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The trophoblast was dissociated from the underlying mesenchymal layer either with acetic acid after short-term prefixation or with mechanical power after fixation twice. The colcemid treatment time was shorted to 16 min and trypsin solution of low pH (6.2) was used for banding. By these steps, the quality of chromosome banding was greatly improved and complete standard chromosome diagnoses were made in 24 of 24 cases. With the modified technique, high resolution banding chromosomes were consistently obtained after short-term incubation.  相似文献   

While chorionic villus sampling allows both early and rapid prenatal diagnosis of chromosome disorders, the accuracy of this technique has not been fully established. Maternal cell contamination and pseudomosaicism represent two major sources of diagnostic error. Combined use of both direct chromosome preparations and villus cultures is important in overcoming these problems. Direct preparations of villus tissue allow recognition of maternal cell contamination of villus cultures. Conversely, villus cultures yield higher resolution chromosomes and may be helpful in differentiating between true versus pseudomosaicism when two or more cell lines are identified in direct chromosome preparations. Preliminary data suggest that analysis of direct preparations from multiple individually processed villus fragments may also be of value in this regard. Until more experience is gained, mid-trimester amniocentesis should be offered to CVS patients when mosaicism is encountered.  相似文献   

The relatively high activity of arylsulphatase C (ASC) in the placenta is a potential risk for the misdiagnosis of arylsulphatase A (ASA) or arylsulphatase B (ASB) deficiency in chorionic villus sampling when assayed by synthetic substrates. A clear distinction between these enzymes can be achieved in either the direct villi or the cultured villi cells. Interestingly, the activity of ASC differed significantly in cultured villi cells when prepared by two different methods, namely, minced villi versus treatment with trypsin and collagenase, while ASA and ASB were not affected by these treatments. Whether ASC was directly affected by one of these treatments or whether a selection of cells with different ASC levels was achieved is not yet clear, but this phenomenon clearly indicates the importance of precise definition of CVS preparations to correlate with the enzyme activity data.  相似文献   

Three cases of unusual chromosomal mosaicism are reported for which the cytogenetic data show inconsistent findings between CVS and AC or fetal tissue, and which cannot be explained simply by non-disjunction. For case 1, in CVS the karyotype was 46,XY, whereas lymphocytes and fibroblasts revealed 69,XXY. DNA fingerprinting indicated one paternal and two maternal chromosome sets, the latter most probably due to omission of maternal meiosis II. For case 2, in CVS mos 46,XX/47,XX,+mar de novo was observed. Amniotic fluid cells had the karyotype 46,XX. The origin of the marker chromosome might be explained by at least two events of unknown order (a somatic chromosome/chromatid deletion and non-disjunction of the homologous chromosome). In case 3 (CVS: mos 46,XY/46,XY,19q+ de novo; amniotic fluid cells, lymphocytes, and fibroblasts: 46,XY), the surplus of chromosome material in 19q+ might be explained on the basis of a somatic translocation. The idea of a chimera is less convincing, as the mosaic finding is restricted to one tissue. Furthermore, there was no hint of a vanishing twin. Hitherto, no case of structural chromosome mosaicism in CVS has been reconfirmed in fetal tissues.  相似文献   

The attitudes of 190 patients who had undergone chorionic villus sampling (CVS) were assessed by means of a questionnaire. One hundred and fifty-two patients replied of whom 68 (45 per cent) were referred because of increased maternal age and in the other 84 cases the indications included previous chromosomal abnormalities, fetal sexing, DNA analysis, and biochemical analysis. One hundred and twenty-two patients had a transcervical procedure, 24 had a transabdominal, and six patients required both procedures. One hundred and forty-one patients (93 per cent) reported CVS to be a satisfactory procedure, and the same percentage thought earlier diagnosis was beneficial. Thirty-nine patients (81 per cent) reported a better experience with CVS than with a previous amniocentesis. A majority of patients (93 per cent) wished a CVS in a future pregnancy and 137 patients (97 per cent) would accept a risk of miscarriage from the procedure of twice that quoted for amniocentesis (1 per cent).  相似文献   

A simplified method is described for processing both direct preparations and long-term cultures from the same fragment of chorionic villi. Enzyme separation of the outer trophoblast layers (used for direct preparations) from the inner mesenchymal core (used to initiate long-term cultures) facilitates the utilization of the same fragments for the two procedures, without jeopardizing the success of either method. This has proved useful in cases where the sample was so small that only one method of chromosome preparation may have been possible using other techniques.  相似文献   

The occasion of the 18th symposium of the European Society of Human Genetics, 20 May to 2 June, provided an opportunity for the WHO to sponsor a small meeting on the progress of risk evaluation in three large programmes of chorionic villus sampling (CVS). Their pooled information showed a rate of fetal loss of 3·4 per cent in the first 300 cases in each programme, falling to 1·7 per cent in the following 400 cases.  相似文献   

