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Previous studies on the homing of the wolf spider Lycosa tarantula have shown that it is carried out by path integration. Animals using this mechanism must measure the distance walked and the angles turned. This study aims to understand if wolf spider L. tarantula is able to estimate the walked distance in an outward path. As this information is more likely obtained by proprioceptive mechanisms, active or passive displacements have been performed. An active locomotion was found essential to estimate distances. During passive locomotion, spiders searched for their burrows near the release point while when displaced actively the inbound journey was longer than the outbound one. The possible use of visual landmarks near the burrow was also tested as a cue to complete the inbound journey. Our results did not show that L. tarantula used these visual landmarks to find the burrow. L. tarantula seems to use only proprioceptive information obtained during the outbound path to estimate the distance traveled.  相似文献   

聚乙烯醇生化矿化度及自然降解的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对聚乙烯醇(PVA)生化矿化度、PVA在目然水域及土壤中的自净能力以及PVA降解过程中结构变化的研究,探讨PVA的可生化性及降解进程中物质的转化规律.PVA的生化矿化度高达50-70%,表明PVA在微生物作用下可以高度降解.由自净能力和结构变化过程的研究表明,PVA首先由大分子转变为小分子,经相应时间后向无机物转化,说明PVA在自然水域和土壤中有较好的自净作用。  相似文献   

碱预处理提高污泥产甲烷潜力(BMP)研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以济南某生活污水处理厂的污泥为研究对象,考察碱预处理对污泥粒径和产甲烷潜力(BMP)的影响。调节污泥混和液的pH值至11左右后与未作处理的原污泥进行对比分析,结果表明,碱预处理对污泥有很好的分散作用,可以将较大粒径的污泥絮体分散为较小粒径的污泥絮体;未处理的污泥10d左右产甲烷量达到最高约为165ml/gVSS,而碱预处理后的污泥在6d左右产甲烷量就高这245ml/gVSS,碱预处理后污泥的产甲烷量不但明显增加,而且产甲烷所需时间也大大缩短。  相似文献   

It is rare to find a true predator that repeatedly and routinely kills prey larger than itself. A solitary specialised ant-eating spider of the genus Zodarion can capture a relatively giant prey. We studied the trophic niche of this spider species and investigated its adaptations (behavioural and venomic) that are used to capture ants. We found that the spider captures mainly polymorphic Messor arenarius ants. Adult female spiders captured large morphs while tiny juveniles captured smaller morphs, yet in both cases ants were giant in comparison with spider size. All specimens used an effective prey capture strategy that protected them from ant retaliation. Juvenile and adult spiders were able to paralyse their prey using a single bite. The venom glands of adults were more than 50 times larger than those of juvenile spiders, but the paralysis latency of juveniles was 1.5 times longer. This suggests that this spider species possesses very potent venom already at the juvenile stage. Comparison of the venom composition between juvenile and adult spiders did not reveal significant differences. We discovered here that specialised capture combined with very effective venom enables the capture of giant prey.  相似文献   

A series of proteins (albumin, transferrin, a1- antitrypsin, alpha-fetoprotein and pancreatic oncofetal antigen) and enzymes (γ-glutamyltranspeptidase, aminopeptidase M, alkaline phosphatase, a-glucosidase and protease) was measured in fetal meconium extracts. There were 19 fetuses thought to have cystic fibrosis (CF), 13 with neural tube defects, three with chromosome abnormalities and 19 normal controls, all with gestational ages between 18 and 21 weeks. With the exception of alpha-fetoprotein, all the proteins and enzymes were significantly elevated in the CF meconium extracts. The most definitive indicator of a CF fetus was the albumin concentration, where the mean level was five times that found in the control groups. However, five of 19 fetuses assumed to have CF had albumin in the normal range. In these cases the meconium protease levels were grossly elevated. Furthermore, in the same five fetuses meconium concentration of pancreatic oncofetal antigen, a protein synthesized in the fetal pancreas, was also greatly raised. We suggest that post-mortem examination of a fetus thought to have CF should include measurement of meconium albumin, protease and pancreatic oncofetal antigen.  相似文献   

阴离子表面活性剂SDS和SDBS对紫贻贝生化指标的影响研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘波  俞志明  宋秀贤  周斌 《环境科学》2007,28(1):165-169
以青岛胶州湾现场调查数据为依据,选择阴离子表面活性剂十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)和十二烷基苯磺酸钠(SDBS)作为污染物,以近海底栖生物紫贻贝为受试生物,研究了长期暴露后紫贻贝生化指标(SOD,CAT,GSH,GPx,GST,iNOS,AKP)的变化.结果表明,经过72 d不同浓度暴露后,SDBS实验组紫贻贝体内的SOD、CAT和iNOS活性均有显著下降(除CAT 0.1 mg/L组外),GSH、GST和GPx在3.0 mg/L SDS和SDBS组较各自对照组均有显著升高.SDBS对紫贻贝生化指标影响的显著性水平大于SDS. 统计分析显示,SDBS暴露组下GST与GPx呈显著正相关关系,iNOS与SOD也表现出一定正相关,但GSH与CAT、GSH与SOD呈现显著负相关关系.此外,结果发现后闭壳肌中iNOS可能是一个具有应用前景的阴离子表面活性剂暴露生物标志物.  相似文献   

