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Prior to a prospective application of amniotic fluid (AF) cell filtration to early amniocentesis, we tested the technique on a surplus from mid-trimester samples. By using the same sample size of 5 ml in experiments with a filter and in routine diagnostic procedures (control), we evaluated an optimal filter system. The prolonged culture time of filtered cells and the reduced number of clones are most probably due to mechanical stress (filtration pressure), whereas loss of the cells by adhesion to the filter system, and an AF-free culture medium (growth factors) are suggested to be less important. The AF cells are very sensitive to mechanical stress. Slow filtration (⩽3 ml AF/min) through filters with a high porosity and the largest possible pore size should be preferred. A mixed cellulose ester filter membrane with a pore size of 5·0 μm proved to be the most efficient, allowing harvest of the filtered cells after only a slight prolongation of the culture time (+2·4 days) compared with unfiltered aliquots. A filter set with a bypass connected by three-way taps allows cell filtration during either aspiration or reinjection of the AF. Cell filtration after amniocentesis and consecutive reverse flushing of the membrane with the appropriate amount of culture medium proved to be the best with regard to easy handling and reducing the risk of bacterial contamination.  相似文献   

Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) gel electrophoresis was performed on samples of amniotic fluid and extraembryonic coelomic fluid obtained by high resolution transvaginal ultrasound-guided amniocentesis from 38 women between 8 and 12 weeks of pregnancy. AChE was positive in 33 per cent (12/36) of the amniotic fluid samples; the percentage of positive results decreased as gestation advanced. AChE was positive in 32 per cent (9/28) of the extraembryonic coelomic fluid samples. In 81 per cent (21/26) of matched samples, the AChE results were identical in the two fluids. Amniotic fluid and extraembryonic coelomic fluid AChE electrophoresis cannot be used to diagnose neural tube defects prior to 12 weeks of gestation.  相似文献   

Our laboratory has received 1375 early amniotic fluid (EA) specimens during the past 5-year period for cytogenetics analysis. The gestational ages of the EA specimens were less than 14 weeks as estimated by ultrasound. The average volume of specimen received was 16 ml. Specimens were typically received in two collection tubes and cultured in Chang A and in supplemented MEM media using the in situ technique. Of the 1375 EA specimens received, 1356 were successfully cultured and yielded results. Abnormal results were found in 67 (4.9 per cent) of the cases. Nineteen specimens (1.4 per cent) failed to yield a result. The mean turn-around time (TAT) for all EA specimens was 8.28 days. In 1991, the average TAT for the EA specimens was 8.00 days compared with a TAT of 6.59 days for all specimens received over 14 weeks gestational age. The number of EA specimens received has increased from 1.5 per month in 1986 to 57 per month in 1991. In summary, our experience with EA specimens for cytogenetic analysis has demonstrated that the success rate is 98.6 per cent and that an increasing number of obstetricians are performing early amniocentesis as they seek to provide their patients with earlier results and an alternative to chorionic villus sampling.  相似文献   

One hundred and fourteen samples of amniotic fluid taken before 15 weeks of gestation were cultured for cytogenetic studies. The results of culturing these early amniotic fluid (EAF) samples were compared with the results of culturing 114 standard amniotic fluid (SAP) samples taken after 15 weeks of gestation matched for maternal age and received in the laboratory within the same week. Cell culture was successful in all 114 of the EAF samples and in 111 SAP samples. There was no significant difference in the days to harvesting and days to reporting in the two groups. Three samples of SAP failed to grow and two EAF samples produced tetraploid karyotypes, so that in these five cases amniocentesis had to be repeated. These problems were attributed to toxicity of a fungicide used in the culture medium. Pseudomosaicism was noted in two EAF samples and one SAP sample; and maternal cell contamination was noted in one EAF and one SAP sample. Thus, culturing and karyotyping cells harvested from EAF and SAP are similar, indicating that EAF samples from 12–14-week pregnancies could be used for prenatal diagnosis.  相似文献   

