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Addition of anaerobically digested sewage sludge (biosolids) to soil may improve conditions for phytoremediation of petroleum hydrocarbons (PHCs) through improved soil chemical, biological, and physical properties. A 32-wk greenhouse study investigated three rates of biosolids addition (0, 13.34, and 26.68 g oven-dry biosolids kg(-1) oven-dry soil) and the presence or absence of smooth brome (Bromus inermis Leyss. cv. Carlton) plants on the removal of diesel (3.5 g kg(-1) oven-dry soil) in an industrial, sandy loam soil. Diesel PHCs were divided into two fractions based on equivalent normal straight-chain boiling point ranges (F2: nC10-nC16; F3: nC16-nC34). The addition of biosolids did not increase the extent of PHC degradation but did result in significantly greater first-order decay constants compared to unamended controls. Overall, the presence of plants did not increase the rate or extent of PHC degradation, relative to that observed in unamended, non-vegetated soils. Vegetation was, however, an important factor within the biosolids-amended soils as was observed by a greater extent of PHC degradation. Some of this decrease was attributed to plant-induced removal of biosolids components that were contributing to the F3 fraction. Overall, the low-amendment rate (13.34 g oven-dry biosolids kg(-1) oven-dry soil) was considered to be the most effective treatment because it produced the greatest overall PHC degradation rate (0.226 wk(-1) for total PHCs) and resulted in the greatest recovery of biosolids-derived N by smooth brome (26.6%).  相似文献   

Phytoremediation offers an ecologically and economically attractive remediation technique for soils contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). In addition to the choice of plant species, agronomic practices may affect the efficiency of PAH phytoremediation. Inorganic nutrient amendments may stimulate plant and microbial growth, and clipping aboveground biomass might stimulate root turnover, which has been associated with increases in soil microbial populations. To assess the influence of fertilization and clipping on PAH dissipation in a nutrient-poor, aged PAH-contaminated soil, a 14-mo phytoremediation study was conducted using perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) as a model species. Six soil treatments were performed in replicate: unplanted; unplanted and fertilized; planted; planted and fertilized; planted and clipped; and planted, clipped, and fertilized. Plant growth, soil PAH concentrations, and the concentrations of total and PAH-degrading microorganisms were measured after 7 and 14 mo. Overall, planting (with nearly 80% reduction in total PAHs) and planting + clipping (76% reduction in total PAHs) were the most effective treatments for increased PAH dissipation after 14 mo. Fertilization greatly stimulated plant and total microbial growth, but negatively affected PAH dissipation (29% reduction in total PAHs). Furthermore, unplanted and fertilized soils revealed a similar negative impact (25% reduction) on PAH dissipation after 14 mo. Clipping did not directly affect PAH dissipation, but when combined with fertilization (61% reduction in total PAHs), appeared to mitigate the negative impact of fertilization on PAH dissipation. Therefore, fertilization and clipping may be included in phytoremediation design strategies, as their combined effect stimulates plant growth while not affecting PAH dissipation.  相似文献   

