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The activities developed within an eco-efficiency project in mineral industries located in the largest area for marble extraction in Portugal, in Alentejo region, in the Estremoz – Borba and Vila Viçosa anticline are presented in this paper. The project was designed to apply the sustainability concept in seven companies of marble extraction and transformation. The adopted strategy used new cleaner production models together with sustainable value (SV) improvement, leading to the rationalization of the industrial process, the involvement of economic agents and the orientation of the management of production processes towards eco-efficiency. The challenge was to have the mineral industry managing efficiently the resources on which the business depends, according to sustainability principles. Different opportunities for improvement, related to the minimization of materials, water and energy use, were identified in the companies. Some proposals mainly related to social improvement and small and medium-sized enterprise competitiveness benefits were also selected and discussed. This approach allows the integration of sustainability at company's and region's levels by combining in the entrepreneurial activity the creation of wealth together with the environment protection and the achieving of social benefits. Highlights: The involvement of different stakeholders in the project (Eco-efficiency in Portuguese companies of marble sector) was positive in the discussion and search of solutions for companies. It is possible to involve marble extraction and processing companies in eco-efficiency improvement towards sustainability. Companies from the marble sector improved environmental and social performance and reduced the costs of their production processes by applying SV methodology.  相似文献   

Aim of this work is to shed light on sustainable value and develop a model, based on vSa and translated at applicative level through the system dynamics methodology for measuring sustainable value. By adopting vSa perspective, value, characterized by strongly subjective contents, will be considered as a vector quantity, as the result of the subjective weighting of the different dimensions that may change according to the considered organization. Starting from the analysis of system dynamics and vSa, we will implement the theoretical framework into a model developed with system dynamics, hence through a methodology capable of addressing systemic problems which is also an expressive approach to solve issues arising in complex systems (characterized by interdependence, mutual interaction, information feedback, circular causality). In order to translate theory into “action and application” we will develop a model through which it will be possible to exploit the advantages of vSa implemented into an SD model, which ultimately can also be instantiated to specific cases and then simulated for further quantitative insights. Currently, there is no theoretical/practical approach to sustainable value measurement for business organizations that simultaneously considers the dimensions of the triple bottom line together with the subjective perspective of decision-makers. From these considerations, we derived the idea to integrate vSa and system dynamics with the aim of analyzing the issue of sustainable value, whose triple dimension is usually (erroneously) seen under a perspective that does not consider the interactions among those three dimensions. The integration of the subjective perspective within a model for calculating sustainable value can be seen as considering vSa as the theoretical framework, and system dynamics as the methodology that allows translating such an approach into a model that can later be simulated. It is also worth mentioning that through the application of the vSa theory to the case of sustainable value, by means of a transcoding approach like the system dynamics one, we are somehow trying to “redefine”, or better “enhance”, the vSa theory itself, by “operationalizing” it.  相似文献   

Can development occur without running down natural resources in an unsustainable way? The concept of natural capital offers a way for those with divergent views (ecologists and economists for example) to discuss this difficult question. Four aspects are examined in detail. First, the role of institutions in facilitating sustainable development is discussed, with examples from forestry. Then examples from (eco)tourism illustrate the potential – and limits – of applicability of the concept. Measurement issues for natural capital are then considered in detail. Finally, the concept is applied to agricultural strategy in fragile lands, where the tradeoff between the environment and development is likely to be most severe. Some implications for future research and policy are developed.  相似文献   

生态系统服务价值的变化决定着区域的可持续发展,其评估已成为生态学研究的热点之一,其研究结果对维持地区生态平衡、合理利用土地资源、建立可持续的土地利用模式等具有重要意义。本文在综合已有研究的基础上,通过估算万源市太平镇不同海拔高度土地生态服务价值量,探讨经济发展与生态服务价值变化的关系。结果表明,城市规划区的自然生态系统服务功能的价值是不可忽视的,自然生态系统无论是从物质上还是经济上,都为万源市太平镇的国民经济和社会可持续发展提供者重要支撑。从生态系统服务功能角度,海拔750 m高程是太平镇城市用地扩张的控制线。  相似文献   

