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Carbon dioxide emissions due to fossil fuel consumption are well recognized as a major contributor to climate change. In the debate on dealing with this threat, expectations are high that agriculture based economies of the developing world can help alleviate this problem. But, the contribution of agricultural operations to these emissions is fairly small. It is the clearing of native ecosystems for agricultural use in the tropics that is the largest non-fossil fuel source of CO2 input to the atmosphere. Our calculation show that the use of fossil energy and the concomitant emission of CO2 in the agricultural operational sector - i.e. the use of farm machinery, irrigation, fertilization and chemical pesticides - amounts to merely 3.9% of the commercial energy use in that part of the world. Of this, 70% is associated with the production and use of chemical fertilizers. In the absence of fertilizer use, the developing world would have converted even more land for cultivation, most of which is completely unsuitable for cultivation. Current expectations are that reforestation in these countries can sequester large quantities of carbon in order to mitigate excessive emissions elsewhere. But, any program that aims to set aside land for the purpose of sequestering carbon must do so without threatening food security in the region. The sole option to liberate the necessary land for carbon sequestration would be the intensification of agricultural production on some of the better lands by increased fertilizer inputs. As our calculations show, the sequestration of carbon far outweighs the emissions that are associated with the production of the extra fertilizer needed. Increasing the fertilizer use in the developing world (without China) by 20%, we calculated an overall net benefit in the carbon budget of between 80 and 206 Mt yr?1 dependent on the carbon sequestration rate assumed for the regrowing forest. In those regions, where current fertilizer use is low, the relative benefits are the highest as responding yield increases are highest and thus more land can be set aside without harming food security. In Sub-Saharan Africa a 20% fertilizer increase, which amounts to 0.14 Mt of extra fertilizer, can tie up somewhere between 8 and 19 Mt of CO2 per year (average: 96 t CO2 per 1 t fertilizer). In the Near East and North Africa with a 20%-increased fertilizer use of 0.4 Mt yr-1 between 10 and 24 Mt of CO2 could be sequestered on the land set aside (40 t CO2 per 1 t fertilizer). In South Asia this is 22–61 Mt CO2 yr?1 with an annual additional input of 2.15 Mt fertilizer (19 t CO2 per 1 t fertilizer). In fact, carbon credits may be the only way for some of the farmers in these regions to afford the costly inputs. Additionally, in regions with already relatively high fertilizer inputs such as in South Asia, an efficient use of the extra fertilizer must be warranted. Nevertheless, the net CO2 benefit through implementation of this measure in the developing world is insignificant compared to the worldwide CO2 output by human activity. Thus, reforestation is only one mitigating measure and not the solution to unconstrained fossil fuel CO2 emissions. Carbon emissions should, therefore, first of all be reduced by the avoidance of deforestation in the developing world and moreover by higher energy efficiency and the use of alternative energy sources.  相似文献   