Contamination of soil by hazardous substances poses a significant threat to human, environmental, and ecological health. Cleanup of the contaminants using destructive, invasive technologies has proven to be expensive and more importantly, often damaging to the natural resource properties of the soil, sediment, or aquifer. Phytoremediation is defined as the cleanup of contaminated sites using plants. There has been evidence of enhanced polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) degradation in rhizosphere soils for a limited number of plants. However, research focusing on the degradation of PAHs in the rhizosphere of trees is lacking. The objective of this study was to assess the potential use of trees to enhance degradation of PAHs located in manufactured gas plant-impacted soils. In greenhouse studies with intact soil cores, acenaphthene, anthracene, fluoranthene, naphthalene, and phenanthrene decreased significantly (p < 0.05) in green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall) and hybrid poplar (Populus deltoides x P. nigra DN 34) phytoremediation treatments when compared to the unplanted soil control. Increases in PAH microbial degraders in rhizosphere soil were observed when compared to unvegetated soil controls. In addition, the rate of degradation or biotransformation of PAHs was greatest for soils with black willow (Salix nigra Marshall), followed by poplar, ash, and the unvegetated controls. These results support the hypothesis that a variety of plants can enhance the degradation of target PAHs in soil.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to optimize butanol solvent shake extraction, dichloromethane soxtec extraction, and methanolic saponification extraction for the selective extraction of aged polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from soil. Extraction kinetics for these methods was established to determine the optimal time necessary to achieve exhaustive compound extraction. This resulted in times of 12, 6, and 5 h, respectively, for butanol, dichloromethane, and saponification, to extract polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from previously spiked, then aged soil. Increasing the soil mass to butanol volume ratio reduced the proportion of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon extracted by butanol, highlighting the importance of determining and maintaining a constant soil to solvent ratio for comparative purposes. Drying soil samples before dichloromethane soxtec extraction reduced by 30 to 76% the amount of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons extracted. The effect of sample drying is discussed with relevance to enhancing the formation of nonextractable compounds in soil and compound losses previously assumed by volatilization. The optimized extraction procedures provided low variability with relative standard deviations < or = 5.2% for analysis of multiple replicates. The results obtained by the optimized procedures provided equivalent or improved reproducibility to those obtained by other methods reported in the literature.  相似文献   

The ability of pre-oxidation to overcome polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) recalcitrance to biodegradation was investigated in creosote contaminated soil. Sand and peat artificially spiked with creosote (quality WEI C) were used as model systems. Ozonation and Fenton-like treatment were proved to be feasible technologies for PAH degradation in soil. The efficiency of ozonation was strongly dependent on the water content of treated soil samples. The removal of PAH by Fenton-like treatment depended on the applied H2O2/soil weight ratio and ferrous ions addition. It was determined that the application of chemical oxidation in sand resulted in a higher PAH removal and required lower oxidant (ozone, hydrogen peroxide) doses. The enhancement of PAH biodegradability by different pre-treatment technologies also depended on the soil matrix. It was ascertained that combined chemical and biological treatment was more efficient in PAH elimination in creosote contaminated soil than either one alone. Thus, the combination of Fenton-like and the subsequent biological treatment resulted in the highest removal of PAH in creosote contaminated sand, and biodegradation with pre-ozonation was found to be the most effective technology for PAH elimination in peat.  相似文献   

The solubilization of phenanthrene (PHE) and pyrene (PYR) by rhamnolipid biosurfactant was systematically investigated. The solubilities of both polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were increased linearly with the biosurfactant concentration at above critical micelle concentration. A competitive effect was observed between PHE and PYR. The solubility of PHE in a mixed system was lower than that in a single PAH system, whereas the solubility of PYR in a mixed system was enhanced. This is because the hydrophobicity of PYR is higher than that of PHE, so PYR is favored in the competitive solubilization. The combined effect of biosurfactant and dissolved organic matter (DOM) on PAH solubilization was also examined. Two kinds of DOM (derived from soil and from compost) were used. There was an obvious enhancement of solubility for PHE and PYR in systems with concurrence of DOM and biosurfacrant compared with systems with only DOM or biosurfactant; however, the enhancement in the mixed system was less than their additive. This could be explained as the formation of a DOM-biosurfactant complex. In addition, the solubility enhancement of PAHs in a compost-DOM system was higher than that in a soil-DOM system. This could be explained as functional group differences of two DOM types.  相似文献   