It has been postulated that chorionic villi with abundant sprouts have a higher mitotic index and are therefore preferable for obtaining direct chromosome preparations from chorionic villus samples. This theory was tested by correlating villous morphology with mitotic index. Surprisingly, no statistically significant relationship was found. Choice of culture medium, however, was found to be important, with serum-free RPMI yielding a higher mitotic index than 40 per cent FCS in MEM. We conclude that villous morphology, as assessed in this study, is not a major factor in determining the success of direct chromosome preparations.  相似文献   

Prenatal cytogenetic study of chorionic villi showed a discrepancy between a normal female karyotype 46,XX in the direct preparation after short-term incubation, and a 45,X karyotype in the long-term culture. The subsequent amniocentesis revealed a normal karyotype in three cultures and a 45,X/46,XX mosaicism in one culture. Cytogenetic analysis of chorionic villi after termination of the pregnancy showed a normal karyotype in the direct preparation and a 45,X/46,XX mosaicism in the long-term culture. Fetal lymphocytes showed normal karyotypes, whereas fibroblast cultures revealed a 45,X/46,XX mosaicism.  相似文献   

We have devised and evaluated a rapid screening method for the detection of numerical aberrations of chromosomes13, 18 and 21 in chorionic villus cells. We used non-radioactive in situ hybridization (ISH) with three chromosome-specific probes on overnight-attached mesenchymal cells from chorionic villi. A blind study was performed of 47 karyotypically normal samples, one triploid sample, two samples trisomic for chromosome 21, and two samples from a fetus with putative mosaicism (46/47, +21). All samples were hybridized with the chromosome 18- and 21-specific probes. Thirty samples were additionally hybridized with the chromosome 13-specific probe. The test could be completed within 3-4 days of sampling. In samples disomic with respect to the probed chromosomes, an average of 2 per cent (range 0-9 per cent) had three hybridization signals. By contrast, in the samples trisomic for the probed chromosome(s), 57 per cent (chromosome 13), 51 per cent (chromosome 18), and an average of 74 per cent (55-86 per cent) (chromosome 21) of the nuclei exhibited three signals. In the putative mosaic samples, the number of nuclei with three chromosome 21-specific signals ranged from 41 to 69 per cent. We conclude that this technique rapidly and clearly distinguishes between normal and trisomic/triploid samples, and consequently may be of use in future prenatal diagnosis.  相似文献   

In order to increase the speed of analysis of metaphases from chorionic villi direct preparations, we have investigated the use of two automatic scanning devices, the Magiscan II and a version of Metafip (the research laboratory precursor of Cytoscan). The speed, efficiency, and ranking system have been compared to manual scanning. Results show that both machines detect approximately 80 per cent of the total analysable metaphases detected by a trained cytogeneticist. There appears to be reasonable agreement in ranking between methods.  相似文献   

In accordance with observations by other groups direct CVS preparations reveal only a few mitoses, whereas semi-direct cultures (overnight incubation) give good results. By monitoring the BrdU uptake with an immunological method, a delay in the proliferation activity in native villi could be observed up to 7 h after biopsy.  相似文献   

Presumptive maternal cell contamination (MCC) was monitored in identified male cases during cytogenetic comparison of direct techniques and three different culture regimes from 140 thoroughly dissected chorionic villus samples. Of the 66 identified male cases, 11(16·7 per cent) showed MCC, the mean number of cells examined per case being 8·2 (direct) and 14·5 (cultures); in the direct preparations only one of a total of 457 cells examined was female, while preparations from cultures revealed MCC in 11 cases. Four of these had MCC in more than one culture regime and four had only a single female cell. The results showed that (1) dependence on the culture system alone would have given a diagnosis based on maternal cells in one (1·5 per cent) male case, thus underlining the danger of this approach (a similar undetected rate of misdiagnosis being expected in the female cases) and (2) MCC was significantly lower in cultures grown in Chang medium as compared with the other two regimes, McCoy's 5A + 15 per cent fetal calf serum and 1 per cent Ultroser G, and McCoy's 5A + 25 per cent fetal calf serum, the latter expressing the highest level of MCC.  相似文献   

Non-mosaic trisomy 16 was observed in chorionic villus cytotrophoblasts (direct) as well as cultured mesenchymal core cells derived from the pregnancy of a 38-year-old woman. Chromosome preparations from amniotic fluid and neonatal cultures (cord blood) were 46,XX. Normal fetal growth as determined by serial ultrasound examinations occurred throughout the pregnancy, which resulted in a healthy 2724 g female. Multiple biopsies taken from the umbilical cord, placental cotyledons, and fetal membranes were 46,XX. However, a placental nodule and three of six cultures initiated from membranes (amnion and chorion) showed 46,XX/47,XX, + 16 mosaicism. We propose that the trisomy 16 cells arose from residual villi derived from a trisomic cotwin that never developed. This case further demonstrates that normal fetal growth may presage normal outcome irrespective of cytogenetic findings in cytotrophoblasts (direct) and cultured mesenchymal core cells.  相似文献   