用能权是具有公私法双重属性的管制性财产权。用能权交易是我国推进绿色发展的一项制度创新,对实现能耗总量和强度"双控"目标具有重要意义。用能权交易制度旨在从供给侧实现节能降耗目标,与其并行的节能减排市场化机制还包括节能量交易和碳排放权交易。节能量交易与用能权交易的规制对象、规制手段、制度设计目的和约束功能相近,故两者存在制度重复建设问题。用能权交易和碳排放权交易的制度设计目的具有协同性、规制对象有交叉,但两者在用能权指标和碳排放配额初始分配、履约等方面存在制度衔接不畅问题。通过法学和制度经济学分析,对用能权交易、节能量交易和碳排放权交易的制度整合与重构提出了建议。中国应当取消目标节能量交易制度,并以核定用能权交易取代项目节能量交易。用能权交易和碳排放权交易的制度衔接层面,应当打通用能权交易体系和碳排放权交易体系,建立联合履约机制,即允许用能单位或排放单位在满足一定条件的情况下使用用能权指标、核定用能权、碳排放配额或核证减排量履约。用能权指标与碳排放配额在履约方面的衔接机制重点在于一级市场的对接。用能权的初始分配仅仅是为重点用能单位设定节能义务的过程,应当以公平为原则,并且采取免费分配的方式。相对于用能权交易制度,碳排放权交易制度则是为了控制排放单位对碳排放空间这一资源的过度利用。因此,在碳排放配额初始分配环节,政府应当通过有偿分配的方式以实现国家对碳排放空间这一稀缺资源的所有者权益。建立核定用能权和核证减排量的联合履约机制,既允许用能单位购买核证减排量抵消其超额耗能,也允许排放单位购买核定用能权以抵消其超额排放,并对抵消比例设定限制。  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide exchange was studied in the photosynthetic apparatus of Siberian spruce (Picea obovata Ledeb.), Siberian larch (Larix sibirica Ledeb.), and weeping birch (Betula pendula Roth.) in a mature spruce forest. Parameters of CO2 balance in different weather were characterized quantitatively on the basis of daily measurements of CO2 exchange in needles and leaves of woody plants. The percent ratios of the components of carbon balance in needles and leaves of woody plants depending on daily photosynthetic fixation of carbon were determined. In summer, trees consumed 210 kg CO2/ha (57 kg C/ha) in variable weather and 117 kg CO2/ha (32 kg C/ha) in cloudy weather. Species specificity of CO2 consumption was revealed, and the effects of environmental factors on the assimilatory activity of trees were determined.  相似文献   

畜牧业“碳排放”到“碳足迹”核算方法的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球变暖趋势日益加剧,不仅影响农业可持续发展,而且威胁到人类生存。畜牧业碳排放因其在农业碳排放中乃至全球碳排放中占比较大而日益备受关注。准确核算畜牧业碳排放是制定切实可行的碳减排政策的前提,也为我国在气候变化下承担共同但有差别的减排责任提供话语权。本文基于研究范式的演进,对畜牧业碳排放到碳足迹核算方法的研究发展进行了系统梳理,研究表明,在学者的不断研究与质疑下,畜牧业碳排放到碳足迹的核算方法经历了从OECD核算法、IPCC系数法到生命周期法与投入-产出法的演变与完善,学术界认为区域异质性、养殖规模与管理方式均影响碳足迹;散养比规模化养殖产生更多的碳排放,舍饲比户外放牧排放更多的碳。畜牧业碳足迹核算能够更加全面地反映畜牧业全生命周期的碳排放情况,但由于研究假设、研究方法及研究样本等差异导致不同区域、不同畜产品的碳排放核算结果存在不确定性。运用生命周期法和投入-产出法对欧盟成员国畜牧业碳排放的核算结果基本一致,但运用IPCC系数法和全生命周期法对中国畜牧业碳排放核算中,牛、猪和羊的碳排放量排序结果不尽一致。鉴于核算结果的差异性,本研究对不同核算方法的起源、最早采用时间、特点、局限性等方面进行了归纳总结,并建议后续研究探讨基于生命周期评价的畜牧业碳足迹研究边界的延伸性,标准化畜牧业碳排放或碳足迹核算,避免学者重复核算畜牧业碳排放,以便深入展开畜牧业碳排放其他方面的研究。  相似文献   

