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The fate of the protease trypsin in intestines of individual herring larvae Clupea harengus L. was studied following digestion of the copepod Acartia tonsa. Trypsin was retained in the intestine during two consecutive pulses of feeding and defaecation of copepods. Quantification of herring trypsin in digested, defaecated copepods showed that ca. 1% of larval intestinal enzyme was defaecated along with 1 to 3 copepods. Following ingestion of a single meal, the level of intestinal trypsin post-ingestion declined to pre-ingestion levels within 1 to 2 d of starvation. All enzyme data thus indicated that trypsin, released in response to ingestion of a meal, was retained. In addition, analysis of fed subgroups of starved larvae clearly indicated that release of trypsin from the pancreas stopped after 6 to 8 d of starvation. As the fish still contained substantial amounts of trypsinogen, the underlying cause might be defective release mechanisms. Daily secretion of trypsin and processes responsible for enzyme retention in the gut are discussed. Assimilation efficiency in herring larvae was estimated for copepodite prey. Average carbon assimilation was 90%.  相似文献   

The intracellular concentrations of low-molecular weight carbohydrates and quaternary ammonium compounds present in 26 axenic isolates of unicellular cyanobacteria have been studied over a range of external salinity from freshwater up to 300% seawater (100%=35 S). In all cases, a single carbohydrate, either sucrose or glucosylglycerol, was identified as the principal organic osmoticum, showing major variation in response to the external salt concentration; quaternary ammonium compounds were present in osmotically insignificant amounts. Glucosylglycerol was accumulated as primary osmoticum by nine of the isolates from saline habitats and by five of the freshwater isolates; trace amounts of sucrose were also prsent. The remaining twelve freshwater strains accumulated sucrose as sole osmoticum. Glucosylglycerol-accumulating strains grew over the widest salinity range (up to 200 to 250% seawater), whether isolated from saline or non-saline habitats. Sucrose-accumulating strains were more stenohaline, growing only in up to 50 to 100% seawater and showing no sustained growth in hypersaline media (>100% seawater). The data suggest that (1) glycosylglycerol accumulation is not unique to marine cyanobacteria, and (2) the upper salinity limit for growth may be linked to organic solute accumulation, rather than habitat, with glucosylglycerol-accumulating isolates having a greater potential for growth in salt-stressed conditions than sucrose accumulators.  相似文献   

Mytilicola intestinalis was observed in the mussel Mytilus edulis in increasing numbers for the first time at Brighton (England), in October 1966; the populations here and at Whitstable were examined. Mussels exposed high in the littoral zone were less heavily infected than those lower down, the degree of infection being directly related to the duration of exposure in each tidal cycle. Silt in the intestine of the mussel is considered to act as a controlling factor in numbers of parasites present at Whitstable. Egg-bearing copepods were present in samples throughout the year, suggesting that breeding is not interrupted by the winter. Evidence indicates that juvenile stages of the parasite cause most damage to the host, due in part to their presence in the ramifications of the hepatopancreas. Recovery of the mussel from the effects of parasitation is rapid, following a reduction in parasite population density and number of juveniles. In the laboratory, M. edulis is more rapidly affected by lack of food at 10 °C than M. intestinalis. No dead parasites were seen during 4 months of laboratory storage. Juvenile parasites continned to mature, indicating that this period of time may be required for Mytilicola intestinalis to reach maturity at 10°C.  相似文献   

Davey  J. T.  Gee  J. M.  Moore  S. L. 《Marine Biology》1978,45(4):319-327
The population dynamics of Mytilicola intestinalis Steuer in mussels (Mytilus edulis L.) from the River Lynher, Cornwall, England, have been studied over 3 years. By transplanting uninfested mussels from the River Erme, South Devon, into the Lynher mussel bed, the study was extended to the growth and development of new infestations under natural conditions. Female Mytilicola intestinalis are shown to breed twice, and two generations of parasites coexist for most of the year, with recruitment taking place in summer and autumn. One generation contributes its first brood to the autumn recruits before overwintering and contributing its second brood to the following summer's recruits. The other generation overwinters as juvenile and immature stages to contribute its two broods successively to the summer and autumn recruits. Environmental temperatures are believed to control the rates of development at all stages rather than acting as triggers in the onset or cessation of breeding at specific times. There is no evidence to support the contention that heavily infested mussels are killed, and parasite mortality is shown to be density-independent.  相似文献   

Sorption coefficients (Kp) of several organochlorine insecticides (OCs) in volcanic ash silt from Central Java are presented.

