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The contaminant transport distance is predicted using numerical model. Zero-valent iron can be used to effectively transform nitrobenzene to aniline. Experiment shows that two-layer PRB systems have a very good treatment effect. Organic contamination of groundwater is a major concern in China. However, remediation technology for groundwater contamination to address the potential harm and danger brought by the above-mentioned serious issue is still in the research stage. This study aims to improve the current research findings. In the research project, drilling, soil, and groundwater sampling and analysis were conducted in a contamination site of a petrochemical plant, migration of contaminants to the river was predicted using a numerical model, the sequence permeable reactive barrier (PRB) for treating nitrobenzene (NB) and benzene was proposed, and simulation was carried out. Research findings demonstrated that three leaking locations had been identified in the plant, the major pollutants were NB and benzene, and the groundwater contamination area was around 640000 m2. Computation results of the numerical model indicated that, in the worst case, the groundwater plume would reach the river after migration for nearly 9 years, which would endanger the safety of surface water supply. Furthermore, the two-PRB system with the filling of zero-valent iron (ZVI) and granular activated carbon attached with biofilm exerted strong remediation effects. Experimental results indicated that ZVI could transform NB to aniline effectively with a rate of approximately 93%. Meanwhile, aniline, benzene, and other organic pollutants could easily be biodegraded.  相似文献   

This paper considers the extent to which farmers should be held liable for groundwater contamination from agricultural pesticides. The problem is first viewed as a standard tort and then as a case of product liability, where the question of shifting liability to the manufacturer of the pesticide is considered. The results suggest that, when the problem is viewed as a case of product liability, farmer exemptions from liability can still lead to efficient levels of pesticide use, provided appropriate application methods keyed to site characteristics can be ensured through regulation or other means.  相似文献   

In this study two sites were selected in order to investigate groundwater contamination and spatial relationships among groundwater quality, topography, geology, landuse and pollution sources. One site is the Asan area, an agricultural district where pollution sources are scattered and which is mainly underlain by granite of Cretaceous age. The other site is the Gurogu area of Seoul city, an industrial district where an industrial complex and residential areas are located and which is mainly underlain by gneiss of Precambrian age. Groundwater samples collected from these districts were analysed for chemical constituents. An attribute value files of chemical constituents of groundwater and the spatial data layers were constructed and pollution properties were investigated to establish out spatial relationships between the groundwater constituents and pollution sources using geographic information systems (GIS).Relatively high contents of Si and HCO3 in the groundwater from the Asan area reflect the effect of water–rock interaction whereas high contents of Cl, NO3 and Ca2+ in the groundwater from the Gurogu area are due to the pollution of various sources. The significant seasonal variation of SiO2, HCO2 and Ca2+ contents, and that of Ca2+ content were observed in the Asan and the Gurogu areas, respectively. Seasonal variation of pollutants such as Cl, NO3 and SO4 2– was not observed in either area. Pollution over the critical level of the Korean drinking water standard has been investigated from 15 sampling sites out of 40 in the Asan area, and 33 sampling sites out of 51 in the Gurogu area. Pollution by NO3 , Cl, Fe2+, Mn2+, SO4 2– and Zn2+ in the groundwater from the industrial district (Gurogu area) and that of NO3 , SO4 2– and Zn2+ in the groundwater from the agricultural district (Asan area) were observed. The principal pollutant in both areas is NO3 . Deep groundwater from the Asan area is not yet contaminated with NO3 except for one site, but most of the shallow groundwater site occurring near the potential point sources is seriously contaminated. From the result of buffering analysis, it seems clear that factories and stock farms are the principal pollution sources in the Asan area. The groundwater from the Gurogu area has already been seriously polluted considering the fact of NO3 contamination of deep groundwater. Chlorine pollution of shallow groundwater in the Gurogu area was also observed. Spatial relationship between pollution level and its source was clarified in this study by using GIS, which will be applicable to the effective management of groundwater quality.  相似文献   