Carbon (C) sequestration in soils is gaining increasing acceptance as a means of reducing net carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions to the atmosphere. Numerous studies on the global carbon budget suggest that terrestrial ecosystems in the mid-latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere act as a large carbon sink of atmospheric CO2. However, most of the soils of North America, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Eastern Europe lost a great part of their organic carbon pool on conversion from natural to agricultural ecosystems during the explosion of pioneer agriculture, and in Western Europe the adoption of modern agriculture after the Second World War led to a drastic reduction in soil organic carbon content. The depletion of organic matter is often indicated as one of the main effects on soil, and the storage of organic carbon in the soil is a means of improve the quality of soils and mitigating the effects of greenhouse gas emission. The soil organic carbon in an area of Northern Italy over the last 70 years has been assessed In this study. The variation of top soil organic carbon (SOC) ranged from −60.3 to +6.7%; the average reduction of SOC, caused by agriculture intensification, was 39.3%. This process was not uniform, but related to trends in land use and agriculture change. For the area studied (1,394 km2) there was an estimated release of 5 Tg CO2-C to the atmosphere from the upper 30 cm of soil in the period 1935–1990.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide fluxes from the surface of coarse woody debris (CWD) have been measured in Korean pine forests of the southern Sikhote-Alin mountain range. The seasonal dynamics of oxidative conversion of CWD carbon have been evaluated, and average values of the CO2 emission rate have been determined for CWD fragments of three tree species at different stages of decomposition. The degree of decomposition is an important factor of spatial variation in CO2 emission rate, and temporal variation in this parameter is adequately described by an exponential function of both CWD temperature and air temperature (R2 = 0.65–0.75).  相似文献   

This paper reviews the Validation Phase (Phase II) of the Department of Energy's Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnerships initiative. In 2003, the U.S. Department of Energy created a nationwide network of seven Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnerships (RCSP) to help determine and implement the technology, infrastructure, and regulations most appropriate to promote carbon sequestration in different regions of the nation. The objectives of the Characterization Phase (Phase I) were to characterize the geologic and terrestrial opportunities for carbon sequestration; to identify CO(2) point sources within the territories of the individual partnerships; to assess the transportation infrastructure needed for future deployment; to evaluate CO(2) capture technologies for existing and future power plants; and to identify the most promising sequestration opportunities that would need to be validated through a series of field projects. The Characterization Phase was highly successful, with the following achievements: established a national network of companies and professionals working to support sequestration deployment; created regional and national carbon sequestration atlases for the United States and portions of Canada; evaluated available and developing technologies for the capture of CO(2) from point sources; developed an improved understanding of the permitting requirements that future sequestration activities will need to address as well as defined the gap in permitting requirements for large scale deployment of these technologies; created a raised awareness of, and support for, carbon sequestration as a greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation option, both within industry and among the general public; identified the most promising carbon sequestration opportunities for future field tests; and established protocols for project implementation, accounting, and management. Economic evaluation was started and is continuing and will be a factor in project selection. During the Validation Phase, the seven regional partnerships will put the knowledge learned during the Characterization Phase into practice through field tests that will validate carbon sequestration technologies that are best suited to their respective regions of the country. These tests will verify technologies developed through DOE's core R&D effort and enable implementation of CO(2) sequestration on a large scale, should that become necessary. Pilot projects will have a site-specific focus to test technology; assess formation storage capacity and injectivity; validate and refine existing CO(2) formation models used to determine the transport and fate of CO(2) in the formation; demonstrate the integrity of geologic seals to contain CO(2); validate monitoring, mitigation, and verification (MMV) technologies; define project costs and compare costs of alternatives; assess potential operational and long-term storage risks; address regulatory requirements; and engage and evaluate public acceptance of sequestration technologies. Field validation tests involving both sequestration in geologic formations and terrestrial sequestration are being developed. The results from the Validation Phase will help to confirm the estimates made during the Characterization Phase and will be used to update the regional atlases and NatCarb. Answers to many questions about the effectiveness and safety of carbon sequestration technologies will be instrumental in planning for a Deployment Phase, in which large volume tests will be planned to further sequestration as an option that can mitigate GHG emissions in the United States.  相似文献   

The voluntary emission reduction (VER) trading mechanism has played an important role in China’s seven pilot carbon markets. From a comprehensive review of the VER trading and offsetting mechanisms since 2013, this study analyses the quality management of the Chinese Certified Emission Reduction (CCER) in the pilot carbon markets, conducts a comparative analysis of the geographical and field distributions of proposed and registered projects and emission reductions and provides the CCER supply outlook for 2020 in the aspects of on record, project registration, emission reduction registration and emission reduction issuance. Results show that the potential number of CCER projects by 2020 will be 2,864, 1,047, 818, and 286 with the corresponding emission reductions amounting to 493, 212, 133, and 49 million tCO2e, respectively. Although considerable progress has been made, China remains confronted with many challenges in developing the VER trading system. Accordingly, policy stability and continuity and guarding against market risks should be maintained to enable the system to play a substantial role in promoting ecological progress and green low-carbon development in China.  相似文献   