Selected experimental and estimated octanol‐water partition coefficient (P) values are used to study log‐log regressions with Kp data collected from the literature (PAHs, chlorophenols, phenylureas, chloro‐s‐triazines, carbamates and organophosphorus insecticides) and those of the OCs determined in the present study. Leaching distances and bioactivities in soil are correlated with the Kp values of the pesticides, and with the organic matter and the water content of the soil.  相似文献   

Specimens of Ciona intestinalis L. were exposed to both gradual (sinusoidal) and abrupt (square-wave) salinity fluctuations and the changes in pumping activity and oxygen sonsumption monitored. Heart rate was monitored under steady state conditions using a new in vivo method, and pumping activity was monitored as spontaneous squirting by use of a pressure transducer. Oxygen consumption was also monitored under steady state conditions and under conditions of declining oxygen tension. It was found that during periods of regular beating the mean heart rate for 5 ascidians was 13.2 beats min-1 for the branchial pacemaker and 32.6 beats min-1 for the visceral pacemaker. Regular periods of beating lasted for approximately 1 min, followed by periods of irregular activity prior to heart beat reversal. The heart beat became irregular and reversal occurred sporadically when the ascidians were exposed to dilute seawater. The ascidians showed a pumping rate of 14 squirts per hour in full-strength seawater. This rate declined during decreasing salinity and ceased entirely when the external seawater concentration reached approximately 60% seawater (100%=32% S). During periods of decreased salinity, the siphons were tightly closed and oxygen consumption was zero. The rate of oxygen consumption by C. intestinalis decreased during decreasing salinities and there was no evidence of an oxygen debt. Oxygen consumption under steady state conditions varied with body weight according to the following: oxygen consuption =0.515 W 0.831 (where W is body weight). The rate of oxygen consumption was found to be dependent on the external oxygen tension.  相似文献   

D. J. Innes 《Marine Biology》1987,95(3):459-467
Heterotrophic bacterial uptake and turnover of glycolate were measured in the water column of the New York Bight apex during four seasonal cruises over almost a one-year period between May 1977 and March 1978. Glycolate turnover was most rapid in May and July, when primary productivity and estuarine runoff were high. Extremely rapid glycolate turnover times (<1 h) were detected at some stations during these months. Increased bacterial glycolate tunover did not accompany increased primary productivity in March, when water temperatures were lowest. Glycolate flux calculations indicate that the measured rates of glycolate consumption by bacteria always exceeded estimated glycolate production by phytoplankton, except in March. This excess may reflect an underestimation of phytoplankton production or the input of glycolate from other sources, such as estuarine runoff. Glycolate utilization appears to be seasonally important to bacteria in the New York Bight apex, coinciding with fluctuations in phytoplankton primary productivity.  相似文献   

Genetic differentiation within the intertidal zone was examined in six populations of the asexually reproducing alga Enteromorpha linza growing in the Long Island Sound, USA. Four of the five populations sampled in 1981 showed significant differentiation between high and low intertidal positions with respect to the GOT-2 locus. The pattern of differentiation was consistent for samples collected at several times during the year with some seasonal modifications. Four additional polymorphic loci, resolved in 1982, identified a total of 13 five-locus genotypes or clones. Four of the six populations sampled in 1982 showed significant differences in clone frequency between high and low intertidal positions. Laboratory experiments revealed differences in response to temperature among the clones. At 24°C a high intertidal associated clone showed an increase in growth, while low intertidal associated clones showed decreased growth compared to growth at 15°C. These results suggest that the microgeographic differentiation observed for E. linza in the intertidal zone may in part be due to the differential adaptation of clones to different intertidal environments. Additional demographic information is needed for individual clones in order to determine the role longevity, reproductive output, recruitment and interclonal competition play in maintaining the observed differentiation.  相似文献   

