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Data on a total of 11 855 diagnostic chorionic villus samples obtained in the years 1986 and 1987 were compiled from a questionnaire filled in by 36 European cytogenetic centres. Mosaicism was reported in 141 cases. The cytogenetic findings were followed by induced abortion in 24 cases. Spontaneous abortion was observed in nine mosaic pregnancies, a rate not significantly different from that observed for CVS in total. Mosaicism was found in 1.2 per cent of analyses by direct analysis/short-term culture, in contrast to the 0.6 per cent found after long-term culture. Evidence for fetal non-mosaicism was found in 99 of the 141 cases. The finding of mosaicism in first-trimester CVS should always elicit further analyses, preferably after amniocentesis, to substantiate the suspected fetal chromosome aberration.  相似文献   

Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) with either transcervical catheters or transabdominal needles is a widely-accepted method for prenatal diagnosis. However, there exists a small subset of patients in whom sampling is difficult or impossible with either route because of individual anatomic variations. A new method of chorionic villus biopsy has been developed to circumvent these problems, utilizing transvaginal chorionic needle aspiration guided by an intravaginal ultrasound probe. This technique was performed successfully in 15 patients in whom villi could not be obtained by either of the conventional methods. This method now makes CVS possible in essentially all women regardless of their uterine anatomy or placental placement; it may also prove useful for very early chorionic sampling.  相似文献   

The prenatal diagnosis of cystinosis is currently based on the increased amount of free-cystine present in amniotic fluid cells. Amniocyte cultures must be grown for at least 2 weeks to obtain sufficient cells for such measurements. Thus, the diagnosis cannot be made until close to 20 weeks gestational age by this method. We report a case in which chorionic villi were used for direct cystine measurement resulting in the in utero diagnosis of cystinosis at 9 weeks gestational age. The diagnosis was confirmed by the study of cultured chorionic villus cells, and of the 10-week abortus.  相似文献   

Transvaginal chorionic villus sampling (CVS) using concurrent transabdominal ultrasound guidance was performed in six women who desired CVS but could not be offered transcervical or transabdominal approaches because of uterine position and placental location. Satisfactory amounts of chorionic villi were obtained in all six cases with no maternal discomfort, an occurrence that contrasts with our experience in transvaginal CVS using endovaginal ultrasound guidance. We believe that transvaginal CVS using concurrent transabdominal ultrasound guidance warrants consideration as an alternative technique for first-trimester CVS in selected patients.  相似文献   

Chorionic villus samples from two healthy pregnant females were obtained for first trimester fetal diagnosis. The karyotypes were 46, XX/47, XX, +3 and 46, XX/47, XX, +15, respectively. In both cases fibroblast cultures after termination of pregnancy were shown to have normal karyotypes.  相似文献   

Thirty-nine (2.3 per cent) of 1724 chromosome studies from diagnostic chorionic villus samplings (CVS) done between 1983 and 1990 showed either level III (true) mosaicism (1.2 per cent) or level II (pseudo-) mosaicism (1.1 per cent) for chromosomal aneuploidy. Follow-up information on these 39 pregnancies was collected from questionnaires to families, paediatricians, and obstetricians. For all cases in which the pregnancy was continued and further testing was accomplished, the mosaicism was felt to be confined to the placenta. As compared with a control group of pregnancies evaluated by CVS with normal karyotypes, there was no increased incidence of pregnancy loss, congenital malformations, or developmental delay in the infants. Although intrauterine growth retardation occurred in several of the level III mosaic cases, adequate catch-up growth has been demonstrated.  相似文献   

First trimester fetal diagnosis was established in 100 pregnancies at risk by transabdominal chorionic villus sampling (TA-CVS). Forty-eight per cent of the women were 35 years or more at the time of sampling. Using the double needle technique, both the aspiration and the diagnostic success rate were 100 per cent. The mean amount of villi aspirated was 28·2 mg (10–50 mg). The mean needle time was 3 min. Vaginal spotting appeared in 2 per cent of the women. Four women had therapeutic abortion due to abnormal findings and one for social reasons. Three fetuses with normal karyotypes were lost. Excluding the therapeutic abortions, the fetal loss rate was 3±2 per cent. The fetal loss rate in the amniocentesis control group (n = 200) was 3±6 per cent. The cytogenetic diagnosis was carried out by the direct preparation technique as well as by chorion villus cultivation. All karyotypes were confirmed by lymphocyte cultures from umbilical cord blood or heel blood from the newborn or from aborted fetal tissue. Transabdominal CVS is deemed a safe and easy tool for achieving chorionic villi in the first trimester.  相似文献   

Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) has emerged as a first trimester alternative to amniocentesis for the prenatal detection of genetic disorders. We report our experience in 600 consecutive CVS procedures to better delineate the safety, efficacy and reliability of this new method of prenatal diagnosis. Adequate samples were obtained at the initial visit in 97 per cent of the cases, and successful cultures were established in 98.7 per cent of these patients. Chromosome abnormalities were detected in 5.9 per cent of those pregnancies tested because of advanced maternal age (≥ 35 years). A discrepancy between the villus karyotype and that of the fetus was found in 2.0 per cent of cases, and most commonly consisted of mosaicism in the villus sample for a chromosomal abnormality that was not found in fetal samples. The risk of spontaneous abortion following the procedure was 6.3 per cent. We conclude that chorionic villus sampling is an acceptably safe and reliable procedure, but further investigation is needed before it can become an established technique in prenatal diagnosis.  相似文献   

This controlled prospective study assesses the relative risks of first trimester chorionic villus sampling (CVS) versus mid-trimester gentic amniocentesis (GA). CVS subjects and amnio-centesis controls were comparable with regard to several confounding variables which might influence the risk of pregnancy loss including maternal age, smoking, alcohol consumption, gestational age at study entry, and history of vaginal bleeding or poor prior reproductive outcome. The most common indication for prenatal diagnosis was advanced maternal age (n = 511). In this subgroup, spontaneous abortion (<24 weeks) occurred in 2·9 per cent of CVS subjects versus 4−3 per cent of amniocentesis controls. The sum of spontaneous and therapeutic abortions (<24 weeks) was identical (5·3 per cent) in both groups. Therefore, intervention in the CVS group (i.e., therapeutic abortion for cytogenetic abnormalities) did not influence the observed risk of pregnancy loss. Overall perinatal mortality rates were also similar in both groups. No significant differences were identified for a number of pregnancy outcome parameters including 5 min Apgar score, birth weight, body length, head circumference, gestational age at delivery, preterm delivery, fetal growth retardation, congenital malformations, and neonatal complications. Preliminary results of this controlled prospective study suggest that chorionic villus sampling carries a low and acceptable risk.  相似文献   

We report an unusual case involving chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and trisomy 8 mosaicism. CVS showed a normal direct preparation while the culture showed mosaicism for trisomy 8. Subsequent amniocentesis revealed only normal chromosomes. A peripheral blood culture after birth revealed low-level trisomy 8 mosaicism. The patient appeared phenotypically and developmentally normal at 30 months of age. We conclude that prenatal counselling for similar cases needs to include the rare but real possibility that chromosome mosaicism detected prenatally may be found postnatally with largely unknown consequences. Secondly, low-level chromosomal mosaicism may be more common than previously recognized. Thirdly, very low-level trisomy 8 mosaicism may be compatible with a normal phenotype but long-term follow-up is required. And lastly, the use of fetal blood sampling is questionable in these cases because the phenotype may not be accurately predicted. Further studies of such cases are needed to address these important and unanswered issues, including the potential implication of mosaicism on academic performance and cognitive functioning.  相似文献   

Three cases of unusual chromosomal mosaicism are reported for which the cytogenetic data show inconsistent findings between CVS and AC or fetal tissue, and which cannot be explained simply by non-disjunction. For case 1, in CVS the karyotype was 46,XY, whereas lymphocytes and fibroblasts revealed 69,XXY. DNA fingerprinting indicated one paternal and two maternal chromosome sets, the latter most probably due to omission of maternal meiosis II. For case 2, in CVS mos 46,XX/47,XX,+mar de novo was observed. Amniotic fluid cells had the karyotype 46,XX. The origin of the marker chromosome might be explained by at least two events of unknown order (a somatic chromosome/chromatid deletion and non-disjunction of the homologous chromosome). In case 3 (CVS: mos 46,XY/46,XY,19q+ de novo; amniotic fluid cells, lymphocytes, and fibroblasts: 46,XY), the surplus of chromosome material in 19q+ might be explained on the basis of a somatic translocation. The idea of a chimera is less convincing, as the mosaic finding is restricted to one tissue. Furthermore, there was no hint of a vanishing twin. Hitherto, no case of structural chromosome mosaicism in CVS has been reconfirmed in fetal tissues.  相似文献   