The establishment of a global multi-regional carbon market is considered to be a cost effective approach to facilitate global emission abatement and has been widely concerned.The ongoing planned linkage between the European Union’s carbon market and a new emission trading system in Australia in 2015 would be an important attempt to the practice of building up an international carbon market across different regions.To understand the abatement effect of such a global carbon market and to study its energy and economic impact on different market participants,this article adopts a global dynamic computable general equilibrium model with a detailed representation of the interactions between energy and economic systems.Our model includes 20 economic sectors and 19 regions,and describes in detail 17 energy technologies.Bundled with fossil fuel consumptions,the emission permits are considered to be essential inputs in each of the production and consumption activities in the economic system to simulate global carbon market policies.Carbon emission permits are endogenously set in the model,and can be traded between sectors and regions.Considering the current development of the global carbon market,this study takes 2020 as the study period.Four scenarios(reference scenario,independent carbon market scenario,Europe Union(EUh-Australia scenario,and China-EU-Australia scenario) are designed to evaluate the impact of the global carbon market involving China,the EU,and Australia.We find that the carbon price in the three countries varies a lot,from $32/tCO2 in Australia,to $17.5/tCO2 in the EU,and to $10/tCO2 in China.Though the relative emission reduction(3%) in China is lower than that in the EU(9%) and Australia(18%),the absolute emission reduction in China is far greater than that in the EU and Australia.When China is included in the carbon market,which already includes the EU and Australia,the prevailing global carbon price falls from $22 per ton carbon dioxide(CO2) to $12/tCO2,due to the relatively lower abatement cost in China.Seventy-one percent of the EU’s and eighty-one percent of Australia’s domestic reduction burden would be transferred to China,increasing 0.03%of the EU’s and 0.06%of Australia’s welfare.The emission constraint improves the energy efficiency of China’s industry sector by 1.4%,reduces coal consumption by3.3%,and increases clean energy by 3.5%.  相似文献   

Current carbon footprinting (CF) and life cycle assessment (LCA) methods do not treat recycled biogenic carbon adequately, because the calculation rules for recycled products and biogenic carbon stored in products are defined independently from each other. Therefore, an improved and consistent calculation rule for the CF of product systems containing both recycling processes and carbon stored in products is proposed. The methodological approach consists of the application of the same allocation principles for both greenhouse gas (GHG) releases and GHG removals: (1) explicit accounting of inputs (GHG removals) and outputs (GHG releases) of biogenic carbon flows instead of assuming carbon neutrality per se; (2) consistent application of allocation rules for environmental benefits and environmental burdens. It is shown that the different modelling approaches (e.g. polluter pays, conservative or partitioning) lead to different results in LCA and CF calculations, e.g. the GHG emissions of first life cycle of the product system calculated here range between ? 1.6 units in the polluter pays approach and 4 units in the conservative approach. It is shown that the currently common modelling is an average approach for primary biogenic material, a worst-case approach for recycled biogenic material and a best-case approach for disposed biogenic material. This paper proposes to improve the currently developed standards for CF by adding a requirement to the goal and scope definition phase that ensures the consistent and transparent documentation, how biogenic carbon removal credits are allocated between life cycles.  相似文献   

中国政府2009年末温室气体减排承诺的宣布,哥本哈根会议的召开,使得节能减排和碳交易问题成为大众关注的焦点。解读了中国的减排承诺,回顾了排污权交易和碳交易的发展,分析了排污权交易和碳交易面临的问题,并展望了国内碳交易市场的发展。认为中国现在制定的碳减排标准减少的是碳排放的增量,既是环境问题又是经济问题,今后减排目标会进一步细化。通过与发达国家相对成熟的碳市场对比,认为建立有效运营的国内碳交易市场的当务之急是抓紧交易配套资源的建设,如能耗监测系统、配套法律、相关人才培养等,使碳交易平台专业化,以主动掌握碳定价权。碳市场展望方面,认为国内碳市场有望随着各行业、地区减排目标的设定而逐步形成和发展  相似文献   

