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Samples of pure fetal blood from 116 fetuses of 15–21 weeks' gestation were obtained by direct vision fetoscopy. Ninety nine of these fetuses, presumed to be haematologically normal, were suitable for analysis. The data obtained show that the erythropoietic system is evolving rapidly in this gestational age range. The myeloid series shows no significant increase or decrease in numbers apart from eosinophils and basophils which increase significantly with gestational age whereas the platelet count remains constant. The growing application of fetoscopic blood sampling to the prenatal diagnosis and management of fetal blood disorders renders mandatory a knowledge of normal fetal blood values.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic data from the United States NICHD collaborative study of chorionic villus sampling (CVS) were used to evaluate the clinical significance of chorionic mosaicism. The 10 754 patients with normal cytogenetic results were compared wtih 108 patients (1.0 per cent) with placental mosaicism and 181 patients (1.6 per cent) with pseudomosaicism. Of the pregnancies intended to continue, the pregnancy loss rate was significantly greater in patients with placental mosaicism than in the cytogenetically normal cohort (8.6 vs. 3.4 per cent, p <0.05). However, there was no difference in the frequencies of abruptio placenta, preterm labour or delivery, small-for-gestational-age newborns, pregnancy-induced hypertension, or neonates with Apgar scores less than 7.  相似文献   

The outcome of the pregnancy following (a) a mid-trimester termination of pregnancy (TOP) for fetal neural tube defect (NTD) (77 women=group 1); (b) mid-trimester TOP for fetal Down's syndrome (13 women=group 2); (c) delivery of a baby with NTD (119 women=group 3) was studied. The prenatal fetal loss was relatively high in all groups. In group 1 it was similar to that found in other studies after first trimester TOP, in group 2 it was associated with advanced maternal age and the unexpected finding in group 3 was not attributable to advanced maternal age. It is suggested that a previous NTD per se might increase the risk of fetal loss in the next pregnancy. A previous mid-trimester TOP for NTD was not associated with an increase in premature labour, small for dates babies or congenital abnormality in the next pregnancy, but there was a slight increase in the number of babies weighing less than 2500 g.  相似文献   

Gross scoliosis of the fetal thoracic spine was diagnosed at 18 weeks gestation. The pregnancy was terminated and the fetus found to have webbing of the neck and an imperforate anus in addition to vertebral defects.  相似文献   

Five fetuses with congenital cataracts diagnosed in utero by ultrasound are reported. The fetuses, who were between 14 and 27 weeks' gestation, also had other severe malformations. The sonographic features of the cataracts are presented.  相似文献   

Among a population of 6305 pregnant women, aged 25 to 34 years and estimated to be at no increased risk of genetic disease in the fetus, 4606 women participated in a randomized controlled trial of genetic amniocentesis between 1980 and 1984. In the study group having amniocentesis (2264 women), 23 fetal chromosome abnormalities (1.0 per cent) were found: eight autosomal aneuploidies, seven sex chromosome aneuploidies, seven balanced structural rearrangements and one case of a marker some. The structural rearrangements and the marker chromosome were all shown to be inherited. The study group seemed representative for the whole population of younger women at low genetic risk. Therefore, a 1.0 per cent total rate of fetal chromosome abnormalities, consisting of one-third autosomal aneuploidies, one-third sex chromosome aneuploidies and one-third structural rearrangements, may be expected in the second trimester in younger low-risk women. In the same period of time, 562 women in the same age group were offered amniocentesis because of an estimated increased risk of fetal genetic disease. The total rate of fetal chromosome abnormality in this ‘high-risk’ group was 0.9 per cent and thus no different from the rate in the low-risk group.  相似文献   

Two cases are reported in which an unusual ultrasound finding preceded diagnostic amniocentesis and led to further work-up. In both cases a decision was made to terminate the pregnancy. One fetus in which a neck mass was detected by ultrasound was shown to be normal on post-mortem examination. The second fetus was aborted because of Rh sensitization and had the abnormality seen by ultrasound. However, this lesion, calcified intrahepatic plaques, had no presumed pathological significance. These cases suggest caution in the interpretation of results obtained with the new technologies used for prenatal diagnosis.  相似文献   

