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中国土地沙漠化的现状,成因和治理途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
荒漠化不仅是一个重要的生态环境问题,也是人类所面临的一个非常严峻的经济和社会持续发展问题。前不久,《联合国防治荒漠化公约》的一名重要官员在罗马指出,荒漠化给全世界造成的经济损失已十分严重,并呼吁世界各国尽最大努力来解决这一问题。荒漠化使全世界每年丧失可耕地一千多万公顷,经济损失超过40亿美元。目前面临这一威胁的国家已达 110多个,涉及全球 70%的农用耕地,已成为全世界范围内,造成贫困和移民的最主要的原因之一。同时,该官员还指出,全世界每年至少需要10-22亿美元来解决这一问题,且至少要经过20…  相似文献   

侯巍巍 《青海环境》2005,15(1):33-36
土地荒漠化问题是一个全球性的问题,联合国环境与发展大会于1994年6月通过了世界第一个《防治荒漠化公约》。我国的相关法律规范也涉及到防治荒漠化的内容和措施,但由于相关法律还不完善,荒漠化问题仍十分严重,文章针对这一问题,探讨了如何防治荒漠化的策略和手段。  相似文献   

人类面临的十大环境问题: 水环境污染、大气环境污染、固体废弃物污染、酸雨蔓延、森林锐减、土地荒漠化、资源短缺、气候变暖、臭氧层破坏、生物多样性减少。  相似文献   

今年的6月17日是人类第十个"世界防治荒漠化和干旱日"。联合国防治荒漠化公约秘书处当天在德国波恩举行了系列活动,呼吁国际社会投入更大力量,防治日益严重的土地荒漠化。公约秘书处工作人员马克斯对新华社记者说,当天举行的活动包括有联合国有关机构和德国当地官员  相似文献   

窦贤 《环境教育》2006,(6):71-74
联合国大会确定2006年为"国际沙漠和荒漠化年".为同这一主题保持一致,联合国环境规划署(UNEP)宣布2006年世界环境日的主题是"莫使旱地变荒漠",以突出强调这一人类所面临的紧迫环境问题.  相似文献   

土地荒漠化已经成为中国最为严重的生态环境问题之一。如何治理荒漠化成为每个关注中国命运的人必须思考的问题。近日,国务院原副秘书长、中国治理荒漠化基金会理事长安成信接受了《绿叶》杂志的采访,就这一问题  相似文献   

新疆土地退化的成因分析与防治对策--着重于土地的荒漠化   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
舒强 《新疆环境保护》2000,22(3):149-154
新疆地处亚欧大陆腹地,远离海洋,四周环山,幅员辽阔,土地面积居全国各省(区)之首,约占全国土地面积的1/6,但是人类赖以生存的绿洲面积仅占总面积的2.39%,人均耕地面积0.19hm^2,虽然高于全国人均水平,但耕地质量差,复种指数低,产出率低,同时还受到荒漠化的影响。文章通过对新疆荒漠化土地的分布与现状,以及其对农、牧、林、交通运输线路、居民建筑等的危害的综述,探讨了新疆土地荒漠化的主要原因,并为进一步更好的利用、保护土地提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

刘书润 《绿叶》2013,(10):83-86
荒漠化通常被认为是自然和人为原因造成的土地荒芜、贫瘠、环境恶化,治理荒漠也因此成为环境保护的重要议题。但事实上,在荒漠化的问题上存在很多认识误区,流行的治理方法也不尽人意。特别是对于那些无需治理、具备重要生态价值的荒漠进行人为治理,不仅不能保护环境,反而破坏了生态平衡。  相似文献   

沙尘暴并非一无益处北京城市气象研究所的专家指出,北京出现沙尘暴概率其实很低,沙尘暴也不是一无益处。专家认为,这些年来市民对沙尘暴认识存在四大误区。一是误认为人类活动是导致沙尘暴的主要原因,认为我国沙尘暴的频繁发生,是人类近几十年活动使土地荒漠化扩大造成的。实际  相似文献   

为化学教育染上绿色   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自从人类在地球上出现以后,本身就成为自然环境不可分割的一部分.随着人类社会的发展,人们对自然资源的开发速度大大加快了,与此同时也加快了环境的恶化.现在摆在人类面前的十大环境问题是大气污染、臭氧层破坏、全球变暖、海洋污染、淡水资源短缺和污染、土地退化和荒漠化、森林锐减、生物多样性减少、环境公害、有毒化学品和危险废物.其中至少有8个都直接与化学和化学工业污染有关.20世纪90年代初,美国化学学会针对日益严重的环境污染问题,提出了"绿色化学"的口号.  相似文献   

经过长期的大气污染和水污染治理实践,各地积累了一定的技术、工程和管理经验,但随着土壤污染问题的日益凸显,三大环境要素质量如何整体提升、确保区域生态系统服务功能稳定持续发挥、满足人民群众对环境产品的需求,成为各级政府推进环境基本公共服务均等化过程中需要正视和亟待破解的一个难题。本文在系统分析当前环境污染以单要素为主线实施治理的总体思路所面临困境的基础上,基于生态系统整体性和区域统筹考量,从治理主体、治理手段、治理过程三个方面,提出推进土壤环境-水环境-大气环境协同治理的基本路径,为国家出台土壤环境管理相关政策措施、促进城镇化过程中区域环境质量整体改善提供参考。  相似文献   

