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Ninety-six women of advanced maternal age were interviewed about the way they obtained information on prenatal diagnosis and about how the decision was made as to what procedure was to be performed (transabdominal chorionic villus sampling (TA-CVS) or amnio-centesis). In the CVS group, women visited their physician or midwife earlier in pregnancy (mean 7.1 weeks) than those in the amniocentesis group (mean 10.7 weeks). The availability of prenatal diagnosis was not mentioned during the first antenatal visit in 55 per cent of women from the amniocentesis group as opposed to 25 per cent from the TA-CVS group. Approximately 40 per cent of women eligible for prenatal diagnosis did not receive any information from the referring body prior to counselling at our centre. Only 29 per cent of women who underwent amniocentesis had actually chosen this procedure; 71 per cent were too late to undergo TA-CVS at 12 weeks. It is concluded that information to the patient must be improved in order to ensure early referral for prenatal diagnosis.  相似文献   

Counselling in connection with prenatal diagnosis (PND) is a common task for the obstetrician and the midwife. However, the decision making processes of pregnant women are not completely known, for instance, the questions of women's autonomy, the decision on how to act in the case of an abnormal test, and the partner's participation in the decision. A questionnaire and interview study was carried out among 211 women undergoing PND by amniocentesis or chorionic villus biopsy. Most women in the sample indicated that PND was completely voluntary. However, at the same time almost every woman reported that it was difficult to decline from PND when offered. Even before the visit to register at the antenatal clinic, most of the women (83 per cent) had made up their minds to have PND. At the time of the test, many of the participants (62 per cent) had decided in favour of a legal abortion if the test indicated an abnormality in the fetus. At the same time, however, the data indicate a need for reflection and ambivalence, which the medical staff have to accept. In the questionnaire most of the women stated that they and their partners had similar attitudes towards PND, but when interviewed 38 per cent of the women admitted some differences between their own attitudes and their partners'. Although some women reported considerable deliberation and ambivalence, most of them said that they would undergo PND in another pregnancy.  相似文献   

A retrospective study to investigate the psychosocial sequelae of a second-trimester termination of pregnancy (TOP) for fetal abnormality (FA) is described. After appropriate consent was obtained, 84 women and 68 spouses were visited 2 years after the event and asked to complete an extensive questionnaire. Most couples reported a state of emotional turmoil after the TOP. There were differences in the way couples coped with this confusion of feelings. After 2 years about 20 per cent of the women still complained of regular bouts of crying, sadness, and irritability. Husbands reported increased listlessness, loss of concentration, and irritability for up to 12 months after the TOP. In the same period, there was increased marital disharmony in which 12 per cent of the couples separated for a while and one couple obtained a divorce. These problems could be attributed to a lack of synchrony in the grieving process. Confusing and conflicting feelings led to social isolation and lack of communication. Difficulties in coming to terms with the fetal loss were not found to be linked to the type of fetal abnormality or religious beliefs but were related to parental immaturity, inability to communicate needs, a deep-rooted lack of self-esteem before the pregnancy, lack of supporting relationships, and secondary infertility. Suggestions for improved management are given.  相似文献   

One hundred and fifty-one women of advanced maternal age who underwent genetic termination of pregnancy (TOP) were studied for their reproductive behaviour and the type of procedure for prenatal diagnosis in a subsequent pregnancy. A total of 59 women (39 per cent) had a further pregnancy. In all continuing pregnancies prenatal diagnosis was performed, of which 75 per cent consisted of chorionic villus sampling (CVS). Reproductive behaviour following a genetic termination was negatively correlated with maternal age and parity. Both reproductive behaviour and the choice to undergo a diagnostic procedure in the next pregnancy were independent of the type of diagnostic procedure in the previous affected pregnancy.  相似文献   

Among 2207 women eligible to be screened for cystic fibrosis (CF) carrier status during pregnancy, 325 (15 per cent) declined to be tested. Of these, 260 (80 per cent) answered a questionnaire soliciting their reasons for not participating. The main factor was opposition to termination of pregnancy, with 43 per cent being against termination for any reason and another 11 per cent against termination of a CF fetus. Other reasons given were partner's disapproval or non-participation (10 per cent), perceived risk of a CF child being low (7 per cent), the error rate of the test (6 per cent), and the generation of unacceptable levels of anxiety (5 per cent). Eleven women (4 per cent) said that they did not wish to be tested during pregnancy, but only six of these would have accepted screening at another time.  相似文献   