China has promised to start the national carbon trading system in 2017. In the carbon trading system, the renewable energy projects may obtain additional benefits through the Certified Carbon Emission Reduction (CCER) trade. As the carbon price fluctuates along with the market conditions, such fluctuation enables the renewable power projects to acquire the rights of an option, i.e. it may contain an even higher value due to the uncertainties in the future. While making an investment decision, the renewable power companies may choose to make the investment immediately, or postpone the investment and accumulate more information to increase the return of investment; and for immediate investments, the return must be sufficient to exceed the potential value of a waiting option. To study the investment in renewable power projects subject to the fluctuation of carbon price, this paper adopts the trinomial tree model of real options to estimate the net present value (NPV) and real option value (ROV) of three types of renewable power projects; according to the decision-making rules of real options to defer, all the three types of projects will exercise the option to postpone the investment decision. This thesis also calculates the benchmark prices of the three types of renewable projects at different times, in the two situations of having no government subsidy and having the government subsidy, so as to determine the investment opportunity of a project. The benchmark price decreases gradually along with the increase of government subsidy, indicating that the government subsidy will stimulate the investment in renewable projects. The benchmark price also increases gradually along with the lapse of time, indicating that the uncertainty will increase together with the time span and thus requires an even higher carbon price to determine the investment opportunity. This thesis also analyzes the sensitivity of factors affecting the investment in renewable projects and draws the conclusion that the fluctuation of carbon price is positively related with the benchmark price of renewable power projects, which indicates that the fluctuation of carbon price increases the option value of an investment but postpones the time of investment. As the China’s carbon trading system improves gradually, the carbon price will reach a stable status, thus stimulate the power companies to invest in the renewable projects.  相似文献   

We estimated carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) emissions by diffusion, ebullition, and degassing in turbines from a semi-arid hydropower reservoir in northeastern Brazil. Sampling sites were allocated within the littoral and deeper waters of one embayment, the main-stream, and at turbines. Annual carbon emissions were estimated at 2.3?×?105?±?7.45?×?104 t C year?1, or in CO2-equivalents (CO2-eq) at 1.33?×?106?±?4.5?×?105 t CO2-eq year?1. Diffusion across the water surface was the main pathway accounting for 96% of total carbon emissions. Ebullition was limited to littoral areas. A slight accumulation of CO2, but not of CH4, in bottom waters close to the turbines inlet led to degassing emissions about 8?×?103 t C year?1. Emissions in littoral areas were higher than in main-stream and contribute to 40% of the total carbon. Carbon (C) emissions per electricity generated, at 60% of installed capacity, is 0.05 t C-CO2-eq MWh?1. The ratio increases to 0.09 t C-CO2 MWh?1, equating 80% of the emissions from natural gas and 40% of diesel or coal power plants. Retention time and benthic metabolism were identified as main drivers for carbon emissions in littoral areas, while water column mixing and rapid water flow are important factors preventing CH4 accumulation and loss by degassing. Our results indicate that Itaparica Reservoir, located in the semi-arid region of Northeastern Brazil, acts as a source of GHGs. Management measurements are needed to prevent emissions to raise in the future.  相似文献   

