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We measured immunoreactive inhibin in the maternal serum of 80 pregnancies with a chromosomally normal fetus and ten Down's syndrome pregnancies in the second trimester. The inhibin level in all Down's syndrome pregnancies was above the normal median; the multiple of the normal median (MoM) was 1.9. We found a statistically significant difference between the levels of inhibin in unaffected and affected pregnancies (Kolmogorov–Smirnov test: p <0.002). Using an arbitrarily chosen cut-off of 2.4 MoM, 40 per cent of Down's syndrome and 5 per cent of the normal pregnancies were found. We conclude that immunoreactive inhibin may be useful as a marker for fetal Down's syndrome.  相似文献   

Over a 2-year period from January 1991 to December 1992, second-trimester maternal serum screening for Down's syndrome using alpha-fetoprotein (aFP), human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG), and unconjugated oestriol (uE3) was made available to five health districts in East Anglia, with a total population of 1·2 million. Amniocentesis was offered when the risk of Down's syndrome at term was 1:200 or greater. 25359 singleton pregnancies were screened, representing an uptake of 77 per cent. The recall rate for the 24 per cent of women who had not had a dating scan prior to the test was 9·4 per cent compared with 3·9 per cent for those who had been scanned (P<0·0005). Seventy-five per cent (36/48) of Down's syndrome pregnancies were detected for a false-positive rate of 4·0 per cent. Twenty-five out of 36 of detected Down's syndrome pregnancies were dated by scan prior to sampling, and in the 11 remaining cases, the dates were confirmed by scan after a high-risk result was obtained. The exclusion of uE3 from the screening protocol would have reduced the detection rate to 52 per cent (25/48) for the same false-positive rate. Eighty-five per cent of women identified at high risk accepted the offer of an amniocentesis. Other fetal abnormalities detected were trisomy 18 (3), trisomy 13 (2), 45,X (6), 69,XXX (5), other chromosome abnormalities (9), open neural tube defects (26), hydrocephalus (7), abdominal wall defects (4), and steroid sulphatase deficiency (6).  相似文献   

We evaluated first-trimester maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (MS-AFP) as a marker for fetal chromosomal disorders. The multicentre study was performed under the auspices of the Dutch Working Party on Prenatal Diagnosis. MS-AFP was measured in 2404 normal pregnancies and 72 chromosomally abnormal pregnancies. The median multiple of the normal median (MOM) in 32 Down's syndrome pregnancies was 0·83 with a 95 per cent confidence interval ranging from 0·60 to 1·04. The difference between the distributions of first-trimester MS-AFP in normal and Down's syndrome pregnancies was statistically significant (t-test: t = 2·34, P<0·05). Thirty-one per cent of the Down's syndrome pregnancies were found below the tenth percentile. We found no difference between normal pregnancies and pregnancies with other chromosomal disorders (eight cases with trisomy 18, MOM = 1·26; seven cases with sex chromosome abnormalities, MOM = 1·07; 22 cases with a chromosomal mosaic pattern in chorionic villi, MOM = 1·08). We conclude that first-trimester MS-AFP can discriminate between normal and Down's syndrome pregnancies, but is not an effective marker. First-trimester MS-AFP has no value as a marker for other fetal chromosomal disorders.  相似文献   

The relative effectiveness of cytogenetic prenatal diagnosis in the Mersey Region and North Wales is presented by estimating the percentage detection rates of Down's syndrome annually following amniocentesis from 1978–1984 inclusive. Tables indicating the percentage of screened pregnancies, types of chromosomal aberrations detected and the occurrence of Down's syndrome in mothers in age groups of five-year intervals are also presented. The average prenatal detection rate for Down's syndrome (estimated at the time of birth) was 15–15 per cent over the years 1978–1984 and was above 22 per cent for the last two years when 44–13 per cent of all pregnancies to mothers of 35 years and over were investigated.  相似文献   

