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The paper deals with predicting carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide emissions generated by power production sector in the Baltic States in period up to year 2020. The economies of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia are rapidly growing therefore forecast of emissions related with this occurrence becomes very important. The Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant (INPP), one of the largest in the world, is situated in the region. Two power production scenarios are modelled to investigate changes in power sector's emissions expected as the consequences of the coming closure of Ignalina NPP. Power market was assumed to be common for all three Baltic countries and was modelled by applying the Balmorel model. The planned closure of Ignalina NPP will bring restructuring of Lithuania power production sector and will change also power transmission between countries. Predictive identified the potential of investments for new modern power generation technologies. At the same time, modelling results show in both scenarios that CO(2) and SO(2) emissions from power production in the Baltic region will increase. The increment of emissions is discussed in the context of meeting requirements of UNFCCC Kyoto protocol and EC Directives. Despite of CO(2) emissions increase the Kyoto protocol's requirements may be expected. At the same time, SO(2) formation in Lithuania power sector may exceed the limits of the EU Council Directive 2001/80/EB therefore the additional measures to control SO(2) emissions have to be investigated.  相似文献   

Economic Analysis of CO2 Emission Trends in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Climate change is one of hot spots all around the world. China, the second biggest CO2 emitter, is facing increasingly severe pressure to reduce CO2 emission. The article first describes Kaya Identity and its policy implications. Second, it uses the modified Kaya Identity and makes decomposition without residues on CO2 emission during the period 1971-2005. Taking into account the changes of macroeconomic background, it conducts a detailed analysis in terms of CO2 emission trend from 4th Five Year Plan through 10th Five Year Plan. The decomposition results indicate that economic development and increase in population are major driving forces, and that improvement in energy efficiency contributes to the reduction of CO2 emission, and that decarbonization in primary energy structure is also an important strategic choice. Finally, the article stresses that in CO2 order to realize the binding target of 20% reduction in GDP energy intensity during the 11th Five Year Plan, China should speed up the readjustment of the industrial structure and energetically develop the energy-efficient technologies and clean fuel technology, which will effectively promote the country to reduce CO2 emission and contribute to the mitigation of climate change.  相似文献   


In this paper, using the input-output model, the author first calculated the CO2 emissions embodied in exports of China in 2002 and 2007. Then, the author empirically analyzed problems existing in the composition of exported products and analyzed its possible reasons. The research results of this paper are as follows: Since China’s entry into WTO, the CO2 emissions embodied in exports of China have been increasing rapidly; the value of exported products of high-carbon emissions industries accounts for a relatively higher proportion to China’s total exports value because China’s carbon intensive products have a certain competitive advantage. Additionally, this paper has put forward relevant suggestions based on these results.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide exchange in the intact and reclaimed sites of a woodless mesooligotrophic dwarf shrub–cotton grass–sphagnum bog was studied in field experiments. The average values of gross respiration in the ecosystem over the warm period (including respiration of plant cover, CO2emission from peat, and CO2flow from the litter) were 3.17 and 6.11 g CO2/m2per day in the natural and drained sites, respectively.  相似文献   

The mitigation of climate change requires reductions in the amount of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere. One way to achieve this in the short run is through the implementation of CO2 capture and storage (CCS) technology. The viability of CCS not only depends on technical and regulatory issues, but also on public attitudes. Communication plays an important role in shaping these attitudes. This paper reports on two experiments performed to examine effects of emphasis framing in CCS communications, meaning that greater weight is given to advantages of CCS over disadvantages or vice versa. Although emphasis framing can be effective in shaping attitudes, our findings suggest that there may be long-term costs to using this communication technique as it can be perceived as manipulative. Moreover, emphasis framing is judged as relatively illegitimate when the source is expected to be impartial rather than biased.  相似文献   

