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Cartilage-hair hypoplasia (CHH) is an autosomal recessive disorder resulting in short stature and hypoplasia of hair. Associated features include impaired T-cell-mediated immunity, deficient erythropoiesis, gastrointestinal dysfunction, and an increased risk of malignancies. As the condition may, in some cases, be severe or even fatal during childhood, families with a previous history of CHH may wish to have prenatal diagnosis. We have previously assigned the gene for CHH to the proximal 9p by linkage analysis using several polymorphic DNA markers. Here we report the prenatal testing for CHH in three Finnish and one Australian family using three DNA markers closely linked to the CHH gene. In three cases a fetus unaffected with CHH was predicted at the probability level of more than 94 per cent. In one case, an affected fetus was predicted. The results were in concordance with ultrasonography performed for all fetuses. The three children born to date were unaffected as predicted. The DNA marker-based analysis thus provides a useful method for early prenatal testing for CHH.  相似文献   

In 19 pregnancies at risk for 21-hydroxylase deficiency (21OHD) in 18 families with at lea one affected child, prenatal diagnosis was performed by RFLP analysis using the enzymi Taq I and EcoRI and the DNA probes specific for the 21 OH genes, the closely linke complement C4 genes and the highly polymorphic HLA class II genes DRB, DQB, and DPI For fetal DNA analysis either chorionic villi or cultivated amniotic cells were used. In all 1 cases, a clear prenatal diagnosis was possible either with the 21OH probe alone or in mo cases, by combining the results of the different closely linked loci.  相似文献   

Eight pregnancies at risk for cystic fibrosis have been monitored by first-trimester prenatal diagnosis with DNA amplification analysis. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used in all cases to amplify the region detected by KM 19. In two cases, the region detected by CS·7, another DNA probe tightly linked to the CF locus, was also examined. The results of the PCR determinations were confirmed using the Southern blotting procedure, by segregation analysis of restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) relative to XV-2c, J3·11, metH, metD, and KM19 probes.  相似文献   

Eleven fetuses at risk for the infantile form of neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (INCL, CLN1) were studied using DNA markers and the results were compared with the results of electron microscopy (EM) of chorionic villus specimens from pregnancies in the first or early second trimester of pregnancy. In four cases, the prenatal diagnosis was made independently with both methods, and in seven cases, the EM diagnosis was confirmed postnatally or from autopsy material using RFLP analysis. The two methods gave concordant results in all cases. The DNA analysis based on RFLP haplotypes also for the first time facilitates reliable carrier diagnostics. RFLP analysis based on polymorphic markers closely linked to the INCL locus is now available for prenatal diagnosis of this fatal brain disease, whose biochemical background is totally unknown and for which no treatment is available.  相似文献   

In this paper, we compared the acceptance rate of fetal diagnosis for β-thalassemia in three group of couples of Sardinian descent; the first counselled before DNA analysis was available, the second presenting after DNA analysis was introduced but too late for chorionic villus sampling and thus monitored by amniocyte DNA analysis and the third presenting within the first trimester after DNA analysis was introduced and thus in time for trophoblast DNA analysis. A higher proportion of couples from the latter group opted for fetal testing as compared to the 1st and 2nd group. These results indicate that in this population, introduction of 1st trimester diagnosis made prenatal testing acceptable to practically all counselled couples at risk.  相似文献   

In a routine application of commercially available centromeric DNA probes for the prenatal screening of common trisomies involving the autosomes 13, 18, and 21, and sex chromosomes, four cases of discrepancy between fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) results and follow-up cytogenetic analysis were observed from a total of 516 cases of amniocentesis. In three of these cases, the results were false negative, and in one false positive. In this case, amniocentesis was performed because of a positive triple test in a 34-year-old woman with previous infertility treatment. The alpha satellite DNA probe for chromosomes 13/21 revealed five signals in 50 per cent of uncultured amniocytes, while standard cytogenetic analysis showed a normal karyotype. FISH analysis on metaphase chromosomes demonstrated the location of the additional signal in the centromeric region of chromosome 22. This additional signal was also present in the centromeric region of chromosome 22 of the mother, providing evidence for a possible inherited polymorphism in chromosome 22 responsible for unspecific hybridization with the alpha satellite probe for chromosomes 13/21 in this case. The observed polymorphism in centromeric regions may contribute to unreliability of the use of the 13/21 alpha satellite probe for prenatal screening by FISH.  相似文献   