Green source Ep was extracted from marine alga waste. The molecule model structure of Ep was studied and constructed. PAC-Ep coagulation system improves the efficiency of removal efficiency. Synergistic effects between NPs and HA make a big difference to enhance efficiency. Mechanism is charge neutralization, hydrogen bonding and adsorbing-complexing Enteromorpha polysaccharide (Ep) extracted from alga a novel green coagulant aid for nanoparticles (NPs) and heavy metal ions removal and the structure of EP was intensively studied in this study. The integration of Ep with polyaluminum chloride (PAC-Ep) coagulants exhibited higher coagulation performance than that of the polyaluminum chloride (PAC) because of the negatively charged NPs suspension and humic aid (HA) solution. Significant high removal efficiencies of dissolved organic matter (94.1%), turbidity (99.3%) and Zn ions (69.3%) were achieved by the PAC-Ep coagulants. The dual-coagulation properties of PAC-Ep for different pollutants was based on multiple mechanisms, including (i) Al3+ charge neutralization; (ii) hydroxy aluminum hydroxyl bridging formed polynuclearhydroxy complexes bridge and sweep colloidal particles; (iii) adsorption and bridging of Ep chain for the NPs and heavy metal ions. Results indicated that the destabilization of colloid was induced by the coexisting HA and higher removal was achieved as ions adsorption was enhance in the presence of HA complexation. On the basis of that, the extraction of polysaccharide is a promising candidate for its high coagulation performance in water treatment.  相似文献   

The first step in developing travel time and water quality models in streams is to correctly model solute transport mechanisms. In this paper a comparison between two solute transport models is performed. The parameters of the Transient Storage model (TS) and the Aggregated Dead Zone model (ADZ) are estimated using data of thirty seven tracer experiments carried out under different discharges in five mountain streams of Colombian Los Andes. Calibration is performed with the generalized uncertainty estimation method (GLUE) based on Monte-Carlo simulations. Aspects of model parameters identifiability and model parsimony are analyzed and discussed. The TS model with four parameters shows excellent results during calibration but the model parameters present high interaction and poor identifiability. The ADZ model with two independent and clearly identifiable parameters gives sufficiently precise calibration results. As a conclusion, it is stated that the ADZ model with only two parameters is a parsimonious model that is able to represent solute transport mechanisms of advection and longitudinal dispersion in the studied mountain streams. A simple model parameter estimation methodology as a function of discharge is proposed in this work to be used in prediction mode of travel time and solute transport applications along mountain streams.  相似文献   

This study has investigated and outlined the possible quantification and mapping of the distributions of advective solute travel times through hydrological catchments. These distributions are essential for understanding how local water flow and solute transport and attenuation processes affect the catchment-scale transport of solute, for instance with regard to biogeochemical cycling, contamination persistence and water quality. The spatial and statistical distributions of advective travel times have been quantified based on reported hydrological flow and mass-transport modeling results for two coastal Swedish catchments. The results show that the combined travel time distributions for the groundwater-stream network continuum in these catchments depend largely on the groundwater system and model representation, in particular regarding the spatial variability of groundwater hydraulic parameters (conductivity, porosity and gradient), and the possible contributions of slower/deeper groundwater flow components. Model assumptions about the spatial variability of groundwater hydraulic properties can thus greatly affect model results of catchment-scale solute spreading. The importance of advective travel time variability for the total mass delivery of naturally attenuated solute (tracer, nutrient, pollutant) from a catchment to its downstream water recipient depends on the product of catchment-average physical travel time and attenuation rate.  相似文献   

