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官厅水系左卫国控点水质自动监测站的YX-WQMS系统,由采水系统、配水系统、在线水质分析仪器、PLC控制和数据采集举统、数据处理和传输系统,监测站房和配套设备六个部分组成。表文重点介绍了该自动监测系统的关键技术和分析权的特点。  相似文献   

国产蓝星LXWA-0型BOD/COD/TOC水质在线自动分析仪在我站安装运行后,该公司未提供标定方法,无法知道该仪器的灵敏度.本文通过对该分析仪的方法原理、反应机理和特点进行系统分析,提出一个完善的生物类在线自动分析仪的标定方法,解决了这一问题.结果表明,地表水自动监测站大部分的监测断面设置在水域较广的江河湖泊中,地表水水质变化不大,这正好发挥了RACOD仪的优点.  相似文献   

文章根据近几年我国地表水环境质量监测模式的发展情况,讨论分析了地表水水质自动监测领域面临的新机遇与挑战.  相似文献   

富集柱型水质监测自动取样器高连存,黄佶,包南,王淑仁ThePortableCompressionGas-CollectionColumnAuto─samplerforTraceOrganicPullutantsfromEnvironmentalWat...  相似文献   

本文通过用水杨酸法氨氮自动分析仪对湟水支流沙塘川河、南川河氨氮进行监测,分析水杨酸法氨氮自动分析仪在不同浊度水样沉淀后测值的变化情况,并与实验室测试数据相比较。从而得出河流浊度值较低时,水杨酸法氨氮自动分析仪测试结果稳定准确,且不受沉淀时间的影响,测试值最具代表性;随着浊度的升高,水杨酸法氨氮自动分析仪测值开始偏高,且受沉淀时间的影响明显等结论,同时提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

由广州市怡文科技有限公司和中国环境监测总站开发的COD自动在线监测仪适用于工业废水、城市污水处理厂排放口和地表水的水质COD浓度指标和总量指标的监测。 主要技术内容 一、基本原理 EST—200lCOD自动在线监测仪将 GB11914-1989规定的重铬酸钾消解方法和《水和废水监测分析方法》中规定的库仑滴定方法,通过计算机技术结合起来,实现了测定过程的全自动化。可广泛用于厂矿企业排污口监测、城市污水处理厂进出口监测、江河湖泊水质监测和污水治理设施控制装置中。企业和政府可同步在线获得水质COD浓度、总…  相似文献   

文章对“COD水质在线自动监测仪“认定技术条件的主要技术内容、日常校验及考核办法作了说明.  相似文献   

为验证氨氮水质自动监测数据的准确性、可靠性,本研究对泰州市地表水3个断面水质自动监测数据与实验室分析数据进行了对比.对比结果表明,自动监测数据与实验室监测数据有一定差异,但相对误差基本控制在合格范围内,其中自动监测数据和连续流动法测定数据相对偏差最小.  相似文献   

文章对“COD水质在线自动监测仪”认定技术条件的主要技术内容、日常校验及考核办法作了说明。  相似文献   

氨氮水质自动分析仪已在我国水质监测中得到广泛的应用,本文介绍了水体中氨氮自动监测分析仪器和不同的分析方法,对目前市场上占有率较大的仪器类型进行了比较,并指出了目前氨氮水质分析仪存在的问题,提出了建议。  相似文献   

Abstract: Diverse cropping systems can have significant impacts on nutrient losses through tile drain systems and to surface water bodies (rivers and streams). Increased transport of nitrogen to water bodies can reduce dissolved oxygen and enrich the supply of nutrients, resulting in hypoxic zones. With the objective of reducing the transport of nutrients from agricultural watersheds, long term studies (1990 to 1998) were conducted in Iowa to investigate the impact of tillage, crop rotation, and N-management practices on NO3-N leaching losses to tile drain water. Results of these studies indicated that continuous corn production systems required higher input of nitrogen fertilizers and resulted in significantly higher NO3-N leaching losses compared to rotated corn in plots either fertilized with manure or urea ammonium nitrate. Also, rotated corn gave higher corn yields, 8 megagrams per hectare (Mg/ha) versus 6 Mg/ha, than continuous corn. The higher N application rates resulted in increased NO3-N concentrations in tile water. A strip cropping system with alfalfa lowered NO3-N concentrations in tile water to less than 10 mg/l. These studies indicated that better land use practices can reduce NO3-N leaching losses to surface and ground water systems and will help in mitigating environmental concerns of the production agriculture.  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper presents a procedure for standard application of hydrologic/water quality models. To date, most hydrologic/water quality modeling projects and studies have not utilized formal protocols, but rather have employed ad hoc approaches. The procedure proposed is an adaptation and extension of steps identified from relevant literature including guidance provided by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. This protocol provides guidance for establishing written plans prior to conducting modeling efforts. Eleven issues that should be addressed in model application plans were identified and discussed in the context of hydrologic/water quality studies. A graded approach for selection of the level of documentation for each item was suggested. The creation and use of environmental modeling plans is increasingly important as the results of modeling projects are used in decision‐making processes that have significant implications. Standard modeling application protocols similar to the proposed procedure herein provide modelers with a roadmap to be followed, reduces modelers’ bias, enhances the reproducibility of model application studies, and eventually improves acceptance of modeling outcomes.  相似文献   

