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Eggs of halibut [Hippoglossus hippoglossus (L.)] have a negative buoyancy in sea water of 35 S, in contrast to eggs of most flatfish species. The cause of this was investigated. The osmolality of the yolk is 350–420 mOsm during embryonic development. This is within the range for marine teleost serum and for yolk of pelagic eggs. Concentrations of major inorganic ions are comparable with those of pelagic plaice eggs [Pleuronectes platessa (L.)]. The values for Na+, K+ and Cl- are 6, 85, and 64 mmol · (1 H2O)-1 after fertilization, and at the time of hatching the corresponding values are 17, 11, and 80. Large amounts of other inorganic constitutents are excluded for osmotic reasons. Malfunction in the regulation of osmolality or of inorganic constituents is thus unlikely to be the cause of negative buoyancy. The relative dry weight of the chorion (egg shell) in halibut eggs is less than in several pelagic egg types, excluding the chorion as the main contributor of negative buoyancy. It is concluded that a high content of organic matter in the rest of the egg is the cause of the negative buoyancy.  相似文献   

The trophic interactions of species of fish of the continental slopes have not been investigated previously in detail. The present study examines the diets of the clupeoid, stomiatoid and salmonoid species occurring demersally and pelagically in the Rockall Trough to the west of Scotland and Ireland. Pelagic fish were collected between the surface and about 2 500-m depth between 1973 and 1978. Demersal fish were sampled at 250-m intervals of depths between 500- and 2 900-m depth during the years 1975 and 1981. Of the 28 species caught, 18 were strictly pelagic and dominated by the stomiatoids while five were strictly demersal. The remaining five species occurred in both the pelagic and demersal environment. The commonest clupeoid was Alepocephalus bairdii, which is a dominant species within the demersal fish associations at depths of 750 to 1 250m. This species, along with the deeper-living A. agassizi, and 3 other alepocephalid species feed primarily on benthopelagic prey but also exploit the epibenthos. The stomiatoid species, such as Cyclothone microdon, C. braueri, Maurolicus muelleri and Argyropelecus hemigymnus, dominate the associations of pelagic fish in the Trough. They feed on different proportions of ostracods, copepods and amphipods. Of the salmonoids, only Argentina silus and Bathylagus euryops occurred commonly and both feed on benthopelagic fauna, the latter at much greater depths than the former. The principal factor acting to prevent direct competition between species is the modal centres of bathymetric distribution of the species. Other contributing factors are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The lipid/fatty acid composition of marine fish eggs and larvae is linked with buoyancy regulation, but our understanding of such processes is largely restricted to species with pelagic eggs. In this study, we examined developmental changes in the lipid/fatty acids of eggs and embryos of Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus), a species that spawns demersal eggs along coastal shelf edges, but as larvae must make a rapid transition to the upper reaches of the water column. Adult Pacific cod were collected in the Gulf of Alaska during the spawning season and eggs of two females were artificially fertilized with sperm from three males for each female. The eggs were subsequently reared in the laboratory to determine (1) how lipids/fatty acids were catabolized during egg and larval development, and (2) whether lipid/fatty acid catabolism had measurable effects on egg/embryo density. Eggs incubated at 4°C began hatching after 3-weeks and continued to hatch over a 10-day period, during which there was a distinct shift in lipid classes (phospholipids (PL), triacyglycerols (TAG), and sterols (ST)) and essential fatty acids (EFAs: 22:6n-3 (DHA), 20:5n-3 (EPA), and 20:4n-6 (AA)). In the egg stage, total lipid content steadily decreased during the first 60% of development, but just prior to hatch we observed an unexpected 2–3-fold lipid increase (~6–9 μg individual−1) and a significant drop in egg density. The increase in lipids was largely driven by PL, with evidence of long-chained fatty acid synthesis. Late-hatching larvae had progressively decreasing lipid and fatty acid reserves, suggesting a shift from lipogenesis to lipid catabolism with continued larval development. Egg density measures suggest that lipid/fatty acid composition is linked to buoyancy regulation as larvae shift from a demersal to a pelagic existence following hatch. The biochemical pathway by which Pacific cod are apparently able to synthesize EFAs is unknown, therefore representing a remarkable finding meriting further investigation.  相似文献   

