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Recent studies have suggested that conflicts of interests between the sexes may lead to variation in copulation behavior among pairs. We examined differences in the rate and timing of copulation solicitations and copulations among females of different mating status in the facultatively polygynous starling in an attempt to explain why females copulate repeatedly with their mate. All within-pair copulations were female-solicited indicating that females control copulations in the starling. Before egg laying, females solicited copulations at a high rate (usually more than 2 per hour). In contrast to most other species studied so far, females continued to solicit copulations throughout the egg laying period, and also solicited after egg laying (the latest solicitation occurred when the nestlings were 4 days old). Primary females solicited more copulations than monogamous females both during and after the fertile period. Many copulation solicitations of primary females occurred at the nestbox where their male was singing to obtain an extra female. Both primary and secondary females solicited more copulations after the egg-laying period than monogamous females. A large proportion of female copulation solicitations was refused by the male partner: female solicitation resulted in more male refusals in primary females than in monogamous females. Primary females were more likely to be chased aggressively when they solicited a copulation than monogamous females; most aggressive chases occurred when primary females flew towards their male to solicit copulation when he was singing at another nestbox. Overall, our results demonstrate that there is a conflict over copulation between males and females in polygynous pairs. The conflict presumably relates to the cost of sharing male parental investment: females use copulation solicitation behavior to interrupt their singing males apparently in an attempt to prevent them from becoming polygynous. We present the first empirical evidence that female songbirds use copulation solicitation behavior as a form of mate guarding, often in a non-reproductive context. We did not find a positive relationship between copulation rate during the fertile period and the amount of male parental care as is predicted by the paternity confidence hypothesis.  相似文献   

Despite a great number of studies on extra-pair paternity in birds, the actual roles of males and females in extra-pair contacts is poorly understood, as detailed behavioural studies comparing the reproductive performance of the two sexes prior to egg laying are relatively scarce. Here, we investigated mating behaviour (copulations and aggressive interactions), time budget and body condition (size-adjusted body mass and baseline corticosterone level) in the little auk (Alle alle), a monogamous and highly colonial, Arctic seabird. We performed the study in a large breeding colony of the little auk in Hornsund (Spitsbergen). We found that the males frequently attempted extra-pair copulations (EPCs), although these contacts were almost always unsuccessful, mostly because of the females’ rejection behaviour. These results clearly indicate that genetic monogamy is maintained through female control. Nevertheless, males tried to protect their paternity by staying in close proximity to their females and aggressively intervening when their mates became involved in EPCs. Compared to females, males also spent more time in the colony guarding nest sites. Despite the apparent sex differences in the time budget and frequency of aggressive interactions, body condition was similar in the two sexes, indicating comparable parental investments during the mating period.  相似文献   

Summary Both male and female swallows Hirundo rustica have a mixed reproductive strategy (parental care for offspring and extra-pair couplations). Mate guarding protects females from male harassment and male swallows from being cuckolded. Females hide their fertile period by copulating successfully with their mates for an extended period during first clutches. Males guard in the pre-fertile period, when many unpaired males are present. Early breeding swallows guard more than late breeders since more sexual chases of females by non-mate males take place in the early period. Solitarily breeding females experience few chases by strange males; copulation frequency, length of copulation period and mate guarding is adjusted to a lower level than among colonial birds. Male guarding activity is more intense in the fertile than in the pre-fertile period. Guarding reduces success of extra-pair copulation attempts.Three female swallows each paired and copulated with a single male and later changed to a new male before starting to breed. Extra-pair copulations most often take place between neighbouring swallows in the fertile period of the female. Many old, early breeding males and many young, late breeding females participate in extra-pair couplations. Successful extra-pair copulations peak in the fertile period contrary to success of pair copulations which does not change during the copulation period.  相似文献   