Sustainable innovation represents a current challenge for companies, as firms need to change the way they design, develop, produce and distribute products and services. Therefore, this paper proposes a new framework to be used as a reference guideline for organisations to define a roadmap, specific actions and projects to achieve sustainable innovation, integrating four key enablers. The first enabler is mass customisation (MC), which targets the identification and compliance with customers' specific needs and requirements in order to achieve customer‐driven design. At the same time, the sustainable development (SD) paradigm is taken into consideration, where for any new product or service, companies analyse the benefits, risks and impacts of not only economic factors, but also social and environmental implications. The third enabler is linked to the value network (VN), where innovations happen owing to the active collaboration and distributed knowledge of partners inside and outside the company. Finally, the fourth and last considers the complete product and service life cycle (PSLC), where the three sustainable elements are identified and analysed in each single business process. Two case studies, (footwear sector and water treatment plants) are described to show the validity and successful deployment of the proposed framework in real industrial scenarios.  相似文献   

流域上、下游间环境保护成本和收益的区域错配问题严重影响我国流域整体发展的公平与效率,下游地区对上游地区给予适当的经济补偿已成为解决流域区域间经济发展失衡、实现流域水资源可持续发展的重要手段。文章首先构建基于能值拓展的流域生态外溢价值计量模型,从能量投入和能级转化的角度,以能值的形式反映流域客观存在的社会、经济和生态的功能服务价值,利用能值分析法测算流域生态系统服务能值与水足迹法确定流域自身消费的生态能值,通过比较流域生态系统服务能值和流域生态能值自身消费情况,判断流域的生态盈亏状态,并进一步利用能值-货币比率将生态外溢能值转化为生态外溢价值,得到相对客观和稳健的补偿标准。然后以渭河流域上游为例,测算得到2013年渭河流域上游的生态外溢能值为1.16×1022sej,可知流域上游在扣除自身消费的生态能值后还为流域下游提供生态服务,处于生态盈余的状态。为激励上游地区加大流域生态环境保护力度,同时也为实现区域发展的公平与效率和流域水资源的可持续发展,下游地区应对上游地区支付水资源生态环境补偿,根据能值-货币比率得到上游应获得16.31亿元的补偿金额,并根据水资源可利用量进一步分配,得到定西市和天水市应分别获得7.50亿元和8.81亿元的补偿金额。基于该研究结果,建议通过扩大对流域上游地区的转移支付、完善水资源市场构建、健全流域生态补偿立法等政策提高上游地方政府的生态保护努力水平,优化水资源配置,实现流域整体的可持续发展。  相似文献   

在统筹推进国土空间规划及用途管制的背景下,揭示土地发展权受限的数量及其价值,对于完善中国空间治理体系、解决不平衡不充分发展尤其是区域差异问题具有重要的理论和现实意义。文章以湖北省为"生态资源优势区"代表性省份,首先运用柯布-道格拉斯(C-D)生产函数模型测算各生产要素在农业与非农业部门中对经济增长的弹性以及土地资源在两部门的边际收益,揭示土地发展权受限的客观现实和成因;然后基于缩小湖北省与"经济发展优势区"经济发展差距的不同情景,测度2009—2018年湖北因处于生态资源优势区而使土地发展权受限的数量与价值。结果显示:(1)土地要素投入对湖北省经济增长具有重要影响。2009—2018年,湖北省非农部门经济增长仍依赖土地要素投入,且土地要素对经济增长的贡献难以被其他生产要素替代。(2)高额的机会成本是土地资源由农业部门向非农部门转移的重要潜在驱动力。2009—2018年,湖北省非农部门的土地边际收益是农业部门的17.03~44.14倍,且呈逐年递增趋势,规划管制的存在导致了土地发展权受限。(3)规划管制背景下,对受限的土地发展权进行补偿具有必要性和可行性。在经济发展水平差距缩小10%~100%的不同情景下,2009—2018年湖北省土地发展权受限数量处于0.53×104~5.35×104hm2之间,对应的价值量占同时期"经济发展优势区"总GDP的比重较低,为0.02%~0.19%。基于此,应开展土地发展权受限补偿的制度建设,从土地发展权产权确认和利益分配机制改革两方面量化和落实土地发展权,并以对土地发展权的底线补偿情景为起点逐步提高土地发展权补偿水平,直至实现完全补偿。  相似文献   