Pelagic seabirds obtain food from oceans where the availability of their prey changes rapidly both seasonally and spatially. Here, we investigated changes in the trophic habits of the critically endangered Balearic shearwater (Puffinus mauretanicus) through the breeding season and tested for dietary differences between sexes and age classes. We analysed δ15N and δ13C values in blood of adults during the pre-incubation, incubation and chick-rearing periods and of their chicks. Using a two-isotope mixing model, we estimated dietary contributions based on isotope values from potential prey species which included small pelagic species available naturally and demersal fish species available only from trawling discards. Balearic shearwaters showed clear isotopic and dietary variation through the breeding season. During pre-incubation, breeding adults appeared to exploit demersal fish, whereas during the incubation and chick-rearing period, they fed mainly on pelagic anchovies (Engraulis encrasicolus) and pilchards (Sardina pilchardus). Similarly, chicks were fed mainly with anchovies, a resource with a high energetic value. This variation in the dietary habits of adult shearwaters during the breeding season was probably related to both natural and fishery-induced seasonal changes in the availability of potential prey species within their main feeding grounds. However, changes in the nutritional requirements of the shearwaters could also play an important role. Indeed, diet differed between sexes during pre-incubation: females fed less on trawling discards and more on small pelagic fish than males. This sexual segregation in diet could be the consequence of higher nutritional requirements of females during this period. Our study reveals the differential importance of both trawling discards and small pelagic fish species for a pelagic seabird depending on the breeding period and illustrates the importance of considering the entire breeding season when making inferences about the importance of specific prey in seabird dietary studies.  相似文献   

Two groupings of larval fish were repeatedly identified by principal component analyses of larval densities from four broad-scale surveys during the spring and summer of 1985–1987 off southwestern Nova Scotia, Canada. Larvae originating from pelagic eggs (four species within Gadidae and Pleuronectidae) constituted one group, which were uniformly distributed over the sampling area with densities not correlated with bathymetry, although nearly all spawning occurs on the shallow western cap of Browns Bank, 100 km offshore. Larvae from demersal eggs (five species within Pholidae, Stichaeidae, Cottidae, Agonidae) constituted the second group, which dominated the shallow-water environments both inshore and on Browns Bank. Lower patchiness indices were evident amongst larvae from pelagic eggs in small and large sampling-gear collections (average 3.4 and 3.1, respectively) compared to fish hatching from demersal eggs (average 5.1 and 4.6). Fine-scale nearshore surveys over a 5 wk period in 1987 also showed that larvae of demersal eggs had a less variable distribution along an inshoreoffshore transect. Larvae from demersal eggs appear spatially persistent through the release of well-developed larvae from non-drifting eggs. These conclusions are consistent with other studies over a range of spatial scales in temperate and tropical environments, demonstrating that single-species models of larval dispersal are inadequate to account for the distributional patterns of larval fish in general.  相似文献   

The mode of development was ascertained for 14 of the 16 species of sea stars known to occur in shallow waters of McMurdo Sound, Antarctica (77°51S; 166°40E). The species were collected between September 1984 and December 1985. Females of three species,Odontaster validus, O. meridionalis andPorania antarctica, spawn small to moderate eggs (0.17 to 0.55 mm), have a high fecundity, and produce feeding larvae. Females of an undescribedPorania species spawn a few eggs (150 to 310) that are 0.55 mm in diameter and develop into demersal non-feeding larvae. Females ofDiplasterias brucei andNotasterias armata produce a few (<300) large eggs (2.8 to 3.5 mm) and brood their young. Females of the remaining eight species have moderate fecundity and produce pelagic non-feeding larvae, as determined from egg type (buoyant, 0.54 to 1.28 mm diam) and direct observations of spawning and development. The high incidence (11 out of 14 species; 79%) of non-feeding development is consistent with predictions that environmental conditions in high-latitude regions are unfavorable for planktotrophic development. Nonetheless, most of the species surveyed (11 out of 14) had pelagic larvae, which contradicts inferences of unusual selection for benthic development in the Antarctic.  相似文献   