Organic carbon and COD balances in a system of 12 anaerobic units operating at organic loading levels 0.4–0.8 kg COD/m3.d and hydraulic detention times 8–20 d resulted in a mean CH4 production of 341 ml/g COD converted and a mean CH4 + CO2 production 1815 ml/g OC converted. The gas retained in the liquid anaerobic effluent was mainly carbon dioxide (94–98%).  相似文献   

Species differences in accumulation of nitrogen pools in phytoplankton   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The changes in the intracellular concentrations of nitrate, ammonium, free amino acids, protein, DNA, RNA and total nitrogen were measured in batch cultures of seven species of marine phytoplankton as they progressed from being nitrogen sufficient to being nitrogen starved. After several days of nitrogen starvation, either nitrate or ammonium was added to the cultures, and the measurements were continued for 10 to 36 h. By this means it was possible to assess the long-term and short-term changes in cellular nitrogen compounds and how they relate to phytoplankton nitrogen uptake and growth. Considerable species differences were observed in the amounts and kinds of nitrogen compounds which were stored and the degree to which the utilization of these compounds could support growth if the external nitrogen supply is low or variable. Despite the species variation, the results suggest that the concentrations or ratios of a number of intracellular nitrogen compounds can be used to assess the nitrogen deficiency and/or growth rate of natural phytoplankton populations.Contribution No. 1373 from the School of Oceanography, University of Washington and Contribution No. 83006 from the Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences  相似文献   

Temperature influences carbon accumulation in moist tropical forests   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Evergreen broad-leaved tropical forests can have high rates of productivity and large accumulations of carbon in plant biomass and soils. They can therefore play an important role in the global carbon cycle, influencing atmospheric CO2 concentrations if climate warms. We applied meta-analyses to published data to evaluate the apparent effects of temperature on carbon fluxes and storages in mature, moist tropical evergreen forest ecosystems. Among forests, litter production, tree growth, and belowground carbon allocation all increased significantly with site mean annual temperature (MAT); total net primary productivity (NPP) increased by an estimated 0.2-0.7 Mg C x ha(-1) x yr(-1) x degrees C(-1). Temperature had no discernible effect on the turnover rate of aboveground forest biomass, which averaged 0.014 yr(-1) among sites. Consistent with these findings, forest biomass increased with site MAT at a rate of 5-13 Mg C x ha(-1) x degrees C(-1). Despite greater productivity in warmer forests, soil organic matter accumulations decreased with site MAT, with a slope of -8 Mg C x ha(-1) x degrees C(-1), indicating that decomposition rates of soil organic matter increased with MAT faster than did rates of NPP. Turnover rates of surface litter also increased with temperature among forests. We found no detectable effect of temperature on total carbon storage among moist-tropical evergreen forests, but rather a shift in ecosystem structure, from low-biomass forests with relatively large accumulations of detritus in cooler sites, to large-biomass forests with relatively smaller detrital stocks in warmer locations. These results imply that, in a warmer climate, conservation of forest biomass will be critical to the maintenance of carbon stocks in moist tropical forests.  相似文献   

以21个水稻品种(包括常规稻、二系杂交稻、三系杂交稻)为材料,通过室内盆栽试验探讨了Cu在不同品种水稻根-茎-叶-籽粒(糙米)中的积累分配的差异。结果表明,供试水稻品种根、茎、叶、籽粒中Cu含量的均值分别是67.35、16.24、8.29、11.62mg·kg-1,多数水稻品种Cu的含量顺序是根茎籽粒(糙米)叶,但也有少部分水稻品种Cu的含量顺序是根籽粒(糙米)茎叶。各器官的Cu含量在不同品种间存在显著差异,其中以根和籽粒Cu含量的差异最大,茎次之,叶最小。常规稻根部Cu含量显著低于杂交稻,而叶中Cu含量显著高于杂交稻,但两者的茎和籽粒中Cu含量没有明显的差异。三系杂交稻根、茎、籽粒Cu含量显著高于二系杂交稻,而叶的Cu含量两者差异不显著。不同遗传背景的水稻各器官对Cu积累也存在不同程度的差异。相关分析结果表明,不同品种水稻相邻器官(根与茎,茎与叶)的Cu含量呈极显著正相关,相间器官(根与叶、籽粒,茎与籽粒)的Cu含量呈显著正相关,地上部各器官Cu的转运系数相互之间呈极显著的正相关。  相似文献   