略论自然资源的价值   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:21  
本文首先论述了自然资源的含义,并系统归纳和总结了自然资源的主要特点;在此基础上,作者重点对自然资源的价值进行了讨论,明确了自然资源的价值包括经济价值、社会价值和生态价值,其表现形式是自然资源的商品价值和服务价值。科学地认识自然资源的“商品价值”和“服务价值”的统一,全面发挥自然资源的整体功能和作用,是科学保护和利用自然资源的基础。对自然资源进行科学估价,从而制定科学的利用和保护法律和策略,是我们在自然资源可持续管理时面临的十分重要的课题。  相似文献   

基于能值分析的四川省生态经济系统可持续性评估   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
运用能值分析方法,对四川省1998~2003年生态经济系统的净能值产出率、能值投入率、能值利用强度、可持续发展指数等指标及其变化趋势进行了定量分析,并与其它国家和地区进行了比较分析。研究表明:①四川省的可持续发展指数曲线呈现先升后降趋势,波动在3.35~1.97之间,曲线的走势与能值/货币比率、人口承载力基本一致。表明四川省经济的发展在人口资源的压力下,仍处于依靠本地资源的欠发达不稳定阶段;②四川省1998~2003年的净能值产出率和能值投入率呈现相异的发展走势,表明资源的利用效率、经济活动的竞争力逐渐降低,而环境资源负载程度、能值使用强度逐渐增强,经济活动加剧;③1998~2003年四川省人均能值使用量总体稳定的上升趋势和电力等高能质能值的缓慢增长趋势,体现了四川省人民生活水准的提高,但相对发达国家和地区还有一定的差距,发展的空间还很大。  相似文献   

对水资源进行价值补偿是解决我国现阶段水资源短缺和水污染问题的重要手段之一,解决好水资源价值补偿问题是实现资源,环境、社会可持续发展的前提。实施水资源价值补偿政策可能导致的物价水平上升是关系到人民群众生活稳定的重要问题。在实施水资源价值补偿政策之前,对实施这一政策可能引起的物价上涨幅度进行定量分析是十分必要的。本文运用投入产出模型计算苏南太胡地区水资源价值按一定比例(分别为1%、2%、3%、4%、5  相似文献   

引入资源价值补偿机制的资源税改革研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
资源是社会经济发展的基础,也是社会可持续发展的动力和保证,随着我国经济的快速发展,资源短缺现象日益突出,资源补偿不足的问题也日益凸显.国内外研究证明,资源补偿和资源税改革息息相关,资源价值补偿作为一种有效的资源补偿方式,具有很好的适用性和可操作性,是政府调控资源生产、消费和恢复的有效手段之一.长期以来,我国的资源税改革一直受到关注焦点,但学者门多关注于如何提高税率,扩大税基,而忽视了资源税改革中的资源补偿问题.本文首先回顾了相关研究成果,在此基础上借鉴国外经验,在资源税改革中引入资源价值补偿机制,并构建资源环境CGE模型(即RECGE模型),从资源价值补偿对社会经济、资源环境以及社会福利等方面进行模拟分析,研究资源价值补偿的影响.研究表明:资源价值补偿能有效缓解资源压力,改善环境状况,而合理而有效的资源补偿能有效协调经济和资源环境系统,促进社会经济的可持续发展.  相似文献   