Information on maternal age and maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein, unconjugated oestriol (uE3), and human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) levels was used to investigate retrospectively the effect of estimating Edward's syndrome risk in women having multi-marker screening for Down's syndrome. The screened population comprised 15 pregnancies affected by Edward's syndrome, 15 with Down's syndrome and 5472 unaffected pregnancies. The use of all three markers to estimate Edward's syndrome risk would have led to the detection of 10–12 (67–80 per cent) cases with a false-positive rate of 0.3–0.6 per cent depending on the risk cut-off. A further case would have been detected as a result of screening for Down's syndrome alone. Similar results were obtained when the Edward's syndrome risk was based on uE3 and hCG only. These data suggest that extending Down's syndrome screening to include Edward's syndrome risk will yield a high detection rate with only a small increase in the false-positive rate.  相似文献   

Two series of pregnancies were studied to investigate the relationship between maternal smoking and the risk of fetal Down' s syndrome. In the first series, ascertained in the 1960s, in which smoking habits were determined after the outcome of pregnancy was known, the proportion of smokers (47 per cent) among the 461 women whose pregnancies ended in the birth of an infant with Down' s syndrome was similar to that in the 461 controls (46 per cent) who had pregnancies affected by other congenital disorders. In the second series, ascertained between 1973 and 1984, smoking habits were determined by measurement of cotinine in antenatal serum samples that were routinely collected and stored or, if a serum sample was not available, from information in the antenatal notes. In this series, the proportion of smokers (14 per cent) among the 91 women who had pregnancies associated with Down' s syndrome was lower than that among 413 controls (19 per cent), though this was not statistically significant. Collectively, our results provide no evidence for an association between fetal Down' s syndrome and smoking. Other published studies found a deficit of smokers among women who had pregnancies associated with Down' s syndrome. This may be partly due to some studies not taking adequate account of maternal age (older women are more likely to have had a Down' s syndrome pregnancy but are less likely to be smokers) and partly due to the greater tendency for positive findings to be published than negative ones.  相似文献   

The value of measuring the separate sub-units of human chorionic gonadotrophin (free α-hCG and free β-hCG) instead of total hCG together with alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and unconjugated oestriol (uE3) was examined to determine the effect on the performance of serum screening for Down's syndrome between 15 and 22 weeks of pregnancy. The study was based on stored serum samples relating to 75 singleton pregnancies with fetal Down's syndrome and 367 unaffected singleton pregnancies, matched for maternal age, gestational age, and duration of storage of the serum sample, supplemented by data from 970 white women with unaffected pregnancies. Using the four serum markers AFP, uE3, free β-hCG, and free α-hCG, in addition to maternal age, 65 per cent of Down's syndrome pregnancies were detected for a 5 per cent false-positive rate compared with 59 per cent with the conventional triple test (AFP, uE3, total hCG with maternal age). If gestation was based on an ultrasound scan examination, the detection rate was 72 per cent using the four serum markers compared with 67 per cent with the triple test. As an alternative illustration, if the detection rate was kept at 60 per cent and gestation was estimated by an ultrasound scan examination the four-marker test reduced the false-positive rate by one-third from 3 per cent using the triple test to 2 per cent with the four-marker test. Screening performance was hardly affected by adjusting marker levels for maternal weight. The four-marker test is, both from a medical and from a financial perspective, the most effective method of prenatal screening for Down's syndrome suitable for routine use.  相似文献   

Data on maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) levels at 13–24 weeks' gestation in 46 twin pregnancies with open neural tube defects (22 with anencephaly, 24 with open spina bifida) and 169 unaffected twins were used to estimate the detection and false-positive rates associated with different cut-off levels. Using the conventional cut-off level of 2·5 multiples of the median (MoM) for unaffected singleton pregnancies of the same gestation and laboratory, the detection rate in twins was 99 per cent for anencephaly and 89 per cent for open spina bifida, with a false-positive rate of 30 per cent. Using a 5·0 MoM cut-off level to maintain a similar false-positive rate to that found among singleton pregnancies at 16–18 weeks' gestation (about 3 per cent), the detection rate was 83 per cent for anencephaly and 39 per cent for open spina bifida. Estimates are provided of the odds of having an affected twin pregnancy given a positive AFP result as well as the odds for individual women with a raised AFP level.  相似文献   