对低浓度硫代硫酸钠溶液用于较小生化耗氧量值的测定作了研究。实验结果表明,本法在保证测定溶解氧含量准确度的同时,使精密度较标准方法有非常显著的提高,同时也使生化耗氧量测定法的检测限降低到0.080mg/L,而方法的精密度还符合标准方法的要求,扩大了标准方法的使用范围。  相似文献   

Maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) has been reported to be decreased in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). The objective of the present study was to reinvestigate this finding in detail. Maternal serum levels of AFP, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), and unconjugated estriol (uE3) in 114 diabetic women, of whom 84 had IDDM, were compared to those of 19,251 control pregnancies in the second trimester (15th to 20th gestational weeks). The mean body weight at the date of sampling was 73.7 kg in all diabetic women, 72.7 kg in women with IDDM and 68.3 kg in non-diabetic women, respectively. Body weights were significantly (p<0.001) elevated in all diabetic pregnancies. Using weight-adjusted MoM (multiple of the median) values no statistical difference of serum levels in diabetic and non-diabetic pregnant women was found. Median MoM levels were 1.01 (hCG), 1.01 (uE3), 1.06 (AFP) in all diabetic women, and 0.95 (hCG), 0.96 (uE3), 0.96 (AFP) in women with IDDM, respectively. Ignoring adjustment for maternal weight leads to a reduction of all serum parameters in diabetic pregnancies. However, median MoM values of all three analytes are not statistically different when compared to non-diabetic pregnancies. This finding is contrary to the results of former studies from the 1970s and 1980s. It is concluded that progress in insulin adjustment and blood glucose surveillance of diabetic patients on the whole has balanced out serum levels. Therefore adjustment of serum AFP values for diabetic status no longer seems reasonable. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The phorid fly, Pseudacteon tricuspis Borgmeier, is an introduced parasitoid of imported fire ants, Solenopsis spp., in the USA. Although the assumption that phorid flies use fire ant alarm pheromones for host location is probably true, we demonstrated in a previous study the possible involvement of other ant semiochemicals in the response of P. tricuspis to fire ants. This study was conducted to determine the glandular sources and identity of the semiochemicals mediating this interaction. First, we tested the electroantennogram response of P. tricuspis to extracts of key body parts and glands of workers of the red imported fire ant, S. invicta Buren. The results confirm that the poison (venom) gland/sac is the key source of compounds which elicited strong antennal activity in P. tricuspis. Follow-up studies were conducted by using a combination of bioassay-guided fractionation and behavioral bioassays to test the hypothesis that attraction of this parasitoid to fire ants is mediated by venom alkaloids. The results confirm the response of P. tricuspis to physiologically relevant amounts of the two venom alkaloid fractions (cis and trans alkaloid fractions) of S. invicta. Further analysis by coupled gas chromatography–electroantennogram detection revealed nine venom alkaloid components including two novel 2,6-dialkylpiperideines that elicited significant antennal activity in P. tricuspis. This is the first demonstration of the role of venom alkaloids of ants as attractants for their natural enemies. We propose a semiochemical-mediated host location mechanism for P. tricuspis involving both alarm pheromones and venom alkaloids. The ecological significance of these findings, including the attraction of male P. tricuspis to fire ant venom alkaloids, possibly for mate location, is discussed.  相似文献   

微塑料对小麦生长及生理生化特性的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
土壤环境中微塑料污染及毒理学效应逐渐引起关注,但微塑料对植物的毒性及其机制研究仍十分匮乏.为探究微塑料对陆生高等植物小麦(Triticum aestivum)的毒性作用,选用100 nm和5μm聚苯乙烯微塑料(PS-MPs)进行土培处理,结合水培生长试验,研究了PS-MPs对小麦生长及叶片光合色素、可溶性蛋白含量和抗氧化酶活性等的影响.结果表明,水培试验中,高浓度(200 mg·L-1) PS-MPs显著抑制小麦根、茎的伸长,5μm PS-MPs较100 nm PS-MPs表现出更大的毒性效应,小麦根和茎的长度抑制率分别为67. 15%和56. 45%.土培条件下,10 mg·kg-1PS-MPs对小麦生长影响最为显著.在试验含量范围内(0~100 mg·kg-1),随PS-MPs含量的增加,小麦叶片光合色素和可溶性蛋白含量先升后降,提示PS-MPs对小麦叶片光合系统产生了损害,抑制其蛋白的合成;超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性下降,过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性先降后升,表明PS-MPs对小麦毒性的可能机制涉及氧化应激.本研究结果将为土壤环境中微塑料的生态风险评价提供依据.  相似文献   