This study was performed to investigate the concentration of PM10 and PM2.5 inside trains and platforms on subway lines 1, 2, 4 and 5 in Seoul, KOREA. PM10, PM2.5, carbon dioxide (CO2) and carbon monoxide (CO) were monitored using real-time monitoring instruments in the afternoons (between 13:00 and 16:00). The concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5 inside trains were significantly higher than those measured on platforms and in ambient air reported by the Korea Ministry of Environment (Korea MOE). This study found that PM10 levels inside subway lines 1, 2 and 4 exceeded the Korea indoor air quality (Korea IAQ) standard of 150 μg/m3. The average percentage that exceeded the PM10 standard was 83.3% on line 1, 37.9% on line 2 and 63.1% on line 4, respectively. PM2.5 concentration ranged from 77.7 μg/m3 to 158.2 μg/m3, which were found to be much higher than the ambient air PM2.5 standard promulgated by United States Environmental Protection Agency (US-EPA) (24 h arithmetic mean: 65 μg/m3). The reason for interior PM10 and PM2.5 being higher than those on platforms is due to subway trains in Korea not having mechanical ventilation systems to supply fresh air inside the train. This assumption was supported by the CO2 concentration results monitored in tube of subway that ranged from 1153 ppm to 3377 ppm. The percentage of PM2.5 in PM10 was 86.2% on platforms, 81.7% inside trains, 80.2% underground and 90.2% at ground track. These results indicated that fine particles (PM2.5) accounted for most of PM10 and polluted subway air. GLM statistical analysis indicated that two factors related to monitoring locations (underground and ground or inside trains and on platforms) significantly influence PM10 (p < 0.001, R2 = 0.230) and PM2.5 concentrations (p < 0.001, R2 = 0.172). Correlation analysis indicated that PM10, PM2.5, CO2 and CO were significantly correlated at p < 0.01 although correlation coefficients were different. The highest coefficient was 0.884 for the relationship between PM10 and PM2.5.  相似文献   

Depth profiles of the specific activities of (14)C and carbon isotopic compositions (Delta(14)C, delta(13)C) in soil organic matter and soil CO(2) in a Japanese larch forest were determined. For investigating the transport of CO(2) in soil, specific activities of (14)C, Delta(14)C and delta(13)C in the organic layer, and atmospheric CO(2) in the same forest area were also determined. The specific activity of (14)C and Delta(14)C in the soil organic matter decreased with the increase in depth of 0-60cm, while that of soil CO(2) did not vary greatly at a soil depth of 13-73cm and was more prevalent than that of atmospheric CO(2). Peaks of specific activities of (14)C appeared at the depth of 0-4cm and Delta(14)C values were positive in the depth range from 0 to 15cm. These results suggest that the present soil at a depth of 0-4cm had been produced from the mid-1950s up until 1963, and the bomb C had reached the depth of 15cm in the objective soil area. The delta(13)C in the soil organic matter increased at the depth of 0-55cm, while that of soil CO(2) collected on 8 November 2004 decreased rapidly at the depth of 0-13cm and only slightly at the depth of 53-73cm. By combining the Delta(14)C and delta(13)C of the respective components and using the Keeling plot approach it was made clear that the entering of atmospheric CO(2) showed a large contribution to soil CO(2) at the depth of 0-13cm and a negligible contribution at the depth of 53-73cm for soil air collected on 8 November 2004. Respiration of live roots was presumed to be the main source of soil CO(2) at the depth of 53-73cm on 8 November 2004.  相似文献   

This study investigates the contribution of radon (222Rn)-bearing water to indoor 222Rn in thermal baths. The 222Rn concentrations in air were monitored in the bathroom and the bedroom. Particulate matter (PM, both PM10 and PM2.5) and carbon dioxide (CO2) were also monitored with portable analyzers. The bathrooms were supplied with hot spring water containing 66-260 kBq m−3 of 222Rn. The results show that the spray of hot spring water from the bath spouts is the dominant mechanism by which 222Rn is released into the air of the bathroom, and then it diffuses into the bedroom. Average 222Rn level was 110-410% higher in the bedrooms and 510-1200% higher in the bathrooms compared to the corresponding average levels when there was no use of hot spring water. The indoor 222Rn levels were influenced by the 222Rn concentrations in the hot spring water and the bathing times. The average 222Rn transfer coefficients from water to air were 6.2 × 10−4-4.1 × 10−3. The 24-h average levels of CO2 and PM10 in the hotel rooms were 89% and 22% higher than the present Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) standard of China. The main particle pollutant in the hotel rooms was PM2.5. Radon and PM10 levels in some hotel rooms were at much higher concentrations than guideline levels, and thus the potential health risks to tourists and especially to the hotel workers should be of great concern, and measures should be taken to lower inhalation exposure to these air pollutants.  相似文献   

