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Prenatal diagnosis of cystic hygromata by means of ultrasound examination is possible and highly accurate. Although this is usually associated with Turner's syndrome especially if there is co-existent hydrops fetalis we report three cases in which cystic hygromata were associated with trisomies; two cases of trisomy 21 and one of trisomy 18.  相似文献   

Mosaic trisomy 9 was detected in an amniotic fluid cell culture from a 40-year-old woman evaluated because of advanced maternal age. After counselling, parents elected to terminate the pregnancy. On autopsy the fetus was found to have hydrocephalus and a single kidney. The diagnosis of trisomy 9 mosaicism was confirmed in cultured skin fibroblasts. This is the third reported case of trisomy 9 mosaicism diagnosed prenatally.  相似文献   

Central nervous system anomalies in trisomy 18 are usually confined to structural abnormalities of brain development. Despite the recognized association of neural tube defects and trisomy 18, primary (true) anencephaly is uncommon in the classical trisomy 18 phenotype. A case of anencephaly with trisomy 18, diagnosed prenatally, is presented with a review of the literature of this association.  相似文献   

Trisorny 18 mosaicism was found in multiple primary cultures of amniotic fluid cells and subsequently confirmed by chromosome analysis of several tissues derived from the aborted fetus. The overall frequency of the minority cell line was 25 per cent in the amniotic fluid cultures and 28 per cent in the fetal tissues although much intertissue variations were noted.  相似文献   

In a retrospective survey, the incidence of neural tube defects in liveborn trimsomy 18 was found to be 6·2 per cent. Based on these data one would expect to find trisomy 18 in 1 of the 117 patients with myeloidysplasia; the incidence of trisomy 18 in dysraphic fetuses would be anticipated to be higher. These observations underscore the need for amniocentesis karyotyping of fetuses with neural tube defects, and the importance of careful examination of infants born with neural tube defects.  相似文献   

We present a case in which amniocentesis performed at 33 weeks' gestation because of symmetrical intrauterine growth retardation and decreased amniotic fluid volume led to the prenatal diagnosis of a fetus with a karyotype of 47,XX,+9, t(1;20)(q42;p11.2) pat, i.e., with an extra chromosome 9 and a balanced translocation between chromosomes 1 and 20. At delivery, the baby showed clinical features of trisomy 9, yet chromosome analysis of the cord blood revealed no trisomy 9 cells, a finding confirmed by neonatal blood karyotyping. The balanced translocation was present in all cells. A skin biopsy confirmed trisomy 9 mosaicism with 10 per cent trisomy 9 cells. The baby died at 6 weeks and an autopsy was obtained. Chromosome analysis of different organs demonstrated different frequencies of the mosaicism of trisomy 9. The possible underlying mechanism for the discrepancy between the karyotype results by amniocentesis and those of other tissues is discussed.  相似文献   

We present two prenatal cases of trisomy 9 mosaicism, both of which presented intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) and other abnormal ultrasound findings. In case A, mosaicism was found in amniotic fluid cell cultures, of which 65 per cent were trisomic cells, on average. In case B, trisomic cells were present in amniotic fluid cell cultures (12 per cent) but none were found in fetal cord blood. After autopsy, cytogenetic findings were confirmed in different tissue cultures. It is concluded that echographic indicators are a very useful tool for a correct prenatal diagnostic interpretation of trisomy 9. Suspected trisomy 9 mosaicism always requires further investigation and fetal cord blood cytogenetic analysis may not be considered as providing an accurate diagnosis of fetal trisomy 9.  相似文献   

We report a female infant noted prenatally to have an umbilical cord mass. At birth, a labial strawberry haemangioma was noted. She subsequently developed an abdominal mass which was discovered to be a proliferating haemangioma, continuous with both the labial and the umbilical stump lesions.  相似文献   

One hundred and three cases with prenatal diagnosis of trisomy 20 mosaicism through amniocentesis were reviewed. Approximately 90 per cent (90/101) of the cases were associated with grossly normal phenotype. It is likely that, in the majority of cases, cells with trisomy 20 were extraembryonic in origin or largely confined to the placenta. However, in some cases, the cells with trisomy 20 were confined to certain specific fetal organs or tissues such as kidney, skin, etc. Cytogenetic follow-up studies in liveborns should include a culture from urine sediment.  相似文献   

The spontaneous resolution of cystic hygromas in fetuses with trisomy 18 may be due to a delay in lymphatic-vascular anastomosis. The severity of growth delay with trisomy 18 appears to be variable in time of onset and extent.  相似文献   

Ultrasonic examination in a thirty-eight year old woman about to undergo midtrimester amniocentesis suggested an intra-abdominal fetal mass confirmed by amniography. The mass was a grossly distended urinary bladder. The patient aborted spontaneously before chromosome analysis demonstrated a 47,XY, + 18 karyotype.  相似文献   

Pseudomosaicism is of particular concern in prenatal diagnosis when it involves mosaicism for a cytogenetic abnormality associated with a clinical syndrome which is compatible with postnatal life, such as trisomies for chromosomes 13, 18, and 21. The lack of data regarding the outcome of pregnancies involving these specific kinds of pseudomosaicism makes genetic counselling difficult. Three cases of prenatal diagnosis of pseudomosaicism for trisomy 13, each of which had a normal outcome, will be presented (Tables 1 and 2). The three main areas for consideration are: (1) the genetic counselling issues, (2) the additional prenatal diagnostic options available to evaluate the status of the fetus in an attempt to identify some of the clinical features of trisomy 13, and (3) the outcome of the pregnancies.  相似文献   