Knowledge of water movement in the plant-xylem system and contaminant bioavailability in the soil environment is crucial to evaluate the success of phytoremediation practices. This study investigated the removal of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) from a contaminated sandy soil by a single poplar (Populus fastigiata) tree through the examinations of temporal variations of xylem water potential, root water uptake, and soil TNT bioavailability. A mathematical model, CTSPAC (Coupled Transport of water, heat, and solutes in the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum), was modified for the purpose of this study. The model was calibrated using laboratory measurements before its application. Our simulations show that the xylem water potential was high in the roots and low in the leaves with a potential head difference of 3.55 cm H2O, which created a driving force for water flow and chemical transport upward from the roots through the stem to the leaves. The daily average root water uptake rate was 25 cm3 h(-1) when an equilibrium condition was reached after 24 h. Our simulations further reveal that no TNT was found in the stem and leaves and only about 1% of total TNT mass was observed in the roots due to the rapid biodegradation and transformation of TNT into its daughter products. About 13% of the soil TNT was removed by the poplar tree, resulting mainly from root uptake since TNT is a recalcitrant compound. In general, the soil TNT bioavailability decreased with time due to the depletion of soil solution TNT by the poplar tree. A constant bioavailability (i.e., 3.1 x 10(-6)) was obtained in 14 d in which the soil TNT concentration was about 10 mg L(-1). Our study suggests that CTSPAC is a useful model to simulate phytoremediation of TNT-contaminated sites.  相似文献   

A field test was conducted to determine the ability of three plant species to extract 137Cs and 90Sr from contaminated soil. Redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus L.), Indian mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Czern.], and tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius A. Gray) were planted in a series of spatially randomized cells in soil that was contaminated in the 1950s and 1960s. We examined the potential for phytoextraction of 90Sr and 137Cs by these three species. Concentration ratios (CR) for 137Cs for redroot pigweed, Indian mustard, and tepary bean were 2.58, 0.46, and 0.17, respectively. For 90Sr they were substantially higher: 6.5, 8.2, and 15.2, respectively. The greatest accumulation of both radionuclides was obtained with redroot pigweed, even though its CR for 90Sr was the lowest, because of its relatively large biomass. There was a linear relationship between the 137Cs concentration in plants and its concentration in soil only for redroot pigweed. Uptake of 90Sr exhibits no relationship to 90Sr concentrations in the soil. Estimates of time required for removal of 50% of the two contaminants, assuming two crops of redroot pigweed per year, are 7 yr for 90Sr and 18 yr for 137Cs.  相似文献   

Bioaccessibility is one of the most relevant aspects to be considered in the restoration of soils using biological technologies. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) usually have residual fractions that are resistant to biodegradation at the end of the biological treatment. In some situations, these residual concentrations could still be above legal standards. Here, we propose that the available knowledge about electroremediation technologies could be applied to enhance bioremediation of soils polluted with PAH. The main objective of this study was to show that a previous electrokinetic treatment could reduce the PAH residual fractions when the soil is subsequently treated by means of a bioremediation process. The approach involved the electrokinetic treatment of PAH-polluted soils at a potential drop of 0.9 to 1.1 V/cm and the subsequent estimations of bioaccessibility of residual PAHs after slurry-phase biodegradation. Bioaccessibility of PAH in two creosote-polluted soils (clay and loamy sand, total PAH content averaging 300 mg/kg) previously treated with an electric field in the presence of nonionic surfactant Brij 35 was often higher than in untreated controls. For example, total PAH content remaining in clay soil after bioremediation was only 62.65 +/- 4.26 mg/kg, whereas a 7-d electrokinetic pretreatment had, under the same conditions, a residual concentration of 29.24 +/- 1.88 mg/kg after bioremediation. Control treatments without surfactant indicated that the electrokinetic treatment increased bioaccessibility of PAHs. A different manner of electric field implementation (continuous current vs. current reversals) did not induce changes in PAH bioaccessibility. We suggest that this hybrid technology may be useful in certain bioremediation scenarios, such as soils rich in clay and black carbon, which show limited success due to bioavailability restrictions, as well as in highly heterogeneous soils.  相似文献   