Diets of 15 species of demersal and pelagic fishes on the upper continental slope (420 to 550 m) were determined, based on samples taken every two months over 13 mo (April 1984 to April 1985) off eastern Tasmania. The calorific contribution of each prey item to the diets was determined. The fish could be divided into four trophic categories: pelagic piscivores, epibenthic piscivores, epibenthic invertebrate feeders and benthopelagic omnivores. Dietary overlap between the groups was low. The pelagic piscivores Apogonops anomalus, Trachurus declivis, Brama brama, Lepidopus caudatus and Macruronus novaezelandiae primarily consume the shelf-break myctophid Lampanyctodes hectoris; their diet is narrow, with a large overlap between species. The epibenthic piscivores Deania calcea and Genypterus blacodes both take a greater variety of prey, but have little dietary overlap. The fish feeding on epibenthic invertebrates, Coelorinchus sp. 2 and Centriscops humerosus, obtain most of their energy from benthic Crustacea and Ophiuroidea, supplemented with Lampanyctodes hectoris; the diet is broad, with little overlap. Among the benthopelagic omnivores (Cyttus traversi, Coelorinchus sp. 4, Lepidorhynchus denticulatus, Neocyttus rhomboidalis, Helicolenus percoides, Epigonus denticulatus and E. lenimen), most diets are broad and show slight overlap. All but E. denticulatus consume significant quantities of Lampanyctodes hectoris as well as Crustacea, particularly Polychaeta, Euphausiacea and Pyrosoma atlanticum. Seasonal changes in diet occurred in G. blacodes, T. declivis, Lepidopus caudatus, Coelorinchus sp. 4, Lepidorhynchus denticulatus, H. percoides, E. denticulatus and E. lenimen; these were related to changes in abundance of particular prey species, not to alterations in feeding habits. Only three species, Lepidopus caudatus, Coelorinchus sp. 2 and H. percoides, showed significant diel feeding periodicity. Ontogenetic dietary changes were evident in Cyttus traversi, Coelorinchus sp. 2, Lepidorhynchus denticulatus and H. percoides. Cyttus traversi and H. percoides progressively changed from crustaceans to fish as their size increased. The diets of size classes within species showed little overlap, except for Lepidorhynchus denticulatus, which eats chiefly euphausiids and Lampanyctodes hectoris at all sizes. In addition to describing the diets and trophic relationships of 90% of the fish biomass, the results emphasize the importance to the entire fish community of mesopelagic food resources, particularly Lampanyctodes hectoris. Many benthopelagic species undertake extensive vertical migrations in search of prey, thus playing a major role in the transport of energy from midwater regions to the benthos of the continental slope.  相似文献   

Many species of marine fish are typified by large population sizes, strong migratory behavior, high fecundity, and pelagic eggs and larvae that are passively transported by ocean currents, all features that tend to increase gene flow, and hence reduce genetic partitioning, among localized populations. The plaice, Pleuronectes platessa, is a commercially important demersal species that exhibits all of these characteristics. We analyzed genetic variation at eight microsatellite loci in samples of spawning adults (N = 348) from the coasts of Ireland, Iceland, and, for the first time, from the Baltic Sea. Significant differentiation was observed between Iceland and Irish and Baltic Sea samples. However, there were no genetic differences between Irish and Baltic Sea samples, which contrast with the significant differentiation reported between Baltic Sea and North Sea/Atlantic populations of other flatfish species. To increase the data set, we carried out a cross-calibration exercise, allowing us to perform a joint analysis of data with an earlier study on adult and juvenile plaice (N = 480) collected over a broad geographic range, using six microsatellite loci in common to the two studies. Significant differentiation was observed between fish collected at the northern (Iceland, Faeroes, Norway) and southern (Bay of Biscay) parts of the species range. In contrast, the results showed little evidence of genetic structuring over much of the continental shelf of Europe. We believe that bathymetric and hydrographic barriers are the major factors shaping genetic structure, while lack of structure over much of the European continental shelf may be explained by a combination of past historical events, population structure, and dynamics of the species.  相似文献   

