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Due to the high rates of energy consumption and its impact on environment over the last decades, policy decision-makers are increasingly recognising the need to take actions that allow to address problems associated with the deployment of non-renewable resources and climate changes. One field of action has been the promotion of measures that contribute to improve energy efficiency of countries. The purpose of this study is to identify the main factors explaining changes in energy efficiency applying the multiplicative Log Mean Divisia Index decomposition method for a set of countries (Portugal, UK, Brazil and China) with different socio-economic background and energy mix. The results show that overall energy efficiency trends display different patterns between countries and the same happens within each country from a sectoral perspective. Major drivers of improvements of overall energy efficiency were the intensity effect and the affluence effect, whereas the driver that hampered those improvements was the energy consumption per capita. Some policy implications derived from the results achieved are: policy decision-makers should support measures that promote the adoption of energy-saving technologies resulting from new technological developments; policy measures should be directed to raise awareness of end-users regarding energy efficiency and energy conservation efforts; policy measures promoting economic growth through the development (or expansion) of sectors of activity that consume less energy can also be implemented; finally, policy instruments may also be used to reduce the costs of implementing energy efficiency and energy-saving measures to households and firms.  相似文献   

China proposed that non-fossil energy consumption account for 20% in total energy consumption. EU increased the target of renewable energy consumption share from 27% to 35% in 2030.Energy transformation and increasing renewable energy consumption are important energy strategies for all countries at present. Then, is the impact of renewable energy consumption on economic growth positive or negative? Are there any differences in the direction or magnitude of the impact among countries or regions, and what are the determinants behind them? We apply panel threshold effect model to test threshold effects of renewable energy consumption on economic growth of EU. Empirical result shows: first, the impact of renewable energy consumption on economic growth is negative. Second, renewable energy consumption has significant threshold effects on economic growth. Third, now, energy consumption intensity and GDP per capita of most EU members are in the appropriate threshold regimes. In contrast, more and more EU members are in the high-subsidy group. Fourth, the average annual growth rates of renewable energy consumption showed no significant difference between high-subsidy and lowsubsidy countries from 1990 to 2014. Therefore, subsidy with high economic cost is not the onlyeffective means to increase renewable energy consumption.  相似文献   

能源问题是实现可持续发展的重大战略问题。能效改进所引起的能耗反弹问题已成为能源经济学领域的一个重要议题。针对已有研究基于复合能源维度探讨反弹效应的不足,本文通过构建一个引入反弹效应测算模块的中国静态CGE模型,研究不同类型能源效率改进的节能效果和反弹差异,并将其在生产侧和消费侧进行分解。在分别提高所有生产部门一次能源使用效率和二次能源使用效率两种情景下,我们发现提高二次能源使用效率对经济的促进作用更大,带来的能源节约也更多。就反弹效应而言,两种情景的反弹效应在9.6%-27.9%范围间,但提高一次能源使用效率带来的反弹效应要普遍大于提高二次能源使用效率带来的反弹。这意味着,能效改进的能源类型选择将关系到政策的实施效果。对反弹效应在生产侧和消费侧的分解则显示,生产侧的能效改进会刺激消费侧能耗增加,而且来自消费侧的能耗增加在二次能源品种的反弹效应中扮演了重要角色,尤其是成品油和燃气。综上,我们认为不论从经济表现还是反弹效应来看,提高二次能源使用效率都是比较理想的能源类型选择,这是以往研究未曾注意到的。同时,由于反弹效应的存在确实降低了能效政策的有效性,因此政府在制定能效政策时可通过对冲能效改进带来的能源服务价格下降来减缓能耗反弹。引导和规范居民的用能观念和用能行为也是减缓反弹效应的一个重要途径,这一点对能源需求远未饱和的发展中国家尤其重要。  相似文献   