A survey was conducted of the results of mid-trimester diagnostic amniocenteses in the Oxford Region from 1974 to 1981. The survey used data relating to all 4357 singleton pregnancies in which an amniocentesis was performed during this period. Follow-up information on outcome was obtained in respect of 4284 (98 per cent) pregnancies. A cell culture to determine karyotype and an alpha-fetoprotein determination was carried out in all cases. From 1974 to 1981 amniocenteses became increasingly common, rising from 2 to 32 per 1000 births. The most common indication for amniocentesis was a high risk of a chromosome abnormality–56 per cent of all amniocenteses. Within this group advanced maternal age was responsible for 89 per cent of the cases. The next most common indication was a high risk of a neural tube defect (37 per cent of all amniocenteses)–in 1974 a raised maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein level accounted for only 4 per cent of these; by 1981 this had risen to 67 per cent. There were seven false-positive and 132 true-positive diagnoses of neural tube defect; since 1981, with the introduction of amniotic fluid acetylocholinesterase determination as a secondary diagnostic test for neural tube defects, there have been no further false-positive diagnoses. In 1981 76 per cent of women aged 35 years or more did not have an amniocentesis. It is not known to what extent this was due to not offering women in this age group amniocentesis or to women not accepting such an offer.  相似文献   

A survey was carried out to determine the effect of prenatal screening and therapeutic abortion on births in 1985 with anencephaly and spina bifida in England and Wales. Maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein tests were done on 399 288 women (60 per cent of pregnant women): 4 per cent were reported as being screen-positive and 1 per cent had an amniocentesis. An estimated 534 pregnancies associated with anencephaly were terminated and an estimated 445 pregnancies associated with spina bifida (but without anencephaly) were terminated. Most (63 per cent) of the anencephalic pregnancies were first suspected from an ultrasound examination; 57 per cent of the spina bifida pregnancies were first suspected from a positive maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein test, 35 per cent by ultrasound, and the remaining 8 per cent by other means. The birth prevalence of anencephaly declined by 94 per cent between 1964–1972 and 1985, but when the terminations of pregnancy on account of having a fetus with anencephaly are added to the births the decline in prevalence was only 50 per cent. The birth prevalence of spina bifida declined by 68 per cent over the same period but when the terminations were added to the births the decline in prevalence was only 32 per cent. Among births with anencephaly 66 per cent had had no screening or diagnostic tests in early pregnancy, but in those that did nearly all were positive–usually in twin pregnancies where one fetus was affected but not the other. Among births with spina bifida, 48 per cent had no tests and in those that did the results were mainly negative. We conclude that in order to monitor adequately the national screening programme for anencephaly and spina bifida a special neural tube defects register should be formed.  相似文献   

Thyroid antibodies were measured in mid-trimester antenatal serum samples from 77 pregnancies affected by fetal Down's syndrome and 385 unaffected control pregnancies. Using a haemagglutination technique, thyroglobulin antibodies were detected in 5·2 per cent of cases (4) and 2·9 per cent of controls (11), and thyroid microsomal antibodies were detected in 22 per cent (17) and 15 per cent (59), respectively. Using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for thyroglobulin antibodies and a cut-off level of 50 KIU/1, positive results were found in 25 per cent of cases (19) and 22 per cent of controls (84). Using an ELISA for thyroid microsomal antibodies and the same cut-off level, the proportions were 52 per cent (40) and 39 per cent (149), respectively. While not statistically significant, the differences were consistent with the previously reported increased levels of thyroid antibody found in nonpregnant women who had had pregnancies associated with Down's syndrome.  相似文献   

The reactions of women who had had a termination of pregnancy for fetal abnormality in the second trimester have been studied retrospectively using a semi-structured questionnaire. The severity of the grief reaction was measured and the outcome at 6months was compared with the findings from a previous study in South Wales which had led to the introduction of skilled support from genetic fieldworkers and formal genetic counselling after the termination. Of the 69 women interviewed, 55 (80 per cent) experienced an acute grief reaction and 17 (25 per cent) had not resolved their grief 6 months after the termination, compared with 37 (77 per cent) and 22 (46 per cent) out of 48 respectively in the previous study. Fifty-seven (83 percent) women had found the fieldworker's intervention useful or very useful, some describing her support as essential. An association between poor resolution of the grief reaction with increasing maternal age and with poor perceived support from partners was noted. Improved follow-up support and counselling have lessened the adverse emotional consequences and support should therefore be offered to all women undergoing termination for fetal malformation.  相似文献   