Ten-ml samples of amniotic fluid were taken from pregnancies being terminated at 8–14 weeks' gestation. DNA was extracted from the amniotic cells by sequential centrifugation and analysed using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Fifteen samples were analysed for evidence of maternal contamination using Mfd5 oligo-nucleotide primers for repeat polymorphisms. Ten amniotic fluid samples were tested for the Delta-F508 deletion characteristic of cystic fibrosis to demonstrate a diagnostic application for the technique. In each case, DNA extracted from fetal tissue from the same pregnancy was included in the controls. In 14 of the 15 cases tested with the Mfd5 primers, both the amniotic fluid DNA and the fetal DNA showed no evidence of contaminating DNA. In one case, neither the amniotic fluid cells nor the fetal cells yielded results. In nine of the ten cases tested with the Delta-F508 primers, the amniotic fluid cell DNA provided accurate information about the genetic status of the fetus; in the tenth, the fetal DNA failed to amplify. The results indicate that adequate DNA can be extracted from amniotic fluid from 8 weeks' gestation onward and these samples are suitable for prenatal diagnosis using PCR.  相似文献   

We report a case of maternal mosaic trisomy 21 ascertained at prenatal diagnosis as a result of maternal cell contamination of an amniotic fluid sample. A 34 year old female was referred for karyotyping because of a previous trisomy 21 pregnancy. Chromosome analysis of primary in situ cultures showed a karyotype of 47,XX, + 21[6]/46,XY[32]/46,XX[2]. Molecular testing demonstrated maternal cell contamination of the amniotic fluid sample and G-banded karyotyping of maternal blood showed that 3/200 cells had trisomy 21, consistent with the mother being a Down syndrome mosaic. A normal male baby with a 46,XY chromosome complement was delivered at 30 weeks. This case emphasises the need for close collaboration between cytogenetic and molecular genetics laboratories in resolving unusual cases of mosaicism. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A simple method for preparing prometaphase chromosomes from amniotic fluid cell cultures is described. The technique is based upon several key steps including: (1) reduced colcemid concentration, (2) reduced exposure to trypsin-EDTA, and (3) maintaining cells in single suspension by adjusting cell concentration appropriately. Chromosomes with banding resolution up ot 800 bands per haploid set can be routinely produced. The described methodology is particularly useful in defining and establishing the clinical significance of subtle structural aberrations.  相似文献   

The detection of maternal cells in amniocyte cultures is thought to be due to the outgrowth of cells from small fragments of maternal tissue removed by the amniocentesis needle. An unusual case is reported in which maternal cell contamination (MCC) was found in the cell cultures from a woman in two different amniocenteses from two consecutive pregnancies. Both pregnancies were complicated by the presence of fibroids and the fibroid tissue may have been the source of the maternal cells. A history of an amniocentesis in which there was MCC of cell cultures, or the detection of fibroids, may pose an additional risk for MCC attributable misdiagnosis in prenatal genetic studies.  相似文献   

This paper represents the analysis of 1916 routine amniotic fluid specimens harvested by an in situ fixation technique in a prospective study with regard to cultural chromosome anomalies. Excluding constitutional abnormalities, 2·9 per cent of 19432 cells analysed showed some form of chromosome anomaly, terminal deletions (57 percent) and chromatid/chromosome breaks and gaps (18 per cent) being the most frequent, followed by interchange aberrations (13 per cent) and trisomy (5 per cent). No case was found of more than one colony from the same culture showing the same anomaly without it being present in other cultures from the same fluid. The wholly abnormal colonies had a surplus of trisomies and from the mathematical considerations presented one may infer that these are likely to reflect the presence of abnormal cells in the amniotic fluid. Partly abnormal colonies appeared at a frequency that would correspond to virtual absence of selection against chromosomally abnormal cells when cultured in vitro. The aberrations found were similar to those seen as single cell anomalies, except for chromatid breaks and exchanges. The data suggest a basic preferential induction of trisomy for chromosomes 2,18,21, and the Y-chromosome. Structural aberrations showed a marked clustering of breakpoints around the centromeres. The frequency of mutant cells was low (1·4 × 10−3) before culture was initiated. At harvest, the frequency of abnormal cells was much higher (3 × 10−2) corresponding to 3 × 10−3 mutations per cell per generation accumulating over approximately ten generations in vitro.  相似文献   

