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Sustainable engineering is a conceptual and practical challenge to all engineering disciplines. Although the profession has experience with environmental dimensions of engineering activities that in some cases are quite deep, extending the existing body of practice to sustainable engineering by including social and cultural domains is a significant and non-trivial challenge. Nonetheless, progress is being made, as a recent study undertaken by the Center for Sustainable Engineering in the United States demonstrates.
Brad AllenbyEmail:

This paper addresses the issue of the sustainability imperative and its influence on outsourcing practice. The research initially finds that there is currently little or no work that explores sustainable or green outsourcing, other than in an information technology context. This lack of research on sustainable outsourcing practice in the industrial organisation sector led to the development of this research study. This exploratory study used a qualitative survey tool to investigate current industrial practice. Manufacturing managers in 57 organisations formed the survey sample. The data were analysed by comparison and clustering of responses of survey participants. This study contributes five key findings that demonstrate current industrial practice which includes: 32% of respondents state that sustainability is not a factor in their outsourcing decision making and 65% of small- and medium-sized enterprises had never heard of the ‘triple bottom line’ concept. Future research needs are identified and proposed highlighting that urgent development of research is required in outsourcing performance measurement and also in considering sustainability as a new manufacturing competitive priority.  相似文献   

Sustainable development is the development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainability assessment is an important part of the decision process in organisations. Sustainability is difficult to define or measure because it is a complex concept. To assess the sustainability level of an organisation, a unique attempt has been made using fuzzy-based Kano model based on the stakeholders' satisfaction. The Kano model is a customer satisfaction assessment tool that must be precise, and it is incorporated with fuzzy logic because it has the capability to replicate the human perceptions. In this context, the approach is used to assess the sustainability by using the stakeholders' satisfaction for different criteria and it provides information regarding improvement in sustainability.  相似文献   

In order to discuss how to advance sustainability in engineering, it is necessary to be clear as to what exactly is the science of sustainability. The linkage between sustainability philosophy and scientific principles has, in some ways, been acknowledged in the wider literature. Moreover, the recent scholarship on sustainability in international literature has focused on providing definitions, policies and methods, though from an engineering perspective, there is an obvious need for clarity on how the engineering and science community can integrate the science of sustainability into practice. Prima facie, this article provides an overview of the development of sustainability science through a textual analysis to collate the underlying discourse and ideology cited in literature. While the number one sustainability challenge is to mitigate climate change, compiling a definition genesis of sustainability will assist the engineering community in gaining an understanding in the underlying philosophical frames. The aim of this paper is to analyse sustainability information in the print press, journals, periodicals and textbooks since publication patterns contribute to our understanding of the cognitive aspects of scholarly knowledge development.  相似文献   

Sustainable development as the leading global development paradigm and sustainability as a cornerstone of modern industrial development have guided this development work on social metrics in the process industry. This study addresses the development of social metrics in the process industry and for metal production, in particular, at the plant level. The developed social indicators are one part of the overall sustainability index that aims to present a balanced and holistic view of plant-level sustainability performance, encompassing information on all different dimensions. This development work was preceded by the benchmarking and review of existing global reporting frameworks, initiatives and the literature. Current indicators of industrial sustainability mainly satisfy the needs of corporate-level management and capital investors. Therefore, plant-level indicators are critically needed to support and fill potential gaps in corporate-level assessments and management with a special emphasis on plant-level sustainability. The purpose of our development work for social indicators was to operationalise the concept of sustainability and associated performance measurement at the plant level. The development of social indicators was carried out through workshops with industry partners. As a joint effort, eight core social indicators and their associated sub-indicators were developed. We also report the results of our benchmarking and review of existing frameworks, initiatives and the literature. The social part of the overall sustainability index provides the information on both in-plant sustainability performance and the direct and indirect impacts of plant-level operations on the surrounding society including various stakeholders, interest groups and citizens.  相似文献   

This article uses sustainability as a lens through which to examine affordable housing policies in geographically-isolated island communities, with the intent of assessing the utility of using sustainable development as a guide to policy decision-making. Focusing on the case of Key West, Florida, the article points to the conflicts that must be reconciled to achieve true sustainability. The study applies criteria to identify policy solutions for the provision and retention of affordable housing in island communities, and at the same time provides an application of the sustainable development concept as a policy guide. Readers should send their comments on this paper to BhaskarNath@aol.com within 3 months of publication of this issue.  相似文献   

