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We report on a woman with four successive pregnancies affected with X-linked hydrocephalus (XLH). The first child had prenatal craniocentesis and died in utero. The second child had a postnatal shunting operation, but suffers from severe growth and mental retardation at 5 years of age. In the third pregnancy, prenatal ultrasound detected hydrocephalus at the 16th and 20th weeks of gestation and the pregnancy was terminated. In the fourth pregnancy, ultrasound scanning at the 17th and 20th weeks of gestation revealed no remarkable findings, but hydrocephalus was detected at the 24th week. Autopsy confirmed the prenatal diagnosis. DNA polymorphism analysis of the Bell site of exons 17–18 of factor VIII gene of the woman and her last two fetuses seemed to be compatible with a linkage between the XLH locus and factor VIII gene. Although XLH has a variable presentation of ventriculomegaly, ultrasound scanning is still a useful tool for prenatal diagnosis at present. Earlier and more accurate prenatal diagnosis will be feasible with molecular analysis of the XLH locus or its flanking regions.  相似文献   

Pure fetal blood, (uncontaminated with maternal blood), was obtained from two male fetuses at risk for X-linked mental retardation with fragile(X) at Xq27–28 by direct vision fetoscopy and fetal blood sampling. Both were shown to have this fragile site on the X chromosome while nine other fetal blood samples from pregnancies at risk for other X-linked diseases, or haemoglobinopathies did not show fragile sites at Xq27–28, and a blood sample from an abortus showed only 1 fragile site in 95 mitoses. Both pregnancies were terminated, cultures established from fetal tissues, and the diagnosis confirmed in each case. The problems of demonstrating the fragile site in tissues other than fetal blood in these pregnancies (such as amniotic fluid cells or fibroblasts from fetal tissues) are discussed.  相似文献   

Menkes X-linked disease, a copper disturbance syndrome, is detectable in cell cultures. Prenatal findings in two at-risk foetuses suggested that prenatal diagnosis was also feasible. In this study, we report substantial evidence that therapeutic abortion can be limited to hemizygous males. Forty-two at-risk pregnancies from 21 European families and 1 Canadian family were monitored with 64Cu-uptake into cultured amniotic fluid cells. In 10 pregnancies with a male karyotype an affected foetus was predicted on the basis of the copper studies. The pregnancies were terminated and the diagnosis was in each case confirmed by a markedly increased placenta copper content. Fourteen male foetuses were predicted to be unaffected and none of them has developed signs of Menkes disease after birth. In 6 of these cases the diagnosis was checked in the newborn boy by placenta copper measurements, and they all had copper concentrations within normal limits. Eighteen pregnancies with a female karyotype were also studied. 9 females could be identified as carriers on the basis of the tissue culture studies or raised placenta copper values.  相似文献   

In 40 pregnancies at risk for the Hurler syndrome 13 affected fetuses were detected by the demonstration of an α-L -iduronidase deficiency and an increased level of 35S-sulphate incorporation. The diagnoses were confirmed by the analysis of fetal tissues and/or cultured fetal skin fibroblasts. Microassays for α-L -iduronidase, using phenyl α-L -iduronide and more recently 4–methyl-umbelliferyl α-L -iduronide, enabled a reliable diagnosis to be made within 15 to 18 days after amniocentesis. 35S-sulphate incorporation has been a valuable adjunct in cases with a low (heterozygote) enzyme activity.  相似文献   

Epidermolysis bullosa (EB) is a group of inherited disorders characterized by increased skin fragility, resulting in blisters and erosions after minor trauma. Mutations in 10 structural genes expressed in the cutaneous basement membrane zone have been reported. The DebRA Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory at Jefferson Medical College has performed 144 DNA-based prenatal diagnoses since 1993 in families at risk for recurrence of the most severe forms of EB, including the recessive dystrophic EB (RDEB), junctional EB (JEB), EB with pyloric atresia (EB-PA), and EB simplex (EBS). A mutation-detection strategy using either conformation-sensitive gel electrophoresis (CSGE) or denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography (dHPLC) scanning analysis, followed by nucleotide sequencing, was applied to most cases with DEB and to all JEB, EB-PA, and EBS families. For some RDEB families, linkage analysis was performed, either alone when the inheritance pattern was clear or in combination with one mutation. Among the 144 prenatal diagnoses, 63 were for RDEB, 69 for JEB, 6 for EB-PA, and 6 for EBS. Twenty-eight normal, 73 heterozygous carrier, and 28 affected RDEB, JEB, and EB-PA pregnancies were reported in these recessively inherited diseases. Two affected and four normal pregnancies were predicted in dominantly inherited EBS. Among the 144 pregnancies, 9 were terminated without confirmation, 13 cases were lost to follow-up, and 6 pregnancies are ongoing. There were 6 families with inconclusive results due either to recombination events between flanking markers, absence of informative markers for one allele, or lack of sample from the previously affected child. There were three discordant results, one that was explained by maternal contamination of the chorionic villus sample and two that were unresolved. Overall, the availability, relative ease, and over 98% success rate make molecular DNA-based prenatal diagnosis a viable option for EB families at risk. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