中国承诺将于2030年左右使单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放比2005年下降60%—65%,排放总量达到峰值并争取尽早实现。我国目前的碳排放主要来自工业、交通运输业和建筑业,其中建筑业碳排放约40%,所占比重最大,而高达550亿m2的存量住宅能耗和排放是建筑业碳排放的主力。住宅建筑节能是关系到我国建筑业节能减排目标能否顺利实现的重要因素,是我国节能减排工作的重要领域。构建一个可用于衡量住宅建筑节能对资源环境及经济发展影响的可计算模型是推动住宅建筑节能工作的重要基础。本文尝试以CGE标准模型为基础,依次对住宅建筑生产模块、污染排放模块、节能住宅建筑模块、动态模块和环境福利模块进行详细构建说明。在四方面对标准模型进行扩展:第一,将生产要素扩展为资本、劳动和能源要素束,能源要素束被深化分解为清洁能源与非清洁能源束,然后再予深化细化;第二,依据差异的贸易伙伴将进出口细化为差异的国家和地区;第三,将建筑污染排放作为一个特殊部门,建立建筑污染排放模块,纳入到CGE模型中,并将污染要素纳入到效应函数中;第四,依据资本增长模型,建立动态模块。通过将住宅建筑节能作为变量扩展到标准CGE模型的方法,构建了住宅建筑节能CGE扩展模型。借助该扩展模型,可以研究非节能建筑约束、外部节能建筑与经济增长之间的内在关系,进而破解非节能建筑约束、外部节能建筑与住宅建筑节能快速发展之间难以协调的矛盾。在本文研究成果的基础上,可进一步建立相应的社会核算矩阵(SAM),并对各种函数的参数估计和敏感性检验进行实证分析。  相似文献   

To analyze the impact of the related economic factors on China's energy demand, Path analysis is used to analyze the major factors and their direct and indirect effects on energy demand. This study showed that the main factors that affect the energy demand are the economic growth, the total population, and the primary energy structure, the economic growth is the main determining factor, and the primary energy structure is the major restrictive factor. On this basis and considering the multicollinearity and the validity of the forecast, we established a partial least-square (PLS) and the trend extrapolation prediction model, and then we sum up all the information to found a PLS—trend extrapolation combination forecasting model based on the optimized combining forecast theory. Finally, we obtain the probability distribution of the error using the Bayesian statistic theory and find the confidence interval of combining forecasting result. The results indicate that the outcome of combining forecasting will be more precise after using the Bayesian error correction approach.  相似文献   

现阶段中国大力开展新能源汽车示范推广工作,中央及各地方政府已相继出台一系列补贴政策。在严厉打击新能源汽车"骗补"及补贴政策重新调整等背景下,分析梳理现有政策从而对其进行整体把握与正确判断显得尤为重要,从而为政策改进与优化做准备。本文选取了截至2016年底国家和北京市颁布的涉及新能源汽车补贴的相关政策。首先,从采用文本挖掘的方法整理出的政策文本的高频有效关键词从中提炼出的政策工具,可分为供给型、需求型、环境型三类,分别从技术推动、市场拉动和环境支撑三个方面促进和规范新能源汽车市场。发现现有政策工具仍存在一些问题,如缺乏支持新能源汽车技术提升和产品开发的供给型政策工具;环境型政策工具的作用重点欠科学,对充电基础设施建设的重视程度不够;补贴过于聚焦新能源汽车购买环节等。其次,结合政策特点运用PMC指数模型构建了新能源汽车补贴政策的量化评价框架,通过变量分类、参数识别建立了多投入产出表,并通过PMC指数的测量、PMC曲面的生成综合反映政策各维度的情况。再次,采用实证分析的方法,选取3项新能源汽车补贴政策(P1、P2、P3)为研究对象,对政策进行量化评价。结果得出3项政策的PMC指数分别为7.52、6.95、6.21,均在良好的等级之内,P1政策的量化结果为优秀,P2、P3政策结果为良好,且具有较大的提升空间,可考虑在激励措施等方面予以加强。最后,根据新能源汽车补贴政策无法取得预期效果的原因,提出三点政策优化意见:(1)重视供给型政策工具的使用,加大新能源汽车科研资金投入;(2)环境型政策工具的作用重点应放在充电等基础设施的建设上;(3)需求型可考虑采取以公共交通带动私人交通的策略。  相似文献   

