i(5p) mosaicism. In the remaining case, in which 100% of CVS cultured cells had the i(5p), the pregnancy was terminated. Fetal skin fibroblasts did not show the i(5p). Thus, in none of these six cases was true fetal mosaicism detected, nor an abnormal phenotype noted. We suggest that a 47,+i(5p)/46 karyotype, detected at CVS, may frequently reflect confined placental mosaicism. In addition, we report a case of the primary diagnosis of 47,+i(5p)/46 mosaicism at amniocentesis. The infant appeared normal at birth, but a brain malformation was subsequently identified. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The survey of the incidence of chromosome mosaicism and pseudomosaicism detected in prenatal diagnosis included data from approximately 60 000 genetic amniocenteses in the United States. There were 59 participating cytogenetic laboratories nationwide. The overall incidence of chromosome mosaicism was 0.25 per cent (range of 0–0.89 per cent). The average frequency of pseudomosaicism involving multiple cells or clones was 0.7 per cent (range of 0–11.21 per cent). The frequency of single cell or clone pseudomosaicism was 2.47 per cent (range of 0–11.49 per cent). In cases of pseudomosaicism with trisomy, the most frequently involved chromosome was number 2; occurrence rates of trisomies 7,X,9,17 and 20 were also relatively high. In cases of pseudomosaicism with structural abnormalities, this survey showed an association between relative chromosome size and the frequency of involvement in structural rearrangement. Data on a total of 185 cases of chromosome mosaicism collected in this survey as well as from other documented sources showed 89 cases involved an autosome, 13 cases a sex chromosome, and 23 a marker chromosome. The frequency of noticeable phenotypic abnormalities was highest (37.8 per cent) in the autosomal mosaics and lowest (10.5 per cent) in the sex chromosome mosaics. The average rate for cytogenetic confirmation was 70 per cent.  相似文献   

A report is given of the results of a European collaborative study on mosaicism, pseudomosaicism and single abnormal cells in amniotic fluid cell cultures. The mean frequency of cases with mosaicism was 0.10 per cent, with pseudomosaicism 0.64 per cent and with single abnormal cells 2.83 per cent in a series of 44 170 amniotic fluid samples. There was no significant difference between the colony (in situ) and the flask method with regard to the frequency of mosaicism. Pseudomosaicism and single abnormal cells were more frequent in cases studied with the flask method probably due to other factors than the method of cultivation of the cells. The frequency of maternal cell contamination was 0.17 per cent and the frequency of wrong sex assignment was 0.11 per cent. A more correct estimation is obtained if these frequencies are doubled. There was a considerable variation between laboratories with regard to the frequencies given above. One reason for this variation is that there are no sharp limits between mosaicism, pseudomosaicism and single abnormal cells. Thus the material contained cases diagnosed as having pseudomosaicism which turned out to be mosaics at birth and to have an abnormal phenotype. These cases were very rare but pose a definite problem in prenatal cytogenetic diagnosis.  相似文献   

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is the most common cause of intrauterine infection. Recent publications show amniocentesis to have an 81–100 per cent sensitivity in antenatal diagnosis after 21 weeks' gestation. Testing before 21 weeks' gestation is less well documented. We performed 36 amniocenteses between 14 and 20 weeks' gestation. The sensitivity was 45 per cent and the specificity 100 per cent. Implications and possible causes of this low sensitivity are discussed.  相似文献   

The frequency of mosaicism and pseudomosaicism in the prenatal diagnosis of cytogenetic disorders is reported, based on 3000 pregnancies studied in our laboratory. Diagnosis of true mosaicism was only made when an abnomality was detected in two or more independent cultures established from an amniotic fluid sample. On this basis, 0.37 per cent of all cases were diagnosed as true mosaics. 1.07 per cent of all cases had pseudomosaicism involving more than one cell from the same culture with an identical abnormality. 4.13 per cent of cases had a single abnormal cell with an extra chromosome, loss of a sex chromosome (or part of a sex chromosome), or translocation. Details of the outcome and follow-up of cases is given. Particularly problematical were cases where multiple cells from one culture contained an abnormality which could have been clinically significant. A crude estimate of the extent to which true mosaicism might currently be misinterpreted as pseudomosaicism or entirely missed has been made, based on data from the U.S. survey (Hsu and Perlis, in press). It was concluded that even when two, and if necessary a third culture is extensively analysed with an average of 24 cells per culture counted, at least 4.5 per cent of cases of true mosaicism may be completely missed and at least 7 per cent could be misdiagnosed as pseudomosaicism. There is an urgent need for improved laboratory techniques which allow growth of a greater number of cell colonies and therefore a more broadly based analysis. Detailed long term follow-up of prenatally diagnosed mosaics is also essential for assessing the clinical significance of the laboratory findings.  相似文献   

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