To elucidate the effects of temperature and algal cell concentration on pumping of water in the ascidian Ciona intestinalis a number of different experiments were performed. Beat frequency of the lateral cilia in the openings of the branchial sac was measured in intact specimens using a microprojection objective and a monochrome CCD video camera. At constant low algal cell concentration, beat frequencies increased linearly with temperature from 4.0 Hz (±0.5) at 7.4 °C to 13.6 Hz (±1.6) at 20.1 °C. At a constant temperature of 15 °C, beat frequency decreased with increasing algal cell concentration from approximately 3000 to >10 000 Rhodomonas sp. cells ml−1. The decrease was observed both in experiments where the ascidians had been acclimated to a fixed algal cell concentration and in experiments with changing concentrations. Effect of algal cell concentration on squirting/siphon closure and flow velocity in the exhalent siphon was measured using a thermistor. At low algal cell concentrations, flow velocity in the exhalent siphon was stable, apart from a few short squirts. At very high algal cell concentrations, the flow velocity was reduced and much less stable, with prolonged squirting. The effect of gut content on filtration was studied in experiments with specimens acclimated to high algal cell concentrations. Results showed a close relation between gut clearance and filtration rate. From the experimental results and a qualitative analysis of the Ciona-pump it was concluded that the ciliary beat frequency is proportional to the water flow through the sea squirt and that changes in pumping caused by temperature or algal cell concentration are under nervous control or governed by enzyme kinetics, rather than being a result of physico-mechanical properties, i.e. pump efficiency versus flow resistance, of the ascidian pump. Received: 6 October 1997 / Accepted: 8 October 1998  相似文献   

合成有机化学品的超临界水氧化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
研究了超临界水氧化系统中合成有机化学品 ,如酚、间苯三酚、对叔丁基酚、间甲酚、3 ,5-二甲酚、苯胺、硝基苯、叔丁醇、三氯乙醛等的氧化作用。在实验条件下 ,上述化学品均能显著降解。酚和苯胺的去除随氧化剂过氧化氢加入量增加而增加。较优的K值 (实验中加入的H2 O2 量与按反应方程化学计量的量的比值 )对酚和苯胺分别为 1 .5和 1 .1。实验结果显示 ,当系统的压力为 3 0MPa ,温度为 4 50℃ ,停留时间为 1 90s,K =2 .0 (对酚 )和系统压力为 2 5MPa,温度为 50 0℃ ,停留时间为 3 0s,K =1 .2 (对苯胺 ) ,氧化效率都接近 1 0 0 %。含酚废水处理结果表明温度、压力、停留时间 3种因素中 ,温度是主要影响因素  相似文献   

对有机食品的基本概念和有机食品所必需具备的条件作了概要的介绍,并对国内外有机食品的发展概况、我国发展有机食品的有利条件作了较全面的论述和分析。在此基础上,提出了我国有机食品开发的原则、策略和开发中值得注意的一些问题和建议。  相似文献   

Heavy metals accumulation in tree leaves from urban areas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Higher plants may be used as biomonitors for the assessment of atmospheric heavy metal pollution by means of their bioaccumulative properties. We evaluated the reliability of biomonitoring heavy metal pollution by horse chestnut and linden leaves, common species found in Belgrade city parks. The results show that the highest concentrations of heavy metals were found in horse chestnut leaves at Studentski Park site, amounting to 110.2, 20.3 and 4.9 g g–1 dry weight for Cu, Pb and Cd, respectively, which are considered above toxic levels for plants.Selected article from the Regional Symposium on Chemistry and Environment, Krusevac, Serbia, June 2003, organised by Dr. Branimir Jovancicevic.  相似文献   

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