The incidence of spontaneous abortion after amniocentesis (19 to 28 weeks gestation) in women who have had previous spontaneous abortions is compared with the rate in women who have not had previous spontaneous abortions. The outcome of the pregnancy after amniocentesis and the previous history of spontaneous abortion is reported for 691 pregnancies. The rate of spontaneous abortion after amniocentesis was found to be significantly higher in women who had one or more previous spontaneous abortions, 12/238 (5 per cent), than in women who did not, 6/453 (1.3 per cent). In women who reported two or more previous spontaneous abortions, the rate was 7/81 (8.6 per cent). No statistically significant effect of maternal age or gravidity was detected. The incidence of spontaneous abortion after amniocentesis was greater in the three weeks following the procedure (three for each of the three weeks) than in the subsequent seven weeks (nine for seven weeks).  相似文献   

Over a 2-year period from January 1991 to December 1992, second-trimester maternal serum screening for Down's syndrome using alpha-fetoprotein (aFP), human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG), and unconjugated oestriol (uE3) was made available to five health districts in East Anglia, with a total population of 1·2 million. Amniocentesis was offered when the risk of Down's syndrome at term was 1:200 or greater. 25359 singleton pregnancies were screened, representing an uptake of 77 per cent. The recall rate for the 24 per cent of women who had not had a dating scan prior to the test was 9·4 per cent compared with 3·9 per cent for those who had been scanned (P<0·0005). Seventy-five per cent (36/48) of Down's syndrome pregnancies were detected for a false-positive rate of 4·0 per cent. Twenty-five out of 36 of detected Down's syndrome pregnancies were dated by scan prior to sampling, and in the 11 remaining cases, the dates were confirmed by scan after a high-risk result was obtained. The exclusion of uE3 from the screening protocol would have reduced the detection rate to 52 per cent (25/48) for the same false-positive rate. Eighty-five per cent of women identified at high risk accepted the offer of an amniocentesis. Other fetal abnormalities detected were trisomy 18 (3), trisomy 13 (2), 45,X (6), 69,XXX (5), other chromosome abnormalities (9), open neural tube defects (26), hydrocephalus (7), abdominal wall defects (4), and steroid sulphatase deficiency (6).  相似文献   

Seventeen centres from Australia, Britain, France, and the United States collaborated in a study to compare amniotic fluid acetylcholinesterase (AChE) determination by gel electrophoresis and amniotic fluid alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) measurement as diagnostic tests for open neural tube defects. The study was based on 32 642 women with singleton pregnancies (including 428 with open spina bifida and 238 with anencephaly) who had an amniocentesis at 13–24 weeks' gestation. The AChE test yielded a detection rate for open spina bifida of 99 per cent (95 per cent confidence interval 98–100 per cent), 98 per cent for anencephaly (95 per cent confidence interval 96–100 per cent), and a false-positive rate of 0.34 per cent (95 per cent confidence interval 0.28–0.40 per cent) excluding miscarriages, intrauterine death, and serious fetal abnormalities. The false-positive rate was 0.30 per cent among the 13 centres that used a specific AChE inhibitor in the test. Comparable rates for the AFP test were less favourable. (For example, the open spina bifida detection rate was 90 per cent and the false-positive rate was 0.46 per cent using the cut-off levels specified in the U.K. Collaborative AFP Study.) The AChE false-positive rate was lower in samples that were not bloodstained (0.16 per cent) than in those that were (2.4 per cent). It was higher in women who had an amniocentesis on account of a raised maternal serum AFP level (0.56 per cent) than in those who had one for other reasons (0.29 per cent). The best results were obtained by a combination of the two tests, an effective and economical policy being to perform the AFP measurement on all amniotic fluid samples and an AChE test on samples with AFP levels greater than or equal to 2.0 multiples of the normal median (about 5 per cent of all samples). Using this policy, the open spina bifida detection rate was 96 per cent and the false-positive rate was 0.14 per cent (0.06 per cent for samples that were not bloodstained and 1.2 per cent for those that were; 0.40 per cent for women with raised serum AFP levels and 0.09 per cent for other women). This policy offers a useful improvement to the prenatal diagnosis of open spina bifida.  相似文献   

The outcome of the pregnancy following (a) a mid-trimester termination of pregnancy (TOP) for fetal neural tube defect (NTD) (77 women=group 1); (b) mid-trimester TOP for fetal Down's syndrome (13 women=group 2); (c) delivery of a baby with NTD (119 women=group 3) was studied. The prenatal fetal loss was relatively high in all groups. In group 1 it was similar to that found in other studies after first trimester TOP, in group 2 it was associated with advanced maternal age and the unexpected finding in group 3 was not attributable to advanced maternal age. It is suggested that a previous NTD per se might increase the risk of fetal loss in the next pregnancy. A previous mid-trimester TOP for NTD was not associated with an increase in premature labour, small for dates babies or congenital abnormality in the next pregnancy, but there was a slight increase in the number of babies weighing less than 2500 g.  相似文献   