With the fast development of Qingdao’s economy, the energy consumption is increasing significantly. In this paper, based on the energy statistic data in Qingdao area from 2010 to 2015, energy consumption structure was analyzed, indicating the existence of single energy structure; that is, coal, petroleum, and natural gas are dominant in the area. Thus, some issues between energy supply and demand have been brought. To solve present problem, we put forward to formulate the development strategy of energy, including energy savings, the exploitation of petroleum and natural gas resources, the development and utilization of renewable energy sources, and energy policy. It is worthy of mentioning that, according to the geological investigation, the shale gas may be abundant in Qingdao area and the gas resource amount estimated is huge. This is our first finding, important for developing unconventional energy and adjusting the energy structure in Qingdao in the future. Therefore, we suggest that Qingdao government should take action to develop local new energy resources for satisfying the energy demand.  相似文献   

Currently,the problem of climate change is already far beyond the category of scientific research,and it affects the economic operation mode,interests pattern,and geographical relationships and becomes the focus of global governance.During the transition period of the international economic and social development and the critical transformation period of the world geopolitical pattern reorganization,China’s industrialization is still at the intermediate stage,and tackling with climate change is also China’s internal demand under this development stage.With more influence of climate change on national competitiveness,climate change and geopolitics present complex multiple relations,and climate change in the era of geopolitical landscape gradually affected the national strategy and diplomacy.This article offered some relevant suggestions based on evaluating the new geopolitical characteristics of climate change:(1)weighing of interests and properly handling the complex relations among major powers during international climate negotiations;(2)strengthening risk judgments and actively cooperating with the United States and the European Union on energy and climate change;(3)relying on the"One Belt(Silk Road Economic Belt)and One Road(twenty-first century Maritime Silk Road)"to ensure China’s energy security and actively participating in the global energy governance;(4)strengthening the"south-south cooperation"mechanism innovation and increasing the investment.  相似文献   

We can enhance our quality of life and reduce environmental impacts by making improvements in textile product design. By thinking about the environment when we design, choose and use technology, we can play an important part in building a better world for the future. If we are going to live in a sustainable way, the technology that we use has to be sustainable.

This paper provides an insight into how the design of textile products could provide for a more sustainable future. It describes a design concept for an ecological relaxing textile that uses photovoltaic cells to collect and store solar energy and to power an electronic relaxing system. This design may help improve our quality of life now and in the future.

The raw materials and processes, the electronic devices and the dimensions of solar energy for this application are analysed from an environmental perspective. The solar relaxing textile can facilitate our daily life by providing increased comfort and well being, and also acts as an indirect message to use renewable energy within textile support, in order to preserve our ecology.  相似文献   

In the twenty-first century, the continuous demand in energy resource has put sustainability on the agenda of many businesses. This is particularly true for the manufacturing industry, where a large amount of energy is consumed to sustain daily operations. This paper studies energy-efficient computer numerical control machining systems. To achieve overall energy efficiency in machining systems, several activities are involved as in the proposed research framework of a global energy-efficient machining system (GEMS). These activities are described as modules, i.e. energy monitoring, energy analysis and optimisation, energy-based optimal control and energy-enriched database. In a GEMS, one critical issue is data interoperability. Seamless data sharing enables collaboration for improving energy efficiency. Using the EXPRESS language, energy data models are proposed for each module in the GEMS, and integrated with the existing STEP-NC (STandard for Exchange of Produce-compliant Numerical Control) standards. Two case studies are presented to demonstrate how the proposed data models may be used. One study updates an existing production file to include general energy information for auditing or reviewing purposes; the other study maintains machine tool energy profiles in a database. Many other energy-efficient activities, e.g. online energy optimisation, can be realised with the proposed data models. The present study proved that interoperable energy information can enhance the energy-efficient performance of a machining system.  相似文献   