作为可持续发展的产业支撑,产业生态化不能仅仅局限于对经济增长的追求,而应将生态环境作为产业发展的外在约束条件.目前以产业生态化作为对象进行研究的成果较多,但将产业生态化作为一个动态发展进程的研究甚少,忽略了产业生态化到底是怎样的一个过程,分为哪几个阶段,每个阶段具有哪些特点,该怎样去衡量这个过程等问题.本文从这个角度出发,通过对传统经济增长模型约束条件的扩展,引入生态包袱的概念,并将其定义为生产活动对生态环境的占用,从投入、占用、产出与排放四个角度构建全面衡量产业生态化过程及阶段的IOOE模型,并以中国工业部门为例,分析全国及东、中、西部各区域工业生态化转型过程,得出以下结论:①我国工业投入逐年增加,污染物排放逐年减少,是产出增加的主要原因,占用量逐年增加使得其对产出仍然表现为阻碍作用;②我国工业生态化已经跨越了传统工业文明时代的产业发展,正处于向生态文明型转变的过渡阶段;③东、中、西部各区域间生态化阶段的不同符合各区域产业发展现实,如何在保持区域各自优势的基础上,实现整体产业生态化是未来产业发展重点.  相似文献   

Sustainability science is a new branch of human knowledge. It is necessary to model sustainability science based on a framework consisting of the interactions of society, ecology, the environment and the economy. This paper develops such a model, the SEEOSG model, containing the essential structural relationships that incorporate the environmental and economic conditions required for sustainability. The model is solved as a dynamic optimisation problem. This optimal growth model of ecology and economic growth enables us also to analyse the issues which are specific to sustainability science such as the ecologically sustainability and inter-generational equity implications of economic activities and policies. In the model results growth maximisation goals appear to be fraught with difficulties such as infeasibility and non-sustainability. The results also suggest also that an equilibrium ecological and economic system does not sustain over a very long period of time unless appropriate actions are taken. Readers should send thier comments on this paper to: BhaskarNath@aol.com within 3 months of publication of this issue.  相似文献   

Can development occur without running down natural resources in an unsustainable way? The concept of natural capital offers a way for those with divergent views (ecologists and economists for example) to discuss this difficult question. Four aspects are examined in detail. First, the role of institutions in facilitating sustainable development is discussed, with examples from forestry. Then examples from (eco)tourism illustrate the potential – and limits – of applicability of the concept. Measurement issues for natural capital are then considered in detail. Finally, the concept is applied to agricultural strategy in fragile lands, where the tradeoff between the environment and development is likely to be most severe. Some implications for future research and policy are developed.  相似文献   

Sustainable development is a process that has social, cultural, economic and ecological dimensions. The necessity of improving the quality of life of rural women in terms of socio-economic aspects in developing countries like Nigeria is the aim of this study. The study was carried out in four villages of Tonkere district (Okeake, Abagboro, Elefon and Akiri), situated on expansive university land at Ile-Ife and typical of rural settings in Nigeria. Data were generated from group meetings, local government and individual interviews and surveys. In rural Nigeria, women’s essential contributions to overall environmental health, development and economy are negatively influenced by domestic tasks such as gathering of fuel woods and biomass for cooking. In reality, wood burning, kerosene stoves, and open fireplaces emit significant quantities of known health-damaging pollutants. The significant emissions of health-damaging pollutants per unit activity, combined with daily use in close proximity to rural human populations mean household biomass fuel use exposes total population to important pollutants resulting in ill-health and premature dead. Application of solar energy collectors and hosts of solar devices is an alternative energy sources in rural areas that could best improve women’s health, socially and economically, and positively add to ecological dimensions. Readers should send their comments on this paper to: BhaskarNath@aol.com within 3 months of publication of this issue.  相似文献   


In this paper, we construct a model in which the impact of pollution on health is exerted through both direct and indirect channels. The indirect channel is captured by a production function in which the principal health-improving factor, income growth, can be realized only in the cost of pollution increase. This model is then tested by the aggregated chronicle disease data in over 78 Chinese counties. Our results show, after attaining the threshold of 8 μg/m2, continuous increase in industrial SO2 emission density will lead the ratio of population suffering chronicle diseases, among which respiratory diseases occupy a significant proportion, to rise. However, owing to technological progress in pollution control activities, the needed SO2 emission to produce one unit of GDP diminishes with time. Therefore, the negative effect from pollution augmentation on public health seems to be recompensed more and more by the positive effect of economic growth.  相似文献   