Most species of social insects have singly mated queens, although there are notable exceptions. Competing hypotheses have been proposed to explain the evolution of high levels of multiple mating, but this issue is far from resolved. Here we use microsatellites to investigate mating frequency in the army ant Eciton burchellii and show that queens mate with an exceptionally large number of males, eclipsing all but one other social insect species for which data are available. In addition we present evidence that suggests that mating is serial, continuing throughout the lifetime of the queen. This is the first demonstration of serial mating among social hymenoptera. We propose that high paternity within colonies is most likely to have evolved to increase genetic diversity and to counter high pathogen and parasite loads.  相似文献   

Eight patients were referred for prenatal diagnosis for suspected fetal cytomegalovirus infection (CMV): six for documented first-trimester infection and two for abnormal ultrasound evaluation suggestive of fetal infection. Three methods of diagnosis were employed: (1) amniotic fluid viral cultures and CMV-specific IgM in fetal serum; (2) amniotic fluid cultures and detection by polymerase chain reaction amplification of CMV-specific DNA in chorionic villi; and (3) detection of CMV-specific DNA in villus samples only. Amniotic fluid cultures detected all cases of infection, but CMV-specific IgM was not a reliable indicator of infection in any case. DNA analysis correlated well with both culture results and clinical outcome.  相似文献   

From a total of 490 cystic fibrosis (CF) high-risk families under supervision (mostly Russian Slavs from the European part of the country), DNA data including both direct screening for some CF gene(CFTR)mutations(deIF508, G551D and 1677delTA) and allelic polymorphism studies with tightly CF linked DNA markers were collected from 261 families. All full families (129) and 86 CF families with a deceased index child were found to be either fully (42 per cent) or partially (40 per cent) informative for DNA analysis. Prenatal diagnosis (PD) was carried out in 161 CF families. Microvillar enzyme (MVE) assay was applied to all 140 PD at the second trimester either as a single test (88) or in conjunction with DNA analysis (52). The frequency of false-negative results of the MVE assay was 1.3 percent and that of false-positive results, as judged by the albumin meconium test, was 5.0 per cent. Ambiguous results of MVE analysis were found in 30 cases, 12 of which were verified by DNA analysis. Molecular diagnosis of CF at the first trimester was carried out in 21 cases and four pregnancies were terminated. Altogether, 39 pregnancies with a predicted high risk of CF fetuses were terminated. The low average frequency of delF508 in CF chromosomes of Russian Slavs (50 per cent), its remarkable inter-population variation, and the significant proportion of at-risk families without an affected child determine the necessity of combined molecular and biochemical (MVE assay) approaches for efficient prenatal diagnosis of CF in the former U.S.S.R.  相似文献   

Ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) deficiency is an X-linked disorder of the urea cycle mapped to chromosome Xp21.1. Here, we show that apparent segregation of null alleles at the OTC locus and flanking polymorphic loci mimicked false maternity or false paternity in three affected families. Based on these observations, we suggest giving consideration to gene deletion when dealing with segregation of null alleles in OTC deficiency.  相似文献   

In several animal species, females discriminate against previous mates in subsequent mating decisions, increasing the potential for multiple paternity. In spiders, female choice may take the form of selective sexual cannibalism, which has been shown to bias paternity in favor of particular males. If cannibalistic attacks function to restrict a male's paternity, females may have little interest to remate with males having survived such an attack. We therefore studied the possibility of female discrimination against previous mates in sexually cannibalistic Argiope bruennichi, where females almost always attack their mate at the onset of copulation. We compared mating latency and copulation duration of males having experienced a previous copulation either with the same or with a different female, but found no evidence for discrimination against previous mates. However, males copulated significantly shorter when inserting into a used, compared to a previously unused, genital pore of the female.  相似文献   