The recent increase in energy costs, driven by a surge in oil prices, has increased world‐wide efforts on the exploitation of renewable/wind energy resources for environment‐friendly sustainable development and to mitigate future energy challenges. Moreover, experience in the wind energy industry has reached high levels in the field of manufacturing and application. This inevitably increases the merits of wind energy exploitation. In order to exploit wind resources, through the establishment of wind power plants, specific attention must be focused on the characteristics of wind and wind machines. The literature indicates that wind‐energy resources are relatively better along coastlines. In the present study, long‐term hourly mean wind speed data for the period 1986–2003, recorded at Dhahran (Eastern Coastal region, Saudi Arabia), has been analysed to examine the wind characteristics including (but not limited to): yearly/monthly/diurnal variations of wind speed, frequency distribution of wind speed, impact of hub‐height/machine‐size on energy production, etc. Data have been checked/validated for completeness. Data analysis indicated that long‐term monthly average wind speeds ranged from 3.8 to 5.8 m/s.

Concurrently, the study determined monthly average daily energy generation from different sizes of commercial wind machines (150, 250, 600 kW, etc.) to assess the impact of wind machine size on energy yield. The study also estimated annual energy production (MWh/year) from wind farms of different capacities (3, 6, 12, 24 MW, etc.) by utilising different commercial wind energy conversion systems (WECS). It was observed that, for a given 6 MW wind farm size, a cluster of 150 kW wind machines (at 50 m hub‐height) yielded about 32% more energy when compared to a cluster of 600 kW wind machines. The study also estimated the cost of wind‐based electricity (COE, US$/kWh) by using different capacities of commercial WECS. It was found that the COE per kWh is 0.045 US$/kWh for 150 kW wind machine (at 50 m hub‐height) whereas COE was 0.039 US$/kWh for 600 kW wind machine (at 50 m hub‐height). The study also dealt with wind turbine characteristics (such as capacity factor and availability factor). These characteristics are important indicators of wind turbine performance evaluation.  相似文献   

城市居民生活能源消费研究进展综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近十年来中国城市消费领域能耗年增长率已达到7.4%,超过中国总能耗量5.9%的年增长率。随着中国逐渐完成工业化进程,其工业用能将呈现增速放缓甚至总量减少的趋势,而居民生活及交通能源需求将随着人民生活水平提高而稳步增长,最终呈现总量与比重逐渐增加的态势。城市居民活动与其能源消费的定量化分析已成为当前多学科的研究热点。本文以家庭室内和室外直接能源消费作为研究对象,对城市居民生活能耗的影响因素、能源足迹核算方法、时间-室内能耗模拟,及空间-交通-能源耦合模拟等关键问题的研究进展进行综述。研究发现,第一,家庭能源消费属于派生性需求,不同的时间利用方式会产生能源消费水平和结构上的差异,但现有研究较少从时间及活动链分析角度展开。第二,由于家庭预算及时间约束的存在,室内外能源消费行为密切相关,但少有研究对上述两个城市生活部门的能源消费进行整体性分析核算。第三,基于活动的建模方法可以提供一种将居民室内外用能行为进行整合的分析框架。最后对今后该领域的研究开展进行了展望:第一,从活动分析和时间利用视角,建立自下而上的居民室内外用能活动仿真模型,在更小的时间和空间尺度模拟家庭能源需求,识别家庭能耗的主要来源、控制的重点人群、时段和区域,指导能源政策制定;第二,深入剖析能源回弹效应产生的决策机理,以及怎样的政策或政策组合可以有效减少回弹;第三,将社会网络分析引入居民生活能耗研究,更加全面理解影响家庭用能行为的机制,为家庭能源消费管理提供新思路。  相似文献   