In this paper, we construct a model in which the impact of pollution on health is exerted through both direct and indirect channels. The indirect channel is captured by a production function in which the principal health-improving factor, income growth, can be realized only in the cost of pollution increase. This model is then tested by the aggregated chronicle disease data in over 78 Chinese counties. Our results show, after attaining the threshold of 8 μ g/m^2, continuous increase in industrial SO2 emission density will lead the ratio of population suffering chronicle diseases, among which respiratory diseases occupy a significant proportion, to rise. However, owing to technological progress in pollution control activities, the needed SO2 emission to produce one unit of GDP diminishes with time. Therefore, the negative effect from pollution augmentation on public health seems to be recompensed more and more by the positive effect of economic growth.  相似文献   

The pyramid of human needs developed by Abraham Maslow is based upon the presumption that until a person's lower level needs are fulfilled, higher level needs remain irrelevant. Groundwater and land-use management can likewise utilize such a hierarchy in integrating plans and operations with the needs of the society. Only once a region's population has fulfilled more basic concerns can higher-level groundwater and land-use management needs be effectively achieved. Attaining the ultimate goal of resource sustainability would certainly require considerable public backing, both for financial support and minimizing ambient pollution. For efficient water management to supply a society's water needs for future generations, sustainable groundwater management will require the full support of an educated society. The objective of the authors is to point out how essential it is to integrate operational strategies into regional hierarchies of needs applicable to groundwater management, land-use, and social planning. The situation of groundwater resources in Israel's Sharon Coastal aquifer region is taken as a case in point. Remedial groundwater activities have been undertaken in the management program for this aquifer. But it appears that maximal management efficiency cannot be achieved until the public's basic concerns are satisfactorily addressed and water resources planners reach consensus and a working partnership with the society in question. Operational measures must be clearly shown to benefit the region's population as regards their social, economic, and environmental concerns. This can only be achieved through public education, promoting awareness of the issuesbreak involved.  相似文献   

自然资本的分类测度和分区管理是可持续发展领域的核心议题。文章基于改进后的三维生态足迹模型,分析了2008—2017年宁夏及其各地级市自然资本利用的时空演变特征,并运用偏最小二乘法揭示了自然资本利用演变的驱动机制,旨在为生态脆弱区自然资本的可持续利用、社会经济的协调发展和生态文明建设提供参考。结果显示:①10年来宁夏人均生态足迹以年均5.01%的速率从3.146 hm2增至4.564 hm2,人均生态承载力相对稳定,人均生态赤字由2.462 hm2扩大至3.839 hm2,自然资本的供需矛盾愈加尖锐;市域尺度上,除固原市外其他各市生态赤字明显,总体上呈由南向北递增趋势。②足迹深度和足迹广度表明流量资本已无法满足需求,对存量资本的消耗成为社会经济发展的常态;市域尺度上,足迹深度呈“北高南低”的分布特征,而足迹广度的空间分布与其相反,二者存在显著的地域互补性。③从地类组分构成来看,林地、草地和水域是全区存量资本消耗的主要方式,耕地尚处于流量资本占用状态,建筑用地已过渡为存量资本;市域尺度上,自然资本利用的可持续性呈“南强北弱”格局,各地类间自然资本利用差异显著。④偏最小二乘回归模型揭示能源消耗、社会消费、经济发展和资源禀赋条件是影响宁夏自然资本利用的显著因素,而人口规模、对外贸易、生态建设、科技进步和产业结构演化对自然资本利用的影响程度较轻;市域尺度上自然资本利用的驱动力差异显著。最后,基于自然资本利用空间分异特征,从供需视角提出了自然资本可持续利用的对策建议和优化路径。  相似文献   