库存与运输联合优化(ITIO)是将物流系统中的库存控制和运输管理融合到一个大问题中,寻求这一联合问题的最优解决方案,优化整个配送系统的运营成本。ITIO具有缓解“牛鞭效应”、节约运作成本、提高服务水平等优点,但在实施过程中会遇到信息泄露、决策权分配、联合优化利润分配、道德风险等问题。在对ITIO优势和制约因素分析的基础上,提出其实施的对策建议。  相似文献   

The existence of illegal dumping continues to be a worldwide problem, even in nature protected areas, and its distribution is not random. An understanding of the distribution of illegal dumping sites is crucial for the enhancement of effective waste management systems. Therefore, this study aims at a better understanding of spatial and temporal changes to illegal dumping sites in a nature protected area (the Ojców National Park) from 1994 to 2016. The most important spatial factors that control the distribution of illegal dumping sites were the distance from roads and from the field-forest edge. In the last two decades, the number of small dumping sites has increased, whereas the number of large illegal dumping sites has decreased. Moreover, this study presents a model of the potential occurrence of illegal dumping sites, which indicates places that should be under the control of the national park and of local authorities.  相似文献   

Uncertainty in environmental decision making should not be thought of as a problem that is best ignored. In fact, as is illustrated in a simple example, we often informally make use of awareness of uncertainty by hedging decisions away from large losses. This hedging can be made explicit and formalized using the methods of decision analysis. While scientific uncertainty is undesirable, it can still be useful in environmental management as it provides a basis for the need to fund additional monitoring, experimentation, or information acquisition to improve the scientific basis for decisions.  相似文献   

谈心理健康教育对高职院校学风建设的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前学风建设在高职院校中多采用以学生为主体、以教师为主导和制度辅助等形式.鉴于学生的从众趋向和群体意识、模仿等对学风建设产生的心理机制的影响,大学生自我发展因素又可能产生相反的问题性影响,心理健康教育可以通过促进学生优良品德的形成,提高学生智力活动和身心素质,对高职院校良好学风的建设有促进作用.  相似文献   

排污权与碳排放权系包含关系,对碳排放权属性的定位主要集中在许可证论、用益物权论以及环境权论三个方面。通过对碳排放权初始分配公平问题的必要性分析,探析初始分配效率、分配模式的内在缺陷和行政权介入对初始分配公平的影响。从加强制度衔接、确定总量目标、主体资格审查和提高监测技术等方面予以完善,以实现初始分配公平。  相似文献   

This is a study of individual differences in environmental problem-solving, the probable roots of these differences, and their implications for the education of resource professionals. A group of student Resource Managers were required to elaborate their conception of a complex resource issue (Spruce Budworm management) and to generate some ideas on management policy. Of particular interest was the way in which subjects dealt with the psychosocial aspects of the problem. A structural and content analysis of responses indicated a predominance of relatively compartmentalized styles, a technological orientation, and a tendency to ignore psychosocial issues. A relationship between problem-solving behavior and personal (psychosocial) style was established which, in the context of other evidence, suggests that problem-solving behavior is influenced by more deep seated personality factors. The educational implication drawn was that problem-solving cannot be viewed simply as an intellectual-technical activity but one that involves, and requires the education of, the whole person.  相似文献   

Environmental programs have been commonly driven by a preoccupation with the collection of data in the mistaken belief thatdata is synonymous withinformation. The distinction between data (that is, the quantified and qualitative attributes of a particular environment) and information (specifically, data processed so as to focus upon a particular environmental problem) will become far more important to environmental managers. They will increasingly manage their information through use of what has become known as information resource management (IRM) and the attendant use of critical success factors methodology. Environmental managers will thereby move away from concerns about data and specific EDP hardware and applications toward managing information as a valuable agency resource. In applying IRM, they will find it helpful to include a number of planning elements and to resolve early a number of issues critical to its successful use.  相似文献   

锦州地区地下水饮用水源污染因素及防治对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对锦州地区地下水饮用水源水质监测数据分析,评价地下水饮用水源水质现状;针对部分水源水质超标现象,分析其成因,并在实地考察的基础上从工矿企业污染源、生活污染源、养殖业污染源、农业污染源和不合理开采等几方面进一步阐述水源地潜在污染因素;在此基础上从预防、治理、生态修复及加强监管等方面提出地下水饮用水源污染防治对策。  相似文献   

Wildlife-road conflict has profound negative impacts on both wildlife populations and society. Despite a long-held understanding of this problem, in most regions the wildlife-management strategies (WMS) available to mitigate this conflict are still relatively underutilized. This study examines the implementation of these strategies into road infrastructure, using Southern Ontario as a case study, in order to develop an understanding of what leads to successful WMS implementation. The project management concept of critical success factors was applied and interviews with project decision-makers and key stakeholders were conducted. Nine factors were identified and a comparison between a ‘smooth’ and ‘rough’ project is used to illustrate the cumulative effects that these factors, and their interrelationships, have on project implementation success. Practitioners can use these findings to evaluate WMS projects based on likelihood of success and allocate resources accordingly, ultimately leading to increased chances of implementation and overall benefit to conservation and society.  相似文献   

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