Immediate and unexplained fetal death during mid-trimester amniocentesis for prenatal diagnosis was found to be an uncommon though real phenomenon. A survey of programmes in the United States detected 5 cases from 7524 at 4 centres. Postmortem examination was not helpful and a neurogenic mechanism is postulated. Awareness of this phenomenon and routine pre- and post-amniocentesis ultrasound monitoring may clarify the actual prevalence and etiology.  相似文献   

Twelve second-trimester fetuses with cystic hygroma underwent fetal blood sampling for rapid karyotyping, haematologic evaluation, and blood gas analysis. An abnormal karyotype was found in seven cases: monosomy X in five, trisomy 21 in one, and trisomy 13 in the other. Eight often fetuses undergoing blood gas analysis showed hypoxaemia, five of which were growth-retarded. Nine pregnancies were terminated. Of the remaining three, only one fetus survived the perinatal period.  相似文献   

Seventy-one fetal blood samplings (FBS) were attempted from the intrahepatic portion of the umbilical vein (IHV) at 18–34 weeks; 54 were attempted primarily and 17 secondarily after a failed attempt at the placental cord insertion. Fetal blood was obtained in 89 per cent of the cases. Intravascular transfusion (IVT) was attempted on 31 occasions and successful in 24 (77 per cent). In all cases of failed sampling or transfusion via the IHV, prenatal diagnosis and/or therapy was accomplished using alternative procedures. On only one occasion was the procedure postponed. There were no losses or neonatal morbidity attributable to the procedure. FBS from the IHV may be considered as an alternative approach to sampling the placental cord insertion. It is recommended in cases where the approach to the placental cord insertion is difficult or hazardous.  相似文献   

Tuberous sclerosis is a single gene autosomal-dominant disorder, characterized by multiple hamartoma formation. It shows a wide variability of expression. Prenatal diagnosis by means of a DNA or biochemical marker is not yet possible. Ultrasound offers the only way to detect possible antenatal hamartoma formation, which is most commonly found in the central nervous system, the renal system, and the heart. We report a case of fetal involvement that appears unique because of the unusual location of a tumour in the neck of the fetus.  相似文献   

Thirty-two pregnancies (11 primi- and 21 multi-gravid) with an abnormal fetus were terminated between 16 and 35 weeks (mean 22 weeks; median 20 weeks) and a continuous intravenous infusion of 1 μg of the prostaglandin analogue sulprostone. All pregnancies were terminated vaginally, 31 of them with this regimen in a median induction-expulsion interval of 23 h (range 8–52 h). Complete expulsion of the placenta occurred in 72 per cent of cases. Median blood loss was 100 ml (range 20–2000 ml). There were only a few side-effects. We conclude that this induction regimen is both appropriate and safe for pregnancy termination in cases of fetal anomaly.  相似文献   

Fetal echocardiography was used to identify a cardiac rhabdomyoma in the second trimester. The combination of this finding with a maternal history of Tuberous Sclerosis allowed the patient and her family to make a more educated decision regarding termination of the pregnancy. Post mortem examination of the fetus confirmed the prenatal findings. This case report demonstrates the importance of ultrasound evaluation of the fetus at risk of recurrence of a genetic syndrome in which one or more anatomical defects might be seen.  相似文献   

A case of a prenatally diagnosed fetal ovarian cyst is presented. The pregnancy was complicated only by polyhydramnios, and some degree of fetal bowel obstruction could be recognized on sonogram. The newborn was delivered vaginally in the 39th week of pregnancy, and the cyst was removed by laparotomy on the day of the delivery. The etiology of this rare fetal condition is unknown.  相似文献   

The reactions of women who had had a termination of pregnancy for fetal abnormality in the second trimester have been studied retrospectively using a semi-structured questionnaire. The severity of the grief reaction was measured and the outcome at 6months was compared with the findings from a previous study in South Wales which had led to the introduction of skilled support from genetic fieldworkers and formal genetic counselling after the termination. Of the 69 women interviewed, 55 (80 per cent) experienced an acute grief reaction and 17 (25 per cent) had not resolved their grief 6 months after the termination, compared with 37 (77 per cent) and 22 (46 per cent) out of 48 respectively in the previous study. Fifty-seven (83 percent) women had found the fieldworker's intervention useful or very useful, some describing her support as essential. An association between poor resolution of the grief reaction with increasing maternal age and with poor perceived support from partners was noted. Improved follow-up support and counselling have lessened the adverse emotional consequences and support should therefore be offered to all women undergoing termination for fetal malformation.  相似文献   