Little research has been conducted in the Lake States (Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan) to evaluate the effects of municipal and industrial by-product applications on the early growth of short rotation woody crops such as hybrid poplar. Anticipated shortages of harvestable-age aspen in the next decade can be alleviated and rural development can be enhanced through the application of by-products to forest soils. This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of inorganic fertilizer, boiler ash, biosolids, and the co-application of ash and biosolids application on tree growth and soil properties by measuring hybrid poplar clone NM-6 (Populus nigra L. x P. maximowiczii A. Henry) yield, nutrient uptake, and select post-harvest soil properties after 15 wk of greenhouse growth. Treatments included a control of no amendment; agricultural lime; inorganic N, P, and K; three types of boiler ash; biosolids application rates equivalent to 70, 140, 210, and 280 kg available N ha(-1); and boiler ash co-applied with biosolids. All of the by-products treatments showed biomass production that was equal to or greater than inorganic fertilizer and lime treatments. A trend of increased biomass with increasing rates of biosolids was observed. Soil P concentration increased with increasing rates of biosolids application. None of the by-products treatments resulted in plant tissue metal concentrations greater than metal concentrations of plant tissue amended with inorganic amendments. Biosolids, boiler ash, and the co-application of biosolids and boiler ash together on forest soils were as beneficial to plant growth as inorganic fertilizers.  相似文献   

Recent molecular modeling and spectroscopic studies have suggested that relatively strong interactions can occur between aromatic pi donors and metal cations in aqueous solutions. The objective of this study was to characterize potential cation-pi interactions between pi donors and exchangeable cations accumulated at mineral surfaces via both spectroscopic and batch sorption methods. Quadrupolar splitting in deuterium nuclear magnetic resonance ((2)H NMR) spectroscopy for d(2)-dichloromethane, d(6)-benzene, and d(8)-toluene (C(6)D(5)- moiety) in aqueous suspensions of a Na-saturated reference montmorillonite unambiguously indicated the ordering of solute molecules with respect to the clay surface. The half line broadening (Delta nu(1/2)) of (2)H NMR of d(6)-benzene in montmorillonite suspensions showed that soft exchangeable cations generally resulted in more benzene sorption compared with harder cations (e.g., Ag(+) > Cs(+) > Na(+) > Mg(2+), Ba(2+)). In batch sorption experiments, saturating minerals (e.g., porous silica gels, kaolinite, vermiculite, montmorillonite) with a soft transition metal or softer base cations generally increased the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) sorption relative to harder cations (e.g., Ag(+) > Cs(+) > K(+) > Na(+); Ba(2+) > Mg(2+)). Sorption of phenanthrene to Ag(+)-saturated montmorillonite was much stronger compared with 1,2,4,5-tetrachlorobenzene, a coplanar non-pi donor having slightly higher hydrophobicity. In addition, a strong positive correlation was found between the cation-dependent sorption and surface charge density of the minerals (e.g., vermiculite, montmorillonite > silica gels, kaolinite). These results, coupled with the observations in (2)H NMR experiments with montmorillonite, strongly suggest that cation-pi bonding forms between PAHs and exchangeable cations at mineral surfaces and affects PAH sorption to hydrated mineral surfaces.  相似文献   

Soybean [ (L.) Merr.] stalk-based carbons were prepared by phosphoric acid activation at different carbonization temperatures. Characteristics of the prepared carbon, including specific surface area, iodine number, and amount of methylene blue sorption, were determined. Experiments on phenanthrene, naphthalene, and acenaphthene, as representatives of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), removal from aqueous solution by the prepared carbon were conducted at different levels of carbon addition. The results indicated that the specific surface area, iodine number, and amount of methylene blue sorption increased with an increase of carbonization temperature. The maximum values were observed at 700°C and were 287.63 m g, 508.99 mg g, and 90.14 mg g, respectively. The removal efficiencies of phenanthrene, naphthalene, and acenaphthene tended to increase with increasing carbon amounts and carbonization temperature. The optimal removal performance was obtained under the experimental conditions of carbon concentrations of 0.04 g 32 mL and carbonization temperature of 700°C, and the removal efficiencies of phenanthrene, naphthalene, and acenaphthene were 99.89, 100, and 95.64%, respectively. The performance of the prepared carbon was superior to that of commercial activated carbon. Additionally, for the same carbon concentrations, the removal efficiency of PAHs on prepared carbons followed the order: phenanthrene > naphthalene > acenaphthene. Results obtained from this work provide some insight into the reuse of an agricultural residue, and also provide a new application for the treatment of PAHs in contaminated water utilizing activated carbon prepared from agricultural residues.  相似文献   

Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) are required to submit national greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories, together with information on methods used in estimating their emissions. Currently agricultural activities contribute a significant portion (approximately 20%) of global anthropogenic GHG emissions, and agricultural soils have been identified as one of the main GHG source categories within the agricultural sector. However, compared to many other GHG sources, inventory methods for soils are relatively more complex and have been implemented only to varying degrees among member countries. This review summarizes and evaluates the methods used by Annex 1 countries in estimating CO2 and N2O emissions in agricultural soils. While most countries utilize the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) default methodology, several Annex 1 countries are developing more advanced methods that are tailored for specific country circumstances. Based on the latest national inventory reporting, about 56% of the Annex 1 countries use IPCC Tier 1 methods, about 26% use Tier 2 methods, and about 18% do not estimate or report N2O emissions from agricultural soils. More than 65% of the countries do not report CO2 emissions from the cultivation of mineral soils, organic soils, or liming, and only a handful of countries have used country-specific, Tier 3 methods. Tier 3 methods usually involve process-based models and detailed, geographically specific activity data. Such methods can provide more robust, accurate estimates of emissions and removals but require greater diligence in documentation, transparency, and uncertainty assessment to ensure comparability between countries. Availability of detailed, spatially explicit activity data is a major constraint to implementing higher tiered methods in many countries.  相似文献   

Microbial biodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) during the process of bioremediation can be constrained by lack of nutrients, low bioavailability of the contaminants, or scarcity of PAH-biodegrading microorganisms. This study focused on addressing the limitation of nutrient availability for PAH biodegradation in oil-contaminated beach sediments. In our previous study, three nutrient sources including inorganic soluble nutrients, the slow-release fertilizer Osmocote (Os; Scotts, Marysville, OH) and Inipol EAP-22 (Ip; ATOFINA Chemicals, Philadelphia, PA), as well as their combinations, were applied to beach sediments contaminated with an Arabian light crude oil. Osmocote was the most effective nutrient source for aliphatic biodegradation. This study presents data on PAH biodegradation in the oil-spiked beach sediments amended with the three nutrients. Biodegradation of total target PAHs (two- to six-ring) in all treatments followed a first-order biodegradation model. The biodegradation rates of total target PAHs in the sediments treated with Os were significantly higher than those without. On Day 45, approximately 9.3% of total target PAHs remained in the sediments amended with Os alone, significantly lower than the 54.2 to 58.0% remaining in sediment treatments without Os. Amendment with Inipol or soluble nutrients alone, or in combination, did not stimulate biodegradation rates of PAHs with a ring number higher than 2. The slow-release fertilizer (Os) is therefore recommended as an effective nutrient amendment for intrinsic biodegradation of PAHs in oil-contaminated beach sediments.  相似文献   