An i(Yp) is a rare marker chromosome. We present a case of de novo 46,X,i(Yp) detected prenatally in an amniotic fluid specimen. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) studies using a panel of Y-specific biotinylated DNA probes identified the marker chromosome as i(Yp). Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) studies further confirmed the diagnosis. Upon pregnancy termination, external examination of the fetus revealed a generally well-developed male fetus with slight facial dysmorphism and prominent rocker-bottom feet. The molecular cytogenetic data in this case proved very useful in genetic counselling and served as a good example illustrating the important role of molecular techniques for accurate identification of marker chromosomes.  相似文献   

固相微萃取及其在环境分析中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文系统地阐述了一种新型的样品制备方法——固相微萃取的原理及其在环境分析中的应用。该法的优越之处在于可一步完成取样、萃取和浓缩。操作简便、快速且易于实现自动化,适用于挥发性和非挥发性的有机样品的前处理  相似文献   

生化需氧量(BOD5)测定方法的改进和数据的图解法处理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了图解法的原理,实验条件,实验方法,并采用图解法和标准法,通过对国家标准样品和有代表性的实际水样进行BOD5测定和比较,所有试验样品的测定值均在标准样品的已知值范围内。图解法与标准法相比,两者误差不超过±5%,证明了图解法的准确性,合理性和实用性。图解法是标准法的改进,它简化了实验操作,减少了误差,使测定计算更准确。  相似文献   

该研究以序批式厌氧消化过程中不同阶段的污泥为对象,在不控制产甲烷过程、以调节初始p H=10和添加抑制剂2-溴乙烷磺酸钠(BES)抑制产甲烷过程3种操作条件下进行污泥的生化产酸潜势(BAP)试验,探索比较了获得BAP值所需的时间和所得到的BAP值与污泥相应生化产甲烷潜势(BMP)值之间的相关性。结果显示,3种情况下的BAP值皆可在8 d内获得,不控制产甲烷过程条件下的BAP值与BMP值线性拟合的R~2为0.897,抑制了产甲烷过程条件下的BAP-BMP R~2分别为0.948和0.971,表明污泥的BAP值与BMP值间存在较显著的相关性。  相似文献   

Major and trace element in seven different kinds of milk powder were studied. The concentration of 24 elements were determined by ICP-OES method, from these elements 9 elements determined by INAA. The determination of trace element contents of foodstuffs, especially milk as daily drink for all peoples age which being a complex food has great importance. The elemental analysis of milk is important both as an indicator of environmental contamination and because milk is a significant pathway for toxic metal intake and a source of essential nutrients for humans. The major elements are Ca, K, Mg, Na, P and S. While trace element are B, Ba, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Li, Mn, Mo, Ni, Sb, Se,Sn, Sr, V, W and Zn.ICP-OES technique is shown to be a powerful tool for trace determinations in powder samples. This is shown by its use for analysis of aseries of the milk powders mentioned and comparative results of other direct technique such as instrumental neutron activation analysis. Analysis of both standard reference material A-Ⅱ milk powder and NBS Orchard leaves for quality accurance had been completed, and used for a relative method calculate. The importance of the major and trace elements to human health was discussed  相似文献   

亚硝酸盐氧化菌(NOB)的富集培养与其污泥特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了解亚硝酸盐氧化菌(NOB)特性,以某中试SBR的剩余污泥为接种污泥,以NO2--N为底物,采用逐步提高进水NO2--N浓度的方式,通过控制高游离亚硝酸(FNA)浓度联合高DO浓度对NOB进行富集培养.65d后,荧光原位杂交(FISH)技术分析结果显示NOB占细菌总数的80%以上[Nitrobacter(NOB的一个种,菌体呈杆状或梨状):80%; Nitrospira(NOB的一个种,菌体呈螺旋状):5%],表明成功富集培养出NOB为优势菌种的活性污泥.并且自然形成颗粒污泥,MLSS约为700mg/L,MLVSS/MLSS为0.278,SVI约为6mL/g.富集后污泥SVI较低的原因可能是污泥无机化程度高,污泥以无机盐沉淀为晶核形成颗粒污泥.试验结果表明,该污泥能够处理NO2--N浓度为1000mg/L的污水,比硝化速率为131.03mg/(g MLVSS·h),比耗氧速率为169.5mg O2/(g MLVSS·h).  相似文献   

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