A possible association of limb reduction defects with chorionic villus sampling (CVS) may be related to compromised umbilical blood flow from the trauma of the procedure. We hypothesized that because CVS may disrupt or compromise umbilical blood flow to the fetus, either by vasoconstriction, bradycardia, or emboli, we would detect these changes using Doppler velocimetry. A cohort of 21 consecutive consenting patients undergoing first-trimester elective CVS for prenatal diagnosis were entered into a prospective longitudinal study. Colour flow Doppler velocimetry was performed on fetal umbilical arterial blood flow immediately before and after CVS to measure the pulsatility index, fetal heart rate, per cent flow time, and maximum flow velocity. Measurements were obtained from three consecutive cardiac cycles in three different umbilical segments and averaged. Potentially confounding variables also recorded included gestational age, method of CVS, number of passes, number of aspirations, placental location, tissue sample size, and operator. Umbilical velocimetry values before and after CVS were compared using the paired t-test and showed no statistically significant differences. No differences were found when data were analysed by gestational age, sample size, method, number of aspirations, placental location, or operator. We were unable to detect any significant change in fetal umbilical arterial blood flow velocimetry or heart rate after performing CVS. Umbilical blood flow does not appear to be routinely compromised by CVS.  相似文献   

Short- and long-term cultures of chorionic villi obtained in the 11th week of pregnancy revealed trisomy 14. After induced abortion trisomy 14 mosaicism was established in fetal skin and umbilical cord tissue while a second long-term culture of chorionic villi exhibited a normal karyotype. The results of the pathological investigations are discussed with respect to the cytogenetic findings.  相似文献   

Among 1547 patients undergoing first-trimester prenatal diagnosis, 100 fetal chromosome aberrations were detected. Thirteen of these involved chromosome 18. In two structural abnormalities of chromosome 18, the aberration could be excluded in amniotic fluid cells and two healthy infants were born. Trisomy 18 was not confirmed in amniotic fluid cells in three trisomy 18 mosaics. In eight non-mosaic trisomy 18 first-trimester diagnoses, the diagnosis was excluded by amniotic fluid cells or fetal cultures in four, and confirmed in the remaining four. Diagnosis of chromosome 18 aberrations in the direct preparation should be confirmed in the long-term culture of the chorionic villus sample or by amniotic fluid cultures.  相似文献   

After chorionic villus biopsy of human placenta, cell cultures were propagated with Ham's F10 medium or Eagle's minimum essential medium (MEM). It was possible to study the morphology of the cells by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) after a special culture of the cells in a collagen gel. The cells embedded in a collagen gel were able to contract the gel and to organize collagen fibres, as fibroblast cultures do. TEM showed vacuolization and well-developed cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum, especially in the case of MEM culture. The aim was to determine whether cells cultivated from early placenta were able to synthesize enough collagen for a metabolic study. A high level of collagen biosynthesis could be quantified. Types I and III collagen can be determined which is useful for studying the abnormalities of collagen synthesis in suspected cases of osteogenesis imperfecta or Ehlers–Danlos type IV syndrome. The hydroxylation of lysine can also be studied with respect to Ehlers–Danlos type VI syndrome. Moreover, these cells, in contrast to fibroblast cultures, made it possible to study the biosynthesis of type IV collagen.  相似文献   

We describe an infant born at 29 weeks' gestation with oligohydramnios sequence due to amniotic fluid leakage following chorionic villus sampling at 12 weeks. To our knowledge, this is the first such report.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic analysis was performed in 4860 chorionic villus samples by means of both direct preparation and long-term culture. The results of the analysis were compared with a classification including all theoretical types of combinations between the chromosomal constitution of the cytotrophoblast, extraembryonal mesoderm, and fetus, with the aim of evaluating the cytogenetic variability along the trophoblast—embryo axis. Eighteen of 29 possible combinations were found demonstrating a considerable heterogeneity. A mosaic conceptus was found in 1·5 per cent of cases, with generalized mosaicisms and confined mosaicisms in 0·2 and 1·3 per cent, respectively. Cytogenetic variability along the trophoblast—embryo axis was found in 1·42 per cent of cases. Results possibly leading to diagnostic errors (false-positive and false-negative results) were found in only 1·38 per cent. False-positive results of direct preparation were the most commonly observed discrepancy (0·8 per cent), while the incidence of false-positive results of the culture method and of both methods was 0·31 and 0·16 per cent respectively. The incidence of false-negative results was 0·1 per cent, with false-negative results of direct preparation 0·08 per cent and false-negative results of both methods 0·02 per cent. False-negative results of the culture method were not found. Our data confirm the high diagnostic accuracy of chorionic villus sampling and the utility of the combined use of the two methods in minimizing diagnostic errors and in reducing the need for follow-up amniocentesis.  相似文献   

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