An analysis of ichthyoplankton samples based on relative abundance reveals pronounced inshore/offshore distributional gradients for most Hawaiian fish larvae. Larvae of pelagic bay species are found almost exclusively in semi-enclosed bays and estuaries. Larvae of pelagic neritic species are more or less uniformly distributed with distance from shore. The larvae of reef species with non-pelagic eggs are most abundant close to shore, while those of reef species with pelagic eggs are most abundant offshore. Finally, the larvae of offshore (primarily mesopelagic) species show no clear pattern but frequently occur in high numbers nearshore. Within any group, variation in pattern was often evident; for example, although Hawaiian fishes of both the families Labridae and Mullidae spawn pelagic eggs, larvae of the former had not peaked in abundance 12 km from shore while larvae of the latter had peaked between 0.5 and 2 km. Some larvae which occur offshore are highly specialized morphologically for a pelagic existence (e.g. Chaetodontidae, which is illustrated) while others are little modified (e.g. Labridae). These findings indicate ichthyoplankton surveys in tropical areas must sample offshore areas in addition to the inshore adult habitat to obtain a complete picture.Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology Contribution No. 484.  相似文献   

M. Sheader 《Marine Biology》1996,124(4):519-526
Developmental and seasonal changes in egg volume were examined in a population of the amphipod Gammarus insensibilis Stock occurring on the south coast of England, towards its northern limit of distribution. Results showed a marked increase in egg volume during development (2.9 times by Egg Stage V), resulting from water uptake and from the conversion of yolk reserves into structural elements. The maximum rate of increase coincides with the period of organ and limb development. At hatching, after initial rupture of the egg membrane by urosome spines, egg volume increases rapidly over a short period (15 to 20 min) by a further 30% (uptake rate 3.6×10–5 mm3s–1), followed by a post-hatching decrease in juvenile volume. Increase in size at hatching is the result of drinking by embryos, although changes in body-wall permeability may contribute. Females carrying eggs in an advanced stage of development exhibit egg-collecting behaviour. This is seen as an adaptation to an increased likelihood of egg loss with increase in volume of the brood as hatching approaches. Seasonal changes in Stage I (early) egg size are marked in this species, with winter eggs as much as 60% greater in volume than summer eggs. Egg size is inversely related to the temperature during oocyte development. A simple model has been derived to account for the observed seasonal pattern in egg size. The consequences of seasonal variation in egg and juvenile size are considered.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of the most abundant eggs and larvae of teleost fish species on the continental shelf and slope off the northern Benguela region was studied in April 1986. The horizontal and vertical distribution of eggs and larvae were analysed together with environmental data, in order to determine patterns of ichthyoplankton distribution. Both species composition and relative egg and larval abundance levels exhibited important latitudinal differences during a period of quiescent upwelling with an intense intrusion of Angolan water into the system. Larval diversity was higher in the northern part of the study area, where, because of the intrusion of the warmer Angolan water, the water column was more stratified than in the southern part, where the affect of upwelling of South Atlantic Central Water was continuous and only a few species spawned. The frontal zone appeared to be a nursery ground for the most important pelagic species of the region:Trachurus trachurus capensis, Engraulis capensis, andSardinops ocellatus. Vertical egg and larval distributions showed evidence of stratification, with highest concentrations located in the uppermost 50 m. In comparison, during periods of intense upwelling, longitudinal gradients were responsible for the horizontal distribution of ichthyoplankton, and the vertical distribution of eggs and larvae were much more extensive because of the greater mixing of the water column.  相似文献   

The establishment of symbiosis in early developmental stages is important for reef-building corals because of the need for photosynthetically derived nutrition. Corals spawn eggs and sperm, or brood planula larvae and shed them into the water. Some coral eggs or planulae directly inherit symbiotic dinoflagellates (Symbiodinium spp.) from their parents, while others acquire them at each generation. In most species examined to date, the larvae without dinoflagellates (aposymbiotic larvae) can acquire symbionts during the larval stage, but little is known regarding the timing and detailed process of the onset of symbiosis. We examined larval uptake of symbiotic dinoflagellates in nine species of scleractinian corals, the onset of symbiosis through the early larval stages, and the distribution pattern of symbionts within the larval host, while living and with histology, of two acroporid corals under laboratory conditions. The larvae acquired symbiotic dinoflagellates during the planktonic phase in all corals examined which included Acropora digitifera, A. florida, A. intermedia, A. tenuis, Isopora palifera, Favia pallida, F. lizardensis, Pseudosiderastrea tayamai, and Ctenactis echinata. The larvae of A. digitifera and A. tenuis first acquired symbionts 6 and 5 days after fertilization, respectively. In A. digitifera larvae, this coincided with the formation of an oral pore and coelenteron. The number of symbiotic dinoflagellates increased over the experimental periods in both species. To test the hypothesis that nutrients promotes symbiotic uptake, the number of incorporated dinoflagellates was compared in the presence and absence of homogenized Artemia sp. A likelihood ratio test assuming a log-linear model indicated that Artemia sp. had a significantly positive effect on symbiont acquisition. These results suggest that the acquisition of symbiotic dinoflagellates during larval stages is in common with many coral species, and that the development of both a mouth and coelenteron play important roles in symbiont acquisition.  相似文献   