The adverse impact of groundwater contaminated with arsenic (As) on humans has been reported worldwide, particularly in Asian countries. In this study, we present an overview of the As crisis in the Southeast Asian region where groundwater is contaminated with naturally occurring As and where contamination has become more widespread in recent years. In this region more than 100 million people are estimated to be at risk from groundwater As contamination, and some 700,000 people are known so far to have been affected by As-related diseases. Despite investments exceeding many millions of dollars, there are still substantial knowledge gaps about the prevalence and impact of As, notably in its epidemiology, temporal variations, social factors, patient identification, treatment, etc. Arsenic-affected people in the affected regions also face serious social problems. Of major concern is the fact that many researchers from different countries have been conducting research in SE Asia region but with a lack of coordination, thus duplicating their work. There is an urgent need to coordinate these various studies to ensure better delivery of research outcomes. Further research is needed to improve field testing and monitoring of drinking water sources, and to develop new treatments for chronic As toxicity and new sources of safe drinking water.  相似文献   

Specific anthropogenic substances derived from seepage and leakage water from a waste deposit landfill were analysed in groundwater and drainage effluents using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Here, we demonstrate the application of an organic marker approach to study lateral and vertical distribution of contamination as well as the long-term emission behaviour. Source-specific and environmentally-stable pesticides, plasticisers and pharmaceuticals, such as N,N-diethyl toluamide, N-butyl benzene sulfonamide, clofibric acid, mecoprop and bisphenol A, were quantitatively analysed. A distinct lateral expansion was detected. Although temporal variations were high, no significant trend was observed.  相似文献   

Environmental Geochemistry and Health - This study aimed to determine the status of groundwater contamination with faecal coliform and nitrate in the rural areas of Mardan district, Pakistan. Both...  相似文献   

华北平原地下水有机污染特征初步分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
各种污染造成地下水中有害物质逐年增加,地下水水质逐渐下降,严重危及了饮用水安全。针对此情况,按照相关的要求,采集了245组水样。样品由有资质的测试单位测定。依据对地下水质调查的初步分析,华北平原地下水中已有机物检出。对所有水样测试结果的统计显示:检出的有机污染物共有32种。检出率大于4.5%的有氯仿、甲苯、四氯乙烯、苯并[a]芘、氯苯、苯和1,2-二氯苯,其中个别水样中的四氯化碳、苯并[a]芘和挥发性酚类三项超过了饮用水标准(据地下水质量标准报批稿,中国地质调查局,2007),超标率分别为1.22%、2.45%和1.90%。个别在深层地下水样品中也检出了微量有机污染物,这可能与取样井的混合开采、止水不佳有关。从区域上来看,在人类活动相对强烈的城镇地区地下水中,有机物检出率相对较高,特别是在渗透性好的山前地带,污染物较易进入到地下水中。通过分析发现,地下水有机物的高检出率与地下水硬度的升高有一定相关性。由于地下水有机污染在时间和空间上差异一般较大,建议对已发现的异常点进行重复取样测试,积累水质数据,以利于将来的综合分析。  相似文献   