X-linked hydrocephalus-stenosis of the aqueduct of Sylvius sequence (H-SAS, MIM number 307 000) is a rare genetic disorder characterized by hydrocephalus, macrocephaly, adducted thumbs, spasticity, mental retardation, and cerebral malformations. This regularly lethal condition is usually diagnosed at birth or prenatally by ultrasound, but hydrocephalus may be moderate or even undetectable on fetal ultrasound examination. Moreover, since heterozygous women are asymptomatic, carrier detection is at present impossible before the birth of an affected son. Therefore, mapping the H-SAS locus to distal Xq (Xq28) was of primary importance for genetic counselling and prenatal diagnosis. Here, we report prenatal exclusion of H-SAS with a probability of 97.6 per cent in two male fetuses with a 50 per cent a priori risk of being affected using closely linked Xq28 DNA markers.  相似文献   

Coffin-Lowry syndrome is a rare X-linked, semi-dominant mental retardation syndrome resulting from mutations of the ribosomal S6 kinase 2 (RSK2) gene. In the present report, a male patient affected with Coffin-Lowry syndrome is shown to have a nonsense mutation of the RSK2 gene. His unaffected mother does not have this mutation in her lymphocytes. In her third pregnancy prenatal diagnosis by mutation analysis has detected gonadal mosaicism. As this is the second report of germinal mosaicism in Coffin-Lowry syndrome, the finding has important implication for genetic counselling. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A case is presented in which chorionic villus direct preparation and cultured chorionic villus cells revealed a 47,XX, + mar karyotype. The marker was a small metacentric chromosome and appeared to be i(18p)—isochromosome 18p. Follow-up studies in both amniotic fluid and fetal fibroblasts confirmed the karyotype. In order to characterize the marker, a panel of biotinylated DNA probes was used, including a whole chromosome 18 probe, chromosome 18-specific alpha satellite DNA, Yac clones, and a pan-telomeric probe. These studies show that the marker is a monocentric i(18p) in which about 80 per cent of chromosome 18 alpha satellite DNA has been lost.  相似文献   

During a follow-up study of 19 790 pregnancies at risk for a genetic disease, from 1968 to 1989, 1083 fetuses were found to have an anomaly during the second trimester, leading to 977 terminations of pregnancy. Neural tube defects (31.4 per cent), chromosomal disorders (27.1 per cent), and Mendelian or multifactorial diseases (10.6 per cent) were the main causes of fetal anomaly. More than half (52.9 per cent) of the fetal anomalies were detected by routine ultrasound examination. Forty-two per cent of cystic hygromas were secondary to a chromosomal defect. We stress the importance of a comprehensive fetal and newborn examination to ensure an accurate diagnosis so that subsequently accurate counselling can be provided.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of Dandy-Walker malformation was made on the ultrasonographic evaluation of a 33-week male fetus. Pedigree analysis revealed a family history of isolated Dandy-Walker malformation in three other males, suggesting an X-linked recessive inheritance pattern.  相似文献   

A new technique for sampling fetal blood in twin pregnancies using two fetoscopes simultaneously is described. Two fetoscopes were inserted, one after the other, into both amniotic cavities and fetal blood samples were obtained from either the chorionic plate vessels or the umbilical cord insertion area. The observation of the bright tip of the second fetoscope behind the septum using the first fetoscope assured the successful entry of the two fetoscopes into the two different amniotic sacs. This technique was performed on 15 out of 17 patients. In all patients the fetuses were at risk of β-thalassemia major. Sampling was successful in all cases. Double simultaneous fetoscopy seems to be a safe and accurate technique without technical problems or complications. The simultaneous use of two fetoscopes opens new possibilities in intrauterine fetal surgery and research.  相似文献   

A prenatal diagnosis of the fragile-X syndrome in monozygotic male twins is reported. The expression of the fragile site was discordant in amniotic cells. Fetal blood and, after therapeutic abortion, skin fibroblasts were positive in both fetuses. Our data suggest that great care should be taken when using amniocytes for prenatal diagnosis of the fragile-X syndrome.  相似文献   

