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Grant R  Nielsen K  Waagepetersen J 《Ambio》2006,35(3):117-123
An evaluation in December 2003 of the Danish National Action Plan for the Aquatic Environment II showed that nitrogen leaching from farmland had declined to almost half the amount of that in 1989. This can be ascribed to successful implementation of several measures, the most efficient of which were related to the use of fertilizers: lowered nitrogen standards for crops, increased nitrogen utilization in manure and catch crops. Although the objectives of the plan were almost met and measurements have shown a similar, but not percentually as high a decrease in nitrogen concentrations in both inland and coastal waters, the ecological impact in estuaries and coastal areas is not yet satisfactorily significant. As a consequence, a new National Action Plan for the Aquatic Environment III, including both nitrogen and phosphorus reduction from farming, was agreed to in April 2004. To ensure that good ecological status can be achieved in water bodies according to the requirements of the European Union Water Framework Directive, the national measures will be combined with additional measures for individual river basins.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Higher demands of food led to higher nitrogen application to promote cropping intensification and produce more which may have negative effects on the...  相似文献   

Reduced nitrogen in ecology and the environment   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Since the beginning of the 19th century humans have increasingly fixed atmospheric nitrogen as ammonia to be used as fertilizer. The fertilizers are necessary to create amino acids and carbohydrates in plants to feed animals and humans. The efficiency with which the fertilizers eventually reach humans is very small: 5-15%, with much of the remainder lost to the environment. The global industrial production of ammonia amounts to 117 Mton NH(3)-Nyear(-1) (for 2004). By comparison, we calculate that anthropogenic emissions of NH(3) to the atmosphere over the lifecycle of industrial NH(3) in agriculture are 45.3 Mton NH(3)-Nyear(-1), about half the industrial production. Once emitted ammonia has a central role in many environmental issues. We expect an increase in fertilizer use through increasing demands for food and biofuels as population increases. Therefore, management of ammonia or abatement is necessary.  相似文献   


Food nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) footprints are indicators for determining the losses of N and P over food production (FP) and food consumption (FC) chain. Yemen is an interesting case because, given the country’s heavy dependence on food imports, food insecurity, and poverty, the N footprint (NF) and P footprint (PF) could affect its future development. However, NF and PF over time have not yet been studied in Yemen. Therefore, this is the first paper to compute the NF and PF in Arabian Peninsula (a case study from Yemen) by an adjusted model of N-Calculator, by computing virtual N (VNFs) and virtual P (VPFs) factors for main foodstuffs. The NF (kg N cap?1 year?1) and PF (kg P cap?1 year?1) elevated from 5.56 and 1.20 in the 1960s to 15.2 and 4.79 during 2011–2017, respectively, while the national NF (Gg [109 g] N year?1) and national PF (Gg P year?1) increased from 27.7 and 6.77 in the 1960s to 358 and 122 during 2011–2017, respectively. Cereal was the largest contributor to the NF and PF in Yemen over the past 57 years. FP contributes approximately 80% and 86% of the total NF and PF during 2011–2017. Therefore, if possible, the best way for consumers and farmers in Yemen to decrease NF and PF is to focus efforts on increasing FP and FC of foodstuffs with less VNFs and VPFs. The consumption of vegetable-fruit, legumes, starchy, eggs, poultry, and fish should be increased as their NF and PF are low. However, people in Yemen suffer from shortage of resources and lack of awareness, and thus they do not have the opportunity to choose foodstuffs that are low in NF and PF. Accordingly, policymakers should encourage integrated approaches that introduce powerful tools for controlling crop and livestock production in conjunction with enhancements in nutrient use efficiency.


The moss Racomitrium lanuginosum (Hedw.) Brid. is an important component of the drier parts of ombrotrophic mires and montane heaths in north-western Britain. The extent and quality of the montane heaths dominated by R. lanuginosum has declined in recent decades, perhaps in part due to the effects of acidic deposition at high elevations. This paper examines the effect of atmospheric nitrogen deposition, which has increased during this century, on the nitrogen content of R. lanuginosum in Britain. The nitrogen content of the moss reflects the magnitude of the atmospheric supply being least in north-western Scotland and greatest (as much as six-fold greater) near to urban centres in northern England. This regional difference was less marked (only approx. two-fold) during the 19th century (as revealed from the analysis of herbarium specimens) when nitrogen concentrations were appreciably lower. Transplant studies both between regions and between sites within a mountain system demonstrated the importance of atmospheric deposition in determining the tissue nitrogen concentration of the moss. The results are discussed in relation to the potential importance of the enhanced atmospheric nitrogen supply to the normally nitrogen-impoverished montane heaths, and to the growth and persistence of the moss.  相似文献   