随着居民部门用能快速增长,各国都在致力于观察本国居民能源消费特征以减少碳排放,特别是发达国家。本文应用近30年的微观调查数据分析美国居民能源消费现状和趋势,为发展中国家提供一些借鉴意义。从总量上看,伴随着人口、家庭数量和建筑面积的上升,能源消费总量变化较小,趋于稳定;人均用能则呈下降趋势。从用能结构来看,以天然气和电力为主,2009年分别占比44%和41%;近30年来天然气占比小幅下降,电力占比上升明显;完善的天然气设施和电力服务体系使得能源可获得性高。从用途分类来看,取暖和家电占绝大比例,2009年分别占比41%和35%;取暖用能近30年来出现平缓下降趋势,燃料来源70%是天然气;家电设备用能占比明显上升,增长近1倍;制冷占比较小,近年出现小幅上升;热水用能则比较稳定。家庭炊事燃料以电力和天然气为主,2009年分别占比60%和34%。近30年,家用电器保有量和能源效率有显著提高。建筑用能方面,美国房屋服务时间长,后期建筑房屋在保温性能方面高于早期房屋,单位面积耗能下降。美国居民享受着较高水平的能源服务,能源消费总量在近30年没有明显变化,这和能源效率的提高有着密切关系;如完善的"能源之星"项目是一个强有力的措施,以及完善的能源统计制度为能源分析提供了有力的数据支撑。相比,中国存在居民炊事用能固体燃料占比较高、建筑服务周期短、建筑材料耗能比重大等问题。建议中国政府进一步完善能源统计制度、推行农村能源扶持项目和能源标识、加强建筑规划、落实建筑能耗标准。  相似文献   


Machine tool, which is the basis energy consumed device in manufacturing system, its energy consumption model and energy efficiency evaluation are the prerequisites for energy saving in manufacturing. Considering the multi-energy-sources features,analysed the mathematical model of a CNC continuous generating grinding machine tool from the view of energy constitute. The energy sources of a CNC continuous generating grinding machine tool are classified into gear grinding system, grinding wheel dressing system and auxiliary system. Based on the power balance equations of energy flow, the energy flow system of a CNC continuous generating grinding machine tool is established. And then the energy consumption mathematical model of a CNC continuous generating grinding machine tool is set up by combining the power balance equations with the operating features of three kinds of energy sources. The case study shows that the proposed energy consumption model can provide fundamental support for energy consumption forecasting, energy efficiency analysis and energy-saving optimisation during the machine tool operation process.  相似文献   

推进农户应用清洁能源对于促进农村生态建设至关重要。本文将农户清洁能源应用行为视为是一个"外部情境因素-内部心理因素-农户清洁能源应用行为"的过程,基于环境行为理论和技术接受模型,构建出农户清洁能源应用行为影响因素概念模型。利用江西省农户的调查数据,运用结构方程模型从农户购买行为和使用行为两个维度,研究农户清洁能源应用行为的影响因素,以及这些因素的作用机理。研究表明,情境因素(经济激励政策、自愿活动、宣传教育、清洁能源产品属性)以农户感知为中介,进而正向影响农户清洁能源使用行为,从众心理、行为便利性直接正向影响农户清洁能源使用行为;生态价值观和感知因素在经济激励政策与农户清洁能源购买行为之间起到部分中介效应,行为便利对农户清洁能源购买行为有直接正向影响;相对于经济激励政策,农户自愿活动对提升农户生态价值观会更有效;在影响农户感知的四个情景因素(经济激励政策、自愿活动、宣传教育、清洁能源产品属性)中,自愿活动对农户感知的正向影响程度最大;对农户清洁能源购买行为正向影响程度最大的是经济激励政策,对农户清洁能源使用行为正向影响程度最大的是行为便利性。基于上述结论,提出以下政策建议:政府要扩大清洁能源产品补贴的范围,加大农户购买清洁能源产品的补贴力度,降低农户购买清洁能源产品的成本;加强清洁能源知识、环境保护的宣传教育,提升农村居民的环境责任感,增强农村居民的生态环境价值观;完善农村清洁能源应用服务体系,提升农户应用清洁能源的易用性感知;充分发挥清洁能源示范村的辐射效应,增强农户应用清洁能源有用性感知;引导基层村干部、党员或环保意识强的农户率先应用清洁能源,在从众心理作用下,促使更多的农户应用清洁能源。  相似文献   