We have reviewed the results of 10000 2nd trimester amniocenteses performed at our centre. Over 80 per cent of these were done only because of maternal age (MA); there were three times as many < 35 year-old women in 1984 compared to 1975. Of women aged 30–34 years at delivery 0·69 per cent were found to have a MA-related chromosome abnormality compared to 0·94 per cent in those aged 35–40 years. Because only about 7 per cent of births occurred to women ⩾ 35 years and 18·6 per cent between 30–34 years, and a practical utilization rate of 50 per cent, we recommend that amniocentesis be made available to women aged ⩾ 30 years. We believe that 27 per cent of Down syndrome (DS) pregnancies could be identified if 50 per cent of pregnant women in this age category availed themselves of the test. With the same utilization rate, about three times as many amniocenteses would be required in California as performed here in 1983.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to find out possible differences in prenatal diagnosis (PD) by amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling and ultrasound examination before 16 weeks' gestation (early ultrasound examination, EUE), according to area of residence and level of education of the mothers. Data come from a multicentre study in Italy involving 43 maternity hospitals (Mercurio project) and were collected through structured interviews a few days after delivery. Study subjects were 1541 mothers of single non-malformed infants born between April 1992 and March 1994. Overall, the incidence of PD and EUE was 5.8 and 80 per cent, respectively. After adjustment for maternal age and other possible confounders, the odds ratios for PD were 2.19 (95 per cent confidence interval (CI)=1.26–3.81) when women residing in the northern regions were compared with those residing in the southern regions, and 2.06 (95 per cent CI=1.12–3.79) and 4.08 (95 per cent CI=1.97–8.42) when women with medium and high levels of education were compared with those with low level. For EUE, the odds ratios were 1.77 (95 per cent CI=1.32–2.36) and 2.88 (95 per cent CI=1.56–5.29) when comparing women with medium and high levels of education with those with low level. No relationship was found between area of residence and EUE. These geographical and social inequalities in prenatal care in Italy should be taken into account for the organization, delivery, and evaluation of pregnancy services in the coming years.  相似文献   

The psychological reactions of 211 women undergoing prenatal diagnosis (PND) with amniocentesis (group A, n = 122) or chorionic villus biopsy (group V, n = 90) were exmained by questionnaires and interviews. The distress experienced while waiting for the test, during the test procedure, and while waiting for the result was reported by the women, both in questionnaires and in interviews. In the questionnaires, no difference between the two diagnostic methods was observed. In the interviews, however, the women undergoing amniocentesis appeared significantly more distressed by the procedure. In group A 97 per cent and in group V 100 per cent wished a method which, like chorionic villus biopsy, could be used in the first weeks of pregnancy. The risk of miscarriage was, as described in other studies, regarded as a serious threat by the pregnant women.  相似文献   

The alpha subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin (alpha-hCG), human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and alpha fetoprotein (AFP) were measured in the serum of 25 women with chromosomally abnormal fetuses between 18 and 25 weeks of gestation and in 74 normal pregnancies. AFP levels less than 0.5 multiples of the median (MoM) or greater than 2.5 MoM were observed in 24 per cent of the abnormal pregnancies and in 6.76 per cent of the normal pregnancies. A low concentration of hCG (< 0.25 MoM) was observed in 8 per cent of abnormals and in 2.7 per cent of normals while an elevated concentration of hCG (>2.5 MoM) was observed in 56 per cent of abnormals and in 1.35 per cent of normals. Elevated hCG-alpha (>2.5 MoM) was observed in 28 per cent of abnormals and in none of the normals. Determination of elevated levels of hCG-alpha or hCG resulted in detection of 68 per cent of pregnancies with chromosomally abnormal fetuses with a false positive rate of 1.35 per cent. Determination of both elevated and depressed gonadotropin levels resulted in detection of 76 per cent of abnormal pregnancies with a false positive rate of 4.05 per cent. Measurement of hCG and hCG-alpha in maternal serum samples can be used as a screening procedure for detecting pregnancies at risk for fetal chromosome abnormalities.  相似文献   

