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Contamination of amniotic fluid cell cultures by maternal cells can be expected to lead to misdiagnosis of fetal genotype in 0·1 to 0·5/100 cultures, when assays are carried out directly on cultured cells. Chemical analysis of the cell-free amniotic fluid supernatant may overcome this source of error and has the added advantages of speed and independence from amniotic cell culture failure. We describe a pregnancy at risk for Hurler's disease where amniotic cells cultured at amniocentesis had a female karyotype and an α-iduronidase activity towards both phenyl and 4-methylumbelliferyl substrates at the lower end of the normal range, suggesting a heterozygous fetus. An affected fetus was predicted, however, because of a high concentration of dermatan sulphate in the amniotic fluid. The discrepancy between these findings was shown to be due to maternal cell contamination of amniotic fluid cell cultures by the birth of a male infant with Hurler's disease.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether there is increased leakage of neuron-specific enolase (NSE) and S-100 protein into amniotic fluid in pregnancies with neural tube defects, since both these proteins are produced by neural tissue, and to compare the value of these substances for detecting such defects with that of the more conventional techniques of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) gel electrophoresis. Amniotic samples from 25 mid-pregnancies (15–17 weeks' gestation) with neural tube defects (14 with open spina bifida and 11 with anencephaly) and from seven mid-pregnancies with abdominal wall defects were compared with a control material consisting of 80 amniotic fluid samples from 80 consecutive mid-pregnancy amniocenteses, with normal karyotypes and AFP concentrations. All of the above cases of abnormalities were primarily detected through increased AFP levels in the amniotic fluid. Amniotic fluid samples from 13 pregnancies with fetuses with autosomal chromosomal abnormalities and seven amniotic fluid samples contaminated with blood were also included in the investigation. It is concluded from the results that the conventional AFP assay combined with AChE gel electrophoresis is the best method for screening amniotic fluid for neural tube defects and defects of the abdominal wall. Neither NSE nor S-100 assay alone proved to be superior for the detection of these cases in mid-trimester amniotic fluid. The S-100 assay, however, could give additional information in cases where AChE gel electrophoresis is not decisive; for example, in samples contaminated with blood.  相似文献   

Stored amniotic fluid samples collected in Oxford and East Birmingham as part of the Collaborative Acetylcholinesterase Study were assayed for the presence of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) using a monoclonal antibody (4F19) enzyme antigen immunoassay. These results were compared with the results of a gel AChE which had been performed earlier. A total of 5689 samples from singleton pregnancies were analysed (including 36 with anencephaly, 77 with open spina bifida and 17 with anterior abdominal wall defects). The gel test yielded detection rates of 97% for anencephaly, 99% for open spina bifida and 94% for abdominal wall defects; the false positive rate (excluding pregnancies associated with serious abnormalities, miscarriages and intrauterine deaths) was 0·24%. The monoclonal test yielded similar results; using appropriate cut-off values to allow for differences in acetylcholinesterase levels in blood stained and clear samples, a similar false-positive rate of 0·22% was associated with detection rates of 97%, 95 % and 71 % respectively for the three types of defect. Although the detection rates and the false positive rate were slightly higher for the gel test, a result that might be explained by a decrease in AChE activity caused by storage of the samples, the monoclonal test has the advantages of requiring less interpretative expertise, it can be performed on a larger number of samples a day and it is not affected by contamination with fetal calf serum.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the use of five-colour fluorescence in situ hybridization for prenatal diagnosis of aneuploidy using uncultured amniotic fluid cells. The analysis is based on ratio mixing of dual-labelled probes and digital imaging for the detection and visualization of five different probes specific for the five target chromosomes, 13, 18, 21, X, and Y. A retrospective blind analysis of 30 coded uncultured amniotic fluid samples correctly detected fetal sex and five trisomy 21 cases. Multicolour fluorescence in situ hybridization used in this way allows rapid and simultaneous detection of the most frequent aneuploidies.  相似文献   

Amniotic fluid levels of pregnancy-specific β1-glycoprotein (SP1) were elevated in four pregnancies with Meckel's syndrome at 16 and 26 weeks, and the levels of hCG were also elevated in three out of four cases. These findings suggest a potential new application of SP1 measurement for prenatal diagnosis.  相似文献   