Surface swarms of the stomatopod Oratosquilla investigatoris (Lloyd, 1907) were observed in the Gulf of Aden and the equatorial western Indian Ocean during 1967. Collections from inshore and offshore swarms were made in both areas, and from demersal trawl catches in the equatorial area. O. investigatoris was also collected from the stomachs of several species of oceanic pelagic and inshore fish from 1965 to 1967, and was also reported in the stomach contents of the lesser frigate bird. Further collections were made from strandings on two oceanic islands in the equatorial area. Indirect observations on the occurrence of the species resulted from increased predation on pelagic longline baits during seasos of apparent abundance of O. investigatoris in the equatorial region. At the surface, predation by the species was observed on fast-swiming fish, and the swimming behaviour was noted. A size range of 6 to 37 mm carapace length (CL) was recorded for the 4000 specimens collected, and there was no size difference between the sexes. Length-frequency analysis of the samples indicated a major mode at 19 to 21 mm CL and an increase in length of 3 mm over 3 months. The sex ratio was weighted in favour of females in the majority of collections. It was concluded that the pelagic swarming of O. investigatoris is an important ecological phenomenon, but not regular in the area, and the factors affecting it could not be deduced from the available data.  相似文献   

Abundance, stage composition and reproductive parameters (egg production, egg viability, proportion of spawning females) of the four copepod species Acartia clausi, Centropages hamatus, C. typicus and Temora longicornis were measured at the long term sampling station Helgoland Roads (German Bight, southern North Sea) from September 2003 to May 2004 to study their overwintering strategies. A. clausi was overwintering as females with arrested reproduction from November to January. T. longicornis, which is known to produce resting eggs in the North Sea, had a pelagic population with all developmental stages present during winter and reproductive rates closely related to food concentrations. Although their females produced eggs in response to ambient food conditions, both C. hamatus and C. typicus were rare in the pelagic. The C. hamatus population returned in May, probably from resting eggs, whereas C. typicus depended on advection. The Centropages species seemed to be less adapted to pelagic life in winter than A. clausi and T. longicornis. Sporadic occurrence of large numbers of nauplii and young copepodids of A. clausi and Centropages spp. pointed to different overwintering strategies or more successful survival in adjacent regions and advection of them into the waters around Helgoland island. While A. clausi was decoupled from environmental conditions in late autumn and winter, the other species were able to respond to variations in the food environment. Thus, egg production of T. longicornis increased during an unusual autumn diatom bloom.  相似文献   

We studied the winter dietary characteristics of two sympatric mysid species, Mysis mixta and M. relicta, which exploit both benthic and pelagic habitats during diel vertical migrations. Samples collected before and after the ice-covered period in the northern Baltic Sea were investigated using both stomach content analyses and stable isotope analyses of carbon and nitrogen. Both of the mysid species were omnivorous during winter and utilised both benthic and pelagic food sources. The main food source before the ice period was calanoid copepods (40 and 36% for M. mixta and M. relicta, respectively), and after ice-out calanoid copepods (23%) and zooplankton resting eggs (23%) for M. mixta and diatoms (44%) and calanoids (25%) for M. relicta. Their patterns of food utilisation broadly followed seasonal fluctuations in the abundance of the main prey groups. Although pelagic food availability is low in winter both mysid species utilised pelagic prey widely. We also show that when combining these different diet analysis methods it is important to take into account the time lag in isotopic signatures, otherwise the obtained results do not correspond but instead show the feeding history at different times.  相似文献   