为了厘清中国能源正义的现况,为《能源法》的制定提供直接参考,本文选择中国农村能源正义作为具体的研究对象,主要采用规范分析的研究方法,从能源正义和农村能源正义的概念界定入手,描述了中国农村能源不正义的事实现况和法律现况,指出了中国农村环境正义法律实现的路径,并阐释了法律实现的关键。本文认为,农村能源正义是指,能源的所有方、供给服务方、消费方等主体不因其农民的身份性质、农村的地域分布和农业的禀赋强弱等因素,而应在能源的勘探开发、加工转换、仓储运输、供给服务等领域享有平等的对待和实质的参与;农村能源不正义的事实现况主要表现为农村能源并未全面体现能源的自然、经济、安全和生态等多维价值,而其法律现况则主要表现为现有的能源立法并未对农村能源在分配、程序、矫正和社会正义上做系统的表达。本文指出,中国农村能源正义法律实现的路径,其逻辑起点在于保障农民的能源权,应首先从法律上正面规定公民的能源权,进而采用《能源法》的集中表达与相关法律部门的分散表达相结合的具体方式和步骤。本文建议,中国农村能源正义法律实现的关键是科学制定《能源法》,首先要明确其核心地位,处理好与《农业法》等法律部门之间的关系;其次要在总则中,重述立法目的、规定公民能源权、完善能源普遍服务;最后在《能源法》的分则中专设"农村能源"的章节,整合现有的《能源法(征求意见稿)》的内容,并从原则、规划、保障、生态化、公众参与、授权、救济、法律责任等方面进行优化。  相似文献   

As the societal benefits associated with transitioning to more sustainable, less fossil fuel-reliant energy systems are increasingly recognized by communities throughout the world, the potential of creating ‘green jobs’ within a ‘green economy’ is attracting much attention. Green energy clusters are increasingly promoted throughout the world as a strategy to simultaneously promote economic vitality and stimulate a sustainable energy transition. In spite of their emerging role in regional-scale sustainability planning efforts, such initiatives have not been considered within the sustainability transitions literature. This paper explores the development of one such regional sustainable energy cluster initiative in Central Massachusetts in Northeastern USA to consider the potential for such cluster initiatives to contribute to socio-technical transition in the energy system. Since 2008, a diverse set of stakeholders in Central Massachusetts, including politicians, universities, businesses, local citizens, and activists, have been working toward facilitating the emergence of an integrated cluster of activity focused on sustainable energy. Through interviews with key actors, participant observation, and document review, this research assesses the potential of this cluster initiative to contribute to a regional socio-technical transition. The empirical details of this case demonstrate that sustainable energy cluster initiatives can potentially accelerate change in entrenched energy regimes by promoting institutional thickness, generating regional ‘buzz’ around sustainable energy activities, and building trust between multiple and diverse stakeholders in the region. This research also contributes to emerging efforts to better ground socio-technical transitions in geographic space.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to develop computational machining energy estimation tools during the early design stage of product development. In the preliminary or embodiment design, a product's shape and materials are determined. At this stage, it is crucial for a designer to be able to compare alternative designs and materials based on many different criteria, such as cost, functionality, energy, etc. Automated tools for estimating energy consumption that could later be used to integrate with CAD/CAM systems are in demand. This study presents computational tools for estimating the energy consumption of machining operations during the early design phase. The computational tools utilize a preliminary computer representation of a product (CAD model), its material and candidate machining operations to automatically analyse and estimate a range of energy consumption during machining operations. Detailed steps for computing turning and milling energy consumption are presented. Case studies of both parts and assemblies were conducted to test the validity of the tools and to evaluate the performance of the tools. Environmental impacts such as carbon weight will also be estimated. The computation tools will assist users with little knowledge about energy computations to estimate energy consumption during the design stage. Such energy estimation can be used to redesign parts and assemblies, leading to the development of products with reduced machining energy. The computation tools are part of a larger research on estimating energy consumption throughout a product's life cycle.  相似文献   