2012年是巴西里约联合国环境与发展大会20周年,回顾20年来世界各国发展所走过的路程,总结可持续发展战略的成功与不足,是制定未来世界健康发展路线图的历史要求。人们对可持续发展理论的内涵认知,经过了从生存到发展,再从发展到可持续发展的漫长过程。可持续发展被视作是一个自然—社会—经济复杂系统中的行为矢量,该矢量将导致国家或地区的发展朝向日趋合理、更为和谐的方向进化。可持续发展特别强调"整体的"、"内生的"和"综合的"内涵认知。可持续发展理论的"外部响应",是处理好"人与自然"之间的关系,这是可持续能力的"硬支撑";可持续发展战略的"内部响应",是处理好"人与人"之间的关系,这是可持续能力的"软支撑"。只有"当人类向自然的索取能够被人类向自然的回馈相平衡",只有"当人类对于当代的努力能够同对后代的贡献相平衡",只有"当人类为本区域发展的思考能够同时考虑到其它区域乃至全球利益时",可持续发展的实现才具备了坚实的基础。可持续发展揭示了"发展、协调、持续"的系统本质;可持续发展反映了"动力、质量、公平"的有机统一;可持续发展创建了"和谐、稳定、安全"的人文环境;可持续发展体现了"速度、数量、质量"的绿色运行。中国在未来不到10年的时间内,要全面实现小康社会的战略目标,达到经济更加发展、民主更加健全、科教更加发达、文化更加繁荣、生态更加良好、社会更加进步、精神更加富足,全民的生活质量更加提升,这就必然要求实现全面发展、协调发展、可持续发展,充分体现以人为本,促进人的自身完善,努力走出一条生产发展、生活富裕、生态良好的文明发展道路。论文提出了中国可持续发展战略的七大主题:始终保持经济的理性增长;全力提高经济增长的质量;满足"以人为本"的基本生存需求;调控人口的数量增长、提高人口素质;维持、扩大和保护自然的资源基础与生态容量;集中关注科技进步对于发展瓶颈的突破;始终调控环境与发展的平衡。  相似文献   

The flora of liverworts has been studied in the vicinity of the Bil’chenok glacier (the Ushkovskii volcano, Kamchatka), which is in a zone of volcanic ash fallout. Specific complexes of liverworts growing on young moraine and ash deposits have been identified. These complexes are dominated by thallose marchantioid species. Under the effect of periodic ash fallout (in the absence of glacial activity), communities are formed that contain increased proportions of xerophytes and species preferring sites with a disturbed ground vegetation cover.  相似文献   


Evidence shows that some conceptual ideas relevant to both local and global sustainability have been adopted in some official documents in northeast Asian nations, particularly China, South Korea, and Japan. This seems to be a very positive signal for the future development of sustainability science in this region. However, studyes show that there are still some major gaps there. One is the problem of how to build up the regional research capacity of sustainability science among northeast Asian research institutes across different disciplines as well as different political systems. Another is how to shift the conceptual frameworks of sustainability science into the operational policy frameworks. There are four major obstacles to the enhancement of regional research capacity-building in sustainability science. In order to build up the regional research capacity in sustainability science and to realize both local and global goals of the sustainable development in northeast Asia, this paper proposes some basic frameworks, including regional institutional innovations, establishment of a regional sustainability information network, initiatives of the regional assessment programme, and focus on the regional education and training of sustainability knowledge.  相似文献   

In projects of community development and natural resource management, local residents collaborate with government and NGOs on decisions about forest management and participate in programs designed to improve livelihoods while sustaining natural resources. This paper uses case studies and survey data in Gansu province of northwest China to explore social, ecological, and economic outcomes of community-based co-management (CBCM). Findings show that CBCM appears to have significantly increased livelihoods for local community residents overall. Forest condition and attitudes about forest conservation were also improved. However, economic benefits were not enjoyed uniformly within the communities because, although CBCM projects are nominally available to all, certain subgroups within communities are less likely to participate. Greater education, being married, and access to information are all strongly correlated with participation and thus the economic benefits of CBCM projects. Women, although they frequently participate in household decisions, are infrequent participants in CBCM projects, perhaps because project design does not meet their needs. Future improvements to CBCM project design should include increased access to information, education, and equitable treatment of diverse stakeholders in the decision-making process. Such improvements would likely lead to improvements in livelihoods as well as more sustainable forest management and conservation.  相似文献   

Evidence shows that some conceptual ideas relevant to both local and global sustainability have been adopted in some official documents in northeast Asian nations, particularly China, South Korea, and Japan. This seems to be a very positive signal for the future development of sustainability science in this region. However,studyes show that there are still some major gaps there. One is the problem of how to build up the regional research capacity of sustainability science among northeast Asian research institutes across different disciplines as well as different political systems. Another is how to shift the conceptual frameworks of sustainability science into the operational policy frameworks. There are four major obstacles to the enhancement of regional research capacity-building in sustainability science. In order to build up the regional research capacity in sustainability science and to realize both local and global goals of the sustainable development in northeast Asia, this paper proposes some ba  相似文献   

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