With the exception of several species, bumblebees are monandrous. We examined mating frequency in feral colonies of the introduced bumblebee Bombus terrestris in Japan. Using microsatellite markers, genotyping of sperm DNA stored in the spermatheca of nine queens detected multiple insemination paternities in one queen; the others were singly mated. The average effective paternity frequency estimated from the genotypes of queens and workers was 1.23; that estimated from the workers’ genotype alone was 2.12. These values were greater than those of laboratory-reared colonies in the native ranges of B. terrestris. The genotypes of one or two workers did not match those of their queens or showed paternities different from those of their nestmates; this may have arisen from either queen takeover or drifting of workers. These alien workers were responsible for the heterogeneous genotype distribution within each B. terrestris colony, resulting in higher estimates of paternity frequency than of insemination frequency. The high mating frequency of introduced B. terrestris may have occurred by artificial selection through mass breeding for commercialization. Moreover, polyandrous queens may be selectively advantageous, because reproduction by such queens is less likely to be disturbed by interspecific mating than that by monandrous queens.  相似文献   

Male paternity assurance behaviour during the female fertile period has been widely documented amongst birds. In contrast, how sex-specific behavioural strategies vary with local breeding synchrony levels remains largely unknown. This is important because, in many species, intra-population patterns of extra-pair fertilisation rates, and hence cuckoldry risk, are known to vary with the number of simultaneously fertile females. Each sex may therefore differ in how they behave towards male conspecifics during different degrees of breeding synchrony. Here I provide evidence of such sex-specific differences in the golden whistler (Pachycephala pectoralis), a species in which within-pair paternity assurance is negatively associated with breeding synchrony. Via simulated territorial intrusions using decoy males, I show that males, but not females, increase levels of aggression to male intruders during periods of low synchrony, possibly because cuckoldry risk is greatest during this period. In addition, males appear to invest more effort into mate guarding after, but not before, territorial intrusions during this period. These inter-sexual differences may reflect conflicts in interest between the sexes, with females consistently showing interest in males during the fertile period regardless of synchrony levels and males investing more resources into expelling intruders when the risk of paternity loss is greatest. This study thus provides evidence that males may be able to detect variation in breeding synchrony and cuckoldry risk and adjust their paternity assurance behaviour accordingly.  相似文献   

Early prenatal diagnosis of the fragile X was attempted in 44 pregnancies, including one twin pregnancy at risk of Martin-Bell (MB) syndrome. The sex ratio was 24M:21F. The fragile site was reproducibly demonstrated in cultured chorionic villus (CV) cells in eight male and five female fetuses. Six of the male and three of the female fetuses were terminated. Simultaneous RFLP analysis provided confirmative data with flanking DNA markers in 3 of 13 analysed cases. Recombination and/or non-informativeness at available distal and/or proximal loci were found in nine cases. In one male fetus, discordance between the haplotype and cyto-genetics (fragile-X-negative) suggested the presence of a normal male transmitter, a double meiotic cross-over within the region, or a false-negative cytogenetic diagnosis. However, discordance between prenatal and post-termination/postnatal cytogenetic findings was not observed in this series. The use of excess thymidine for induction of the fragile X in cultured CV cells provided in the majority of cases a safe and rapid method for cytogenetic diagnosis, with options for early induced termination in fragile-X-positive pregnancies, for simultaneous RFLP analysis, and for subsequent second-trimester analysis of fetal blood in complicated cases.  相似文献   

We evaluated the feasibility, reliability, and acceptability of prenatal diagnosis of haemophilia A by DNA analysis of chorionic villi. Twenty-two women at risk to transmit the abnormal gene were referred for prenatal diagnosis, two of them twice. Two of the 22 women appeared to be non-carriers by DNA analysis. In one of these women, the results were known only after chorionic villus sampling had been carried out. Thirteen of the twenty carriers were heterozygous for an intragenic (Bell or Xbal) marker; six women were only heterozygous for the extragenic DXS52 (Stl4) locus. One of the women was homozygous for all the presently known DNA markers within or closely linked with the factor VIII locus. Twelve of the 22 fetuses at risk were male, ten were female. Seven of the 12 male fetuses were shown to be affected and were subsequently aborted. Four male fetuses appeared to be not affected. In one case, the diagnosis was made by use of an extragenic marker. The woman rejected fetal blood sampling to confirm the diagnosis. After birth, a normal factor VIII level was found in three of the four cases. The fourth pregnancy is still continuing. In one of the 12 male fetuses, no diagnosis at the gene level was possible. DNA analysis is expected to provide maximum certainty as to the phenotype of the fetus for approximately 60 per cent of the women; for another 37 per cent a rate of misdiagnosis of 4–5 per cent applies. In only 3 per cent of the cases will no diagnosis at the gene level be possible as yet. The new possibility of a prenatal diagnosis in the first trimester of pregnancy enabled some of these women to have a family of their own and was appreciated in particular by the women who underwent fetoscopy in an earlier pregnancy.  相似文献   