Amniotic fluid samples received for routine prenatal diagnosis of open neural tube defects were used for a study to compare amniotic fluid acetylcholinesterase (AChE) determination using a monoclonal antibody (4F19) enzyme antigen immunoassay and amniotic fluid alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) measurement as diagnostic tests for open neural tube defects. The study was based on 9964 women with singleton pregnancies and known outcome (including 6 with anencephaly and 18 with open spina bifida) having an amniocentesis at 14–23 weeks of gestation. The AChE immunoassay yielded detection rates for anencephaly of 100 per cent (95 per cent confidence interval (CI) 54·07–100 per cent), for open spina bifida of 100 per cent (95 per cent CI 81·47–100 per cent), for anterior abdominal wall defects of 20 per cent (95 per cent CI 0-51-71-64 per cent), and a false-positive rate of 0·22 percent (95 per cent CI 0·14–0·34 per cent) excluding anencephaly, open spina bifida, and anterior abdominal wall defects. For similar detection rates the false-positive rate of the AFP test was significantly higher, 0·74 per cent (95 per cent CI 0·58–0·94 per cent). On the basis of these findings, it is recommended that the technically simple AChE immunoassay should be used on all samples; the AFP test should only be used on the 0·5 per cent of the samples with concentrations of AChE activity ⩾ 8·5 nkat/1 for clear samples and blood-stained samples becoming clear after centrifugation, and ⩾ 25·0 nkat/1 for blood-stained samples that are discoloured after centrifugation; an AFP cut-off level of 2·0 MOM is recommended for this policy. Thereby, the detection rates for anencephaly, open spina bifida, and anterior abdominal wall defects would be 100, 100, and 20 per cent, respectively (95 per cent CIs 54·07–100, 81·47–100, and 0·51–71·64 per cent, respectively), and the false-positive rate would be 0·08 per cent (95 per cent CI 0·03–0·16 per cent) (excluding anencephaly, open spina bifida, and anterior abdominal wall defects).  相似文献   

The histochemical measurement of urea-resistant alkaline phosphatase from maternal blood neutrophils is known to have a high detection rate for the prenatal detection of Down's syndrome pregnancies. However, because the histochemical method is laborious and subjective to use, it has not gained widespread acceptance in prenatal screening programmes. We present a simple and objective method for the measurement of urea-resistant alkaline phosphatase by flow cytometry. The method should allow the design of larger studies aimed at evaluating the role of neutrophil urea-resistant alkaline phosphatase in the prenatal screening for Down's syndrome.  相似文献   

Amniocentesis was performed at 17.3 weeks in a pregnancy with severe intrauterine growth retardation. Cytogenetic studies on amniocytes were normal, 46,XX, and the pregnancy was continued. The diagnosis of Smith–Lemli–Opitz syndrome was suspected in the neonatal period and confirmed by the presence of 7-dehydrocholesterol (7-DHC) in the plasma (0.4 mmol/l, normal = not detectable) associated with a low total cholesterol concentration (0.4 mmol/l, normal = 2.56 ± 0.23). Retrospective analysis of the amniotic fluid sample revealed an elevated level of 7-DHC (0.022 mmol/l; normal = undetectable). Therefore measurement of 7-DHC levels in amniotic fluid during the second trimester of pregnancy is useful for the prenatal diagnosis of Smith–Lemli–Opitz syndrome in families at risk and should be considered in cases of severe growth retardation of unknown aetiology for which amniotic fluid is available and in which a normal chromosomal pattern in amniocytes is present.  相似文献   