Re-vegetation is the main aim of ecological restoration projects, and in Mediterranean environments native plants are desirable to achieve successful restoration. In 1998, the burst of a tailings dam flooded the Guadiamar river valley downstream from Aznalcóllar (Southern Spain) with sludges that contained elevated concentrations of metals and metalloids, polluting soils and waters. A phytoremediation experiment to assess the potential use of native shrub species for the restoration of soils affected by the spillage was performed from 2005 to 2007, with soils divided into two groups: pH < 5 and pH > 5. Four native shrubs (Myrtus communis, Retama sphaerocarpa, Rosmarinus officinalis and Tamarix gallica) were planted and left to grow without intervention. Trace element concentrations in soils and plants, their extractability in soils, transfer factors and plant survival were used to identify the most-interesting species for phytoremediation. Total As was higher in soils with pH < 5. Ammonium sulphate-extractable zinc, copper, cadmium and aluminium concentrations were higher in very-acid soils, but arsenic was extracted more efficiently when soil pH was >5. Unlike As, which was either fixed by Fe oxides or retained as sulphide, the extractable metals showed significant relationships with the corresponding total soil metal concentration and inverse relationships with soil pH. T. gallica, R. officinalis and R. sphaerocarpa survived better in soils with pH > 5, while M. communis had better survival at pH < 5. R. sphaerocarpa showed the highest survival (30%) in all soils. Trace element transfer from soil to harvestable parts was low for all species and elements, and some species may have been able to decrease trace element availability in the soil. Our results suggest that R. sphaerocarpa is an adequate plant species for phytostabilising these soils, although more research is needed to address the self-sustainability of this remediation technique and the associated environmental changes.  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are possible contaminants in some former industrial sites, representing a potential risk to human health if these sites are converted to residential areas. This work was conducted to determine whether PAHs present in contaminated soils are transferred to edible parts of selected vegetables. Soils were sampled from a former gasworks and a private garden, exhibiting a range of PAH concentrations (4 to 53 to 172 to 1263 and 2526 mg PAHs kg-1 of dry soil), and pot experiments were conducted in a greenhouse with lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. var. Reine de Mai), potato (Solanum tuberosum L. var. Belle de Fontenay), and carrot (Daucus carota L. var. Nantaise). At harvest, above- and below ground biomass were determined and the PAH concentrations in soil were measured. In parallel, plates were placed in the greenhouse to estimate the average PAH-dust deposition. Results showed that the presence of PAHs in soils had no detrimental effect on plant growth. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were detected in all plants grown in contaminated soils. However, their concentration was low compared with the initial soil concentration, and the bioconcentration factors were low (i.e., ranging from 13.4 x 10(-4) in potato and carrot pulp to 2 x 10(-2) in potato and carrot leaves). Except in peeled potatoes, the PAH concentration in vegetables increased with the PAH concentration in soils. The PAH distribution profiles in plant tissues and in soils suggested that root uptake was the main pathway for high molecular weight PAHs. On the opposite, lower molecular weight PAHs were probably taken up from the atmosphere through the leaves as well as by roots.  相似文献   

Understanding enzyme responses to contamination with persistent organic pollutants (POPs) is a key step in the elucidation of POP metabolic mechanisms in plants. However, there is little information available on enzyme activity in subcellular fractions of POP-contaminated plants. To our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate the activities of polyphenol oxidase (PPO) in cell fractions of plants under contamination stress from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) using a greenhouse batch technique. Three parameters, E(cell), E(cell-n), and P(cell), denoting the amount of PPO activity, cell fraction content-normalized PPO activity, and proportion of PPO activity in each cell fraction, respectively, were used in this study. Contamination with phenanthrene, as a representative PAH, at a relatively high level (>0.23 mg L?1) in culture solution generally stimulated PPO activity in tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) roots and shoots and their cellular fractions. The amount and distribution proportion of PPO activity in each cell fraction of phenanthrene-contaminated roots and shoots were (in descending order): cell solution > > cell wall > cell organelles. Cell solution was the dominant storage domain of PPO activity and contributed 84.0 and 82.8% of PPO activity in roots and shoots, respectively. The cell wall had the highest density of PPO activity in roots and shoots, based on the highest cell fraction content normalized PPO activity in this cell fraction. Our results provide new information on enzyme responses in plant intracellular fractions to xenobiotic POPs and fundamental information on within-plant POP metabolic mechanisms.  相似文献   