The history of amniocentesis utilization in the seventh largest state of the United States is documented from its inception in 1972 through the first half of 1984. Amniocentesis utilization ratios for Ohio residents aged ⩾35 have increased from 0.21 per cent (19/9091) in 1972 to 23.4 per cent (1655/7531) in 1983, representing an average annual growth rate of 43.1 per cent. Of the amniocenteses performed from January 1, 1978–July 1, 1984, 71 per cent were referred for advanced maternal age (⩾35), 15 per cent for maternal anxiety (30–34), 10 per cent for family history or previous child with a genetic defect, and 4 per cent for other reasons. Between 1978-1983 utilization by women 45 years of age was only 20 per cent higher than women 35 even though their risk of giving birth to a Down syndrome child was about one order of magnitude higher. In addition, various factors were tested as to whether they affected utilization of amniocentesis by women ⩾35 during 1978 1983. A strong correlation of +0.89 existed between county population size and utilization ratios. No difference in utilization was found between whites and nonwhites, regardless of county population size. When utilization ratios were compared separately between Protestants, Catholics and other religions in Ohio's most populated county, no statistical differences were found. From 1978–July 1, 1984, the frequency of all cytogenetically abnormal chromosome results observed in Ohio amniocenteses to women ⩾35 was 2.48 per cent (187/7536). Of these, 2.15 per cent (162/7536) had unbalanced karyotypes. Future maximum amniocentesis utilization for women ⩾35 is estimated at 60–70 per cent.  相似文献   

Haemoglobin A2 (HbA2) levels were determined on 25 β-thalassaemia carriers by the microcolumn method and were found to range from 4.5–7.2 per cent (mean 5.2±0.82 S.D.). The haemoglobin level (Hb), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), plasma ferritin and HbA2 levels were measured on a further 299 cconsecutive Chinese pregnant women at a gestation of less than 24 weeks. 18 patients (6 per cent) had HbA2 level greater than 4.5 per cent and were diagnosed to be β-thalassaemic carriers. It was observed that all these patients had a MCV below 75 fl. If this level is selected in a screening procedure based on measurement of MCV alone all β-thalassaemia carriers could be detected and 11 per cent of the population screened would require HbA2 estimation. At a lower cut-off level of 70 fl, 8 per cent of the population screened wouid require HbA2 measurement (a decrease of 27 per cent) but the detection rate will be lowered considerably (83 per cent). The high false positive rate at all cut-off levels of MCV was largely due to the prevalence of iron deficiency anaemia in the population. Estimation of plasma ferritin level in patients with low MCV will reduce this false positive rate, but there will be a considerable delay in diagnosis in patients with concomitant iron deficiency and β-thalassaemia. The presence of iron deficiency in β-thalassaemia carriers did not reduce their HbA2 level below the diagnostic range in this study. Measurement of Hb level did not appear to be useful as a screening method since one third of the β-thalassaemia carriers had a Hb level over 11 g/dl. The validity of the MCV cut-off levels derived from the first part of the study was assessed in screening a larger population. 61 β-thalassaemia carriers (6 per cent) were detected out of 1166 patients screened. This incidence was not significantly different from the first part of the study. All these 61 patients had a MCV less than 75 ml. It was concluded that a two-step screening policy, based on MCV measurement followed by HbA2 estimation when the MCV value is less than 75 fl, is suitable for our population. It is efficient, straight forward with excellent sensitivity and required less time and effort for both laboratory staff and clinicians.  相似文献   

Two prenatal centres in New England, routinely using a screening protocol for fetal Down syndrome that included maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), unconjugated oestriol (uE3), and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) measurements in combination with maternal age, adopted a separate screening protocol for trisomy 18. That protocol identified a pregnancy as being at high risk when AFP, uE3, and hCG measurements all fell at or below specified cut-offs (0.75, 0.60, and 0.55 multiples of the median, respectively), regardless of maternal age. Among the first 19 491 women screened, 98 (0.5 per cent) were found to have values which placed them in the high-risk category. Four of these women were subsequently found not to be pregnant. In two others, samples from non-pregnant individuals were found to have been incorrectly submitted for analysis in place of the samples from the pregnant women. All of the remaining 92 women were counselled and offered amniocentesis and fetal karyotyping. Eighty-eight (96 per cent) accepted. Karyotypes or birth outcomes were available on all 92 pregnancies. Six cases of trisomy 18 and one case of Turner syndrome were identified by karyotype. One case of trisomy 18 was identified for every 14 unaffected pregnancies offered amniocentesis. In the present prospective study, an estimated 85 per cent of the cases of trisomy 18 were identified. However, given the small number ofcases (six), the 95 per cent confidence interval for the detection rate is broad (40–95 per cent).  相似文献   

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