We prenatally diagnosed MELAS syndrome in a fetus whose mother and older brother had the MELAS-specific A3243G mutation. The mutant mtDNA level of the amniotic fluid cells was not significantly different from that of the postnatal peripheral blood and hair follicle samples. The obstetrical course was uncomplicated except for transient exacerbation of the mother's diabetes, which required insulin control. At term, the infant was macrosomic, and the delivery was complicated by shoulder dystocia. MELAS syndrome in itself does not influence either the prenatal course of the mother or the fetal outcome. In contrast to the fulminating clinical course of this mother's first child, MELAS symptoms did not develop in her second child until age four, despite similar high tissue levels of mutant mtDNA. The phenotypic diversity in two offspring with similar higher levels of mutant mtDNA suggests that prenatal genetic diagnosis of cultured amniotic cells may yield results that are poor prognosticators of fetal outcome. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We report a gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric method which allows the very long chain fatty acids content of trophoblastic tissue to be directly measured in samples collected by biopsy between 8 and 11 weeks of gestation. This method has been successfully applied to the detection of fetal Zellweger syndrome in two pregnant women who had previously delivered affected infants. In one of them, increased concentrations of C26:0 (0.254 versus 0.108±0.035 μ/mg proteins) and C24:0 (1.32 versus 0.815±0.325 μ/mg proteins) in trophoblast indicated that the fetus had Zellweger syndrome, a diagnosis confirmed by pathological findings after abortion. In the second case, the pregnancy was allowed to proceed, on the basis of normal concentrations of very long chain fatty acids in trophoblastic tissue, and its outcome was actually a healthy newborn.  相似文献   

Prenatal molecular genetic diagnosis for Noonan syndrome I is reported. Noonan syndrome was suspected because of large cystic hygroma colli, massive pleural effusion and ascites at 23 weeks of gestation and normal karyotype (46,XX). DNA was prepared from amnion cells and screened for mutations in the PTPN11 gene. In exon 8, a missense mutation (S285F) was found. Delivery was induced at 33 weeks of gestation because of silent cardiotocography (CTG). Despite immediate drainage of the hydrothorax, mechanical ventilation was insufficient and the child died 9 h after birth due to severe pulmonary hypoplasia. Pleural punctate was enriched for small lymphocytes and thus was characterized as chylus. Prenatal ultrasound findings in Noonan syndrome usually are unspecific and rarely lead to a diagnosis. However, with the combination of cystic hygroma, pleural effusion, ascites and normal karyotype Noonan syndrome should be considered and DNA testing for PTPN11 mutations may be appropriate. Malformations of lymphatic vessels and/or chylothorax in Noonan syndrome seem to be more frequent than usually anticipated. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Iduronate sulphatase activity was determined in uncultured chorionic villi from four fetuses at risk for Hunter syndrome. AH fetuses were shown to be female by chromosome analysis. Biopsy material from three fetuses showed iduronate sulphatase activity within normal limits whilst the fourth fetus showed activity reduced to 7 per cent of our control mean. The importance of fetal sexing in prenatal diagnosis of this condition is emphasized as female carrier fetuses may show iduronate sulphatase activity reduced to levels observed in affected males.  相似文献   

A prenatally detected case of a rare mosaic tetrasomy 12p/trisomy 12p is reported, presenting as the well-known accessory isochromosome 12p and a supernumerary single 12p marker in 17/24 and 6/24 clones of cultured amniotic fluid cells, respectively. The chromosomal nature of both marker chromosomes was investigated in cultured amniotic fluid cells by fluorescent in situ hybridization with various probes: the 12-centromeric probes pa12H8 and D12Z3, a whole chromosome 12 paint, and the chromosome 12p-specific paint M28. DNA analysis revealed a maternal origin of the extra 12p material. After counselling, the parents requested termination of pregnancy. Inspection and autopsy of the fetus revealed many of the dysmorphisms and internal structural abnormalities of the Pallister–Killian syndrome.  相似文献   

We report the prenatal diagnosis of a male fetus with X-linked recessive chondrodysplasia punctata (CDPX), steroid sulphatase (STS) deficiency, X-linked Kallmann syndrome (KAL), and a chromosome deletion at Xp22.31. Biochemical analysis of bone from this case indicates that CDPX is not a defect of vitamin K metabolism. Immunocytochemical study of the brain suggests that KAL is a defect in neuronal migration.  相似文献   

In two cases of prenatally detected cystic hygroma with oligohydraminos, successful cytogenetic diagnosis of Turner syndrome was achieved using cells obtained from direct aspiration of the cystic hygroma. Exceptionally high levels of alpha-fetoprotein were found in the cystic hygroma fluid, as might be expected. However, the maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein levels were within normal limits. Elevated alpha-fetoprotein levels in ‘amniotic fluid’ noted previously in the literature may have resulted because of inadvertent tapping of the cystic hygroma. It is clear from our cases that maternal serum levels of alpha-fetoprotein will not necessarily be elevated and will not serve as a screening mechanism for cystic hygromas.  相似文献   

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