Recent reports suggest that Mycobacterium is better adapted to soils containing poorly bioavailable polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) compared to Sphingomonas. To study this hypothesis, artificial conditions regarding PAH profile and PAH bioavailability were induced in two PAH-contaminated soils and the response of the eubacterial, Mycobacterium, and Sphingomonas communities to these changed conditions was monitored during laboratory incubation. Soil K3663 with a relatively high proportion of high molecular weight PAHs was amended with phenanthrene or pyrene to artificially change the soil into a soil with a relatively increased bioavailable PAH contamination. Soil AndE with a relatively high proportion of bioavailable low molecular weight PAHs was treated by a single-step Tenax extraction to remove the largest part of the easily bioavailable PAH contamination. In soil K3663, the added phenanthrene or pyrene compounds were rapidly degraded, concomitant with a significant increase in the number of phenanthrene and pyrene degraders, and minor and no changes in the Mycobacterium community and Sphingomonas community, respectively. However, a transient change in the eubacterial community related to the proliferation of several gamma-proteobacteria was noted in the phenanthrene-amended soil. In the extracted AndE soil, the Sphingomonas community initially developed into a more diverse community but finally decreased in size below the detection limit. Mycobacterium in that soil never increased to a detectable size, while the eubacterial community became dominated by a gamma-proteobacterial population. The results suggest that the relative bioavailability of PAH contamination in soil affects bacterial community structure but that the behavior of Mycobacterium and Sphingomonas in soil is more complex than prospected from studies on their ecology and physiology.  相似文献   

Both natural organic matter (NOM) and surfactants are known to enhance the apparent aqueous solubility of hydrophobic organic contaminants (HOCs) in aqueous systems. In this study, the combined effect of NOM and surfactants on enhancing the solubility of HOCs was investigated, since both may occur and affect the fate and transport of HOCs in natural aqueous environments. Experimental results indicated that the apparent solubility of naphthalene, phenanthrene, and pyrene in NOM and anionic surfactant solution was lower than their solubility in NOM solution alone. However, the apparent solubility of an HOC in NOM and nonionic surfactant solution is almost the same as the sum of the HOC's solubility in NOM solution plus its solubility in nonionic surfactant solution. The observation that apparent aqueous solubility of HOCs in NOM and anionic surfactant solution is decreased is probably due to the fact that the cations that are released when the anionic surfactant dissociates may form ion pairs with acidic or phenolic groups associated with the NOM. This serves to increase the size of hydration of these groups, thereby decreasing the effective size of the nonpolar moieties associated with the NOM, and thus decreasing hydrophobic partitioning of the HOCs into the NOM. The results presented here will help us to understand the effect of NOM and surfactants on the fate and transport of HOCs in aquatic systems.  相似文献   

Soil ingestion is an important exposure route by which immobile soil contaminants enter the human body. We assessed polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) release from a contaminated soil, containing 49 mg PAH kg(-1), using a SHIME (Simulator of the Human Intestinal Microbial Ecosystem) reactor comprising the stomach, duodenal, and colon compartments. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon release was defined as that fraction remaining in the digest supernatant after centrifugation for 5 min at 1500 x g. The PAH release in the stomach digest was only 0.44% of the total PAH present in soil, resulting in PAH concentrations of 23 micrograms PAH L(-1) chyme. The lower PAH releases in duodenum (0.13%) and colon (0.30%) digests, compared with the stomach digest, were thought to be attributed to combined complexation and precipitation with bile salts, dissolved organic matter, or colon microbiota. We studied these complexation processes in an intestinal suspension more in depth by preparing mixtures of 9-anthracenepropionic acid, a Bacillus subtilis culture, and cholin as model compounds for PAHs, organic matter, and bile salts, respectively. Bile salts or organic matter in the aqueous phase initially enhance PAH desorption from soil. However, desorbed PAHs may form large aggregates with bile and organic matter, lowering the freely dissolved PAH fraction in the supernatant. Using the model compounds, mathematical equations were developed and validated to predict PAH complexation processes in the gastrointestinal tract. Contaminant release and subsequent complexation in the gut is an important prerequisite to intestinal absorption and thus bioavailability of that contaminant. The data from this research may help in understanding the processes to which PAHs are subjected in the gastrointestinal tract, before intestinal absorption.  相似文献   

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