Over a 65½ year period, in 288 pregnancies a variety of fetal malformations were detected by ultrasound. Two hundred and ten fetuses (73 per cent) were karyotyped. Gestational age at detection ranged from 11 to 38 weeks. The incidence of an abnormal karyotype in the total series was 14 per cent and 14.7 per cent in the 210 pregnancies in which a karyotype was performed. Single structural anomalies were found in 149 cytogenetically investigated fetuses, of which 25 had a chromosomal abnormality (17 per cent). Multiple structural malformations were present in 61 fetuses, of which 16 had an abnormal karyotype (26 per cent). Trisomy 18 was the most frequent finding. The most constant ultrasound finding in cases of an abnormal karyotype was polyhydramnios and severe IUGR in combination with structural defects. There is a need for extensive detailed ultrasound examination in high-risk pregnancies.  相似文献   

Utilizing real-time ultrasound we define the normal fetal adrenal glands from the 20th week of gestational age. The normal acoustic characteristics of the adrenals are described. Potential applications of the nomogram derived from this study are suggested.  相似文献   

Over a 4-year period, 14 dyskaryotic fetuses were diagnosed by amniocentesis, performed after early detection of malformations using transvaginal sonography (TVS). These 14 dyskaryotic fetuses were detected out of 4878 sonographic screenings performed by TVS between 9 and 16 weeks' gestation. Twenty-eight per cent of the referrals were at high risk and 72 per cent were at low risk for fetal malformations. Two hundred and twenty-nine fetuses (4.7 per cent) of the screened population had 265 anomalies, 39 per cent of them being transient. In 7 of the 14 dyskaryotic fetuses (50 per cent), the sonographically detected anomalies were transient, being undetected by follow-up sonographic screenings at later gestational ages (⩾18 weeks). Postponing the first sonographic scan aimed at malformation detection to a later gestational age may lead to transient anomalies and their associated dyskaryosis being missed.  相似文献   

A technique for sampling pure fetal blood in twin pregnancies using a single uterine entry with a fetoscope is described. The fetoscope was inserted into one sac and after blood had been obtained from that, twin, the fetus in the other sac was sampled by trans-septal passage of the blood-sampling needle. This was done in six out of seven patients, the first in the series having two separate insertions of the fetoscope, one into each sac. Pure fetal blood was taken from all 14 fetuses, either from the placental insertion of the umbilical cord or the umbilicus, and the volume of the samples ranged from 200 μl to 1200 μl. In six patients the fetuses were at risk of β-thalassaemia and in one of haemophilia A. Some observations are made relating zygosity to the ultrasonic and fetoscopic appearance of the septum between the sacs.  相似文献   

Parental decisions concerning the continuation of pregnancy following prenatal detection of abnormal chromosomes were evaluated for 80 patients whose diagnosis and prenatal counselling were performed in our centre. Twenty-two anomalies were diagnosed by chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and 58 by amniocentesis. The severity of the chromosome anomaly and associated ultrasound findings in the first vs. second trimester were correlated with patients' decisions. No difference was found in the likelihood of parental decisions to interrupt or continue a pregnancy between CVS and amniocentesis for either the‘severe’ or the‘questionable’ group of chromosome anomalies. Ninety-three per cent of patients with severe prognosis and 27 per cent with questionable prognosis opted for pregnancy termination (p <0·0001). The association of ultrasound anomalies and termination was highly significant (p< 0·001). The severity of the chromosome anomaly, and, to a lesser extent, the visualization of anomalies on ultrasound were the major determinants of parental decisions to terminate the pregnancy. The diagnosis of an anomaly in the first trimester was no more likely ito lead to a termination of pregnancy than in the second trimester.  相似文献   

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