介绍了氨氮废水的来源和危害,以及主要的氨氮废水处理技术。  相似文献   

FeSO4·xH2O is generated in large amounts in galvanizing workshops. It can be reutilized by conversion to Fe2O3. In this study, the recovery of Fe2O3 from FeSO4·xH2O formed in the galvanizing process has been examined. The experimental work was carried out at various temperatures and times in the oxidizing medium. The reaction temperatures and times were selected as 450, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700, 800 and 900°C, and 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 and 120 minutes, respectively. In order to determine the amount of Fe2O3, a titrimetric method was applied. The reaction products were characterized by means of IR and XRD techniques.The extent of conversion is low at temperatures below 650°C. Almost all of the iron (II) sulfate in the original sample was converted to iron(III) oxide at 650°C (120 min), 700°C (90 min), 800°C (60 min) and 900°C (45 min).  相似文献   

选择上海城市化地区的绿地、水体、道路、工地及空中5个类型的环境区域,定期收集大气干湿沉降。测定其大气沉降通量及CODCr、TN、TP的沉降量,并计算分析了其对城市景观水体水质的影响。研究结果表明:在仅受大气干湿沉降影响的条件下,水质处于地表水V类中值、水深为0.5m、1.0m、1.5m和2.0m的城市景观水体,经过28d、54d、83d和214d即可转变为劣V类水体。通过实例分析,提出了应对大气干湿沉降影响的水质保持措施。研究成果为城市景观水体的水质保育提供了评价依据与借鉴。  相似文献   

Abstract: There is a significant need for a science‐based approach to interpret water‐monitoring data and to facilitate the rapid transfer of information to water resource managers and the general public. The water quality Index (WQI) is defined as a single numeric score that describes the surface water quality condition at a particular time and location. The objective of this paper is to describe the WQI concept and the approach for developing an ecoregion‐specific standardized WQI that meets the needs described above. The premise of the proposed WQI is based on categorizing scientifically documented aquatic life responses to changes in instream water chemistry. The method uses an aggregated procedure that matches the entire range of standardized probable biological responses to standardized narrative water quality evaluation categories and standardized rank score categories. The calculation of WQI and decision‐making process are performed within an Excel spreadsheet software program. The article includes examples of the proposed WQI applications that could enhance effective water resource management and facilitate timely communication of water quality conditions to water resource managers and the general public.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Weekly precipitation and stream water samples were collected from small watersheds in Denali National Park, Alaska, the Fraser Experimental Forest, Colorado, Isle Royale National Park, Michigan, and the Calumet watershed on the south shore of Lake Superior, Michigan. The objective was to determine if stream water chemistry at the mouth and upstream stations reflected precipitation chemistry across a range of atmospheric inputs of H+, NH4+, NO3??, and SO42?. Volume-weighted precipitation H+, NH4+, NO3??, and SO42? concentrations varied 4 to 8 fold with concentrations highest at Calumet and lowest in Denali. Stream water chemistry varied among sites, but did not reflect precipitation chemistry. The Denali watershed, Rock Creek, had the lowest precipitation NO3?? and SO42? concentrations, but the highest stream water NO3?and SO42? concentrations. Among sites, the ratio of mean monthly upstream NO3?? concentration to precipitation NO3?- concentration declined (p < 0.001, R2= 0.47) as precipitation NO3?? concentration increased. The ratio of mean monthly upstream to precipitation SO42? concentration showed no significant relationship to change in precipitation SO42? concentration. Watersheds showed strong retention of inorganic N (> 90 percent inputs) across inputs ranging from 0.12 to > 6 kg N ha?1 y?1. Factors possibly accounting for the weak or non-existent signal between stream water and precipitation ion concentrations include rapid modification of meltwater and precipitation chemistry by soil processes, and the presence of unfrozen soils which permits winter mineralization and nitrification to occur.  相似文献   

史箴  段慧  张丹  杨朋 《四川环境》2013,32(1):29-32
本文回顾了水质自动监测系统质量管理制度的建立和运行现状,从全程序质量管理的角度,提出了站点选择地址、采水和配水单元设计、自动监测仪器性能、站房环境和安全保护、人员配备和制度建设等水质自动监测系统建设过程中的质量保证措施,以及人员持证上岗、运行维护、仪器校准和性能测试、比对实验、数据质量检查与审棱等运行过程中的质量控制指标框架.  相似文献   

文章介绍了自然水体水质改善与修复技术研究的进展,并提出了实施建议。  相似文献   

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