中国承诺2017年启动全国性碳排放交易系统,在碳交易机制下,可再生能源项目可以通过CCER交易获得额外收益。由于碳价格是随着市场条件而随机波动的,碳价波动性使得可再生能源发电项目投资具有了期权性质的权利,即未来不确定性可能包含更高的价值。可再生能源企业在做投资决策时,可以选择立即投资,也可以选择推迟投资,等待更多信息来提高项目收益,而立即投资的项目回报必须足够高以克服等待期权的蕴含价值。为了研究碳价波动下可再生能源项目投资,本文采用实物期权法的三叉树模型,测算了三类可再生能源发电项目投资的npv及其实物期权价值(ROV)。根据延迟实物期权决策规则,三类项目均执行期权延迟投资决策。本文还计算了在无政府补贴和有政府补贴两种情形下,三种可再生能源项目在不同时点的栏杆价格,以确定项目的投资时机。栏杆价格随着政府补贴的增加而逐步下降,说明政府补贴会促进可再生能源项目投资;栏杆价格随着时间的推移而逐步上升,意味着时间跨度越大,不确定性越大,需要更高碳市场价格来确定投资时机。本文对影响可再生能源项目投资因素敏感性进行了分析,结果表明碳价波动率与可再生能源发电项目的栏杆价格呈现正相关的关系,说明碳价波动性增加了企业投资的期权价值,却推迟了企业开展投资的时间。随着中国碳交易体系的不断完善,碳价波动幅度会趋于平稳,从而促进发电企业进行可再生能源发电项目投资。  相似文献   

碳交易是为促进全球温室气体减排、减少全球二氧化碳排放所采用的市场机制。广东省作为中国七个碳交易试点之一,将碳交易的核心理念应用于促进居民生活减碳,首次提出碳普惠制创新。碳普惠制旨在将公众的低碳行为量化并予以激励,以此促进低碳生活实践,降低生活领域碳排放。本文以公共自行车交通系统为研究对象,借鉴CCER方法学,对公共自行车项目的个人减排量核算方法进行了设计,并参考文献统计数据举例说明个人减排量核算公式。公共自行车项目个人减排量核算的方法学设计中,减碳系数的计算考虑自行车可代替的所有出行方式,且在不同出行方式比例的统计中考虑出行距离的影响,设置随出行距离变化的减排系数,在减排量的计算中有效突出个人的减排贡献量。依据本方法学计算得到了城市公共自行车项目个人减排系数曲线及减排量核算公式。最后从数据收集的角度出发,提出相应的改进建议以提高方法学的科学性及适用性。本方法学能客观评估城市公共自行车出行的个人碳减排量,为碳普惠制的实施提供量化方法学参考,同时填补了目前个人碳减排核算研究领域的空白。  相似文献   

An increasing demand for the development and implementation of low carbon energy systems has furthered the need to understand the factors that influence a community's support for or opposition to local energy developments. Carbon dioxide capture and geological storage (CCS) is one such energy system where it is widely acknowledged that public perceptions and acceptance of CCS technologies are critical to their implementation. CCS refers to the capture of carbon dioxide emissions from industrial sources and the long-term storage of these emissions in stable underground reservoirs. This case study examines how place attachment and community networks factored into resident's perceptions of a proposed CCS project that was ultimately canceled due to local opposition. Participants were concerned about preserving shared places, spaces, and interactions that were valued by community members. Results demonstrate the need to ascertain how locally affected populations view CCS or other energy developments, especially with regard to their ideas about community, sense of place (ties to area and local relationships), and how they communicate about those factors. Such factors are important given the initiative to develop low carbon energy systems in rural areas.  相似文献   

Under the pressure of sustained growth in energy consumption in China, the implementation of a carbon pricing mechanism is an effective economic policy measure for promoting emission reduction, as well as a hotspot of research among scholars and policy makers. In this paper, the effects of carbon prices on Beijing’s economy are analyzed using input–output tables. The carbon price costs are levied in accordance with the products’ embodied carbon emission. By calculation, given the carbon price rate of 10 RMB/t-CO2, the total carbon costs of Beijing account for approximately 0.22–0.40% of its gross revenue the same year. Among all industries, construction bears the largest carbon cost. Among export sectors, the coal mining and washing industry has much higher export carbon price intensity than other industries. Apart from traditional energy-intensive industries, tertiary industry, which accounts for more than 70% of Beijing’s economy, also bears a major carbon cost because of its large economic size. However, from 2007 to 2010, adjustment of the investment structure has reduced the emission intensity in investment sectors, contributing to the reduction of overall emissions and carbon price intensity.  相似文献   