Maternal serum inhibin levels were measured in 19 second-trimester pregnancies affected by fetal Down's syndrome and 95 unaffected control pregnancies matched for gestational age. A statistically significant elevation was found in the affected pregnancies compared with the controls (Wilcoxon rank sum test: one-tail P=0·02). The median level in the cases was 1·3 times that in the controls, with 95 per cent confidence limits of 0·9–1·9. Although the inhibin levels were unrelated to those of alpha-fetoprotein and unconjugated oestriol in the same samples, there was a statistically significant correlation with human chorionic gonadotropin. This together with the relatively small elevation in cases suggests that inhibin would be of limited value in maternal serum screening for Down's syndrome.  相似文献   

Human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) is the most discriminatory maternal serum marker of Down's syndrome. We have carried out a study to establish whether urinary β-core-hCG, a major metabolic product of hCG, might be an even better marker. Urine samples were available from seven singleton pregnancies with Down's syndrome, and one each of Edwards' syndrome, triploidy, and twins discordant for Down's syndrome. β-Core-hCG levels were corrected for creatinine and expressed as multiples of the normal gestation-specific median (MOM) level derived from 67 singleton controls. There was a highly statistically significant elevation in level among the singleton Down's syndrome cases (P<0·0005; Wilcoxon rank sum test). All had levels exceeding 2 MOM with a median of 6·11 MOM (95 per cent confidence interval 3·7–10·0). The levels were extremely low in Edwards' syndrome (0·08 MOM) and triploidy (0·02 MOM), but the twin pregnancy discordant for Down's syndrome did not have a raised β-core-hCG level (0·64 MOM). The findings are sufficiently encouraging to investigate the possibility of urinalysis as a routine modality in the prenatal screening for Down's syndrome and other common serious aneuploidies.  相似文献   

The natural birth prevalence of Down's syndrome for England and Wales in 1974–1987 (i.e., the birth prevalence in the absence of prenatal diagnosis and the induced abortion of affected pregnancies) was estimated by applying the maternal age-specific birth prevalence derived from epidemiological studies to the number of births in single-year age groups tabulated by the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys (OPCS). On average, the natural birth prevalence was 12.6 per 10 000 births and increased slightly from 12.2 to 13.2 per 10 000 births over the 14-year period. Using data on induced abortions carried out on account of Down's syndrome reported to OPCS under the statutory abortion notification scheme, 14 per cent of affected births were avoided by the induced abortion of affected pregnancies, so that the actual birth prevalence of Down's syndrome was estimated at 10.8 per 10000 births. Using data on Down's syndrome births reported to OPCS under the voluntary congenital malformation notification scheme, the prevalence was 7.2 per 10000 births, so only 67 per cent of the estimated number of affected births were, in fact, notified to the scheme.  相似文献   

Free β-human chorionic gonadotrophin values are, on average, 1·90 times greater in twin pregnancies than in singleton pregnancies [95 per cent confidence interval (CI) 1·69–2·13]. This information can be used in screening for Down's syndrome, so that twin pregnancies can be interpreted in addition to singleton pregnancies.  相似文献   

Maternal serum free α-human chorionic gonadotrophin (free α-hCG) levels were determined in twin and singleton pregnancies at 15–22 weeks of gestation using a set of stored serum samples relating to 200 twin pregnancies and 600 singleton control pregnancies matched for gestational age and duration of storage. Free α-hCG values are, on average, 1·66 times greater in twin pregnancies than in singleton pregnancies (95 per cent confidence interval 1·56–1·76). If maternal serum free α-hCG is used in screening for Down's syndrome, values in twin pregnancies can be adjusted using this result so that screening can be performed in twin pregnancies as well as in singleton pregnancies.  相似文献   