Pollution prevention (P2) options to reduce styrene emissions, such as new materials and application equipment, are commercially available to the operators of open molding processes. However, information is lacking on the emissions reduction that these options can achieve. To meet this need, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Air Pollution Prevention and Control Division, working in collaboration with Research Triangle Institute, measured styrene emissions for several of these P2 options. In addition, the emission factors calculated from these test results were compared with the existing EPA emission factors for gel coat sprayup and resin applications. Results show that styrene emissions can be reduced by up to 52% by using controlled spraying (i.e., reducing overspray), low-styrene and styrene-suppressed materials, and nonatomizing application equipment. Also, calculated emission factors were 1.6-2.5 times greater than the mid-range EPA emission factors for the corresponding gel coat and resin application. These results indicate that facilities using existing EPA emission factors to estimate emissions in open molding processes are likely to underestimate actual emissions. Facilities should investigate the applicability and feasibility of these P2 options to reduce their styrene emissions.  相似文献   

The critical load concept is used to establish the deposition levels which ecosystems can tolerate without significant harmful effects. Here we summarize work within the Swedish research program Abatement Strategies for Transboundary Air Pollution (ASTA) assessing the critical load of N for boreal forests. Results from both field experiments in an area with low background N deposition in northern Sweden, and from a large-scale monitoring study, show that important vegetational changes start to take place when adding low N doses and that recovery of the vegetation after ceasing N input is a very slow process. The data presented indicate that changes in key ecosystem components occur even at a lower rate of N input than the present recommended empirical critical load for boreal forest understorey vegetation of 10-15 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1). Based on the data presented, we suggest that the critical load should be lowered to 6 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1).  相似文献   

赵琦  曹林奎 《环境污染与防治》2005,27(7):538-542,549
农田氮素流失一直是困扰农业生产发展和影响生态平衡的一个重要问题,当前世界各国致力于研究提高氮肥利用率和减少氮素损失的方法与途径,但是仍没有一个普遍适用的模型能定量化地阐明氮素流失的规律与特征。综述近年来国内外在农田氮素流失方面的定量方法与模型构建等研究成果,同时提出该领域亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Nitrogen migration and transformation in the stormwater bioretention system were studied in laboratory experiments, in which the effects of...  相似文献   

Goal, Scope and Background Transport of P from agricultural land contributes to the eutrophication of surface waters. Soil amendment is considered one of the best management practices (BMPs) to reduce P loss from sandy soils. Laboratory column leaching experiments were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of different soil amendments in reducing P leaching from a typical sandy soil in Florida. Methods The tested amendments were CaCl2, CaCO3, Al(OH)3, cellulose, and mill mud, and applied at the rate of 15 g/kg for a single amendment and each 7.5 g/kg if two amendments were combined. Leaching was conducted every four days for 32 days, 250 mL of deionized water being leached for each column per leaching event. Leachates were collected from each leaching event and analyzed for reactive P, PO4-P, and macro and micro-elements. Results and Discussion Except for the soils amended with CaCl2, or CaCl2+CaCO3, reactive P and PO4-P leaching losses mainly occurred in the first three leaching events. Phosphorus leaching from the soils amended with CaCl2 or CaCl2+CaCO3 was less but more persistent than that of other amendments. Reactive Pleaching loss was reduced by 36.0% and 40.4% for the amendments of CaCl2, and CaCl2+CaCO3, respectively, as compared with chemical fertilizer alone, and the corresponding values for PO4-P were 70.8% and 71.9%. The concentrations of K, Mg, Cu, and Fe in leachate were also decreased by CaCl2 or CaCl2+CaCO3 amendment. Among the seven amendments, CaCl2, CaCO3, or their combination were most effective in reducing P leaching from the sandy soil, followed by cellulose and Al(OH)3, the effects of mill mud and mill mud + Al(OH)3 were marginal. Conclusions These results indicate that the use of CaCl2, CaCO3, or their combination can significantly reduce P leaching from sandy soil, and should be considered in the development of BMPs for the sandy soil regions. Recommendations and Outlook Most agricultural soils in south Florida are very sandy with minimal holding capacities for moisture and nutrients. Repeated application of fertilizer is necessary to sustain desired yield of crops on these soils. However, eutrophication of fresh water systems in this area has been increasingly concerned by the public. Losses of P from agricultural fields by means of leaching and surface runoff are suspected as one of the important non-point contamination sources. The benefits and effectiveness of soil amendment in reducing P losses from cropping production systems while sustaining desired crop yield need to be demonstrated. Calcium chloride, CaCO3, or their combination significantly reduce Pleaching from sandy soil, and should be considered in the development of BMPs for the sandy soil regions.  相似文献   

农田氮素淋溶损失影响因素及防治对策研究   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
农田氮素损失是造成农业非点源污染的主要原因之一,其中由于大量施用氮肥引起的土壤氮素淋溶损失又是农田氮素损失的重要途径.因此,农田氮素损失研究已成为国际土壤化学和环境科学领域研究的热点问题之一.根据近年来国内外在农田氮素运移领域的研究成果,从降雨和灌溉、施肥状况、土壤性质、耕作方式、作物种类和种植方式等方面分析了影响农田氮素淋溶损失的主要因素,提出了改进施肥方式、优化氮肥管理、推广缓释氮肥以及改善土地利用方式等提高氮肥利用率、减小氮素淋溶损失的防治对策.  相似文献   