Summary In many odonates, females mate with more than one male while laying a single clutch of eggs. We studied paternity of eggs laid by remated females of Leucorrhinia intacta, a small libellulid dragonfly, at a pond near Syracuse, NY, USA. The probability of a female remating is a function of male density on the pond. The length of copulations differs considerably among males active on the study pond at the same time. Much of this variation was correlated with differences in mating tactics of the males; copulations by males that stayed on their territories during copulation were shorter than those by other males (Fig. 2). Eggs collected from females mated to irradiated, sterile males and to free-living, fertile males indicated that the average paternity expectation was higher for long than for short copulations, and that the variance in paternity expectation was lower for long than for short copulations. Some possible causes of the high variation in paternity at low copulation durations and possible reasons for differences in copulation duration between male mating tactics are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Badge size, which functions as a signal of dominance status in male house sparrows Passer domesticus, was significantly related to their sexual behavior. Males with large badges participated in communal displays (multi-male chases directed towards single females) more often than males with small badges, irrespective of whether the female involved was the male's mate or not. Experimentally released females were more often chased if they were fertile than if they were nonfertile. Estradiol-implanted females were chased more often than control females without a hormone implant, and males with large badges chased estradiol-implanted females more often than did males with small badges. Both forced extra-pair copulations during communal displays and unforced extra-pair copulations were more often achieved by males with large than small badges. Male house sparrows with large badges also copulated with their mates at a higher rate than did males with small badges. A higher certainty of paternity therefore is hypothetized to accrue to male house sparrows with large badges.  相似文献   

The optimal mating system is rarely the same for males and females—whereas males usually benefit from attracting additional females to the territory, this could incur costs for the resident female. Females should therefore prevent prospecting females from settling on the territory. We studied the male and female behavioral and hormonal responses to simulated female territorial intrusions in free-living bluethroats during the pre-laying period. In the study population, polygyny occurs with potential fitness costs for the resident female. We recorded different aspects of aggressive behavior before and after presentation of a live female decoy and playback of female song. These behaviors were compared with a set of intrusions using a male decoy. At the end of a trial, the birds were captured, and blood samples were analyzed for androstenedione, testosterone, estradiol and corticosterone. During the pre-intrusion period, none of the females were observed. Females generally responded strongly to the female decoy by increased flight rate, vocalizations, and by conspicuous perching. Nearly half of the males displayed to the female decoy but never while the resident female was present. We suggest that resident female aggression in bluethroats prevents courtship by her mate and signals her mating status to the female intruder. Female aggression could therefore prevent additional females to settle on the territory and shape the mating system. Females that responded with song had higher levels of estradiol. These findings suggest that estradiol may support aggression in breeding female birds.  相似文献   

Thirteen pairs of blue-footed boobies (Sula nebouxii) were observed on their colony. Pairs courted frequently and, on average, copulated 24 times during the 30 days before laying, with 38% of those copulations occurring in the last 5 days (presumed fertile period). Males and females increased attendance at the nest site as laying approached. Seven females performed an average seven extra-pair copulations, with 1–2 paired male neighbors, but these were less concentrated in the presumed fertile period than within-pair copulations, and the last two copulations of all 7 females were with their social mates. Rates of female extra-pair copulations were six times lower when their social mate was present, and during the presumed fertile period, no female performed an extra-pair copulation in the presence of her mate. Males did not respond to infidelity of social mates with aggression, prompt copulation, retaliatory copulation, or increase in copulation. Seven of 13 males performed an average of five extra-pair copulations, with 1–3 paired female neighbors, before their own mates began egg-laying. The males' extra-pair copulations represented only 4% of their total copulations during their own mates' presumed fertile periods. Females, the larger sex, apparently control sexual access and copulate with extra males to achieve extra-pair fertilization. Males pursue a mixed strategy: they copulate with extra females, mostly outside their own mate's presumed fertile period, and they copulate increasingly with their social mate as laying approaches, probably assuring some paternity by mate guarding, involving attendance and courtship. Behavior of males and females is also consistent with other hypotheses for extensive joint nest site attendance: pairbonding, copulation access, and territory acquisition. Received: 14 November 1997 / Accepted after revision: 16 May 1998  相似文献   

Summary The influence of resident females on the settling patterns of subsequent females was examined for marsh wrens (Cistothorus palustris). Proportionally more females responded to a playback of a female intruder during the pre-laying stage than during the laying and incubation stages. The strength of the response was also greatest during pre-laying and laying stages (Table 1). Female wrens did not settle randomly with respect to the presence of other females, but rather settled with bachelor males more often than predicted by chance (Table 3). Female settlement within territories was more asynchronous than settlement between territories. An attempt to fit these data to two models of female settlement suggested that prospecting females were not displaced by residents, but rather avoided settling with mated males (Table 3). Females within territories were also more dispersed than predicted by chance, a pattern that may be enforced through aggression on the part of the resident female. Staggered settlement reduces the overlap in nestling stages of harem mates and so may be a strategy to reduce competition for resources at this critical stage.  相似文献   