Human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) levels were assayed retrospectively in stored maternal serum samples from 78 chromosomally abnormal pregnancies and 410 controls matched for gestation and maternal age. The median serum hCG concentration in 49 pregnancies with Down's syndrome was significantly elevated, at 2.18 multiples of the normal median. Significantly reduced hCG concentrations were found in a group of four trisomy 18 pregnancies (all less than 0.4 multiples of the median). Eight cases of unbalanced chromosome rearrangements appeared to show some lowering of hCG levels, while there was no significant difference in the levels in the cases of trisomy 13, balanced translocations, and sex chromosome abnormalities. Maternal serum hCG alone is a better indicator of Down's syndrome pregnancies than maternal age or maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), either individually or in combination, and provides a further virtually independent measure of risk. On the basis of our findings, screening for Down's syndrome using hCG and AFP results combined with maternal age risks is predicted to result in a higher detection rate (57 per cent) for a lower false-positive rate (5.0 per cent) than would be attainable by combined AFP and age screening (37 per cent detection at a 6.6 per cent false-positive rate).  相似文献   

The effect of repeat testing in maternal serum multiple marker screening for Down's syndrome was estimated using samples stored in an antenatal serum bank. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and unconjugated oestriol (uE3) levels were determined in 142 pairs of routinely collected samples which had already been tested for alpha-fetoprotein (AFP). For each marker, about two-thirds of the pairs of values were within 20 per cent of each other and most were within 40 per cent. A multivariate Gaussian model was used to estimate the detection and false-positive rates for different repeat testing policies. A policy of repeat testing those with a high risk of a Down's syndrome term pregnancy given age and marker levels would reduce the false-positive rate but there would also be a reduction in the detection rate. For example, using all three markers and a 1 in 250 cut-off risk, the estimated false-positive rate would fall from 5·3 to 3·8 per cent but the detection rate would decrease from 58 to 55 per cent. A policy of repeating those with either high or borderline risks would produce a modest improvement in screening efficiency. Repeating the 11 per cent with a risk exceeding 1 in 500 yields an estimated false-positive rate of 5·0 per cent and a detection rate of 60 per cent. A policy of selective repeat testing is not recommended as it would not substantially improve screening efficiency. Nonetheless, if a repeat test has been performed, the parameters given in this paper will enable an unbiased estimate of the Down's syndrome risk to be calculated for individual women.  相似文献   

While second-trimester prenatal screening programmes for Down's syndrome have become established in prenatal care, it would be advantageous to be able to offer screening in earlier preganancy. To this end, we have evaluated a new potential maternal serum marker, dimeric inhibin A, as a possible first-trimester marker. Dimeric inhibin A was measured in propsectively collected maternal serum from 23 cases of Down's syndrome and matched chromosomally normal controls, at 11–13 weeks' gestation. Levels of this protein were significantly elevated in the Down's pregnancies compared with the control pregnancies. The median multiple of the normal median (MOM) for the Down's samples was 2.46 (95 per cent confidence interval: 2.11–3.26, P<0.0001 vs. controls). These results suggest that dimeric inhibin A is a useful discriminator of Down's-affected pregnancies from normal pregnancies in the first trimester and that sensitive screening in combination with maternal age and other possible markers may be practicable in the first trimester.  相似文献   