This article presents a comprehensive data set on Austria’s terrestrial carbon stocks from the beginnings of industrialization in the year 1830 to the present. It is based on extensive historical and recent land use and forestry data derived from primary sources (cadastral surveys) for the early nineteenth century, official statistics available for later parts of the nineteenth century as well as the twentieth century, and forest inventory data covering the second half of the twentieth century. Total carbon stocks—i.e. aboveground and belowground standing crop and soil organic carbon—are calculated for the entire period and compared to those of potential vegetation. Results suggest that carbon stocks were roughly constant from 1830 to 1880 and have grown considerably from 1880 to 2000, implying that Austria’s vegetation has acted as a carbon sink since the late nineteenth century. Carbon stocks increased by 20% from approximately 1.0 GtC in 1830 and 1880 to approximately 1.2 GtC in the year 2000, a value still much lower than the amount of carbon terrestrial ecosystems are expected to contain in the absence of land use: According to calculations presented in this article, potential vegetation would contain some 2.0 GtC or 162% of the present terrestrial carbon stock, suggesting that the recent carbon sink results from a recovery of biota from intensive use in the past. These findings are in line with the forest transition hypothesis which claims that forest areas are growing in industrialized countries. Growth in forest area and rising carbon stocks per unit area of forests both contribute to the carbon sink. We discuss the hypothesis that the carbon sink is mainly caused by the shift from area-dependent energy sources (biomass) in agrarian societies to the largely area-independent energy system of industrial societies based above all on fossil fuels.  相似文献   

The Pechelbronn oilfield (Rhine Graben, France), where mining activity ended in the 1960s, has been used for waste disposal for twenty years. Since the wastes are varied, work is underway to identify the discharged materials and their derivatives, as well as to locate and quantify potential discharge sites. Two major goals were assigned to the present work. The first was to identify or refine the location of hidden structures that could facilitate gas emanation up to the surface, by studying soil gas concentrations (mainly 222Rn, CO2, CH4 and helium) and carbon isotope ratios in the CO2 phase. The second was devoted to examining, from a health and safety viewpoint, if the use of the oilfield as a waste disposal site might have led to enhanced or modified gas emanation throughout the area.It appeared that CO2 and 222Rn evolution in the whole area were similar, except near some of the faults and fractures that are known through surface mapping and underground observations. These 222Rn and CO2 anomalies made it possible to highlight more emissive zones that are either related to main faults or to secondary fractures acting as migration pathways. In that sense, the CO2 phase can be used to evaluate 222Rn activities distant from tectonic structures but can lead to erroneous evaluations near to gas migration pathways. Dumping of wastes, as well as oil residues, did not appear to have a strong influence on soil gaseous species and emanation. Similarly, enhanced gas migration due to underground galleries and exploitation wells has not been established. Carbon isotope ratios suggested a balance of biological phenomena, despite the high CO2 contents reached. Other monitored gaseous species (N2, Ar, H2 and alkanes), when detected, always showed amounts close to those found subsurface and/or in atmospheric gases.  相似文献   

经济增长对资源消耗存在很大的依赖性,研究能源消费、碳排放与经济增长关系,可为经济增长方式转变和低碳城市建设提供重要科学依据。基于IPCC国家温室气体排放清单指南中的方法估算了无锡市能源消费碳排放,并建立“脱钩”模型探讨能源消费、碳排放与经济增长之间的关系。结果表明:(1)2000~2010年,无锡市碳排放从84335万t增加到2 52804万t,总量不断增加,但趋势有所减缓,且各县市碳排放特征差异显著;(2)无锡市碳排放与经济增长整体处于弱脱钩状态,且脱钩状态有不断增强的趋势,市区经济发展已不依赖于能源消费,朝着环境友好方向发展,江阴和宜兴节能减排压力仍然很大;(3)优化产业结构、调整工业结构和提高能源利用效率是改善无锡市能源消费、碳排放和经济增长关系的有效途径,各县市根据具体情况,侧重点有所不同  相似文献   

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