This paper reports eight cases of non-mosaic, rare, and typically lethal trisomies diagnosed in chorionic villi and not confirmed by amniocentesis. Four cases were 47,XX, + 16; two cases were 47,XX, +2; one was 47,XX, + 12; and one was 47,XY, +7. There have been no known complications in any of these gestations. These eight cases were found in a series of approximately 12 000 samples processed in our laboratory (0.07 per cent). We conclude that (1) rare non-mosaic trisomy not reflecting the fetal condition is an occasional source of diagnostic ambiguity in chorionic villus sampling; and (2) when encountered, a follow-up amniocentesis should be recommended to the patient to confirm or rule out the abnormality. We propose the term ‘confined placental abnormality’ to describe non-mosaic trisomies and other related abnormalities found only in chorionic tissue.  相似文献   

Chromosomal mosaicism is one of several unanswered dilemmas in first-trimester prenatal diagnosis. We report the course of a pregnancy in which a normal karyotype was detected on direct CVS preparation and fetal blood, 100 per cent trisomy 21 in one long-term CVS culture, and low-rate trisomy 21 mosaicism in a second long-term CVS culture and amniocentesis. The phenotypically normal infant had a 6 per cent mosaicism of trisomy 21. It appears that a persistent low-rate mosaicism in different tissues may be indicative of the true status of the fetus.  相似文献   

The attitudes of 190 patients who had undergone chorionic villus sampling (CVS) were assessed by means of a questionnaire. One hundred and fifty-two patients replied of whom 68 (45 per cent) were referred because of increased maternal age and in the other 84 cases the indications included previous chromosomal abnormalities, fetal sexing, DNA analysis, and biochemical analysis. One hundred and twenty-two patients had a transcervical procedure, 24 had a transabdominal, and six patients required both procedures. One hundred and forty-one patients (93 per cent) reported CVS to be a satisfactory procedure, and the same percentage thought earlier diagnosis was beneficial. Thirty-nine patients (81 per cent) reported a better experience with CVS than with a previous amniocentesis. A majority of patients (93 per cent) wished a CVS in a future pregnancy and 137 patients (97 per cent) would accept a risk of miscarriage from the procedure of twice that quoted for amniocentesis (1 per cent).  相似文献   

Chorionic villi were sampled from 125 women who requested prenatal diagnosis, either for genetic disorders or because of advanced maternal age. Of these, 105 samples were obtained by the transcervical route and 20 were obtained by the transabdominal approach. The sampling success rate was 97 per cent (122/125). The mean maternal age of the patients was 31 years (range 17–44) and the mean gestational age at which the chorionic villus sampling was performed was 10 weeks (range 7–13 weeks). Seventy-four of these diagnoses involved the use of DNA markers. The minimal size of the sample used for DNA diagnosis was 5 mg. Maternal contamination was detected in two samples. A diagnosis was provided on all but two samples. The fetal loss rate was high initially but fell to 1·9 per cent in 1988.  相似文献   

We describe an infant born at 29 weeks' gestation with oligohydramnios sequence due to amniotic fluid leakage following chorionic villus sampling at 12 weeks. To our knowledge, this is the first such report.  相似文献   

The occasion of the 18th symposium of the European Society of Human Genetics, 20 May to 2 June, provided an opportunity for the WHO to sponsor a small meeting on the progress of risk evaluation in three large programmes of chorionic villus sampling (CVS). Their pooled information showed a rate of fetal loss of 3·4 per cent in the first 300 cases in each programme, falling to 1·7 per cent in the following 400 cases.  相似文献   

The relative advantages and disadvantages of transabdominal (TA) and transcervical (TC) chorionic villus sampling (CVS) in terms of fetal risks and efficacy were evaluated in a clinical trial conducted on 1194 women randomized at 7–12 weeks' gestation. The results of the study indicate that, if any, the relative risk of fetal loss following either procedure is less than double that of the alternative technique when performed by a skilled operator. Overall, the fetal loss rate (spontaneous abortions following randomization, terminations of pregnancy, and perinatal deaths) is 16.5 and 15.5 per cent, respectively, among women allocated to TA- and TC-CVS. The two procedures are equally effective, although TA-CVS is associated with a significantly lower rate of repeat device insertions; on the other hand, a higher weight of chorionic tissue is obtained, on average, with TC-CVS. Bleeding is more common following TC-CVS, while peritoneal reaction developed only after TA-CVS. No diagnostic problems specifically related to one sampling technique were identified.  相似文献   

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