A prenatal screening programme for Down's syndrome potentially detecting 76 per cent of affected pregnancies in the South Australian general population at an amniocentesis rate of 3.9 per cent was designed following analysis of mid-trimester serum samples from 57 women who carried an affected fetus. This equates to one affected pregnancy being detected for 41 chromosomal analyses performed. For the experimental series, 75.4 per cent of affected pregnancies were detected, while 4.1 per cent of control specimens produced estimated risk odds consistent with further action. A maternal risk odds of birth of a Down's syndrome fetus of 1:420 was taken as the decision value, which is the prevalence of Down's syndrome births to 35-year-old mothers in South Australia. This screening performance was achieved by investigating combinations of serum analytes not previously reported and by refining the calculation of maternal risk odds to include selective weighting of indicator analytes. Combination of the measurements of free α-subunits and β-subunits of chorionic gonadotrophin, α-fetoprotein, unconjugated oestriol, and placental lactogen was found to be most effective in indicating Down's syndrome fetuses. In all combinations of analytes tested, replacing the measurements of free α-subunits and free β-subunits of chorionic gonadotrophin with the measurement of intact chorionic gonadotropin produced a less effective screen.  相似文献   

The effectiveness and costs of prenatal screening programmes for Down's syndrome using maternal serum markers will vary significantly depending on the biological cut-off values chosen in order to select women, at each maternal age, who will be sent for amniocentesis. On the basis of the first French prospective study of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) measurement in maternal serum, this paper shows that the screening protocol currently used in France, where hCG cut-off values are defined in order to offer amniocentesis to women of all ages with a 1 percent fetal risk of Down's syndrome, would detect 64·06 per cent of all cases of trisomy 21 at birth and would be highly profitable for the French social security system. On the basis of a representative sample of 100 000 pregnant women, the total costs of screening would reach $8 302 000 but would generate net potential savings of $32 186 000 in terms of life-long costs of care for trisomic 21 children which would be ‘avoided’ by termination of pregnancy following a positive diagnosis of Down's syndrome. Economic assessment shows that cost-benefit analysis would justify lower hCG cut-off values and a higher detection rate of fetal Down's syndrome (74·45 per cent) than the current French protocol. This paper concludes that it is ethical and value-laden issues, such as the consequences for women and couples of false positives and false negatives of screening, rather than economic and financial arguments that may set limits to the utilization of screening for Down's syndrome using maternal serum markers like hCG.  相似文献   

Second-trimester unconjugated oestriol (UE3) levels were measured retrospectively in maternal serum from 78 chromosomally abnormal pregnancies and 390 matched controls using a radioimmunoassay kit (Amersham AMERLEX-M) optimized for use in the second trimester. Reduced levels of UE3 were found in a group of 49 Down's syndrome pregnancies with a median UE3 level of 0·79 multiples of the median (MOM) of the controls. Four trisomy 18 pregnancies had UE3 levels less than 0·7 MOM. There was a highly significant level of correlation between alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and UE3 levels in the controls (r = 0·25, P <0·01), the Down's syndrome pregnancies (r = 0·44, p 0·01), and the other chromosome abnormalities (r = 0·61, p0·01). When used as an additional marker to AFP and human chorionic gonadotrophin in screening for Down's syndrome, UE3 does not appear to add to the sensitivity of such screening.  相似文献   

A study was performed to investigate the concentrations of the α and β free sub-units of human chorionic gonadotrophin (free α-hCG and free β-hCG) in maternal serum between 15 and 22 weeks of pregnancy in 126 pregnancies among 92 women with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). Each IDDM pregnancy was matched with two control singleton pregnancies for gestational age (same completed week) and duration of sample storage (same calendar quarter). The median free α-hCG level in the IDDM pregnancies was 0·86 multiples of the median (MOM) for pregnancies without IDDM at the same gestational age (P<0·002) (95 per cent confidence interval 0·80–0·94). The corresponding free β-hCG level was 0·96 MOM (95 per cent confidence interval 0·85–1·09). These results enable free α-hCG values to be adjusted so that antenatal screening for Down's syndrome can be performed using this marker in IDDM pregnancies as well as in non-diabetic pregnancies.  相似文献   

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