Groundwater arsenic (As) load in excess of drinking limit (50 µg L?1) in the Gangetic Plains was first detected in 2002. Though the menace was known since about two decades from the downstream part of the plains in the Bengal Basin, comprising of Lower Ganga Plain and deltaic plains of Ganga–Brahmaputra–Meghna River system, little thought was given to its possible threat in the upstream parts in the Gangetic Plains beyond Garo-Rajmahal Hills. The contamination in Bengal Basin has become one of the extensively studied issues in the world and regarded as the severest case of health hazard in the history of mankind. The researches and investigations in the Gangetic Plains during the last decade (2003–2013) revealed that the eastern half of the plains, also referred as Middle Ganga Plain (MGP), is particularly affected by contamination, jeopardising the shallow aquifer-based drinking water supply. The present paper reviews researches and investigations carried out so far in MGP by various research institutes and government departments on wide array of issues of groundwater As such as its spatio-temporal variation, mobilisation paths, water level behaviour and flow regime, configuration of contaminated and safe aquifers and their recharge mechanism. Elevated conc. of groundwater As has been observed in grey and dark grey sediments of Holocene age (Newer Alluvium) deposited in a fluvio-lacustrine environment in the floodplain of the Ganga and most of its northern tributaries from Himalayas. Older Alluvium, comprising Pleistocene brownish yellow sediment, extending as deeper aquifers in Newer Alluvium areas, is low in groundwater As. Similarities and differences on issues between the MGP and the Bengal Basin have been discussed. The researches point towards the mobilisation process as reductive dissolution of iron hydroxide coating, rich in adsorbed As, mediated by microbial processes. The area is marked with shallow water level (<8.0 m below ground) with ample monsoonal recharge. The infiltrated rainwater and percolating water from surface water bodies carry organic carbon from sediments (particularly from the clay plugs in abandoned channels), abetting microbial processes, spread of anoxic front and release of As.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to assess fluoride (Fl) concentration in groundwater in some villages of central Rajasthan, India, where groundwater is the main source of drinking water. Water samples collected from deep aquifer-based hand pumps were analyzed for Fl content. Fluoride in groundwater of 121 habitations of Bhilwara tehsil of Bhilwara district of Rajasthan was determined to examine the potential Fl-induced toxicity in rural locations. Fluoride concentrations in the tehsil ranged from 0.5 to 5.8 mg/l. In the tehsil, 69 villages (57%) were found to have Fl concentration beyond the maximum desirable limit recommended in Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), 10500, 1991. Fifty-eight percent population of these villages was under the threat of fluorosis. One percent population of tehsil living in two villages ingested more than 5 mg/l Fl in each liter of drinking water and at maximal risk for dental and skeletal fluorosis. 142 individuals of these villages were examined for fluorosis. Data indicated that only four individuals (2.82%) did not exhibit dental fluorosis. Most individuals were found to suffer from mild (34.51% or 49 individuals) and moderate (31.69% or 45 individuals) fluorosis. Severe dental fluorosis was recorded in only 16 individuals (11.27%). In 104 individuals above 21 years of age examined for the prevalence of skeletal fluorosis, 66 were positive for skeletal fluorosis with a maximum 36.5% with grade I skeletal fluorosis. Grade II skeletal fluorosis was recorded in 28 individuals (26.9%). Data in this study demonstrate that there is a need to take ameliorative steps in this region to prevent fluorosis.  相似文献   

在新疆焉耆盆地平原区采集了42组地下水水样,检测有机污染物共计39项.对所有水样测试结果的统计显示,焉耆盆地平原区地下水中检出的有机污染物共有3种,分别是三氯甲烷、1,2-二氯乙烷和1,2-二氯苯,检出率分别为30.95%、2.38%和2.38%,检出的3项有机污染物含量均低于饮用水标准;不同含水层类型的有机污染物检出率为潜水(50.00%)深层承压水(33.33%)浅层承压水(27.27%);不同土地利用类型的有机污染物检出率为牧草地(42.86%)耕地(34.48%)建设用地(16.67%);有机污染物14个检出点大部分分布在包气带岩性为亚黏土(41.18%)与亚砂土(40.00%)的区域,其余分布在包气带岩性为砂砾石(20.00%)的区域;地下水中检出的有机污染物不是来自于地表水的补给;深层承压水检测出有机污染物是由于有机污染物垂向渗透污染以及地下水混合开采、止水不佳所致.  相似文献   

Several million people are exposed to fluoride (F?) via drinking water in the world. Current review emphasized the elevated level of fluoride concentrations in the groundwater and associated potential health risk globally with a special focus on Pakistan. Millions of people are deeply dependent on groundwater from different countries of the world encompassing with an elevated level of fluoride. The latest estimates suggest that around 200 million people, from among 25 nations the world over, are under the dreadful fate of fluorosis. India and China, the two most populous countries of the world, are the worst affected. In Pakistan, fluoride data of 29 major cities are reviewed and 34% of the cities show fluoride levels with a mean value greater than 1.5 mg/L where Lahore, Quetta and Tehsil Mailsi are having the maximum values of 23.60, 24.48, > 5.5 mg/L, respectively. In recent years, however, other countries have minimized, even eliminated its use due to health issues. High concentration of fluoride for extended time period causes adverse effects of health such as skin lesions, discoloration, cardiovascular disorders, dental fluorosis and crippling skeletal fluorosis. This review deliberates comprehensive strategy of drinking water quality in the global scenario of fluoride contamination, especially in Pakistan with prominence on major pollutants, mitigation technologies, sources of pollution and ensuing health problems. Considering these verities, health authorities urgently need to establish alternative means of water decontamination in order to prevent associated health problems.  相似文献   