Prenatal diagnosis of chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) was performed in four male high risk fetuses. The male sex was previously determined by an amniotic cell karyotype. Three kinds of test were performed on fetal blood obtained by umbilical venous puncture under fetoscopy at the 20th gestational week: nitroblue tetrazolium reduction (NBT) cytochemical test with phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) as activator; luminol enhanced chemiluminescence with activation by serum opsonized zymosan (STZ) or PMA; superoxide anion (0) production by measurement of the superoxide dismutase inhibitable reduction of cytochrome c with PMA as activator. Results were compared to those obtained in six fetuses investigated for other inherited diseases. In one case, absence of granulocyte defects was confirmed at birth. In three other cases, the tests showed deficient metabolic oxidative granulocytes. The pregnancy was terminated and the CGD diagnosis was confirmed on the products of abortion. The use of three different techniques performed on whole blood for CGD prenatal diagnosis is recommended instead of a single isolated test to ensure a higher confidence in the diagnosis.  相似文献   

An Erratum has been published for this article in Prenatal Diagnosis 21(7) 2001, 605. Prenatal diagnosis (PD) of fetal cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection was performed in 242 pregnancies, with known outcome in 189 cases. In 141/189 pregnancies, PD was carried out on account of suspicious maternal CMV serology up to gestational week (WG) 23, and in 48 cases on account of abnormal ultrasonic findings detected between WG 18 and 39. Chorionic villus samples (n=6), amniotic fluid (AF, n=176) and/or fetal blood specimens (n=80) were investigated for detection of virus by cell culture, shell vial assay, PCR and/or CMV-specific IgM antibodies. Of 189 fetuses correctly evaluated by CMV detection either in fetal tissue following therapeutic abortion/stillbirth (n=24) or in urine of neonates within the first 2 weeks of life (n=33), 57 were congenitally infected. In women with proven or suspected primary infection, the intrauterine transmission rates were 20.6% (7/34) and 24.4% (10/41), respectively. Of the congenitally infected live-born infants, 57.6% (19/33) had symptoms of varying degree. The overall sensitivity of PD in the serologic and ultrasound risk groups was 89.5% (51/57). A sensitivity of 100% was achieved by combining detection of CMV-DNA and CMV-specific IgM in fetal blood or by combined testing of AF and fetal blood for CMV-DNA or IgM antibodies. There was no instance of intrauterine death following the invasive procedure. The predictive value of PD for fetal infection was 95.7% (132/138) for negative results and 100% (51/51) for positive results. Correct results for congenital CMV infection by testing AF samples can be expected with samples obtained after WG 21 and after a time interval of at least 6 weeks between first diagnosis of maternal infection and PD. In case of negative findings in AF or fetal blood and the absence of ultrasound abnormalities at WG 22–23, fetal infection and neonatal disease could be excluded with high confidence. Positive findings for CMV infection in AF and/or fetal blood in combination with CMV suspicious ultrasound abnormalities predicted a high risk of cytomegalic inclusion disease (CID). Furthermore, detection of specific IgM antibodies in fetal blood was significantly correlated with severe outcome for the fetus or the newborn (p=0.0224). However, normal ultrasound of infected fetuses at WG 22–23 can neither completely exclude an abnormal ultrasound at a later WG and the birth of a severely damaged child nor the birth of neonates which are afflicted by single manifestations at birth or later and of the kind which are not detectable by currently available ultrasonographic techniques. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Our experience with the prenatal detection of the Lesch-Nyhan syndrome (LNS; hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HGPRT) deficiency) in three fetuses at risk is reported. Enzyme activities were measured in cultured amniocytes in two pregnancies, and in tissues and cultures obtained from chorionic villus sampling (CVS) in a third pregnancy. In all tissues the specific activities of HGPRT and adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (APRT) were determined and APRT/HGPRT ratios were calculated. In addition to the enzyme assays, the rate of purine synthesis de novo was assessed in the two amniocyte cultures, and the rate of [14C]hypoxanthine incorporation into nucleotides and sensitivity to azaguanine were measured in one of the amniocyte cultures. We report the diagnosis of normal fetuses by study of amniocytes in two pregnancies and of LNS using CVS in one pregnancy. In all three cases the diagnosis was confirmed.  相似文献   

Ninety-two families with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) applied for genetic counselling and further prenatal diagnosis. To minimize expenses, only one tightly linked informative marker was determined in the course of preliminary examination, and non-radioactive allele detection was preferably used. Four prenatal diagnoses of SMA type I, four of SMA type II, and one of SMA type III were made. This trial programme shows the considerable requirements, importance, and potential effectiveness of prenatal prediction of SMA in Russia.  相似文献   

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