Early development was examined, under various salinities, for two sympatric nereidid polychaetes, Hediste japonica and H. diadroma, which participated in a simultaneous reproductive swarming in an estuary of the Omuta-gawa River in Ariake Sea, Japan. The eggs of both species were isotonic to the medium of 27.5–30 psu salinity. The egg diameter in the isotonic salinity was 180–205 μm in H. japonica, and 130–160 μm in H. diadroma. Successful development of most embryos was observed in a salinity range of 22.5–30 psu in both species, while successful fertilization occurred in wider ranges of salinity, i.e., 10–34 psu in H. japonica and 10 to 30 psu in H. diadroma. In both species, free-swimming larval life started from the indistinct hatching of trochophores out of a jelly layer capsule. The lecithotrophic development appeared to run to the 4-setiger nectochaetes in H. japonica, while to 3-setiger nectochaetes in H. diadroma, resulting in a shorter pelagic larval life in H. japonica. In a comparison of larval morphology among Hediste species, we found a definite negative correlation between the prostomium width, which represents the larval size and depends on egg size, and relative length of chaetae to the prostomium width: the relative length of chaetae was the longest in H. diadroma (with the smallest egg size and long pelagic life), intermediate in H. japonica (intermediate egg size, short pelagic life), and the shortest in H. atoka (largest egg size, no true pelagic life). We also examined the possibility of hybridization between H. japonica and H. diadroma through cross-insemination experiments. The gametes of the two species were reciprocally compatible, and viable hybrid offspring were produced by the laboratory crosses. The hybrid larvae expressed intermediate phenotypes, but with a greater maternal influence in characteristics such as the relative length of chaetae and the lecithotrophic larval duration.  相似文献   

In variable environments, organisms are bound to track environmental changes if they are to survive. Most marine mammals and seabirds are colonial, central-place foragers with long-term breeding-site fidelity. When confronted with environmental change, such species are potentially constrained in their ability to respond to these changes. For example, if environmental conditions deteriorate within their limited foraging range, long-lived species favour adult survival and abandon their current breeding effort, which ultimately influences population dynamics. Should poor conditions persist over several seasons, breeding-site fidelity may force animals to continue breeding in low-quality habitats instead of emigrating towards more profitable grounds. We assessed the behavioural response of a site-faithful central-place forager, the Cape gannet Morus capensis, endemic to the Benguela upwelling system, to a rapid shift in the distribution and abundance of its preferred prey, small pelagic shoaling fish. We studied the distribution and the abundance of prey species, and the diet, foraging distribution, foraging effort, energy requirements, and breeding success of gannets at Malgas Island (South Africa) over four consecutive breeding seasons. Facing a rapid depletion of preferred food within their foraging range, Cape gannets initially increased their foraging effort in search of their natural prey. However, as pelagic fish became progressively scarcer, breeding birds resorted to scavenging readily available discards from a nearby demersal fishery. Their chicks cannot survive on such a diet, and during our 4-year study, numbers of breeding birds at the colony decreased by 40% and breeding success of the remaining birds was very low. Such behavioural inflexibility caused numbers of Cape gannets breeding in Namibia to crash by 95% following over-fishing of pelagic fish in the 1970s. In the context of rapid environmental changes, breeding-site fidelity of long-lived species may increase the risk of local or even global extinction, rendering these species particularly vulnerable to global change.  相似文献   

Nitrogen excretion rates of demersal macrozooplankton were measured together with nitrogen concentrations in the water column and sediments in lagoons of Heron Reef and One Tree Reef, Great Barrier Reef, Australia, during August and November 1991. Excretion rates increased with body weight, and weight-specific excretion rates of the demersal macrozooplankton were comparable to those of pelagic zooplankton and meiofauna in the Great Barrier Reef. Values of demersal macrozooplankton abundance from previous studies and excretion rates from this study were combined to estimate fluxes of ammonium from demersal macrozooplankton in coral reef lagoons. The estimated fluxes in the water column and sediments were 12 M NH4 m-2 d-1 and 34 M NH4 m-2d-1, respectively. These fluxes were compared with reported fluxes of ammonium in coral reef lagoons in the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. The estimated flux from the demersal macrozooplankton in the water column was 29 and 9% of those reported for microheterotroph regeneration and phytoplankton utilization, respectively. It was 10% of the reported advective flux during periods of low advection and 13% of the maximum efflux from sediments computed from diffusion models. The estimated flux from the demersal macrozooplankton in the sediments exceeded those reported for meiofauna, and was 5 to 32% and 2 to 13% of those reported for ammonification and utilization in sediments, respectively. The potential importance of demersal macrozooplankton in mediating sediment-water column exchanges in the absence of diffusive effluxes and when they swarm is discussed.  相似文献   