We undertook a quantitative estimation of health risks to residents living in the Slovak Republic and exposed to contaminated groundwater (ingestion by adult population) and/or soils (ingestion by adult and child population). Potential risk areas were mapped to give a visual presentation at basic administrative units of the country (municipalities, districts, regions) for easy discussion with policy and decision-makers. The health risk estimates were calculated by US EPA methods, applying threshold values for chronic risk and non-threshold values for cancer risk. The potential health risk was evaluated for As, Ba, Cd, Cu, F, Hg, Mn, NO3 ?, Pb, Sb, Se and Zn for groundwater and As, B, Ba, Be, Cd, Cu, F, Hg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se and Zn for soils. An increased health risk was identified mainly in historical mining areas highly contaminated by geogenic–anthropogenic sources (ore deposit occurrence, mining, metallurgy). Arsenic and antimony were the most significant elements in relation to health risks from groundwater and soil contamination in the Slovak Republic contributing a significant part of total chronic risk levels. Health risk estimation for soil contamination has highlighted the significance of exposure through soil ingestion in children. Increased cancer risks from groundwater and soil contamination by arsenic were noted in several municipalities and districts throughout the country in areas with significantly high arsenic levels in the environment. This approach to health risk estimations and visualization represents a fast, clear and convenient tool for delineation of risk areas at national and local levels.  相似文献   

通过农户问卷调查和地下水田间取样分析 ,主要对河北省藁城市蔬菜种植区的化肥施用与地下水硝酸盐污染现状进行了研究。结果表明 :2 0 0 1年藁城市蔬菜种植区化肥施用纯量为 1 4 0 8.6kg·hm-2 ,其中氮肥施用纯量为 84 0 .8kg·hm-2 ;藁城市各蔬菜种植模式下氮肥施用量由高到低的顺序依次为大棚 >温室 >中棚 >小棚 >地膜 >露地 ;温室、中棚和露地蔬菜区地下水硝酸盐含量最高值出现在 8月 ,而地膜蔬菜区则在 1 1月 ;各蔬菜种植模式对地下水影响的大小顺序为地膜 >中棚 >温室 >露地 ,影响因素主要有密集度、种植模式、种植年限、氮肥施用量和土壤质地等。  相似文献   

Dynamic programming is applied to a relatively simple economic and hydrologic model of a confined aquifer system in Southwest Montana to determine an optimal interseasonal allocation schedule. The derived decision rule demonstrates the economic advantage of maintaining a confined groundwater system. While localized intraseasonal loss of the artesian pressure may occur, it is important to maintain this pressure from year to year because of its role in reducing extraction costs. The welfare gap, as measured by differences in the net present value of economic returns to the basin under an optimal use policy versus an uncontrolled, “common pool” situation, is not trivial. Sensitivity analysis indicates that assumptions about uniformity of land productivity, vis-à-vis their impact on the shape of the returns function, the discount rate, and the level of electric power rates are particularly critical with respect to the magnitude of the commonality problem.  相似文献   

A model for heavy metal contamination of crops and ground water was set up and tested. It was found possible to use the model to predict the heavy metal concentration in crops.The model indicates that Pb is limiting the use of sludge as a soil conditioner, and that in most cases, contamination of crops seems to be a greater danger than contamination of ground water. However, when soil with a high humus or clay content is used at a pH close to 7.00, municipal sludge can be used in considerable quantities without danger.  相似文献   

Radon concentration was measured in water samples of 41 different locations from Udhampur district of Jammu & Kashmir, India, by using RAD7 and Smart RnDuo monitor. The variation of radon concentration in water ranged from 1.44 ± 0.31 to 63.64 ± 2.88 Bq L?1, with a mean value of 28.73 Bq L?1 using RAD7 and 0.64 ± 0.28 to 52.65 ± 2.50 Bq L?1, with a mean value of 20.30 Bq L?1 using Smart RnDuo monitor, respectively. About 17.07% of the studied water samples recorded to display elevated radon concentration above the reference range suggested by United Nation Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiations (UNSCEAR). The mean annual effective dose of these samples was determined, and 78.95% samples were found to be within the safe limits set by World Health Organisation (WHO) and European Council (EU). The study revealed good agreement between the values obtained with two methods. Heavy metals (Zn, Cd, Fe, Cu, Ni, As, Hg, Co, Pb and Cr) were determined in water samples by microwave plasma atomic emission spectrometer, and their correlation with radon content was also analysed.  相似文献   