Summary Copulation in Lygaeus equestris L. (Heteroptera, Lygaeidae) is known to last 0.5–24 h. Variations in copula duration of field-collected insects were studied in the laboratory, and different hypotheses concerning the significance of prolonged copulations were tested.Through reciprocal matings with normal and sterile (irradiated) males, sperm displacement was estimated at about 90%. A male could thus increase his fitness by preventing subsequent matings of an inseminated female.Copulations with virgin insects, observed over 15 h, were classified in two categories: short (0.5–8.0 h) and long (> 15 h) duration (Fig. 1). No difference in the number of fertilized eggs was found between long and short copulations, and the insemination rate was highest during the first hour of a couplation (Fig. 2). Long-lasting couplations did not give rise to increased sperm displacement (Table 2). These results indicate that there is no difference in the amount of sperm transferred during short and long copulations and that no insemination takes place during the latter part of a prolonged copulation.Longer lasting copulations occurred when the sex ratio was male-biased than when it was female-biased (Fig. 1). The frequency of prolonged copulations was higher when the female was gravid than when she contained no eggs (virgin) (Figs. 3 and 4). Support is thus given to the hypothesis that prolonged copulation is a male postinsemination strategy to prevent subsequent matings of a female.Females subjected to male competition over a longer period, laid fewer eggs and died earlier than females that were mated but subsequently isolated from males (Fig. 5). Egg batches from females living with males were larger than batches from mated, isolated females (Table 3). This is probably due to a combination of many matings with short intermissions and prolonged copulations, both of which postpone oviposition.Comparisons between copulations of males with either gravid or virgin females during these experiments, led to the conclusion that short copulations with virgin females result from a male decision to terminate copulation after insemination is completed, whereas copula duration with gravid females is more likely to depend on a combination of male and female behavior.  相似文献   

Summary A new method to mark sperm transfer events between birds, using microspheres inserted into males' cloacae, was employed to assess the frequency of extra-pair copulation (EPC) in a population of tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) in Ontario, Canada, during the summer of 1988. We inserted 25 males with microspheres; spheres from 8 (32%) of these males were found in extra-pair females, from which we infer that males pursue a mixed reproductive strategy of monogamy coupled with seeking EPCs. The cloacae of 10 of 41 (24.4%) females were found to contain microspheres from non-mates. EPCs occur more frequently between neighboring birds than between non-neighbors. Only two within-pair copulations were detected with this method, suggesting that it underestimates the occurrence of all copulations, extra-pair or within-pair. Copulation watches revealed that within-pair copulations occur very frequently. We propose that frequent pair copulations are used by males to ensure their paternity in their mate's offspring. Offprint requests to: R.J. Robertson  相似文献   

Summary Free-ranging, sexually mature meadow voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus) were tracked by using radiotelemetry from June through August in Front Royal, Virginia, U.S.A. Estimates of intraspecific spacing were derived from the concurrent movements of up to 16 voles. Positions were recorded hourly for 24 h, twice per week. A total of 16 male and 15 female voles were studied during sixteen 24-h sessions.The daily ranges of males (192.3±109.7 m2) were larger and more variable than those of females (68.6±39.4 m2). Males also changed locations more frequently (Fig. 2).Adult females usually maintained territories free of other females; males overlapped considerably among themselves (Fig. 2). Males temporarily moved into the areas occupied by estrous females, indicating intrasexual competition among males for access to receptive females (Fig. 3). M. pennsylvanicus appears to be promiscuous, is socially organized into territorial, maternal-young units during the breeding season, and fits the female territorial model of population regulation.  相似文献   

Summary In a population of the splendid fairy-wren Malurus splendens, we describe 202 intrusions by solitary adult males in full breeding plumage into the territories of conspecifics. Intrusions were not secretive and although silent they involved conspicuous flight above the vegetation and several characteristic display elements, including petal-carrying. Fifteen intrusions were observed in the 2 months before eggs were laid, but the rest occurred during the period of nest-building and egg-laying when the breeding female was presumed to be fertile, and were by males from adjacent territories. A high level of extra-pair fertilization has previously been determined in this species and we interpret many of these intrusions as attempts by males to obtain extra-pair copulations (EPC); we call this activity philandering. The costs and benefits of EPC for males and females are discussed and the promiscuous mating strategy of M. splendens is contrasted with the persistent social pairing in stable groups of this long-lived cooperatively breeding species.Offprint requests to: I. Rowley  相似文献   