Netherton syndrome (NS) is a severe autosomal recessive ichthyosis with no specific treatment or prenatal diagnosis available at present. The recent identification of SPINK5, which encodes a serine protease inhibitor, as the defective gene enables DNA-based prenatal diagnosis to be carried out. Here we report the first direct molecular prenatal diagnosis of a lethal form due to a recurrent SPINK5 mutation in three consanguineous Turkish families. XmnI restriction enzyme digestion and DNA sequencing demonstrated that each deceased affected child was homozygous for mutation 153delT inherited from each parent. Analysis of fetal DNA from amniotic fluid cells in Family 1 and from a chorionic villus sampling in Family 3 showed that the fetus was heterozygous for 153delT in both cases. The pregnancies were carried to term and the newborns were unaffected. In Family 2, fetal DNA analysis from chorionic villus biopsy showed in a first pregnancy that the fetus was homozygous for 153delT. The pregnancy was terminated at 13 weeks and DNA analysis of fetal keratinocytes confirmed the prenatal prediction. In a second pregnancy in Family 2, fetal DNA analysis showed heterozygosity for 153delT, and the pregnancy was continued. Direct SPINK5 mutation analysis in families at risk for NS represents the first early, rapid and reliable method for prenatal diagnosis of this life-threatening form of ichthyosis. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Twenty-five pregnancies at risk for spinal muscular atrophy I (SMA I) have been monitored by first-trimester prenatal diagnosis. Microsatellite markers were used in all cases to amplify polymorphic regions at the D5S125, D5S435, D5S39, D5S127, and D5S112 loci. All families, including 12 SMA I pedigrees with a deceased index child, were fully informative for DNA analysis. Three fetuses were predicted to be affected and 22 fetuses were predicted to be unaffected. Twenty-two newborns were unaffected by clinical examination at birth. These results support the accuracy of SMA I prenatal diagnosis based on linkage analysis.  相似文献   

Queens of the large, pantropical and fully eusocial taxon Meliponinae (stingless bees) are generally considered to be singly mated. We indirectly estimated queen mating frequency in two meliponids, Melipona beecheii and Scaptotrigona postica, by examining genotypes of workers at microsatellite DNA loci. Microsatellites were highly variable, providing suitable markers with which to assign patrilinial origin of workers within colonies headed by single queens. Queen mating frequency varied between 1 and 3 (M. beecheii) and 1 and 6 (S. postica), representing the first clear documentation of polyandry in the Meliponinae. Effective paternity frequency, m e , was lower, although above 2 for S. postica. Stingless bees may provide suitable subjects for the testing of recent inclusive fitness arguments describing intracolony kin conflict in social Hymenoptera. Received: 26 August 1998 / Accepted in revised form: 18 November 1998  相似文献   

HLA typing of amniotic fluid cells has been used for the prenatal diagnosis of the HLA linked diseases congenital adrenal hyperplasia (21-OH-deficiency (21-OH-def) type) and complement C4 deficiency and it has also been used for the prenatal de termination of paternity. There are, however, technical difficulties in this test associated with the weak expression of some B locus antigens on amniotic fluid cells, and theoretical difficulties related to associations between particular HLA antigens and the 21-OH-def allele. Since certain HLA-B locus antigens are found in significantly increased frequencies among patients with 21-OH-def, there is a relatively high incidence of HLA-B homozygosity among the patients and over 40 percent of the parents of these patients share one or more HLA-B locus antigens. Results of some prenatal HLA typing tests may thus be difficult to interpret, and supplementary tests should be used whenever possible. HLA typing of amniotic cells is, however, the only available procedure for prenatal diagnosis of C4 deficiency and it is the best available procedure for prenatal determination of paternity. A modification of our original procedure allows HLA typing to be performed with increased numbers of HLA typing sera, and sera with optimum reactivity for amniotic fluid cells have now been selected for the definition of most of the more commonly expressed HLA antigens. Although amniotic fluid cells do not express DR antigens, amniotic fluid cells can be typed for the HLA-linked marker glyoxalase I (GLO) and this may be the informative for prenatal diagnosis in some cases.  相似文献   

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