Data on chromosomal mosaicism was collected retrospectively on 12 386 amniotic fluid samples cultured over a 10 year period in 14 Canadian centres. Level I mosaicism (a single abnormal cell—excluding single cell monosomy) was encountered in 863 cases (7.1 per cent). Level II mosaicism (multiple cells with the same abnormality in a single flask or colony) was encountered in 138 cases (1.1 per cent). Level III mosaicism (multiple cells distributed over multiple flasks or colonies) was encountered in 34 cases (0.3 per cent). Analysis of the details of these cases allowed five major conclusions to be drawn: (1) Single cell abnormalities should not be taken as an indication of true fetal mosaicism. Only rarely will this interpretation prove to be incorrect. (2) Mosaicism involving multiple cells confined to a single flask should not be regarded as an indication of true fetal mosaicism. Only occasionally will this interpretation prove to be incorrect. (3) Mosaicism involving multiple cells distributed over more than one flask should be regarded as a strong indication of true fetal mosaicism. Sixty per cent will be confirmed by karyotype analysis of the fetus or infant. (4) Mosaicism of the XX/XY type is usually due to maternal cell contamination. Occasionally it can be a female fetus with XY cells from an unknown source. (5) The in situ or colony method of chromosome analysis has no clear advantage over the flask method for either the detection of true fetal mosaicism or for the ability to distinguish true mosaics from false positives.  相似文献   

The activities of the disaccharidases maltase and sucrase in 4 amniotic fluid from cystic fibrosis (CF) pregnancies have been compared to those of 120 non CF-pregnancies. Very low levels were found in 3 of the CF-fluids. The fourth CF-fluid was normal in all measured microvillar enzyme activities. Elevated levels of disaccharidases in meconium from one of the patients born with CF, supports the idea that these enzymes are trapped in the intestinal cavity by sticky meconium.  相似文献   

通过过滤实验从过滤周期、水头损失及比沉积量三个方面对砂、纤维球和纤维球-砂滤床的过滤效果进行了比较.实验结果证实了纤维球-砂滤料的优越性。   相似文献   

Amniocentesis performed at the 12th week and later gives reliable results. The procedure can be performed using regimens developed for mid-trimester amniotic fluid (AF) cells. Extension to the 10th–11th week is, in principle, feasible. However, the high cytogenetic failure rate is a difficulty and despite a high clone count, the culture time is prolonged. The problem of the relatively high loss of AF could be overcome by cell filtration techniques and replacement of the fluid. Because of the short turnover rate of the AF, this may be unnecessary or replacement with an isotonic solution may be sufficient. (Pseudo)mosaicism appears to occur more frequently in early than in late amniocentesis. As yet, data are too sparse to allow a comparison with chorionic villus sampling. There are no reliable follow-up data from which to estimate the abortion rate and the number of embryonic malformations.  相似文献   

Contamination of amniotic fluid cell cultures by maternal cells can be expected to lead to misdiagnosis of fetal genotype in 0·1 to 0·5/100 cultures, when assays are carried out directly on cultured cells. Chemical analysis of the cell-free amniotic fluid supernatant may overcome this source of error and has the added advantages of speed and independence from amniotic cell culture failure. We describe a pregnancy at risk for Hurler's disease where amniotic cells cultured at amniocentesis had a female karyotype and an α-iduronidase activity towards both phenyl and 4-methylumbelliferyl substrates at the lower end of the normal range, suggesting a heterozygous fetus. An affected fetus was predicted, however, because of a high concentration of dermatan sulphate in the amniotic fluid. The discrepancy between these findings was shown to be due to maternal cell contamination of amniotic fluid cell cultures by the birth of a male infant with Hurler's disease.  相似文献   

In cases of severe oligohydramnios, sonographic diagnosis is hampered by poor visibility and by increased fetal flexion. Therefore, 74 artificial instillations of amniotic fluid were performed in 50 pregnancies by sonographic guidance. Fetal diseases included Potter's syndrome, obstructive uropathy, cystic kidneys (20 cases); Meckel's syndrome, C. de Lange syndrome, cytomegaly fetopathy (1 case each); VATER association (2 cases); triploidy (5 cases); severe intrauterine growth retardation (8 cases); and premature rupture of membranes (12 cases). By improved sonographic visibility and the observation of fetal behaviour (drinking, filling of stomach and bladder, voiding of bladder after artificial instillation of amniotic fluid), the fetal anatomy could be studied more accurately, malformations could be identified or excluded, and bladder function could be examined. Thus, differentiation between fetuses without functioning kidneys and those with severe intrauterine growth retardation becomes possible. Further, re-aspiration on the day following instillation permitted determination of the karyotype. Finally, the artificial instillation of amniotic fluid is a hazardous intervention (rupture of membranes, labour) and should be reserved only for a small number of selected cases with diagnostically unclear oligohydramnios. For these cases, it seems to be the method of choice permitting a variety of diagnostic information to be obtained.  相似文献   