Diets of the demersal fishes on the shelf off Iwate,northern Japan   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Diets of demersal fishes were determined on the shelf (ca. 130 m deep) off Iwate, Japan. Samples were taken in three different types of habitat, an artificial reef (AR) site, a natural reef (NR) site, and sandymud bottom (SB) site, from May 1987 to September 1991, mostly every two months. A total of 67 prey items were recognized in the stomachs of 45 predator fish species. The most important preys were the pelagic fishes Sardinops melanostictus and Engraulis japonicus, which comprised 37% wet wt of the overall stomach contents. The percentage of pelagic fishes was highest at AR site, where fish density was highest. The dominant ten species could be divided into five feeding types. The pelagic fish feeders Physiculus maximowiczi and Gadus macrocephalus fed mainly on S. melanostictus. The dietary breadth of P. maximowiczi was wide, while that of Gadus macrocephalus was narrow. The pelagic crustacean feeder Theragra chalcogramma mostly consumed Themisto japonica and euphausiids and showed the least dietary overlap with other fishes. Benthic fish feeders were Hemitripterus villosus and Liparis tanakai. The benthic crustacean feeders Alcichthys alcicornis and Hexagrammos otakii consumed benthic crustaceans as well as pelagic and benthic fishes and showed the largest dietary breadth. The benthic invertebrate feeders Gymnocanthus intermedius, Dexistes rikuzenius and Tanakius kitaharai fed mainly on polychaetes and benthic crustaceans. But Gymnocanthus intermedius consumed a significant proportion of pelagic fishes. Ontogenetic dietary shift was recognized for these fishes. Pelagic fishes were consumed more intensively by larger individuals, especially true of A. alcicornis, Theragra chalcogramma and Gadus macrocephalus. Predominancy of the two most adundant species, P. maximowiczi and A. alcicornis, may be supported by their wide dietary breadth and the significant proportion of pelagic fish in their diets. Interspecific dietary overlap was low in most cases suggesting that food resources were well partitioned, although some high overlap was observed among the pelagic fish feeders, A. alcicornis, and Gymnocanthus intermedius, and among the benthic invertebrate feeders. Interspecific competition seemed more likely in the benthic invertebrate feeders than in the pelagic fish feeders partly because of superabundance of the pelagic prey S. melanostictus.  相似文献   

Ecosystem-focused models have, for the first time, become available for the combined demersal and pelagic components of a large tropical lake ecosystem, Lake Malawi. These provide the opportunity to explore continuing controversies over the production efficiencies and ecological functioning of large tropical lakes. In Lake Malawi these models can provide important insight to the effect of fishing on fish composition, and the potential competition that the lakefly Chaoborus edulis may have with fisheries production. A mass-balanced trophic model developed for the demersal fish community of the southern and western areas of Lake Malawi was integrated with an existing trophic model developed for the open-water pelagic. Input parameters for the demersal model were obtained from a survey of fish distributions, fish food consumption studies, and from additional published quantitative and qualitative information on the various biotic components of the community. The model was constructed using the Ecopath approach and software. The graphically presented demersal food web spanned four trophic levels and was based primarily on consumption of detritus, zooplankton and sedimented diatoms. Zooplankton was imported into the system at trophic levels three and four through fish predation on carnivorous and herbivorous copepods and Chaoborus larvae. It is proposed that the primary consumption of copepods was by fish migrating into the pelagic zone. Chaoborus larvae in the demersal were probably consumed near the lakebed as they conducted a daily migration from the pelagic to seek refuge in the sediments. This evidence for strong benthic-pelagic coupling provided the opportunity for linking the demersal model to the existing model for the pelagic community so producing the first model for the complete ecosystem. Energy fluxes through the resulting combined model demonstrated that the primary import of biomass to the demersal system was detritus of pelagic origin (72.1%) and pelagic zooplankton (10.6%). Only 15.8% of the biomass consumed within the demersal system was of demersal origin. Lakefly production is efficiently utilised by the lake fish community, and any attempt to improve fishery production through introduction of a non-native plantivorous fish species would have a negative impact on the stability and productivity of the lake ecosystem.  相似文献   

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