Hybrid energy systems are renewable energy system combined in a complementary fashion to ensure dependable power supply at competitive cost. Diesel generators (DGs) are also added here as a back-up source of supply. For remote areas far from a transmission grid, these systems can provide a reliable and cost-effective supply. Addition of DG could instigate environmental pollution in such remote unpolluted areas. In the present work, optimal sizing of hybrid energy system has been attempted for a remote village cluster of Uttarakhand (India) to make available desired power supply at minimum environmental effluence. Hybrid Optimization Model for Electrical Renewable (HOMER) software from National Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA has been employed to attain the objective. The software offered several feasible systems, ranked on the basis of net present cost (NPC). All such systems are further analysed for emissions they have made in the environment. Hence, the optimal system fulfilling the criteria of minimal environmental degradation with sufficiently minimum NPC has been searched for. In the present work, the most appropriate system offered on the basis of NPC is the one which has five wind turbines (10 kW each), one DG (65 kW) and 25 batteries (6 V, 6.94 kW h each). The NPC of the system is $1,252,018, whereas its initial capital cost and levelised cost of energy (COE) are $94,233 and $0.292/kW h, respectively. After further analysis of all the feasible systems on the basis of environmental effluence, the most feasible system explored is the one which has minimal emissions of various pollutants such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbon, particulate matter, sulphur dioxide and nitrous oxide. The system has been obtained on a compromised NPC of $1,270,921 with a capital cost of $148,133 and COE of $0.296/kW h. Components of the system include five wind turbines (10 kW), a 9 kW PV panel and a 65 kW DG along with 30 batteries (6 V, 6.94 kW h each). The system so obtained would prove to be a feasible, optimally sized and sustainable power supply alternative for remote unelectrified hilly rural area.  相似文献   

为研究可持续能源系统转型路径,以转型理论为概念框架,从宏观、中观和微观多层次对能源系统进行分析,建立了基于代理的系统动力学转型模型。模型选取当前能源消费结构中占较大比重的煤炭、石油、天然气、风能、水电、光伏和核能作为复杂代理,选取消费者作为简单代理,根据中国能源数据对其进行参数化,并模拟运行了能源系统从2016—2050年间各种类型能源消费比重变动的情形。研究结果显示:①外部景观信号的输入对于能源系统的可持续转型有着至关重要的作用。随着景观信号的输入,各类能源的相对比重发生复杂的相互作用,景观信号持续时间越长、强度越大,向可持续能源系统转型的速度越快、规模越大。②到2050年,可持续能源将占一次能源消费比重的60%左右,实现能源系统的可持续转型,其中,水电将在能源系统的可持续化转型中发挥重要的作用。③2030年以前,石油和天然气将是能源系统中煤炭消费比重下降的主要替代品,因为它们的应用技术已经发展成熟,而且它们更适应当前的基础设施,从短期来看相比可持续能源石油和天然气更有优势,在这种情形下,仍然需要继续支持可持续能源的发展,否则能源系统的可持续转型将不会发生。该研究主要探索通过当前能源系统的景观压力强度以及转型的进度,来量化未来需要输入的景观压力强度;通过模拟转型发生的具体情景,对转型的进展进行更清楚的界定,借此来评估二氧化碳的排放路径;模拟模型也可以评估各类能源在不同时间点上的各种可能性,以及探索各类可持续能源的发展潜力。  相似文献   

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