An attempt is made to summarize as completely as possible what is known about the prenatal diagnosis of amino– and organic acidurias by direct measurement of characteristic metabolites in amniotic fluid, and to indicate which disorders can potentially be diagnosed prenatally by direct quantitation of metabolites. Furthermore, the disorders are mentioned in which the prenatal diagnosis was proven to be unsuccessful by this approach. The prenatal diagnoses of a case of propionic acidemia and a case of tyrosinemia type I in the 11th and 12th week of gestational age, respectively, are reported and the prospects of performing amniocentesis in the first trimester for prenatal diagnosis are discussed.  相似文献   

First-trimester chorionic villus sampling has not reached the popularity of second-trimester amniocentesis in prenatal cytogenetic diagnosis, in contrast to initial expectations. We investigated whether a difference inthe diagnostic performances of cytogenetic investigation in amniotic fluid (AF) cells and chorionic villi in favour of AF-cells might justify this. Diagnostic performance was measured as laboratory failure rate, karyotype quality (G-band score, rate of follow-up samples, rate of wrong diagnoses), and karyotype representativity (rate of follow-up samples, rate of wrong diagnoses). From 1993–1999, 11 883 AF-samples were investigated (AF-cells). In chorionic villi, short term culture preparations solely were karyotyped from 1993–1996 (n=3499) (STC-villi), short and long-term culture preparations simultaneously provided a sufficient amount of tissue being available from 1997 onwards (n=1829) ((STC+LTC)-villi). Laboratory failure rates were the same after amniocentesis (0.40%) and chorionic villus sampling (0.50%). G-band scores (mean±SD) were equal in AF-cells (373±38.1) and LTC-villi (364±32.6) but significantly lower in STC-villi (311±34.6) (p=0.001). Follow-up sampling rates because of quality reasons were the same in AF-cells (0.14%), STC- villi (0.13%) and (STC+LTC)-villi (0.11%). Two wrong diagnoses turned up among AF-cells. Follow-up sampling rates because of representativity reasons differed significantly between AF-cells (0.10%), (STC+LTC)-villi (1.31%), and STC-villi (1.99%) (p<0.001). However, the ratios of the total numbers of follow-up samples and uncertain or abnormal cytogenetic results in STC, and (STC+LTC)-villi at cytogenetic risks ⩾3% (0.132 and 0.160, respectively) were equal to that in AF-cells at risks <3% (0.155). Two wrong diagnoses were made in STC-villi. Diagnostic performance improved in the rank order of STC-villi, (STC+LTC)-villi and AF-cells. At cytogenetic risks ⩾3%, (STC+LTC)-villi showed a diagnostic performance equal to that in AF-cells. This might justify a selective use of chorionic villus sampling. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A report is given of the results of a European collaborative study on mosaicism, pseudomosaicism and single abnormal cells in amniotic fluid cell cultures. The mean frequency of cases with mosaicism was 0.10 per cent, with pseudomosaicism 0.64 per cent and with single abnormal cells 2.83 per cent in a series of 44 170 amniotic fluid samples. There was no significant difference between the colony (in situ) and the flask method with regard to the frequency of mosaicism. Pseudomosaicism and single abnormal cells were more frequent in cases studied with the flask method probably due to other factors than the method of cultivation of the cells. The frequency of maternal cell contamination was 0.17 per cent and the frequency of wrong sex assignment was 0.11 per cent. A more correct estimation is obtained if these frequencies are doubled. There was a considerable variation between laboratories with regard to the frequencies given above. One reason for this variation is that there are no sharp limits between mosaicism, pseudomosaicism and single abnormal cells. Thus the material contained cases diagnosed as having pseudomosaicism which turned out to be mosaics at birth and to have an abnormal phenotype. These cases were very rare but pose a definite problem in prenatal cytogenetic diagnosis.  相似文献   

Chorion biopsy specimens were used for prenatal assay of arylsulphatase A activity in a pregnant woman whose two children had died from metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD). As in two subsequent pregnancies chorion arylsulphatase A was in the control range, it was concluded that both fetuses were healthy. Absence of MLD in the fetus from the first pregnancy was confirmed after assay of arylsuphatase A activity in fetal organs. The second pregnancy resulted in delivery of a healthy child.  相似文献   

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