Granstedt A 《Ambio》2002,31(6):496-7; discussion 497-8

上覆水环境条件对底泥氮磷释放的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了不同温度、pH、DO环境条件下底泥对上覆水总氮、总磷释放强度的影响。结果表明:(1)随着温度升高,总氮、总磷释放强度增加;中性(pH=7)不利于底泥总氮、总磷的释放,强碱性(pH=10)条件下总氮、总磷释放强度最大;底泥中总氮、总磷的释放强度总体随DO浓度的升高而降低。(2)底泥中总氮平均释放强度与温度(R2为0.998)的关系符合二次曲线,与pH(R2为0.976)和DO(R2为1.000)的关系都符合三次曲线;总磷平均释放强度与温度(R2为0.999)、pH(R2为0.999)和DO(R2为1.000)的关系均符合三次曲线。(3)极差分析发现,环境条件对底泥总氮释放影响的大小表现为温度DOpH,对底泥总磷释放影响的大小表现为pH温度DO。  相似文献   

Increases in reactive nitrogen deposition are a growing concern in the U.S. Rocky Mountain west. The Rocky Mountain Airborne Nitrogen and Sulfur (RoMANS) study was designed to improve understanding of the species and pathways that contribute to nitrogen deposition in Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP). During two 5-week field campaigns in spring and summer of 2006, the largest contributor to reactive nitrogen deposition in RMNP was found to be wet deposition of ammonium (34% spring and summer), followed by wet deposition of nitrate (24% spring, 28% summer). The third and fourth most important reactive nitrogen deposition pathways were found to be wet deposition of organic nitrogen (17%, 12%) and dry deposition of ammonia (14%, 16%), neither of which is routinely measured by air quality/deposition networks operating in the region. Total reactive nitrogen deposition during the spring campaign was determined to be 0.45 kg ha−1 and more than doubled to 0.95 kg ha−1 during the summer campaign.  相似文献   

In 2005/6, nearly 3000 moss samples from (semi-)natural location across 16 European countries were collected for nitrogen analysis. The lowest total nitrogen concentrations in mosses (<0.8%) were observed in northern Finland and northern UK. The highest concentrations (≥1.6%) were found in parts of Belgium, France, Germany, Slovakia, Slovenia and Bulgaria. The asymptotic relationship between the nitrogen concentrations in mosses and EMEP modelled nitrogen deposition (averaged per 50 km × 50 km grid) across Europe showed less scatter when there were at least five moss sampling sites per grid. Factors potentially contributing to the scatter are discussed. In Switzerland, a strong (r2 = 0.91) linear relationship was found between the total nitrogen concentration in mosses and measured site-specific bulk nitrogen deposition rates. The total nitrogen concentrations in mosses complement deposition measurements, helping to identify areas in Europe at risk from high nitrogen deposition at a high spatial resolution.  相似文献   

通过测坑试验,研究了黄浦江上游蔬菜田渗漏水中氮素的变化动态和流失规律。结果表明,蔬菜田渗漏水中氮素以NO3^--N为主,NO3^--N作为氮素在土壤中流失的主要形态将成为施用氮肥造成地下水污染的重要来源;施用精制有机肥或粗猪粪代替部分化学氮肥有利于减少蔬菜田渗漏水中氮素的流失。  相似文献   

Possible links between the occurrence of Vaccinium myrtillus, V. vitis-idaea and Deschampsia flexuosa and rates of nitrogen deposition were investigated in 557 coniferous forest stands. In areas with high N-deposition, V. myrtillus was less frequent, less abundant and more susceptible to the leaf pathogen Valdensia heterodoxa than in areas with lower levels of N-deposition. The occurrence of V. vitis-idaea was also strongly negatively correlated with increasing N-deposition, but no such trend was found for D. flexuosa. In regions with high N-deposition, V. myrtillus was more common in stands dominated by Scots pine than in stands dominated by Norway spruce. This was not the case in regions with lower levels of N-deposition. The patterns observed accord with results from N-addition experiments that demonstrate significant effects on vegetation, caused by N-deposition. The data suggest that even low rates of N-deposition may decrease the abundance of the most dominant species in coniferous forest ground flora.  相似文献   

Ammonia in the environment: from ancient times to the present   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Recent research on atmospheric ammonia has made good progress in quantifying sources/sinks and environmental impacts. This paper reviews the achievements and places them in their historical context. It considers the role of ammonia in the development of agricultural science and air chemistry, showing how these arose out of foundations in 18th century chemistry and medieval alchemy, and then identifies the original environmental sources from which the ancients obtained ammonia. Ammonia is revealed as a compound of key human interest through the centuries, with a central role played by sal ammoniac in alchemy and the emergence of modern science. The review highlights how recent environmental research has emphasized volatilization sources of ammonia. Conversely, the historical records emphasize the role of high-temperature sources, including dung burning, coal burning, naturally burning coal seams and volcanoes. Present estimates of ammonia emissions from these sources are based on few measurements, which should be a future priority.  相似文献   

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