Located in the humid tropical zone and endowed with carbonate sedimentary formations, Vietnam has unique karst landscapes where caves, limestone, and dolines are common. If well managed, these are valuable geomorphological resources for a sustainable socio-economic development. Although publications on sustainable livelihoods associated with conserving biodiversity and local culture are plentiful, there is still a lack of studies linking livelihood quality with the conservation of geomorphological resources, in particular in karst areas. This study assesses the geomorphological resources in Vietnam’s Bai Tu Long Bay and studies the relationship between livelihood and these resources. The current research area Bai Tu Long Bay is adjacent to the natural World Heritage site of Ha Long Bay in the Vietnamese part of the Gulf of Tonkin. Bai Tu Long is characterized by a karst landscape, which is at the same time similar but also different from Ha Long Bay. A field survey and interviews with 153 households allowed assessing people’s perception of the value of the geomorphological resources and their importance for local income. The results show that Bai Tu Long Bay has abundant, diverse, and unique geomorphological resources, which are valuable for tourism development. However, the local people are unaware of these values likely because they have no direct benefit from them. Further a sustainable development strategy for Bai Tu Long Bay is recommended. The outcome is a proposal for tourism initiatives aiming at realizing more sustainability in the area.  相似文献   

To slow down the increasing environmental degradation, design for sustainable behaviour (DfSB) has emerged in sustainable design aiming to promote behavioural change through design innovations to reduce environmental and social impacts from the demand side or consumer side. This paper presents a practice-based journey to investigate the process and results of the application of social-psychological theories into sustainable design. Focusing on the behaviour-related impacts of products and services during the use stage, a Design Behaviour Intervention Model (DBIM) is developed through the analysis and synthesis of the social-psychological theories and behaviour-changing strategies. The DBIM indicates that an in-depth study of consumer behaviour is the preliminary step in DfSB, which determines the application of design strategies and potentially the effectiveness of design interventions. A case study is presented to demonstrate the application of the model. The results show that consumer behaviour insights offer rich resources to assist designers in sustainable design innovation. Product-based design suggestions and a proposed solution highlight that the application of DBIM coupled with consumer involvement throughout the design process could produce desirable and sustainable patterns of household fridge use. Finally, the structured consideration of behavioural change and their possible application in DfSB are discussed.  相似文献   

在滨海湿地生态系统服务价值评价中,能值方法克服了传统经济学方法的一些不足,对评价沿海地区发展的可持续性具有重要意义,并成为近十年来环境经济学和生态经济学研究的热点问题。综合国内外滨海湿地生态系统服务价值能值评价的研究进展,就滨海湿地生态系统的供给、调节、文化和支持服务价值的能值估算方法进行了分析。在此基础上,指出了目前该方法应用于滨海湿地生态系统服务价值评价主要存在能值转换率的选用不一致、生态系统服务价值的能值估算方法需要完善、能值分析所应用的滨海湿地类型较少、缺少对人类活动引起的生态系统服务能值变化的评价及检验评价结论正确性的标准等不足,并提出了进一步的研究方向。  相似文献   

中国绿色经济战略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以联合国"里约+20"会议为背景,在梳理世界主要国家绿色经济发展进程、绿色经济理论研究和实践探索,分析当前绿色经济发展现状和政策的基础上,探讨了我国绿色经济发展战略框架问题。认为:政府层面要加强对绿色产业发展引导、努力完善激励约束政策,保障绿色经济的稳健发展,重视绿色科技人才队伍建设,增强绿色产业自主创新能力。目前要解决的问题,一是通过建立排污权交易市场,实现环境价值的货币化;二是建立健全与绿色经济核算相关的法规制度;三是实施绿色GDP考核制度,从根本上改变经济增长方式。企业层面要重视绿色科技人才队伍建设,增强绿色产业自主创新能力,实现绿色产业的发展与调整。行业层面要着重节能建筑、可再生能源、可持续交通、可持续农业和生态基础设施建设等。消费者层面要加强绿色理念宣传,积极倡导绿色消费。从国际贸易的角度,应积极争取发达国家提供技术支持和技术培训,以帮助环保商品和服务行业的发展。  相似文献   