Extra-pair paternity and male characteristics in the pied flycatcher   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) is sexually dichromatic with extreme variation in male plumage coloration. The benefit for males of having black plumage is controversial, and few studies have found evidence for a sexual selection benefit of being black rather than brown. However, blacker males may be better able to achieve extra-pair fertilizations (EPFs), which may be an important component of sexual selection. We studied the role of EPFs in sexual selection in the pied flycatcher by establishing a set-up where two males with different back coloration (blacker vs browner) bred simultaneously near each other. DNA fingerprinting analysis revealed that 11% of offspring resulted from EPFs, and that 22% of broods included extra-pair young (EPY) among 36 nests containing 223 nestlings. We found no evidence that browner males suffered more often from EPFs than blacker males. There was no correlation of male or female morphology or age with EPF frequency. However, breeding pairs with low genetic similarity had EPY in their nests significantly more often. Thus we argue that females paired with genetically dissimilar males may try to avoid the effects of extreme outbreeding by seeking extra-pair copulations (EPCs). Alternatively, incompatibility between genetically dissimilar mates may simply expose females to more extra-pair copulations.  相似文献   

There are few empirical tests of the acoustic mate-guarding hypothesis for the function of duetting in birds. This hypothesis states that when females are fertile, males initiate many songs or answer most of their mates solo songs to form duets and repel rival males seeking extra-pair copulations. We tested the hypothesis by comparing song initiation and answer rates of males and females in socially monogamous buff-breasted wrens (Throthorus leucotis) during pre-fertile and fertile periods. During pre-fertile periods, males often sang for short periods before being answered by their mates, yet first duets were formed earlier relative to dawn and more duets were given during the dawn chorus on pre-fertile than fertile mornings. Males initiated more songs during pre-fertile than fertile periods, whereas there was no difference between stages in female song initiation rates. The proportion of songs answered by individuals of both sexes did not differ between breeding stages. Other mate-guarding behaviours, such as frequent copulation and maintaining close proximity to mates when fertile, did not appear to be important in this species, as no copulations were observed and there was no difference in the time pairs spent in close proximity when females were fertile or not. Parentage analysis revealed that only 3% of 31 broods had young that were likely the result of extra-pair paternity. These findings do not support the acoustic mate-guarding hypothesis, and suggest that the low rate of extra-pair paternity in buff-breasted wrens was maintained without the use of acoustic or traditional paternity guards.Communicated by R. Gibson  相似文献   

Operational sex ratio (the ratio of sexually active males to fertilizable females) has a major influence on male competition for mates and male–female interactions. The contributions of male and female density per se to mating system dynamics, however, are rarely examined, and the fitness consequences are often inferred rather than quantified. Male mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) compete aggressively and frequently harass females for copulations, a behavior thought to reduce female fitness. Female fitness can also be reduced by increases in female density, which may affect food availability, cannibalism rates, and chemical interactions between females. I manipulated male and female densities of G. affinis to measure their effects on male–male aggression, male harassment toward females, and female fitness. I found that males chased rivals more often and attempted fewer copulations when female density decreased, but surprisingly male density had no significant effect on the frequency of these male behaviors. In contrast, males’ agonistic displays toward other males increased with male density, but display behavior was unaffected by female density. These results suggest that male and female density do not always contribute equally or at all to the patterns of behavior we observe. Female fitness declined as female density increased, the opposite pattern expected if male harassment is costly to females. This suggests that a strong, negative effect of female density overwhelmed any potential costs of male harassment. Sources of female density dependence and the consequences of changes in male and female density to patterns of male behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary This paper presents detailed data on the social relationships among the adults, and between the adults and young, of a cooperatively polyandrous saddle-back tamarin (Saguinus fusciollis; Callitrichidae) group studied for one year. Some data are also presented from groups studied in other years. Adult males in the study groups gave more grooming than they received, while the opposite was true for females (e.g. Fig. 1). The two polyandrous males in the main study group were very rarely aggressive to each other, rarely tried to disrupt each others' copulations, groomed each other, and occasionally shared food, suggesting that their relationship was more affiliative than agonistic. Data on grooming (Fig. 2), spatial relationships, and the initiation of copulations suggest that the males of this group, may have been somewhat more responsible than the female for the maintenance of male-female relationships. Both males and females performed all forms of parental care except lactation. In the main study group each of the males groomed the offspring and remained in close proximity to them more than did the female (Figs.3 and 4). These data are compared with existing data on social relationships in bird species that exhibit cooperative polyandry.  相似文献   