The problems of contamination caused by arsenic (As) and other toxic metals in groundwater, surface water and soils in the Bengal basin of Bangladesh have been studied. Altogether 10 groundwater, seven surface water and 31 soil samples were collected from arsenic-affected areas and analysed chemically. The geologic and anthropogenic sources of As and other toxic metals are discussed in this paper. The chemical results show that the mean As concentrations in groundwater in the Char Ruppur (0.253mg As L–1), Rajarampur (1.955mg As L–1) and Shamta areas (0.996mg As L–1) greatly exceed the WHO recommended value, which is 0.01mg As L–1. The concentrations of As in groundwater are very high compared to those in surface water and in surface soil in the three (As-affected) areas studied. This indicates that the source of As in groundwater could be bedrock. The relatively high concentrations of Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn in surface water, compared to world typical value, are due to the solubility of metal ions, organometalic complexes, coprecipitation or co-existance with the colloidal clay fraction. In the soil, the elevated concentrations of As, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn are due to their strong affinity to organic matter, hydrous oxides of Fe and Mn, and clay minerals.  相似文献   

A model for the accumulation of mercury in four compartments of woodland stream has been set up. The four components considered are sediments, detritus, invertebrates and fish. The model inputs are concentrations of dissolved monomethyl mercury and dissolved inorganic mercury (Hg2+) in the water. The model predicts that some reevaluation of current safe mercury concentrations in water may be needed in order to keep mercury concentrations in fish below current actions levels.  相似文献   

A composite membrane bioreactor (CMBR) integrating the immobilized cell technique and the membrane separation technology was developed for groundwater denitrification. The CMBR had two well mixed compartments with one filled with the nitrate- containing influent and the other with a dilute ethanol solution; the compartments were separated by the composite membrane consisting of a microporous membrane facing the influent and an immobilized cell membrane facing the ethanol solution. Nitrate and ethanol molecules diffused from the respective compartments into the immobilized cell membrane where nitrate was reduced to gaseous nitrogen by the denitrifying bacteria present there with ethanol as the carbon source. The microporous membrane was attached to one side of the immobilized cell membrane for retention of the disaggregated bacteria. Relative to the single dose of external ethanol, the two-dose supplementation produced better treatment results as evidenced by the lower concentrations of NO3--N and ethanol (as measured by total organic carbon) of the effluent. The batch treatment in CMBR removed most of the nitrate in the influent and attained a stable denitrification rate of 0.1 g·m-2·h-1 for most of the 96-h cycles during the 30-cycle study. The effluent was essentially free of ethanol and nitrite nitrogen.  相似文献   

The contamination characteristics of arsenic and other trace elements in groundwater and the potential risks of arsenic from the groundwater were investigated. Elevated contamination of arsenic, barium and manganese was observed in tube-well water of two villages (Chuyen Ngoai and Chau Giang) in Ha Nam province in the Northern Vietnam. Concentrations of As in the groundwater ranged from 12.8 to 884 µg/L with mean values in Chuyen Ngoai and Chau Giang were 614.7 and 160.1 µg/L, respectively. About 83 % of these samples contained As concentrations exceeding WHO drinking water guideline of 10 μg/L. The mean values of Mn and Ba in groundwater from Chuyen Ngoai and Chau Giang were 300 and 657 μg/L and 650 and 468 μg/L, respectively. The mean value of Ba concentration in groundwater in both Chuyen Ngoai and Chau Giang was about 22 % of the samples exceeded the WHO guideline (700 µg/L). Arsenic concentrations in human urine of residents from Chuyen Ngoai and Chau Giang were the range from 8.6 to 458 µg/L. The mean values of Mn and Ba in human urine of local people from Chuyen Ngoai were 46.9 and 62.8 μg/L, respectively, while those in people from Chau Giang were 25.9 and 45.9 μg/L, respectively. The average daily dose from ingesting arsenic for consuming both untreated and treated groundwater is from 0.02 to 11.5 and 0.003 to 1.6 μg/kg day, respectively. Approximately, 57 % of the families using treated groundwater and 64 % of the families using untreated groundwater could be affected by elevated arsenic exposure.  相似文献   

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