基于正态云模型的区域矿产资源可持续力评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
矿产资源是人类生存和社会可持续发展的基础,研究区域矿产资源的可持续力发展水平、能力和发展趋势,不仅仅是个地区问题,更应是资源保障问题,因而对我国资源承载能力和可持续发展具有十分重要的意义。针对当前区域矿产资源可持续力定量测度研究较少,且现有评价方法不能同时兼顾指标的模糊性与随机性的难题,该研究将正态云模型引入区域矿产资源可持续力综合评价。从资源、经济、环境(含人口)三方面构建矿产资源可持续力评价指标体系,基于正态云模型结合改进的层次分析法,不仅使得指标特点得以保真,而且各指标权重的计算量也大大减少,提高了评价方法的适用性。以湖南省2010—2015年间的矿产资源为研究对象,进行矿产资源可持续力定量测度。结果显示,6年间,湖南省矿产资源可持续力状态虽然始终处于III级(一般)状态,但可持续力综合值从2.600 0上升到3.070 8,区域矿产资源可持续力水平有日趋增加态势;个别评价指标仍处于较弱状态,单位GDP能耗量、万元工业产值中矿业产值比率、人口密度单因子得分值均2.5,表明这些指标相对较弱,有待进一步采取相关措施进行改善。该评价结果与实地调研基本吻合,表明该方法是可行的。本方法在定量评价中能兼顾随机性和模糊性,且计算过程简便,结果可靠,能为矿产资源定量评价提供参考。  相似文献   

矿产资源开发利用对环境危害的货币化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过辨识矿产资源开发利用过程中的环境危害因子,建立了环境危害所造成的损失货币化模型,定量地确定矿产开发利用中的负效益,并通过与矿产开采所得到的社会效益和经济效益比较.计算矿产开发利用的适宜度。为矿产资源可持续发展和生态环境保护提供决策依据。  相似文献   

Communities of Practice (CoPs) are a promising concept for transdisciplinary knowledge co-creation in sustainable agricultural development, but empirical evidence from the farmers’ viewpoint is scarce. This paper contributes to empirical insights on the knowledge creation in CoPs as valued by farmers. Using concepts from CoP theory (domain, community, and practice) and the value creation framework (VCF) developed by Wenger et al. (Promoting and assessing value creation in communities and networks: a conceptual framework. Netherlands Ruud de Moor Center Rapport 18:60, 2011), we examined two cases issuing from a European project on sustainable dairy farming. Results indicate regional differences between the two cases and relate CoP features to value creation cycles (immediate, potential, applied, realized and reframing value). They show how specific features regarding domain, community, and practice development can enhance knowledge creation on sustainable agricultural development. Domain development should be considered consciously taking into account the project duration. The community should include actors with specific competencies, such as farmers with an open attitude, researchers with (practical) domain expertise, and advisors with skills as translators between researchers and farmers. The practice development, or the actual knowledge creation, should unify two equally important types of interaction that contribute differently to value creation in CoPs: individual farmer–researcher–advisor interactions and farmer group–advisor interactions. Our research provides both valuable information for designing and managing knowledge co-creation initiatives and anchors further research on competencies and activities required to foster the two types of interactions for knowledge creation.  相似文献   

CVM方法确定环境价值有效性的分析研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
CVM作为一种计量和评价环境价值的方法。在国外发达国家其应用日益广泛和普遍.而在我国对CVM的研究案例很少且刚刚起步。作者通过案例利用CVM方法对森林资源的环境价值进行研究。并对运用CVM研究方法调查所得的WIP值进行了有效性分析.据此发现WIP值可以明显的显示出各特征因素与支付意愿间相互关系的规律性。方向趋势上具有逻辑上的合理性.调查的结果是有意义和有效的。  相似文献   

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