Two prenatal centres in New England, routinely using a screening protocol for fetal Down syndrome that included maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), unconjugated oestriol (uE3), and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) measurements in combination with maternal age, adopted a separate screening protocol for trisomy 18. That protocol identified a pregnancy as being at high risk when AFP, uE3, and hCG measurements all fell at or below specified cut-offs (0.75, 0.60, and 0.55 multiples of the median, respectively), regardless of maternal age. Among the first 19 491 women screened, 98 (0.5 per cent) were found to have values which placed them in the high-risk category. Four of these women were subsequently found not to be pregnant. In two others, samples from non-pregnant individuals were found to have been incorrectly submitted for analysis in place of the samples from the pregnant women. All of the remaining 92 women were counselled and offered amniocentesis and fetal karyotyping. Eighty-eight (96 per cent) accepted. Karyotypes or birth outcomes were available on all 92 pregnancies. Six cases of trisomy 18 and one case of Turner syndrome were identified by karyotype. One case of trisomy 18 was identified for every 14 unaffected pregnancies offered amniocentesis. In the present prospective study, an estimated 85 per cent of the cases of trisomy 18 were identified. However, given the small number ofcases (six), the 95 per cent confidence interval for the detection rate is broad (40–95 per cent).  相似文献   

A case is presented in which apparent non-mosaic trisomy 16 was found in chorionic villi (direct and culture) obtained from a patient undergoing first-trimester prenatal diagnosis. The fetal karyotype subsequently was determined to be 46,XX by follow-up amniocentesis. Serial ultrasonographic examinations revealed placental sonolucencies and intrauterine growth retardation. At 37 weeks, a small-for-gestational-age female was delivered by Caesarean section for fetal distress. Postnatal cytogenetic studies revealed a normal female karyotype in cord blood and mosaic trisomy 16 in plaental tissues. These findings suggest that in cases where aneuploidy is confined to placental tissues, it may have biological significance, as evidenced by the apparent placental dysfunction and poor fetal growth in this case.  相似文献   

A de novo case of ‘pure’ trisomy 14q21 → qter is described which was detected at amniocentesis following an abnormal ultrasound scan of a 25–year-old woman. This is apparently the largest distal 14q duplication reported in a case surviving beyond the first trimester. The infant apipeared to have an association of clinical abnormalities previously observed in distal 14q trisomy and proximal 14q trisomy/mosaic trisomy 14.  相似文献   

A case of true fetal mosaicism 46,XY/47,XY, + 17 was diagnosed in amniotic fluid cells. After genetic counselling and unsuccessful periumbilical blood sampling the pregnancy continued to term, and a healthy male infant was born. Lymphocytes of the newborn had a normal karyotype. Follow-up of the child at age 18 months showed normal physical and mental development indicating that the trisomic cell line was restricted most probably to the extra fetal tissue.  相似文献   

A twin pregnancy with trisomy 10 p due to a paternal 10;12 translocation is reported. The prenatal diagnosis steps followed in twin pregnancies are reviewed and the concordant features of trisomy 10 p seen in both fetuses confirm previous reports on the clinical features of this chromosomal defect.  相似文献   

Chromosomal mosaicism in amniotic fluid cells poses a serious dilemma in prenatal diagnosis since the observation may represent: (1) pseudomosaicism—an inconsequential tissue culture artefact; or (2) true mosaicism—occurring in approximately 0.0 per cent of amniocenteses with a significant impact on pregnancy outcome. Mosaicism for trisomy 9 was observed in an amniotic fluid specimen obtained for advanced maternal age with two cell lines [46,XX (46 per cent)/47,XX, + 9 (54 per cent)] present in each of four culture flasks. Since more than 75 per cent of newborns with trisomy 9 mosaicism have complex cardiac malformations, a fetal echocardiogram was obtained at 20 weeks' gestation and interpreted as normal. A fetal blood sample (22 weeks' gestation) disclosed only a single trisomy 9 cell among the 100 metaphases analysed. However, a second fetal echocardiogram performed at the time of blood sampling suggested a non-specific cardiac anomaly. Fetal autopsy following elective pregnancy termination revealed several malformations including severe micrognathia, persistence of the left superior vena cava, and skeletal anomalies. Cytogenetic studies of cell cultures derived from several fetal tissues demonstrated trisomy 9 ranging from 12 to 24 per cent.  相似文献   

Two biotinylated chromosome-specific DNA probes were used to quantify the number of chromosomes 18 and 1 in uncultured amniocytes. Thirty-three samples of uncultured amniocytes were hybridized with a chromosome 18-specific DNA probe. Uncultured cells from two of the 33 samples were also hybridized with a chromosome 1-specific probe. Thirty of the samples were disomic with respect to chromosome 18; two samples were trisomic with respect to chromosome 18, and one sample was trisomic with respect to chromosomes 1 and 18. The two cases of trisomy 18 and the single case of triploidy were identified on uncultured celis within 48-72 h after amniocentesis. They were found among five samples from pregnant women who had amniocentesis because of an ultrasonographically identified fetal malformation. A trisomic karyotype could be diagnosed with certainty in uncultured amniocytes because the majority of the responding nuclei exhibited three hybridization signals. In normal cells, the majority of nuclei exhibited two signals. In no cases was there discordance between the genotype as predicted by in situ hybridization and that determined by cytogenetic analysis.  相似文献   

A case of mosaicism involving structural abnormality of chromosome 18 found in cultured amniotic fluid is reported.  相似文献   

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