Summary The importance of mate guarding by males in the monogamous swallowHirundo rustica was studied by temporarily detaining the males. Mate guarding reduced the frequency of extra-pair copulations and of sexual chases involving female mates. Males participated in sexual chases more frequently if they had a non-fertile female. Neighbouring males of ‘widowed’ females increased their own mate guarding presumably in response to the experimentally increased rate of sexual chases. Neighbouring males with a fertile female increased their mate guarding more than did males with a non-fertile female. Addition of eggs to swallow nests in the post-fledging period of the first brood induced mate guarding by male nest owners. These males also copulated more frequently with their mates than did control males. Neighbouring male swallows responded to the increased mate guarding by showing sexual interest in the guarded females. removal of eggs from swallow nests during the laying period, leaving only one egg in the nest, resulted in reduced nest attendance by females. Male mates responded by increasing their mate guarding intensity as compared to controls, and neighbouring males showed an increased sexual interest in these females.  相似文献   

Breeding synchrony and paternity in the barn swallow (Hirundo rustica)   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) is a socially monogamous passerine which usually breeds in colonies where extra-pair copulations are frequent. Males intensively guard their mates during the female fertile period. Since males are more likely to be available for extra-pair copulations when their mate is not fertile, synchrony in timing of breeding may affect paternity of individual males. In this study, we analysed the change in mate-guarding rate by males in relation to the fertility condition of the female, and the relationships between breeding synchrony and density with paternity in first broods of 52 male barn swallows. Paternity (proportion of nestlings fathered in own brood) was assessed by typing of three highly polymorphic microsatellite loci. Mate guarding by males peaked during the fertile period of their mates. Paternity increased as breeding synchrony in the colony increased. Paternity of barn swallows is positively associated with the degree of exaggeration of male tail ornaments. The relationship between male ornamentation and paternity was partly mediated by an effect of ornament size on breeding synchrony. We suggest that females might delay breeding with low-quality males to enhance their opportunities for being fertilised by high-quality extra-pair males. Received: 16 January 1998 / Accepted after revision: 25 October 1998  相似文献   

Song is used as a signal in sexual selection in a wide range of taxa. In birds, males of many species continue to sing after pair formation. It has been suggested that a high song output after pair formation might serve to attract extra-pair females and to minimise their own partner’s interest in extra-pair copulations. A non-exclusive alternative function that has received only scant attention is that the amount of song might stimulate the own female’s investment into eggs in a quantitative way. We address these hypotheses in a captive population of zebra finches, Taeniopygia guttata, by relating male undirected song output (i.e. non-courtship song) to male egg siring success and female reproductive investment in two different set-ups. When allowed to breed in aviaries, males with the highest song output were no more attractive than others to females in an analysis of 4,294 extra-pair courtships involving 164 different males, and they also did not sire more offspring (both trends were against the expectation). When breeding in cages with two different partners subsequently, females produced larger eggs with more orange yolks when paired to a male with a high song output. These findings suggest that singing activity in paired zebra finch males might primarily function to stimulate the partner and not to attract extra-pair females.  相似文献   

Summary Polygyny was studied for 1 year in a great reed warbler population breeding in southern Germany. Data on various parameters of male and territory characteristics were collected and subjected to multivariate statistical analysis in order to assess their relative importance in female choice. Differences in territory characteristics appeared to be more important (Tab. 1), but there was a strong correlation between male and territory characteristics (Fig. 2, 3). Although the evolutionary advantages of polygyny to males are obvious (Fig. 5), those to females are far from clear. Models based upon the polygyny threshold and sexy son hypotheses predict that females should gain evolutionary advantage in either the short or long-term. Our data did not confirm such predictions, and secondary females showed greatly reduced breeding success (Fig. 4). If females were able to assess the status of mated males, they should instead select unmated males. Great reed warblers are a migrant species with a short breeding cycle in which the male plays relatively little part. They defend large territories in reed beds where visibility is reduced. These factors may permit males to practice a form of deception, by moving and attracting a second female who has little chance to assess that he is already mated.  相似文献   

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