In this study, methanol and organometallic MnO2 fuels were used to improve the properties of diesel fuel. In addition, the effect of methanol fuel on engine oil and a piston ring was also examined experimentally in a four-cylinder, direct injection diesel engine running at 200 bar. Three different diesel fuels were prepared by adding 5, 10 and 15% methanol to diesel fuel. In order to prevent phase separation, 1% dodecanol was added to the mixture. Organometallic compounds of manganese were synthesised to prepare the solutions. The most effective amount and performance of anti-freeze were determined. From the results, it was observed that carbon monoxide emissions decreased and NOx emissions increased with the increase in the amount of methanol. On the other hand, organometallic MnO2 increased the cetane number and decreased the freezing point, viscosity and flame temperature.  相似文献   

Direct deposition of radioactive material onto crops is one important pathway for safety assessment of radionuclides released from nuclear facilities. Foliar uptake of Cs by radish (Raphanus sativus L. cv. Redchim) was studied by applying droplets of Cs solution (CsCl or CsNO3) on an upper leaf surface. The uptake of Cs was strongly affected by counter anions of Cs in the applied solution. Approximately 80% of Cs was absorbed for CsCl solution, while only 20% was absorbed for CsNO3. The partition of absorbed Cs between leaf and root tuber was quite similar for both Cs compounds, which indicated that behavior of the absorbed Cs in radish was the same for both.  相似文献   

Air samples of total suspended particles (TSP, particles less than 30-60 microm), and particles with aerodynamic diameter smaller than 2.5 microm (PM(2.5)) were collected simultaneously at Guiyu (an electronic waste recycling site), three urban sites in Hong Kong and two urban sites in Guangzhou, South China from 16 August to 17 September 2004. Twenty-two PBDE congeners (BDE-3, -7, -15, -17, -28, -49, -71, -47, -66, -77, -100, -119, -99, -85, -126, -154, -153, -138, -156, -184, -183, -191) in TSP and PM(2.5) were measured. The results showed that the overall average concentrations of TSP and PM(2.5) collected at Guiyu were 124 and 62.1 microg m(-3), respectively. The monthly concentrations of the sum of 22 BDE congeners contained in TSP and PM(2.5) at Guiyu were 21.5 and 16.6 ng m(-3), with 74.5 and 84.3%, contributed by nine congeners (BDE-28, -47, -66, -100, -99, -154, -153, -183 and -191 respectively). This pattern was similar to Tsuen Wan site of Hong Kong. Two urban sites of Guangzhou had the same congener pattern, but were different from Yuen Long and Hok Tsui sites of Hong Kong. The results also showed that the amount of mono to penta brominated congeners, which are more toxic, accounted for 79.4-95.6% of Sigma(22)PBDEs from all sites. All congeners tested in Guiyu were up to 58-691 times higher than the other urban sites and more than 100 times higher than other studies reported elsewhere. The higher concentration in the air was due to heating or opening burning of electronic waste since PBDEs are formed when plastics containing brominated flame retardants are heated.  相似文献   

促进废旧资源循环利用是加快推进我国生态文明建设,完成节能减排目标的必然选择。本文基于生命周期评价模式,从微观企业层面入手,构建产品全生命周期基准流程,引入能量输入与环境输出参数,建立废旧资源循环利用节能减排效果量化核算模型,评估再生产品的节能减排经济成效,并以吉林省某钢铁企业为例,评估"废钢-电炉"短流程和"铁矿石-高炉-转炉"长流程的能源、环境、成本差异,辨识影响废钢再循环节能减排效果的主要因素和重要环节。结果显示,再生钢铁全生命周期与原生钢铁全生命周期相比,节能588.48kgce/t,节能率为84%;主要污染物中SO2减排率最高,达92%;CO2总减排1 180.92 kg/t,减排率为67%;总成本却高出198元/t。其中,炼铁工序的节能量和减碳量最大,烧结工序SO2、NOx和烟(粉)尘减排量最大,焦化工序COD和氨氮减排量最大,回收、加工处理、炼钢环节节能量和减碳量以及SO2、NOx和烟(粉)尘减排量均为负。成本方面,再生钢铁生产成本高于原生钢铁308元/t,虽然再生钢铁由于污染减排可节省56元/t的排污费并获取54元/t的碳交易收益,但都不足以扭转电炉炼钢费用较高的现状。因此,国家应在电炉炼钢方面给予钢企及相关企业适当的财税扶持政策,在电价方面给予钢企一定的优惠或补贴,并完善废钢回收加工体系等,以促进废钢循环利用。基于LCA的废旧资源循环利用节能减排效果评估可以实现对产品生命周期全过程的资源、环境、成本的优化管理。  相似文献   

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